Vote tally - Si Deus Nobiscum: A Polish-Lithuanian Scion Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Rolman on Sep 4, 2024 at 12:41 PM, finished with 41 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Si Deus Nobiscum: A Polish-Lithuanian Scion Quest
Post #2197
Post #2237


  • [X] Write-In: Because Prince Matthias is young, and healthy, and from a family healthy enough to marry into half the titles in Europe. Because the right pacts and bargains made right now could, God willing, serve the Commonwealth even onto the better part of a century, as the passage into middle-age and beyond keeps the throne occupied and the Two Nations stable. How long would it really be after Bathory is made king, that another Sejm must gather for another election, and another?
    [X] "Because Prince Batory is too old to treat you with respect, Your Highness."
    [X] "because we both know that your highness' only available choice is who to wed"
    [X] "Let us as children of Eve speak truth. Be they magnate or Cossack all men of the realm hear your words, and consider them with the weight of any king. True though it may, their ego will not tolerate rulership, subservience, fealty to those born of Adam's rib as consort, whether to a Transylvanian prince or a scion of the Habsburgs. We who persist transiently at the edges of their attention know an existence of degrees. Consider the boy Mattias. All would presume you to whisper in his ear, but he is of clay and to become a citizen of the Commonwealth his great teacher will be you whether he knows this or not. Let them whisper as they always have. Though you may not rule you will have made a patriot by your presence. Batory is a prince in his own right forged of iron and blood. A child of Caine as much as Adam. Could he tolerate one such as you? One who commands respect if not fealty? A patriot in his home? A man who has warred in Hungary and Wallachia for decades? We both know he could not tolerate a woman of real will, not even as an ornament. His interest will be of his backers and princedom alone and nothing more."
    [x] "Because the realm needs an educated, wise ruler; that would be you, Your Highness."
    [X] Write-In: Because Prince Matthias is young, and healthy, and from a family healthy enough to marry into half the titles in Europe. Because the right pacts and bargains made right now could, God willing, serve the Commonwealth even onto the better part of a century, as the passage into middle-age and beyond keeps the throne occupied and the Two