Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
@0th Law @Omida @Hydrokinesis @Astra Myst @UbeOne

You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.

Alex was not having a good day. First, he'd died, gotten Isekai'd as a fucking Fubuki Expy, complete with Foxy Ears and tail, and now, on top of all of that, what looked like bandits were assaulting a figure surrounded by guards. So, drawing deep within the well of power she had been granted, Alex Lee began to sing,

Todoke todoke omoi yo todoke
Sou ano hi egao watashi no negai subete
Kimi to yasashii jikan e to

Power welled up within her, her body transforming into that of a servant, a Crystalized legend of a being sitting on the Throne of Heroes. Her form was that of Fubuki, (Oh the Irony) The Hero of Snowflakes, the one who had brought an end to the war against the abyss. She immediately began moving forward, using her E ranked agility to close in on the enemy, and then punching the closet bandit in the face.

Umi no ao hirogaru
Akarenga sono mukou ni

The bandit went flying, skidding to a stop somewhere to her immediate left, though Alex paid no attention. Instead, she turned and looked towards her fellow Isekais, looking to see what they were doing.
@0th Law @Omida @Hydrokinesis @Astra Myst @UbeOne

You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.

Alex was not having a good day. First, he'd died, gotten Isekai'd as a fucking Fubuki Expy, complete with Foxy Ears and tail, and now, on top of all of that, what looked like bandits were assaulting a figure surrounded by guards. So, drawing deep within the well of power she had been granted, Alex Lee began to sing,

Todoke todoke omoi yo todoke
Sou ano hi egao watashi no negai subete
Kimi to yasashii jikan e to

Power welled up within her, her body transforming into that of a servant, a Crystalized legend of a being sitting on the Throne of Heroes. Her form was that of Fubuki, (Oh the Irony) The Hero of Snowflakes, the one who had brought an end to the war against the abyss. She immediately began moving forward, using her E ranked agility to close in on the enemy, and then punching the closet bandit in the face.

Umi no ao hirogaru
Akarenga sono mukou ni

The bandit went flying, skidding to a stop somewhere to her immediate left, though Alex paid no attention. Instead, she turned and looked towards her fellow Isekais, looking to see what they were doing.
Valette feels the mistcloak manifest itself over her shoulders, tassles flowing in the wind. She saw the people fighting, and the corpses around her. She needed to do something, stop the fighting and orient herself. She... knows what she should do. She pulls a vial of some... solution from from her belt and drinks it. Suddenly, she feels... a weight, a power inside of her. Ten different forms of power. The ones most important at the moment were Iron and Steel.

She burned them, and blue lines, visible only to her, shot out of her chest, pointing to all nearby sources of metal. She feels the ones pointing to the sources of metal on the corpses, and pushes on a couple of them. She shoots upwards, and finds herself effectively balanced on her Steelpushes, suspended in midair. She looks to the weapons the bandits and warriors are holding, and uses Iron to pull them out of their hands and towards her, using more steelpushes in order to stabilize herself as she disarms the combatants.

And with that, it is done. The powers of Homura Akemi are mine to use along with a more than considerable cache of firearms in our shield. Bereft of fear or hesitation I pull an HK416 Assault Rifle as I approach the caravan, trusting protection from an armed caravan rather than a group of bandits I gun down the nearest presumable bandit that fall into my range

She sees one of the people that... "arrived" with her pull out a firearm. She ironpulled that as well.
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Emily Whitewood

I hope that that girl would be fine, oh how useless I am, not even providing a rob-worthy corpse after I died. Which brings us to this very situation I found myself in, surrounded in a field of corpses and bereft of knowledge regarding what is currently happening. There is one exception to that however, a little gift for my afterlife. I sing a song I found fitting of my arrival here.

The one and only has come
And there can only be one
And at last, I am here

A shower of light surround my form reminiscent of a magical girl transformation as I continue my singing, a shield found itself upon my wrist as a magical girl outfit replaces my former clothing.

Why can't I even breathe
Standing in the wreckage
The rain, a lullaby
And so I close my...eyes

While I am trapped here, with shadows closing in on me
Is there still beauty in this world that could comfort me?
Though I yearn to believe
There's no way it could be

And with that, it is done. The powers of Homura Akemi are mine to use along with a more than considerable cache of firearms in our shield. Bereft of fear or hesitation I pull an HK416 Assault Rifle as I approach the caravan, trusting protection from an armed caravan rather than a group of bandits I gun down the nearest presumable bandit that fall into my range
You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.
Hoshi groggily woke up, not that she expected to, to the sound of fighting. Opening her eyes, she sees the bandits, the caravan... the corpses. Groaning, she stands up and, in initially grating voice, subconsciously, starts to sing.

Coloured is our flag
Black are your swords
Coloured is our enemy
Black is your punishment

She groans as inferno blazes in her chest, her voice gaining strenght and turning into a growl.

Coloured is our flag
Black are your swords
Coloured is our enemy
Black is your punishment

Her hair billows in the nonexistent wind as she clenches her fists and bends under the pain of the incredible heat she is subjected to.

Heaven, you lack blessing
Thirst light, thirst blood
The Devil always rides
Heaven, you lack the fighting power
I'll pull everyone into this hell
It's the time of the mad

In the corner of her eye, she sees her hair turn from green into deep, vibrant scarlet. Her clothes change, from something she wouldn't be looked at for wearing into black form fitting bodysuit with black cuirass with golden adornings on top of it. Her hands are enveloped by bracers and her legs by greaves. A luxurious, red cape flows from her arms and over her back.

The heat rises even more, haze filling her vision. The air stinks of ashes.

Gritting her teeth, Hoshi all but screams the rest of the song.

Right in this flood
Grows our rising typhoon
Right in this flood
Grows our rising typhoon
Give yourself to lust
Only a little bit more
Give your life
We are in Heaven

As she screams the last word, a blazing aura of flames erupts around her before dissipating harmlessly. Panting, Hoshi streightens herself and looks over at the caravan, the flames licking her fingers.
You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.

For Rodriga the shift felt weird and then there was this whole situation which didn't help things at all. Bodies on the ground beneath a blazing sun, the fields marred with the dark crimson of blood. People fighting with both sides wearing something she'd have expected at a RenFaire . Some looked far worse than others though the caravan that was being attacked looked worst of all. The others that Rodriga had awoken next seemed to have little hesitation before just fighting and, well, that got the farm girl to definitely wonder just where she ended up. She gave a nod to the shipgirl though before steadying herself with a breath and finally realizing she now had a pair of horse ears atop her head and something definitely affected by the wind behind her hips. Something to figure out later after dealing with the bandits using this newfangled set of powers(?) she'd acquired.

"Cid! Cid! Mio Cid! Mio Cid!"

Weight settled upon Rodriga's shoulders as armor materialized upon her body with two swords hanging from belts on her hips. Shining steel plates strapped to her form and beneath her legs was arguably one of the largest warhorses she'd ever seen with armor on it as well.

"Hero and honoured great warrior
Who serves without treason;
He guards both Islam and Christ
In what he thinks in reason."

Once atop her mount the horse immediately craned its head around and poked the more ornate sword attached to her. A rather intelligent horse perhaps?

"Knight who, elected by God,
Is determined to glory,
After the moment of death,
He could succeed in war."

Rodriga drew the blade and held it high, examining the red blade in the gleaming sunlight. At the same time she became aware of just what the horse was intending as she knew just what was now radiating out from her. Across the entire battlefield all those involved in the fighting would now feel fear, as if they were about to lose with any and all point to continuing the conflict being meaningless. She held the blade up higher to really get sunlight reflecting off the Damascus steel, the patterns looking like flames trapped within the sword.

"His dust. Mio Cid!
His must. Mio Cid!
His sweat. Mio Cid!
His threats. Mio Cid!
His steel. Mio Cid!
His zeal. Mio Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!"
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Summer Sunden
I need IFF asap

You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.

Alex was not having a good day. First, he'd died, gotten Isekai'd as a fucking Fubuki Expy, complete with Foxy Ears and tail, and now, on top of all of that, what looked like bandits were assaulting a figure surrounded by guards. So, drawing deep within the well of power she had been granted, Alex Lee began to sing,

Todoke todoke omoi yo todoke
Sou ano hi egao watashi no negai subete
Kimi to yasashii jikan e to

Power welled up within her, her body transforming into that of a servant, a Crystalized legend of a being sitting on the Throne of Heroes. Her form was that of Fubuki, (Oh the Irony) The Hero of Snowflakes, the one who had brought an end to the war against the abyss. She immediately began moving forward, using her E ranked agility to close in on the enemy, and then punching the closet bandit in the face.

Umi no ao hirogaru
Akarenga sono mukou ni

The bandit went flying, skidding to a stop somewhere to her immediate left, though Alex paid no attention. Instead, she turned and looked towards her fellow Isekais, looking to see what they were doing.

My eyes open to find not the mangled wrecks of cars nor myself, but instead, a field of... bloodied bodies? I have never seen such deaths before, not before my own eyes, undiluted by a TV or computer screen.

Sounds of clashing steel ring ahead. Are those... bandits? They look way too much like brigands, clothed in same attire as most of the bodies, assaulting some person with uniformed guards. Oddly enough, I feel no pain on me, but rather, energy. More than I ever felt before. I have never felt so alive.

My first thought is to run, for I'd rather not involve myself as collateral damage, but that warm feeling of strength within me keeps me in place. My second thought is that I don't know what is going on, besides seeing two groups fighting. Who are the innocents here, the good ones? Are the bandits really bandits, or are appearances deceiving? What if I inadvertently help the enemy or the tyrant?

My third thought is that I have to act now, to have my questions answered. And I can't do that if they're killing each other. That has to stop. This time, I won't stand idly by.

A phrase comes to mind, a very familiar chant, Hibiki's chant. It was already committed to memory before, but as I instinctively sing it, I realize that it holds so much more meaning, more substance for me now, and that my voice has become feminine, more beautiful. It even sounds like Hibiki herself.

Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron~

To everyone else, I'm engulfed in a flash of yellow light before quickly emerging from it in my empowered form, but to me, it is longer and more detailed. Heralded by the sound of breaking glass, an energetic, upbeat music rings in my ears as a white void surrounds me, bordered by black musical notes and staffs and chemical structure diagrams, the last of which resemble outlines and patterns of incomplete hexagons.

I find my body engulfed in glowing white, its shape very female, curves and all, making me smile and hug myself in joy. Whatever put me here also fixed my body. With a stomp of my foot, a black surface emerges from it, as yellow hexagons stream up and encase my body, only to scatter as they unveil a stylized cozy costume: black stockings, orange short shorts and leotard, and white sleeves, all with some lingering yellow hexagons. New knowledge affixes itself into my mind and body, as I welcome the mental and physical memory of stances, punches, elbows, knees, kicks and more. Bajiquan, they call the art. Direct. Explosive. Spear-like.

It feels second nature and empowering to me, as I demonstrate some of its forms in action, against surrounding imaginary foes. A translucent yellow hexagon of glass appears in front, and after a charging step from me, it is shattered with the force of several quick blows. The stream of shards swiftly envelops my waiting hands and forearms, as they reform into gauntlets and vambraces, artistically rendered in white, orange and gold. "SG-r03' Gungnir" it reads in yellow text, as I realize that Hibiki's own Symphogear is with me. I close and open my hands as I test them out, and the Armed Gear feels oh so comfy and snug to wear. Who needs a spear when you are the spear? Figuratively, of course.

Another stomp from my foot brings forth a yellow shockwave, which proceeds to reform around me as accessories and pieces of armor. Greaves and boots guard my legs and feet, while a mini half-skirt flares behind my waist. A long scarf forms around my neck, while noise-cancelling headphones slides down onto my head, "System All Green" and "Normal Operation", helpfully written on the sides in green and blue font, respectively. It also makes me realize that my ears are different, above my head, and like a bunny's in shape. Whatever put me here also turned me into a faunus!

I look at myself one more time, noticing that I might as well be Hibiki herself. My hair, however, is longer than what hers would be, and it feels fluffier, too. Then, with one more quick demo of my technique, a powerful thought forms in my mind. Whatever happens...

Don't worry. Everything's fine.

My final punch shatters the scenery to reveal the present, the battle raging in front of me. The lyrics of an energetic song resound in my head as I instinctively lend my voice to it, and how wonderful it feels to do so.

It's not only my own power that I feel, though, but also the strength of a few others. I even see blades and the like being pulled from people's hands towards somewhere else. Polarity much?

Before I can actually go for aggressive negotiations, I see one of the powerful fighters looking at me (@Miho Chan). "What's going on? Which ones are the innocents?" I ask her. I feel I need to be reassured that I'm not fighting on the wrong side.
She immediately began moving forward, using her E ranked agility to close in on the enemy, and then punching the closet bandit in the face.
And with that, it is done. The powers of Homura Akemi are mine to use along with a more than considerable cache of firearms in our shield. Bereft of fear or hesitation I pull an HK416 Assault Rifle as I approach the caravan, trusting protection from an armed caravan rather than a group of bandits I gun down the nearest presumable bandit that fall into my range
Before I can actually go for aggressive negotiations, I see one of the powerful fighters looking at me (@Miho Chan). "What's going on? Which ones are the innocents?" I ask her. I feel I need to be reassured that I'm not fighting on the wrong side.
Valette, once all combatants are disarmed, cancels her steelpushes, dropping back to the ground and landing with catlike agility.

"We don't know. Any action taken based on initial assumptions is most likely going to be incorrect." She says, answering the Symphogear Wielder's question, before glaring angrily at the two people that attacked, or tried to attack in the case of the Homura lookalike. "Kindly refrain from escalating this any more than it needs to, si vous plait." She says in a scathingly sweet tone, giving an obviously-false smile.

After berating the more belligerent people in the group, she approaches the former site of conflict. "Can you explain what's going on, please?" She politely asks all the people who used to be fighting, subtly Soothing their fear and anger while Rioting their trust and gratitude.
Valette, once all combatants are disarmed, cancels her steelpushes, dropping back to the ground and landing with catlike agility.

"We don't know. Any action taken based on initial assumptions is most likely going to be incorrect." She says, answering the Symphogear Wielder's question, before glaring angrily at the two people that attacked, or tried to attack in the case of the Homura lookalike. "Kindly refrain from escalating this any more than it needs to, si vous plait." She says in a scathingly sweet tone, giving an obviously-false smile.

After berating the more belligerent people in the group, she approaches the former site of conflict. "Can you explain what's going on, please?" She politely asks all the people who used to be fighting, subtly Soothing their fear and anger while Rioting their trust and gratitude.
Alex sighed softly, her rage leaving her. "Sorry, the way I died wasn't exactly pleasant, and I took my rage out upon the "Bandits" here." Turning to check on the man she had smacked aside, she noted with relief that he was simply unconscious, the rise and fall of his chest indicating that he was still alive. "Regardless. I apologize for my rash actions, though I won't apologize for doing what I thought was right."

Disengaging her rigging, Alex sat down, obviously contemplating what had just happened...
Summer Sunden
Hopefully fine

Valette, once all combatants are disarmed, cancels her steelpushes, dropping back to the ground and landing with catlike agility.

"We don't know. Any action taken based on initial assumptions is most likely going to be incorrect." She says, answering the Symphogear Wielder's question, before glaring angrily at the two people that attacked, or tried to attack in the case of the Homura lookalike. "Kindly refrain from escalating this any more than it needs to, si vous plait." She says in a scathingly sweet tone, giving an obviously-false smile.

After berating the more belligerent people in the group, she approaches the former site of conflict. "Can you explain what's going on, please?" She politely asks all the people who used to be fighting, subtly Soothing their fear and anger while Rioting their trust and gratitude.

Sounds about right. We have no intel right now, and attacking the wrong people is what I'm worried about. I guess there's no need to fight at this rate, but I hold onto this Gungnir-empowered form, just in case it's needed. The song, titled ALL LOVES BLAZING, echoes in my head as I continue to sing to myself.

Once more, I examine my surroundings, this time with clearer eyes. The clothing of the others doesn't look right. Rather anachronistic, like, a couple centuries back. The appearance of honest-to-goodness swords and spears doesn't help either. They're not even wearing face masks nor face shields, the nervous-looking bandits(?) having only bandannas at most. The caravan is even huddled close to each other. Haven't they heard of social distancing?

Wait, for some reason, I'm not wearing such a mask either, and this outfit doesn't have pockets for one. Instead, I improvise by securely covering my mouth and nose with my scarf. Doesn't feel as effective as an actual mask, but it's better than nothing.

Some people here look quite familiar. One is Homura, distinctive hair, outfit and buckler and all. Another is a certain genderbent Demon King, even wreathed in flames, though for one reason or another, it's not as scary to me anymore. A third, meanwhile, dressed like a schoolgirl and equipped with rigging, is a certain Japanese pioneer among destroyers, at least as Kancolle depicts her. Am I in a crossover? Where is this place? And two of them look like faunus too. One, a cavalier, has horse-like ears and tail. Another has a horn on her head. Remnant much? Now I'm concerned about if racism is a thing here.

Still, it feels great to be female in body. My balance now is different, but welcoming.

Alex sighed softly, her rage leaving her. "Sorry, the way I died wasn't exactly pleasant, and I took my rage out upon the "Bandits" here." Turning to check on the man she had smacked aside, she noted with relief that he was simply unconscious, the rise and fall of his chest indicating that he was still alive. "Regardless. I apologize for my rash actions, though I won't apologize for doing what I thought was right."

Disengaging her rigging, Alex sat down, obviously contemplating what had just happened...

I gently approach the seated shipgirl, a sympathetic look in my eyes, though I don't get too close. I'd rather not think too much about what happened to me before all this, either. Goodness, the pain, it makes me shiver... "Will you be okay?" I ask her, then continue, "How I got here wasn't pleasant, either. At least we're alive again?" I sport my attempt at a supportive smile, but since my scarf is covering my mouth, there would just be the look on my eyes.
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Person who will soon be named Zera.

You died, only to be reborn. You find yourself on a field surrounded by dead bodies, and the sounds of fighting close ahead. Around you, five others stand. You feel a power welling within you, and, through some arcane power, you know how to tap into it. You begin to sing.

If I'm being honest, getting thrown to the ground right as I'm about to fall asleep isn't the greatest feeling ever. Neither is being taken out of my groggy state via the noises of fighting and... what I can only assume to be screams of pain and death. So... I got transported to a battlefield in my sleep. And judging by the sudden increase in both light and heat on my back, the sun's beating down on me as well.

Having enough of lying on the ground, I start to push myself up... before immediately stopping at the realization that that's a bad idea, as that could make me a target for the people killing each other over there if I was noticed, I'd be much better off crawling away. There's also the problem of my arms being much smaller than I remember, but I think I'll question that later, when dying isn't a very real possibility.

I bring a hand over my heart, I shouldn't be hearing my heartbeat, there's no reason for it to be this loud!

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

My hand began to emit some kind of purple smoke. As I yanked it away from my heart, the smoke spread down my arm. My heartbeat kept getting faster.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
Then I noticed the smoke hadn't started from my hand, it had latched onto my hand.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
The smoke started from my heart.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
The smoke began to spread significantly faster than it was a second ago, enveloping my whole body in a purple smog in moments. My clothing... shifted, almost. Changing from something that I'm pretty positive I didn't go to sleep with, what the fuck happened to my Olympics pajama shirt by the way I liked that thing, into some kind of sleeveless white and black vest. Then a tattered cloak formed out of... something, dunno what. I felt shoes and some kind of really long sock form on my feet and legs, thankfully they seem to fit really well. Replacing my sleeves, bandages ended up covering one arm, while a glove formed on the other. My pants are apparently gone and in their place... Oh are you fucking serious right now. In the place of what felt like really short pants, underwear. Know what, just don't think about it...

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Which was rather easy, considering those thoughts in the back of my mind were already being ignored. After all, I'm a bit more focused on a panic fueled attempt to get the purple smoke off of me. I could see my hair turning white rapidly, and I noticed the shortening of it immediately. I could feel something forming on my face, one on the lower side of my cheek, and something else forming above and below one of my eyes. I couldn't get it off, and whatever the smoke was doing, it succeeded.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Slipping my head and body underneath the cloak, I cried in silence.
The fighting seemed to stop, the courtesy of everyone's weapons suddenly vacating their wielders. Still, the heat in her chest was unbearable, but at least after the initial wave she seemed to be able to at least hold a conversation. Her vision was clearing too, which was nice. Breathing deeply and slowly, Hoshi looks around. There is a girl on the horse right next to her, holding a sword. An honest-to-god magical girl step further, some highschooler with a funny shield on her arm and a girl with what looks like a ship guns strapped to her.

I want that.

Yes, acquiring more guns sounded nice. And since it seemed someone decided to take the burden of diplomacy on themselves, that meant she could do some window-shopping, right? Groaning softly, she drags her hand across the face, only to stop when it stops on a... horn? Huh. Well, not like she can do anything about that right now.
Disengaging her rigging, Alex sat down, obviously contemplating what had just happened...
Awww, the guns went away...

Still, the girl seemed to actually know what happened, so Hoshi stood in front of her and the magical girl who moved to her side, and putting a hand on her hip, she speaks with as much nonchalance as she can muster.

"Hey there. Name's Hoshi, you look like you have a smidgen of idea about what's going on. Mind filling me in?"
Person who will soon be named Zera.

If I'm being honest, getting thrown to the ground right as I'm about to fall asleep isn't the greatest feeling ever. Neither is being taken out of my groggy state via the noises of fighting and... what I can only assume to be screams of pain and death. So... I got transported to a battlefield in my sleep. And judging by the sudden increase in both light and heat on my back, the sun's beating down on me as well.

Having enough of lying on the ground, I start to push myself up... before immediately stopping at the realization that that's a bad idea, as that could make me a target for the people killing each other over there if I was noticed, I'd be much better off crawling away. There's also the problem of my arms being much smaller than I remember, but I think I'll question that later, when dying isn't a very real possibility.

I bring a hand over my heart, I shouldn't be hearing my heartbeat, there's no reason for it to be this loud!

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

My hand began to emit some kind of purple smoke. As I yanked it away from my heart, the smoke spread down my arm. My heartbeat kept getting faster.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
Then I noticed the smoke hadn't started from my hand, it had latched onto my hand.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
The smoke started from my heart.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump
The smoke began to spread significantly faster than it was a second ago, enveloping my whole body in a purple smog in moments. My clothing... shifted, almost. Changing from something that I'm pretty positive I didn't go to sleep with, what the fuck happened to my Olympics pajama shirt by the way I liked that thing, into some kind of sleeveless white and black vest. Then a tattered cloak formed out of... something, dunno what. I felt shoes and some kind of really long sock form on my feet and legs, thankfully they seem to fit really well. Replacing my sleeves, bandages ended up covering one arm, while a glove formed on the other. My pants are apparently gone and in their place... Oh are you fucking serious right now. In the place of what felt like really short pants, underwear. Know what, just don't think about it...

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Which was rather easy, considering those thoughts in the back of my mind were already being ignored. After all, I'm a bit more focused on a panic fueled attempt to get the purple smoke off of me. I could see my hair turning white rapidly, and I noticed the shortening of it immediately. I could feel something forming on my face, one on the lower side of my cheek, and something else forming above and below one of my eyes. I couldn't get it off, and whatever the smoke was doing, it succeeded.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Slipping my head and body underneath the cloak, I cried in silence.
Emily Whitewood

I look upon the one who took my weapon away from me for a brief moment, the urge to mention the opportunity cost to gain favour from the caravan was there but ultimately I push it aside once the fog descends upon us.

It's a dark and foreboding place, I can see shadows at the edge of my vision, and noises and whispers are barely within earshot. The smog makes it hard to breathe and my skin feels a sharp sting, I push on regardless, I have to after seeing where it came from

A child with her life cut far too short, cast away to a field of bodies, with not a clue of how or why

The shadows creep ever closer, the whispers louder, I feel as if I can be striked upon from anywhere at anytime, the smog begins to burn upon my skin. Again, I press on, dismissing the shadowy figures that doesn't fit what I'm looking for, ignoring the whispers

Until I heard it, a quiet sob that can be so easily missed within the smog. A cloaked figure cries at the centre of the fog.

Without hesitation I reach out to her and put my arms behind her, one hand stroking the back of her head. I speak out in a soft tone

"You'll be alright, dear heart"

Rodriga Navarro

Not far from Rodriga a girl stepped out of a crack in space. She was probably the oddest one out, really. A true magical girl compared to, well, the assortment of others around this grassy bloody knoll. In the sky over where the figure and guards were being attacked the Mistborn girl flew around collecting up a stack of weapons. So no more fighting and with her own aura of fear going there shouldn't really be much fight left in most combatants. The only two that gave her pause was Avenger Nobu and the girl with the buckler... A PMMM girl? Rodriga was pretty sure she looked close but she never got into the series. Finally, there was herself which confused her. The others so far were from some modern fantasy story but herself? Her song gave it away with ease; Ruy Diaz de Vivar, one of the famous heroes of Spain.

Hostilities looked about done and some part of Rodriga did confirm that the fight was likely soon over, somehow. More to sort out at a late date when she not surrounded by bodies Rodriga figured. Rodriga lowered her sword and quickly glanced again at the different people around her, her sword getting sheathed a second later. To be bluntly honest with herself the spread of different people was hilarious though she didn't voice this. Instead she gave her horse a pat and the two of them stopped right beside the current gathering of what Rodriga was tentatively calling Alt Magical Girls. She quietly at atop Babieca at the outside of the group, listening for a moment, just to get a general feel for what they might know but the answer seemed to be the same for Rodriga. They were randomly collected all together with nothing but their memories of lives now past. Conundrum number two to solve, eventually. Perhaps the people making up the armed guard or the likely nobleman would know a little more.

After Nobunaga spoke the rider finally introduced herself. "And I am Rodriga Navarro. A question, for those gathered, would anyone care to accompany me over to the likely nobleman? They may have a smidgen of information for what might be going on." Rodriga leaned back a bit in her saddle, her heels ensuring her feet stayed secured in her stirrups. "Or we could all head over there but I figure one or two would be less threatening than the six of us."
After berating the more belligerent people in the group, she approaches the former site of conflict. "Can you explain what's going on, please?" She politely asks all the people who used to be fighting, subtly Soothing their fear and anger while Rioting their trust and gratitude.
The entire group of fighters remain silent, still in shock at how easily they were disarmed. One of the bandits gets the bright idea to attack a guard, only to be quickly subdued and killed by the Noble. If you were paying attention to him, you see a sneer of distaste mar his face for a fraction of a second, before he schools himself, greeting you.

"Ho there Travellers. I am Duke Temere. I thank you for helping my soldiers and I against these... scum."

"These bandits here were causing the land around us too much trouble, so I sallied forth to terminate them..."
I gently approach the seated shipgirl, a sympathetic look in my eyes, though I don't get too close. I'd rather not think too much about what happened to me before all this, either. Goodness, the pain, it makes me shiver... "Will you be okay?" I ask her, then continue, "How I got here wasn't pleasant, either. At least we're alive again?" I sport my attempt at a supportive smile, but since my scarf is covering my mouth, there would just be the look on my eyes.
"Thank you," Alex responded "Sorry, I just thought I had my anger issues under control"
Awww, the guns went away...

Still, the girl seemed to actually know what happened, so Hoshi stood in front of her and the magical girl who moved to her side, and putting a hand on her hip, she speaks with as much nonchalance as she can muster.

"Hey there. Name's Hoshi, you look like you have a smidgen of idea about what's going on. Mind filling me in?"
Alex shakes her head. "Not really. All I know is that I heard a voice calling for help just after I died."
After Nobunaga spoke the rider finally introduced herself. "And I am Rodriga Navarro. A question, for those gathered, would anyone care to accompany me over to the likely nobleman? They may have a smidgen of information for what might be going on." Rodriga leaned back a bit in her saddle, her heels ensuring her feet stayed secured in her stirrups. "Or we could all head over there but I figure one or two would be less threatening than the six of us."
Duke Temere is already approaching you, having put the rest of the bandits to the sword, Alex's eyes widening as she saw the callus disregard for life. However, upon further reflection, she realized that it would be like her feeling sympathy for terrorists, and hardened her heart.

"If you wish for information, I am more than happy to provide, Travelers. However, I will not give such information away for free. I would like to request a favor from you, or alternatively, hire you into my services."
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Alex shakes her head. "Not really. All I know is that I heard a voice calling for help just after I died."
Hoshi sighs, before giving the girl a tired smile.

"Figures. It was quite similar for me, but the speed and focus with which you acted led me to believe you had more familiarity." She extends her hand toward the sitting girl. "Here, let me at least help you getting up in exchange for bothering you."

Still, the armor, the hair, even the incredible temperature her body endures, it all feels familiar, as if she have heard about it from somewhere...

Oh yeah, Nobuna-...
Duke Temere is already approaching you, having put the rest of the bandits to the sword, Alex's eyes widening as she saw the callus disregard for life. However, upon further reflection, she realized that it would be like her feeling sympathy for terrorists, and hardened her heart.

"If you wish for information, I am more than happy to provide, Travelers. However, I will not give such information away for free. I would like to request a favor from you, or alternatively, hire you into my services."
Hoshi gives the man a quick glance over. His ruthlessness and callous disregard for life mean the favour will most likely be bloody. Still, she has nothing but the things her power supplies her with to her name, and she doubts others are much better. With some effort she extinguishes flames and addresses the man, her tone more referential, but the way she speaks open and informal.

"One would think sparing your men the effort of subduing the bandits before improptu execution would be worth something, but I guess if they truly were such dregs, then our assistance was definitely worthless." She lets a mirth she doesn't feel enter her voice. Remember, the most important thing is making it seem like you fit the expectations. "Still, I doubt a favour of a man of noble blood such as you is entirely without merits, so I suppose we would be willing to listen to your request." Then, she remembers that she can only speak for herself. "If the rest of the group agrees, I mean."
Summer Sunden
Hopefully fine 2

After Nobunaga spoke the rider finally introduced herself. "And I am Rodriga Navarro. A question, for those gathered, would anyone care to accompany me over to the likely nobleman? They may have a smidgen of information for what might be going on." Rodriga leaned back a bit in her saddle, her heels ensuring her feet stayed secured in her stirrups. "Or we could all head over there but I figure one or two would be less threatening than the six of us."

That makes me think of what name I'd go by with this new life and form. My first idea is simply Hibiki, but I have a feeling that's supposed to be a secret of mine. Something about true names, though I'm not sure why that came to mind. Reminds me of Fate Servants there.

Hm... seeing a lock of my own orange hair, as well as the orange and gold tints of my costume, all bring to mind the sun, as well as Hibiki's own sunny personality. How about... Summer Sunden? Yeah, that works. "Nice to meet you. I'm Summer," I introduce myself.

Thinking of a while ago makes me marvel at the idea of me having a form of magic now, what with bearing the Gungnir Symphogear itself...

The entire group of fighters remain silent, still in shock at how easily they were disarmed. One of the bandits gets the bright idea to attack a guard, only to be quickly subdued and killed by the Noble. If you were paying attention to him, you see a sneer of distaste mar his face for a fraction of a second, before he schools himself, greeting you.

"Ho there Travellers. I am Duke Temere. I thank you for helping my soldiers and I against these... scum."

"These bandits here were causing the land around us too much trouble, so I sallied forth to terminate them..."

"Thank you," Alex responded "Sorry, I just thought I had my anger issues under control"

Alex shakes her head. "Not really. All I know is that I heard a voice calling for help just after I died."

Duke Temere is already approaching you, having put the rest of the bandits to the sword, Alex's eyes widening as she saw the callus disregard for life. However, upon further reflection, she realized that it would be like her feeling sympathy for terrorists, and hardened her heart.

"If you wish for information, I am more than happy to provide, Travelers. However, I will not give such information away for free. I would like to request a favor from you, or alternatively, hire you into my services."

"You're welcome," I reply to Fubuki, "That's strange, I didn't hear such a voice..."

The flames of the Demon King continue to radiate quite the heat, but I just keep enough distance to be about six feet away.

So those bandit lookalikes were actually bandits? I had to give the benefit of the doubt on the off-chance that they weren't. Still, I wince as their necks are casually snapped like that, making me avert my gaze. I'm no fan of banditry, but that doesn't mean I enjoy seeing lives brought to an end. Especially since it's very real now, and right in front of my eyes. Ironic. My life ended, then began anew, and now I witness the end of others...

I look to the others, and see that the resident Nobunaga is agreeable to hearing the duke out. Well, we really could use some context around here. "I agree with hearing you out," I speak up. For a duke to be around suggests a more monarchical and/or feudal sort of place.

Seeing a noble out and about, actively going for bandits, reminds me of Chrom, or Eomer, though such a thing is rather life-risking to do.
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"If you wish for information, I am more than happy to provide, Travelers. However, I will not give such information away for free. I would like to request a favor from you, or alternatively, hire you into my services."
"One would think sparing your men the effort of subduing the bandits before improptu execution would be worth something, but I guess if they truly were such dregs, then our assistance was definitely worthless." She lets a mirth she doesn't feel enter her voice. Remember, the most important thing is making it seem like you fit the expectations. "Still, I doubt a favour of a man of noble blood such as you is entirely without merits, so I suppose we would be willing to listen to your request." Then, she remembers that she can only speak for herself. "If the rest of the group agrees, I mean."
Valette, letting her... form fade, glances at her ally, a discerning look on her face. "We would be more able to make a reasonable decision regarding this matter if we knew what information you are offering. Not the information itself, mind you, but the topic of the information. It would serve as a sign of good faith, as well as confirm this isn't just any knowledge you are offering that we could have learned by simply asking a random person." She says, speaking in a measured tone.
Person who is not yet named Zera

Emily Whitewood

Without hesitation I reach out to her and put my arms behind her,

I froze for a second in fear, the first thought to spring to mind was I had been found by the people fighting, so I was probably going to die haha fuck no pleasenotagain
Emily Whitewood

one hand stroking the back of her head.
The fear became confusion, we... we were expecting to die, not... oh, we're being hugged aren't we?

Emily Whitewood

I speak out in a soft tone,

"You'll be alright, dear heart."
The reassurance was... calming. And it seemed that was all we needed for our lack of sleep to catch up with us.

Closing our eyes, we fell back asleep once again. Hopefully we would get a full rest this time


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"We would be more able to make a reasonable decision regarding this matter if we knew what information you are offering. Not the information itself, mind you, but the topic of the information. It would serve as a sign of good faith, as well as confirm this isn't just any knowledge you are offering that we could have learned by simply asking a random person." She says, speaking in a measured tone.
The Nobles smirks, "Good, so you do have a modicum of intelligence. I offer you information on the world you find yourselves in travelers, and yes, it is quite hard to miss the mana required for someone to cross between worlds, and our world has a history of being visited by people from beyond the great void."
The Nobles smirks, "Good, so you do have a modicum of intelligence. I offer you information on the world you find yourselves in travelers, and yes, it is quite hard to miss the mana required for someone to cross between worlds, and our world has a history of being visited by people from beyond the great void."
Valette's eyes narrow, considering the possibilities, before reaching a conclusion. "Very well," she says, nodding slightly, "I accept your offer of knowledge, and should the information prove satisfactory, I shall consider fulfilling a request of yours."
Summer Sunden
Someone needs an attitude adjustment

Valette, letting her... form fade, glances at her ally, a discerning look on her face. "We would be more able to make a reasonable decision regarding this matter if we knew what information you are offering. Not the information itself, mind you, but the topic of the information. It would serve as a sign of good faith, as well as confirm this isn't just any knowledge you are offering that we could have learned by simply asking a random person." She says, speaking in a measured tone.

I blink at that one. Asking for what the info is about is a very good call on her part. Why didn't I think of that? The duke sounded reasonable enough, but now I worry he was laying a social trap for us, and we might have fallen for it, otherwise. It's fortunate that she managed to catch it.

Ugh. Note to self, keep my guard up around politicians. It'll be fine...

The Nobles smirks, "Good, so you do have a modicum of intelligence. I offer you information on the world you find yourselves in travelers, and yes, it is quite hard to miss the mana required for someone to cross between worlds, and our world has a history of being visited by people from beyond the great void."

It's a good thing that my mouth is covered, for it forms a frown at that sort of wording and expression. My ears, however, slightly droop. I'm not a fan of condescension nor being looked down upon, and that's exactly what this duke is doing. How positively noble.

Interesting to know that there have been visitors from other worlds before. However, that means we might be a magnet for attention just by our very presence here, for good and for ill.

...It's fine, totally fine.

Valette's eyes narrow, considering the possibilities, before reaching a conclusion. "Very well," she says, nodding slightly, "I accept your offer of knowledge, and should the information prove satisfactory, I shall consider fulfilling a request of yours."

For now, I decide to stay quiet and let someone savvier handle this. I'd rather not shoot ourselves on the foot.
Valette's eyes narrow, considering the possibilities, before reaching a conclusion. "Very well," she says, nodding slightly, "I accept your offer of knowledge, and should the information prove satisfactory, I shall consider fulfilling a request of yours."
Temere takes a deep breath, then begins to explain the general state of the world. According to him, this is the Kingdom of Angolia, an island nation with technology and a society comparable to the High Medieval Period, with a few exceptions. First: Magic exists, with the capability to use it being primarily cultivated by those with a Noble Bloodline. Second: there are numerous extant species that don't exist on your Earth, such as, for example, Blink Wolves and Psudeodragons. Third: there are various hominid subspecies in existence, including Elves and Anima. Socially, they're buy and large looked down upon, commonly being forced into slavery by humans whenever possible. The Duke appears to have a bitter expression on his face when describing that last part.

"However, that isn't all." The Duke elaborates. "I believe war is approaching, and I intend to prevent it before it begins. I believe that the six of you could help me in doing that, but I need to know your capabilities before I bring you into the fold. That is the nature of the favor I am asking: to help me in a way that helps me understand how you operate individually and as a group."

"And, supposing we agree, what would you have us do?" Valette asks, still holding her ground.

"These bandits are part of a larger group that keeps their encampment somewhere in the woods." He explains. "I have received Intelligence about their next target: a group of slave convoys, six of them that are taking different routes. I do not know which ones they're specifically planning on hitting, but I do have an inkling of what they want to do with the slaves. They'll pretend to rescue the slaves, convince them that they're sending them on a boat back to their homeland, and have them instead sent to a nearby kingdom for a tidy profit. What I want you to do is to prevent that from happening, as well as take down the bandits." He tosses a map to Valette. "This contains the routes the convoys are taking, as well as the location of my keep. You'll need to find where the bandit encampment is yourselves. Any questions?"
@Omida @Astra Myst @Hydrokinesis @Kero-Null @UbeOne
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Rodriga Navarro
Pondering from atop her high horse.

"These bandits are part of a larger group that keeps their encampment somewhere in the woods." He explains. "I have received Intelligence about their next target: a group of slave convoys, six of them that are taking different routes. I do not know which ones they're specifically planning on hitting, but I do have an inkling of what they want to do with the slaves. They'll pretend to rescue the slaves, convince them that they're sending them on a boat back to their homeland, and have them instead sent to a nearby kingdom for a tidy profit. What I want you to do is to prevent that from happening, as well as take down the bandits." He tosses a map to Valette. "This contains the routes the convoys are taking, as well as the location of my keep. You'll need to find where the bandit encampment is yourselves. Any questions?"

Rodriga dismounted from her horse and walked closer to where the noble and other Alt-Magical Girls were gathered. "Six convoys, six of us... If there is no information on the number of bandits expected to be targeting the convoys I think we should split up, at least partially. I don't mean a full split, perhaps just two groups of three. Then the unknown location of the camp will be tackled last." The armored knight paused in order to ponder for a moment and her horse started to sniff around the two equine ears atop her head. "If there was another who could ride and a vehicle this would be easier to do, radios of some kind would also help." Rodriga stopped talking when her horse started to use his lips to play with the two upright ears atop her head, a frown flashing over her face before she took a step to the side. The large warhorse followed her and continued to play with her ears, evidently intent on not giving up a toy.

"And I do have two questions for you, Duke Temere. Provided we do this favor for you would being brought into the fold include room and board? And, would you be opposed to us freeing the slaves?" With her question asked she quickly turned about and give her horse a glare. "Babieca, stop." The sizable horse's ears drooped and he pulled his head back, looking off to the side. The matter dealt with she turns back around to face the group. Unbeknownst to her though Babieca seemed intent to play more as his head slowly moved back towards Rodriga's head.
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Summer Sunden
Ugh, slavery

I quietly listen as exposition is told, letting go of my empowered form in the meantime. Might as well save it for the next battle, yes?

The mention of slavery and racism makes me narrow my eyes. Definitely contrary to my own ethics. It doesn't help that he didn't mention anything about freeing the slaves ourselves, nor does it help that I could be looked down upon just for having rabbit ears and such. Faunus issues much?

Meanwhile, good thing Rodriga covered for the 'freeing slaves' part. As for how to tackle the problem, she also raised good points regarding having to split into smaller groups and provide a method of remote communication and fast mobility, neither of which I could give. Instead, I look towards the Homura (@Astra Myst), an inquiring look in my eyes. Maybe she has radios and a vehicle stashed in her shield or something? Those military and yakuza bases had to have other good stuff besides guns, mortars and katanas.

Hm, what questions to ask... I'm having a hard time thinking of any. I'm also not sure how we're supposed to watch the unguarded convoys for bandits. Perhaps I shall wait and see what else happens first before I speak up.
Emily Whitewood

I listen quietly to the noble's words as he speak of slavery while I was holding Jack in my arms and is reminded of the time period that I've arrived in.

I do believe that I have portable radios within our shield but there is a question that I need to ask

"And will you give us supply from your keep?"