Sins of the father And the will of fire that burns bright(Si/Oc Son Of Madara)

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Being reborn after the viallge has just been founded was not easy, nor has the fact that most future main characters have not yet been born, nor has the shadow of future wars, but being the only son of Uchiha Madara is certain to be something, whether it is a blessing or a curse, to be seen
Chapter Zero Part I


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
Three years after the funding of the village

Uchiha Kai, from birth, was different from many other children. He was the son of the clan head of the Uchiha clan; his father was one of the founders of the village that he and his mother lived in, which was, of course, the village hidden in the leaves that, of course, being Konohagakure.

His mother was Uzumaki, Aoi the sister of Uzumaki Mito wife of the first hokage and the future Jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox demon meanwhile the Hokage himself was his godfather.

All of those things, without doubt, were already extraordinary and not something normal, but perhaps something even more special about Uchiha Kai was the fact that he had already lived a life before his current one.

If one is knowledgeable about Buddhism, the concept of reincarnation should not be unfamiliar to them. But this was something different, perhaps, as Uchiha Kai had kept all of his memories of his previous life, something that, according to Buddhist principles, was not possible.

Still, all of those things could perhaps be explained except for the for the fact that the world from which Uchiha Kai came didn't have any chakra or ninjutsu. Such terms did exist in the previous world, but they were simply terms of one island nation that had actuation power.

Except in the show known as Naruto, a fictional TV show that is so similar to the world in which Uchiha Kai had been recairnated into by whatever power was out there, perhaps God, the Devil, Jin,or even a bastard by the name of Rob who had too much power and a sick sense of humor.

Uchiha Kai had been noticed to be something of a prodigy; he started talking earlier than any other infant had done; he was walking stably while others struggled to stand up; while others walked, he ran. His first words, father and mother, were something of a shock to the gathering of the people all around him. His aunt and uncle, along with his mother, were quite excited while his father did something that would forever stick to the memory of Uchiha Kai. Uchiha Madara actually smiled and laughed alongside others, a rare time of happiness that would rather quickly become rare.

Uchiha Madara was not the type of father that Uchiha Kai had actually expected; he radiated a type of aura that if someone could sense it would without doubt tremble at his power but Uchiha Madara was also an good and doting father and a husband but he was also anti social and disliked social events similarly to one TSenju Tobirama and did not find many people to be worth ether his time or attention even his own clan was of secondary importance for him of course there were exceptions of Uchiha Kai his son and Aoi Uzumaki his wife but someone who Uchiha Madara actually considered worth spending his time and giving his attention to was Senju Hashirama his only Equal and one time enemy.

Aoi Uzumaki was the polar opposite of Uchiha Madara; she was overflowing with energy and didn't have any problems with socializing, nor did she lack fire. Their marriage was from them meeting durning marriage of his uncle and aunt and falling in love they inttialy argued a lot even where aperantly like cats and dogs but with nodges and festering from both uncle and aunt they started formal courting ritual the Uchiha elders has accepted my mother even thougth she was an outsider both becouse of the fact that she was sister of the hokages wife so she would bring in both prestige and influence and more then that the elders had almost lost hope of my father ever marrying and sire a child that being myself.

Aoi Uzumaki was also a very beautiful person, just like Uchiha Madara, with her pale, snowy white skin, deep blue eyes, and ginger hair—the signature look of the Uzumaki clan. Meanwhile, without daub Uchiha, Madara was also a very handsome man; he was rather tall and had the features of the Uchiha clan with his black hair and black eyes.

Uchiha Kai had the coloration of his mother and her softer features while inheriting his father's hair and eye color. Meanwhile, Uchiha Kai considered himself to be quite average or a little bit more attractive than an average person, which was still quite something, considering that the people he had and mostly other ninjas were also quite attractive. more attractive than they should be, especially with the current amount of development that the world has, but Uchiha Kai had simply considered it to be a side effect of chakra.

Kai remembered the day perfectly when he realized the fact that he was in the world of Naruto. It was when his father had brought him to the location of the battle field where his uncle had been slayed. It was a dark night, the sky was clear, and the full moon was shining. He had come to realize that it was real before it; it seemed almost like a dream.

"This is the place where Izuna died, where your uncle had been slayed, and where Senju Tobirama murdered him. What do you think of that?" spoek Madara His intentions were unclear; what did he exactly expect him to say

His words had almost been stuck inside his throat before he gained the courage to awnser his father. He still didn't know if what he was about to anwser him was what his father was expecting but it was better then not anwsering him.

"Father, was it not time for war? And dint uncle Hashiramas younger brother has also been killed by our clan; it justifies the death of uncle Zuna, but I don't think of it as murder."

Even as he said that hot tears ran down his checks, he as he realized just how many people had died and at what young age as well, it was no longer some TV show but his new reality seeing the after-math f battle those people, Uchihas and Senjus had killed each other for so much time and for what reasons young kids so young that they should have been watching cartoons isnteded killing each other an families falling apart and all for what an seek desire of alien black goo it sickened him to his core and must of all the knowledge that all of those figths were usleses truy made him despair.

He felt his eye change at that moment, his pupil changing into the iconic shape and coloration of the first Tomoe Sharingan. At this, his father only looked at him with curiosity, his own eyes spinning until they had become the fully mature sharingan, and then shifted into the Mangekyō .

"I brought you here so that I could see your reaction to the true state of the world of the fact that there is no peace is no peace in this world but only conflict, in which I lost Izuna and Hashirama lost his own brother. I do not hate them; in fact, I think that the village has been a promising project that he and I have created, but now I am seeing that it is still

Kai I want you to know that whatever lies they might say about me, I have always strived towards peace and a world where violence will never be a necessity, nor will there be losers or winners.Remember my words and never let your eyes dule, for they shall let you see through all the lies of the world."

All of that to a three year-old child was certiany hard. If there was not someone with preveius life, would he be able to withstand it? He wondered, and after that, they went back to the village.People in Konoha even looked at us very strangely; even other Uchiha disliked my father compared to Uncle Hashirama, who was loved by all, even his former enemies.

Still, the moment on the battlefield had not only awoken Uchiha, kais preveius memories and sharingan, but also a will that burned bright. He knew what was coming and that he needed to become strong so that he could deal with the threats. Thus, Kai started asking both his father and uncle to start training him, but his father simply refused, saying that he would have time later, and his uncle stated that it was too early for him to learn any ninjutsu.

Thus, Uchiha Kai turned to another source that he knew could teach him: Lord Senju Tobirama, the younger brother of his uncle. Without doubt, Tobirama was skeptical at first, thinking of it as a childish wwhim, but after stalking him for weeks and hearing his goal of wanting to get stronger, for the viallge, he finally relented and started teaching him the shadow clown jutsu.

It took quite some time for Uchiha Kai to figure it out and learn it, due to the fact that Tobirama banned him from using the sharigan considering a cheat.

Something that Uchiha Kai found profusely stupid as they were ninjas and cheating was just part of what was expected of them, but he kept his opinions to himself.

It was when he was four years old that his father had left the village, apparently after an argument with his uncle. After that, he had become aware of where he was in the timeline he was, so he started training even more. At that time, there was no academy, and training itself was mostly done by the cans for their children. Still, he continued training with Tobirama meanwhwile while his mother Aoi had lost some of her brightness and even started crying, and thus Uchiha Kai decided to be for her when she neded him, and for time put aside training.

We were back then, and nor now, poor uncle Hashirama would without doubt make sure that we didn't lack for anything, even though my father had left a large amount of money for use.

Five Years after funding of the village

It was when I had become five years old that the final battle happened, and unfortunately, uncle Hashirama killed my father, but I know that he was in fact alive.

After he had recovered, uncle Hashirama had also retuned the ancestral fan of our clan to me; apparently, it was Madara's last request. The relationship between myself, others, and the clan had become even worse, with the clan formally deposing Madara and seeking another to become the clan head insted of myself and we had moved from the compound to an mansion near the Hokage monument that was being built the viligaers had also become more hostile against and we were ostracised even with uncles attempt to stop the villagers he could not stop their hate against me. I was and would forevre be indept to my uncle for everthing he did alongside tobirama and aunty mito stood wth us never taking what Madara did aginst us.

But nether could I deny that I finally understood what naruto had felt and also what sasuke had felt even if even I was an grown up men in my preveius life the scornful remarks and the looks made me desire to prove myself and clear our family of legacy of my father but I also understood from where all that hate came from after what Madara had done.

Still it brought lot of misery to both myself and my mother Aoi something which made me seethe father even more for doing this kinda of stupity insted of staying back inside the vialleg and helping uncle together they could have conqerored the other vialges and even tamed the tail beasts and brought true peace to the world and mama wouldent be sad I would never forgive him for that.

The village migtht not have been perpect solution but it was still far better then the eriod before it the warring state period could never be allowed to repeat no matter what means neded to be done that was something that I swore
So yes, another si, and this was into an original son of Madara and being godson of Hashirama, and just after the vilalge was founded quite an interesting idea. Please comment, and like, I enjoy discussions, and it motivates me.
The First Databook And Fanbook Character Files
Third Hokage

"This isn't training, Match, come at us with all of your power and intent to kill."

The godson of the first hokage as well as his nephwe, the only uchiha to ever become the hokage, and the predesessor of the fourth hokage. He is the one who made Konoha both the most respected and the most feared village.

The third hokage was the son of one of the founders of the village and the godson of the first hokage. His time as the third hokage was a time when Konoha was at its greatest territorial expansion, and it included the territory of today's land of Wind hower This time of occupation was the reason why the village, hidden in the sand, joined forces with Orochimaru.

and the growth power of the land of fire and Konoha led to the next great war duo to other nations fear of it.. He was also known for his affinity for creating many technologies, and under his leadership, the secret organization of the Root was created.

He was also known as a true pragmatic and patriot of the village, serving it even above his clan. He had completely mastered the sharingan at a level that no one had before and possessed the power to subjugate all tailed demon spirits and make them obey him. and even unlocked the powers of the mangekyu. One of his famous forbidden ninjutsu is the Rasenshurikan, which both the Rasengan and Chidori are inferior and incomplete copies of