Sigmar as a Primarch

California, USA
As the Choas Gods disperse the Emperor of Mankind's Primarchs through the use of the Warp and almost every one of them is dropped to a different planet. One Primarch is launched to an entirely different universe and reached to a planet similar to Terra before humanity has stripped all of its natural resources.

Bjorn Unberogen, warrior-king of the Unberogen, has failed to save his pregnant wife and the child she has carried. While he and his men move to leave Brakenwalsch and reach for home in sadness, an infant's cry was heard. Following the cries, they found the source of it. There they see a babe within a capsule. Bjorn, affected by the death of his wife and child, decided to take in the child and adopt him as his own son and name him Sigmar Unberogen.

How much could a Primarch Sigmar affect the world of Warhammer Fantasy?
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It'd make it objectively worse.

The fact that a baseline human can face down and beat the avatar of chaos undivided if they're badass enough is a major reason why fantasy's a funner setting.

Also at no point in Fantasy history after the coming of chaos would anyone look at magical superbaby from beyond the stars and not think daemon. Dude would get strangled by his erstwhile parents.
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It depends if Chaos on the planet is still as weaksauce as WHF canon, or if they can escalate into WH30k levels.

- If the former, The Empire Of Man will become a juggernaut that will spread across the world, with their immortal leader leading them to ever assimilate human kingdoms into themselves. The Beastmen will just evaporate when the superbeing capable of killing almost all of their number alone takes over and starts breaking minotaurs barehanded.

Because of the dawi/dwarfs, Sigmar will understand that higher tech means success, so he will turn his superior Primarch intellect into advancing the Empire's technology, instead of just being a Charismatic Hammerbro. We are looking at renaissance levels of tech in few centuries, albeit sporadically implemented across the Empire and almost completely focused on military inventions.

High Elves will notice some kind of ultimate Ubermench taking over the Old World, by magic if nothing else. Depending on how the meeting goes, I can see them either becoming unwilling allies, just trade partners, or outright hatred when the human-centric Primarch programming hits the god complex of Ulthuan.

This will all culminate into a huge Empire of Man & allies stonewalling the non-hiding Chaos for good, but with cults ever popping up where there are men.

- If the latter, everything bloody dies as Chaos stop sandbagging and begins to send true Bloodthirsters through the polar gates.
It depends if Chaos on the planet is still as weaksauce as WHF canon, or if they can escalate into WH30k levels.
This is my unsolicited headcanon, but WHF chaos is stronger and more capable than 40K chaos. The races of Fantasy just have actually useful gods and a better understanding of magic to balance it out.
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It'd be worse.
I see your headcanon and counter it with "A single Greater Daemon can doom a planet" WH40k
You mean "Emps inability or unwillingness to do his fucking job as a god can doom a planet" WH40K?

40K: "Alas, a Keeper of Secrets has been summoned, oh mighty Emperor, I, your highest priest in this sector beseech you to somehow aid us in defense of this world, lest it surely fall!

Nothing? Clearly this is all part of your pla-" and then his head explodes.

Fantasy: "Sheeit, I'm seeing a lot of purple over there and a daemonette's disemboweled me. Oh divine hammerbro, I know I'm just a lowly adventurer, but could you help me out? Oh what, my wounds are closing before my very eyes?! My hammer's glowing golden and the perverted whispers have stopped!? And now you're beaming a vision directly into my brain about that KoSs' weakness?! Thanks hammerbro, imma go kill that daemon and rename my firstborn in your honor!"

Virgin 40K Inquisitor Psycher: "Alas, the sector admiral's been possessed! If only I could identify what daemon has enthralled him, I might be able to use my mind to grasp the raw warpstuff to banish the daemon! That's super unreliable though, and even though this is my job and I have unrestricted authority, I really have no idea what I'm talking about, so let's just burn him."

Chad Fantasy Hierophant: "The count's possessed? No problem, I'll use deductive reasoning and basic fucking knowledge of daemonology to identify the daemon, then design a ritual to banish it, heal the spiritual and mental wounds it left, then set up a couple wards around the castle to keep it away! This my job, and I'm very good at it."

Shockingly clerics and wizards actually worth a damn go a long way to making fantasy and space fantasy settings liveable. :V

To be serious though, Fantasy and 40K explicitly take place in the same universe, with the same Chaos and the same Old Ones. Fantasy races continue to survive because they've got gods, clerics, and mages worth a damn, which goes much further than lasers and spaceships when your enemies are demons.

I argue that Fantasy chaos is explicitly more competent because it's mortal forces are ran by competent villains, not raging headasses like 40k, and more powerful because there are 2-5 additional chaos gods with their own menagerie of daemons and thralls.
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Primarch Sigmar was transported to an entirely different universe. Same names, different Chaos Gods.

Would Sigmar still be a follower of Ulric in this scenario?