Sins of the Prophets (Halo 3 Warlords)

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The year is 2552. The Human-Covenant War has reached its crescendo as the fighting arrives on Earth. Yet in victory, the Covenant has found itself breaking apart under the intrigues of its leaders. Now is the time for new leaders to rise, with new ambitions and new ideals. The galaxy will never be the same
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Giant Monster All Out Attack
United States of America

As the Covenant wars, the Battle of Installation 00 is ongoing, the climax of the war has yet to be decided as the Prophet of Truth stands in the CONTROL ROOM activating the Holy Rings. But not is all right with the galaxy. The events leading up to this event are legendary.

A shaky alliance between some Sangheili and their former foes, the humans, was forged out of necessity and revenge against the Covenant to some extent. Both sides had two common enemies that wished for their extinction: the Covenant and the Flood. This alliance of circumstance was forged in the control room of Installation 05, when Sergeant Major Avery Johnson and Arbiter Thel 'Vadamee united to prevent the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus, from activating Delta Halo, or Installation 05, and firing the Halo Array. Meanwhile, Rtas 'Vadum led a strike team of Sangheili to capture the Shadow of Intent from the Jiralhanae as a flagship for their local forces. After succeeding in killing Tartarus, the Arbiter persuaded many Sangheili to ally with the humans, forming the Fleet of Retribution.

On November 17, the devastated UNSC Home Fleet attempted a last-ditch assault on the High Prophet of Truth's Forerunner Dreadnought, which had integrated with the Forerunner artifact that Regret had discovered nearly a month prior. This attack failed and a Flood-controlled battlecruiser crashed in Voi only moments after Truth's fleet entered the portal generated by the artifact. However, the Sangheili Fleet of Retribution, led by Shipmaster Rtas 'Vadum, arrived in pursuit of the cruiser; as the fleet glassed the city and its environs, the Sangheili and UNSC agreed to follow Truth beyond the portal.

As the fighting intensifies, all await the results of the battle, and shall see if the Great Journey shall prevail, or the Separatists stop the Prophet of Truth from firing the Halo Arrays. No matter the outcome however, the Great Schism has only begun and the collapse of the Covenant with it.

Welcome one and all to Sins of the Prophets, a Halo GSRP set immediately during Halo 3 and following into the Post War period. If you're thinking to yourself that this looks familiar, you would be correct. @Hyvelic ran a game called Ashes of the Covenant, and since he did the idea better than I probably could have managed he gave me permission to use his stuff to run the game. So here we are. I'll leave him the 'Ashes' title though, I think that's for someone with a lot more quality

The UNSC is broken, its fleets destroyed and almost nothing left in the tank to rebuild with. The Covenant are far, far more worse off. They have just lost the center of their alliance and most powerful symbol, alongside all the fleets that were with it. This doesn't mean all things are unfixable, but they're probably not going to end well.

So, without further ado, let's get into the meat.


Orders are going to be simple. You have 400 words to give me a plan/list of things you want to do for the turn. Send them in a forum conversation, titled something like "[PLAYER NAME] -- AOTC," or anything similar and easily identifiable. Your orders are anything you want done on a political, military, or personal level.

Turns will be split into two halves, the First Half of a year, and the Second Half of the year. Both of which are roughly 6 months long each. The first turn will be split into two parts, to allow for the resolution of the Battle of Installation 00, but that should be the only exception circumstances permitting.

As for something to keep in mind when making your characters, the Battle for Installation 00 (the Ark) is still ongoing at the start of the game, so make your character with that in mind.

Here are some basic rules.
  • Please abide by forum rules at all times.
  • Do not metagame, powergame, or min-max. Please no wiki-diving (i.e. coming to me with some wiki article of some ancient long-lost Forerunner superweapon that you should coincidentally have access to because of reasons).
  • Making interesting characters over strong or successful characters is preferable for both game quality and my mood.
  • Communication can be over Discord or PMs, but it must include me as the GM in order to be official.
  • The Discord Link is here. It is advised to use it for ease of communication with any potential teammates, but it is not required
  • Most of the planets and the like on the Map(s) are unique to this game and most of the time Non-canon to Halo's canonical lore.
  • The same thing with the placement of planets and systems, most of it was made because of Hyve's personal preference.


Ships are going to be the Backbone of the game, there are uses for every ship, but what you need to keep in mind is that size isn't everything. Being outnumbered 3:1 isn't impossible to win a victory from, you just need the right fleet composition and ability to win. Below are the types/classes of ships you will be seeing as the game goes on, you're going to choose one to be your Flagship during T0, so read carefully.

Each Ship will cost CP to build and take a small amount of time to complete before being operational. CP comes from dedicated shipyards and other sources that you can find through exploration.

Mutan Et-pattern Storm Cutter

Mutan Et-pattern Storm Cutter
2 CP, 1 Turn

The smallest warship in their fleet in terms of size, the storm cutter is not intended to be used in larger Covenant fleet structures, although it has been pressed into such formations before. Rather, it is a privateer craft tasked with low-priority, general-purpose duties, and so carries its own strike craft detachment and troops to remain independent. Its duties are focused around policing, tailing suspect spacecraft and either providing continuous information on their movement, or intercepting them.
Zanar-Pattern Frigate

Zanar-Pattern Frigate
3 CP, 1 Turn

Too small and ill-equipped to carry their own strike craft and ground troops, the Zanar-pattern frigate is not designed to be deployed independently thanks to its unusual origins. Instead, it is designed to operate in a fleet support role, travelling with other vessels which can make up for its deficiencies. Retaining extensive automated elements to give it a very small crew for its size, they are otherwise regarded as average warships. Somewhat fast for its size, and decently protected, its weapons placement would have made it a poorly-equipped escort had it not been armed with two powerful plasma beam emitters. Instead, it is particularly well-suited to the needs of planetary assault and suppression, with accurate and powerful armaments that can systematically strip rebels of their most powerful assets
Ceudar-pattern Heavy Corvette

Ceudar-pattern Heavy Corvette
5 CP, 1 Turn

Initially commissioned for exploration of the space beyond the Covenant, the Ceudar, or SDV as the UNSC calls it, found its niche during the war in reconnaissance efforts. Lightly armed, they primarily rely on their compliment of fighters for protection. More notably, they are equipped with a stealth generator which allows it to be invisible to long range sensors. This makes it a useful component of any fleet.
Crusader-class Brigantine

Crusader-class Brigantine
5 CP, 1 Turn

The Crusader-class Brigantine is a massive Sangheili battleship, pre-dating the Covenant. Long considered obsolete, the recent need for capable warships has pressed it back into service, with the Covenant going to great lengths to refit these vessels for combat operations. A massive vessel, armoured in a thick outer shell, and equipped with an enormous complement and ample communication facilities, allowing it to act as a command vessel and battle carrier.
Varric-pattern Heavy Cruiser

Varric-pattern Heavy Cruiser
7 CP, 1 Turn

Revered for their awesome power and accumulated glory, they are extremely versatile for a ship of their size, leading to them becoming prestigious vessels to serve aboard. Renowned for being augmented with a Forerunner weapons-core, they are further supported by advanced stealth systems, although unfortunately this had instilled issues with power management in combat situations.
ORA-class Interdictor Cruiser

ORA-class Interdictor Cruiser
9 CP, 2 Turn

A rarely-seen relic of the Covenant's early expansion, the ORA-class Interdictor Cruiser is a predator that is utterly lethal in ambush tactics. Devised as a pirate chaser, it could delve into the alien realm of slipspace, find its prey, and pull them out into realspace, where they are at its mercy. Despite its age, rarity, and complexity, such vessels remain in Covenant stockpiles.
Sinaris-class Heavy Destroyer

Sinaris-class Heavy Destroyer
10 CP, 2 Turns

The Sinaris-class Heavy Destroyer is the largest and most powerful known model of destroyer used by the Covenant empire. Easy to recognize with its two wing-like protrusions on the sides, it struck fear into the hearts of marines during many battles. It was designed to pummel its enemies and destroy, but given its violent nature was only used by disgraced Shipmasters that were too savage for normal duties. Given this, most spent their time exiled on the fringe, and as such were not seen as commonly during the Human-Covenant War as other known ships. With their reputations tarnished, many Shipmasters could never hope to redeem themselves, and remained stuck with their burden.

The Minister of Fervent Intercession, charged with employing Zealots, saw the true potential of these ships as assets of power, not signs of disgrace, and deployed two vicious Shipmasters to command Sinaris-classes in his fleet. These ships often serve as heavy support for fleets, with their powerful weaponry, including many plasma bombardment mortars and an excavation beam. Many of these destroyers were times escorted by smaller CRS-class frigates, albeit with their tarnished standings, they could only count on the Cruisers to perform their basic duties. To humanity, these ships were seen as nothing but another of the Covenant's powerful ships, exterminating lives for a false path.
Maugen-pattern Armoured Cruiser

Maugen-pattern Armoured Cruiser
10 CP, 2 Turn

The Maugen pattern served as the mainstay of the Covenant fleet for centuries, expanding their power across the stars and bringing many worlds into the fold. They are notably armoured compared to other Covenant vessels, but are less advanced than modern vessels and are undergunned for similar vessels of their size. They were eventually supplanted by the Ket-class Battlecruiser, with the majority scrapped and those that remained transferred to colonial reserve fleets as they were seen as not being fit for active combat duty.
Onura-pattern Supercruiser

Onura-pattern Supercruiser
12 CP, 3 Turns

The Onura-pattern supercruiser, classified as the DOS-class battlecruiser by the United Nations Space Command, is one of the most specialised models of capital ships deployed by the Covenant, it specializes in Ship-to-Ship combat as well as serves well as long range fire support or as a command ship.
Ket-class Battlecruiser

Ket-class Battlecruiser
14 CP, 3 Turns

The Ket-class battlecruiser, also dubbed the Covenant Capital Ship, is the most common warship in the entire Covenant fleet. A development from the older RCS-class armoured cruiser, the sleek Ket-class is built as an expression of the Covenant's power. It is fast, well-armed and shielded, and useful, all in equal measure. Add to this a large complement for a ship of its size, and it is not hard to see why these battlecruisers could be seen from everything from honour guard ships to occupation vessels to forward construction vessels. These ships are looked upon with envious eyes by the rest of the Covenant, and even after the hegemony's fall have continued to cement themselves as a reliable vessel.
Cheran-class Carrier

Cheran-class Carrier
14 CP, 3 Turns

Its primary role in combat is to dispatch single ship star fighters and other smaller ships, as it boasts three squadrons of Seraph fighters, two hundred Banshees and thirty-four Spirits/Phantoms. These ships are carried in the Cheran-class carriers thirteen launch bays. It has been hypothesized that since the Covenant Cheran-class carrier is longer than the Covenant Cruiser and much more uncommon in a Covenant fleet, it is most likely a more powerful warship overall, though it is smaller than the more powerful Covenant supercruiser. Alternatively, it is likely used for command and control over larger numbers of warships and deploying waves of star fighter craft.
Vindraon-pattern Battlecarrier

Vindraon-pattern Battlecarrier
16 CP, 4 Turns

Although it is smaller than the iconic CAS-class assault carrier, the Vindraon-pattern battlecarrier is arguably more effective and resilient, combining a large strike craft platform with a design that excels at fighting entire armadas. It is durable for its size, with a bulky hull and strong shields that utilize multiple generators to better resist a simultaneous attack all around it. This already makes it a formidable opponent, which is bolstered by its design that emphasizes redundancy and endurance to make it difficult to disable. Its weapons follow a similar philosophy, with most of its striking power tied up in multiple batteries of heavy pulse lasers and medium plasma cannons rather than a few heavy energy projectors. This makes it dangerous to approach on all angles and nearly-impossible to disarm, although most Sangheili shipmasters look down on its inability to focus most of its fire forwards. The battlecarrier is slow and bulky, which can be a weakness. If trapped in a fight it cannot win, the Vindraon-pattern has one final trump-card in the form of a Forerunner micro-drive, installed to allow it to escape brawls it cannot win.
Rasus-pattern Interdictor

Rasus-pattern Interdictor
20 CP, 4 Turns

First encountered by Humanity during the Battle of Harvest, the Rasus Interdictor quickly gained a reputation for being able o decimate a fleet from long range with ease. The Rasus sports a variety of long range and close range weaponry which makes it dangerous for any foe to come up against. However the power requirements of all of these weapons leaves it with comparatively weaker defensive capabilities, and it cannot survive sustained direct fire for long. Its reliance on Forerunner technology also makes it more difficult to produce more if some are lost.
Kerel-class Assault Carrier

Kerel-class Assault Carrier
20 CP, 4 Turns

The Kerel-class assault carrier is one of the most powerful models of capital ships ever deployed by the Covenant empire. Characterized by its immense center hanger and hook-like prow, the assault carrier's awe-inspiring capabilities are well-documented. It is designed to lead the Covenant fleet into known enemy strongholds, punching through enemy lines and offloading a large complement of ground troops to wage war on the planet's surface. They accomplish this with line-after-line of shield generators, plasma torpedo silos and pulse lasers, with an expansive hangar capable of carrying thousands of strike craft, dropships and troops. Add to this a number of powerful plasma lances and stripping out the usual warship needs for more weapon, troop and reactor space, and it becomes unnervingly easy to see why these ships are often called invincible combatants by personnel on the front lines.
Nuvaar-pattern Supercarrier

Nuvaar-pattern Supercarrier
30 CP, 5 Turns

The Nuvaar-pattern supercarrier, designated the CSO-class supercarrier, is the largest capital ship that was developed by the Covenant. The crown jewels of the Covenant's fleets, CSO-class supercarriers are a much more capable variation of the CAS, though those massive vessels are rare. A supercarrier alone can lay siege to an entire planet and quarantine it in less than ten cycles.
Kewu-pattern Battleship

Kewu-pattern Battleship
30 CP, 5 Turns

Unlike many vessels within the Covenant navy, the Kewu was designed with the purpose of subjugating any rebellion that might occur within Covenant space, and fending off any rogue fleets which might attempt to stand against the will of the Prophets. Only a handful exist, and as a result only one ever saw combat against Humanity. They are able to take heavy amounts of damage before being adversely affected, and sport a strong complement of weapons to carry out their task

Armies, Ranks and Apps

Now that Ships are out of the way, now comes the second fun part, Legions. Each player will assume control of ground forces they carry with them and their fleets. There will not be any exact number provided for the size of a Legion, to make things easier on my end when it comes to bookkeeping, and the general issue of sci fi writers and scale.

Each faction will have a general 'mobilization level' based on a combination of territory controlled, internal stability, and any other temporary factors that may arise. This determines how many points you have towards army recruitment, which in turn is how many armies you can have on the field at any single time. All legions take a turn to build. While each legion costs one point for initial creation, these Legions can be augments with an additional point investment to provide them with specialization in particular areas. These specializations take the form of keywords you provide on army creation, and can be very useful when gearing your military to handle certain situations. Up to two keywords can be applied to a single legion.

Events during the course of the game can result in new keywords being applied, or existing ones being removed

High Mobility
Well Rounded
Heavy Firepower
Fortress Buster
Rough Terrain Experts
Close Combat Specialists
Urban Assault Specialists
Commando Operations
Close Air Support
Artillery Expert
Single Species

Now with that out of the way, Ranks. Everyone has a rank

Here is a guide of how you should rank your character at the start of the game. You can also use this somewhat when you are selecting the features of your armies. Some ranks are also missing, mostly administrative or non-combat focused ones. You can use ranks not listed, as long as you provide evidence that it exists and somewhat explain what the rank entails in your Bio.

Finally, the Application form

Picture (optional)
Name: Your name.
Race & Age: Your species and your age. Keep in mind that different species age differently.
Birthplace: The location of your birth.
Rank/position: Your rank within the Covenant bureaucracy or military.
Flagship: The name and type of your flagship.
Location: Your current location.

Races of the Covenant
  • San'Shyuum
    • The highest caste, the San'Shyuum, or "Prophets" as Humans call them, lead the Covenant and exert complete control over all religious and political affairs. Though physically weak, Prophets wield power through absolute command of the Covenant and through scavenged Forerunner technology, leaving the task of conquest to the Sangheili and the other races. Their higher understanding of the Forerunners gives them great ego and religious influence over the Covenant. The High Prophets are addressed as "Hierarchs," "Noble Hierarchs," "Holy Ones," or "Exalted" by the other races of the Covenant.
  • Sangheili
    • The second highest caste; Sangheili, or Elites as Humans call them, served as the military leaders of the Covenant before the Great Schism in 2552. While Prophets often had the final say, it was the Sangheili who organized military campaigns and naval engagements. They maintained the military structure of the Covenant and ensured the Prophets' orders were followed, as well as their own. Sangheili considers the other client races to be below them in all ways. The Sangheili are the only known race permitted to build and operate starships within the Covenant, though the crews are almost always composed of a mix of races. Sangheili are separated into ranks based on skill and experience. To advance in rank, Sangheili must honorably earn such advancements on the battlefield. They were a major component of the Covenant and were the only caste able to maintain the military hierarchy as well as having a voice within the High Council before the Great Schism. An "ee" at the end of a Sangheili name, such as "'Zamamee or 'Vadumee," signifies that that Sangheili is a part or was part of the Covenant military, although, after the Great Schism most, if not all, Sangheili removed the "ee" from their names to show that they had left the Covenant.
  • Jiralhanae
    • Jiralhanae, known to Humans as Brutes, are one of the newer species to the Covenant and are the only race that has obtained very close to equal status to that of one of the founding "clients" of the Covenant pact, the Sangheili. They have an incredible natural resilience to damage due to their tough hides, which easily make up for their lack of energy shields, and use a number of weapons and vehicles based upon their pre-Covenant technology. This technology, though primitive compared to other Covenant weapons, is nonetheless extremely lethal, with most Jiralhanae-developed weapons having blades attached to them. In addition to their standard form of combat, Jiralhanae will sometimes go "berserk" and try to kill anyone or anything in their path. This shows the aggressive nature of the Jiralhanae, and the little tolerance they have when they are cornered. Jiralhanae have their own ranks going up to War Chieftains who usually wield plasma cannons, fuel rod guns, or Chieftains who usually wield gravity hammers. The Jiralhanae always work in packs of 3-8 when possible. They took over the role as personal bodyguards of the Prophets and also now make up most of the Covenant military.
  • Huragok (Non-Playable)
    • Huragok, or Engineers, are actually an artificial species created by the Forerunners. They will only converse with the Prophets or individuals who learn their language. This indicates Engineers are very high in the caste system, however ONI believe them to be prisoners or slaves. The Huragok perform the physical labor of excavating, and gathering data on Forerunner artifacts. In military terms, they are generally a non-militant race. However, at times in the Human-Covenant war they have been placed on the battlefield either as repair workers or suicide bombers. They have also displayed neutrality and even some allegiance to humans such as Lighter-Than-Some helping the citizens of Harvest escape and another Engineer repairing Ascendant Justice's engines for John-117 and even a Needler for him to use in battle. Another example is one Huragok repairing and recovering the Human AI Superintendent and then assisting Captain Veronica Dare and Sergeant Major Avery Johnson in working out what the High Prophet of Truth was looking for in Africa. It was also revealed that they are equipped with a personal energy shield only when they are under duress. Additionally, these Huragok are also able to project an energy shield around its allies, or enhance shielding already present, if they are within its proximity.
  • Mgalekgolo
    • Mgalekgolo, or Hunters as they are known by Humans, are thought to be giant monsters, but they are actually an assemblage of worm-like entities called "Lekgolo" that creates a large, armor plated form. In this form, they are known as "Mgalekgolo." They always fight and travel in pairs known as "Bond Brothers" which technically means that not all of the colonies of worms were able to fit within one set of armor, and are the strongest of the Covenant fighting units. They wield powerful assault cannons and a massive shield resistant to any small arms fire which may also be used as a melee weapon due to its sharp sides and the Mgalekgolo's great strength. They are usually used as weapons platforms, and are only deployed on the battlefield when in need of a heavy force - they are used more like heavy duty equipment than soldiers. Their political and religious motivations are completely unknown.
  • Yanme'e
    • These flying insect-like creatures, also known as Drones or Buggers by Humans, served almost exclusively as engineers, but were then replaced by the Huragok. This created a hatred towards the new, peaceful engineers by the Yanme'e that sometimes resulted in violence. Afterwards, the Yanme'e were used as aerial combatants against the UNSC, who were inexperienced at fighting airborne infantry. In combat, their weapons of choice were the Needler, which creates a supercombine explosion if enough projectiles are fired into the same target, and the Plasma Pistol. Their ability to fight on the wing, and their usual deployment in large groups, made them an excellent strategic weapon against ground-based opponents.
  • Kig-Yar
    • Due to their superior senses, the Kig-Yar, or Jackals/Skirmishers as they are known by Humans, are the scouts and marksmen of the Covenant military, they are the second lowest Covenant caste. Due to their lack of physical durability, they carry a portable energy shield generator during combat. Kig-Yar are employed mainly as sharpshooters with their excellent vision and dexterity, and are also deployed to defend strategic areas. When a Kig-Yar is under fire, it will cover its head with its hands and trot away to another position from which to fire. The first Human contact with the Covenant was between Staff Sergeants Johnson and Byrne on a Human freighter as Kig-Yar pirates tried to board the ship. The Kig-Yar have a very strong dislike of the Unggoy because they are always trying to assert their superiority over them in the caste system of the Covenant. Once they poisoned a recreational narcotic that the Unggoy used which nearly caused them to become infertile. This caused the Unggoy Rebellion.
  • Unggoy
    • Hailing from Balaho, Unggoy, known as Grunts among Humans, are the most common and lowest-placed caste of the Covenant. The Unggoy were barely into their own Iron Age when the San'Shyuum discovered them. Classified as a "Tier 6" civilization by the Forerunner charts, the Unggoy were at a primitive point in their cultural development, the Unggoy had little choice but to accept entry into the Covenant hegemony, or otherwise risk extinction. After their incorporation into the Covenant their entire history was erased and they essentially became a slave race. Despite their notable cowardice and ineptitude, they are quite dangerous in large numbers, which was why an Arbiter was needed to quell the Unggoy Rebellion. They breathe methane and thus must wear a large tank on their back full of the methane to survive on other planets. Relations between the Unggoy and the Kig-Yar are strained in the best of times.

Shipyards and Maps

Shipyards are the basis for all things ship related. The bigger the CP output, the more valuable it generally will be to have, and the harder it will be to take should you not deal with what's there first. There are 18 Shipyards throughout the map, and potentially more that need to be discovered before being put onto the map.

Speaking of maps, here is the Map being used for this game.

And below will be the list of Shipyards currently being used publicly for everyone to enjoy.

  • Te: 70
    Vir: 40
    Hirazule: 40
    Ring of Humility and Patience: 35
    Qhiiros: 35
    Jaarentu: 35
    Reclaimed Fortune: 30
    Doisac: 25
    Dutiful Valiance: 20
    Crimson Lookout: 15
    Ordained Edict: 15
    Eayn: 10
  • Sanghelios: 80
    Maluhira: 50
    Glyke: 35
    Korayi: 30
    Nepharal: 20
    Sevenfold Blessings: 20
  • These are Shipyards that are known to exist, not a comprehensive list.

    Sol: 10
    Jericho VII: 10
    New Jerusalem: 8
    Sigma Octanus IV: 8
    Tribute: 4
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Yap-Yap the Destroyer - Averagename
Name: Yap Yap the destroyer, liberator of the Ungouy, prophet and eternal guide (Aka "that Ungouy who went mad down in the mines and is now on my ship")

Race & Age: ungouy- 10

Birthplace: High Charity

Rank/position: Former: Ungouy High Deacon for spiritual matters attached to the Ministry of Sanitation, Seconded to vir defense and excavation fleet (the Fleet of Iconoclastic Fervor) Current: High Prohet of the Ungouy and Spirtiual Guide Eternal

Flagship: Yap Yap's Wrath, Kerel Class Assualt Carrier.

Location: vir

Biography: Ungouy are not respected within the bounds of the Covenant and Yap Yap was no different, born amoung the sprawling dens of lower high charity he was inducted into the machinery of the Covenant. At early adolescence he was selected by the Ministry of Sanitation for his acceptable inteligence and being in the right street at the right time. His education in the ministry was cursoury as could be expected and he graduated as an under deacon tasked with ensuring the health, both spiritual and phyisical, of ungouy forces in the fleet of Iconocalstic Fervor.

This fleet has been assigned far from the war with humanity and at the time of Yap Yap's assignment was tasked with the excavation of a forerunner vault deep in the planets polar crust. While normally he would not have been assigned to such august positions an outbreak of the balahoo pox among the Ungouy in the excatvation teams necessitated a ministry of sanitation team be deployed to the surface. The pox having quickly killed his superiors led to his quick promotion to head of the Ungouy contingent. Eventually though the pox was brougth under control and new shipments of Ungouy workers was brought ino to make good losses and due to the risk of resurgence the now high deacon Yap Yap remained in position on world.

Excavations continued as forecast for some time following this with a few minor bumps in the road. Reports became somewhat more distressed around one week before the incidents on the ark. Reports are fragmented but it seemed that ungouy workers refused to hand over a forerunner artefact. Intial descriptions noted that the artefact was some form of crown. Containment teams of elites were quickly deployed to 'negotiate' an end to this mutiny. In what would be, to an outside viewer, an amusing rerun of the ungouy rebellion putting down this little mutiny turned out to be much more difficult to acomplish. The large force of Ungouy rebels armed with mining equipment in the deep tunnels sucessfuly destroyed several cadres of elites sent to contain the rebbelion. Around three standard days following the inital rebbelion the fleetmaster lost his patience and ordered several legions to the surface to end this irritation. Unfortunately though he did not follow proper proedures and did not remove ungouy troops form the dispatched legions. These forces quickly turned their coats upon landing on the surface and with an argressive local rebel force overran and destoreyd the loyalist forces.

Quickly siezing the landign ships the rebels boarded and assualted the fleet docked in orbit fo the world. Reports indicated that somehow the rebels, seemingly beyond their ability, managed to pass them seleves off as retreating elements of the dispatched forces, escaping the AA net of the Coveant fleet.

The battle aboard the fleet was quick and bloody with huge portions of the ungouy workforce rising in seeming unison against their comanders. They would have been the defeated had the eleites much warning but the speed and nightmarish ferocity of their assualt quickly aniliated all oppisition to the rebels.

The day before the incident on the ark Yap Yap stood before the bound and bruised fleet master surrounded by the massacred bridge crew of the flagship. As the Fleetmaster looked up into the manic eyes of the ungouy traitor he wondered how he had been beaten by a creature which had never showed any potential or particular tactical acumen. The fleet master was not a fool though and as he took in Yap Yaps head where the blood oozed from where the pinions of the forerunner crown piercing the skin of the Ungouy he felt that this Ungouy had help much wiser than he. The fleetmaster did not think much more of his shame however as the plasma sword fell, the last noises he heard before the darkness took him was the roar of triumph of the surounding Ungouy as his head left his body.
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Yan'oun - Hyvelic

Lesser Queen Yan'oun
Yanme'e Queen, 18 Covenant Standard Years
Kerel-class Assault Carrier Hive of Palamok

Palamok, the Home of the Yanme'e was a highly colonized world full of queens and hives competing for land and resources even now, when the Covenant had integrated them into their own Hive. With the deaths of Queens Mercy and Regret the Yanme'e are worried that the death of Queen Truth shall shatter the Hive that is the Covenant even more than it already has.

Yan'oun is a relatively young queen who has been removed from Palamok and sent to colonize additional worlds as with the fall of Hive High Charity the Yanme'e species is endangered to be obliterated should they not be able to find more space and resources to claim for their own. The Queens of Palamok are not Immutables, and will not leave the Covenant like one, so Yan'oun shall be their representative and a symbol of their loyalty, while creating new hives for the Queens of Palamok from the traitors own Hives.
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Juk Miflip - Another Amoeba

Juk Mifkip and his sister, Mil Miflip​
Name: Juk Miflip (And Mil Miflip)
Race & Age: Kig-Yar, 33
Birthplace: Eayn
Rank/position: Shipmaster
Flagship: Ket-Class Battlecruiser Three Eyed Beast
Location: Bakhon

Biography: It's a hard life, being born a slave. That is, sold as an egg to a deacon by parents who were interested in fewer lives to feed. Contrary to popular belief, there are Unggoy who rise up high, and take great pleasure in their Sangheili manservants, or Jackal maids and cleaning-staff. This deacon, Miflip, was not a gracious master. The child Juk was subjected to all the vagaries of both him and the other servants, kept (well not safe, but probably) alive by an alliance forged with his cunning "twin sister," the T'vaoan Mil. They were fourteen years old, barely adults, when they fled into the night after stabbing to death the butler who tried to get in their way.

It is not hard for lone Jackals to make their way in the world: there are always mercenary companies. It was of course one of the bad ones, but (really only because of their species) he was trained as a sniper, and she a skirmisher. They always covered each other' backs, even if their clients always made it clear they preferred the mercenaries dead and their boss paid that feeling forward. In their early years, they cut their teeth on the regular assembly of jumped-up colonials trying not to pay their tithes and pirate bands.

It was a simple life until they met the Demons. The Demon. War against a minor race, easy deployment because they were just sweeping through some jungle to secure the flanks. Then, just one thing killed hundreds of them, including the boss. But, legally, the band still existed. Everyone got paid, and a couple forged documents and a dead boss later, he was the one in charge. Now, brother and sister found themselves running their own band of soldiers of fortune, the Laughing Jackal. Each of them proved a knack for management in their own way, and the group is known to be elite and loyal, so long as they can salvage everything worth anything on the black or scrap markets when the shooting stops.

When the Holy Covenant discovered Instillation 05, Juk and Mil found themselves nowhere near the fighting. Far from the Heretics, the Holy Guardians, or the Parasite. He had to do nothing but guard a temple. Basically vacation, or at least that was his thought until Jiralhanae shock troops started pushing his location. He shot back. He supposes that makes him a Separatist, but all he really knows about politics is that there's suddenly a lot more places it's okay to loot.
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Taq'tch - ThatGuyMike

Name: Taq'tch
Race & Age: 5 Covenant Standard Years
Birthplace: High Charity
Rank/position: Ultra, Ship Captain
Flagship: Commitment and Condemnation
ORA-class Interdictor Cruiser

Location: Yajinri
Biography: Taq'tch is whats known as an 'Unmutual' Yanme'e. One suffering a personality disorder of extremes, incapable of working within the hive mind structer of the Yanme'e race. However, unlike the extremely violent kind oft sent to slave camps, Taq'tch is one whos personality disorder is instead one of extreme organizational skills and Cleanliness. Or, as Humans have coin'd the term, Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder.

Taq'tch's ability and skill with organization and efficency saw the Yanme'e catch the eye of an aged Jiralhanae chieftan named Ventus who was curious about the combat abilities of Yanme'e working under an Unmutual. Since that day, Taq'tch have lead covenant strike teams and cruisers into human space, hunting human ships and smugglers and leading the Jiralhanae Chieftan to glory and human worlds, earning him high renown and favor from the Chieftan and many brutes alike.​
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Finsa Ipsussee - Mortis Nuntius
Name: Finsa Ipsussee
Race & Age: Sangheili, 92 years old.
Birthplace: Sanghelios
Rank/Position: Shipmaster
Flagship: Inadvertable Destiny, Nuvaar-pattern supercarrier
Army Features: Elite Ranger Squads, Hunters, Unggoy Legions
Location: A short jump away from Jaarentu.

An accomplished Shipmaster in his own right and third in command of the Inadvertable Destiny Finsa Ipsussee was thrust into command of an isolated and embattled fleet caught deep in Covenant space during the opening days of the civil war. Cut off from support, reinforcement or information he and his ragged fleet must resist the impulse to die futilely and instead fight their way to friendly space, gaining what vengeance they can along the way.


Finsa Ipsusee watched his honour die from a blackened deck of the Inadvertable Destiny. Dozens of ships exploded into brightness as if they were the Chorkar Glowspires of his youth in Sanghelios only to fade from existence leaving nothing but melted wreckage and corpses, his sword brothers, his family. He cursed fate and himself in equal measure but stayed silent, to rage or weep would only compound his shame and his bridge staff needed to see him unmoved lest their own shame destroy them. He still had his duty, never had it felt so heavy. "No." He told the navigation officer.

This cycle had started so differently, promising perhaps to be the proudest moment of his life, at least equal to the day he had bloodied his sword in battle for the first time or when he had been granted Mastery of Beacon or later Righteous Sword. The Fleetmaster and Ultra-Shipmaster had been summoned to the cruiser Revelation, shortly after the prophet's emissary had arrived, their Spirit had joined hundreds of others leaving the ships of the Fleet of Unflinching Resolve as every Sangheli officer of note it seemed rushed to hear the word of the Great Journey and their ultimate fate.

Finsa's brief regret at being left behind had been replaced with burning pride when his Fleetmaster had entrusted him with command of mightiest vessel to ever enter vacuum. Unlike his previous Destroyer and Cruiser Commands this was a Super Carrier, armed as if by the Gods themselves and capable of furthering the great journey to entire systems all by itself. Not that it ever stood alone. It boasted dozens of ships that protected and aided it in its quest. True at the time it was deep into its pre-scheduled maintenance period and was thus effectively bound to the repair facility membrane, depowered and stationery, but even a shadow of its burning glory was enough to make Finsa's life, he had strode through the ship deck by deck, drinking it in as if he had not already spent hundreds of cycles aboard her, he always returned to the bridge however, to sit upon the throne of command and survey the might of the unbreakable Covenant. It was from that throne that he had watched the Revelation disappear in a blinding flash of light, he had fought humans enough to identify the blast as nuclear in nature even before it was reported. He immediately ordered all Ranger teams to survey each critical area of the ship. Humans were as devious as they were without honour, an attack on this sacred and migthy engine of the prophet's will was surely not beyond them whilst it lay vulnerable.

He did not let the multiple slipspace ruptures distract him for more than a moment, he recognised them as too precise to be humans, they were fellow Covenant. He was disabused of that assumption approximately seventeen heartbeats later when the first streaks of plasma hit the reeling Fleet of Unflinching Resolve. He watched in horror as unshielded carriers and cruisers were obliterated without even the honour of resistance. It was not a battle, it was a it was a race, if he could get Inadvertable Destiny operational then this treachery could be punished a hundredfold. He roared orders, personally directed engineers, made threats and exholtations and all of it...amounted to 45% engine power, two operational Plasma projectors and three squadrons of Seraphs waiting on his word by the time three quarters of the fleet had been destroyed and the traitors had begun to send boarding teams towards the repair facilities.

"...Shipmaster-" oh the mockery of the honour, so cruelly bestowed on him by the Gods in their wrath. "We can move, and though we cannot fight we can still die with honour, I can supercharge the slipspace drive and send us to honourable death." His engineering master told him. Awaiting the command.

It would have been a simple one to give. They could fight and die sword in hand and at the last plunge the ship into the void, perhaps taking even more of their honourless foes with them. An acceptable if not glorious death, the only true choice. He would not die with shame… Yet he had heasitated, why? What was holding him back? His fellow bridge crew watched him with growing suspicion? Had he in fact been a coward all this time without anyone, not even himself suspecting? Did he want to live a life of disgrace? No. It had to be something else. Something he was missing. He forced himself to once again survey the battle, it was still going terribly...they had never stood a chance, their foe had planned every detail perfectly. There! That was it!

This attack, it was organised and synchronised days in advance. It had been carried out ruthlessly and without mercy and it was completely impossible without many cycles of preparation and deep familiarity with its target. And on its lonesome it would achieve no purpose unless it was part of a much wider effort. These traitors actions only made sense as the opening thrust in a long war. Finsa looked at the sword on his hip, so tempting. But in its own way as cowardly as what he proposed and twice dishonourable. He needed every scrap of honour left to him.

"No." He said with regret, the word painful and full of hatred. "My brothers, this is but the first battle in a long war, we have a duty. Our own secondary to our duty, to the honour of the Sangheili in their purpose as defenders of the Prophets and stewards of the Great Journey. We must preserve this ship and as many ships as possible. Prepare to break free from the Membrane and enter slipspace, randomized coordinates, and open a channel to the fleet.

"Noble brothers of the Fleet of the Unflinching Resolve, today we live up to the illustrious and honourable name of our mighty fleet. Today we fufil the oath sworn by our fathers, the oath we pass onto ours sons. However painful, however much we would rather any other fate. I give this command with as much pain as it will inflict upon all of you, form around the Inadvertable Destiny and prepare to jump to the following coordinates. We must preserve these weapons of our Holy Covenant in order to win the war and punish these doomed Heretics. Any of you who choose to forsake your oaths out of personal weakness shall be known forevermore as a heretic and traitor. Those of you who will endure the unendurable and do their duty shall know true glory upon the Great Journey, if never again before then."

He felt the hatred and fear and loss of ten thousand souls, he felt it, shared it, and disregarded it.

"Now open an open channel. I want the scum to hear." He bid.
"Traitors, Heretics, my name is Finsa Ipsussee and today you damned yourselves, your ancestors and all those mongrels yet unborn to your accursed line. I swear by the Great Journey that this abominable treachery will be avenged a thousandfold. The seeds of destruction you have sown with your vile heresy shall be reaped across a thousand stars. We will return, we will hunt you down, we will kill you and you will know true and unimaginable agony the screams of which will echo down the path of the Great Journey, the path you have forever denied yourselves."

Words, nothing but words. They did nothing to sweeten the taste of disgrace as he fed like a whipped cur, only blood would absolve him, his enemy's and his own.

Name: Kronus
Race Jiralhanae, 44 Years Old
Birthplace, High Charity
Rank Position: Chieftain
Faction: Covenant
Flagship: Devourer - Kewu Pattern Battleship
Location: Ordained Edict.
Army Features: Brute Pack, Kig Yar Snipers, Kig Yar Majors.

Kronus is entirely typical of the new generation of Chieftans leading their packs in the golden age of the Brutes as champions of the Prophets. Ferocious, cunning, brutal and ambitious, refusing to serve as second in command of one of the few Brute controlled ships in the fleet he took a menial position about the Elite controlled Chastising Hand he personally seized command of his ship from its Elite Shipmaster, slaughtering most of the original crew in the early hours of the Schism renaming it Devourer leading it back into action without delay, now crewed by a mix of Brutes and Jackals. The early fleet battles of the Schism were chaotic, brutal and entirely to his liking, earning distinction such that even the Prophets praised his valor and thoroughness and granted him control of a small fleet of destroyers and cruisers sent to seize the distant shipyard of Pergium which he did with his usual blunt efficiency, since then he has been raiding far and wide as he slowly builds up his forces for a major attack on Sanghelli space, news of the death of Tartarus has left him hungry for further glory as a stepping stone to replacing the Great Chieftain.
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Lav Tamna - Gladsome
Name: Lav Tamna (She/Her)
Race & Age: San'Shyuum, 39
Birthplace: High Charity.
Rank/position: San'Shyuum Prelate, attached to the Ministry of Sacral Assembly.
Flagship: Varric-Pattern Heavy Cruiser,
Attestor of Divine Solemnity
Location: Emerald Rampart, Heduvar System
Biography: In a species so vital to the politics of the Covenant yet so limited in population, political schemes are an inevitability for every San'Shyuum, from birth to death.

So it was for Lav Tamna, born to a rising San'Shyuum family who had secured influence within the Ministry of Fervent Intercession and sought further power.

Young Lav, though deemed genetically unsafe to breed within the limited, heavily inbred San'Shyuum population on High Charity, could still serve the family's ambitions. She was offered up to receive the painstakingly tailored genetic augmentations of a Covenant Prelate, ascended to serve as a warrior of the gods themselves.

Or so she once believed. Lav abandoned such youthful delusions as it became clear what she truly meant to the Covenant as a Prelate. She was a bargaining chip, a force of destruction to be bartered for scraps in the political games of the Covenant. A nightmare, unleashed upon the unfavoured. A monster, twisted by barely understood Forerunner gene-science into something other from her own kind. She was alone.

And so, for two decades, Lav went where she was told, and killed whomever she was pointed at. Dissidents, supposed 'heretics' (often merely political opponents unlucky in their choices of friends), sometimes even other servants of the Prophets, caught up in competing schemes. She was told she brought pride and glory to her family, and honoured the gods with her duty.

She found nothing sacred in all the bloodshed.

It was as a bargaining chip in some deal or another between her family and a Minor Prophet that saw her eventually assigned, not to assassination or suppression of political enemies, but to bodyguard duty, protecting one of the Prophet's relatives in the Ministry of Sacral Assembly, a staffer overseeing military shipbuilding in the periphery of Covenant space. An astonishingly corrupt waste of resources and a dismal posting for a Prelate, certainly, or at least Lav thought at first.

Meeting her charge changed everything.

Kej'a'Kehret was a truly gentle soul. Kind, bright witted, and a better San'Shyuum than these vile political games. She saw in Lav, her twisted mutant of a guardian, someone worth cherishing… someone worth loving.

Such a match was impossible in the strict breeding rites of the San'Shyuum, and though they would never perhaps stand together in the open, Lav cherished every moment they could steal away between hours of rote administrative work and tours of the periphery shipyards. Kej'a was worth all the risk. After a decade of faithlessness, the Prelate had found something - someone, to believe in.

Perhaps it was doomed to ruination and shame. Lav regretted not a moment of it.

Then came the slow, gruesome death of the Covenant, the near extinguishing of the San'Shyuum in the aftermath of the Hierarchs' foolish gambit.

Lav reacted with stoic numbness to the seeming loss of the distant family that had only ever used her. The orders sent back to her from her nominal superiors, however, chilled her to the bone.

The Prophet of Truth wished for her to be another pawn in his grand gambit to redirect the Covenant's destiny and forever ensure San'Shyuum dominance over the other galaxy. A Prelate's rank carried weight, and her talents as a killer and commander could see her blaze a path across the stars in Truth's name.

But Lav was done being a pawn. So, claiming military authority and citing the confusion of the present crisis, she chose isolation instead, ignoring all incoming orders - hoping to find a refuge to wait out this wretched civil war and build something new in the aftermath.

As a San'Shyuum, accursed by many, it will be a lonely path. But with her beloved at her side, the Prelate is ready to finally make her own choices.
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Raia'Ralam - Taricus
Name: Raia'Ralam (Formerly Raia'Ralamee)
Race & Age: Sangheili, Old
Birthplace: Khael'mothka
Rank/position: Spec Ops Commander
Flagship: Graceful Overture (Varric-Pattern Heavy Cruiser)
Location: Draco III
Biography: A rarity in the covenant due to a combination of a spry body yet advanced age (And spending most of that time in active service), Commander Raia's career is a long, storied one. Pragmatically minded, devious and downright vicious, her early years in the covenant military seeing her entering the vaunted ranks of the Special Operations division, and finding her outlook and capabilities entirely suited the more pragmatic and specialised branch than the regular military did. It was not long before she became an officer within Special Operations as her underhanded methods and outright dishonourable conduct (For a sangheili) attracted the attention of powerful benefactors. From this position did Raia serve the majority of her time with the covenant; assigned to dangerous, deadly and difficult missions that put her further still into the good graces of said benefactors, becoming reputed as a reliable, if brutal and deceptive, enforcer for the Great Journey.

A reputation that would eventually secure her a promotion to Special Operations Commander for the Fleet of Valiant Prudence. An assignment that would eventually prove to be both decisive and utterly humbling when the Fleet embarked on it's journey to Epsilion Eridani, and discovered Reach. And the subsequent bloodbath that followed. From the first engagements, Raia's troops noticed a far heavier human presence than anything encountered to this point. Fighting near constantly in skirmishes with UNSC troops, Raia's forces would find themselves bleeding out through sheer attrition and Demon attacks. Surviving the Long Night of Solace's destruction by dint of not being aboard the vessel as the slipspace device ruptured and shattered the ship in half.

The subsequent arrival of reinforcements put paid to any plans by Raia to fall back to defensive positions by virtue of being unnecessary and, in spite of personal reservations, pressed in attacks against the human forces on the planet. By the time the conflict had ended, Raia's troops were battered and scarred; Only a fraction remained battle-capable by the end of the Fall of Reach (Though a significant number of sangheili were saved by her shaming them into going to the med-bay. Grunts need no such compelling for medical attention.) and with the Fleet of Valiant Prudence savaged, Raia would find herself heading back to High Charity.

And were it not for events to come, this would've been a regular refit and reconstitution stop. The first, unbeknownst to her, the grunt contingent had managed to "acquire" human artefacts from Reach prior to departure and had managed to keep the stock hidden for a time before the Ministry of Penance found it. The other, would be Truth's proclamation and the resultant schism. The resultant chaos would first force Raia to utilise, and subsequently appreciate, brute weaponry and vehicles in escaping the brutal chaos that engulfed High Charity in the wake of both the schism and the flood boarding the station, racing to the Varric-Pattern ship Graceful Overture to escape from High Charity, barely managing make it out as the flood overtook the station completely.

The Graceful Overture would subsequently link up with the Fleet of Retribution surrounding High Charity, ostensibly becoming part of the Arbiter's forces. However, the Graceful Overture would not partake in the assault of the Ark, instead being assigned objectives elsewhere.
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Luza 'Kocam - CommanderBlade
Name: Luza 'Kocam
Race & Age: Sangheili 160
Birthplace: Sanghelios
Rank/position: Imperial Admiral
Flagship: Indomitable Conviction Nuvaar Pattern Super Carrier
Location: Maluhira

Luza 'Kocam is a legendary Sangheili Warrior. Born 160 years ago Luza would be taught the way of the sword from an early age and would find great success. Joining the Covenant as a Minor leading a Lance of Unggory. Luza would carve his name into the annuls of history as a talented swordsmen but an even keener mind. With a talent to inspire his underlings with promises of rewards and loot. Promises that Luza would uphold.

Luza would rise up the ranks eventually finding himself as Fleetmaster when the Jiralhanae where discovered. He was also one of the first to ever engage the Jiralhanae in combat. As his advanced units came under attack by these savages. Luza proved his superiority as he carved through dozens of these beasts. Pressing ever onward intent on breaking them and putting them in their place. Licking the boots of the Sangheili. But alas it was not to be. Once theses savages began to cave orders from up high saw the lessen of operations and eventually the peaceful resolution and induction of the Jiralhanae into the ranks of the Covenant.

At the very least his Superiors saw the only real use of these mongrels. As nothing more then Heavy Infantry or disposable shock troops. Fit to break the enemy and allow proper warriors to win glory and honor on the field.

For decades afterwards Luza would continue to accumulate honor and glory for himself. Eventually being given the rank and title of Imperial Admiral. Just in time for the opening salvos of the war with the humans. A conflict that Luza would see very little action in. He did not get to lead his fleets into grand battles. The most Luza ended up being ordered to do was to cleanse small insignificant rocks of life. Wiping the humans filth from there. But the time of the great Schism Luza was assigned to conduct Pirate Patrols in the far reaches.

Now Luza never had any kind thoughts to the Jiralhanae. He considered them little more then Upstart Mongrels that needed to be shown their place. So when the Schism occured there was not many of these beasts on board his flagship. It was almost to easy to slay the mongrels once they showed their true colors. The same however could be said for the rest of his forces however. Many of his ships where destroyed or damaged in the chaotic mess before Luza could restore order. This betrayal costed Luza the lives of many talent Ship masters and a fair number of his troops before it was contained.

The aftermath saw repairs being conducted and communication being established with fellow survivors. Luza would hold his ground and defeat several brute fleets during the Battle of Earth. Before heading for Maluhira to regroup.
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Grod Wort - The Last Krork
Name: Grod Wort

Race & Age: Sangheili 17 years old
(Human years 32 years old)
Birthplace: Zhoist, raised on Sanghelios
Rank/Position: Fleetmaster
Flagship: Enduring Faith Kerel-class Assault Carrier
Location: Draetheus system
Like all Sangheili he was raised from birth to be a warrior, to be the best and to serve out gods. He wasn't like many of his kind, the Human had struck out in the second year of the war, he was just a child when they attacked but he remember the Ring of Mighty Abundance falling out of heaven. He remembers the death they caused, the life taken as the fires of the city burned around him, he still remembers that day under the baleful life and the sickness he sulfured from the partials in the air under the rising sun the humans dropped. He will never forget those burns on his scales, or the armored silhouettes of Task Force Yama.

His honor was almost entirely built in the war against humanity, his pride and fervor molded his whole life spent in Human space, he never fought a battle against rebels of the covenant or mere pirates, he never fought on the frontier where unrepentant aliens stubbornly died to remain out of the light of the covenant. He would be a survivor of many early battles that would have normally have claimed many young elites. It wasn't only his ability with the blade that aided his survival but his preparation and sound mind. He studied his enemies, their weapons, their tactics, and observed how his fellow commander died making mistakes. His understanding of the humans kept him alive on the ground but in space his passion in astrogation and in depth understanding of his own ship's capabilities kept him from just being just another Zanar Frigate shipmaster or later when assigned a Sinaris Destroyer by a spiteful and foolish commander, he survived in his new role first by luck then by his skill, his use of everything at his disposal from slipspace routes to deceptive fleet movements to his attrition warfare to tire his enemy to his hall mark of shock and awe's to astounding success; he was the envy of his peers as evident by how many fell on his blade openly or otherwise when he refused to play their game. His commanders who had always overplayed their hands or were inflexible in their preferred way to wage war always meet their end in orbit before ever having the chance to bloody the humans on the ground. He survived many such ordeals and inherited their assets as time when on. Almost his whole life fighting humans where as even veterans, confident in their superiority that they fell for obvious traps or charged into battle like young Zealots without care or understanding of their enemy. He was one of the youngest ever to have the honor of fleetmaster and it was over Kholo he lead the Fleet of Righteous Vigilance in his greatest victory and so young too to rise up the ranks so quickly, he was honored to play host to the Prophet of Conviction a life long dream came true and so much sooner then any Sangheili in the last millennium.

Following it he glassed many worlds with little of note before he was called to the battle of Reach and experienced first hand the best humanity had to offer. It was here he witnessed their desperation, his fellow commander's hubris resulting in the loss of a whole Nuvaar Pattern. Against the humans successes he witnessed the leadership of their champion the Arbiter Thel 'Vadam, then Supreme Commander as he won the orbital war persuaded their last ship with his personal escorts at it fled as he set fire to their world. He hear of his failure in the face of the parasite and bore witness to the loss of halo when he joined with the high charity defense fleet. He wouldn't stay with in the capital like so many.

Wort and his fleet was relegated to garrison duty back on Reach after having the honor of meeting the Imperial Admiral Xytan. All the while other commanders suffered setbacks he was aware of when trying to track the humans who had destroyed the relic used to track them and lost 4 cruisers and a light carrier in the process to his surprise, he knew without doubt that when the radioactive emissions ceased the relic had been destroyed. He left the system in search for other colonies, he was in the Draetheus system looking for humans when it happened.

It was as if he was the gods favored until that faithful day, the end of all that he knew and his reason for living.

From the day I could stand I was trained to fight, watched by the prophets I fought, I learned, I won. Not all were strong enough to serve our gods but I was. My greatest victory the destruction of Kholo and it's none believers; it was the last time I felt the touch of the gods, but now the dreams of all my long ago victories bring me nothing but pain today.

We were scouting for humans when the message came in, I could not comprehend what I was seeing, our betrayal by the prophets the slaughter of our leaders the death of the Covenant. The prophets had lied to us about he nature of the great journey itself, and when my people refused to swallow this lie the prophets tried to strip us of everything we had. My men looked to me like they never had before. I knew what I had to do, and he knew I was coming. I showed my crew what had come of our beliefs and I hope to focus them on what lay before us starting with the only only piece of that lie we had available to us and our rage, broadcasted for all to hear.

"Betrayal! Our people have been betrayed by the Prophets and their savage puppets! You have seen what they have done, how they struck down our faith and our leaders! And you know what we must do in the face of such betrayal. Our war against these deceivers starts now!"

The Prophet of Conviction & the brutes of the fleet were the first to suffer his wrath. He would investigate the past reports and the reading of the luminaries, a blessing in the chaos ahead. He was lucky their were few brutes among his own forces, even as his fighter complement would suffer without them, anyone of his people would consider him among the lucky ones to have had such a clear cut set of engagements ahead of him in human space. He had heard later from his fellow commanders just how premediated their betrayal was, how methodical and sudden it had been.

He wouldn't attack the humans, not yet anyway, their champion the Arbiter had made a truce with them, their real enemy would sate their vengeance.
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