"This is a beautiful ship you have here Captain." said Commander Perkins, genuine admiration in his voice.
"Thank you, though I am rather of the opinion that it is rather utilitarian." she said truthfully. The Silaris did her job, and did it well.
"You call this utilitarian?" he said, a little disbelief in his voice, " Then I would love to see just what you would call a beautiful ship. "
"It's honestly not that different." she said nonchalantly," Even our warships are designed to look somewhat similar to this. And while beautiful, I cannot help but feel that in comparison to your ships, they are rather… fragile. " she said truthfully, with just a little bit of her hoping he would divulge something.
"While I would love nothing more than to talk shop with you Captain," he said rather apologetically" I'm afraid that talking about the… details of the construction of our own ships would most certainly in violation of my orders.I can however agree with you that our ships are rather wretched in comparison to yours. They are rather robust and roguish compared to yours."
"Still… it has a rather… safe feeling. Like I feel like it is something that one can rely on" she said wistfully. She would most certainly love to have shielding technology like theirs.
"Once again Captain, no comment, though I suspect this is something you feel about your own ship." he continued in a diplomatic tone.
"Indeed. The Silaris is a reliable ship." she said with quite a bit of fondness. The Silaris has been hers for a few years now and she has served her well.
"So let's talk about something else shall we! Tell me more about your people, the Asari" asked Perkins, genuine curiosity in his voice.
"Well," there was a lot to say about the Asari, but where to start? "let me start with our gender, essentially, I assume that you humans are a dual gendered race yes?"
"Of course. I assume that is the galactic norm as well?"
" Indeed. We Asari are unique in the galactic community in that we are essentially single gendered, all essentially female."
A look of bewilderment was now stuck on Perkins face, and Dala couldn't help but laugh a little at that. " Don't worry, many who first learn of that have similar reactions as well."
"It's just that, don't get me wrong madam, but I always thought that you were just a race that was more Matriarchal than Patriarchal. It turns out I was more right than I thought. "
"Indeed Commander. We are also a rather long lived race, at least by the normal standards of the galactic community."
"Oh? And just how old is that?"
"Over a thousand years Commander Perkins. Only one other race can live that long, and most others only live to about a century old at best."
"Wow," said Perkins, astonishment visible in his expression, "I mean, just… wow. Most humans don't even live past the age of a 100 and even then, those are rare cases. So how do you do it? Is it biology, diet or better medicine? " he said a little astonishment and hope in his voice.
"I'm afraid it's a biological thing Commander Perkins, what we have isn't a miracle of medicine, it is a effect of evolution." she said apologetically.
"That's a right shame it is then, " genuine sadness in his voice. Perhaps they had aspirations of living much longer? "Now I know that one should never ask a lady just how old she is, but in this case, I'll bite. How old are you madam?" he asked, a little of his enthusiasm leaking back
"Why I'm only 547 years old commander. "
"Why if you hadn't mentioned that, I would've thought that by the standards of us humans anyways, you would've been no older than 30! " he exclaimed a little playfully.
"Why thank you commander."
"It is merely the truth I speak ma'am." he said, ending his compliment with a flourish of his hand. "I however must inform you of something." he said again in a more serious yet calm voice." While I am indeed here as acting representative of His Majesty's government, there will be a proper delegation to continue these rather pleasant conversations we've been having in a more official and I imagine cultured manner. I am merely only a small time Commander of no importance, with no training for this whatsoever." he said apologeticly
"For someone who has no training in this you are doing remarkably well Commander."
"I'd just like to think thats my natural charm coming out Captain." he said, a little confident smirk appearing on his face. "Still, normally, someone aboard the Stirling would handle this sort of thing but it was felt that our original job of clearing out the Mollies wouldn't need a diplomat. They don't offer any quarter and I've never met a Molly who wants to surrender. Anyways, I must apologize if I cannot answer some of your questions. The real diplomat will be coming in soon, and I do expect he'll handle these talks a lot better. " he said rather apologetically.
"It is no problem at all commander. I completely understand, but I must ask how will they be arriving, and when so that we may prevent any… hostile misunderstandings." she said rather worriedly. She would rather not have a war with these people.
"That is a rather good point you make Captain T'Loni." he conceded "I expect they'll arrive in a few hours time through the Jump Gate we arrived in. At the very least, the Battleship Stirling and her battlegroup will be there, so I must ask of you to not fire upon any ships that come out of that gate."
"Understood Commander, I will make sure that the fleet is informed." she said seriously. Oraka better follow the instructions she gives in this instance.
"But I must now ask Captain, what is this Citadel you keep mentioning, and could you kindly elaborate a little further on some of the aliens that we can expect to meet?" he asked rather curiously again.
"The Citadel" she said, her tone taking a more severe and important tone, " is the center of the galactic community. "
"Like the capital of a country, or in this case government?"
"Precisely." he caught on quickly. "While every member of the Citadel is still effectively independent, everyone is bound to help each other in times of need, and we are bound together on some mutually beneficial treaties."
"Such as?"
"Well, we have agreed not to use weapons of mass destruction on garden planets, planets that are easily capable of sustaining life. It takes millions of years to turn a planet into something habitable, to lose one of these planets to something as petty as war is simply a waste of something so incredibly rare. " she continued in a serious voice. The loss of Garden worlds was no laughing matter.
Perkins rather thought that made sense. Even with Planetform Inc, terraforming worlds took hundreds of years. "While I might agree with that personally, but forgive me if I cannot comment any further. To do so would have me possibly biding our government into something we aren't quite ready to accept yet. Have to read the fine print and all that. "
"I understand. Now, I do believe you also wished to learn about the other aliens you would expect to meet?"
"Indeed I do madam" he said excitedly. Clearly he wanted to know more about the others.
"Well let me start with the other species you will likely meet soon, the Turians. " she said as she produced an image on her omnitool.
"This is a turian," as she shows the picture of a rather avian looking creature with metallic skin, to Perkins. "They are best known in the galaxy for their role as peacekeepers and as members of the Citadel council. The Turians have the largest fleet on hand and are well known for their sense of duty."
"Should we be worried about them?" he said rather cautiously. Understandable, all things considered Dala thought. They may have perceived the Molly attack as a great threat. One they are willing to invade Bretonian space for.
"While they do indeed have the largest military in the Citadel, I must point out again that they are mainly there as peacekeepers, not warriors." she said, trying to reassure him.
"Thats good. While we in Bretonia are a peaceful folk, we understand the art of war and are willing to defend ourselves if push comes to shove."
"I understand, but there is no need to worry. Most of the Turian fleet is spread out dealing with pirates and other miscreants. "
"Ah, rather like most of our military then. Keep the peace, protect trade and commerce and so on? "
"Exactly Commander. You have them spot on."
"Then I feel we will have rather a lot to share on, like finding pirate hideouts."
"I'm sure you will, many Turians are members of law enforcement and culturally, they have all served some time in the military, so even a civilian will know how to "talk shop" as it were with you. But let us move on towards the others. "
"There are the Salarians" she said as she put up a picture of a race that rather reminded Perkins slightly of a newt with horns and large eyes, "a rather short lived amphibian race well known for their intelligence and scientists. For a race that lives only about 40 years, they do try and make the most of it. They have excellent memory, the second best known, and have a work ethic that would shame just about everyone else. They've been around for about 2000 years and were one of the founding members of the Citadel council along with us Asari."
"Interesting, do go on. I have questions, but I feel like they should wait for the end of this telling of yours."
"Then there are the volus," she said, producing an image of a rather rotund creature encased in a suit, "a rather short race that breath ammonia. They are rather unique in that regard and are considered the finest bankers and traders. They did after all create the standard unit of currency we in the Citadel use. Their entire society is centered around trade. Everything from land, resources, even other tribe members are bargained amongst themselves. So much so that they've tossed away the concept of war amongst themselves, deeming it too unprofitable."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you just described Liberty, but I'm interrupting again. Do continue."
While Dala did indeed have questions, she figured that continuing was best."Then there are the Elcor, " she said, producing an image of a rather large creature, hunched rather like an ape, with mottled brownish skin, "they are unique in that they speak in a completely monotone voice. They normally communicate between each other displaying their emotions through scent and other subtle changes that aren't noticeable to other species and so often express their emotions at the start of a statement. Thanks to living in a high gravity environment where the slightest fall could kill you, they have developed a cautious and highly conservative culture. You are unlikely to find an elcor outside of their home planets,seeing that they prefer to stay together in close knit groups. However, should you visit an Elcor, you'll rarely be wanting for something. They are a rather hospitable race.
"Then there are the Hanar,"producing an image of a… glowing jellyfish?" an aquatic race who believe in the Enkindlers, or Protheans, an ancient empire that once spanned the galaxy."
"Hold on. Protheans? Extinct aliens? I do believe that there are blokes in the University that would most certainly like to see that. They have had some alien ruins they keep digging up. Maybe they are one and the same?"
"I… doubt that Commander. You see, if you had discovered the Protheans, then you would most likely be making use of a certain aspect of their technology. Which you aren't, and we most certainly are. "
"Interesting...but I digress. Please do continue."
"The Hanar believe that the Enkindlers uplifted them and taught them all they know about civilization.That said, they are incredibly polite, in fact never referring to themselves in the first person. "
"We now go into the last of the member races, the Batarians." she said as she produced an image of a four eyed bipedal race,"They are a race with a caste based system where it is highly frowned upon to overstep one's bounds. They value this system so much that to place a value on one's caste position is considered a serious insult. They also practice… slavery, despite it being illegal."
"Why would you let them continue then if it is illegal?" Perkins asked a little disbelievingly.
"It's because that while many suspect their government to support slavers, most of them are independent and in fact target all colonies, even Batarian ones. They just sell them back into their society."
"Madam, just hearing their description just makes me feel dirty. But please, continue. I'm sure there are more… pleasant races."
"Now we go into the last ones I will introduce, the Quarians." she said as she produced an image of… an alien that from a distance looked quite human thanks to the suit, but upon catching the three fingers and the bent legs, Perkins realized just how alien it was.
"While many of the younger lived races look upon them with distrust, I remember when the Quarians still had a home planet. 300 years ago, the Quarians were engaged in a brutal war with an AI race they accidentally created, the Geth. They lost and have since been traveling the galaxy, from one place to another in their Migrant Fleet. The loss of their homeworld meant that they are now required to live in envirosuits. Their immune systems are simply too weak to handle most common bacteria. Despite all this though, they are natural mechanics and engineers. Even before the loss of Rannoch, their homeworld, the Quarians were skilled programmers, as evidenced by the evolution of the Geth, and roboticists. Since they became nomads though, they have picked up a rather undeserved reputation in my opinion, of thieves. I feel that all they need now is a new home for them to settle on, but that is complicated by their biology, they are dextro based DNA not levo, and their immune systems. "
"They do sound rather pitiful. But I must ask, why introduce them last?"
"It is because that while yes, they did violate Citadel law by creating an AI, we had no choice but to expel them for creating a threat such as the Geth. We couldn't afford to join them in their quest to retake their homeworld simply because the Geth may perceive us as a threat and try to wipe us out."
"I… see…" he said, a little disbelievingly.
"There are of course other races around that aren't members of Citadel society, but they are all comparatively minor players at best." she said. The Krogan and the Drell were around yes, but they were comparatively… inconsequential
"Thank you Captain for the introduction. Now I do have some more questions…"
Silaris docking bay
Tau 30 system
Over the past few hours, Perkins had essentially just been making small but polite inquiries into Citadel society and history, and it was… interesting to say the least while Dala had done the same about Bretonian society. It was an… enlightening experience. The humans were most interested in meeting and understanding other species and from the looks of it, they were rather intrigued with the prospect of leaving their systems and seeing new ones.
"I'm sorry Captain T'Loni, but I fear our time together here has passed." he said, with as much regret as he could muster "My superiors and the official diplomat assigned to these talks will be arriving shortly. May I say it has been a pleasure to know you and the rest of the galactic community. May we go and live together in peace." he said as he ended with a flourished bow.
"I thank you Commander Perkins, know that we of the Citadel look forward to meeting and interacting with humanity. Most of all, I must thank you and your men for saving the lives of many aboard this fleet. "
"It was my pleasure to have done so Captain T'Loni, now if you will excuse us, we must rendezvous with our Battlegroup by the gate. " he said as he and Thatch donned their helmets once more and headed to their fighters.
Now… now she waited. Soon she and her ship would get a grand view of the hu- Bretonian military.
Onboard the Silaris
Port observation Deck
Tau 30 system
Just about everyone who wasn't on-duty right now or could argue that observing the emerging fleet would be "in their interests" was gathered here in the Silaris' Port observation deck. Everyone was keeping an eye out on the artefact, just waiting for the thing to activate. Aela couldn't blame them. She too was incredibly curious as to what would come out of that artifact.
Dr. Aela D'Avo was, along with many throughout the fleet, in a deep state of thought. The fact that the aliens they had performed First Contact with had such an advanced grasp of technology, all without any eezo… It defied nearly every conventional school of thought in the Citadel.
"Dari, what do you think of all this?"
'I think that right about now, I would give my arms and legs for a chance to take back samples of their technology back to the fleet. If they could achieve FTL without eezo…"
"You could maybe find a new home."
"Or take back Rannoch. We could go Home!" she said excitedly "Not even the Geth could resist us with this kind of technology!"
"The big question though is, would they let you take something back?" she asked rather cautiously, she'd rather not dampen her hope, but … she had to be practical here.
"If they won't I'll find a way to get something. Even the wrecks of those other fighters could provide some insight. I'll take a shuttle and -"
"Look!" excitedly shouted Dari, " it's opening!"
Indeed the artefact was now opening, the artefact was once more forming the… wormhole in its center. Just what kind of ship or ships would come out of it now?
"Goddess…" she could begin to see part of one of the ships emerge and it was huge. Easily a dreadnaught to rival any the Citadel possesses. Like a great lumbering whale, it crawled out of the anomaly and into full view right in front of the gate.
"That is easily the size of the Gladius, maybe even a bit larger" said Dari a little bit of awe in her voice, "and those guns on hers… Keelah, if they fire energy weapons too…"
"It would likely bypass any barriers we have. All we have protecting us is a layer of armor…"
"It's a good thing they came in peace then right?"
"Indeed Aela. Yes indeed." she said hope strong in her voice. These people could be the key to going home...
Onboard the Gladius
Tau 30 System
General Septimus Oraka was not exactly pleased. First was the attack on his ships, then was the nasty surprise that the aliens had unleashed upon the Hoplon and crippled her, and now an alien fleet was now entering the system through that artifact.
"General, reading similar energy signatures around the artifact again. I think the fleet is arriving now."
"Good, right on schedule as the Silaris advised. I want all ships to observe the alien contacts, I want opinions on the functions of each ship and what their capabilities are."
"Aye aye sir. Relaying orders."
Oraka then kept a close eye on the visual feed. He could see the first ship, likely a dreadnaught from how big the ship was, he would guess a roughly a little bit bigger than the Gladius itself. Rough and tough, likely as a way to make sure the ship survived any breaches through its barriers.
Then came its escorts, cruisers based on the size of them. Heavily armed, practically bristling with gun turrets. A dedicated Point defence ship? A possibility. Wouldn't know till he saw it action, and Spirits willing, not against him.
Finally came a larger contingent of smaller ships, some of the more familiar fighters that he has come to recognize thanks to the earlier patrol, and larger, frigate sized ships, rather like a bird of prey those last ones. Likely fast and maneuverable do deal damage to the PD ships.
" I want your opinion men. What do you think of the Alien Dreadnaught?" he asked, it was always useful for another perspective.
"I think it serves as the command and control ship sir. Likely it relays all relevant orders it has to other ships in the fleet. " said Lieutenant Praxis, his voice confident in it's assertion.
"What makes you say that?" asked General Oraka, while he knew the answer to that, it paid to double check. Praxis was shaping up to have some potential for a promotion and if he could give the right analysis, it could only further solidify his thoughts on the matter.
"I'd say judging from the formation that its now in sir. " he said pointing at one of the visual feeds.
"There are cruisers at the bow, port, starboard and stern of it. Judging from the weapons emplacements on those cruisers, I think those cruisers are providing extra PD to the central ship, or perhaps covering its flanks, either way, they are protecting that ship, this suggests that it is rather important. Next up, the Frigates and the fighters, look at their patrols, they are still circling the ship, I think that ship is very important sir, not just from its size, but from the way the other ships are protecting it."
"Good point Lieutenant. As for the weapons?"
"I think that knowing their, tech, it'll likely still be an energy weapon, and I think that Dreadnaught is optimized to fight other dreadnaughts. Look at the size of those guns. I don't think they'll hit a fighter easily, I do think they'll deal some massive damage to anything we have."
"Good observation. Thoughts on countering them?"
"Well sir, I'd recommend out ranging them. Those energy weapons of theirs seem to dissipate after a certain range, likely the energy leaking out, so range and concentrated fire sir. A fighter screen of our own should also help take on any fighters they have, but the fleet only has a small contingent of fighters so…"
"It won't be much use against them, especially with those shields of theirs."
"Yes sir. Still, I do think we have a decent chance of taking on that fleet if need be. We could outrange them, and I do believe we can out maneuver them. Though I am rather worried about our ability to damage them. They do look rather well armored."
"If I may add to the discussion sir." asked Lieutenant Spica, one of the sensor officers.
"Go ahead Lieutenant."
"Well sir, based on what me and several other of the techs have been observing, as you know, any barrier's most basic function on a starship is not to block out enemy fire, but to block out microdebris from damaging the hull of a ship."
"Yes, and I assume that the barriers on the larger ships are weaker than we expect?"
"Thats just it sir, we aren't reading any barrier at all. In fact, we are reading that microdebris are in fact directly impacting the hull of the larger ships. I don't think those ships have any sort of barrier at all.The only thing me and the other sensor techs and I have managed to confirm is that there seems to be a rather strong corrosive on those ships, coupled with some light radiation. We detected it earlier on the fighters that we first encountered, but we wrote it off as a sensor fluke, now… Now we believe that these alien have a strong resistance to radiation because otherwise they would have gone and decontaminated it by now, I think."
That in itself had rather disturbing implications. If a race was naturally immune to radiation, they were more likely to resort to nuclear warfare… To them it would be a light summer day when bathing in that radioactive hell…
"Spirits, I hope you are wrong Lieutenant. I hope you are wrong…" he said as he looked onto the incoming fleet.
HMS Stirling, Captain's Quarters
Tau 30 system
Lord Edward Barstow was for the moment, like many aboard the Sitrling, quite a bit in awe at the alien fleet.Of particular note was the ship in the middle of the fleet; it was alien in design, all curves and chrome, with several other ships of a different make, all harsh predatory angles, surrounding it, including one rather thin looking Battleship.
Unlike many aboard the ship though, he had seen enough alien artifacts to know that these weren't related to the ones that many of the rich liked to collect. These aliens were different, and most importantly alive.
That led to problems. Problems he was here to hopefully prevent from ever surfacing. Now he foun himself in the Captain's quarters, rather tastefully decorated with choice pieces from some New London sculptor the Lord Barstow heard was starting to gain some noteriety for making great use of Liberty influences of some rather ancient Egyptian styles.
"What do you make of this situation, James?" asked Lord Barstow to Captain James Dunbar, his long time friend since their days in prep school.
"I think- no, I know we know nothing, Ed. We're treading on virgin territory here,and to be honest, that terrifies me." said Captain Dunbar as he poured Lord Barstow and himself a glass of scotch.
"You, the Stoic of Saint Bartleby's Academy? Terrified?" Lord Barstow asked disbelievingly as he accepted the drink, "If it wasn't for the fact that I myself am staring at that bloody alien fleet, I wouldn't have believed you. Now though…" said Lord Barstow as he downed his scotch in one go, "Now I'm just wondering what the bloody hell is going on here.What we have here is a complete mystery, and exactly why I cannot wait for Perkins to hurry up and get here. I want to interview the man myself and figure just how much he messed up."
"I know he made a right mess of the talks you are to head now ,Ed." Captain Dunbar said, understanding clear in his voice,"The man wasn't trained for this, hell, none of us are. The only reason King Alexander picked you was that firstly, you are his first cousin, and second, you have a talent for talking your way through things. I think he hoped you could work your special magic on the aliens." he said as he sipped his own drink.
"I'm not sure my 'magic' will work on the Aliens." he said a little sarcastically "It works in getting a little better trade concessions from those nice folks from Liberty yes, but these are aliens! We have no idea with what we are dealing with here, James," he said loudly, "Bloody hell, we don't even have a point of history to identify with! All we have is one flight leader who has encountered them, and who has likely damaged any foreseeable talks with them, ergo, the ones I'm handling."
"God knows there are far far too many unknowns for my liking here Ed. Large alien fleet, no idea as to their weaponry or defenses, not even the slightest hint as to whether or not this is a trap or if they can find out where the rest of Bretonian space is. There are just far too many unknowns here for my liking." he repeated as he sipped his drink, "If I had my way, I'd have asked for at the very least the Norfolk to join us, damn the trade lanes. This is far too important to not show up without being over prepared. " he said, as he finished his drink in one . "I've a flight of Crusaders with Starkiller Torpedoes ready just in case Ed. " he said rather seriously," If those aliens try anything, I'll launch that flight and tell em to unleash hell. All of their torpedoes if need be. I'll bet that it'll give em enough a thrashing for them to consider a retreat."
"I'd think you would hope that things wouldn't go to that James." said Lord Barstow, trying to reassure him that it won't come to that.
He hoped.
"Ed, in my line of work, assumptions won't get you anywhere else but an early grave. I'm deathly afraid, but I know that acting all timid like will likely end up with my men dead. The only ambition I have today is to come out of this situation alive with as many of my men alive, which ideally means that I won't be firing any shots today. Ideally. God knows that isn't likely to be happening." he said as he stared out of his viewport.
"Let's hope not James"... said Lord Barstow as he too stared at the mysterious alien fleet…
HMS Stirling Bridge
Tau 30 System
"What can you tell me about the data we received from the flight recorders of Perkins and Doctor Brent's flight?" asked Captain James Dunbar, the more he knew about the situation before interviewing Perkins the better.
"Well sir, as I'm sure you've taken notice of when you watched the recordings, the aliens seem to make use of laser based Point Defence. Unusually enough, when we reviewed the recordings, it seems that their lasers are quite weak. They barely drained the shields of our Crusaders, which considering that we make use of Positron shields, means that these lasers were hardly even denting our shields. However, while weak, they were incredibly accurate. Look at how when they concentrated fire on the Mollies, entire batteries kept track of single fast moving fighters, and managed to keep up their aim.I think that while they don't specialize in energy weapons, they do specialize in weaponry that requires very precise aiming" said Lieutenant Wilkins.
"So possibly they decided to go concentrate on missiles or traditional ballistics?"
"I think so sir, There do seem to be gunports on the front of their ships. It could be that their entire ships are built around the gun itself, which in itself suggests to me a concentration on mass drivers."
"How would our armor stand against these mass drivers of theirs?"
"I'm not sure sir. In theory, our armor could withstand us moving at full cruise speed into a station and go straight through it, sustaining only minor damage, Seeing as this has never been tested though…"
"Let's not test that today Lieutenant. Onto my next question then, what do you make of the weird energy signatures that we've found on our scans of their ships? It seems like there seems to be some sort of… gravitational anomaly on board those ships of theirs. It's as if… somehow parts of their ships are under entirely different gravitational fields, which according to our own understanding of anti-gravity, is entirely impossible."
"So they have some sort of better understanding of anti-gravity than we do then. That they can somehow remotely fine tune the gravity in certain sections of their ships? Make some parts more massive and some less and so forth?
"From that our scans show us, yes. There seem to be a rather unusual amount of mass disparity on their ships. Their ships somehow have less mass than they should have. This should be impossible yet I'm seeing it right here sir. "
"Then I think we better keep a close eye on these aliens. No telling just what tricks they can pull..."
HMS Stirling
Debriefing Room
Tau 30 System
"Commander Perkins, I'm going to be honest with you" said Captain James Dunbar, regret strong in his voice as he poured Perkins and himself a glass of scotch, "you've gone and buggered up the talks. Now now, I admit it wasn't your fault Perkins, but Command will want someone to blame for us not having every advantage we could have in the talks. From what you've told me, you've gone and told them we're not the only humans around here.' he said as he sipped his scotch, "That means that we can't go and reveal them as needed. Command is asking for someone to blame, and sad to say Perkins, but you are the logical fall man for this. But I have to tell you Perkins, that was the bad news."
"That I'm buggered sir? That I'm likely to be assigned to hunting and subsequently dying to a Corsair or Outcast patrol?" he asked, the sarcasm strong in his voice.
"You could do that if you choose to continue with us here in His Majesty's Armed Forces..." he said as he continued to sip his drink, "Or you could take our deal."
"It would depend sir, what deal? he asked a little suspiciously.
"We could let you go from the Armed Forces with an honorable discharge and all wages due to you."
"An what sir? Go and end up working on Leeds and dying in some Mining accident? Go work for BMM or Bowex and die working under either of them?"
"No Perkins. Here is what Command is willing to offer to you" Dunbar said as he finished his drink, "Command is willing to let you go honorably with your Crusader. Fully armed and repaired. You could be your own man Perkins, a freelancer. You could do anything you wanted to within the colonies."
"So sir, you are essentially offering me either death by patrol, or an 'honourable' discharge while I go Freelance working whatever hours I want and for whoever I want?" he asked , sarcasm strong in his voice, " I think my answer there is obvious sir, as much as I love serving His Majesty, I like living as well. I'll take the Freelance option sir, see what else this galaxy has to offer."
"Excellent, Perkins,and if I may offer a suggestion, ?"
"Yes sir?"
"I expect talks here will continue for quite a while. I can expedite your honourable discharge and make it official within the day. Provided things go well… You can offer your services to the aliens as their unofficial tour guide. And funnel a little bit of what you know to us. We'd pay you for your services to them and at the same time, I expect they'll pay you in some other form, raw materials and such. We learn a little bit more that can help us in our diplomatic talks, and you can go and earn two pays for one job."
"That's a mighty smart idea sir. I think I'll take your advice sir."
"Good job lad. I'll forward your first payment soon and I expect you'll update us every week on what you manage to learn of the aliens.You are now essentially a deniable asset to the Kingdom of Bretonia. God help you lad."
"Sir, I'll be honest. I'm only doing this because I have no idea what I can do after this. I don't have the credits for Liberty, I'd have trouble finding work in Kusari and Rhineland is in shambles. I think working for Bretonia, no matter how indirect is my only choice here. Sir."
"I understand Perkins. You've been caught between a rock and a hard place."
"No kidding sir. Still, things could be worse." he said as he downed his own drink. So much for leaving the aliens...
Onboard the Silaris
Tau 30 system
All things considered, Captain Dala T'Loni thought things were going well. These aliens, humans, had managed a mostly peaceful first contact. If it wasn't for those… Mollies, then Dala was confident no shooting would have happened. The Molly incident was rather fortunate though. It led to some rather interesting revelations; namely the existence of other powerful factions within their sector of space, all fellow humans. They also seemed to have some sort of problem internally, or at least with worker's rights. Then there was the fact that this entire sector was all human owned, but from different factions. Furthermore, these humans were all essentially wartime refugees fleeing from some war over their homeworld but had no intentions of going back and fighting whoever won that war centuries ago. Not to mention all the advanced technologies these people seemed to posses, super hard armor, directed energy weapons, wormhole generation...
All in all, the humans were shaping up to be a very… interesting race. They were most certainly going to disrupt the balance of power within the Citadel and now she had to prepare her own diplomatic team to go and greet the humans aboard their dreadnaught.
"Dr Aela D'Avo, I want you with me, your experience with linguistics may come in handy if our grasp of their… English fails."
"Me? I'm a Xenoarcheaologist yes, but I'm not exactly a dedicated translator…" said Dr D'Avo rather hesitatingly. To be put in such a position… It was not something she was mentally ready for.
"But you cracked their language rather well, yes? That is most certainly good enough Dr D'Avo." said Captain T'Loni reassuringly," You will come with me. I'm sure you will do well and I'm sure your services won't even be needed."
"Lieutenant Shala, you are with me as well" said Captain T'Loni as she pointed her out,". You will be our technical advisor for this mission." Then,turning to Dari, Captain T'Loni explained in as gentle a manner as she could, " If we were simply investigating the artifact, I would have picked you Miss vas Neema,, but…"
"No need to explain Captain" said Dari, holding her hand up to stop her". I understand your reasoning. Just get me onto one of their ships when we can and I'll be happy to explain things away. Lieutenant Shala can go and relay her findings to me and I'll go and do what I can."
"Right then, I want a small Commando detachment for security, 2 at the most. "
"Two? I think you should be bringing aboard with you a lot more than that Captain." rebuked General Oraka, " Who knows what could be aboard that ship? Or even if this is one great big elaborate trap?" he said strongly. He did have good security points, but by the Goddess, they needed to show that they could be trusted!
"I understand your concerns General, but I think that two Commandoes should be able to handle what they are needed to do." said Captain T'Loni in her now well used reassuring tone of voice," Enough for security, but not too many to threaten. Just the right amount for diplomacy."
"Fine Captain, but be aware, if they do hold you hostage in some plan of theirs, know that I will fire with no hesitation." he said gravely.
"I understand General. Now, Ladies, let us proceed to the shuttle."
"Yes Captain" echoed the selected members of the delegation. If the talks with Commander Perkins was anything to go by, things were only going to get more interesting.
HMS Stirling Docking bay
Tau 30 system
Lord Edward Barstow was right now understandably nervous. He was here, right at forefront of first contact with alien intelligence. Here he was, representing His Majesty's Government, and for a brief moment, perhaps all the Colonies of Sirius, to these aliens.
God he could use a drink right about now.
And now… now there was the alien shuttle making its slow, almost graceful approach. The shuttle certainly reflected the same design style as the alien ship, all chrome and curves in one package. It was beautiful in that it was clean and simple, yet elegant in ways he hasn't seen often.
Nonetheless, he had more important things to take note of right now. The security detail was ready with their rifles by their side and ready to unleash some of the finest weapons to come out of the Detroit Arms Depot…
As the shuttle opened its doors however, despite Perkins' description and picture of them, he couldn't help but be a little entranced by them. Somehow the blue ladies walked with a grace that came naturally only to the most refined and dignified Bretonian Noblewomen. Unlike most of them though, the way they walked, even the ones visibly armed with weapons, it somehow… just made them altogether beautiful in a dignified manner.
Still, best keep his guard up. Many a diplomat has been laid low by feminine wiles and he won't be one of them.
"Greetings on behalf of the Asari Republics" said the lead one in a shimmering and oh so clingy silver dress, "We are the Asari, and we welcome you into the Galactic Community. We come in Peace."
Time to work his magic then. "On behalf of the Kingdom of Bretonia, and Humanity here in the Sirius systems, we also greet you in the name of peace. Let us move together forward into an era of mutual prosperity and stability." he said in that special way of his, as if greeting a fellow friend that was also nobility, cool, open and friendly, yet somehow keeping it understood that there is business to be done today.
"Indeed we shall. I am Captain Dala T'Loni, effective exploratory leader of this fleet." she said, still managing that calm tone of hers.
"I am Lord Edward Barstow of New London, first cousin to his Majesty King Alexander II of the Kingdom of Bretonia, appointed ambassador to this most esteemed occasion." he said, keeping his voice firm yet friendly. "Let us proceed to the official talks if you don't mind?"
"Yes. Let us indeed. We have much to talk about."
"We do madam. Would you kindly now follow me to our conference room, where we can begin our discussions? I do so hope you enjoy our hospitality here." he said as he signaled his escorts to follow him. He walked down the halls of the Stirling towards its conference room, careful to stick to the best maintained and aesthetically pleasing portions of the ships.
Captain Dala T'Loni meanwhile couldn't help but think that this ship reminded her of Krogan engineering, tough enough to likely outlast the user. What differed was the occasional wall ornament near the ceiling that seemed to represent some sort of beastial version of humans, horns coming out of the tops of the… heads of the ornaments. Possibly a reminder of strength? Though what struck Dala the most was that as they walked down the corridors, she couldn't help but think, the Krogan built their things tough because they had to be tough. Tuchanka wasn't the most pleasant planet around, what with it essentially being a post-apocalyptic wasteland. What sort of environment did these Humans live in to necessitate such a tough and comparatively utilitarian design?
She was however snapped from her thoughts when the human, Lord Barstow, opened a door and she entered a marvelously decorated room. A table, hewed from real dark wood, likely some valuable and rare one, sat at the center of the room. Carvings of some sort of leaf pattern dotted the frame of the table and its legs were even curved, likely trying to mimic the tree trunks it was hewed from. The chairs were similarly decorated and had some likely rich and rare, red material as cushioning. The floor was carpeted in some magnificent scarlet material, soft and springy, while the walls and ceiling seemed to be paneled with real wood, this time of some reddish brown colour.
Truly, when these people wanted to decorate, they went with something that just seemed to be so… timeless. A scene from something before travels into space. Not even the oldest Matriarchs chose to decorate their own homes in such a manner. It was beautiful.
"Now, normally at this point of any talks, I'd offer one some tea and biscuits, or some sherry or whisky if alcohol was their preference, but seeing as we don't quite understand each other's physiologies that much…" Lord Barstow said apologetically.
"There is no need to explain Lord Barstow," said Dala understandingly, "I understand your caution, but I would like to try out your food and drink as well. Our… hand held computers will be able to scan and tell us if it is safe for us to eat and drink. I'll take the tea and… biscuits if you don't mind."
"Capital!" he said rather energetically. He then pointed out one of his escorts, "Smith, could you kindly grab a kettle and prepare the Earl Grey? Bring along some cream and sugar as well, our guests may want some. Tell Rogers down in the bar to bring up my stash of pastries as well." then he turned to Captain T'Loni, "Oh and I wouldn't mind if you feel it necessary for one of your escorts to look after the tea and biscuits. I understand completely that caution is something that is necessary in this situation."
"I understand Lord Barstow, but there is no need for that. Your man may continue."
"Right then. Smith, get to it." Lord Barstow ordered.
"Right o sir!" said the Smith, saluting briskly then quickly making his way out of the room.
"Now then madam, while we wait for our tea, please, sit. I'm sure you have many questions and sitting would be preferable yes?"
"Thank you for the offer Lord Barstow. Let me begin with some of the most pressing issues that I feel as a representative of the Citadel Council need to be addressed, namely your general location. We wish to know the extent of your territory within the galaxy."
"Of course we may address that issue." he said as he seamlessly took a seat and typed something into a panel on his side, and a holographic display appeared on the table, there was likely some hidden projector either on the table or on the ceiling, probably to keep the feel of this room."Now, as I've been told, Commander Perkins has graciously told you Ladies of the other Houses yes?"
"Yes he has." Dala replied...
"I best mention all our claimed systems then." he said as he zoomed into a particular portion. Dala recognized it, this was where they were, a rather remote location bordering the Skyllian Verge and the Terminus systems. It was largely unexplored due to it being rather distant from most Mass Relays. The Seventh fleet only barely found this particular system in range, and even then, it was only considered for visiting because of the suspicion that a major pirate group had a base of sorts here. Dala imagined that freighters would find this within their range but why bother? No one lived here, and as far as many knew there was nothing of value here. Till now at least. "We are here, in the Tau 30 system, a recently claimed system by us, the Kingdom of Bretonia. It lies to the galactic northwest of several of our other systems, and is directly connected to one of them. You will forgive me if I do not tell you the specific locations of them for now, at least until we have some sort of formalized trade treaty going on, which I suspect we will be going into later. But I digress," he said as highlighted several areas on the map in red, "these territories are ones directly claimed by the Kingdom of Bretonia. Adjacent to us," he once again highlighted several worlds, this time to the galactic north and south east, "are these border worlds. Neutral territory so to speak, of our Houses. These are actively patrolled by members of both our Armed Forces and the neighboring Houses." he once again highlighted another area, this time in black to the galactic northeast, "These are the Independent systems, notable only for a holiday planet and their direct connection to Liberty Space." he once again highlighted several areas, this time a set of purple ones in the galactic north, a set of green ones in the south, and a set of blue one in the center. "These are the areas claimed by the other houses: Liberty in blue, Kusari in purple, and Rhineland in green. They are all our friends and allies here in the Sirius systems. I must inform you that due to the… nature of this contact, in that it is our first, we have informed them of this situation." he said seriously with a hint of regret in his voice. He would've kept it a secret from them for as damned long as possible, but Perkins messed that up. Alex wanted to lead Bretonia somewhere to the future, but without some sort of leverage, he had nothing here in these talks that might keep Bretonia definitively in the lead. Perkins ruined that.
"We understand completely," Captain T'Loni replied, if a large unknown fleet appeared, she would've tried to inform others of said fleet. "If I may ask, what do they think of us?" she asked curiously.
"Honestly, we don't know. They haven't replied yet, though I dare suspect that their fleets are silently mobilizing as a precaution."
That was something that alarmed Dala, unknown fleets of warships with unknown technologies possibly mobilizing for war? That was bad in any circumstance. "Tell them we mean no harm, we wish only to invite you, Humanity, and that means all the systems you highlighted, to join the galactic community."
"And what sort of benefits would we get? Within the Sirius systems we are quite self-sufficient. Each of the Houses have something that the others want."
"Trade of technology for one thing. I'm very sure that you would be quite interested in that. We would also be able to facilitate the exchange of culture and learning. We can also provide more traditional forms of trade, raw materials, food, consumer goods, whatever is needed. I'm sure that the introduction of new markets is something that all the companies within this area would be most interested in. We could also tell you of other habitable systems nearby."
That struck a certain point to Ed. Most notably food and the habitable systems part. It isn't commonly known, but the main reason that Planetform was funded by the government was that Bretonia is looming on the brink of famine. There were far too many heavily industrialized planets and not enough planets growing food. If- no not if, when famine struck, the other houses would intervene… at a cost. Bretonia could face a Rhineland situation. With these aliens however… maybe just maybe, they could get better prices off them, or more importantly colonies. Yes, they would have to share with the other houses, but the potential here…
"While this does sound like a good idea Captain," Lord Barstow calmly replied, "I can't help but feel that there are certain… catches so to speak here."
"Catches, Lord Barstow?" replied Captain T'Loni, confusion in her face, "A moment please." she said after giving Barstow's words some thought.
"What does he mean by catch Aela?" Dala quickly asked Dr D'Avo, remembering to stick to Thessian.
"I think he means there is too much going for him here that he can't help but feel he is being baited into a trap…" she tentatively replied
"And thus get caught in it. We'll just have to convince them otherwise." she replied with a slight smile.
"Apologies Lord Barstow, I had to clarify some things with my colleague here. I do get what you are saying now though. Believe me when I say that joining the Galactic Community, the Citadel, can only lead to benefits to your peoples. Yes there are some treaties that all members must sign, but these are all just things that we believe are necessary to maintaining peace throughout our space." Dala replied in as calm a manner as she could.
"Such as?"
"Well, there are the treaties limiting the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction on garden worlds. Even with FTL, as I'm sure you know, worlds that can support life are few and far between, and bringing one planet to life supporting standards takes millions of years."
"That does make sense, but I'm sure there are other treaties we need to know about. But first, explain to me just what is this Citadel you keep referring to?" he inquisitively replied. Perkins explained a little about it, but hearing from the aliens was always nice.
"Around 3000 years ago, we the Asari discovered the Citadel, an ancient and gigantic space station created by an ancient and extinct race we call the Protheans. It lies at the center of a series of what we call Mass Relays, something similar to what we suspect are your… wormhole generators, except that the Protheans built them. They are our major form of travelling throughout the galaxy. We, along with the Salarians who came soon after, decided to form a collaborative government on the Citadel, seeing its central location as the logical location for a government. We formed the Citadel Council, a group to call judgement on those who break Citadel laws, settle disputes, and enforce the peace. Take note however that the Citadel Council has no overhanging authority over the still sovereign nations. They provide arbitration and oversight. All species who join are thus protected under Citadel Law and can enjoy the many benefits of being an associate member. A Council member is a species that proves itself worthy and thus earns its seat on the Citadel Council."
"Hmm…" thought Lord Barstow. While on paper it sounded good, general peace, protected trade, prevent war between the others, essentially the Boorman Treaty with an oversight committee, it still sounded like there would be a catch. There always is. Years of dealing with Liberty had taught him that.
"For something like this, I cannot act without the approval of my King, Captain T'Loni. This is simply far too important. I would request copies of the treaties that we would be required to sign so that I may properly review them. Of course I understand it'll take time for you to translate those into English, so those can wait or later talks no?"
"I understand completely Lord Barstow. Let us move on to other things, we have questions on your FTL."
"Our Jump Gates?"
"Indeed, we are very much interested in them. What would you want in exchange for their schematics?"
And there was the catch. No one has access to those schematics outside of DSE, Aegira and the highest echelons of the Liberty government. Oh the other houses have tried for years to get their hands on them, but taking apart an already functional Jump Gate would arouse too much suspicion from Liberty and the white boxes on them were very well designed. No one has managed to crack them open.
"We may have a problem there Captain." he replied a little embarrassedly, "You see, we don't know how they work."
"You mean some ancient race built these gates as well?" Dala replied. Did these colonists take out a race capable of building these gates only for them to be unable to replicate them?
"Not exactly ancient, more like it is our neighbor, Liberty, who built them." Lord Barstow replied a little awkwardly. "I suspect you want to build your own copies of them." he replied once he saw the Captain's suddenly hopeful looking expression, "Don't bother. We've tried for centuries to get them to share their tech, but they hoard that patent very close to their hearts."
"Then how do you build new ones?" Dala replied a little unbelievingly. "You all just go to this… Liberty and ask them to build you a new gate?"
"Not exactly ask. More like… agree to whatever payments Ageira or DSE wants."
"Ageira and DSE?"
"Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering hold a monopoly on building any and all Jump Gates and trade lanes within the colonies. They are the only ones who know how to and are completely backed by the Liberty government."
In Dala's mind, this brought a whole new meaning to megacorporation. That these two companies held so much power over sovereign states… It's clear now that talks would have to happen between all these Sirius Houses, at the same time in the same place. It'll probably give the Citadel the best chance at a good deal. However… she couldn't just leave these talks without something. Trade of sorts would be good, or perhaps telling them of Element Zero? No, regular trade, and an open appearance as well could be more beneficial. It'll show peaceful intentions yet willing to trade things, from tech to material goods.
"I… see. This is something that I imagine will require me to talk to someone from Liberty, yes?"
"Yes indeed. You must understand that we in the colonies are very dependent on each other." which in Lord Barstow's mind was 'even though we wish we weren't' "We each specialize and provide a certain trade or service to each other. Liberty specializes in Finance and Travel Technology" And make sure to lord it over the rest of us , "we in Bretonia specialize in manufacturing, and certain material extraction," best not mention BMM's worker policy, "Kusari, IT and specialized components and fuel," and they really try their best to make sure that they keep things IN Kusari, "and Rhineland ,raw materials and basic machinery" mostly because that's all they have left. "We've found rather much like your interspecies alliance, different competing societies with very diverse areas of focus leads to a much more effective growth in both our societies and economies. "
So, in the absence of other races, they found that different societies would help facilitate growth and change. Dala just couldn't form a picture of what these humans are like. Everything that she has seen so far has just been… so hard to figure things out. Still, it sounds like Bretonia has things that could be traded for. "It sounds like you Humans are indeed quite an interesting species. It is true that we have found that each species has their own particular disposition on the Citadel, we Asari tend to specialize in Hi-Tech products while Turians would be more along the line of security. Now that we hear you humans have some products and materials nearby, perhaps trade of sorts could be arranged?"
There we go. Now she has caught the scent of something she likes. "While I'm not opposed to it," Lord Barstow replied, careful to not show his interest too much, "this is something that bears great weight on what will affect the future of our peoples. I am however open to openly announcing the first contact with your peoples. You could follow us, into the Jump Gate, and we can take you onwards towards New London, where you will most certainly be well received by the King." A public appearance would also incidentally raise Bretonia's image quite a bit within the colonies. The Brave Bretonians who encountered the unknown and greeted it with warmth and peace, ushering a new era of exploration etcetera etcetera.
Meanwhile, Dala was seriously contemplating this. First Contact and the meeting of the monarch of these people? The First users of a brand new form of FTL?
She would be moving so far into the unknown, but that thought merely sweetened it for her. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, even among the Asari. It wasn't every day you met a species like the Humans.
"While most certainly a… tempting offer Lord Barstow," she replied cautiously, it wouldn't do to offend her hosts, "I fear I must consult with my superiors first. This, like you said, is a most momentous decision."
"I understand completely. Take your time and-" a bell rung, not an alarming one, a slight tingle, just enough to grab one's attention, "Ah! The tea is ready. Let's start our recess. I do believe you will enjoy our time honored tradition of tea."
Dala personally had no idea what tea was but she did suspect that with the amount of reverence these Bretonian humans had for tea, it must be an important part of their culture. When she turned towards the door, there entered a human in a sleek black outfit with a with a white layer under. He walked upright and carried in his two white gloved hands, what looked like a tray of incredibly fragile looking ceramics. She carefully turned to her resident Xenoarchaeologist for some ideas.
"Dr.D'Avo, any ideas on what this ceremony is about?" she quietly asked.
"I can't be too sure Captain," Aela replied hesitatingly "but I do suspect that it's a drinking ceremony of sorts. Not alcoholic for sure."
"Ah Smith!" Lord Barstow laughed cheerily, "You went and decided to go for the Jeeves outfit for this occasion eh?"
"I do believe that for this occasion, you should call me Jeeves, suh. It is after all, my actual first name." replied Smith calmly and professionally.
"Capital, Jeeves! Now if you would kindly serve us?"
"Of course sir." said the man, Jeeves, as he carefully laid down the tray at the center of the table.
"Now, would you like to have your tea strong and sweet? Or smooth and subtle?" Lord Bartow asked Dala.
"I'll have it the way you'll have yours Lord Barstow. I wouldn't know the difference." she apologetically replied.
"Of course!" Lord Barstow replied a little embarrassed, "I'm terribly sorry about that. Let's do move on. Jeeves, one sugar and one cream for the both of us please. "
"Of course sir." said Jeeves as he carefully took the pot with the little spout and poured some sort of black steaming liquid into the tiny cups. He then took another pot with a spout and poured a rather small amount of white liquid into it. Finally, he took some powdery substance from one pot with a silvery looking spoon and scooped a spoonful into each. He then very carefully stirred each of the dainty looking cups with a silver spoon, and then grabbed each them and proffered one to herself and Dr. D'Avo then finally to Lord Barstow
Lord Barstow then, after delicately balancing his cup in his hand, and gently sipped his drink. "Mmm… It's been a long time since I enjoyed a nice cup." he said after a long while, clearly enjoying his drink.
Dala then decided to follow his motions, after remembering to do a quick scan with her omni-tool for any possible poisons that could affect her. Seeing that her tool sensed nothing beyond a mild stimulant, she then sent the results to the Silaris for a quick analysis of both the drink and some of the nearby foods that Lord Bartow was now eating. After about a few minutes, she received the go ahead to have the tea from one of the scientists aboard, having meanwhile listened to a little bit of life as one of the Aristocracy of this… Bretonian society.
It was warm, hearty and earthy with a smoothness to it along with a slight hint of sweetness. "This is most delicious Lord Barstow." Dala gladly complimented. "I'm sure I wouldn't mind taking this back to Thessia for some of the Matriarchs to taste."
"Please do so! I shall gift you with some of my personal blends and instructions on how to prepare them, along with your own tea set and some sugar and cream."
"Thank you Lord Barstow." it was indeed a generous gift if such a prized beverage was being gifted from this man's stores. Surely this was a sign that from here on in, things could only go smoothly?