Skies of Earth [ISOT/Airship Admiral Quest]

Welp at least last admiral changed the gender to a guy so that ic we would face less problems also europe would see us like japan(can I ask which south east nation are we from cause the only nation that was independent during the early 20th century was thailand)?
(can I ask which south east nation are we from cause the only nation that was independent during the early 20th century was thailand)?
I'm based my admiral to be from Malaysia or Sumatera side of Indonesia. Why? To flex to British and watch them squirm about how "filthy backward oriental" cant possibly build this airships and we must have steal/bought it from a white man civilization.
I'm based my admiral to be from Malaysia or Sumatera side of Indonesia. Why? To flex to British and watch them squirm about how "filthy backward oriental" cant possibly build this airships and we must have steal/bought it from a white man civilization.
do we really need to flex on them cause I dont see how that gives us any friends except maybe the japanese(do you really need to phrase it that way "steal/bought it from a white man civilization"). Also since its 1914 on earth do we join entente or central powers?
do we really need to flex on them cause I dont see how that gives us any friends except maybe the japanese
Just a joke.
(do you really need to phrase it that way "steal/bought it from a white man civilization").
I'm sorry if my depiction of racism of the time isnt accurate. But uh, racism by Henry Flashman in Flashman book series is much worse that if that books get popular again the twitter would explode.
Also since its 1914 on earth do we join entente or central powers?
We will take a look of the earth situation for now
yeah, well. Not a particular nice thing to do when most people that voted for the plan were asleep - me included.
Alright, sorry for the delay but I had exams this week so I am a bit late. In any case, I made the final counts and I checked that some votes were changed because of the changing of the gender of the SEA plan. In any case, these are the final counts for the vote. I only took into account the votes that were in the right timeframe so after the voting started post and the voting closing post.

[X] Plan: For the Monarchy and Stability 6
[X] Plan Air Mongols 3
[X] The Sultana has arrived 3
[X] The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived 7
[X] The Kind Princess 2
[X] Plan Für das Vaterland 4
[X] Chinese Nelson 1

That leaves the [X] The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived as the winning plan for this phase. Now, the character creation phase is over. The next update will be dealing with the arrival to Earth proper and the beginning of operations of the fleet. Alongside, a little backstory of what was going before the arrival to Earth.
That leaves the [X] The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived as the winning plan for this phase. Now, the character creation phase is over. The next update will be dealing with the arrival to Earth proper and the beginning of operations of the fleet. Alongside, a little backstory of what was going before the arrival to Earth.
Wow, this is a surprise. I actually didn't think this plan would win. But yeah, hope to see the next update. :grin2:
Turn 0 - Strange Skies for a Melakan Admiral
[X] The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived

I do gotta say, reading about Malay history has been rather fun. I have not finished the book that I started just yet and I doubt I even have 1% of the knowledge to fully represent Malay culture but since this is just a quest, it will have to make do for now. Btw assume that you guys have a different language than any of the Earth ones even if there are similarities so if names and stuff are similar just assume that it is different tbh.


A Brief History of Melaka:

The world of Ribia is one similar to Earth in many respects yet different nonetheless. One such difference lies in the existence of aether crystals, a special type of material that exists as a combination of many factors during the formation of their solar system, this crystal is known for its strange properties. In the early stages of civilization in Ribia, many peoples and cultures believed them to be the gift of the gods and in those cultures where storms were common, they would often see these crystals hovering in the air after being hit by thunder. It wouldn't be until the equivalent of our 18th century that the people of this world would learn how to use them for the creation of ships capable of traversing the skies.

This invention took place in the majestic heavenly kingdom of Xi, after all, it was a hub of commerce and a hub of learning. It was also the most powerful state in the world and it kept that position thanks to its population, its fleet, and its armed forces. Almost all of its immediate neighbors and even those from far away sent tribute the way of the emperor of Xi for his patronage and protection was of utmost importance to many. When an inventor managed to make a way to use steam engines to heat up the crystal in a contained environment the world changed forever.

The Heavenly Kingdom of Xi came to dominate the skies but soon this precious invention spread elsewhere. It spread in all directions and one of the places that learned its importance was the Sultanate of Melaka, this nation was a nation avid in commerce as it was located near an important strait that connected the Empire of Xi with the rest of the world. This kingdom had long been a protege of the Empire of Xi and it recognized quite quickly that the world would change with the invention of airships. They realized that they wouldn't lose too much given their strategic geographic position but they needed their own merchant fleet and expand their commercial network further.

The sultanate of Melaka under the protection of the Empire of Xi began to grow and extend its influence through much of its archipelago and in the straits. Its importance as an entrepot for trade didn't diminish during this time and instead, it grew, creating much wealth for the rulers of this land. Their abundant reserves of Aether crystals also made them a particularly attractive location to many merchants from the far west who sought to use this crystal to propel their own aerial navies.

In due time, the sultanate of Melaka grew in influence and strength. Waves of migrants from a western sub-continent, the empire of Xi, and eastern peoples led to a boom in population for Melaka during the 19th century. This multicultural nation also began its way to change its foundational structure, while they maintained the deified nature of their rulers as descendants of Iskandar Zulkarnain. The institutions of government began to change to represent the increased power of burghers, entrepreneurs, and industrialists. In a way, this served to further legitimacy the Sultans of Melaka as the final arbiter in many aspects of life while a parliament and prime minister dealt with much of the day-to-day affairs of the country. This was in many ways similar to the previous structure of Melaka during its early days and as such, it wasn't too hard to accept these changes for Melakan rulers.

By the 20th century, the Sultanate of Melaka was basically a federation of several states in their region. A powerful one at that, modern and industrialized. Just like many other nations of Faresia, they had set up aerial outposts in many places serving as waystations for airships and even managed to colonize a significant part of the far eastern lands. However, not all was pretty and dandy. For another empire had risen in the far west, an empire that went by name of the Holy Reman Empire, which could match in size and power to that of the Empire of Xi. It didn't take long for tensions to rise between the two. A great war took place in which most of the world was involved, during this time Melaka aided the Empire of Xi against the Remans.

The war was very costly, it was also very damaging and the true potential of modern warfare was first realized then. Battlefields between fleets often became scrapyards and in the case of ground combat, they became wastelands devoid of most life. The war would be an inconclusive affair, neither side ever gaining a true edge over the other. Melaka itself didn't see any fighting with its own territories with the exception of some outposts and colonies in the fringes of its sovereignty. But it did cement a divide between the west and the east that would only serve to spark tensions in barely just two decades after the end of the first war.

Tales of the Aerial Hussars

During the great war, a lot of inventions for warfare were developed. Amongst them is the invention of personal flying equipment or PFE for short. It was invented simultaneously in the Holy Reman Empire and in the Empire of Xi due to a series of improvements in propellant and miniaturization of aether crystals. The Sultanate of Melaka wasn't the exception when it came to deploying them in battle, although, they did so only after a year in the conflict once their effectiveness had been proved in an assault against an aerial fortress of the HRE.

Their deployment against enemy airships was also common often in one on one engagements where distances were shorter or at night when the effective range of guns was reduced. In any case, the Melakan air hussars showed that they were an important asset for the aerial fleet and even managed to capture a battleship during the early stages of the war.

Although, their effectiveness waned due to the deployment of more countermeasures against them in ships they still managed to serve as forwards marines to aid in the taking of fortified structures and overall act as a fast-moving force.

The Dominion of the Skies

After the great war, the development of aircraft began to move at a fast pace. Melaka during the war had been one of the pioneers in deploying heavier than air aircraft as scouts and then later on as bombers. At first, they lacked much firepower but as the war went on their firepower increased and it became easier for them to strafe or bomb enemy airships.

Melaka cooperated closely with the Empire of Xi to develop new aircraft designs both for civilian purposes and for their respective militaries. This got them an important advantage in terms of aircraft, one that the HRE began to compensate for in the form of the deployment of more and more escort vessels in their fleets. But by the current point in time, the designs of the empire of Xi and Melaka were advanced enough to create a fear of obsoletism amongst the aircraft fleet of the HRE.

An Expedition to the West
The moods in the fleet were as high as they could be. The crew was filled with a mix of veterans and new blood, although, the proportion heavily favored the latter. Their mission was a prestigious one and simple as well, they were to move to a new waystation near the border between one of Melaka's colonies and one of the HRE's colonies. It was a show the flag mission, after all, tensions had been high ever since the assassination of a president in a neutral buffer country near the border of the Empire of Xi and the HRE. Some believed that the assassination had been ordered by the Emperor of Xi or by the Ministry of External Affairs of the HRE. Regardless of belief, everyone was preparing for war.

Prince Muzaffar Shah was the admiral of the fleet sent to accomplish this mission. He had been given the mission to escort a few ships that would serve as civilian hubs for the waystation, these included a few cargo ships and a large supply ship that was meant to act as a logistical hub for the new waystation. They would resupply when they would arrive there and then engage in naval exercises near the border. All in all, it was an easy mission to accomplish but others may have thought of it in a different way.

The fleet was after all a provocation for the HRE and a way for the current parliament to win popularity after their bad handling of the past economic crisis. The fact that a prince had been sent to do it was also rather telling, the royal family was still loved and respected by the people, and the fact that one of the princes would be the one to carry out the mission lent it legitimacy and popularity. Yet, the stakes were high and the admiralty knew it.

The HRE was a behemoth in international politics much the same as the Empire of Xi and their fleet had grown larger than that of the Empire of Xi and Melaka combined. Some within the admiralty of Melaka believed that this could make them bolder and they wouldn't react well to the provocation coming from the movement of one of the fleets so close to one of their colonies. Yet, their warnings were mostly ignored by politicians.

Vice-Admiral Arhab bin Faisal was the second in command for this fleet. He was an old hand that had seen service during the great war, his rank was a testament to his career which had begun barely as a common sailor amongst the thousands that crewed the airships of Melaka's fleet. He had been assigned to Admiral Muzaffar due to his reliability and experience, probably a good choice given the lack of experience of the prince.

"No radar signatures Admiral." Said one of the staff on the bridge.

Indeed, it had been quite quiet ever since they left their homeport in Melaka a few days ago. Not much to see except for merchant vessels, the occasional waystation, and the white clouds. At least for now.

"How much longer do you think it will take for us to get there?" Prince Muzaffar asked the vice-admiral. "It's already been a few days hasn't it?" The prince said, although he had checked the routes beforehand he still wasn't sure of how long it would take.

"Two to three days at most your royal highness." The vice-admiral answered. A stern expression on his face, a natural one for someone like him. "Any transmission?" He asks the radio operator.

"No, sir!" the operator answers but then his face changes just a little. "Wait, sir. I am receiving a transmission from the 3rd Destroyer Division." He says as he gets to work, the face of the operator is that of surprise as the message he receives isn't encrypted at all. It's just an open transmission and that's strange.

"There is a request for help, unknown vessels have begun firing at the 3rd Division." The radio operator almost shouts but calms himself.

This piques the interest of prince Muzaffar, who already believes that the HRE must be involved and as such, it is his righteous duty to provide help and also destroy a few HRE vessels. "Tell all ships to change course towards the 3rd Destroyer Division then. We won't leave our fellow men to die alone, repeat the transmission to other nearby units."

Meanwhile, the vice-admiral isn't as excited instead he just feels a little tremor on his legs. A stark reminder of what war means for him, of all the men that lost their lives and all the men that will lose them. But he stays hopeful, it doesn't have to be the HRE it could be a minor nation that has mistaken them for another.

The red alert is sent throughout much of the fleet not long after the transmission was received, pilots and sailors alike are going to combat stations. The aircraft carrier's hangars turn into a very busy place and some distance is created between the ships that the fleet is currently escorting and the main fleet.

Soon enough, the fleet is already on course to meet with the known position of the 3rd. Just half the distance before they reach the engagement radius to deploy fighters and bombers, something happens.

"Admiral there are a few radar signatures, they are approaching us fast." The radar operator says. "No, wait. It can't be, it's only one signature?" He looks confused and prince Muzaffar prepares himself for the worst.

"Tell all squadrons to deploy right now." He says but before the orders can be given. He and the rest of the crew in the bridge see something huge in front of them, it's a massive ship, unlike anything they have seen before. At that moment, they realize that it can't be of HRE origin, it just can't. None in the world can make something that big and it's big enough to cast a huge shadow on the sea below. They can sight blue flashing lights coming from the sides.

Prince Muzaffar grips the arm of his chair and clenches his teeth. He himself can't believe what's he seeing and then, a huge force is felt throughout the ship. It would be almost as if they had clashed with another ship, but that can't be it. Immediately, the clouds begin to darken around them and thunder can be heard coming from all directions.

"What's going on?" Prince Muzaffar asks but nobody can give him an answer. Instead, the crew braces themselves as the ship begins to be pulled to the west by an unknown force. The ship tilts to the right and then there is a blinding flash of blue light. A pulse wave resonates through the ship, Prince Muzaffar can feel as he pushed against his chair and his head hits the metal wall behind him and then everything goes dark.


When the prince wakes up, he finds himself in his quarters. He sits on the bed and feels pain on the back of his head and throughout much of his body too. The pain makes him realize that what he saw wasn't a dream, it was reality. The call for help, the strange ship, and the anomalous weather. It all happened, but so far it seems that he is fine and so far his ship doesn't look destroyed.

He stands up and feels his legs lacking somewhat in strength, but he manages to open the door and head to the bridge. On his way there, he sees that his crew is up and running, he realizes that he has vice-admiral Arhab to thank for that. When he reaches the bridge, he finds Arhab and his crew, the skies are blue and everything seems back to normal.

"Admiral, glad to have you here now." Arhab says. "I have news that you must hear."

Prince Muzaffar nods and salutes. "Good morning and yes please do go on, I want to know what happened after I lost consciousness."

"The fleet is in good shape admiral, but." He stops. "But that's not the issue, we are in unknown skies admiral."

"What? Please, elaborate Arhab." The prince says, not really understanding what he meant. Does he mean that they could be lost?

"I mean it quite literally, your grace. We are not just lost, we are in a place different than any other we have chartered before, our radio transmissions don't reach anywhere and at night, we didn't see any constellations that we could identify either." Arhab explains. "The days here are also about an hour shorter."

Prince Muzzafar takes a while to get the information that Arhab is explaining nonchalantly. Vice-Admiral Arhab receives a pair of photographs in an envelope, takes them out, and presents them to the prince. The prince nods and takes them, he goes through each one of them. What he sees in the desert.

"The first one is from what's below us. There is a desert in all directions except to the north." Arhab explains. "The next photographs are about towns, ports, regions that our scout planes have managed to spot."

Indeed, the photographs show cities and ports. There are not that different from what the prince is used to seeing, but what surprises him the most is that there are no aerodromes or airports in any of the cities. At the same time...

"No aerial waystations amongst these." The prince says. "There is no place I know of that doesn't have at least one in a 1000km radius and it seems we are in a civilized place. Those ports didn't look that different from the ones back home."

Vice-Admiral Arhab nods.

"Correct, we have not sighted any airships either. We have not been able to receive any transmissions and it's not because our equipment is malfunctioning." Arhab notes adding yet another element to the equation of figuring out exactly where the Far Western Expeditionary Fleet had found themselves in.

"Then our best will be just to make contact with the locals and try to pinpoint our location from their whereabouts." Prince Muzaffar says, although, he isn't exactly sure that he knows a nation with railways and that yet doesn't have any airships of their own not even merchant ships.

"Understood. I will do the arrangements then your royal highness." Vice-Admiral Arhab says.


The device had been activated successfully, yet the results were not the expected ones. The fallout of the success of the activation had been great, probably far more than any previous catastrophic event that had happened in their history. The scientists and the politicians who had agreed on this radical solution now had the blood of billions in their hands, yet millions still lived and that was enough for them to save their people.

"There is enough food in the shelters for a year, but I don't know about oxygen."

"Just make sure, that we get everyone into a safe shelter as far as possible."

Shelters had been built in case of this scenario, yet there were not enough of them and they certainly didn't have the conditions to grant their dwellers a long lifespan. They could have done that before perhaps, but not without an atmosphere. So far the only things that could give them calm were the fact that the sensors were calm and that just a few clicks above they could see a big blue orb with white brushes that could perhaps be their salvation.

London, United Kingdom of Great Britain
The news of the passing of the great storm had been eclipsed in barely just one day. What seemed to have been the event of the century if not the millennia had turned into a minor thing. The same thing had happened with the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand, a story that had gone from newsworthy to overshadowed by the same exact great storm that was now another thing in the past in the minds of the civilized people of Europe.

Newspapers were barely unable to pick and choose what headlines to pick. From the appearance of strange airships at New Orleans to the sighting of strange creatures flying in the skies of Spain, to the strange new luna that had appeared to replace the moon. There was simply said, so much to pick from that at some point some of the newspapers just left it to luck and published articles based on what they believed would be the hot topic of this day.

But perhaps something that many newspapers were not expecting in London was to hear about the fall of a certain city in the Balkans to strange forces.


Planning Phase
Day 0

This turn will last a single week​
Fleet Actions: Pick up to Two Actions and assign forces to each one of them or none if you believe there is no danger. These are a mix of actions and events/plotlines to follow. Admiral Muzaffar can only grant his bonus to one of these actions.

[X] A Flying Embassy: A single large beep appears on the radar of the flagship. It turns out to be a sort of primitive airship or at least one that works rather differently but it is enough to do the trick of flying. It approaches our fleet with a tricolor flag made up of black, white, and red. We aren't able to make much of it the flag as it isn't in any of our records, but its symbol does reassemble that of the eagle of the Holy Reman Empire.

[X] The Local Governor: Given that our current location is completely unknown and yet it doesn't look like an inhabited region, we have decided to send a scout group ahead to make contact with the nearest towns and ask about our whereabouts. It will surely not take us that long to find out about who we are exactly dealing with in these regions.

[X] Ships on the Sea: While the skies in this area are completely devoid of airships, the seas are not. We have seen many vessels of many sizes just north of our position, from what our pilots tell us most of these have flags that we can't recognize but it seems they follow modern designs. Today we have sighted a different kind of ship, a battleship in the sea that is flashing lights at our fleet from below. Perhaps, it would be wise to make contact with them?

[X] A Call for Help: The sight of strange winged creatures in the skies was something that we never really thought of as possible. Nor did we expect them to pursue a biplane that was heading our way. Given that the strange winged creatures proved to be hostile towards us too, we didn't have any other choice than to take them down.

[X] Investigating Strange Lights: At night we are sighting strange lights on the skies, these do not belong to our ships and so far it doesn't seem like they belong to the natives either. The lights often move around at slow speeds at a height above our fleet's, sometimes some of the crew says that they manage to spot a sort of metal structure around the lights but nothing has been confirmed yet. We could send scout planes with searchlights to pursue these lights and find out more about them.

[X] Addressing the Civilians: While we don't know much about where we are just yet, we can affirm that we are nowhere near close to home. Perhaps giving a speech or two to the group of civilians could help them calm their minds a bit.

[X] Search for Resources: We currently lack any sort of supply network to support our fleet in the long term, maybe a little prospecting around the area won't cause us too much trouble. We will have to use our flying manufactory as a hub and it may require protection. Free Action

[X] Move the Fleet: You can move in any direction that you would like to pick. But you can only pick one direction for the fleet to move towards, this may change the available actions for the fleet. Also, this action is FREE.

Personal Actions:

Pick 1

[X] Matters of the Great War: Prince Muzaffar spends some time with vice-admiral Arhab, hopefully learning a bit more about his whereabouts and who knows may even win a little more of his trust which would be a good step to win his respect which may be useful in this trialing times.

[X] A Matter of Family: Family is rather important, but what will you do when you are told that you have no more family to rely on. This could be a blessing or a curse depending on the background.

[X] The Merchant of Melaka: An important merchant that lives in one of the nomad ships of your fleet has requested an audience with you. They state that their concern is mostly financially based and they hope that a member of the royal family may help.

Far West Expeditionary Fleet

Admiral: Tengku (Prince) Muzaffar Alam Shah bin (Son of) Sultan Mizar Makmur Shah
Nation: Grand Sultanate of Melaka

Fleet: (All have +Engines)
1x Carrier (Long-Range Radar, Hangar Bay, Experienced Crew) (18 Hangar Bays)(Flagship)
1x Heavy Cruiser
1x Light Cruiser (Landing Bay, Ground Support)
3x Destroyer
1x Supply Ship (3x Population)(7,800 Population)(39 IC)
3x Cargo Ships (3x Population)(11,700 Population)(58.5 IC)
1x Flying Manufactories

Aircraft: 18 Hangar Slots. All in the carrier.
3x Fighter (Range)
3x Fighter (Range, Speed, Firepower)
2x Bomber
2x Heavy Bomber

Ground Units: 12 Cargo
CL 3x Aerial Hussar Battalion

Cargo ships
4x Infantry Battalion
2x Artillery Battalion
1x Anti-Air Battalion
2x Tank Battalion

Blitzing: Your fleet prioritizes speed and it shows. [All of your airships get a free engine upgrade that does not count towards the upgrade limit.]

Air Nomads: Your fleet has civilian ships alongside its military ships. The reason? It could be because they are refugees or simply because some of your nation's population lives in the sky. Regardless, having some actual civilian population will aid you in some different ways. [Allows purchase of Population upgrade, this upgrade is free. It gives 500/1000/2000/5000/10000 Population depending on size. S/M/L/XL/XXL respectively.] [Each 100 Population gives 0.5 Points in manufacturing capacity][Population can also be recruited to crew ships or battalions.]

Advanced Aircraft: The development of aircraft has led to the construction and deployment of all-metal planes with higher speeds, higher maneuverability, and overall a lot more firepower. Think about late ww2 designs that couldn't be produced like the Grumman F8F Bearcat and Focke-Wulf Ta 152. [Improves performance of conventional aircraft]

Aerial Hussars: Personal flying equipment is available and allows for marines to engage in boarding operations against other enemy vessels. Generally vulnerable against AA guns and planes, and as such are better used against disabled ships or airships without too many anti-air guns. [Allows purchase of Air Hussars Battalions at a cost of 20 must be carried]

Population: 19,500
IC: 397.5

  • Admiral: Tengku (Prince) Muzaffar Alam Shah bin (Son of) Sultan Mizar Makmur Shah
    Diplomacy: II (+20 to Related Rolls)
    Politics: II (+20 to Related Rolls)
    Intrigue: I (+10 to Related Rolls)
    Fleet: II (+20 to Related Rolls)
    Ground: II (+20 to Related Rolls)

    Red Baron: [+10 Bonus to rolls for aerial operations You know how to make use of aircraft better than most. Bonus to fighters and Bombers in combat. Also affects air hussars.]

    Diplomat: [+10 to rolls with dealing with NPC's and Earth Nations.]

    Heir to the Throne: [Morale issues are mostly non-existent unless food goes scarce or consecutive defeats happen to the fleet. You must look out for your people and find them a new home probably. Increases morale in battle due to the monarch being present and also increases population by another 30% This one costs two traits]

    Biography: To be filled up. Suggestions appreciated.
  • This tab will be used to track plot lines and actions. Currently...

    A New World: While your fleet doesn't know it yet, you are in a completely new world and it may not take that much time to make them fully realize that.
  • More to be added later

    Vice-Admiral Arhab bin Faisal
    : The second in command in the fleet, he is 53 years old and keeps a stern face wherever he goes. A veteran of the great war and a man with deep-rooted beliefs.
  • LP: +30 From Supply Ship
    Current LP Use*: 1 L 2 M 3 S = 5+6+3 = 14 LP currently in use.
    *S-sized vessels consume 1 Point, M-sized vessels consume 3, L-sized vessels consume 5 and XL-sized vessels consume 9.
    Population: 19,500
    IC: 397.5
    Resources: Currently you have enough supplies to use up to 300 worth of IC.
    Supplies: Currently your population's needs are satisfied
    Dockyard Slips:
    Flying Manufactory: Can build 5 ships at the same time but only one of L size.
    [Slot 1]
    [Slot 2]
    [Slot 3]
    [Slot 4]
    [Slot 5]

    L sized ships take 3 years to build
    M sized ships years take 1.5 Years to build
    S sized ships takes 1 Year to build


    Producing stuff doesn't cost actions and the plan that's voted for must include what the slots of the flying manufactory are currently being used for.

    Ground Units: These are in battalions.

    Infantry Battalion: 5 Points. An infantry battalion with machine guns, mortars, medics, and lots of small guns. Good for taking over positions and defending them.

    Paratrooper Battalion: 7 Points. A battalion of paratroopers that can make use of heavy bombers to drop and land in a particular area. Their equipment makes them less useful against armored targets.

    Aerial Hussar Battalion: 20 Points. Aerial hussars have personal flying equipment that allows them to attempt boarding an enemy ship without their home ship being close. They are very vulnerable to AA fire and can still fail at reaching the enemy ship without proper maneuvering. [Requires Aerial Hussar Trait]

    Tank Battalion: 30 Points. Enough tanks to make a man blush. A tank battalion has an assortment of medium, heavy and light tanks. Alongside a small complement of mechanized infantry to support them.

    Artillery Battalion: 20 Points. An artillery battalion has plenty of long-range guns for ground combat and enough crew for logistical support.

    Anti-Air Battalion: 15 Points. A specialñized Anti-Air battalion that can be used against flying units.

    Air Ships:

    Dreadnought [XL]: 900 Points. A Dreadnought is the equivalent of a super-sized Yamato, basically a one-in-a-lifetime project that costs more than your average battleship. It has heavy amounts of firepower and armor making it a beast on the battlefield, at the same time, it also consumes lots of fuel and requires sufficient logistic support to operate.

    Super-Carrier [XL]: 800 Points. An ever bigger carrier, with greater armor and higher hangar capacity for aircraft. [It has 24 Hangar Slots]

    Battleship [L]: 600 Points. A run-of-the-mill battleship, it is a balanced but large ship with more than adequate firepower to fight against most things in the sky, while at the same time, being well armored and with a reasonable speed.

    Carrier [L]: 400 Points. An airborne aircraft carrier, the dream of many, and the plight of the enemy. An aircraft carrier is used to operate different types of carrier-borne aircraft. [It has 12 Hangar Slots. Fighters take one, Bombers two and Heavy Bombers 4]

    Heavy Cruiser [M]: 250 Points. A ship known for its long-range and speeds, a heavy cruiser is a cheaper option than deploying a battleship or a carrier. Its speed also makes it particularly good for patrolling and hunting smaller enemy vessels.

    Escort Carrier [M]: 150 Points. A smaller version of the Carrier, faster but with generally less space for aircraft. [4 Hangar Slots]

    Light Cruiser [M]: 150 Points. A light cruiser is generally well suited for escort missions and providing screening to larger vessels.

    Destroyer(S): 50 Points. A destroyer is often used as a screener and can be good for anti-air duty, at the same time, it can be deployed in squadrons for escort duties and ground support.

    Support Ships: These ships do not consume any Logistical Points.

    Supply Ship [L size]: 150 Points. A supply ship is a vital element of a fleet. It serves as the logistics hub of the fleet and without it, the fleet would probably not be able to last during long deployments. [A supply ship provides 30 Logistics Points. S-sized vessels consume 1 Point, M-sized vessels consume 3, L-sized vessels consume 5 and XL-sized vessels consume 9.]

    Cargo Ship [M Size]: 50 Points. A cargo ship is often used for transport and logistics, although it can be armed to serve as a Q-ship but it serves its duty better away from combat than in it. [Cargo ships have 3 Cargo Slots. All Ground units unless otherwise specified take up one cargo slot.]

    Flying Manufactories [XL]: 300 Points. Sometimes deployments up in the skies are done far away from any base or logistic network. As such, some navies decide to create flying factories that can manufacture ammunition, ships, or even mechanized units. These enormous vessels can also be used during the war to move the industrial base of the country from one place to another. [Flying manufactories can manufacture any units below their size and they provide up to 300 points per year in terms of manufacturing capabilities][Flying manufactories can also speed up repairs or serve as hubs for resource extraction operations][NOTE: They require access to resources to work][Flying Manufactories can also replenish Supply ships at a cost of 20 Points per supply ship.][They can build up to five ships at once, but only one of L size at the same time, they can build as many ground units as needed.]

    Mobile Repair Platform [M] 50 Points. A simple repair ship for deployment with smaller vessels. This ship is capable of speeding up repairs in most vessels but is specialized for vessels of size M and below. It can also be used to build any ship below size L. It gives 10 IC for manufacturing capacity.


    Fighter: A fighter squadron that has up to ten aircraft. It is useful against flying units and can be customized to carry bombs, rockets, or extra firepower to provide ground support. [10 Points][1 Hangar Slot]

    Bomber: A specialized ground support unit. These are larger aircraft that can carry bigger payloads and can accurately hit ground targets. [15 Points][2 Hangar Slots per unit]

    Heavy Bomber: A large aircraft that can carry more multiple tons of bombs and can otherwise transport paratroopers to deploy if under the right configuration. Serves for strategic bombing or just to make an enemy have a very bad day. [30 Points][4 Hangar Slots]

    General Upgrades: All ships have three upgrade slots that can be filled or not depending on how you guys want to build the fleet.
    • *Landing Bay: Adding a landing bay allows for the ship to carry a determined amount of ground units depending on its size. S/M/L/XL Size: 1/3/5/10 Ground Units (+25% to cost in points)
    • *Ground Support: Installing specialized air-to-ground guns on the below decks allows to provide ground units with accurate close fire support from the skies. (+25% to cost)
    • *Anti-Aircraft Improvements: Engineers can install extra guns to deal with enemy planes. (+15% to cost in Points)
    • *Extra Firepower: Adds higher caliber guns or more guns to the airship increasing its firepower. (+25% to Cost)
    • *Extra Armor: These make the vessel stronger, although slower. (+25% to cost)
    • *Experienced Crew: (+50% to cost)
    • *Improved Engines: Increases speed and maneuverability, if used with extra armor there is no bonus or malus for either., (+25% to Cost)
    • *Hangar Bay: Allow the warship to hold fighter or bomber squadrons depending on its size. S/M/L/XL 1/2/3/5 (+25% to cost). Hangar bays applied to carriers give double the hangar slots.
    • *Long-Range Radar: This adds specialized radar equipment for extreme range early warning. (+25% to Cost)
    Aircraft Upgrades: All Aircraft can also have up to three upgrades.
    • Range: Improves the range of the aircraft. (+25%)
    • Firepower: Gives more pew pew per pound. (+25%)
    • Speed: Painting it red makes it go faster. (+25%)
    • Armor: Survivability improves by X%. (+25%)
    Specialized Upgrades: [Requires Traits]
    • Belly Gun: Adds an 80cm gun to the belly of the ship for ground support. Only ships L-sized or more. (+25% to Cost).
    • Rocket Launchers: Adds several rocket launchers to the ship that fires volleys of rockets against enemy targets. (+25% to Cost)
    • Rocket Platform: Adds strategic rocket launchers that use equivalents of the super-sonic V2 rockets. Not very accurate but useful against large targets. (+25% to Cost)
    • Population: This upgrade adds 500(S)/1000(M)/2000(L)/5000(XL)/10000(XXL) population to a ship. This population is only semi-self sufficient and would still require trade with the ground for fuel and materials. Each 100 pop grant 0.5 Points in manufacturing capacity [This upgrade is free but the extra compartments for population make it more vulnerable.][This IC can only be used for M sized vessels or less][Flying Manufactories cannot take this trait]

Moratorium of 24 Hours for discussion and then 48 hours for voting.

OOC: I will get out what I have right now. This is mostly a basic form of what turns will look like from now on, but I am still going to figure out things as we go. I hope you enjoy this even though its very rough in its current stage.
[X] A Call for Help: The sight of strange winged creatures in the skies was something that we never really thought of as possible. Nor did we expect them to pursue a biplane that was heading our way. Given that the strange winged creatures proved to be hostile towards us too, we didn't have any other choice than to take them down.
This seems like a good move. It will build good will with the locals and keep the creatures from multiplying.

Carrier, all our Fighters/Bombers, and 1 Destroyer.

[X] Ships on the Sea: While the skies in this area are completely devoid of airships, the seas are not. We have seen many vessels of many sizes just north of our position, from what our pilots tell us most of these have flags that we can't recognize but it seems they follow modern designs. Today we have sighted a different kind of ship, a battleship in the sea that is flashing lights at our fleet from below. Perhaps, it would be wise to make contact with them?
Locals can wait a turn, these ships are trying to contact us now and we are lacking in sea based naval forces. It could be usefull having access to ocean resources as well as land ones. Best not to let this oppertunity slip by.

Light Cruiser with a single cargo ship incase they want to trade.
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I would say that we talk to the local people and speak to the Flying Embassy. We should also talk to our admiral for this, but with the personal options it can also be any option.
Yeah, that sounds about right. No need to start working on ships quite yet so that can wait.
I'm fine with picking a different option, even though I'm not entirely sure the ships won't ally with some other group if we don't grab them this turn.

That said I feel we need to do A call for help now. These are living creatures and they can only grow in number the longer we ignore them. In addition we can't know what will pop up next turn. I'd rather not have to put it off again next turn because a more serious enemy pops up. A demonstration of our fighting ability will also impress the locals, and the mission itself will earn good will.
[X] Plan The Sky is our Domain
-[X] A Call for Help: The sight of strange winged creatures in the skies was something that we never really thought of as possible. Nor did we expect them to pursue a biplane that was heading our way. Given that the strange winged creatures proved to be hostile towards us too, we didn't have any other choice than to take them down.
--[X] Carrier (Long-Range Radar, Hangar Bay, Experienced Crew) (18 Hangar Bays)(Flagship)
---[X] 3× Fighter (Range)
---[X] 3× Fighter (Range, Speed, Firepower)
---[X] 2× Bomber
--[X] 2× Destroyer
-[X] The Local Governor: Given that our current location is completely unknown and yet it doesn't look like an inhabited region, we have decided to send a scout group ahead to make contact with the nearest towns and ask about our whereabouts. It will surely not take us that long to find out about who we are exactly dealing with in these regions.
--[X] Light Cruiser (Landing Bay, Ground Support)
---[X] 2× Infantry Battalion
---[X] Tank Battalion
--[X] Cargo Ship (3x Population)(3,900 Population)(19.5 IC)
-[X] Matters of the Great War: Prince Muzaffar spends some time with vice-admiral Arhab, hopefully learning a bit more about his whereabouts and who knows may even win a little more of his trust which would be a good step to win his respect which may be useful in this trialing times.

Deal with these flying creatures and meet with the locals.