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On another overcast day on the dull green Scottish moors, the sun barely visible through the...
1.1 A Dynamic Entrance.


The future's now, old man! (Avatar Art by me)
SV's Only Complete Persona Quest
On another overcast day on the dull green Scottish moors, the sun barely visible through the endless gray smudge of clouds, a young lady near the end of her school years trudged her lonesome way along a brown, gritty mud path towards a dilapidated old stone manor house, as she heaved an overstuffed backpack all the way.

She was a slender yet somewhat gangling young one, her bobbed hair a murky shade of purple, maybe more indigo than violet. She'd neglected to wear her school uniform that day (she wished she could say she was more the rebellious sort, but she knew well otherwise), and was instead dressed casually in an earthy brown dress under a black top with exposed shoulders and purple sleeves, and a grey-white, mildly frilled knee-length skirt.

She stared up from her pebbly front lawn up to the house that may have been her home, but gave no warm, comforting glow. It was an ancient, imposing mass of chipped sandstone and cracked, grey bricks, with most of its tiny windows shrouded in dust and a roof that'd rusted so much she couldn't tell what its original colour was.

She was Darcy Stewart, daughter of the somewhat infamous Dr Aelita Stewart, though not that you'd ever know that from how often the two actually spoke with each other. Darcy knew her life may not be that bad, in the grand scheme of things, but like most girls her age she still wished she was anywhere but here.

She stepped onto the white, circle veranda, approached the faded red oaken door, and tapped the bronze ring of the almost goblin-faced doorknob. No reply came, and no surprise that was to her. Mum's probably where she always is, tinkering in the garage with some new 'invention' of hers that she's not ever going to get 'round to finishing, the thought clogged Darcy's mind. Of course she'd be, she's been cooped up like this-
[ ] Ever since Dad left.
[ ] Ever since we left Dad.
[ ] Ever since Dad... passed.
[ ] Ever since... ever. Mum's tried hard to never bring it up, but she couldn't hide that I was the child of a one-night stand from me forever.
[ ] Write-in.

Not able to keep herself from fuming, Darcy nearly banged her head and fists down on her front door. I mean, I'm in my last year of high school now, and the other girls still tease me about my mother like I'm still in primary school or whatever. Hell, if I didn't keep having to go to school down in-
[ ] Edinburgh
[ ] Glasgow
[ ] Inverness
[ ] Write-in.
- the whole world I bet would have no evidence that the 'esteemed' Dr Aelita Stewart still existed!

The young lass breathed deep and slowly picked herself back up, even if she had no audience and no word had slipped from her mouth, she still couldn't help but cringe a tad at the tirade she'd just unleashed in her head.

To top it all off, the bleak grey clouds chose now to deliver on their promise, by releasing whole swathes of rain down upon the boggy moorlands. At least that gave Darcy something to be cheerful about, that she'd had the luck to get home before the rain, especially since packing an umbrella had slipped her mind during this morning's rush to be on time for the bus.

But her merriment ceased, as of all things her mother's garage-turned-lab was greeted by a bright white bolt of lightning that out of nowhere came blasting down. Darcy winced and hoped the garage roof would just defuse the bolt, but her face went pale as she witnessed a strange, unearthly light flashing in and out of the garage windows.

Oh no oh no, she bit her lower lip. Please, oh please don't tell me that Mum's just gotten herself blown to pieces or something...

The scrawny, bleary-eyed frame of Dr. Aelita Stewart, one-time renowned quantum physicist and engineer, nowadays little more than a hermit, strained to pick herself up and reach for her wire-thin glasses, coughing from all the ash around her as she did.
She was draped in the standard white labcoat, which she wore over a purplish-brown waistcoat, a black pencil skirt and faded tan stockings. Like her daughter her hair was a bluish-purple, though of a much paler shade.

To think that her studies had been going without a hitch until now, using her microscopes and light to observe the travel patterns of atoms, until of course lightning of all things had to come through the window and send her tangled, grey, inscrutable-to-normal-eyes quantum tracking machine haywire.
Well, no explosion this time, at the very least, the scientist let that thought drift through her brain. The lab was in a state of chaos though, more so than usual, with several steel shelves having fallen down and scattered her tinier mechanisms and notebooks across every inch of the grotty floor, not to mention that the bigger machines that filled the garage had had several cogs and other pieces fall off them.

Still, she could find no words for what she saw next. Her lightning-struck Quantum Machine was now glowing an eerie purple and letting off snake-like sparks, and in front of it now stood... five people who'd appeared to have come out of nowhere.

"...The hell am I?" exclaimed the first of this five, a girl with glittering golden hair, who wore a scarlet jacket and shorts above a set of pitch black pantyhose, and... had blood-red eyes, black wings jutting out of her back and snow-pale skin. "I'm a noble, I live in a world of luxury, red carpets and lavish castles, so who's idea of a joke is it to stick me in some commoner's dingy cellar?!"

"Thank you, thank you, it's been a real ride, performing here in front of so many faces at the-" a tall woman with deep red hair tied in a long ponytail, wearing a sparkling white costume and holding a neon blue guitar stopped what she was saying, quickly glanced around her and muttered, "Ooh boy, this sure ain't the Andromeda Arena. Ah well, chin up, I've been on crazier trips than this one after all. Hmm, least the girls they've got in this place ain't half-bad... wherever this place is".

"What strange mechanisms," whispered a pointy-eared woman with light blue skin covered in runic tattoos, darker blue hair in a still feminine-looking pixie cut, and clad in a lacy black top and form-hugging trousers, studded with scraps of metal armour and with a rune-engraved sword around her belt. "The closest I've ever seen to these trinkets would be the automatons of Dwarven or Gnomish kind, and yet even then..."

"Oh good Lord," came a voice from the shadows, belonging to a sharp-eyed woman with long dark brown hair, wearing an even more form-hugging black outfit and standing astride a gadget-laden motorcycle. "Hmm, the mission briefing certainly didn't say a thing about this. Oh well, guess I'll just have to improvise".

"Grrr, enough!" snarled out the voice of a young woman with short and wavy orange hair, who wore a zip-up tank top and leather trousers that left her muscular arms and midriff exposed. "Okay scientist, what's the big deal with trying to kidnap us all here, huh? Answer me, if you have any sense of justice!"

Aelita just gasped and clutched her head, as she tried to process just what in the world had just gone on here.

To complicate matters more, there then came a shout of "Mother!" as Darcy suddenly entered from the door back into the house.

[ ] Talk directly to the orange-haired hero type, state clearly you really don't know what just happened.
[ ] Maybe if you flatter this gothic 'noble', you can get her to see reason.
[ ] This redhead, out-of-this-world rock star, apparently, doesn't seem to shocked by all this, maybe she can talk sense to the others.
[ ] The blue-skinned elven woman seems calm, maybe she'll be most willing to understand you.
[ ] The black-clad shadowy figure looks like she knows gadgetry, she might have an idea what's just gone on.
[ ] Try to have Darcy back you up that you're just some single mother who has no clue what's going on.
[ ] Write-in.

QM's Note: Despite starting with Darcy's POV for some context, Aelita is meant to be the one you'll be controlling.

So, to recap the votes:

[ ] Ever since Dad left.
[ ] Ever since we left Dad.
[ ] Ever since Dad... passed.
[ ] Ever since... ever. Mum's tried hard to never bring it up, but she couldn't hide that I was the child of a one-night stand from me forever.
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Edinburgh
[ ] Glasgow
[ ] Inverness
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Talk directly to the orange-haired, state clearly you really don't know what just happened.
[ ] Maybe if you flatter this 'noble', you can get her to see reason.
[ ] This redhead, out-of-this-world rock star, apparently, doesn't seem to shocked by all this, maybe she can talk sense to the others.
[ ] The blue-skinned elven woman seems calm, maybe she'll be most willing to understand you.
[ ] The black-clad shadowy figure looks like she knows gadgetry, she might have an idea what's just gone on.
[ ] Try to have Darcy back you up that you're just some single mother who has no clue what's going on.
[ ] Write-in.

Lastly, do you want to set this Quest to:
[ ] Easy Mode (which choice favours which love interest will be shown, and their current affection level will be displayed).
[ ] Hard Mode (which choice increases the ladies' affection, and affections levels towards you, will be kept hidden)
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Cast of Characters
Aelita Stewart, Single Mother Scientist
Age: 39
Orientation: Bisexual, used to lean towards men.

Darcy Stewart, Estranged Daughter
Age: 18
Orientation: Questioning.

The Aquamarine 'Requiem' (Marina), Hi-Tech Secret Agent
Age: Early thirties.
World: Cyberstream.
Affection: 0
Orientation: Bisexual.

Fugue of the Overguards, Wrestler Superheroine
Age: Mid-twenties.
World: Earth Eight.
Affection: -1
Orientation: Pansexual.

Nocturnette, Countess of Obsylvania
Age: Immortal, looks mid-twenties.
World: The Midnight Sphere.
Affection: +1
Orientation: Lesbian.

Rhapsodia of the Subterrane, Dark Elf Adventuress
Age: Immortal, looks late twenties.
World: Kingdoms of Diamere.
Affection: +3
Orientation: Lesbian.

Symphonie Metallique, Extraterrestrial Rockstar
Age: Mid-thirties.
World: 42nd Century Stellar Union
Affection: +3
Orientation: Bisexual, leans towards women.
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1.2 Tense Introductions.
QM's Note: Sorry about the wait, I was sick with a stomach bug and was then busy moving rooms.

[+1 to Rhapsodia]

"Please, Miss..." Aelita fumbled at how exactly to address this dark blue elvish maid "I-I'm telling you, I have honestly no idea what just happened. That machine over there was just meant to scan the motions of atoms. But then it was struck by lightning, and it must've overloaded, and-"

"Do not fret, my good alchemist, er, artificer, whichever term most fits you," the elf-maid's spoke in silky tones, bent down and softly smiled, her deep yet glimmering eyes meeting with Aelita's "It did not cross my mind that you would deceive us, as I sensed no illusions cast upon this place".
Aelita eased her tension at that statement.

"Still, a lightning bolt, having by a million-to-one chance struck a grotty cellar as this?" the dark-haired spy woman slid her way into the conversation, "Seems all too convenient, wouldn't you say? Yet to translate Miss Fantasy's 'no illusions cast' into the modern tongue, my sensors don't pick up any holograms. Nor do I catch the whiff of any drugging scents, just engine oils and noxious chemicals in the background is all".

"What d'ya mean 'modern tongue'? Most of the equipment 'round here's pretty old-looking to me. I'm talkin' centuries old, well that'd be my guess," the red-haired rocker drawled out as she slumped down cross-legged on top of a crate that'd have to make do as a chair, "Ah, nothing wrong with 'centuries old' though, I mean retro's a pretty profitable market and all, especially Earth stuff, since the place has been gone for ages".

"Earth, gone?!" the secret agent and muscled girl spoke out in unison, though the agent did so with not as much volume.

"Ah yeah, whoops. Should've known that'd be a shock to hear," the rock star grinned yet winced at the same time, "But hey, if this tech lying around's from the 21st century, least going by any history lessons I may or may not've dozed through, then don't worry. It'll be eons before this planet's done for".

"Right, eons," the muscular girl gulped down, before her still girlish voice shot back up with, "A-anyway, even if I do know, er, quite a few people actually who've gained powers via strange thunderbolts, t-that still doesn't make your story any more likely!"

"Hmm, from the moor-laden terrain outside this window, I'd say it wouldn't be unlikely that a Thunder Elemental was lurking nearby. That seems a more likely culprit than pure chance," the elf said as she poked her head through the shutters of a small, solitary window.

"Elementals? Centuries in the future?" came Darcy's unsteady voice as she dropped down the stairs from the door up top "L-look, my mother, for... all her faults, is no abductor, well, not by intention I mean. Er, look, we're going to get anywhere or understand each other if we don't at least know who we even are first".

That statement however just made everyone's eyes fall on Aelita. The scientist, who had started to shiver from all the attention coming her way, slowly mouthed the words, "My name is- is- I'm Dr. Stewart, first name is, ah, Aelita, I..."

"She's my mother," Darcy had to step in, "She's a quantum physician and engineer. My name's Darcy, I'm... well not anybody really, eh he. Oh um, and you're in Scotland, not too far from Edinburgh in fact". There was silence from the elf and rock star. "Er y'know, Scotland, United Kingdom?"

"Hmm, I do now believe I have heard the name 'Scotland'," the elvish woman muttered, "But certainly not from any recent text I've read, possibly on an ancient inscription in a ruin- Oh of course, introductions. I am Rhapsodia, heiress to the Lineage of Crystal of the Subterrane, and though I am of the Dark Elf people I promise I bring you no harm" she bowed before Aelita and took her hand. "I am student of both blade and sorcery, but my life's journey has led me to the study of ancient ruins".

"I, I, I'll at least say in my world they call me Fugue," the words made their way out of the orange-haired muscled girl, "Fugue of the Overguards. Superheroes don't give away their secret identities so easily, especially not to those who've they just met, and just kidnapped them if by accident or not. I trained for years in professional wrestling until my physique was tough enough that I could qualify as a superhuman, if anyone's, er, wondering about my outfit".

"I see your point, Miss Fugue," the dark-haired agent flashed her a wry smile from the shadows, "Those in my profession also prefer to keep a tight rein on their identities, especially when there's talk of such things as elves, superhumans and time travel, if not dimension travel, going around. For now though, you may address me as... the Aquamarine 'Requiem', just Marina will do. The pleasure's all mine, mademoiselles and madams," she blew a kiss at a group in general.

"Ooh, introductions? Well er, I don't have the stage lighting, pyrotechnics and warm-up music right now to make as flashy an entrance as I'd like, so I'll make do with saying I'm Symphonie Metallique, Rock Queen of the fuckin' Universe, hailing to you from the Rings of Saturn," the red-haired alien rocker struck a pose and strummed an open chord. "Hey, this is your pad, right 'Lita? Mind showing us around?"

"Show you around? Oh um..." Aelita started mumbling before her daughter gave her a quick nudge with her elbow, "Oh yes, of course I- w-wait a second, wasn't there also a blonde woman here?"

"Indeed there was," came the lofty voice of said blonde noble from the top of the stairs back in the house "Honestly, everyone mumbling about where and who they were bored me fast, so a master-thief like me just had to see if there was anything worth stealing around this place. Don't worry, though your house is pretty old, there was barely anything to interest one of noble rank like me. Can't make off with your quantum machine or whatever either, with it likely being my only way out of here.
Oh, and it's Nocturnette, Countess of Obsylvania, if we're doing pleasantries". She then glided down on her jet-black wings to the laboratory floor.

"What the-?!" Darcy promptly spat out, as her mother appeared to shocked to respond, "Y-you tried to rob us?!"

"You seem awfully confident, Countess, if you think you can give your game of thievery away so quickly," Marina smirked and folded her arms.

"Oh please, as if a vampire noble like me has anything to fear from your gaggle," Nocturnette just gave a cold laugh in response.

"Wanna bet, villain?" Fugue fumed up at the countess, fists clenched, "Countess of Obsylvania, huh? Let's just see how much you can handle the sunlight!"

"Please, stop, all of you!" Aelita suddenly cried out, not able to keep what was inside of her all locked up for much longer, "Look, I have no idea how in the world I was able to bring you all here in the first place, so I don't know how long I'll have to fiddle around with the Quantum Reader before I can get you all back to your times, er, worlds". Sweating, she almost collapsed "It's getting late in the afternoon anyway, we probably should figure out where you're all going to be staying first".

Assign the following characters:

[ ] Aelita
[ ] Darcy
[ ] Rhapsodia
[ ] Fugue
[ ] Marina
[ ] Symphonie
[ ] Nocturnette
-to the following rooms.You can assign characters to the same room if they have enough Affection:
[ ] Aelita's Bedroom [+1 Affection if Aelita gives up bedroom]
[ ] Darcy's Bedroom.
[ ] Guest Bedroom.
[ ] Living Room Couch [-1 Affection]
[ ] Hotel [Affection varies on class of hotel]
[ ] Write-in.
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1.3 Arranging Rooms.
QM's Note: Shorter than usual, but maybe going for shorter but more frequent updates would be more workable for me.

[+1 to Rhapsodia]

"Look, I honestly have no idea what went wrong or how to fix... whatever just happened," Aelita ultimately sputtered out. "So, um, I guess everyone will need somewhere to stay in the meantime, ah, but our house has only three bedrooms, Darcy's, mine and a spare," she sighed and buried her face in her hands.

"What? Oh no Mum, you can't just kick me out of my bedroom! Not even for, er, time or dimension travellers- ah, I didn't meant it personally!" Darcy at first cried out but then shrank back as she felt the eyes of Marina and Nocturnette upon her.

"L-look, Darcy, I'm sorry, I never meant to imply-" Aelita began before she bit her lip, "Uh, I guess I could just sleep on the couch if it'd make things easier".

"Well well, normally I wouldn't pass up an invitation to sleep in another's bedroom," Marina's lips formed a cat-like grin, "However, I've had enough similar offers to know this smells of a trap. I believe I'll just get a hotel," she crossed her arms and flipped her hair back.

"Same here. Seriously, you call this grotty old wreck a 'manor'?" Set me up somewhere fancier, puh-lease," Nocturnette slumped down on a bit of pipe that stuck and crossed her willowy legs.

"Woohoo, hotel, count me in!" Symphonie beamed, sprang over and threw an arm around Marina and Nocturnette each, "Especially since I haven't been blacklisted anywhere yet in this time or planet". The vampire promptly tried to struggle out of this alien's grip, Marina didn't seem to mind but still kept one eye narrowed.
"Oh er, no offence Aelita honey," Symphonie then blushed and apologised, "Didn't mean to say your place was bad or anything, more like it's, er, probably for its own sake that I don't stay here. Anyway, know any good places 'round town?"

Er, Aelita paused, when was the last time I was even out in Edinburgh? "I think there's-
[ ] The Hyde Waterfront. It's pretty expensive, but if you want high-class..." [+1 to Marina and Nocturnette, -1 to Symphonie]
[ ] The Bravehostel. Er, really not the best place, but if you're on a budget I guess it'll do?" [+1 to Symphonie, -1 to Marina and Nocturnette]
[ ] The Ivanhoe Guest House. Not a lot of vacancy there, but it's cozy and, er, cultural". [+1 to Nocturnette and Symphonie, -1 to Marina]
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Offer to pay [+1 to Marina, Nocturnette and Symphonie], as you doubt any currency they have would be exchangeable, plus Nocturnette might steal someone's if you don't.
[ ] Don't, you need the money.
[ ] Write-in.

"I, well it's, eh, really unlike a hero to just take someone's bedroom and make them sleep on a couch, your guest room will be enough for me," Fugue gulped and nodded, "Besides, I wouldn't want to grab a hotel around town, shouldn't make myself too conspicuous here".

"Why, how courteous~" Rhapsodie raised a hand to her lip, gave a suppressed chuckle and said, "I suppose it would be rather above my station to go proclaiming myself a 'hero', so I'll graciously accept your offer, Lady Aelita," the dark elf got on one knee and bowed.

Of course, Aelita looked over these gathered strangers once more, leather armour, overgrown bat wings, sparkling space suits, a superhero/wrestler outfit and a skin-tight black suit were hardly normal wear around town. She quickly racked her head about how to address to this.

[ ] Look through your own wardrobe, see what you can spare.
[ ] Recommend the mall, it's the first thing that came to mind. [+1 to Marina, -1 to Nocturnette]
[ ] Recommend somewhere specialised, it'll be pricey but a couple of these girls will demand nothing less. [-1 to Fugue, +1 to Nocturnette]
[ ] Recommend a thrift store to keep costs down. [-1 to Nocturnette, +1 to Fugue and Symphonie]
[ ] Just get them to say they're back from a convention or Ren Fair if anyone asks, it'll work for now at least. [-1 to Marina, 1+ to Fugue and Rhapsodie]
[ ] Write-in.
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1.4 House Tour.
[+2 to Nocturnette, +2 to Symphonie]

With Aelita's mention of the Ivanhoe Guest House and even offering to pay, the vampire's and alien's eyes had to widen. Marina however did narrow her eyes slightly, but brightened upon hearing that her expenses would be covered.

But there was another matter Aelita had to bring up. "Don't take this the wrong way but, um, it's just that, your costumes are-" she tugged on her hair as she fumbled with her words.

"What Mum's trying to say is," Darcy had to step in, "That the clothes you're all wearing are kinda gonna stand out in the city, they're not exactly what passes for normal around here," she smiled yet shook a little at some of the glances she got.

"Point taken," Marina spoke up to break the ice, "I'm the type who'd rather not draw too much attention to myself".

"Hah, exactly what an attention-seeker would say," Fugue mumbled beneath her breath, but also said, "Still, gotta agree. I'm long overdue to be getting back into my civillian guise myself".

"Aw, you sayin' you don't appreciate this costume of mine?" Symphonie had to whimper a little, but brightened up with, "Nah, I see what you mean. Don't wanna have my get-up to go waste just walkin' around town, better to get back to the people with somethin' more casual, more street and all".

"Hmm, from your words I take it I've stumbled unto a far different society than my own..." Rhapsodia bent her down as her voiced faded to a whisper.

"Oh er, well you could still pass yourself as just a Middle Ages enthusiast, or say your, er, say face-painting or an illness is why your ski-" Aelita tried to respond, only for her daughter to swiftly reach up and cover her mouth. "Oh, oh no, I should've been more careful with what I was saying," the scientist then bit her lip as her eyes sank.

Rhapsodia for a second did twitch a little, but turned out to be quick to shake off any unease as she said, "Do not fret, I could see you held no ill intent. If my, er, features would seem unnatural to your people, a simple illusion charm should be enough to dissuade suspicion". She then clicked her left-hand fingers and, with a brief glittering of lavender sparkles, her skin changed from a shimmering blue to a dusky olive tinged with mauve. "Besides, as a venturer into ancient ruins, it would intrigue me to see how a people so distance from mine in time do function".

"Uh, okay. But still, you shouldn't really be forced to..." Aelita tried to begin, but soon found she didn't know what she could say further on a topic like this, and so her voice dried up.

"Huh seriously? The clothes I wear are expensive treasures, why would I go to such risks to steal them in the first place if I can't have the opportunity to show them off?" Nocturnette was naturally the loudest dissenting voice, crossing her arms and folding her wings.

"I do believe, as a thief, that not openly flaunting your valuables would be the wiser move," Marina had to hiss at her.

"Oh alright" the vampire snapped, but then sighed deeply, "I just hope the shops around here have a selection that matches my standards".

"Well actually, I was thinking maybe you all could save by just wearing Mum's spare clothes," Darcy piped up with. Aelita almost paled at that statement, but before she could make any protest Darcy spoke up to her with, "Relax, it'll be fine. I mean you're like in your labcoat all day, 's not like any of your other stuff's been put through much use".

"Hmph, don't see what taste in high-end fashion someone who wears a grease-stained coat all day could have, but I'll at least be courteous and give your rags a little glimpse," Nocturnette said, her voice barely brighter than before. But at least she was co-operating this time, right?

Those words being spoken, Aelita ascended the grotty, rusted stairs and led everyone back into her house. The lighting in the main hall was quite lacking, even hitting the lamplight only cast a dim orange glow over things. The tables and chairs was all old, oaken and starting to peel, while the dark purple couches on the living room rug had their stuffing coming loose. The only sound around was the tolling of a grandfather clock and the still unceasing pitter-pattering of the rain.

"Kitchen's just around there, my room and the guest bedroom's 'round the back, since you're staying there Fugue," Darcy spoke up, as her mother was only merely gesturing to where everything was.

"Wow, man could this place use a clean-up," Symphonie giggled, but then blushed, "Er, if you don't mind me saying so I mean".

"Well, at least style-wise it's somewhat familiar to what I'm used to," Nocturnette of all commented, "Hmm, but still not as much as I'd like it to be" she gave a quick scowl.

Heading up another flight of stairs, Aelita opened a creaky door into her room, which was fairly sparse as most of her equipment was down in her laboratory. There were still quite a few books and charts stacked up over the mantelpiece, inscribed with long-reaching numbers and pictures of atoms and machine interiors, and to her left a blue-white wardrobe with bronze-coloured handles.

"Well, it's a pleasant enough room," Rhapsodia said upon looking inside, "Enough space for anything I may find too".

A cloud of dust wafted forth upon the opening of the wardrobe, which caused Aelita to cough but that was all. Nocturnette then rushed in and started scrambling through the light-starved dresses, till she said "Ooo, maybe this one," and settled on a blue tank top, a lacey black collar and long black-and-maroon jeans with stitches running up and down them.

Fugue then went with the more humble option of a light purple jacket over a black blouse and tan trousers, with Marina following with a similar 'blending-in' style with faded blue jeans and a white shirt with black sleeves, on top of which she pulled on a white woolen sweater.

As Rhapsodia inspected Aelita's wardrobe, she instead softly chuckled and said, "Well since these are your clothes I'm borrowing, along with the gracious offer of your room, perhaps you'd like to recommend a certain outfit to me?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Symphonie then rocketed in, "I mean, most of my outfits get chosen for me, so I'm not too good at dressing myself, and most of your stuff all looks equally good. So how's about dressing up a living doll, huh?"

At these words Aelita promptly blushed and stumbled, almost hitting her mantelpiece. "You- you would like that? It's just, I-I've never been too good with fashion either... Oh alright.
Er, Marina, Fugue and Nocturnette, right? Ah, could you please wait outside for the moment, I'd er, could use some privacy doing this," she then said to the others.

Marina just smirked, "Oh dear, it's amusing how you act like I'm any stranger to the female form. But if you insist".

Dress Rhapsodia in:
[ ] Something rough and study, as befitting a ruins explorer.
[ ] Something elegant and glamorous, to emphasise her nature.
[ ] Something hand-stitched and flowing, for that medieval village vibe.
[ ] Something professional but still ladylike, like a high-class secretary.
[ ] Write-in.

Dress Symphonie in:
[ ] Something colourful and frilly, to match her upbeat nature.
[ ] Something spiky and tough, reflect a rebel image.
[ ] Something glittering and fluffed up, like an old nightclub singer.
[ ] Something streamlined and spacey, as an alien she might be into it.
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Get the other girls to their hotel.
[ ] Show them the sights of Edinburgh a bit, it's not that late yet.
[ ] Write-in.

Fugue: -1
Marina: 0
Nocturnette: +1
Rhapsodie: +3
Symphonie: +3
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