[X] Plan Relax and Explore
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
-[X]A Family Gathering: Orochimaru bought some Dango… it would be a shame for him to eat it all alone.
-[X]A Monument of Stone: So that's the famous Monument of Stone? And whos the old man standing there?
[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
[x] Plan Bandwagon
-[X]Let the Beast Out: Time to let Kagami out on a stroll. It's not against any laws now, so you can't be punished.
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
-[X]Hell for Danzo: It is time to Tease Danzo and Mordred.
[X] Plan Freedom and Bordem
-[X]The Hokage's Bodyguard: It seems the Hokage needs someone else to join him and Ren at the diplomatic meeting. And none of the other Genin want to join him.
-[X]Let the Beast Out: Time to let Kagami out on a stroll. It's not against any laws now, so you can't be punished.
-[X]Fly Away: You're going to summon a Hawk and get a lay of the land, maybe you can find out where you are going to be spending your chunin exam at.
[X] Plan: Recon and Relaxation
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team is going there to get cleaned up. It seems Mikasa is also going there to clean up too.
-[X]Hell for Danzo: It is time to Tease Danzo and Mordred.
-[X]Fly Away: You're going to summon a Hawk and get a lay of the land, maybe you can find out where you are going to be spending your chunin exam at.
[X] Plan Tourist and Trolling
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
-[X]Hell for Danzo: It is time to Tease Danzo and Mordred.[X]A Monument of Stone: So that's the famous Monument of Stone? And whos the old man standing there?
-[X]A Monument of Stone: So that's the famous Monument of Stone? And whos the old man standing there?
[X]Plan: If Hell for Danzo Backfires we riot.
-[X]Let the Beast Out: Time to let Kagami out on a stroll. It's not against any laws now, so you can't be punished.
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
-[X]Hell for Danzo: It is time to Tease Danzo and Mordred.
[X] Plan Parks & Recreation
-[X]Let the Beast Out: Time to let Kagami out on a stroll. It's not against any laws now, so you can't be punished.
-[X]A Hot Bath: There's a bathhouse, and your team and every female member of the party is going there to get cleaned up. You might as well hop onto the bandwagon
-[X]A Family Gathering: Orochimaru bought some Dango… it would be a shame for him to eat it all alone.
[X] Plan: Laugh and Run Away
-[X]Hell for Danzo: It is time to Tease Danzo and Mordred.
-[X]Let the Beast Out: Time to let Kagami out on a stroll. It's not against any laws now, so you can't be punished.
-[X]A Monument of Stone: So that's the famous Monument of Stone? And whos the old man standing there?