"Sinners" and assorted short stories (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

Recent readers

"Down and out, and out of luck. We're spinning, but the needle's stuck. Let's go have some fun before they go and put us in the ground."

Will also include assorted short stories and oneshots canon to the story
Chapter 1 - Dirty Deeds
This takes place in the same universe as Writeanon's A Peaceful Afterlife, Helluva Job, and Only the Results (still in progress). I strongly recommend reading those first.


Chapter 1

Dirty Deeds

Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball!


Hell possessed no shortage of torments large and small, but the one that always disturbed Mary the most was the sky.

It was a small thing - miniscule, really - but at the end of the day, she could get accustomed to the disgusting heap she now had to call home. She could get used to having hooves, horns, and purple skin. She could even get used to being perpetually surrounded by the very worst that mankind had to offer throughout the species' history.

But the sky?

Mary was a country girl. Raised in Alabama, lived in rural Oklahoma most of her adult life. She didn't have nearly as much as a southern twang as one might expect, but speaking properly didn't make her any less at-home in the backwoods. And for the entirety of her life, the sky had always been what gave rural life that little bit of magic that she loved so much. Skies so clear and blue they seemed to draw you into their infinite expanse. Black nighttime skies so full of stars you could count them forever. She even liked those booming stormy days, so long as they didn't happen too often.

The skies of Hell had none of that. They were all wrong. It wasn't just the gigantic, omnipresent pentagram that loomed in the sky every night. Even during the day, the blue light up above seemed...paler. Colder. Lifeless. And at night? There wasn't a single star to be seen on the clearest nights, creating a complete blackness that couldn't just be explained away as the result of Imp City's horrendous pollution.

The skies of Pride were a neverending reminder. A reminder of where she was and her complete and utter inability to do anything about it, of the injustices visited on her, of the absolute gall that led a so-called "loving" deity to dare-

Mary dug into her purse with shaking hands, drawing out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with as much care as she could in her anger. Didn't want to crush them again. By everything unholy, the little shits were expensive. She'd made the wallet-killing mistake of wasting them too many times to do so again.

Part of her wryly wondered if they were so expensive on the Other Side. Mary didn't know herself, having never smoked - cigarettes or otherwise - until after her death.

The demon known in life as Mrs. Mayberry popped a cigarette between her lips and lit it, cupping one shaking hand around her lighter to protect it from the breeze passing through. She took a long, deep drag from it and exhaled slowly. As the menthol-infused gray smoke left her lungs, she felt the white hot rage within begin to fade once more, and her quivering hands began to steady. She took two more drags from the cig before removing it, keeping it pinched between her middle and index fingers. The demoness' red eyes remained narrowed, glaring at nothing in the distance.

Eight years later, and she still dwelled on the Other Side. The satyress knew it wasn't a good idea. Rage was always where it led; unproductive, self-destructive rage, and lingering stress that stayed long after the anger subsided. Princes knew, Hell gave Mary a plethora of things to be pissed off and stressed out. She didn't need more.

Perhaps she just needed more time to get used to things. In the grand scheme of things, after all, her tenure in Hell had been a blink of an eye so far. Maybe in another decade or two…

The satyress' expression fell into a thoughtful scowl for a moment, then she scoffed.

Yeah right.

Mary shook her head and turned on her heel, facing the small office building. The street around it was filthy, of course, as Mary was fairly certain there wasn't an un-littered sidewalk in all of Hell. She ignored most of the trash, however, in favor of the mirror shard propped up against the brick building. She didn't know why such a thing would've been left on the sidewalk like that. A botched theft, perhaps? Didn't really matter in the end. The mirror had a spiderweb of cracks across it and looked as if it were broken off from a much larger whole, but it provided a clear enough image for Mary to assess her appearance.

The demoness ran her cigarette-free hand through her mane of bone white hair, flattening the strands that had flown loose when she fought down her anger a few moments prior. With that finished, she regarded the rest of her reflection. Her clothing - a pink turtleneck with visible sewing seams all across it, as well as a black skirt with a frayed, hole-filled bottom rim - remained unmarred.

A small but genuine smile touched Mary's lips. She was quite proud of the outfit. It was her first outfit, from back when she was still a "newbie" in Hell. She had no money for actual clothes at the time, so she'd taken cloth scraps and what must have been some kind of tarp or curtain out of a dumpster and just...sewn them together into clothing. Quite good-looking clothing, in fact. It'd been surprising to her, how well they turned out. Mary had never considered herself a "goth" or a "punk" or anything like that, but the seams and frayed ends added a hint of savage to her appearance that she couldn't help but adore. Quite amazing what could be accomplished with literal trash and a skilled sewing hand.

Smile fading, the satyress took another puff from her cig, and looked up at the sign on the front of the building. It wasn't a very ornate sign. No neon lights or anything of that nature. It didn't even seem to have any spotlights to illuminate it at night. Just a simple, large board with the words Wolf's Eye Private Eyes emblazoned on it in simple, professional-looking font. The building it was attached to was run down, with cracked bricks and a visibly damaged foundation, and it didn't seem to have any windows whatsoever. The place had seen better days, and she was absolutely certain that the place was not built with the intention of serving as an office.

The demoness sighed and tapped the ashes from the end of her cigarette. The demon she had talked to over the phone sounded professional enough, and she had hoped these PIs would be more pleasant to deal with than the disaster that was IMP (and virtually every similar place of business she had visited thus far), but now that she was in front of their office, her hopes weren't high.

She tapped her cigarette again out of reflex, though it hadn't burned long enough for anything else to flake off of it.

Delaying things more wasn't going to improve her opinion of the place either. May as well get it over with and hope that appearances were deceiving. It wasn't as though walking away was really an option anyway.

With a sigh, she picked up her briefcase from the sidewalk and stepped forward towards the building's door, grasped the handle, and opened it without further ceremony.

The sight that greeted her as the heavy, solid metal door creaked open was a pleasant surprise. Where she expected a disaster of a reception area, what she saw instead was a remarkably clean and bright foyer. Fluorescent light bars hung overhead, giving the room a bright if sterile feel, while the foyer was enclosed with surprisingly high-quality - if clearly erected in haste - drywall partitions. The poor quality of the building itself was still apparent; the incredibly ugly wallpaper covering the primary walls was peeling and all around decayed, and a long, jagged crack from the damaged foundation snaked across the floor. However, the tenants seemed to be quite interested in presenting a professional face.

Directly ahead from the door was what Mary assumed to be the secretary's desk. That was ordinary enough, though the satyress' view of the secretary was obscured by a pair of demons conversing with one another and the desk's occupant.

Likely hearing Mary enter, the two demons turned towards her in unison. Both were wolf demons - not hellhounds, so far as she could tell, but regular wolf demons - of identical build and height. Twins, Mary assumed, though while they had very similar features, one had tan-colored fur, while the other had fur that consisted of black and purple patches arranged in a bizarre quilted pattern, and a metal postiche jutted from his jaw. Their attire, however, was identical. Both wore open vests that seemed to do more to draw attention to their (admittedly impressive) musculature than conceal it, as well as pairs of khaki shorts that looked more akin to bicycle shorts in length, and neither wore shoes. Bizarrely, the two were also wearing two neckties apiece. As if to highlight their rather skimpy attire, the two demons stood in mirrored supermodel-esque poses; with hips cocked to the side and one hand resting just above their hips.

The demoness suppressed a cringe, thankful that the hellhound behind the desk - a rather grouchy-looking female with cream-colored fur and a ridiculous mohawk-like hairstyle - looked semi-normal and was wearing a normal dress with a skull pattern on the chest area.

Mary was accustomed to the often uncouth dress patterns so prevalent in Hell, but that did nothing to decrease her dislike of it.

"Mary, here to meet with a 'Hush'," Mary directed her announcement at the hellhound as she approached the desk, though she gestured to the wolf twins. "I'm not interrupting, I hope."

"Not at all," the tan wolf demon offered his hand with a friendly smile. "Hush."

For a moment, Mary regarded the wolf demon with a slightly surprised expression, though she had the presence of mind to shake his hand. Up until that moment, she assumed that he and his twin were clients. Why in all the Seven Rings would a private investigator dress like...that?

Well whatever. She supposed she could at least be thankful he acted professional. Not even five seconds interacting with him and she already preferred him to Blitzo.

"And you've spoken with my partner already, Highway Star," Hush indicated the postiche wearing wolf demon standing abreast of him.

"We spoke over the phone," the quilt-furred demon shook Mary's hand in turn. His voice was nearly identical to that of Hush, but slightly deeper and spoken in a near monotone, and he may as well have been made of stone based on his expression. It was completely unreadable.

"And my secretary, Crymini."

The hellhound gave a grunt of acknowledgement, not sparing a glance from her laptop as she typed with one hand and rested her cheek on the other.

"Charmed," Mary deadpanned, not even bothering with a fake smile. If the cream colored hellhound noticed, she didn't react. The demoness turned her attention back to the twins.

"Look, I'll get straight to the point." Mary put her still burning cigarette back to her lips, hefting her briefcase a little to draw attention to it. "I'm here to offer you a job."

"Missing persons?"

"Something like that. It's a little complicated."

At that, Highway Star and Hush gave one another a look. The former's expression remained unreadable, but a note of annoyance was visible on Hush's face. It seemed to catch Crymini's attention as well, the hellhound looking up with an expression that screamed 'are you fucking kidding me?'

A small, white hot flame ignited within Mary, but she quickly squashed it. No, no anger. Not now. Not yet, at least. She needed to let things play out a bit more.

Hush glanced at his twin, then at the hellhound, then pointed at the wooden door behind him with his thumb.

"My office. We'll discuss there."


Even by Hell's standards, the building looked on the shabby side. It certainly wouldn't have been considered safe for human habitation back on Earth. Mary would have even argued it was on the lower end of quality by Imp City's standards. The brick two story apartment building was visibly tilted from its damaged foundation, with several poorly patched holes in the roof, broken windows, and even a few haphazardly plastered-over holes in the outer walls. Made worse was the complete lack of artistic care in the photo itself. It was just a straight shot from what looked to be the middle of the street. Several cars parked in front of the building marred the shot, and it seemed to have been taken in the mid-evening, causing the apartments to be cast in unflattering shadows.

It all served to make the cheery, brightly colored text around the photo advertising vacancies in the building rather darkly amusing.

The next photo Mary took from her briefcase and put on the table was less amusing. It was a photo she had taken herself of the same building, though one would struggle to recognize it as such. The entire top floor of the structure was gone as was half the bottom floor, while debris littered the road around it. Two cars - the same two pictured in the ad, in fact - were entirely ruined by whatever had blown the structure apart. One had been flipped on its side, while the other had its roof caved in by chunks of the apartment's outer wall. Bizarrely, wisps of smoke wafted from all over the structure despite there being no evidence of a fire. An explosion, certainly, but not a raging fire.

Hush's expression was neutral as he looked at the "after" photo of the apartment building. Mary appreciated that, whatever he'd been annoyed by earlier, he seemed to be taking her seriously.

"That was taken four days ago." The satyress tapped the ashes of her cigarette off in the ashtray on the wolf demon's desk. "The place looked like a bomb went off, and it's not the first time."

An envelope dropped open onto the desk. Dozens of pictures - some with notes scribbled underneath - were contained in the folder, jostled slightly from being dropped.

Aside from a handful of clear "before" images made mostly from advertisements, every photo depicted a date stamped disaster of a different kind. Most were buildings - apartments, houses, stores, and others - blown to pieces. Others were more bizarre; a house that seemed to have melted down until only the attic and roof remained, a convenience store that had folded in on itself as though the walls were made of rubber, and another that had been sliced in two diagonally so cleanly that the severed half of the structure had slid down onto the ground.

Each and every photo had one thing in common, however. The ruins were smoking as if a roaring fire was present, despite a complete lack of visible flames of any kind.

"Two weeks ago. This one was a month ago. A month before that. Last summer. Almost exactly a year ago."

Mary pointed at the relevant photos in turn, the wolf demon following along before drawing his attention back to her with a visible crease in his brow.

"Miss Mary, I…" Hush pinched the bridge of his snout. "I'm very sorry, but I'm failing to see what you want from us, here."

The flame almost reignited within the satyress. Almost. The demoness fought her anger down before it could begin to resurface. Meanwhile Hush continued

"I have no intention of getting involved in a gang war. That's not what we do. We're PIs, not hitmen."

Mary took another folder from her briefcase and set it open on the table.

"Then we're in luck." She popped her cig back into her mouth. "None of this is gang activity. I checked."

It took a moment for the content of this new folder to register, but the wolf demon's brows rose once it did. Most of the papers consisted of text alone, but there were nearly a dozen photos as well.

The photos were of demons; mostly imps, but with a few hellhounds and sinners as well. Some were clearly yelling and raging at the photographer, while others seemed silently afraid for their lives. All of them looked to have been put through a much more personal Hell than the one they existed in normally. Bruises, lacerations, black eyes, and torn clothes were present in every photo.

Mary indicated several flash drives among the photos. "I recorded my interviews with them, just in case you wanted to double check."

The demoness allowed herself a smile as she puffed away at the cancer-stick in her mouth. Hush's expression as he examined the photos and notes was nothing short of incredulous. It was a good minute before the wolf demon responded.

"...Alright I'll admit it; I'm impressed." The wolf examined one of the flash drives for a moment, then put it down. "Our clients don't normally put in anywhere near this much legwork."

The wolf's expression changed as he turned his attention to Mary.

"The only question is; why?" Hush folded his arms and regarded the demoness with mild suspicion. "You've clearly put in days - if not weeks - of work investigating this on your own, enough to at least eliminate gang activity as the cause behind the attacks. But why? And if you can do all this on your own, why bother hiring us at all?"

"Because it's way above my pay grade." The demoness' response was cool and even. "The demons who did all this might be random fucksticks, but look at what they managed to do.. You'd think the Radio Demon or Prince Von Eldritch himself paid these places a visit. Demons died here. I don't mean 'torn to shreds', I mean dead. Someone in Imp City is handing out angelic weapons like candy, and not the bog-standard seraphim steel kind. I don't know who's handing out this shit, but if they have that kind of firepower then they're out of my league."

"That only answers one question. Why do all this?"

The white-hot flame reignited. It was small, more of an ember than a full fire, but persistent. Mary found herself unable to quench it completely. Her eye twitched, though her expression remained neutral.

"Why the Hell wouldn't I? This shithole of a city is unpleasant enough. The last thing I need is the worry that at any moment I might end up with a holy explosion splattering me over half the neighborhood."

The demoness removed the now mostly burned-up cig from her mouth and quenched it on the ashtray.

"Alright, fair enough." Hush looked and sounded unconvinced, but he didn't press further. "But what exactly do you expect us to do once we find these arms dealers of your's?" His eyes narrowed. "If we decide to take this job in the first place."

"Kill them."

At this, Hush gave an exasperated sigh.

"Miss Mary, we are private eyes, not hitmen."

Mary's eyes narrowed.

"Two hundred thousand, guaranteed."

"This isn't about money. We. Are not. Hitmen." The professional tone in the wolf demon's voice was deteriorating. "And we don't make exceptions."

"Funny, that's not what I've been hearing." An edge was creeping into the satyress' voice as well. The flame in her gut grew. "So what, you'll hunt down and slaughter some random imps and it's no big deal, but throw in a few angel bombs and you pussy out?"

At that, Hush was silent for a moment. He didn't seem to expect Mary to have done that much digging on Wolf's Eye. But he remained defiant.

"That was different. A favor, and one that didn't involve big time wingmen. You and I both know someone big is in on this, whether it's gang-related or not."

The white flame grew to the scale of a bonfire.

"So that's it?" Mary growled. Her breathing was uneven, and her blood red sclera had begun to take on a noticeable glow. "You are just pussying out."

Hush crossed his arms once again.

"We're private eyes, ma'am. You want to call in a hit, there's plenty of other options."

For a handful of seconds, Mary just stared at the wolf demon. A soft hiss began to emanate from the satyress, like the sound of an angry rattlesnake. Her hair began to flow as if caught in a nonexistent wind. Her hands, now balled into fists, shook in anger as her furiously glowing eyes remained fixed on Hush. The fire within blazed like an uncontrolled wildfire.

The demon was unmoved.

In an instant, the fire collapsed inward, and Mary's fearsome aura went with it. Her shoulders slumped and her hair followed suit, draping itself over her in wild strands, some of them across her face.

What good would her rage do here? What was she supposed to do, attack him? Even if she managed to overpower him - and the sheer musculature that his stripperesque attire showed off made her doubt she could - it wouldn't convince him to help.

With her shoulders remaining slumped and her face largely hidden from view by her now-unkempt mane of hair, the satyress began silently gathering up the contents of her briefcase and putting them away. She did so largely without care, and several photos were folded as she forced the folders closed. As Mary tossed them into the briefcase, several pages of her notes fluttered out and to the ground.

The briefcase slammed shut. Mary hefted it off the desk and turned, preparing to walk back out of the office.

"Who did you lose?"

The demoness stopped, having taken a scarce two steps toward the door, but she didn't turn around.

"That's what this is about, isn't it?"

Mary spun at that, appraising the other demon with a steady, steely glare through the wisps of hair in front of her face, but she did not otherwise respond. Hush sighed.

"You did all this yourself, didn't you? You went on a one-demon crusade, beating the shit out of at least a dozen demons on your own in the process, interrogated them, and overall did at least a few weeks' worth of investigation on your own. That's not the mark of someone who is merely acting in self-interest."

There was, Mary noticed, a very odd look in Hush's eyes. A look that she was unaccustomed to seeing on anyone in Hell, least of all from a fellow Sinner. Having gone so long without seeing it, she couldn't help but question if it was there at all, or if she was just mistaken.

It was a look of compassion. Or was it? How many other demons had tried - with varying success - to pull the wool over her eyes with false concern? The demoness remained wary.

"Maybe." The satyress brushed the hair out of her face, her tone guarded. "Or maybe I put a premium on my own well-being."

Hush quirked an eyebrow.

"A two-hundred thousand soul premium?"

Mary swished her hair with a slight snap of her head, getting the last few strands of it out of her eyes.

"Donations from concerned parents."

Hush's incredulity was palpable.

"'Concerned...parents'," he repeated.

A beat passed as the demoness tried to think of something to come back with. Eventually, she threw her hands up in exasperation and surrender.

"Alright!" she exclaimed, more than a little anger in her voice. But the anger instantly faded. Mary's face fell as she sighed. "Alright. Fine. You got me. I don't want this done for me."

The demoness reached into her purse, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it. She took a long drag from it before speaking again.

"Five kids," she started in a low voice, down at the concrete floor without really seeing it, looking beyond it. "My kids. Not...not like that. Not literally. They were my students. I work at the school over on Sixty-Sixth."

Lifting her gaze, the demoness locked Hush with a steely gaze that wasn't truly directed at him.

"First one was last year. Lyla was her name. Great girl, had a better family than you'd think was even possible down here. Pretty well off, too. She loved school, never missed a day of it for anything. So when she didn't show up one day, I got worried. I came by to check on her as soon as I could, and…"

A moment of silence. Mary's stern gaze wavered.

"The house was...I'd never seen anything like it. It looked like it was melting, like someone had turned it into ice cream and left it out in the sun. The walls, the roof, what was left of the ceiling, it all turned into slop that you could scrape up with a spoon, and all of it was smoking like it was on fire. But you couldn't touch any of it. I tried searching the place, but I couldn't. Any part of it that I touched...burned. Not like a fire, it was a different burn. Harsher."

"Like an Exterminator's spear," Hush added. His voice was quiet, and Mary could not detect a single hint of mockery or impatience in it.

"Yeah. Whatever it was, it was angelic, that much I knew. I would have torn that place apart looking for Lyla if I could anyway, but the moment I felt that burn...I knew."

Mary clenched her fist as she remembered, nearly crushing her cigarette.

"She was gone." The satyress' voice wavered slightly. "Lyla, her parents, her brother, all gone. It tore me apart, but I didn't do much about it at the time. Losing kids here and there is a given down here. I can't say I'm used to it, but I've come to expect it."

Reaching down, the demoness tapped ashes from her cig into the ashtray on the desk.

"I mourned, then I moved on. Then a few months ago it happened again. Twins, both star students. Their apartment was cut in half, and it was the same story. The whole place burned if you touched it."

Mary's expression went from mournful to wrathful, and her voice hardened.

"That was when I started snooping around myself. It started out light. I didn't get into anything myself. I just took pictures and notes, and tried going through a few other PI agencies in town. None of them gave a shit. They didn't care about small fry like me. They wanted big clients, juicy 'game', and blackmail material. I didn't have any of that. The more of them rejected me, the more aggressive I got in my own investigation. Then...then I started losing more of my kids."

Another pause. This one was longer, nearly a full minute. The demoness closed her eyes, and took a deep, long inhalation through the cancer stick in her mouth, slowly breathing it out through her nose, or rather through the slitted nostrils where her nose would have been if she had still been human. When she opened her eyes again, they had taken on a soft glow, while the fire in her belly had reignited, albeit this time in the form of a raging but controlled flame.

"They're not like us, you know. The kids, I mean. Imps, hellhounds, incubi, salamandrine, or any of the others. They're just kids. They didn't choose to be born demons, they don't deserve any of the horseshit we all have to go through down here. Thrones know, I can't protect them from everything, but I'll be damned if I let wingrunners add to the shitpile that my kids have to deal with already."

She tapped the cig again out of reflex.

"So now you know. That is why I came to you, though I can't help wondering why the hell you care."

The passive-aggressive note in her voice was obvious, but she was a bit surprised as she took in Hush's expression. The wolf demon was barely looking at her. He looked pensieve. Was he reconsidering?

"That first photo you showed me," he said abruptly. "You said that happened four days ago, correct? Tomorrow morning, nine sharp. Meet me there."

"...What?" Mary blinked in surprise, taken aback and struggling to maintain her indignant facade. "S-so, what, a sob story is enough for you to make an exception?"

Hush gave a huff in response.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I haven't said 'yes' to anything yet. My crew and I will take a look at the place tomorrow. If we decide to take it, we'll discuss from there."

The wolf demon offered his hand.


The satyress regarded the tan-furred, outstretched hand for a moment, then gave its owner a suspicious look over the rim of her glasses.

"Not like I have much of a choice. Deal."

She shook his hand.


A/N: "Donations from concerned (demon) parents." - To be fair, wouldn't you be rather concerned if a howling, angry demoness wielding a fire axe was looming over you?

Bit of a disclaimer: I said at the start of the chapter that this takes place in the same universe as Only the Results. This is true, but a bit more complex than just that. This is a fanfic of Writeanon's fanfic, but this is not a full on collaborative effort between us. The two will most likely diverge at some point since Writeanon and I almost certainly have different plans for the overall worldbuilding of the setting, and I'm sure as hell not going to expect him to include the events of this fic into his universe. Best way to look at it is this: the events of A Peaceful Afterlife and Helluva Job are canon to this story, and assume that the events of Only the Results are canon until/unless contradicted. On the flip side, assume that nothing in this fic is canon to Only the Results unless Writeanon says otherwise.

This story takes place roughly around the same time as Only the Results, so assume that OtR - or a version of it that fits this story's canon, if the two diverge in worldbuilding - is happening more-or-less parallel to this.

Big thanks to Writeanon, too. He gave me a few pointers on writing this that I greatly appreciate.

To clear up any potential confusion; Hush is Yuya Fungami. Highway Star is...well...Highway Star, the Stand. No, Yuya doesn't have a twin. Mary just assumes that. Yuya's Stand situation in Hell is...weird.
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Chapter 2 - Suspicious Minds

Chapter 2

Suspicious Minds

We can't go on together
With suspicious minds (suspicious minds)
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds


Aside from a few strung out imp hobos, the street was empty. And at this time of the day (just shy of nine A.M.) on a Saturday morning, this far from downtown, most of the inhabitants living in the surrounding apartments would be too busy sleeping off hangovers and worse to be out and about. It was unlikely that many demons would be driving or walking by for another few hours.

Hush had set the meeting time this early to avoid unwanted eyes and "interested parties" starting trouble, but the relative peace and quiet was a nice bonus.

Hell had no shortage of small torments, but the inescapable, nonstop noise and stench of the city was the worst of them, in Hush's mind. The ever-present stench of industrial fumes, urine, and a hundred other unpleasant aromas was still nearly overpowering out here, but at least the nonstop noise was distant and quiet enough to ignore.

Between the lack of annoying noise and the lack of worry about unexpected trouble, it was much easier to focus on his imminent task; the rubble that used to be an apartment that he was now staring at, leaning as he was against the passenger door of his minivan.

The place was certainly a puzzle. Granted, Hush hadn't exactly been a "resident" of Hell for all that long - just about five years - but he'd neither seen nor heard even a rumor of angelic weapons capable of doing this. Seraphim steel knives, swords, knuckle dusters, or even bullets? Seen them all before. But this? Miss Mary's assertion that it looked as though an angelic bomb had gone off was accurate. Rubble was strewn all over the street, blocking half the road (Hush had been forced to park his van right in front of the roadblock). The neighboring buildings - seemingly all but abandoned already - had taken significant damage from the blast as well.

Even at a glance, it was obvious that it was no ordinary bomb. Everything around had a sort of slight "glow" to it, something that hadn't shown up in Mary's photos, though she did write about it in her notes. It wasn't truly visible to the naked eye. Looking at the rubble and wreckage made Hush's eyes hurt, like looking outside on a snow-blanketed sunny day with that subtle piercing harshness that only the touch of seraphim steel could produce. Yet there wasn't any actual, visible brightness that he could detect. The fact that the various shattered bricks and shards of concrete were smoking and sizzling as though dipped in a fryer was just the icing on top.

Slight trepidation festered at the back of Hush's mind. He wasn't exactly unused to getting involved in gang affairs, though he did avoid trying to get in the middle of outright wars, but something about this didn't seem right. Weapons of this sort of caliber should be in high demand, and thus the market for them should have been cornered by local gangs almost immediately. And yet, as Mary's recorded "interviews" showed, none of the incidents thus far had been gang-related. So far as any of the perps knew, the major gangs around didn't even know about them.

More worryingly, the perps didn't even seem to know how they had done what they did. True, they were all tweaked out junkies trying to get drug money and that likely played a part, but still...

Put bluntly, everything about the situation was fucky. Hush didn't like it one bit.

"Why are we out here, boss?"

The question shook Hush out of his reverie, and he turned to the salamander demon beside him. Blue World, one of Hush's employees. The demon was quite tall - just over two meters - and dressed in a subtly gaudy dark purple overcoat and khaki trouser combo that was a few shades darker than his purple skin, though the coat was open (revealing that the demon had no shirt on underneath) and lacked zippers or buttons of any kind to close it. His expression was one of mildly annoyed indifference; his default expression, albeit one that fit his general demeanor towards his (after)life.

Hush quirked an eyebrow, which elicited a deeper frown from Blue World.

"You know what I mean." The salamander gestured to the smoking apartment, peering at his employer through the limp, hairlike tendrils hanging from his head. "Whatever happened to not getting mixed up with high-tier horseshit?"

"We don't know that anyone big is involved."

"The hell we don't. Name one wingrunner asshole going around handing out angel bombs."

For a moment, the wolf demon didn't respond. Blue's words reflected his own thoughts for the most part. This certainly seemed to have the hallmarks of a big player making a move.

"Name one ganglord who'd hand out angel bombs to junkies," Hush eventually retorted.

Blue World had no answer to that, and he turned his attention back to the ruins. Frankly, Hush didn't know the answer to it either. The situation made no sense regardless of which angle one looked at it from.

"It still stinks. We shouldn't even be considering this job." The salamander gave Hush a suspicious look. "You aren't actually planning on letting her take out a hit, are you?"

The wolf demon frowned and shifted his weight from one leg to the other, glancing once again at the smoking, quietly sizzling apartment.

"I don't know yet."

"Boss," Blue was a mite incredulous now. "We stick with PI work for a reason. You want a repeat of the Farewell Job?"

Hush winced at that. He did not want a repeat of the Farewell Job. Not one bit.

"We'll decide once we take a closer look. Give it a chance, Blue."

The tall salamander gave an annoyed huff, but said nothing more.

"Where's Fracture, anyway?" The wolf demon asked. "Normally he rides with you, doesn't he?"

"Do I look like my murderer's keeper?" A note of snippiness found its way into Blue World's voice.

"Blue, how long are you gonna be on this? He's not the guy who killed you."

"Whatever, close enough."

Hush gave the salamander a mild glare. After a moment, Blue World relented, but not without a noticeable growl of annoyance in his voice. "He said he had a lead on missing persons."

Hush thought for a moment. He had several MP jobs open, as it was the second most common type that clients brought to him, so it took a second to remember which one exactly Fracture had been working on. "The incubus, right? Reak, I think his name was."

"That's the one. Frac said he found a lead and wanted to squeeze a few witnesses."


Wolf's Eye couldn't exactly drop everything to focus on one job. The Reak Job had been a frustrating one, too. Chasing down leads for it was as good a reason to be absent as any.

The light rap of a hand against metal sounded, prompting Hush and Blue World to glance up at the roof of the minivan they were leaning against. Perched atop the vehicle was Highway Star, keeping a lookout while crouched in an almost comically overdone position, as if he was trying to combine a crouch with a supermodel pose.

To this day Hush had no idea why the Stand insisted on turning everything it did into a pose. He didn't remember Highway Star doing that while he was alive.

Highway Star pointed, but there was no need. Not even a second after the wolf Stand caught his attention, Hush's ears perked at the sound of tires crackling over stones in the street. All three demons turned their attention to the car coming up behind their van; a midnight blue Holden sedan with a familiar pinkish-purple demoness in the driver's seat.

Hush's eyebrows rose. A brand new Holden Astra, and a top of the line version to boot? That was a bit surprising. An Astra was nothing special so far as cars went back on Earth, but to have a car that was even remotely new in Hell was costly. The wolf demon found himself curious as to how a schoolteacher could afford a car at all, let alone a brand new one that was actually fairly nice all told. She didn't seem like the kind of demon who would use the funds stashed away for this job on something like a car.

The car stopped just behind Hush's minivan, it's engine shutting off as Mary exited and made her way over to the three with a cigarette in hand.

"Looks exactly the way you described it," Hush stated as the demoness drew near. "You sure it's safe?"

"Absolutely." Mary tapped the ashes from the end of her cig. "I've tested it several times with previous incidents. You'll have to be careful, but by now you won't need to worry about spontaneously melting, at least."

The demoness turned her attention to Blue World and extended her hand. He regarded it for a moment, then pushed himself off from the van and trodded towards the ruined apartment.

"Let's get this over with," he groused as he walked away. Mary looked after him with a mild glare. She seemed annoyed, but not particularly surprised.

It was a sentiment that Hush shared. Not much that could be done about it, though. This was Hell. Demons with professional attitudes were hardly a dime a dozen, and most that had such an attitude on arrival didn't keep it for long.

Frankly, Hush wondered how Mary kept up such a professional demeanor - hair-trigger temper notwithstanding. It was certainly a challenge for the wolf demon, and he didn't deal with kids everyday.

The tan-furred demon gave his potential client an apologetic look, then turned around and tapped on the partially open passenger side window of his minivan. The cream-colored hellhound sitting in the driver's seat - Crymini, his secretary - didn't respond aside from one of her ears twitching and kept her eyes on her hellphone screen.

"Keep the engine idling, and keep an eye out for the usual suspects."

"A'ight." The hellhound gave a thumbs up.

"That means ungluing your eyes from your phone." His voice took on a note of annoyance. Crymini's only response was to change her thumbs up to a raised middle finger. "Crymini, I'm serious."

"Oh fuck off, boss." She finally looked up to glare at Hush. "I know. Not my first fucking time bein' out on a job. Fuck's sake."

The wolf demon said nothing in response, merely matching her glare, until Crymini relented and turned the key in the minivan's ignition. She slouched further into the seat with her phone still in front of her face as the old Grand Carnival's battered six cylinder coughed to rattling life, though she at least held the phone higher up so she could more easily glance out the windows.

That would have to do. One always needed to pick their battles, and down here Hush needed to be a lot pickier about them. The wolf demon turned away from the van and started after Blue World, who by now was standing in front of the (oddly intact) front door. Mary followed after him, while a few seconds later Highway Star hopped down from the van's roof and followed as well.

Curiously, the purple-skinned demoness was silent. She seemed interested in finding out exactly what the three demons intended to do, but didn't ask any questions. Neither Hush nor Blue World nor Highway Star had any equipment with them save the clothes on their backs; hardly the ideal setup for investigating a bomb site under most circumstances. Of course, being Stand users changed the game, but the majority of clients had no way of knowing that. Most clients had at least one or two questions about how they would conduct their investigation, where all their equipment was, and other similar assorted inquiries.

It was odd and mildly offputting, but Hush was not surprised. He remembered Mary mentioning the night before that she worked at the school on 66th. He knew of that school, and who owned it. Mary was undoubtedly familiar with Stands and the weirdness surrounding them, considering her superintendent was a Stand user. Most likely she put together that Hush and his employees - save for Crymini - were Stand users the moment she saw their complete lack of investigative gear.

Blue World pushed on the front door of the ruined building as the other three demons approached. Rather than opening, the door simply fell inward, no longer actually held in place by anything as its hinges had been blasted to uselessness.

The four demons filtered into what was at one point the main hallway of the structure, where the tenants would be able to access their specific apartments. It had been destroyed nearly to the point of being unrecognizable. Few of the walls were any taller than waist height, and the carpeted floor - though curiously free of any burns or scorches - was barely visible beneath the rubble and dust.

Hush hissed quietly and drew his right hand back quickly from the drywall he'd set it on as he entered, wringing it a few times to shake off the pain. Across from him, Highway Star's right hand twitched, and the Stand balled it into a fist.

For a second Hush examined the pads of his hand, but aside from looking a bit reddened and still stinging, there didn't seem to be any lasting damage, like putting one's hand on a not-quite-cooled stove for just a second too long. The thicker pads of his feet (or rather, paws) weren't harmed by the angelic aftermath, it seemed. The sizzling dust and pebbles he stood on produced an uncomfortable, tingling heat, but it was bearable.

Highway Star crouched from its newfound perch on one of the shorter remnants of the building's outer walls, facing in such a way that it could watch both the building's occupants and anyone entering the property from outside. Mary was still carefully picking her way into the building, her hooves providing considerably worse footing in the ruins than Hush's paws or Blue World's shoes.

"Alright, Blue," Hush said to the tall salamander. "You're up."

Blue World grunted in acknowledgement, then faced away from everyone else, standing as he was almost in the exact center of the ruined apartment. His arms were spread wide as if to embrace someone.

"[Moody Blues: Knights in White Satin]!"

The moment Blue World finished his declaration, a series of six glowing purple shapes separated from him in a ring, each largely indistinct but slightly humanoid. The shapes rapidly solidified into what looked at first to be copies of Blue World - purple-skinned salamander demons - sans clothing. However, the six were entirely nude, and lacked any distinguishing features, most notably faces. Even their skin seemed oddly unfinished, like a 3D texture that had not rendered properly.

Stand-powered copies of the tall salamander. His "Knights in White Satin."

The knights stood ramrod straight, all facing their user with about as much life in them as a mannequin. In unison, the clones all loosed a low drone, like an old phone's busy tone, and they floated off the ground.

Three of the six floated up to where the building's second story used to be, where now there was just empty air. They took up seemingly random positions; two looking as though they were in the midst of a vicious argument, and the third laying down haphazardly in the empty space. Two of the remaining Stand-clones floated through the remnants of drywall, sitting in slouched positions as if a couch was positioned beneath them and they were engrossed in a nonexistent TV in front of them. The last knight moved only about a meter and a half away, with its feet phased through the rubble at its feet to reach the floor below. It was frozen with its hand held out in front of it as if to pluck something from a nonexistent countertop.

In unison they emitted another dial tone and then transformed. Unfinished and blank skin shifted and changed in color, while bones and muscle melted together and reformed, until the six resembled more ordinary demons. All imps, save for the one nearest to Blue World, which had morphed into a profusely sweating, overweight salamandrine instead.

"That everyone?" Hush asked, his arms folded and tone neutral. Blue World turned to him before answering, showing that a long, narrow screen had appeared on his forehead. On the screen was a timestamp that read "00:00:04:09:33:17".

"At this point, yes. Six actors, none of them look like the type we want."

Hush nodded. He doubted the replay would take long to introduce the "actor" that they were looking for. Mary's notes on the timing of the explosion were imprecise, but Blue World was remarkably good at guessing the best time to start his replays. He'd guessed right before with much less to go on.

The salamander snapped his fingers, and the replay began.

Immediately, screaming rang out from above, causing both Hush's and Highway Star's ears to flatten in annoyance. The two Imps dwelling upstairs, both female, sounded hoarse. They had clearly been screaming at one another for a while before Blue's timestamp. Half of what they were saying was angry gibberish, but Hush gathered that the two were a couple who had each just discovered that the other was pregnant.

The Stand-Imp across the hallway who was reclining in empty air - Hush presumed he was laying on a bed - glared briefly at where the wall would have been that separated him from the arguing couple, then flipped over on his stomach and pressed a nonexistent pillow on top of his head.

Meanwhile, the sweating, panting salamandrine scooped something - keys, most likely - up from where there had likely been a countertop before the explosion, judging from the wood splinters at the transformed knight's feet.

"Oh, fok," the salamandrine grumbled as he waddled through what was once the doorway to his apartment, pausing to pantomime closing the door and then locking it with his key. He then paused again, wiping sweat from his brow and muttering more curses. Every action, including breathing, seemed to take an inordinate amount of effort for the obese demon. He turned around, putting his keys in his pocket and facing towards the building's front door, and thus towards the non-replayed demons. The reptilian demon's four sunken, tired eyes blinked out of sync, one after the other, as he focused on something or someone that Hush couldn't see.

Abruptly, the salamandrine's eyes widened, and his hands shot up into the air. "Hey...heyheyhey eish! Kalm, boet, kalm! Easy ea-!"

Immediately the shouting stopped from both the fat salamandrine and the two imps on the floor above him. All six transformed knights froze in time as the replay paused.

"And that'll be our man." Blue World stepped back a bit, then moved a few centimeters to his left so that he was face to face with his transformed knight. Without another word, he began to shrink and morph, quickly taking the form of a disheveled, particularly short male imp with short, straight horns. The imp turned to look at Hush with the salamander demon's familiar, perpetually annoyed expression. "Any requests?"

"None yet," the tan-furred wolf responded. "Play it all the way through, then we'll tweak it as needed."

The transformed Blue World nodded, then faced the Stand-salamandrine again, taking up a lopsided stance and almost cartoonishly angry expression, his right hand outstretched as if holding a gun.

Shouting exploded again as the replay started once more.

"-sy, Goddamn! I've done nothing! Why do you-"


The Blue-imp was screaming at the top of his lungs, swaying uneasily where he stood. His movements were twitchy, and his voice cracked several times. Clearly he had been either high or coming down from a high when this confrontation happened. The salamandrine spent a second or two sputtering before falling silent, staring at the imp with wide, frightened eyes as he continued screaming.


Finally the imp ran out of steam and doubled over to catch his breath. Hush couldn't help but be a bit impressed. The entire fifteen second tirade had been done in a single breath.

Both the imp and salamandrine remained quiet and panting for a moment, the reptilian demon breathing so hard he seemed ready to keel over. The sweat beading on his scales had become even more disgustingly excessive.

"Four...fuckin'...years," the imp panted out shakily as he stood upright again. His eye twitched and involuntary tremors rocked his hands. The salamandrine was nervously eyeing the unseen gun in his hands, where it seemed the imp's shaky finger was resting on the trigger. "We been bros for four fuckin' years, and you gonna do me like this?"

"W-what are you talking about?" the salamandrine's eyes darted about nervously as he kept his hands in the air. "You are still boet to me, ja? I do nothing to you!"

"Don't play dumb with me!" The imp's voice cracked again. "Yer a hog and them bullets was pig iron, ya shitlickin' fool! I wanted to ice some fucksticks, not tickle their fuckin' balls. I got my ass on a platter and my stash stolen cuz'a you!"

"Pig iron!? I sell no pig iron!" The reptilian seemed offended despite his situation. "Ag man, I sell good steel! All seraphim, ja, from exorcist spears. It is pure! I take pride in my product."

"Oh, izzat what you call it? Pride?"

"Yes!" The salamandrine's fear was momentarily forgotten, replaced with indignant anger as he raised hands fell to his hips. "No pig iron. I sell only good steel. That is pride!"

For a second, the imp just stared at the obese demon, as still as someone going through a vicious withdrawal could be, his expression a mask of disdain.

"A'ight then, let's test that, yeah? I got yer bullets in the chamber. Guess if this," he waved the invisible gun in his hand, his expression morphing into a grin, "Kills ya, it's all bullshit bad luck that my ass got beat. Then if ya live, ya lied and I turn yer ass ta grass with my knife. Howzabout it?"

The salamandrine's eyes widened in panic as he opened his mouth to protest, but he wasn't quick enough. The imp pulled the trigger on his gun.

Both demons looked confused for a moment. Without the gun being present in the replay, Hush couldn't know for absolute certain, but he was fairly sure the gun had simply clicked when the trigger was pulled.


drew Hush's attention. [Moody Blues: Knights in White Satin]'s replays didn't include anything but an actor and the clothes they wore without a workaround. Nothing from the replay could be making noise unless it was firmly attached to one of the actors involved.

All eyes - those of the replayed actors and the demons who were actually present alike - were drawn to the space between the shaking dwarf imp and the obese salamandrine. A hand sat on the floor with a slowly expanding puddle of black blood beneath it, still clutching an invisible pistol.

In unison, everyone watching blinked, then looked to the imp's right arm, which now ended in a stump that was leaking ichor onto the ground in a steady stream.

"Uh…" The imp was clearly too flabbergasted to register the pain. The salamandrine in front of him was no less confused. His gaze snapped back and forth between the stump and his severed hand, not comprehending what had just happened. "The fuck?"

Suddenly, the disembodied hand twitched, then began to convulse. It maintained its grip on the gun, but began flopping to and fro on the floor.

"Th-...the fuck!?" The imp was clearly alarmed now. He squinted, shading his eyes with his intact hand as he watched the seemingly possessed hand, as if it was shining a blinding light. "Oho, fuck no. Fuck this, fuck all this!"

"Where are you going?" The salamandrine yelled as the short imp turned tail and ran out of the ruins through where the front door had originally been, phasing straight through Hush on his way out. "Why are you running? Fokker, what did you do!? Oh fok…"

Hush glanced at Blue World's transformed self bolting out towards the street, then looked back to the salamandrine demon with a quirked eyebrow. The overweight reptilian was shielding his eyes and squinting just like the imp had been a moment ago, slowly backing away from the apparently brightly glowing disembodied hand still flopping around on the floor.

Without warning, the hand exploded. It wasn't a very dramatic explosion; the hand just disappeared with a puff of smoke and a pop like the sound of a bursting balloon. That, however, was merely the extent of the explosion caught in the replay. Clearly the real thing must have been considerably more dramatic, given its effect on the demons present

All six of the demons within the building seemed to just...fly apart. Where the salamandrine, arguing imp couple, and the other actors were one moment, expanding clouds of red mist and viscera were the next, with the transformation accompanied with the sound of pulping flesh and shattering bones. The organic debris flew beyond the ruined apartment's walls almost faster than the eye could see, vaporizing and spreading out as it went until it seemed to disappear. The detonation had to have packed tremendous power to completely eviscerate the demons like that, and through multiple walls no less.

But the replay wasn't over.

The wolf demon quickly made his way to the doorway so that he could watch the replay's one remaining, intact actor. Mary, who was still standing next to the front door, watched as well. She'd clearly been startled by the explosion, but her expression now was mainly one of confusion as she watched.

The still quivering imp sat five or six meters from the front door, laying in a clear spot in the debris (likely thrown from his hooves by the explosion), gawping at the apartment complex. After a moment, a synapse seemed to connect somewhere in the diminutive demon's head, and he shot to his hooves and bolted down the sidewalk, black blood flinging wildly from the stump where his right hand had been a minute prior.

The imp froze not five steps into his run, however. Another pause in the replay.

As Hush, Highway Star, and Mary approached, the imp unfroze and turned towards them. Gone was the twitchyness and wild anger from the replay. In its place was Blue World's calm, always-irritated demeanor.

"Well that was certainly enlightening," the "imp" said, examining his now bloodless hand-stump. He spoke in the same voice as the replay's imp actor, but the tone and demeanor were unmistakably that of Hush's salamander employee.

"Got what you need?" Hush asked. The transformed salamander gave his boss a significant look, knowing which questions Hush was really asking.

"Yeah," he said simply, knowing better than to go into details with Mary present. Some details of his Stand were strictly need-to-know, and Mary most certainly didn't need to know.

Hush turned to Mary, smiling. "We'll take the case."

Far from looking relieved however, the satyress just seemed suspicious, glaring at the wolf demon with narrowed eyes.

"...Alright, I'll bite," she said. "What's this actually about? I get wanting to confirm my notes to make sure I wasn't blowing smoke up your ass, but really? Why have me here for this, and what's with the theatrics?"

"Because you'd be here anyway, for one," Highway Star spoke up this time in his deep monotone, taking Mary by surprise. "You spent months investigating this on your own, so we assumed you would want an active role. That's fine within reason, and as long as you aren't interfering. But it does mean you'd need to know just how we operate. Were we wrong?"


"That wasn't the only reason, either," Hush interjected. "I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to take a look around before taking the job. We had to be sure we had something to work with; a lead, a suspect, anything." He spared a glance towards Blue World, who was shifting back into his true form as he walked back towards the apartment. "And it looks like we have a lead."

Mary thought for a moment.

"Fair enough." She put her cigarette to her mouth. "So what now?"

"We run through it again, pausing as needed to make sure we didn't miss anything. Then we talk pricing." Hush smiled again. "I believe you mentioned a two hundred thousand soul guarantee."

Mary blinked, then groaned and slapped a palm to her face. "Should have kept that in the holster."

"Probably." The tan-furred demon kept his smile as he turned back towards the apartment, readying to follow Blue World. The smile faded as he approached however.

"I got yer bullets in the chamber," the imp had said.

Hush looked up at the smoking ruins. Seraphim steel bullets were nothing new, but what manner of angelic bullet could cause something like that? So far as the wolf demon knew, none could. Even if those bullets were responsible, how did the wingrunner responsible for them not realize it? The salamandrine clearly hadn't known what was going to happen before the explosion. Hush had a feeling these questions were not going to be fully answered today.

If nothing else, this job was going to be an interesting one.


Wingrunner - seraphim steel dealer
Pig Iron - fake seraphim steel
Hog - someone who sells "pig iron"
Mr. Fear
My name is Mr. Fear.
I wish I had a faster therapy.

An update: chapter progress has been slowed lately by end-of-semester projects and will likely be slow this week as well due to final exams, but after this I should only have work to worry about instead of work and homework, so progress should speed up significantly. In the meantime, have this little sneak peek at what's coming. He's a character who'll be appearing in the next chapter, commissioned by me from the amazing artist Athavan. A version without the background colors for those who want it.
Looks like if Michael Jackson and Yog-sothoth had a child and the Joker raised him. Definitely very JoJo in hell, I approve.