Skies of Earth [ISOT/Airship Admiral Quest]

Small Craft of the Fleet
Rattlesnake Class Fighter:
Designed with a particularly long loiter time, the Rattlesnake is aptly named, patrolling the long stretches of deserts and arid hills that cover many of your homelands borders as an affordable, reliable platform warning of intruders - though its age means that this range is gained from a larger internal fuel tank instead of the more modern drop tanks that have started to enter service in the last few years, meaning it is a bit sluggish in dogfights until it had time to lighten the load. For weapons, the Rattlesnake is limited to a quad of machine guns with two in each wing, a central bay capable of carrying a single bomb and mounting points for a few rockets.

Viper Class Heavy Fighter:
A cutting-edge design, the Viper has only entered service last year and its only thanks to your pedigree that you managed to get 3 squadrons of them assigned to your fleet. Powered by one of the most powerful radial engines in the world, it can achieve astounding speed while the sleek and modern design allows it to remain nimble like a fighter half its mass, despite its heavy weapons loadout consisting of 6 machine guns and 2 autocannons for dogfighting while a number of bombs and rockets could be carried under wing for attack runs on ground targets - the centerline bomb bay containing ether more bombs or a torpedo for naval engagements.

A7 Shuttle:
A rugged, workmanship like design, the A7 is more or less a brick powered by an Aether Crystal to float and move cargo around. Its nature as a shuttle means its great amount of surplus lift can easily be used to mount armor or weapons for the desperate.

Falcon Class Dropship:
Designed to bring troops from the sky, to the ground in an active warzone, the Falcon's main draw is the pair of massive engines that allow it to carry heavy armor and a number of turreted machine guns to fend off interceptors, as well as its cargo of men, guns or tanks.

@Murtox Here are our small craft.
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Chinese Nelson
[X] Great Power: Your nation was a great power, one among many but not the first among them. Your nation had a combination of industry, population, and military might that could be deployed throughout the globe with ease. Yet, they had rivals and probably more than one at that that opposed them.
[X] Great War: The great war has just begun in your world. A monumental conflict of epic proportions that will teach it that industrial warfare is something truly horrific for the sapient monkeys that invented it.
[X] Semi-Absolute Monarchy: While there is a Parliament and Prime Minister, the Monarch has quite a bit of authority.
[X] Aether Crystals: Crystals that create lift on their own, but that must be treated in order to reach their full potential.
[X] Eastern Asian
[X] Stats
--[] Diplomacy: Rank 2 - 3 points
--[]Politics: Rank 1 - 1 point
--[]Intrigue: Rank 1 - 1 point
--[]Fleet: Rank 3 - 6 points
--[]Ground: Rank 0
--[]Science: Rank 1 - 1 point
--[]Occult: Rank 1 - 1 point
-[X] Name
--[X] Wei Gang
-[X] Fleet Name
--[X} Celestial Armada
-[X] 26-35
-[X] Traits
--[X] Skilled Admiral: You had time to refine your skills, you have studied more than just the art of war or perhaps studied it even more. Regardless, you can show it through a diverse cadre of skills to use.
--[X] Admiral of the Skies: War in the skies is a completely different thing from war on the ground. Strategy and tactics differ significantly from these forms of warfare that humans have become so adept at. You became were one of such adepts either due to natural talent, your experience, or the sheer number of hours that were spent learning the texts about aerial warfare. All in all, you are a good commander of your fleet and know how to get most of it in combat. [+10 Bonus to fleet rolls.]
--[X] Engineer: Boilers, gears, and metal sheets. You know the blueprints of your flagship by heart and know them even better than the engineer that made it. But that is only the tip of the iceberg of your knowledge, at heart, you are also a master of logistics and are quite capable of managing the logistical footprint of your ship. [Construction of Facilities takes half the time, +5% to IC. Increase supply of supply ships by 5.]
--[X] A Jules Verne: The future is bright, powerful, and extremely appealing in your dreams that is. For you can envision the future of technology and beyond even though you are not an engineer or a scientist. But you do know a good idea when you see one. Maybe, nudging the people in the right direction could do wonders for your survival in this new world. [+10 to rolls that deal with science. Plus increased chance of collaboration in research going successfully, plus a better chance of dealing with higher-tech enemies.]
--[X] Red Baron: Airplanes always were something that you admired, the sleek small crafts that took to the sky on their own and with pilots that managed to make crazy feats seem reasonable. Perhaps, you were an earlier supporter of aircraft for airships or you yourself were a pilot for your nation's aerial navy that rose through the ranks. Regardless, your reputation precedes you and you managed to gather knowledge about their use in combat through experience and with the help of experienced officers. As such, your operations with aircraft are smoother.
[+10 Bonus to rolls for aerial operations You know how to make use of aircraft better than most. Bonus to fighters and Bombers in combat. Also affects air hussars.]

My First CharGen
[] The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived

Nation Traits: Pick one for fluff.
[] Great Power: Your nation was a great power, one among many but not the first among them. Your nation had a combination of industry, population, and military might that could be deployed throughout the globe with ease. Yet, they had rivals and probably more than one at that that opposed them.

Era Traits: Pick one for fluff.
-[] 2nd Great War: You have knowledge of the true proportions of a great war, you were either there or your predecessors did. In its wake, you could tell that the world had changed for better or worse. Yet, another one more terrible than the last would come and preparations were made for it.

Government Traits: Pick one for fluff
-[] Constitutional Monarchy: Your monarch doesn't have unlimited power and has given most of his legislative faculties to a body of representatives. How representative that body is can be discussed.
--[] Outside of religious duties and forming the wealthy backbone of your upper class even now, the nobility has been stripped of most of its privileges with those remaining generally pertaining to things such as being allowed to carry a sword without being in uniform and being allowed to duel. The Monarchy itself has divested power over the treasury, diplomacy and the law into varying governing bodies with the military being the sole stronghold of nobility with many officers coming from noble families and private armies and fleets existing below the Imperial Forces.

Lift Methods: Pick One
-[] Aether Crystals: Crystals that create lift on their own, but that must be treated in order to reach their full potential.

Culture: Please pick one for overall cultural influences.
-[] Southeast Asian

-[] Tengku(a title) Nur Safiatuddin Tajul Alam Syah binti Mizar Makmur Shah

Fleet Name: Because every fleet needs one.
-[] Far West Expeditionary Fleet

-[] Female

Age: Pick one
-[] 18-25

Admiral Stats: Ranks are from levels 0 to 6, each rank grants a +10 in rolls that cover that area of expertise. You begin with 10 points to distribute as you wish amongst these stats. Rank 1 costs 1 Point, Rank 2 Costs 2 Points so 3 in total, Rank 3 costs 3 points and 6 in total. And so on.

-[] Diplomacy: rank 2, 3 points

-[] Politics: rank 2, 3 points

-[] Intrigue: rank 1, 1 points

-[] Fleet: rank 2, 3 points

-[] Ground: rank 2, 3 points

-[] Science: rank 0

-[] Occult: rank 0

Admiral Traits: Pick 3+2 (Omakes)

-[] Skilled Admiral: You had time to refine your skills, you have studied more than just the art of war or perhaps studied it even more. Regardless, you can show it through a diverse cadre of skills to use.
[You gain 3 more points to spend for admiral stats][May take more than once]

-[] Red Baron: Airplanes always were something that you admired, the sleek small crafts that took to the sky on their own and with pilots that managed to make crazy feats seem reasonable. Perhaps, you were an earlier supporter of aircraft for airships or you yourself were a pilot for your nation's aerial navy that rose through the ranks. Regardless, your reputation precedes you and you managed to gather knowledge about their use in combat through experience and with the help of experienced officers. As such, your operations with aircraft are smoother.
[+10 Bonus to rolls for aerial operations You know how to make use of aircraft better than most. Bonus to fighters and Bombers in combat. Also affects air hussars.]

-[] Diplomat: A bottle of wine and a couple of nice words are often more than enough to win a battle before the shooting has even begun. You have become experienced in the craft of learning the way of the ink and pen, as well as with your words. This is useful when negotiating with dignitaries and other high-ranking officials, not so much with dealing with your rank and file cadet sailor. You have a little something that will help you sweet-talk some of the new faces you will see in this world.
[+10 to rolls with dealing with NPC's and Earth Nations.]

-[] Heir to the Throne: You are either the heir to the throne or the king himself, one way or another, you found yourself leading one of your nation's ships. But being a king means nothing if you cannot have the loyalty of your people and that loyalty has to be won and maintained through respect and your men respect you, both as a person and as admiral, at least most of them do, which is already far more than many admirals ever get to since it's not really needed. Now that you are in another world, you are the sole figure of home for these people. A king and a leader to them.
[Morale issues are mostly non-existent unless food goes scarce or consecutive defeats happen to the fleet. You must look out for your people and find them a new home probably. Increases morale in battle due to the monarch being present and also increases population by another 30% This one costs two traits]
--[] You are a prince with a reasonable claim to the throne, though only if several of your family members were to suffer accidents or prove unfit.

This looks quite good. I thought that the admiral was a male for this plan?

18-25 is really young for an admiral... though I guess it makes sense since we wanted to stay for longer?
Honestly, an older admiral should get more starting points.
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This looks quite good. I thought that the admiral was a male for this plan?
Originally yes. But the friends in discord said they prefer female. So i had to change it to female to gain some vote. T_T

I actually prefer male cause theres a lot of suitable and cool arts to describe the admiral. May want to change it back to male right before vote closed. What plan do you vote?

18-25 is really young for an admiral... though I guess it makes sense since we wanted to stay for longer?
Yeah sorta. Plus being young means that much easier to do stuff probably in fluff.
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Originally yes. But the friends in discord said they prefer female. So i had to change it to female to gain some vote. T_T

I actually prefer male cause theres a lot of suitable and cool arts to describe the admiral. May want to change it back to male right before vote closed. What plan do you vote?
A woman commanded ships in 1914? Yes, there won't be any problems with the mentality of the time at all. (Sarcasm)

You really should change it.
I i change it, would you vote my plan?
Yes, annnnd Voted

I like my plan a little better, but it's just me. Your plan is good too. I just don't know how the ships will look like. I can't figure it out in my head. Western (and Japanese) ships of the time are simple but other ships are difficult to imagine.
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Originally yes. But the friends in discord said they prefer female. So i had to change it to female to gain some vote. T_T

I actually prefer male cause theres a lot of suitable and cool arts to describe the admiral. May want to change it back to male right before vote closed. What plan do you vote?

Yeah sorta. Plus being young means that much easier to do stuff probably in fluff.

I like the idea of of male admiral XD

Notice the pattern of most plans being Heirs to the Throne? That is basically a requirement IMO for such a young admiral.

Yeah that's a really good point. Also, it's prolly how our protagonist can get decent naval education and climbing the corporate(?) ladder that quick. I wonder if our King/Queen assigned a trusted advisor to us.
Honestly, an older admiral should get more starting points.
I agree with that as a person that is on a job with years of experience is always better than a person who just started though you might wanna put a limit on how much you give(lets say the highest amount of points you can gain is starting from middle age and everything older than that gives the same amount of points as middle age so that our character isn't too old to suffer any natural problems that old people have).
I would say it's a bit late to change that. But my thinking is that the younger the admiral is, the more likely he used connections or the sort to get his rank. Which means a little more inexperience and untrustworthiness from his staff officers. He may have the skills necessary to do stuff but lacks experience, I will try to take those factors into account when the quest begins with turn 1.
I would say it's a bit late to change that. But my thinking is that the younger the admiral is, the more likely he used connections or the sort to get his rank. Which means a little more inexperience and untrustworthiness from his staff officers. He may have the skills necessary to do stuff but lacks experience, I will try to take those factors into account when the quest begins with turn 1.
Huh, exactly something which Heir to the Throne more or less hard counters.
I would say it's a bit late to change that. But my thinking is that the younger the admiral is, the more likely he used connections or the sort to get his rank. Which means a little more inexperience and untrustworthiness from his staff officers. He may have the skills necessary to do stuff but lacks experience, I will try to take those factors into account when the quest begins with turn 1.

On the other hand I guess the young have more potential to grow up?

The For the Monarchy and Stability is really great too. Tho at age 30 in 1911 means we would be 64 at the end of the WW2... (assuming the timeline is very stubborn). Though I see how its a necessity narrative-wise as Heir to the Throne wasn't chosen.

The The Hang Tuah/Zheng He has arrived is also great and is younger. The lack of the science trait concern me a bit but hopefully we could build that up later/ recruit and develop scientists from the population
Welp, vote was supposed to close 15 minutes ago. I will do the counting and then update this with the winning vote.
Scheduled vote count started by Murtox on Nov 16, 2021 at 9:50 PM, finished with 43 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan: For the Monarchy and Stability
    -[X] Regional Power
    -[X] Great War (Can change)
    -[X] Absolute Monarchy
    -[X] Aether Crystals (Can change)
    -[X] Western
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Diplomacy: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Politics: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Intrigue: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Fleet: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Ground: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Science: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Occult: Rank 0
    -[X] Admiral Franz von Steuben (Can change)
    -[X] 1. Expeditionary Fleet (Can change)
    -[X] Male
    -[X] 26-35
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Admiral of the Skies
    --[X] Red Baron
    --[X] Skilled Admiral
    --[X] Extra Prepared
    [X] Plan Für das Vaterland
    -[X] Hegemon: In your world, your nation was the undisputed hegemon. There was no nation greater or more powerful than it was, it dominated, the air, the seas, and the land with ease. Its name was uttered from one end of the globe to the other and their monarchs were considered the wealthiest and most powerful people in the entire world. There is pride in such a nation, pride and perhaps snobbiness that follows with having the legs of giants.
    -[X] 2nd Great War: You have knowledge of the true proportions of a great war, you were either there or your predecessors did. In its wake, you could tell that the world had changed for better or worse. Yet, another one more terrible than the last would come and preparations were made for it.
    -[X] Absolute Monarchy: The monarch in your nation has the last word and his word is the law.
    -[X] Liftium: A gas that when superheated creates lift, requires very special boilers to work.
    -[X] Western
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Diplomacy: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Politics: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Intrigue: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Fleet: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Ground: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Science: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Occult: Rank 1 - 1 point
    -[X] Name
    --[X] Prince Wilhelm III of the House Hohenzollern
    -[X] Fleet Name
    --[X] Hochseeflotte
    -[X] Sex
    --[X] Male
    -[X] Age
    --[X] 18-25
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Skilled Admiral: You had time to refine your skills, you have studied more than just the art of war or perhaps studied it even more. Regardless, you can show it through a diverse cadre of skills to use.
    --[X] Red Baron: Airplanes always were something that you admired, the sleek small crafts that took to the sky on their own and with pilots that managed to make crazy feats seem reasonable. Perhaps, you were an earlier supporter of aircraft for airships or you yourself were a pilot for your nation's aerial navy that rose through the ranks. Regardless, your reputation precedes you and you managed to gather knowledge about their use in combat through experience and with the help of experienced officers. As such, your operations with aircraft are smoother.
    --[X] Heir to the Throne: You are either the heir to the throne or the king himself, one way or another, you found yourself leading one of your nation's ships. But being a king means nothing if you cannot have the loyalty of your people and that loyalty has to be won and maintained through respect and your men respect you, both as a person and as admiral, at least most of them do, which is already far more than many admirals ever get to since it's not really needed. Now that you are in another world, you are the sole figure of home for these people. A king and a leader to them.
    --[X] Engineer: Boilers, gears, and metal sheets. You know the blueprints of your flagship by heart and know them even better than the engineer that made it. But that is only the tip of the iceberg of your knowledge, at heart, you are also a master of logistics and are quite capable of managing the logistical footprint of your ship.
    [X] The Sultana has arrived
    [X] Plan Air Mongols
    -[X] Great Power
    --[X] As Britannia rules the waves in our world, the Blue Sky Horde (and its sub-hordes) rule the skies!
    -[X] 2nd Great War
    --[X] Participated on the side of not!Austria, whose side manage to eke out a victory after a long and bloody conflict.
    -[X] Elective Monarchy
    --[X] The Great Khagan is elected via a Kurultai of the ship captains of the Blue Sky Horde The chosen heir of the last Khagan - typically their favourite child, usually a son but not always - is usually who is elected, but upsets have happened in the past. Female Khans and Khagans do use those titles and not Khatun.
    -[X] Aether Crystals
    -[X] Central Asian
    --[X] Turko-Mongolian melting pot with a steady trickle of other groups joining the fleet piece meal of the century.
    -[X] Name : Khutulun-Maria Khan
    --[X] The names of her grandmothers, Khutulun her paternal grandmother, Khagan before her Father and an admiral of great renown, while Maria, her maternal grandmother, was the daughter of the Archduke of a large nation to the West (our homeworld's version of Austria), the marriage of her parents serving to draw both nations together and to fight alongside each other during the the (first) Great War.
    ---[X] Khutulun-Maria's full name and list of titles is extensive, exhaustive and exhausting, as well as being a multilinguistic melting pot.
    -[X] Fleet Name : The Onyx Horde (of the Blue Sky Horde)
    --[X] Both to stay in the theme and since Legion wants to name his flagship the Onyx. The Blue Sky Horde is a federation of multiple hordes (fleets) each under a Khan, beholden to the great Khagan.
    -[X] Female
    -[X] 18-25
    -[X] Diplomacy: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Politics: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Intrigue: rank 1, 1 points
    -[X] Fleet: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Ground: rank 1, 1 points
    -[X] Science: rank 1, 1 points
    -[X] Occult: rank 1, 1 points
    -[X] Heir to the Throne
    -[X] Extra Prepared
    -[X] Red Baron
    -[X] Skilled Admiral
    [X] The Kind Princess
    -[X] Hegemon: In your world, your nation was the undisputed hegemon. There was no nation greater or more powerful than it was, it dominated, the air, the seas, and the land with ease. Its name was uttered from one end of the globe to the other and their monarchs were considered the wealthiest and most powerful people in the entire world. There is pride in such a nation, pride and perhaps snobbiness that follows with having the legs of giants.
    -[X] 2nd Great War: You have knowledge of the true proportions of a great war, you were either there or your predecessors did. In its wake, you could tell that the world had changed for better or worse. Yet, another one more terrible than the last would come and preparations were made for it.
    -[X] Absolute Monarchy: The monarch in your nation has the last word and his word is the law.
    -[X] Liftium: A gas that when superheated creates lift, requires very special boilers to work.
    -[X] Western
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Diplomacy: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Politics: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Intrigue: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Fleet: Rank 2 - 3 points
    --[X]Ground: Rank 0
    --[X]Science: Rank 1 - 1 point
    --[X]Occult: Rank 1 - 1 point
    -[X] Name
    --[X] Princess Mary of the House Tudor
    -[X] Fleet Name
    --[X] First Royal Fleet Avalon
    -[X] 18-25
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Heir to the Throne: You are either the heir to the throne or the king himself, one way or another, you found yourself leading one of your nation's ships. But being a king means nothing if you cannot have the loyalty of your people and that loyalty has to be won and maintained through respect and your men respect you, both as a person and as admiral, at least most of them do, which is already far more than many admirals ever get to since it's not really needed. Now that you are in another world, you are the sole figure of home for these people. A king and a leader to them.
    --[X] Friend of Refugees: You are well known for your charity, your acts of kindness and overall people have a perception of you as a helper of refugees and champion of the people in general. This has made it so that your flying towns have accommodated more people that find your protection desirable and well accommodating. However, your status as a champion of the people must be maintained in order to keep this up.
    --[X] Diplomat: A bottle of wine and a couple of nice words are often more than enough to win a battle before the shooting has even begun. You have become experienced in the craft of learning the way of the ink and pen, as well as with your words. This is useful when negotiating with dignitaries and other high-ranking officials, not so much with dealing with your rank and file cadet sailor. You have a little something that will help you sweet-talk some of the new faces you will see in this world.
    --[X] Admiral of the Skies: War in the skies is a completely different thing from war on the ground. Strategy and tactics differ significantly from these forms of warfare that humans have become so adept at. You became were one of such adepts either due to natural talent, your experience, or the sheer number of hours that were spent learning the texts about aerial warfare. All in all, you are a good commander of your fleet and know how to get most of it in combat.
    [X] Great Power: Your nation was a great power, one among many but not the first among them. Your nation had a combination of industry, population, and military might that could be deployed throughout the globe with ease. Yet, they had rivals and probably more than one at that that opposed them.
    -[X] 2nd Great War: You have knowledge of the true proportions of a great war, you were either there or your predecessors did. In its wake, you could tell that the world had changed for better or worse. Yet, another one more terrible than the last would come and preparations were made for it.
    -[X] Constitutional Monarchy: Your monarch doesn't have unlimited power and has given most of his legislative faculties to a body of representatives. How representative that body is can be discussed.
    --[X] Outside of religious duties and forming the wealthy backbone of your upper class even now, the nobility has been stripped of most of its privileges with those remaining generally pertaining to things such as being allowed to carry a sword without being in uniform and being allowed to duel. The Monarchy itself has divested power over the treasury, diplomacy and the law into varying governing bodies with the military being the sole stronghold of nobility with many officers coming from noble families and private armies and fleets existing below the Imperial Forces.
    -[X] Aether Crystals: Crystals that create lift on their own, but that must be treated in order to reach their full potential.
    -[X] Southeast Asian
    -[X] Tengku(a title) Muzaffar Alam Shah bin Sultan Mizar Makmur Shah
    -[X] Far West Expeditionary Fleet
    -[X] Male
    -[X] 18-25
    -[X] Diplomacy: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Politics: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Intrigue: rank 1, 1 points
    -[X] Fleet: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Ground: rank 2, 3 points
    -[X] Science: rank 0
    -[X] Occult: rank 0
    -[X] Skilled Admiral: You had time to refine your skills, you have studied more than just the art of war or perhaps studied it even more. Regardless, you can show it through a diverse cadre of skills to use.
    -[X] Red Baron: Airplanes always were something that you admired, the sleek small crafts that took to the sky on their own and with pilots that managed to make crazy feats seem reasonable. Perhaps, you were an earlier supporter of aircraft for airships or you yourself were a pilot for your nation's aerial navy that rose through the ranks. Regardless, your reputation precedes you and you managed to gather knowledge about their use in combat through experience and with the help of experienced officers. As such, your operations with aircraft are smoother.
    -[X] Diplomat: A bottle of wine and a couple of nice words are often more than enough to win a battle before the shooting has even begun. You have become experienced in the craft of learning the way of the ink and pen, as well as with your words. This is useful when negotiating with dignitaries and other high-ranking officials, not so much with dealing with your rank and file cadet sailor. You have a little something that will help you sweet-talk some of the new faces you will see in this world.
    -[X] Heir to the Throne: You are either the heir to the throne or the king himself, one way or another, you found yourself leading one of your nation's ships. But being a king means nothing if you cannot have the loyalty of your people and that loyalty has to be won and maintained through respect and your men respect you, both as a person and as admiral, at least most of them do, which is already far more than many admirals ever get to since it's not really needed. Now that you are in another world, you are the sole figure of home for these people. A king and a leader to them.
    --[X] You are a prince with a reasonable claim to the throne, though only if several of your family members were to suffer accidents or prove unfit.
    [X] The Kind Princess
    [X] Great Power: Your nation was a great power, one among many but not the first among them. Your nation had a combination of industry, population, and military might that could be deployed throughout the globe with ease. Yet, they had rivals and probably more than one at that that opposed them.
    [X] Great War: The great war has just begun in your world. A monumental conflict of epic proportions that will teach it that industrial warfare is something truly horrific for the sapient monkeys that invented it.
    [X] Semi-Absolute Monarchy: While there is a Parliament and Prime Minister, the Monarch has quite a bit of authority.
    [X] Aether Crystals: Crystals that create lift on their own, but that must be treated in order to reach their full potential.
    [X] Eastern Asian
    [X] Stats
    -[X] Name
    --[X] Wei Gang
    -[X] Fleet Name
    -[X] 26-35
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Skilled Admiral: You had time to refine your skills, you have studied more than just the art of war or perhaps studied it even more. Regardless, you can show it through a diverse cadre of skills to use.
    --[X] Admiral of the Skies: War in the skies is a completely different thing from war on the ground. Strategy and tactics differ significantly from these forms of warfare that humans have become so adept at. You became were one of such adepts either due to natural talent, your experience, or the sheer number of hours that were spent learning the texts about aerial warfare. All in all, you are a good commander of your fleet and know how to get most of it in combat.
    --[X] Engineer: Boilers, gears, and metal sheets. You know the blueprints of your flagship by heart and know them even better than the engineer that made it. But that is only the tip of the iceberg of your knowledge, at heart, you are also a master of logistics and are quite capable of managing the logistical footprint of your ship.
    --[X] A Jules Verne: The future is bright, powerful, and extremely appealing in your dreams that is. For you can envision the future of technology and beyond even though you are not an engineer or a scientist. But you do know a good idea when you see one. Maybe, nudging the people in the right direction could do wonders for your survival in this new world. [+10 to rolls that deal with science. Plus increased chance of collaboration in research going successfully, plus a better chance of dealing with higher-tech enemies.]
    --[X] Red Baron: Airplanes always were something that you admired, the sleek small crafts that took to the sky on their own and with pilots that managed to make crazy feats seem reasonable. Perhaps, you were an earlier supporter of aircraft for airships or you yourself were a pilot for your nation's aerial navy that rose through the ranks. Regardless, your reputation precedes you and you managed to gather knowledge about their use in combat through experience and with the help of experienced officers. As such, your operations with aircraft are smoother.