Silence and Scars.

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A game of Action and Intrigue...
An Investigation and Interrogation

See my smile

Life...Life never Changes.
The Commonwealth
Would You Notice If Someone didn't cast a Shadow If they're limbs where just lightly to Long?
If they had just a few too many teeth and their eyes just slightly too Besatially for comfort?
How many time have you passed Something in the Streets and just never noticed it?

-Deer Teeth.

You sit in a cold, concrete room. An uncomfortable metal folding chair has been chained to the ground in front of a small metal table. A pair of fluorescent bulbs illuminate the room in a stark white light. The metal Cage around them casts shadows that give the room a slightly sinister look. There's a single solid metal door, a large Mirror along the wall opposite of your chair, and a single Camera in the corner above the door. The entire room smells like vaguely like Lemon scented Dawn. The Light Flickers for a second and the dull drone that they had been making the whole time continued unabated. There is a dark brown stain on the wall behind you next to a small air vent. One of your hands is cuffed to the table in front of you. You've been in here around an hour ever sinc-

The door opens suddenly.

A Dumpy middle-aged man wearing a tan blazer, slacks, and a pair of leather dress shoes strides in and sits down across from you while reading a very thin file. It has your name at the top. He is silent for a moment before he closes the file sets it down and starts speaking, almost casually. "There are 7.7 billion beings living on Earth at this moment. Some go to school, Get Jobs, Get Married, and Die. Others Maim, Kill, Possess, and Destroy until they're put down. At some point in time in the past, your Family was firmly in the latter category. Ain't that, right Girly?" He looks around the room your in and sighs with exasperation. "Thought we stopped using this room a while ago?"

"Well, Anyway you're lucky we're the ones that picked you up! A lot of people out there would have tried to kill you on the spot or worse." He chuckles and leans back in the chair he pulls out a cigarette. The box is a light green and says Grand Prix on the side he pauses for second and then looks at you. "You mind?" he gestures to the cigarette with his lighter.


"Anyway, I just read your file but, If you wouldn't mind stating for the boys at home-" he says while jerking a thumb towards the camera. "What you are?"

Race Selection: This, obviously is a very permanent decision. I'm using the race's I am for reasons I chose. They all will have the same format-

Abilities are whatever your race gives you at the base. You may gain more as time goes on or you might not but, these will stick with you forever.
Tells are things that those..."Observant" few can use to identify you or things that may give you away to the greater populace.
Weaknesses are things that your race are particularly allergic to.

Race list:

[Race: Reptiod
Abilities: Weak Telekinesis(Less than Five pounds of pressure.) ESP (Sixth Sense.)
Tells: Double Blink, Slit pupils, Forked Tongue.
Weaknesses: The Cold.]

[Race: Devil-Touched
Abilities: Weak True Sight(Able to Pierce weak illusions.)
Tells: Goat Pupils, The Brand.
Weaknesses: Holy Symbols and Blessed Ground. (AKA Church Cross's and Church Grounds.)]

[Race: Possessed-Body
Abilities: Resistance to Possession, Out of Body Experience.
Tells: Cold Skin, Dead Eyes.
Weaknesses: Holy water, Salt.]

[Race: WereWolf
Abilities: Improved Strength, Improved sense of Smell.
Tells: Wild Eyes, Smell of Wet Dog.
Weaknesses: Full Moon, Silver
Ability/Weakness/Tell: Beast Shape.]

[Race: Ghoul
Abilities: Claws. Mimicry. Minor Shapeshift.
Tells: Scent of Death, Dead eyes.
Weaknesses: Holy Water, Silver.
Weakness/Tell: Need to consume Dead Flesh.]

[-Write in.

[I'll allow Write-ins but, only after being vetted by me. Please, PM me your Race Sheet above before posting it.]
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[X] Plan Lizards Rule
-[X] [-No.]
-[X] [Race: Reptiod
Abilities: Weak Telekinesis(Less than Five pounds of pressure.) ESP (Sixth Sense.)
Tells: Double Blink, Slit pupils, Forked Tongue.
Weaknesses: The Cold.]

I kinda want to see how playing a lizard monster turns out, especially if they have mind powers.
[X] Plan Tzimisce
-[X] [-Yes.]
-[X] [Race: Vampire
Abilities: Vicissitude (weak flesh-shaping)
Tells: pale skin, red eyes and cold skin
Weaknesses: the Sun, Fire and The Hunger]

is this allowed or should i nerf it?
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will we have the option of growing stronger in the future?

edit also i put in weak.
[X] Plan Bigby
[X] [-No.]
[Race: WereWolf
Abilities: Improved Strength, Improved sense of Smell.
Tells: Wild Eyes, Smell of Wet Dog.
Weaknesses: Full Moon, Silver
Ability/Weakness/Tell: Beast Shape.]
[X][Race: Possessed-Body
Abilities: Resistance to Possession, Out of Body Experience.
Tells: Cold Skin, Dead Eyes.
Weaknesses: Holy water, Salt.]
[X][Race: Ghoul
Abilities: Claws. Mimicry. Minor Shapeshift.
Tells: Scent of Death, Dead eyes.
Weaknesses: Holy Water, Silver.
Weakness/Tell: Need to consume Dead Flesh.]
I like Posessed and Ghoul best, in terms what I expect can be written for them, with the Reptilian psych-powers close behind. I'm not really sure how to vote for those preferences, though.