Ship in a Sea of Reality [Multiverse RP]

Synergy is on the Ship.


I'm here to stay, alright?
OOC Thread



You find yourself in a small room.

A very small room, in fact. The walls are solid metal, and you feel like you just got shoved in a broom closet. Taking a moment to examine your surroundings more carefully, you're able to identify it as a small office - what would normally be cozy, or at least livable, for a human, barely fits your newly-alien form.

In one of your long-fingered hands is a scrap of paper.

There's a dead woman in the brig. She used to be the captain. She has something for you.

The office looks to be pretty sparse - there's some kind of computer, currently on the ground alongside the desk it had sat on. A few scattered papers, seems to be records on how much food was being consumed, grown, sent off... nothing useful.

The door is a tad too small to comfortably fit your bulk, and opens, closes, or locks with a small electronic panel. Considering your new body, there's a sort of... grainularity to it. That must be your new shapeshifting abilities.
Looking around, I decide the first thing I need to do is get myself more in line with the stature of this place's intended inhabitants. Freaking out can come later. Focusing in on that fuzziness I can feel is inherent to my form, I start trying to.. contract, is the best word I can use.
Looking around, I decide the first thing I need to do is get myself more in line with the stature of this place's intended inhabitants. Freaking out can come later. Focusing in on that fuzziness I can feel is inherent to my form, I start trying to.. contract, is the best word I can use.
It takes several minutes to get the hang of shapeshifting, and just downsizing is... uncomfortable, making you feel heavy and clumsy. Still, you get down to two meters in height.

Past the door, you feel a sort of... buzz, against your mind. Something feels sort of... curious, maybe? A few dozen meters away, getting closer.
I quickly shuffle back into the office, waiting for it to pass by. I take the time to search the room, just to see if I can get any info on where I am or where the brig might be.
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I quickly shuffle back into the office, waiting for it to past by. I take the time to search the room, just to see if I can get any info on where I am or where the brig might be.
A second search doesn't bring up anything else of interest. The computer doesn't seem to be functional. Several minutes pass. The approaching entity dithers for a bit, then moves past deliberately. You're able to get a clearer grasp of the mind - definitely curious, mainly hungry. There's an undercurrent of long-running fear. It feels relatively simple - though without more minds to compare it with, you're no sure whether "simple" is anywhere from goldfish to wolf.

It's gone.

Leaving the room, you find yourself in a hallway. The other rooms seem similar to the one you just left, and there's a trail of light green dust - or maybe moss? - along one wall for a few feet.
Taking care to give the moss a wide berth, just in case, I start moving down the hallway. I use a few of the papers from the office to keep track of my path, ripping off a piece every once in a while.

That sort of ambient telepathic sense was really useful back there, so i try and practice that by keeping aware of any minds within my range.
Simpli Checks In, Maybe Rents
You're on top of grass, with a bright light shining into you're eyes. Sitting up, you find that rather than on an idyllic grassy knoll, you're on a large flat platform hung suspended over most of a room, with several levels - each about a foot and a half high - below you, tomatoes in various states of growth on each level.

The room is empty save the high tech planters and a console, with only one door.

There's a pressure in your brain telling you there's something nearby, and a more distant... prodding, just barely in range. The closer one feels hungry and anticipating, and there's something... ragged, about it. The farther one is... scared, is all you get at this range.

In your hand is a scrap of paper. Capture the spawn of the Great Greens and bring it to safety.

Great Green

Taking care to give the moss a wide berth, just in case, I start moving down the hallway. I use a few of the papers from the office to keep track of my path, ripping off a piece every once in a while.

That sort of ambient telepathic sense was really useful back there, so i try and practice that by keeping aware of any minds within my range.
Leaving a trail of paperwork, you follow the hallway and find a meeting room with a presentation of proper safety procedures for moving freight off-ship. You feel a bare scratch of presence, but it seems there's nothing actually in range. The presentation actually proves useful, after listening to canned dialogue for a minute, pointing out where in the ship freight is loaded and how larger items are moved through the ship. There seems to be a service tram moving through most of the ship.

If you found that, you'd almost certainly be able to work your way to the brig.
Grabbing anything obviously useful in the room, I make my way out in search of the tram. I start fiddling with my telekinesis, seeing how hard it is to float bits of paper around my body.
Grabbing anything obviously useful in the room, I make my way out in search of the tram. I start fiddling with my telekinesis, seeing how hard it is to float bits of paper around my body.
It takes a moment to grasp the correct feeling to use your telekinetics, but once you do, you find your power is... clumsy. You can exert force within a couple meters of you, but the precise amount varies and switching directions and focus is difficult - the paper tends to be missed entirely, or flung in a single direction.

You pass through several more halls and offices, eventually finding a breakroom that you can loot for a few goodies - the brands are unfamiliar, but chips, soda, and chocolate are chips, soda, and chocolate. A short time after that, you abruptly feel a hungry presence skittering towards you - before you can find a spot to hide, it turns the corner and you find yourself looking at a cybernetic creature.

It's slightly shorter than a human with its' legs splayed out, and it halts as it catches sight of you. You feel for a firmer grasp of its' mind - beneath the hunger, there's a lot of anger and pain, mixed together.

Its' pause is only momentary - it darts towards you. It's about fifteen meters away, but approaching rapidly.
In your hand is a scrap of paper. Capture the spawn of the Great Greens and bring it to safety.

Lying in the grass and simply enjoying the sunlight might be a romantic way to spend the day – but if the light from overhead shone down in the stark white of artificial lamps and the "grass" was most likely one spice or another, then it really wasn't the moment to just lie down and sleep. But tomatoes weren't her favourite type of scenery anyway. Pushing herself up from she had awoken, the tall woman quickly took in her surroundings: rows upon rows of vegetables. Hydroponics? One of those skyscrapers intended for farming maybe?

Feeling the faint pressure in her head, it seems as if the boon she asked for was accepted – and her lips curled into a small smile as she found the scrap of paper in her hand: hopefully this was going to be a pretty straightforward task and not one worthy of King Bumi. Looking around she slowly walked towards the console while concentrating on the impressions she was getting:

Totally going to evade the hungry signature, it wasn't human and she didn't want to end up as dinner for whatever was currently loose in this building – after all this was hardly just going to be a dog anticipating his dinner, or? As she had to bring something to safety, it might be best to guess that the scared presence was her target…well time to look if the console was going to let me out or and offer some more information about where I was here. Taking a few vegetables with me might also help~​
I see this thing and I reel back at both it's appearance and it's mental state. Yeah, do not like That. My ma used to say that you're angry at what you fear so let's just, like... twist.
I try to take the anger this thing is radiating and throw it back at him as fear. The pain should make it easier.
I see this thing and I reel back at both it's appearance and it's mental state. Yeah, do not like That. My ma used to say that you're angry at what you fear so let's just, like... twist.
I try to take the anger this thing is radiating and throw it back at him as fear. The pain should make it easier.

Your attempt at telepathic warfare fails - your mental grasp over its' emotions slip as though you were trying to grab a catfish from the water, slippery flesh and a flash of pain. It's now much closer, tendrils expanding from its' upper body in a whirlwind of whips.
Lying in the grass and simply enjoying the sunlight might be a romantic way to spend the day – but if the light from overhead shone down in the stark white of artificial lamps and the "grass" was most likely one spice or another, then it really wasn't the moment to just lie down and sleep. But tomatoes weren't her favourite type of scenery anyway. Pushing herself up from she had awoken, the tall woman quickly took in her surroundings: rows upon rows of vegetables. Hydroponics? One of those skyscrapers intended for farming maybe?

Feeling the faint pressure in her head, it seems as if the boon she asked for was accepted – and her lips curled into a small smile as she found the scrap of paper in her hand: hopefully this was going to be a pretty straightforward task and not one worthy of King Bumi. Looking around she slowly walked towards the console while concentrating on the impressions she was getting:

Totally going to evade the hungry signature, it wasn't human and she didn't want to end up as dinner for whatever was currently loose in this building – after all this was hardly just going to be a dog anticipating his dinner, or? As she had to bring something to safety, it might be best to guess that the scared presence was her target…well time to look if the console was going to let me out or and offer some more information about where I was here. Taking a few vegetables with me might also help~​
The only food in this room are tomatoes, and the high tech planter goes up about four meters. The console controls the artificial conditions under which the room operates, from humidity to day/night cycle and soil conditions. It also monitors the vitals of the plants - the microbiology in the dirt, how much water and sunlight they're absorbing, their rate of growth... ect.

It doesn't open the door, but you see that you can assign the door to be locked for any amount of time, with only specialist or security clearance capable of opening it from the outside while the conditions inside the room are supposed to be very particular or even dangerous for human life (If you do something like fill the room with nothing but pure nitrogen).

If you want to open the door, there's a little electronic panel right by it that can open, close, lock, or unlock it.
If you want to open the door, there's a little electronic panel right by it that can open, close, lock, or unlock it.
If anything I was now quite sure that this was the perfect set-up to kill…guess werewolf or something similiar. Luring them in and running out again to seal the room and flood it with whatever might kill them – hopefully it wouldn't come to that: I was never overly found of that particular VtM mission and it seemed that whoever was running this casting was quite intent on weeding us out like this. Looking over to the controls…well, as fascinating as the growth of tomatoes can be – and as lovely as it can be- there surely wasn't going to be enough time watching them grow.

Leaning down, I tapped against the panel to unlock the door – and then open it, ready to brave whatever was beyond….as long as it wasn't going to jump and eat me in the moment I peeked out. In such a case the tomatoes would still be quite friendly in comparison.​
If anything I was now quite sure that this was the perfect set-up to kill…guess werewolf or something similiar. Luring them in and running out again to seal the room and flood it with whatever might kill them – hopefully it wouldn't come to that: I was never overly found of that particular VtM mission and it seemed that whoever was running this casting was quite intent on weeding us out like this. Looking over to the controls…well, as fascinating as the growth of tomatoes can be – and as lovely as it can be- there surely wasn't going to be enough time watching them grow.

Leaning down, I tapped against the panel to unlock the door – and then open it, ready to brave whatever was beyond….as long as it wasn't going to jump and eat me in the moment I peeked out. In such a case the tomatoes would still be quite friendly in comparison.​
A couple tomatoes in your pocket, you exit the room to find yourself in a short hallway with three other doors, and both ends opening up into larger rooms. Peeking your head through both ends reveals the larger rooms are filled with much, much larger stacks like the one in the room you just exited. To the side of each of the four doors is a small scrolling textbar. The room you just left reads tomatoes, the other three watermelons, sugar, and... Lunar Tears?

You can tell that the hungry mind is to the right, but leaving the tomato room takes the fearful mind out of your range.
Your attempt at telepathic warfare fails - your mental grasp over its' emotions slip as though you were trying to grab a catfish from the water, slippery flesh and a flash of pain. It's now much closer, tendrils expanding from its' upper body in a whirlwind of whips.
Wincing at the backlash, I whirl around to run away. There's an office nearby so I un fuel my full legspan and dash for it. Throwing a telekinetic punch backwards as I do so, I quickly lock the door.
Wincing at the backlash, I whirl around to run away. There's an office nearby so I un fuel my full legspan and dash for it. Throwing a telekinetic punch backwards as I do so, I quickly lock the door.
You manage to clip it in one of the tendrils, the fleshy appendage whipping back. Slamming through the door, you rip a trio of limbs off when you close it.

The little scraps of flesh writhe and jerk on the floor randomly, completely bloodless and without any sign of bone.

The room you've ducked into seems to be an office supplyroom. All kinds of little knickknacks.

The door is dented inwards, a small bump appearing. At this rate, the critter could get through... in an hour.
You manage to clip it in one of the tendrils, the fleshy appendage whipping back. Slamming through the door, you rip a trio of limbs off when you close it.

The little scraps of flesh writhe and jerk on the floor randomly, completely bloodless and without any sign of bone.

The room you've ducked into seems to be an office supplyroom. All kinds of little knickknacks.

The door is dented inwards, a small bump appearing. At this rate, the critter could get through... in an hour.
Now that I'm relatively safe, I start working at this thing's mind—taking what I've learned from my last attempt. I try and figure out how sapient this thing is, if it might know where the brig is, and if I can control it at all.
You can tell that the hungry mind is to the right, but leaving the tomato room takes the fearful mind out of your range.

Who dares wins – or ends up as dragon fodder. Hard to decide which direction to take – after all the hungry mind could be just around a corner and the fearful one was too far away to make it out properly…but on the other hand there was a door labelled Lunar tears. I might only have read into that particular franchise because of a certain magpie, but if those were magical illness curing plants on the other side of the door….why not take them with me? Who knew how they might come handy after all?

Thus I pushed myself slowly out of the tomato room and headed towards the Lunar Tear hydroponics, keeping my telepathic senses tuned on the hungry mind – after all I didn't know just how far away it was and I wouldn't want to be jumped just a few minutes into this whole thinig.
Who dares wins – or ends up as dragon fodder. Hard to decide which direction to take – after all the hungry mind could be just around a corner and the fearful one was too far away to make it out properly…but on the other hand there was a door labelled Lunar tears. I might only have read into that particular franchise because of a certain magpie, but if those were magical illness curing plants on the other side of the door….why not take them with me? Who knew how they might come handy after all?

Thus I pushed myself slowly out of the tomato room and headed towards the Lunar Tear hydroponics, keeping my telepathic senses tuned on the hungry mind – after all I didn't know just how far away it was and I wouldn't want to be jumped just a few minutes into this whole thinig.
After focusing your senses, you're able to detect a bit more about the hungry mind. The ragged feeling is - there's something wrong with its' mind, like parts have been ripped out, and there's a great deal of pain, as well.

Going through the door reveals precisely what you expected - several stacks, identical to the ones carrying tomatoes. However, the room is extremely dark, and the beautiful little white flowers growing on each stack seems to positively glow with a pure white light. You detect something, not a mind so much as a general impression of calm.

This is nice. You are content. You can rest here.

Checking the console, it doesn't say anything about the flowers having any healing properties. Nevertheless, they are noted to be extremely well received by virtually anybody, and people just seem to be in better moods with them around.
Now that I'm relatively safe, I start working at this thing's mind—taking what I've learned from my last attempt. I try and figure out how sapient this thing is, if it might know where the brig is, and if I can control it at all.
Feeling your way into its' mind, you're able to determine that the cybernetics have done some manner of damage to it, causing most of the anger and pain. It seems roughly as intelligent as a dog, a collection of instincts and basic - but powerful - impressions. You get a few flashes of insight on the area, but your ability to understand how it navigates is limited, and your attempts to press upon its' mind can do little more than slightly lessen one or two impulses at a time.
This is nice. You are content. You can rest here.

So whatever was hungering had been mentally torn apart and was in pain – if I would know that its diet consisted mainly out of tomatoes I would have little problem guiding it towards the tomato room, but with the intent behind this little adventure…I was more likely to end up on the dinner plate myself, wasn't I? At least it wasn't feeling like a human mind so far, even though with the general way the mind seemed to have been torn apart, it wasn't impossible…. guess I hoped it wasn't some sort of super soldier program gone wrong.

Taking my mind of these gloomy thoughts was the beauty of the greenhouse I entered now: it was darker than on the outside, the light having been turned down or off completely – but that only increased the beauty of the flowers growing in their suspended nutrient solution: glowing in the dark gently and in the purest of white I had seen on a flower so far, were the Lunar Tears. They might not be magical, or at least not described as such, but they were undouble carrying a telepathic imprint.

Reaching down to gather a few of them in my hands I begin to work them into a small circle as I walk – who knows? Maybe they would stop me panicking as long as they didn't act like the poppy field in the wizard of oz. Maybe it even would be useful as thrown gimmick? Those weren't burning tar crowns, but you had to use what you had on hand. With a small sigh I left the beauty behind, looking back into the corridor and then turning right – getting some distance between me and the hungry mind in the best of cases: maybe it would turn left somewhere and allow me to head for the scared mind once more?​
Noting the instincts and thought processes required to use tentacles for later shapeshifting experiments, I spread my telekinetic awareness out passed the door. I can't do anything fiddly yet, but shotgun blasts of force are well within my capability.

The... lets go with Squirmer. The Squirmer is still banging away at the door, so I aim a blast at it's metal supports. Then another at it's main body, and another. Either it will run away, or the consistent hammering will knock it out.
Noting the instincts and thought processes required to use tentacles for later shapeshifting experiments, I spread my telekinetic awareness out passed the door. I can't do anything fiddly yet, but shotgun blasts of force are well within my capability.

The... lets go with Squirmer. The Squirmer is still banging away at the door, so I aim a blast at it's metal supports. Then another at it's main body, and another. Either it will run away, or the consistent hammering will knock it out.
It's difficult to project your telekinetic field past the metal door - you have a great deal of trouble 'penetrating' it, for lack of a better word, and what little force does get past the door itself disperses nigh-harmlessly on the body of the creature past.

Still, the effort is decent practice, and after a few more minutes of hammering away the creature wanders off.
So whatever was hungering had been mentally torn apart and was in pain – if I would know that its diet consisted mainly out of tomatoes I would have little problem guiding it towards the tomato room, but with the intent behind this little adventure…I was more likely to end up on the dinner plate myself, wasn't I? At least it wasn't feeling like a human mind so far, even though with the general way the mind seemed to have been torn apart, it wasn't impossible…. guess I hoped it wasn't some sort of super soldier program gone wrong.

Taking my mind of these gloomy thoughts was the beauty of the greenhouse I entered now: it was darker than on the outside, the light having been turned down or off completely – but that only increased the beauty of the flowers growing in their suspended nutrient solution: glowing in the dark gently and in the purest of white I had seen on a flower so far, were the Lunar Tears. They might not be magical, or at least not described as such, but they were undouble carrying a telepathic imprint.

Reaching down to gather a few of them in my hands I begin to work them into a small circle as I walk – who knows? Maybe they would stop me panicking as long as they didn't act like the poppy field in the wizard of oz. Maybe it even would be useful as thrown gimmick? Those weren't burning tar crowns, but you had to use what you had on hand. With a small sigh I left the beauty behind, looking back into the corridor and then turning right – getting some distance between me and the hungry mind in the best of cases: maybe it would turn left somewhere and allow me to head for the scared mind once more?​
The handful of flowers you carry with you isn't as calming as the bounty left in the room, but it does help keep you at ease as you seek out your goal in this place.

The next room you find is a large hall, filled to the brim with various types of large plants - trees, vines that wrap tenfold around metal bars, long patches of pumpkins and strawberries and more. Unfortunately they're all contained inside tubes, but the bright lights, bright lights, and several benches and small pieces of artwork give the impression that this is more of a public area than the growth rooms you were in before. It's likely this room served as something of a park for the denizens, before everything went wrong.

You find two other paths to take, one leading to yet more growth rooms like you began in, and the other leading to a stairwell - up leads to, "Sanitation and Recycling," but the sign leading down is busted, feebly lighting up and going dark every few seconds. There appears to be some faint green discoloration on the steps going up. You also get a grip on the fearful mind again, and you're pretty sure now that it's somewhere lower down.
You appear to be on some sort of tram.

It's very dark, and you don't seem to be at any kind of station. You can see a faint light from somewhere ahead of the tram.

There's something in your hand, but it's too dark to read at the moment.

You can feel a sort of... niggle, at the back of your mind. Your new-found skills of magic inform you that something probably died here within the last few minutes or hours, depending on what precisely it was.
you're pretty sure now that it's somewhere lower down.
The park was truly nice enough and if it wouldn't be for the prospect of most likely quite uncomfortable death or dismemberment waiting around the next corner, I would have taken more time to look around and remind myself of the layout for some sketches later. But as I was here for a reason and didn't think waiting too long in one spot till the hungry-thing came up behind me was going to be conductive for my health I took a step towards the staircase. Moving past the brightly lit tubes and decorative elements with pieces of arts strewn in here or there, I did my best to ignore the memory of that one children movie in which some people survival the end of the world by transplanting their consciousness into plants…and then go after the other survivors…

…yes; the green discoloration on the steps wasn't really helping a bit – neither was the dull and lifeless sign that could have told me what to expect below. With a sigh I look between the two opportunities…and head downwards. Sure – its going to be risky but I didn't know if I was on a time limit and if there was anything of worth upstairs. So for now it is downwards – ever towards the fearful mind. Good that I can at least hold onto the flowers.
The park was truly nice enough and if it wouldn't be for the prospect of most likely quite uncomfortable death or dismemberment waiting around the next corner, I would have taken more time to look around and remind myself of the layout for some sketches later. But as I was here for a reason and didn't think waiting too long in one spot till the hungry-thing came up behind me was going to be conductive for my health I took a step towards the staircase. Moving past the brightly lit tubes and decorative elements with pieces of arts strewn in here or there, I did my best to ignore the memory of that one children movie in which some people survival the end of the world by transplanting their consciousness into plants…and then go after the other survivors…

…yes; the green discoloration on the steps wasn't really helping a bit – neither was the dull and lifeless sign that could have told me what to expect below. With a sigh I look between the two opportunities…and head downwards. Sure – its going to be risky but I didn't know if I was on a time limit and if there was anything of worth upstairs. So for now it is downwards – ever towards the fearful mind. Good that I can at least hold onto the flowers.
Going down leads into a more narrow hall, with thin piping leading along the ceiling - which is damn near slamming into your skull, it's so low. You peek into a few random doorways, following the scent of fear, but find nothing more than random terminals and equipment, tool collections, and bathrooms.

Seems you've walked into the systems that maintain everything going up above.

The only thing really notable are the signs of damage - after several minutes of going through halls marked by them, you're able to distinguish between the differing trails. You can't tell a particular direction or means, but there are three distinct signs of damage that tend to be collected together.

First, large dents and crushed materials. It looks like something was impacting walls and machinery with a great deal of force at random trajectories - there are several points where something hit the ceiling, in fact.

Second, small scorch marks. Coming in small, cluttered bursts - like somebody fired burst-machinegun with fire instead of bullet - they're often in the same areas as the large dents.

The third and most unusual are small, pin-point dents and pierced sections of machinery surrounded by whip-thin lines along the walls, as though something sharp were dragged across them. It actually took some time for you to notice the lines, they're so thin and shallow.

As you get closer and closer, you're able to pick out details. The fear is intense, feral, damned near insane. It's a conscious effort to get past it and to the person underneath - and you're certain that it is a person - but what you find there is mostly just sensory impressions.

Lots of blood. The stench of rotted meat, among other, worse things. Darkness, interspersed with random blank white in the vision - the kind that comes with staring into a bright light for several moments. You follow the feeling, skipping dead ends and wrong turns, forced to double back twice, before finally coming across a door.

A door that has a lot of those whip-thin lines and puncture holes... alongside the fireburst marks.

The door opens after several seconds of hesitant whirring, the inner workings evidently damaged... but not nonfunctional.

As soon as light shines on the creature inside, you duck - because you immediately feel it react with utter panic and a single, concrete sensation.


It's a painful presence, but it lets you know to get out of the way because just over your head comes a burst of pellet-sized, flaming orbs which strike the wall behind you. Glancing back, they burn in place for several moments, sagging in place, before seeming to burn out.

Focusing back on the mind inside, there's not much change in emotional content. Or intellectual, for that matter. The shooting seems less a conscious decision and more a matter of pure reflex, built up and reinforced by what must have been constant terror and danger.