Sisters of Antiquity

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Ianthe Nikos is Pyrrha's Twin Sister, and loves her very much... Until one day, she remembers who she used to be: Mukuro Ikusaba.

Now, dealing with the memories of a past life and echos of someone she hates, she attempts to separate herself as much as possible, to prove herself to be better than her past life... and yet, her past life seems to be unwilling to let go.

And Remnant has its own dangers all native to itself.
Chapter One
My name was Mukuro Ikusaba, but now I'm not so sure.

I think… I died. I can't be sure of anything from my past life. I'm not even sure it's me. I think I had a sister I loved dearly once too. But it's all so foggy. I'm stuck in a black space with someone else. They don't talk. Neither of us can actually. I can't really move either but it's not… unpleasant. It's rather… nostalgic. A fog settles over my mind over time. I can't even remember what time is or felt like or how long I've been here… things just turn to nothing but… I have to be stronger than this. My Name is Mukuro Ikusaba. I can be sure of that, right?

My name is… Mukuro Ikusaba…

My name is Mukuro Iku… Iku..?

My name is Mukur… M-muk?

My… my name is-

The girl didn't know her name, which was mostly fine, as she was only a few months old. She heard her mother call her Ianthe, and over time she'd know it as her name. She shared her crib with her sister. She didn't know her name at the time either, but her name was Pyrrha, like what their mom would tell her.

Ianthe was confused though, but she was just a baby after all. She looked at her sister, a part of her trying to figure out what was wrong. She felt warm and safe and Pyrrha looked back at her. Her eyes were… different. Ianthe couldn't comprehend why it felt like that, but it wasn't a bad one. Her sister's eyes were bright green, and her red hair was… distracting to her young mind. It held her attention until sleep overcame her again.

*Five Years later*

"Pyrrha, Ianthe already cleared her plate."

I didn't look my twin in the eyes. It was weird to call us twins, given we might look a lot alike, but our hair and eyes set us apart. And her twinkling, pretty green eyes were looking at me for help.

"But Pyrrha doesn't wanna mom."

Mom sighed. "Ianthe, sweetie, don't encourage her."

I bowed my head, and Pyrrha still ate her vegetables. Just another day in my house. We're good girls, or at least we try to be and Mom loved us. She just doesn't cook veggies the way Pyrrha likes em. I dunno what's wrong with them though; they're okay.

"Iantha eats anything." Pyrrha replied with a pout as she started with Broccoli. She's right; everything tastes good when I'm hungry. I dunno why Pyrrha doesn't like it; she wants to get bigger and stronger, doesn't she? Does it have to taste good?

"There, see? Now it's finished." Mom said petting Pyrrha's hair before taking her plate. When she went to the kitchen, she looked at me and said, "Sorry."

"For what?"

Pyrrha looked confused. "I said you eat everything?"

"So? It's true."

My sister looked closely at me for a moment. "You don't think I was being mean?"

Pyrrha was silly sometimes; she thought everything she did could hurt me. But she'd never hurt me on purpose. It was weird to think she thought she could do so accidentally when… well she was my sister. "It was just a joke. And it's true."

Pyrrha seemed to cheer up a bit. "Why don't you like Mom's veggies anyways?"

"She overcooks them. They're all mushy and stuff." Pyrrha stood up and I followed. We lived in a very big house; The Nikos family is old, mom says. Dad talks to us a lot when he's home; we have pictures of us all together on the wall leading up to our rooms upstairs. I stopped to look at the family picture with all of us; my dad and I looked a lot alike with dark hair, gray eyes, but Mom and Pyrrha have bright red hair and colorful eyes.

People didn't believe us sometimes when I said we were twins, but we had the same face; she didn't have my freckles though. Mom says that what makes us different is what makes us each special. I smile a bit at the picture before joining my sister upstairs so we can play together.


*Eight Years later*

My sister and I stood against one another, the announcer talking about the drama of us benign set one another. I didn't get it at the time if i was honest; to me it's…. Well, a test of skill. There was no shame in victory or defeat. I wanted Pyrrha to win, and she wanted me to win, and it would be shameful to both of us if we didn't put in all our effort. The crowd liked Pyrrha more, though my sister was humble even when we are children. All eyes were on her, because she had a natural charisma I never possessed.

I got interest from the crowds for one simple reason: I was good at this. It wasn't flashy, but I managed to get this far with a perfect record. Pyrrha used her Semblance to do the same, I knew, but for me… everyone else was just a fraction too slow. I don't know how to explain it better; I'm not sure if it was my semblance, or if it was just talent. (I ruled out luck, luck doesn't make perfect)… one that was about to be put to the test.

Our Arena was one converted from the old Mistrali Renaissance before the Great War. It still had many of the old designs from the gladiator games once held here; the lard stands for the audience to stare down at, a pool of water to mark the out of bounds area that surrounded the arena which were still made of the yellow-ish, well-maintained stone. Of course, modern amenities were there; holo-screens, vendors in the stands, and spots for cameras to attempt to assure no cheating (Semblances being what they were, it wasn't always reliable). It seemed almost a shame to do it, but in another way, it allowed the arena to still be used for it's purpose. At least, that's how it was sold to the audience, and the controversy was quickly silenced by Tourney itself.

I bowed to my sister, and she bowed back. Taking our places in the Area. Her weapons, Milo and Akoulo suited her. My own were my shield and spear, Koita and Vlepo. My weapons bore similarity to my sisters; after all it was a family tradition, though I tried to 'modernize' it; Pyrrha chose a rifle, a javelin and a xiphos. Her own panoply suited her.

Koita was a shield, yes, but it was wider, strapped to my arm, just a bit wider than Pyrrha's. Vlepo was larger than its counterpart, but that was because my choice of rifle was made for range. It made it weightier, which had advantages to be sure in some scenarios, but against Pyrrha's semblance…


The crowd was eager to see the two unexpected newcomers, sisters at that, fight over the title of the regional champion. For us it was a sparring match with higher stakes, such as they were. I didn't care about the title or the money, and I knew Pyrrha didn't either. What we wanted was…

A Challenge.

Pyrrha made the first move, but my shield was up to intercept, sparks flying as metal hit metal, Milo moving to my left as I countered. Pyrrha of course knew this would happen, and I felt Vlepo forced away even as I struggled to make a strike against her. In a moment from that clash, both of us were unharmed… but it had cost Pyrrha just a bit of Aura.

To make this challenging… I needed to push her endurance, and she needed to wear down my own. A battle of attrition on the surface might seem boring, but to be in one allows you to appreciate the intricacy of the exchange. Managing my own resources against Pyrrha's became paramount in my mind. That was my opportunity for victory, the question was how to get there.

I decided to remain on the defensive, to encourage Pyrrha to waste her energy. I wasn't sure if she noticed it herself, but Pyrrha seemed to be more than happy to aid me. Pyrrha fought wonderfully, trying to find any flaw in my defense, from every angle she could try. Her own attempts at getting past my guard were quick, but I was quicker.

Time seemed to slow down for me as I kept moving or blocking with my shield, taking care when I could to exploit the brief moments of her going for another attack to make my own. I wasn't sure what her strategy was if i was honest; she had to have had some idea of trying to win, and we both knew one another too well.

To outsiders, it must have looked like Pyrrha controlled the movement as she seemed to push me along and further back. It couldn't have been further than the truth however as in reality I had the defensive advantage. I only moved when absolutely necessary for my defense; every bit of energy mattered. Vlepo's other form was too clunky to bring out, and Pyrrha knew her accuracy against me would suffer in Milo's rifle form. It was like a battle out of ancient antiquity.

But of course, and what I failed to comprehend at the moment, it was not. My mind focused on this as a battle, but it was still a competition and there were other ways to lose. Pyrrha didn't control the movement of battle, but she did know her sister.

What happened next was mostly an accident. I don't blame Pyrrha for what happened next, because she earned the win because of a small mistake I had made…

Dodging another blow from Pyrrha and repairing my reply, I realized I had lost my footing, going over the line and falling into the pool beneath us. I smiled, honestly as I saw my mistake and looked to my sister who was already in motion for another blow to push me in… but then… then the spear struck and-
-they all struck me at once. Impaling me in front of everyone. My face was frozen in a bizarre expression as I tried to rationalize it in the small amount of time I had.

"H-Huh? This wasn't...supposed to..."

It wasn't supposed to happen.

Junko would have never… No, no… she would.

To give me despair…

I had been hurt before, but never on the battlefield… Junko Enoshima, my beloved sister, wanted to… give me a gift? Was this for her own sake? She had finally succeeded…

So why did it feel so… empty?

My blood ran down from the wounds as the Spears of Gungnir pierced me. Was it always so pink? The others stared at me as my body began to cool and my struggling lungs and heart began to slow. I caught the eyes of my classmates, or at least those that lived at the moment, Makoto was horrified as were the rest…

Those moments I spent with them… They didn't know who I was. They thought I was Junko…

Makoto… My heart stopped when I realized he would never know me. I would just be a corpse. I would never have another moment, a chance to speak, to fight… every possibility would end in a moment.

Junko… is this Despair?

I would never understand how she loved this feeling. And yet, if it made her happy, I embraced it with my last breath but… it still felt wrong.


I blinked. There was no blood, only a strike even Pyrrha knew I should have dodged. I fell over the edge. Where am I?

As I hit the water I almost panicked before I realized I wasn't skewered. I wasn't in some school meeting, there wasn't a bear… that uncanny stuff animal.

I came up for air soon after, my mind still spinning in confusion.

"The winner is Pyrrha Nikos! Congratulations!"

The cheers of the crowd didn't help my mood as Pyrrha extended her hand to help me up. I paused as a rogue flash of a blonde girl with a sadistic grin offered her hand in my sister's place… and I hesitated for a moment before shaking it off.

"Is everything okay?"

I looked down and my right hand, there wasn't a tattoo there… but why would there be? I looked at my sister for a moment and just smiled to try and mask my concern… She saw through me. Why wouldn't she? But the crowd did. "Congratulations Pyrrha."


I turned to my sister; concern clear in her eyes. That memory of this 'Junko'... I knew she would never look at me like that. Pyrrha put her hand on my shoulder and it made me pause as I struggled to figure out just what to say.

"Yes?" Oh good job Ianthe, I thought bitterly. You're just delaying the ACTUAL question!

Pyrrha frowned. "What happened? I've never seen you think this…"

"I'm still not sure… have you ever had a memory of something you know didn't happen?"

Pyrrha of course didn't understand… and so I tried to continue it. "I-it was that, mostly, I think. I just had this weird day dream of… of…" I didn't believe it. A day dream? Really? I was just digging myself deeper. "I-it doesn't matter. You won."

Pyrrha's hand slipped. "Ianthe please this isn't like you. I'm worried."

Pyrrha wasn't that girl. She wasn't Junko, she was as far from Junko as she could get. I had only gotten a brief glimpse but given she killed me, and Pyrrha was…

She was my sister. "... I had a vision."


*a week later*

I only got more context since Pyrrha won. I… saw myself as Mukuro Ikusaba, a student of Hope's Peak Academy. I recalled that last week of life she had, but at the time it was just weird visions who's only context was the last one. Mukuro spent her last days pretending to be her sister, lying to her friends trapped in a normal school.

All part of a plot to get them killed.

I kept myself to my room since then, only coming out to eat and… pretend that nothing happened. It was easy with Pyrrha's victory, and already talks about her entering next year. They started calling her the Invincible Girl, which hopefully wouldn't catch on. My own victories were, thankfully overshadowed by Pyrrha… She was always the more notable of the two of us.
Like Junko, I had thought but it made my stomach turn… in the visions, I loved her like a sister but when I reminded myself it was just nothing reality came back…

At first, I told her it was nothing, but she knew me too well. There was little you could hide from someone who knew you all your life and developed right next to you. Our mother did her best, but it was easy to slip away from her grasp. Not Pyrrha; while the rewards for the first regional were set in stone and she and I were interviewed… she knew. I think it only took me three days before I just confessed. I wasn't sure if it was from the weight of the memories or my own guilt.

Our family, the Nikos family, wasn't religious to any extent. We kept the words and saying up, believed in a general concept and we were spiritual, if not completely concrete in exactly what we believed. Aura and Semblances were expressions of the soul, having a soul was an accepted fact of life for us, so when I heard Pyrrha's suggestion of who Mukuro Ikusaba could be, I was skeptical but… I couldn't argue against it.

We were in my room, a spare little space with my bed to one corner, a desk in the other, and a bookshelf that housed books on the Great War, and next to the desk was a cheap screen I sometimes used to play games. Really, the room wasn't much, and I didn't want much…

"A past life?" I whispered.

Pyrrha frowned, putting a hand behind her head. "It's the best I can come up with. Mukuro died, right? And that's her last memory…"

I slowly moved to look Pyrrha in her eyes. They were genuine, lit with concern that a part of me wondered if she was planning something but no, she's my sister. "I thought once you crossed the river Lethe, you forgot everything so… why me?"

It was a mercy, I think, to not remember your past life; to not be burdened with the thoughts of someone else, of their family and friends, of a life that wasn't yours… In our family tradition, it was said that souls passed on through the river, to emerge pure and clean of the past…
"Maybe it's just your Semblance?"

"Mukuro didn't have one… She had a Talent." Mukuro's memories told me that much… though I'm not sure how "Luck" counts as a talent. "It's complicated to explain. I don't think they were on Remnant."

Pyrrha frowned. "W-well… Maybe it's broader than we thought…"

I looked back at my desk. Soon, we'd head back to Signal… soon, I'd have to pretend nothing happened. I hated it. I didn't have many friends, but the few people who knew might have seen something different. I could see her face in the reflection instead of my own; the same eyes and hair, but none of the marks of my mother and father. The same freckles, even in the same pattern, but on an ever so different face. "It doesn't matter, You're still Ianthe." Pyrrha insisted.

I stared at Mukuro's face and thought aloud. "... Mukuro wasn't a good person." I was never sure how to explain it to her more than that. How do you describe that experience? Of remembering in perfect clarity that you plotted with a monster to murder innocent people? And it would only get worse and worse as I got more information… and yet we were still a lot alike.

How much of me is even me? How much of me is Mukuro? "I'm not even sure if that's true. Pyrrha it's like… staring at a mirror, but it's wrong."

"I-I've been trying to read on it, and it doesn't matter who your past life was," Pyrrha insisted, almost pleading really. Why did this have to happen? Why… "What matters is your current one…" Pyrrha frowned looking at her own reflection as I could see us again. Ianthe and Pyrrha… I had started to tear up and she whipped them from my face. "It's scary I know..I-I'm sorry…"

"For what?"

Pyrrha seemed surprised but just turned me around and gave me a hug. "You'll always be my sister, and I'll always love you."

I embraced her…

I didn't deserve a sister like her.


*Three Years Later*

"Vale is pretty far away." I noted.

Pyrrha nodded. "I thought it would be for the best. It's not as far as Shade, and less of a chance of someone recognizing me if they're from Mistral or Atlas. Plus I wouldn't get in your way at Atlas."

"A-about Atlas…" I began. "I'm reconsidering…"

Pyrrha blinked. "You are? But you've been talking about Atlas for a while."

I had… I would have loved to join up, pursue a career in being a military huntress and yet that's what SHE would want, right? "I'm not sure if it'd be healthy given my… situation."

Pyrrha frowned. "Ianthe, you should follow your heart on this…."

"'Ultimate soldier', that was her talent… and its mine." It had to have some influence… It took her sister to give her a scar. Mukuro was a killer. Junko's tamed wolf… I didn't want to be like her as Ianthe. No, i-i'm Ianthe. Brothers, it was confusing. "I can't trust my heart as much as you can."

"I think you should go to Atlas… but I won't stop you." Pyrrha replied. "Even Beacon, if you want."

I shook my head. "It's better if you go to Beacon alone. I'd only slow you down."

"Bold words from the 'ultimate soldier'," Pyrrha said. "You're not a burden, Ianthe… if you want to come with me i… I'd understand."
"Pyrrha, you deserve your chance to get away from all of this." I replied quickly. "... We have to be our own people."

Our eyes met, and we both started to smile a bit as I looked back to the papers on the table. I decided to fill up the applications to everyone aside from Beacon… and I waited on it… I saw Mukuro's face in the mirror again. It bothered me, but I wasn't going to let her control my life. My right-hand itches ever so slightly and she vanishes again.


Our mother embraced us tightly before we left.

"Stay safe Ianthe." Pyrrha said with a smile.

"You too…" I took a breath, trying to control myself. This was it; my future, such as it was, would be coming soon.

Mukuro's memories couldn't dull the feeling of anxiousness, but for a moment, I could just pretend she was a nightmare. Pyrrha would go to Beacon, and I would see her again at the Vytal Festival.

"You'll both do fine." Mom insisted with a smile. "We're proud of the both of you, no matter what happens."

My flight would be shorter, so I watched Pyrrha leave with some trepidation before taking a deep breath. No matter what happens, no matter Mukuro or Hope's Peak or whatever Tragedy, our destinies on Remnant awaited us, whatever they would be.
Chapter Two
It wasn't a long flight by any means, and that was a relief… a part of me still ached for Atlas, picturing the cold, the high technology,... but She'd have liked that, wouldn't she? I couldn't repeat her mistakes. Of course, I wasn't sure where one could find a group of mercenaries that would allow someone my age (much less a child) to join so that was an apparent step I couldn't repeat. Mukuro's world was an odd one; no Grimm, just people with Talents… and Junko Enoshima.

I still wasn't sure why they had two different last names, but I only knew so much, and dwelling on her last three years of life wasn't pleasant, and yet, I would experience them whether I liked it or not. I didn't even have the dignity of my own self when it happened, I'd simply become Mukuro again, walking down a fated path to being skewered.

My thoughts were more distracting to me on my trip than anything they could offer; it wasn't very far to Haven by plane so it wasn't as if fiddling with my Scroll or the media player would do anything for long, just leaving me alone to my thoughts. Ruminating on my soul's bloody past… well, not always.

There was something about Mukuro my mind kept thinking about, interacting with a boy, a Makoto Naegi. It wasn't that she didn't like her other friends; she had a crush… it was too human for her, to undercut by her lying to him and her friends. Nothing could stop Junko's hound once she had given her orders…

The worst part about that is that I could only guess if they survived.

Luckily, I don't think something like a Killing Game could happen at a Huntsmen Academy…

For a moment, just the briefest of moments I thought I saw Junko in the reflection of the flight-screen snickering… of course, it returned to me soon after. Probably just my nerves…


Luxury was something I could live without. Me and my past life were both people who really didn't require much to be comfortable in our surroundings. So, Haven was very odd to me; everything was grand to the point I could have thought it was a resort. The beds were immaculately made, the rooms were decorated with landscape paintings of the Mistrali wilderness, polished wooden floors and lamps and tables made to look nice while being functional.

It was the sort of… overdecoration that made me uncomfortable. My family had wealth, but we didn't go this far. Still, this is the life I chose…

My future peers and I stood around, awaiting our headmaster to greet us. Lionheart was supposedly a controversial figure to some; something about him having connections in high places? I wasn't particularly political, but it was easy to think it was just because he was a faunus. Still, as Headmasters went, he was apparently very lenient and kind. He didn't keep us waiting long; he was there in his best dress, well-groomed and smiling.

He wasn't James Ironwood, by any means, but as he took his place, I could see what they meant; he had kind eyes, a nervous, apologetic disposition and a smile. "Welcome to Haven!" He began. "I am happy to see so many of you have come this year. All of you will face trials here; your minds, bodies and your very souls will be tested and by the end of your time here, and I hope you have grown into the person you wish to be."

He paused for what I presumed was for dramatic effect. "Tomorrow will be your first trial. Many of you are experienced with violence, but Haven is not a place for brutes, it is a place of Wisdom and Knowledge. Trust that, and you will be able to pass."

It was likely some sort of puzzle or mystery of some sort. Atlas, from everything I've read, seemed to try and turn its teams into a cohesive unit quickly, judging from displayed abilities and their transcripts. Shade was survival in the desert, dangerous enough but it displayed their values. I could have done it… And so could Mukuro. Vale, from what I understood was a combination of the two; go into the forest, bring back some sort of symbolic thing. the object ranges from tarot-cards, chess pieces, etc.

I wondered briefly what sort of puzzle it could be. My only real skills were those I'd train, the ones I shared with my past life and an interest in military history (which ultimately just became Atlesian after the Great War.) I didn't consider myself to be 'wise' but I could do it. "I'm sure you're all eager to meet with your possible future teammates, but many of you have traveled from the other kingdoms and need your rest."

He gestured to his left. "Your temporary rooms will be there. Please take care as some of your upperclassmen may have left something. You will have your own dorms by tomorrow. Best of luck!"

A girl next to me made a scoffing noise. "You'd think he'd be wise enough to know luck isn't real" she whispered before she looked at me. Her eyes were the color of amber, her hair black as a grimm's hide. "... Do I know you?"

"You may know my sister." I replied. She was slender, with a skin tone that was well-tanned, a natural one of someone who lived near a beach their whole life. At the mention of my sister she frowned, tilting her sunglasses to get a better look at me.

"Oh~ you must be that girl's sister! The resemblance is uncanny, but… it is a good contrast. You may call me Ambrosia Yarok." She extended her hand, and I took it. If she noticed me hesitating, she didn't show it.


"I hope we can work together in the future," She commented as she began to move past me, following the crowd. "I think it puts things in the best odds for the both of us."

"I thought you didn't believe in luck?"

She grinned. "Darling~," she said in a sing-song voice as we walked. "Did you think Pyrrha was 'lucky'? No, she's skilled. Luck is something people who lose believe in. You could call it bad luck that the odds weren't in your favor in that match of yours.. But it's more the result of things that can be logically determined."

"... I suppose I can see the logic."

"Of course, you can. Now there are semblances tied to that, but I think it's more… probability shifting ya see." She smiled, genuinely this time, I think. She might have ranted for a bit more, but she seemed satisfied with that.


"Hey, I know you!"

I was in line for food when I suddenly felt a massive muscular arm around my neck, their skin was darker from what I could tell. I didn't struggle but that didn't stop this person from trying to embrace me. "Ya remember me Ianthe?"

She let me go and I turned around to see… She was massive, that was the first thought that struck me and that sheer amount of muscle and mass she had. She was easily taller than me and thick… She smiled a bit, a tail flicking in the background of my vision. I let my guard down and she could have killed-

I took a breath, wracking my brain to think of who this was. "I-I think you were at the Mistral Regional?"

"Yep!" She moved her head to keep her white dreadlocks out of her face. I didn't know her name but If i recall she was my opponent before Pyrrha. "Ya didn't forget did ya? I was wonderin' where you went after that match. That was fun!"

"Personal business if it's all the same to you." I said, looking at the food before us… everything looked just a bit too fancy and this woman… She reminded me of some of the groups that lived outside the villages and cities. The sort of rough and tumble sort… the kind that didn't really seem to fit Haven.

Then again, I didn't think I fit either. "Oh, I getcha! Must be rough under Pyrrha's shadow… I can't believe she got that sponsorship… Oh!" She slapped her forehead. "Sorry, forgot to say my name's Viola!

"Pleasure to meet you again I suppose." I got my food quickly, just a salad as I didn't want to overeat, and it seemed to be the only healthy option. Viola however seemed to just be stacking as much meat as possible. Even the other huntsmen seemed to be rather confused as she just began to pile on steaks, pieces of pork, fish, and more to the point that the raw mass of the meat could be enough to make a new animal.

… Maybe I wasn't the weirdest person here. That was a relief.


I shot him. He would have killed me if I didn't.

I never was injured on the battlefield, but there was something about him that stuck with me. He wasn't that different really; he was about my age, pointing a gun that was poorly maintained, likely looted by one of the American units judging by it's design and the fact it jammed. That was what saved me, I think.

I didn't think much of it. A shot to the heart, and a second to the brain and he fell down, eyes wide open.

He stared at me with dimmed eyes. Junko took glee in this but I just shrugged it off. And yet, the idea i could have been on the other end of the barrel is a thought that stuck with me-

Mukuro's memories faded as I sat up in bed. I reasserted my identity; it wasn't me; I didn't kill him but his eyes…

Soft music was strummed and for just a moment the memory didn't hurt. I checked my scroll, and it was still a bit early in the morning. Still it… it comforted me.

I don't understand why you're upset. He would have killed me.

I grimaced as I saw Mukuro's face in the reflection of the scroll. I still wasn't sure why I could see her there, but she usually went away. Perhaps Pyrrha was right, and my Semblance was being able to remember this… this monster and the world she led to destruction. I wish I could talk to someone else…

She responded to questions: issue was, it was questions I asked subconsciously mostly. I tried to put her out of mind and followed the song. Something I did like about Haven was that the school was wealthy enough to have the dorms function as four separate rooms united to a main sort of common room. And it was there where I saw the musician herself. Her hair was the color of straw, and flowed to her shoulders, her eyes were closed, strumming the notes to a peaceful song.

There was something familiar about it, and her, and yet I couldn't think of what exactly it was. When the music stopped, she looked at me, startled. "H-hello." She whispered. "Sorry if I woke you."
"It's no problem… it's a nice song." I smiled genuinely.

"Ha, I-it's just something I've had in my head for a while." She admitted. "I-I'm Ramla. I just... Got nervous since today's the big day."

I glanced at the harp; now I had been a fan of the classical forms of weaponry, but Huntsmen were allowed to have… eccentric is the word I'm going to use, eccentric forms. It was clearly designed to be more than that. Perhaps a bow? I could practically see it shift into some form of compact bow, and it would have suited Ramla just fine. "With a bow like that," I replied. "I think you'll do fine."

"Oh wow you can do that too?" She forgot to whisper that one. "Oh no, you can't, how did you do it?"

"I'm no musician, but harps are usually something more… like that-" I pointed to the chair she sat on. "Something…. Well not having moving parts."

"I see. Uh…. What's your name?"

"I am Ianthe Nikos." I said, a bit too strongly, like I was trying to remind myself of the fact too. "You might have heard of my sister."

"You're related to the Pumpkin Pete girl?" She smiled a bit broadly. "Now that I see you better, I can see the resemblance."

"... I'm a bit sorry but… why did you mean by 'doing that too?"

Ramla laughed. "Oh, it's nothing. I got a really good sense of intuition~. Or maybe i'm psychic? Who knows?"


"You okay?"

She died before me. I-it made sense that if I made it here then so could she and yet a part of me just didn't… just didn't want to believe it. At least, if it was I hoped she remained ignorant of it "I-I'm fine."

"No you're not, did something happen? Was it something I said?"

"I-It's that you reminded me of an old friend." Friend… as if Mukuro would consider Sayaka that.

Then the thought hit me; Ramla could be my friend. "M-may I listen to you play then?"

Ramla just nodded and the music began to play again. I sat by her and just listened to the music, letting it guide me to sleep.


"-Once you enter the forest, your task will be to locate the Ruins and retrieve one of the masks from the trial room." Our headmaster instructed us on the goals of the mission. It turned out to be pretty similar to the rumored Beacon Initiation, but he seemed to have a test in mind.

Of course, the forests had Grimm. Everywhere on Remnant had grimm, but that would be fine; we used to hunt them for sport and training. It was a chore, more than anything, so the true test had to be some sort of test. We were also to be launched into the forest on round plates.

"Ramla, darling, would you mind switching plates with me?"

I turned my head to my left. Ambrosia seemed to be gently pushing her off. "Huh? W-what are you-'

"Trust me; I can tell you mine is really lucky." Ambrosia replied.


Ambrosia turned to look at me, past the other students. There was a glint in her eyes, and she gave me a smile. Luck isn't real to her so… why would she want to use Ramla's launch-pad? Headmaster Lionheart counted down and we all found ourselves in the air. All of us were about the same height and speed…

I wasn't paranoid but it bothered me… until the wind hit my face just as we began to descend. This might sound like a tangent but both i and Mukuro understood ballistics; put simply most people only consider that there is the force applied to the projectile and how far it can travel, but at further distances, you need to take into account your environment, elevation and wind resistance.

When you need to take a shot, need it to land, and most importantly have the time too, it's easy to do the calculations… The same principles applied to any form of long-distance projectiles, like US.

I landed with some form of grace; using the recoil of Vlepo to change my position. A necessary use of ammunition to slow myself down as I feel into the forest. It was a bit of a shame as the smell of gunpowder almost overwhelmed the natural scent of the place. Mukuro held no appreciation for where she fought… I couldn't be that careless.

Behind you.

Her voice got me to jump, I turned to see a whip wrap around uselessly on the floor as Ambrosia's eyes met mine for just a moment, but that's all she needed for her to be my partner.

"So that's what you were doing…"

"Guilty as charged." She replied with a big smile that just seemed so fake at the moment. "It was nothing personal you understand."

I sighed and turned my body away from her as I tried to get my bearings. I'd be able to find the ruins in time. "It's not off to a good start when you cheat Ramla out of it."

"Darling, if you think that's me cheating, then you haven't paid attention." She was next to me in a moment, tapping on the side of her head. "My Semblance isn't particularly flashy; it lets me calculate the odds of anything I set my mind to. You give me the best odds of success, and that Launch Pad had the best chances of making you my partner."

She walked past me. "Now come along Ianthe. I'd like to get back before noon."

"You're going the wrong way."

Ambrosia turned her head, frowning and tilting her glasses down. I began my walk to our destination. "How do-"

"I have a Talent for it." I smiled. "Don't worry, I'll help you get it down… eventually."

A cold wind bellowed past us as we began to walk. It wasn't the chill of Atlas I still dreamed of in my heart… but it would do. The forest around us was oddly still, only the sound of birds and falling leaves. It would be a shame if it was broken, and so I just lead my new 'partner' to our destination.

Ambrosia and I didn't talk much. It wasn't… technically cheating but still. Ramla… if she was Sayaka once, then… then… Well, I suppose it didn't matter now. Ambrosia was rather tight-lipped, and I never liked speaking if I didn't have to. She carried herself like a noble woman from those old romance movies Pyrrha used to make me watch (they were of varying quality, but if Pyrrha was happy so was I). Her weapon was a whip that became a sword that she innocently called "Sweet Caroline"

"It's a bit old fashioned." I said aloud. "'Sweet Caroline' I mean."

"Life is a lot more fun up-close and personal." Ambrosia replied with a purr. "That's when the odds get to be fun."

"I thought you'd be the type of person who didn't like risk."

"Oh, you misunderstood darling; I like risks. You know what your odds are for getting me through Haven are? 64%, that's a 36% chance you get me killed or expelled as of right now." She frowned. "I hate Luck, because statistics aren't 'luck', they're math. They're the consequences of everything that happened before. Observable, repeatable… some call it 'gravity' or 'destiny' you might say. But Luck just implies this messy little thing that the most unlikely of things can happen. Does that make sense?"

"For now, I suppose." I frowned. "You still used it to get Ramla's launch-pad."

"I speak from personal experience when I say this; trust given to strangers without weighing out the odds is bad." She shrugged. "She's far too trusting. You'd think that the Idol Industry would have taught her better."

"Trust is the entire point of this, isn't it?"

"So history tells us. I don't like making promises and trust is always in short supply; just look at the faunus, or our headmaster. Words are just spit in the wind, and laws just ink on paper; the gravity of the past makes all of them suspect." She smirked. "And of course, if those rumors about Ozpin fixing Lionheart to his position are true-"

I sighed. "I will judge him on merit rather than trust a conspiracy theory thank you."

"Chances of it being true aren't zero. And better than forty percent…" She laughed, that annoying "Oh ho ho!" Type one at that. "You shouldn't bet on bad odds, unless you're masochistic in which case I think this conversation should go down a different route."


"Nothing darling!"

This was going to be a rough school year, wasn't it? I hope Pyrrha's was going better. This had been the longest we had been separated in a long time…

"... You'd think the temple would be visible by now." Ambrosia mused. "Also, there might be a Grimm attack in the next few moments."

"What makes-"

Two roars in the distance caught our attention. One was a person's, female judging from the sound but it wasn't out of fear. The other…. My least favorite type of grimm; Ursa. "Odds of us coming out of that without losing time?"

"85%." Ambrosia smiled, Sweet Caroline let go from her belt. "It's a chore of course, but we should try to enjoy it~"

"Enjoy it if you can, but i'd rather my classmates don't die." I said as a sort of a threat, but I smiled just a bit as we rushed to battle.
Chapter Three
You could tell a lot by someone by how they fight; crafty people like Ambrosia duck and weave and get low blows. Ranged combatants like Ramla were smart, but shy, trying not to get attention unless they wanted it.

Viola was currently wrestling an Ursa; Her arms almost as thick as the Grimm's; one arm holding what would have been a paw mid swipe, her kegs pinning the monster's to the floor, while she battered aside the beast's right away. Her weapon was a gauntlet in the shape of a Lion's Maw, and she pointed it right at the Monster's head. It let out ... metal ball? Whatever it was, it crushed the grimm's head. And I believe that summed her up quite well.

It crumpled into ethereal nothingness soon after. Good thing too. I hated Ursa; I think Junko tormented Mukuro enough with black-and-white bears for three lifetimes. The ball bounced from the floor and back into the Lion's Maw. "Man, that felt good! You okay Ramla?"

She noticed us at that moment. She seemed almost embarrassed for just a moment. Ramla still held her harp, but she smiled as she went over to her partner. "I'm fine! I don't think I've ever seen someone wrestle an Ursa."

"I've heard that's popular in Atlas." Ambrosia commented cheerfully. Ramla frowned as she saw us, but if she had any thoughts about Ambrosia she didn't say it. Honestly, I didn't blame her… maybe she thought Ambrosia was just wrong?

Ramla and Viola… loud and boisterous and quiet and gentle. Well, there were worse partners I supposed. At the very least, Ambrosia let me know the odds. "Alright, we should hurry to the Temple."


"You didn't see it coming in, Ramla?" Ambrosia teased.

"Neither did you." I replied, rolling my eyes. "Be nice Ambrosia. They might be on our team by the end of the day."

Ramla smiled. "Y-Yeah, not smart to be making enemies before, ya know?"

Viola stretched… it caught my attention mostly as her weapon began to shift into a series of rings around her right arm. "If you have to make enemies, make'em with someone worthwhile. Not someone who could be a friend, especially against the grimm."
People assume those who fight up close are either sadists, masochists, or brutes… some combination of the above was usually the case, but people like Viola simply had a preference and they were good at it… It was shocking to me that some of the nicest people were skilled opponents.

"There are still grimm in these woods. Our priority should be getting to the temple and retrieving the masks." I said. "We don't need that many delays."

"So does that make us a team?" Ramla asked.

"I guess for now right? We do this, THEN the teams are assigned? At least we got partners for that." Viola said with a shrug. I looked to Ramla, who seemed happy enough to have Viola by her side.

Well… at least Ramla had that. A part of me hoped to be by her side in some way… i-it wouldn't be atonement, I'd think, but it would be something. I hoped the emotion didn't show on my face as I turned. "It's this way. Keep your guard up."

"Maybe a tune to lift our spirits?"

"I don't know many good songs on the harp to travel to." Ambrosia commented.

"Yeah, that stuff's nice and calming, right?" Viola asked. "Still… maybe it would help to cool down with it…"

And Ramla played on, letting the harp speak for her. It was lovely, the notes were nostalgic. She…. She had to be Sayaka…

Well, she was as much of Sayaka as I was Mukuro.


Unfortunately for us, we were among the first people to get in, but there were grimm waiting for us. The lumbering forms of Boartusks, mimicking what should have been natural animals… None of them were very big, but there was one for each of us. There was just something about them however that set the mind into fear or anger.

In my studying I've found that this repulsion was commonly felt by many people; these things were uncanny, something that simply shouldn't be in the world. Soulless monsters with nothing there at all. Monsters that existed only to kill and be slain… the only enemy truly worth fighting, as our family's teachings had placed them.

Of course, with Mukuro's memories, they simply looked more incompatible. Humans were crueler, worse in many ways, as we had a choice.

"Up up up! Viola, stand still." Ambrosia chided. "We should succeed but we wouldn't want you tiring out, would we?"

"From range?"

"Ammunition will be a problem and Viola and I need to be closer."

The boartusks noticed us then. "Ramla, keep them off of us, Viola, Ambrosia, with me!"

Boartusks are interesting Grimm; never the smartest, but they cause trouble just as well. People underestimate Boars, just see them as pigs, but they are vicious animals and will kill if they have to. Boartusks took that nature and used it, charging at us with fury. Weapons in hand, it should be easy.

Fighting the grimm wasn't something me or my sister excelled at; we both agreed that fighting the Grimm was a duty, but fighting other people? That was fun. There was still artistry… And then Mukuro came to my attention, and I knew why.

It was a rush of a plan, but one that seemed to be the best course of action for just basic grimm. I gored one on its side with Vlepo, but not far enough to do anything but make it angry. It squealed in rage and snorted as it swayed its head to where I had moved.

"THAT THE BEST YOU GOT YOU?!" Viola yelled as she tossed the smaller of the two, she was dealing with and beamed the other with her cannon shot. She smiled in glee as it looked dazed, kicking it hard before I heard the sound of music.

Fats, energetic strumming as the one that was tossed up was met with a pale, ghostly figure of a Nevermore. I turned as I struck again, deeper into the Boartusk's head to make sure it went down.

You're fighting in-tune with the music…

Ambrosia Paused as she seemed to do a pirouette to leap over her boartusk, before uniting with the White nevermore to strike it down. We blinked before turning as we saw Ramla play a peaceful tune and the white Nevermore landed on her harp… oddly at beast before fading.

"Sorry about that… That's my Semblance." She stopped playing, smiling.

"Did we have to be brought into it?" I asked. "Seems like mind control…."

Ramla shook her head. "Everything runs on a rhythm, it just sinks ours together and allows me to coordinate our 'allies'. Sorry it's just… well…" She smiled. "It's fun right?"

I smiled. "It's alright… I understand. So… that's why you carry an instrument as your weapon?"
From time immemorial, before we had radios, the sounds of trumpets and drums had equal sway over coordination as human voice. It was an oft overlooked part of war, but I always felt it captured that old romance you so often saw in the war. The grim reality of war was so easy to cover up…

"Have to have something to play…" Ramla agreed. "I could probably do it with any instrument but it's my talent with a harp, being classically trained and all."

Ambrosia rolled her eyes "Nice talk but c'mon, let's get inside." she gestured to the door, Viola already moving the stone slabs for us and anyone else.

"You got to rant about your semblance, so does she." I replied before I entered the temple.

"What does she mean?" Viola asked, but I think Ambrosia just made a small hissing sound as they followed.


The outskirts of the temple had hidden the modernization within. Lights flickered on as we walked inside, the floor lit up and almost guided us to the displays… The illusion broke pretty quickly, to my disappointment.

"Can't even stay on theme." Ramla muttered.

"I agree I was hoping for something more… mystical." Ambrosia added. "Is it really a ruin if it's innards look fine?"

We walked around through the hall until we came across a set of six doors. Over each was what trial they signified, Trust, Courage, Valor, Wisdom, Intelligence, or Honesty. "So… I assume in each there is a mask." I spoke. "Ambrosia, which room do you think gives us the best odds? And be honest with the four of us."

Ambrosia huffed. "Well Ianthe, apparently trust is right out, so I would say Viola and Ramla go to Valor. And We do Honesty."

I studied her for a moment. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I'm not sure how I feel about you yet." I said carefully. "But… if we're going to work together, I need to show you I can be trusted, and you have to do the same… So." I pointed to the trust door. "We will do this one."

I opened the door only to see the Mask's case, a black box sitting in the center of the room with two round holes, wide enough for even Viola's arms. Ambrosia stepped in as well, and I heard Ramla gasp as the door closed shut behind us. "Alright… I can do this."

Ambrosia looked at me with hard eyes. "So, you don't trust me?"

"You did lie to Ramla."

"I did… but again, it's all about the odds. I'll prove it to you." She showed me her arm. "Now, watch me." She stuck her arm in the right slot… and then we heard the 'click'. Ambrosia blinked and tried to yank her hand out. "H-hey! What kind of game is this?!"

I smiled. "Well, you trusted it to be simple it seems; It's obvious we both have to get stuck and then… Well, work together to grab the mask."

After a moment of hesitation, I stuck my own arm in the other side and felt what would have been metal cuffs hold my arm in place and began to feel around, brushing up against Ambrosia's hand a few times before we both made out the face of the mask.

"So… Now what? I don't think it fits out the hole."

She paused. "Oh… oh I see… that's clever."


"You've ever gotten one of those old Finger-Traps? It's like that; we have to lift it up and then push it further." She smiled. "See? My semblance is helpful."

"I never said it wasn't but… okay." We lifted it together and the locks unclicked. We both tugged but… I let Ambrosia take out. The Mask looked like the classical drama mask, though instead of being hopefully happy or in sorrowful despair, it was neutral.

"... You know I'm starting to think this wasn't the best way to show trust." I said with a bit of a smile.

"Oh ho ho! Well like I said… I'm not sure about Lionheart. Personally, I think he just came up with the idea for the puzzle first."

"67% sure?"

"Oh, more than that." Ambrosia laughed. The stone door behind us grinded against the floor as it opened. "I'm not sure if you do trust me yet though."

"Well… we both did it, together so… for now I'll trust you, partner."

"Sounds like you still don't but… Alright. I'll take it for now." Ambrosia sighed. ".. Admittedly I didn't give you the best first impression, but I'll show you."

I smiled as we both walked back into the hall, Ramla and Viola stumbling into the hall as well. "... W-well that was weird." Ramla said, looking a bit tired.

"... Yeah uh… l-let's just go." Viola said, huffing a bit. "Who thought it was a good idea to put a freaking LANCER NEST IN A SMALL ROOM!?"

Ambrosia paused. "I-it wasn't intentional I swear! I-it was just suited to you… you both lived!"

Ramla smiled nervously. "I'm beginning to think you're kinda shady…"

"Alright, well… all we have to do is get back, right?"

As we talked, and talked, we passed the other teams who had just gotten there seemingly surprised we got here so fast. I remember a faunus with a monkey tail waved and asked us for advice but… my mind was elsewhere. Ambrosia and Ramla… I'd have prefered Ramla, if I was honest, to make up for my-Mukuro! Mukuro's sins but Ambrosia seemed to genuinely want to prove herself.

I wondered how Pyrrha was going. She likely did it effortlessly, whatever Beacon's trial was. She'd know what to do, she'd probably be the leader of the team.

It was uneventful, going back to Haven. All of us were tired, and ready to be assigned our teams. Team SSSN (Sun… what were the odds of that?) was announced. The monkey Faunus being the leader with a big smile, though if I was honest i'm not sure why. It seemed like such a big responsibility to be a leader. The higher you climbed in the ranks the more responsibility you took, as you had people underneath you who relied on you…

And then it was my team's turn.

"Ianthe Nikos."

I blinked. I was… the Leader? I stood and moved to the stage, unused to the lights and the attention. The Screen had a profile shot of me, purple light with a white I.

"You have been chosen." Lionheart said with a smile. "To lead Team IVRY"

Viola Nemele Stood next to me, smiling proudly she stood next to me, then Ramla and then Ambrosia…. Well, it was only fair; we had gone through the trial together. I guess… I could continue to make it up to Sayaka this way, and Viola was nice, and simple… Ambrosia however…

"Congratulations to all of you."

There were cheers in the audience, and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was just so… unusual. Yet at the same time I admitted to myself it felt good… even if not deserved at all. I hoped Pyrrha was happy in Beacon; I hoped her team would make her smile and keep her company.

Soon, I'd see her again. At Vytal, and I'd do her the honor of fighting her again.


Makoto left, and I could drop the act, at least for a moment. He… did he know? No, he didn't. No one knew who I was. There were only 15 students.

A part of me wished it could last forever, but it wasn't meant to be. I went to Junko's room and locked the door. I could be myself again, with only Junko knowing… her plan was working so far, everyone was tense, waiting for someone to try and soon, someone would die, maybe tonight. If not, once Junko gave the order, someone would die.

I thought through my choices, and it was difficult to have a choice. I loved each one of them deeply, they were my friends. But Junko Enoshima… She is my sister.

So, I figured out who to kill pretty quickly; she had been a thorn in our side before, and her father would be happy to see her again… Kyoko Kigiri. Admittedly that might mean the game ended sooner, but it would also mean a threat to her plans was taken care of. If no one died tonight… she would have to do. I only wished that-

"NO! Dammit! I… I…"

I blinked, looking around the room I was… I wasn't in Hope's Peak. That wasn't me that was Mukuro that was Mukuro that… that was…

I had considered taking medication to stop the nightmares, but… But no, Mukuro is a part of my soul. My soul is a part of me. Still, it… it didn't help my nightmares. Mukuro Ikusaba… I hated her so much. I hated everything about her and yet I felt pity. An abused animal can still hurt someone, and sure, Junko Enoshima took the blame, but she could have stopped her… right?

Junko Enoshima… what would Mukuro have become, if not for her?

What would I be? Would I… Would I even be here? Would there be a world where Pyrrha was alone? A world where I didn't hold her back? A world where she could get everything she deserved? Why… Why wouldn't… Why couldn't I just have been someone else?

I had to clear my thoughts. I stepped out to the shared room between the four of us only to see the mirror at the end of the table. Mukuro looked back at me for a moment, then two.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know." She replied. "Maybe you're going crazy."

… I probably was. But I was the Leader of IVRY. I had to hide it, I had to-

"I need my beauty-" Ambrosia peered out of her room. "Ianthe? Who are you talking to?'

"Myself." I said truthfully. That Echo, that voice…Just my voice echoing back at me. "Sorry for waking you."

"You had a nightmare? Why? You didn't think you'd lose your hand, did you?" Ambrosia laughed a bit.

"I've been having nightmares for a while, It's fine." I needed to find a way to explain this to them but who'd believe me, and they weren't like Pyrrha. Pyrrha was kind, gentle and I… I wasn't sure they'd trust me. I wasn't crazy…. I wasn't…

Ambrosia's demeanor fell. "... What kind of nightmares?"

I took a breath. "Nothing I'd like to talk about right now. I just, I just… I should head back to sleep. We start classes tomorrow after all."

Ambrosia shook her head. "Alright… Alright. When you're ready we can talk but Ianthe Darling it's not healthy to hold that in." She smiled. "Besides, it just won't do for me to have my partner barely awake half the time."

I nodded. "Thank you."

Maybe this partnership wouldn't be too bad… I smiled a bit as I went back to my room and when I fell asleep again, even for just another few hours I knew that I would be alright.
Chapter Four
I never did like coffee, but after last night i decided to give it a try with my breakfast just to get the caffeine. I needed to face the nightmares, the memories… but I also had to face the day.

"I much prefer tea," Ambrosia commented though she added. "It's probably best to add more milk to it, along with some sugar."

Viola looked up from her breakfast. "That stuff doesn't help too much with being tired in all honestly… You haven't been sleeping well, have you?"

"I suppose I'm just a bit homesick." I replied.

"Already?" Ambrosia asked, and her concerned. "I thought you were just the type who didn't like sleeping away from home."

"That too." I added with a nervous smile. "A really bad combination, I'm sure."

In truth I could sleep anywhere… or I used to be able to at any rate. Another gift from Mukuro's life, and camping trips with father and Pyrrha. It didn't help me anymore with the nightmares, but falling asleep was never the problem, it was just how I woke up. "I should still be ready for classes. Haven expects much of us."

I had to maintain a lie,at least… for a bit. Gods, how do you even tell someone this? Pyrrha understood, she knew, she learned it with me but… could I even inflict this on Ramla…

The table seemed to accept the answer, but Ambrosia seemed unconvinced.

It was with mixed feelings that I went to combat class… I had to admit, I was far better at dealing with people in battle than the grimm. Humans and Faunus alike could be made predictable. Even Weaponry and the individuality of the warrior really didn't matter… what mattered was skill, knowledge of the area, and the small factors that could be a difference there…

Mukuro's talent was mine, we were…for all intents and purposes similar enough in that regard. A talent for following orders, for violence… for killing. It disturbed me already that people would still find excuses to fight and cause pain with the grimm on Remnant… but apparently, it was a part of the human condition to seek conflict.

Or maybe humans were always as destructive as they were creative. I hoped to avoid it but Huntsmen life made it unlikely I could go through a career without fighting a human. Bandits, of all things, were a thing… and they needed to be dealt with too.

But… It reminded me of Mukuro too much. So I sat down in the chair, and just tried to ignore people looking at me. Pyrrha's reputation followed me, though i had long lived in her shadow. She was always going to be a part of my life; the fame overshadowed me, allowed me to hide as just Pyrrha Nikos's sister. But the Name of Nikos had become broadly popular among the circles who enjoyed the Regionals… and Mistral was our home Kingdom, so of course they would know me.

Ambrosia took a seat next to me. "You look nervous."

"It's been a while since i've participated in something like this." I replied. "Outside of sparring with my sister."

"Well, you should be in your element here darling." she said with a smile, looking at some of the others and winking at one blue-haired boy who quickly looked away. "Most of them don't have it in their favor… actually, none of them in fact."

I closed my eyes and wondered how true that was. I wanted equals to fight. It would be boring if I simply couldn't lose.

Sakura Oogami was dangerous, and had a good chance of defeating me. There's also battles you simply cannot win.

My hand tightened ever so slightly before class began properly.


"-And when discipline broke down, the Battle of Argus was won, due to the surrender of the Colonial governor, giving a port for future movements into the Continent of Sanus as well as cutting off Mantlese support to the the Mistrali Mainland."

Our history professor paused. "V-very good…"

"... D-Did you really need to go so in depth with that?" Ramla asked. I nodded.

"The Grimm are in the details." I whispered back. "It's just… fun to look through them. You learn a lot from conflict. The little stories and the broader impact it has…" I smiled. "It's one of my favorite subjects."

"Oh, okay! I-I get it." She said quietly as she looked back to her notes.

"It's not weird, is it?"

Typically most people do not have an encyclopedia of World Wars in their head. Mukuro's voice noted.

Oddly Chatty today. I reflected back, and to that she remained silent. She should just remain like every other ghost, I thought.


We stood as class was dismissed. "Sorry I… Being part of the Nikos family you have to be careful what you say." I would never embarrass Pyrrha if I could help it… She deserved the world after all. Maintaining her reputation was something I knew she put no real care in; she just had to do it… but it served to be another shield. It kept me hidden from prying eyes. Living in her shadow was pleasant once you realized that being under a spotlight was uncomfortable. She had to be perfect, which for her wasn't hard, but it meant…

Ramla nodded. "Oh I get it… heh, we all have our quirks, right?"

Well, she could say that again. I just hoped my quirks could be worked with. I owed Sayaka that, didn't I? I can't believe I felt jealous of her… Sayaka was gone, Junko took everything from her…

I… I took everything from them.

"How is Haven for you so far?" I tried as hard as I could to keep the depressing thought out of my voice.

Ramla smiled as we both left… We had the same class next; Aura Studies. "It's different… but, fun. And you? It doesn't seem like Haven was your first choice."

"It wasn't but… Maybe I needed this."


I didn't expect to see Viola there. She didn't strike me as the intellectual type but she seemed excited.

Aura Studies was… a weird class. The Study of the Soul bridges a lot of concepts; theology, biology, and the very identity of a person. It was probably the closest thing to an elective offered at Huntsmen academies. I took it because of my condition; You learn a lot of things about the nature of the soul as Remnant understood it. My own family's beliefs in the Lethe still helped and… it was the best frame of reference.

"H-hey Viola, how's it going?" Ramla asked sweetly.

"It's been alright I guess. No one in the combat class wanted to tangle with me, so that's boring." She sounded almost disappointed, but she just shrugged. "So, why'd the two of you want to take a class like this?"

"I could ask you the same question." I replied.

"Fair 'nough" Viola replied. With a grin as more students came in, including some of the third-years. "My village taught me everything about the Old Ways of doing things before the Great War. I figured… well, to try to see if it's true or not…"

I nodded, setting down next to her. "Your village?"
She smiled, and for a moment she seemed oddly familiar. "It was our home before we moved to the city. It was basically a place devoted to it; not a lot of people respect their souls and Aura anymore. Most people ignore it, and even huntsmen seem to treat their Aura as a resource…" then she grinned. "Just doesn't seem right, ya know?"

I nodded, Ramla frowning. "People just… kind of take it for granted."

It was true… Pyrrha and I were taught it was a gift, something the gods gave to protect us from the grimm. To express your very soul against them as a weapon. Now… Remnant was becoming secular. Even as much as I admired Atlas for its discipline and focus on the military… I couldn't deny things were starting to get a bit more soulless.

Class started soon after but… maybe Viola had the right idea.


"This is the highest form of respect." I said carefully as we had a training room for ourselves… a small one, but workable, admittedly. I had my weapons back in my hands. "Ramla, Ambrosia, Me and Viola were fighters in the Regionals… What are we working with, with you two?"

Ambrosia frowned, seeming to try and find the right thing to say. "I picked up a few tricks. I handle grimm well enough."

"Archery practice since I was young." Ramla offered. "A-and foot-work i guess?"

"Heh, Dancin' is a lot like fighting. Good footwork will do ya good, partner, but I think what our leader is getting at is that between people, fighting is supposed to be an honorable thing. Faunus, Human… you treat 'em with respect."

"Respect in this case," I said with a smile. "Is that you understand they're a threat to you, and unlike the Grimm, they have souls. They have something on the line when they fight you… when you look at another person's eyes… you have to have that same respect."

Do you think I didn't have that? Mukuro's echo seemed almost offended.

"As huntresses, we need to be prepared for human targets, but that in itself demands respect. Do what you want with grimm but here, I expect honorable battle to build yourself into your ideal selves, as Huntsmen. Do you understand?"

Ambrosia raised her hand. "Ianthe, if you're going to fight people, shouldn't you fight a little unfair? I mean, if your life's on the line does it really matter?"

"Good question… Well, you should be pragmatic; honor doesn't mean fair, it's how you conduct yourself. The missions we take should be completed as close to the demands as possible, but we also have to deal with reality, and choose to make compromises. Grimm are easier to make compromises to fight; no one will care what you do with one… but a Faunus or Human opponent should be treated carefully."

"I see…"

Viola stretched and yawned, her tail beginning to swish. "So, are we doing this or what?"

"Why dont' you remind me of our fight first?" I smiled. "I'm sure Ramla and Ambrosia would appreciate watching."

Viola shrugged. "Do you two mind?"

"Oh of course not." Ambrosia smiled."Isn't that right Darling?"

"I… I mean my skill set isn't really good for this so…" Ramla frowned.

"Hey, don't sweat it." Viola laughed and winked, before patting me on the back. "Let's show 'em how Champions fight."

We took our places across from one another and bowed respectfully at one another, weapons drawn. I flourished and spun my spear around me and Viola got her Lion Gauntlet at the ready. Smiling and flexing a bit as she took her stance. "Let's go."

She leapt up grinning as she pointed its barrel at me. I moved, the Ball just barely missing my head and landed behind me as she took the opportunity to get closer with a Punch that my shield took. Her face was… oddly disciplined as I felt the position of the cannonball shift and memories flooded back to our first encounter.

She was younger, less muscular then… but cunning. I moved to avoid the ball as she caught it back int he gauntlet before using it to further push me back. "We doin' tourney rules or till Aura break?" She said casually. "Or to a percent? Probably should have started with that but-!" She brought both her arms down in a slam that seemed to shake the ground. "To be honest, I think I can do all of the above!"

She smiled. Though she seemed disappointed she couldn't land a hit on me. My mind seemed to find something… familiar about this, beyond our old match… it was as if…


I moved out of the way of another cannon shot, Ramla letting up an Eep as it almost landed 'out of bounds' before it seemed to bounce… it could be a semblance, but it seemed more she was careful with how she shot the cannon. The appearance of her Gauntlet was rough and bombastic but needed a keen mind to use properly…
It's her. It's Sakura, it has to be.

It hit me in the back of my head as Mukuro's voice distracted me. My Aura was chipped and it was an odd feeling. If anyone could have it would have had to have been her. Someone Mukuro thought could be a threat.

But then… if Viola was Sakura…

I moved out of the way of her blows, dodging when I can and now trying to keep her away, though she seemed to have a knack for geometry and ballistics now, so that kept my mind occupied as well…

It was fun. She had certainly improved, that's for sure. I readied my head and struck hard.. Ambrosia watched with interest on her Scroll as I struck back with my shield, following with a strike of my spear. She tried to make a grab for it, feinting with a kick first before bringing her arm to struggle with me. I tried to pull away but she was stronger, tossing it aside.

"You lose."

I bashed her head with Kotia, which had an alarm go off from Ambrosia's scroll. "Ianthe wins." She declared lazily, though with a bit of humor in it.

"What? Oh c'mon I haven't even gotten started!"

I took a breath. Was she… really Sakura? She had that discipline in her, but she seemed to be a bit more loose then I recalled. I smiled, putting a hand out to her. "There will be other matches, right?"

I hoped so… Much as i hated to admit it, Mukuro and I did enjoy fighting , and the Ultimate Martial Artist was a challenge but…

"Huh/ What's up with that look?" Viola took my hand. Viola… she would never know the last life, she was clean of Sakura's memories. She was her own person.. Her eyes though, got serious. "You okay? Of course they'll be other matches!"

I nodded, trying to push the thoughts aside. "I know I know…"


I wrote it down on a spare notebook. My 'notes' on my condition… to remember all of this, in some way. I could never know the events of the killing game… it could have ended if they chose the wrong blackened, they could have died at different times… but given how Early Mukuro died, i would have no way of knowing.

And what was worse was that Junko could have followed me. Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair. On Remnant, that would have made her Grimm Food, but Junko was cunning, and while there were difference between all of us…

I took a deep breath. I looked at the clock, 9:30 pm… it was time to head to bed for me. Hopefully, no nightmares or flashbacks. But… perhaps i could get a clue. Or know them better… I owed Sakura and Sayaka that; a happy life, with a friend who wouldn't stab them in the back for a monster.

Do you think we didn't love them? We did… Junko comes first. Junko needed Despair

I hated the voice… it could be my semblance, it could be some form of mental illness… I… I was unsure what to do about it. It frightened me to think I would still need to put up with her, even if she was just some… Semblance echo of Junko's personal dog.

"She didn't love you. She hated them…" I said to myself… Junko…

She was beautiful, charismatic and yet… "Why?"

She's my sister. You and I would do anything for our sisters. Deny it all you want… I'm a part of you…. As is Junko. You don't turn your back on your sister.

Pyrrha… I shook my head. No! If Pyrrha was a killer, I would… I… would have problems but I would never-

How would you know? You sit there and judge me… but you hate me, you deny me every chance you get, because you have to be different from the monster… I'm like a Grimm; I don't deserve sympathy or understanding. I am an enemy for you to fight against forever.

I stood up. I would… have to solve this. Eventually. I slept on those words, trying to ignore them…
Interlude: Pyrrha
"-The Battle of Vytal is one of the biggest mysteries in the history books." Ianthe began, eager if only because the two of us were working on a subject she loved. Ianthe's eyes those days were bright, pale blue, and once you got her started on the Great War, you couldn't get her to stop. "The King in the Vale was a mighty warrior, peerless. The Armies of Mantle and Mistral fell and surrendered after his grand show. Some even claimed he had magic, but those are those crazy guys…"

She pointed to her own personal Records of the Great War and pointed to the names of the regiments. "One Man took on the 07th Mistral Knights, the 19th Armored division of Mistral. Breaking two of the strongest armies alone, his own troops knew it would be a tremendous victory,and that is what caused General Jeferis to surrender, and when news got back to the Kings of Mistral and Mantle, they knew the war was over. 'We have awoken the wrath of a patient man.'"

I smiled. "I suppose it makes sense doesn't it? Someone does something amazing, and they write an entire story about it…. I wonder what he was like."

Ianthe nodded. "That's the part that i'm not sure about… history books tell you alot about the actions, but you can only really know a person through their heart, right? Like… I know you."

Ianthe over my work on the computer. "So far so good… do you think it will be enough?"

"I mean we can't cover every little part of it." I replied. "... How is the posterboard coming along?"

"Good!" Ianthe assured me. "It will be ready as soon as the glue dries. I-I did my best."

Ianthe showed me the board… and I smiled. "Good job! We're getting an A, I can feel it."

"R-Really? T-thank you, Pyrrha."

Ianthe… didn't have confidence in herself those days, at least when it came to me. She loved me and wanted me to be the happiest person in the world…. But the idea she could upset me seemed to make her seize up. I gave her a hug. "It's alright… You can't make me mad, you know."

"I know I know but… I-I just want to make sure we do good." She replied with a smile. "I-i'll go get us snacks!"

Ianthe was scratching her hand. Her right hand. She said 'she' had a tattoo there, that girl…

"Ianthe if mom and dad notice-"

She paused. "I-I'm sorry, really, but… it itches." She smiled, though her eyes told me everything. We were in the family study, looking over Dad's old books. When she was younger, she used to love reading about the Great War here, or weaponry, or other huntsmen but now she just seemed so lost…

It broke my heart to see her become like this. She was always shy, and quiet. Our mother and father didn't know her burden, but they knew she was trying to stay out of the spotlight. It was amazing how she had gone from someone who stood as my equal to being in my shadow…but what was worse was how much she clung to it.

I knew her, she was strong, skilled, and very kind but the memories of her past life made her fearful of everything about herself…

"A-are you sure we shouldn't tell mom and dad?"

"I-I don't know." She looked down to her hand. "I just… Everyone goes through it, right? Once you go through the Lethe then that person is gone, right? So then why…"

"It's your semblance." I insisted. "It has to be… it's an expression of your soul… But you're not Mukuro, you're Ianthe."

I Embraced her, the book, the spiritual teaching discarded. "You're my sister, not Junko's…. I can't imagine not having you in my life. I'm sure there's a reason you remember, but it's not your fault."

It was mine. That was always the implication in the back of my mind. If I had lost that day… everything would be better… but it was too late to change it. "... I'll keep it a secret but… please, I don't want you to give up on everything because of this."



"I-I decided to go to Haven."

My heart sank a bit. We had just sent our applications through, and I had thought she'd have picked Atlas… though I knew why she would reject that old childhood dream. "Ianthe, you can't let Mukuro control your life."

"I know but… If I want to set myself apart, then I should avoid it." She sounded like she had surrendered to it… I couldn't blame her. At this time, the nightmares got worse or… she learned more about Mukuro. It was… weird to know of another world, of talents, without the grimm…

And that her past life was responsible for putting it in a bad state. She didn't tell me much about it. Just the basics…a boy Mukuro liked, friends she was close to… and her other sister, Junko Enoshima, who Mukuro loved and adored. Obeying the monster without question. How could anyone become obsessed with despair…

In truth though, as Ianthe seemed to be slumped into that emotion. It only stopped when we sparred, when she and I were in our element… otherwise she had become very withdrawn. She never told me more than I needed to know, but that just let my imagination fill the gaps… a world without knowledge of their own souls, but who had people who could just be…

"... if you're sure about this then… Why not Beacon?"

"I told you, you deserve a chance to be yourself too." She smiled sadly. "... You've been the best sister I could ask for. I don't think either of us are comfortable in that spotlight. It always suited you better, but… neither of us liked the attention."

"To be honest I wonder what would have happened if you won." I said softly. "... Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I have to be, and so do you." Ianthe continued. "You'll do well without me… you'll make friends, you'll get out of the spotlight you hate so much and be yourself. I'll escape from Mukuro's shadow and when we meet at Vytal…"

I blinked. The Vytal Festival was… Oh, oh I see. I smiled. "A fight for the ages,"

"To see if we've really become different." She finished. "... And when we do I hope… I hope i'm Ianthe."

"You always will be."


"Wait, you have a sister?"

"Her name is Ianthe," I smiled, but at the same time being reminded of her was a bit painful. When you spent your life with someone to suddenly be so far away from them was unusual. "She's my twin."

I wasn't sure how the conversation started; me and Jaune had finished our training. For the day, just relaxing together… It was almost romantic. Almost if only because I'm not sure I could ask Jaune that yet but it was just nice to be with him, to see him grow… Ianthe might have liked him, now that I thought about it.

"Oh, how is it?" Jaune asked. "The twins in my family are kinda weird but they're both… you know, in our big family, ya know?"

"... She's very spiritual." I smiled. "Most of what I know about Aura came from her, along with my family's teachings…. She's got a kind heart."

At times it amazed me that she thought of herself as too close to Mukuro. She was never flattering with Mukuro's description; calling her a murderer, a monster, and yet she saw something she never told me about. I just… wasn't sure how to get her to open it up. "We always got along… I'm not sure what I did in my old life to deserve a sister like her."

Jaune grinned. "Heh, I'm kinda jealous. My sisters are amazing but all of them are different ages from me. Is she a huntress too?"

"In Haven… we'll meet her at Vytal." I had to get Jaune and the rest of JNPR ready for that… I wonder if i should make a call at the CCT Tower soon?

"Why didn't she come with you?" Jaune asked innocently enough, I think he winced as he saw my expression.

"... She wanted to figure herself out, on her own. I wish she was here… but I know she'll do fine."