Ship in a Sea of Reality [Multiverse RP]

Opening Post // Character Sheet // Rules


I'm here to stay, alright?

It was an accident, we're pretty sure. Random people suddenly drawn from their homes, their lives, their places in the universe to live inside a ship with no crew and no destination? Filled to the brim with things that one couldn't comprehend and can hardly be expected to survive?

It had to be an accident. So please, when you arrive, don't blame us. You should be thanking us, really. Without us there'd be no chance of your survival.

Oh? Well, I suppose we could just send you back home. But... nah.

So, you're probably wondering who we are. To sum, we're powerful. We have a bit of a hand on the pulse of the multiverse. We noticed that reality was getting breached and screwed with in a few fundamental ways, and came over to look.

And found you guys.

Put simply, somebody has been playing with some very powerful technology. Of the "destroy several different universes by accident" type. They lost their prototype, and you lost your homes.

Literally. Your home universe doesn't exist anymore. Sorry about that, but thems' the breaks. If it makes you feel any better, there's an infinite variety of near-exact duplicates out there.

Anyway, we took a look at the inside of that ship and... yeah, it's not something any of you are going to survive. Not, that is, without a little bit of help.

So we're giving you all a gift. Call it a housewarming present. Something to give you, at the very least, a chance.

Anyway, that's the deal. We give you gifts and send you back along your way. If any of you survive, you can keep the ship, do whatever you want with it. If not, well, too bad for you.

Have fun!


1. I expect a basic competence in the english language. I don't mind if you're not all that good at it, but I'm not going to tolerate players who only ever post a sentence or two or who can't make themselves understood. Sorry, but that's how it is.

2. In case you're not familiar with how roleplays work - I'm the Boss. You can argue, you can discuss, you can theorize, you can disagree, and you can control your character however you want. But I control the world, I control the NPCs, and I control the game. You act; I react. Not you act, I bow down and say Yesh Mashtah.

3. Don't be a dick. I mean as a player, not a character. Your characters can be dicks if you want to play them that way. You can be Murder McRapeface all you want, so long as you abide by the general forum rules, because this is a game and a story, and your character is exactly that; yours. But don't be an asshole to other players, don't drag out of character drama into character, nada.

The Premise:
So, this game is not First Come First Serve. Neither, however, is it "I Pick Whoever Has the Best Application." This game goes a little bit differently from most.

Every Player fills out their application, and then -so long as there are no outstanding issues with their application, I shove them into the Gauntlet. The Player Character has to survive and fulfil their objective. I'll do this with all applicants up to a certain number. The Player Character is pretty much an SI - a human being from modern Earth, or equivalent. If they've got any significant medical issues, consider them resolved.

By the end, there should only be a few survivors. Those player characters who survive the gauntlet get into the overall game. Those who didn't don't. That simple. If there are no survivors - there should be because I'm aiming to make this a "fair" death gauntlet, but nobody's perfecy - if here are no survivors, then I'll just pick from who was most effective/interesting and go from there.

Once the survivors have been resolved, they get a ship that can travel the multiverse and start exploring said multiverse. Of course, it's not as simple as "Go whereever, do whatever," since a story without conflict is boring and unrestricted access to the multiverse is liable to end in some serious powergaming in approximately three nanoseconds, but you get the idea, I'm sure.

Now, without further adieu:

-=Character Sheet=-
Player: What player is controlling this character?
Name: What is the name of the character?
Age: What is the age of the character?
Gender/Sex: What is the gender and the sex of the character?
Appearance: What does the character look like, roughly?
Skills: What kind of skills does the character have? Anything from amateur artist to professional computer technician - everybody learns a lot over their lives, after all.
Chosen Gift: What kind of Gift did they decide to be inserted with? A Mass Effect Techsuite? Complete understanding of a specific skillset? Firebending? A pet varren? The body of an alien?

On the topic of the Gift... your characters don't start with anything that makes them a "protagonist." Not a hero, not a super, not a monster. If you start with firebending, you can expect to be as skilled as your average Fire Nation soldier or little league Pro Bender. If you start with a complete understanding of, say, swordsmanship, you can expect to be a hell of a lot better than most real life swordsmen - but still constrained by the limits of reality and your own body.

On the other hand, I'm not going to deliberately screw you over. If you pick a pet critter, they'll come trained and loyal to you - within reason. If you pick super strength, you're not going to break your own back because you're not as durable as you are strong. So on.

In addition, I'm not giving complete free reign of what your gift is. You see, I've actually ran this game before, and I ran into... issues regarding freeform power selection. So select one of the below, and then detail it as you see fit. I'll respond with tweaks and adjustments that need to be made. If you've got an idea for something weird or outside the box, then feel free to ask me, but I make no guarantees.

-Peak Human: You have general peak human physical abilities. Think Batman or lower-tier versions of Captain America.
-Pet: You have a pet, or multiple. This could be a Nightfury, a Pokémon, or a robot. Be advised I will make adjustments and power level judgements as appropriate.
-Tech/Equipment Package: You receive some equipment and technology. Generally speaking this isn't going o comprise much more than what a single soldier would carry - so say, Hardsuit, guns, Omnitool for a Mass Effect package. Ect. Magic counts for this, such as enchanted armor and a magic crossbow, or so on. Does not come with training beyond the most basic requirements for use - how to put a suit on, or which direction to point the weapon.
-Artifact: This differs from Packages because an "Artifact" will typically be singular, and much more powerful individually. Expect heavy scrutiny on any artifacts - no world destroyers or wish granters or the like.
-Perfect Skill: A single skill is raised to the absolute limits of human ability, and maybe a bit beyond.
-Magic System: Gain access to a single system of magic. Or psionics, or whatever. Skill level and power varies.
-Transformation: Either permenantly change into something other than base human - Cyborg, Geth, tyranid, whatever - or gain the ability to transform into one or a few select forms and back. Might be able to bargain ability to gain new forms under heavy restrictions.
-Superpowered Attribute: Supercharge an attribute to a ridiculous degree. Want to regenerate an amputation, punch through solid steel, or outrun a Cheetah? Never have to rest, or know your surroundings by echolocation?
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Player: Synergy
Name: Nicki Santiago
Age: 18
Gender/Sex: Nonbinary - AMAB
Appearance: Nicki is pretty tall, just about six feet. They are athletically built, with tan skin and black curly hair. Strong jaw and dark eyes, with some light freckles.
  • Artistry (Watercolors, Graphite, and Prose) [Intermediate]
  • Science (Human Anatomy and Biology) [Beginner]
  • Athleticism (Swimming and Running) [Intermediate]
  • Crafting (Cob, Woodcarving, and Sewing) [Beginner]
  • Language (English and Spanish) [Master/Intermediate]
  • Martial Arts (Krav Maga and Judo) [Beginner]
  • Oration (Acting) [Intermediate]
  • Occultism (Wicca, Neopaganism, Folklore, and Modern Secular Witchcraft) [Expert]
Chosen Gift: Martian Physiology (Young Justice) (Base Form: Green Martian)
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Man, I'm tempted to ask for a Lazy Gun. But no. Will sleep on it and put in an app later.
Would an Uncreator Gauntlet or Exaltation be useable artifacts?
The Gauntlet, yes. Exaltation, no. The Gauntlet works much better on mechanical items; if used on or around biological, the effects tend to get more chaotic/less effective. Using it precisely requires skill and experience, meaning when you start your results are going to be somewhat randomized.
Martian Physiology (Young Justice)
Keep in mind you won't be as skilled as a trained Martian. Your telepathy will be relatively crude and our shapeshifting moreso. You will also retain the weakness to fire. You may choose to have the big ol' monster martian form as your default, or a green skinned you. Making new "defaults" will require effort and time.

If you're going to list so many skills, I'd prefer you give a general idea of how good you are at each.
Man, I'm tempted to ask for a Lazy Gun. But no. Will sleep on it and put in an app later.
No idea what that is.
If I overdid my powers on the application is all I want to know. Or are you disallowing the entire thing is what I"m asking?
Keep in mind you won't be as skilled as a trained Martian. Your telepathy will be relatively crude and our shapeshifting moreso. You will also retain the weakness to fire. You may choose to have the big ol' monster martian form as your default, or a green skinned you. Making new "defaults" will require effort and time.

If you're going to list so many skills, I'd prefer you give a general idea of how good you are at each.
Sounds good on the abilities. As for my skills I've added a level descriptor that takes the average of the skill.


Name: Celia Sibyl Morgan
Gender: Female
Age: 24

Trained and Sleek, the years of various sports – mostly swimming and rowing – have left Celia with an athletic build, that comes with a certain grace and knowledge about how to move – that is quite useful in her day to day life and most likely even more so in this new situation she seems to be moved into. She might not have the broad shoulders and cloth ripping muscles one might expect stereotypically of an athlete, but she was in it more as a hobby and for social contacts after all.

Standing loosely around 1.75m, she's quite on the tall side for woman, something that she has been quite conscious off over the years and something she came to embrace after leaving her awkward years behind. Her long hair has been bleached white some time ago and with her new condition – guess the colour was here to stay-, flowing down her shoulders and ending around her midriff in an accurate cut. Akin to her behaviour with nearly all things around her, she keeps herself clean, orderly and appealing in the way one finds a particularly lovely designed garden beautiful. For the most part her face is attractive, maybe not in the soft and warm sort of way, but with a certain sharp severity that mirrors itself partly in her features and the make-up she uses


Skill Level Comment
Language (English) Expert  
Language (French) Expert  
Language (German) Expert  
Language (Italian) Intermediate  
Language (Latin) Intermediate  
Politics Expert  
Sociology Intermediate  
Negotiations Beginner  
Leadership Beginner  
Public Speaking Expert  
Athletics Intermediate  
Rowing Intermediate  
Riding Expert  
Fencing Intermediate  
Swimming Expert  

Gift: Psi (Babylon 5) P8

Mind expanding on the psionics?
Tried to go for something more subtle (but if you want I could also take X-Com psionics for battlefield control and cool psi-blades~). Babylon 5 Telepaths are generally able to pick up stray surface thoughts, can read beyond that, implant false memories or suggestions, even project images and sounds if they are strong enough (medium on the scale that is). If trained enough they might be able to do minor things like lifting a small object or other assorted tricks, but the mental manipulation is the standard get to go~
Tried to go for something more subtle (but if you want I could also take X-Com psionics for battlefield control and cool psi-blades~). Babylon 5 Telepaths are generally able to pick up stray surface thoughts, can read beyond that, implant false memories or suggestions, even project images and sounds if they are strong enough (medium on the scale that is). If trained enough they might be able to do minor things like lifting a small object or other assorted tricks, but the mental manipulation is the standard get to go~
So more telepathy than telekinetics?

Workable. Give you a bit of a boost compared to Syn....
Player: Troglodyte
Name: Micheal Pocketbread
Age: 19
Gender/Sex: Male
Appearance: Micheal stands at five feet and six inches, with brown hair that fluffs out making him seem just a bit taller than he really is. He's got brown eyes and a face that holds a bit of scruff covering a decent jawline due to participating in no-shave-November. His build can be called something between skinny and wiry due to a less than recent habit of consistently visiting the gym.
Skills: Assuming the ranks follow as None/Novice/Beginner/Intermediate/Expert/Master
  • Camping [Intermediate]
  • Boy Scout [Eagle] (Still trash at tying knots, untying on the other hand...)
  • Athleticism (Hiking) [Intermediate]
  • Cooking (Fire/Kitchen) [Intermediate]
  • Language (English/French) [Expert/Beginner]
  • Lying [Intermediate]
  • Oration (Acting/Public Speaking) [Intermediate]
  • Swimming [Beginner]
  • Firearms (Everything/Handguns) [Novice/Beginner]
  • Hugs [Master]
Chosen Gift: Magic System: Necromancy
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Player: Gamerlord
Name: Sean O'Driscoll
Age: 22
Gender/Sex: Male/Male
Appearance: Six feet tall, head both overly large and shaved, continuous stubble down from the temples across the chin and neck, plus stubbly moustache. Eyes usually gaunt with large bags and green irises. Skin pale, verging on unhealthily so. Thin arms, left hand is smooth and unmarked while the right is chapped, cracked and callused, resulting in a ridiculous contrast. Pudgy middle and thick thighs on thin shins.
English - Expert
Science - High School Education
Math - HSE
Computers - HSE
Athletics (Running, Swimming, Climbing, Martial Arts) - Beginner->Intermediate, But Severely Lapsed
Art (Poetry) - Intermediate
Chosen Gift: United States Colonial Marine Corps Techset
Body armour+helmet, grenades, knife, pistol, Pulse Rifle/Smartgun probably.
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You... have any sourcing or details or anything?
Well, we've got a few options: we could use Necromancy from DnD, Diablo 2, Diablo 3,(any other sources you'd feel more comfortable trying) or take a more free form approach.

Honestly, I'd prefer the free-form approach. Start me off with a simple damage spell, a simple reanimation/skeleton spell, maybe some other basic starter and then just develop from there depending on where the focus goes. This would requires a lot of communication between us as I'd want to feel out what you're comfortable with before going wild throwing out suggestions.

EDIT: If you want I could always look for some other gift.
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Magic (?) System - Tenno Operator Void Powers (At basic level, short range energy blast, mid range beam, extremely brief cloaking and 'dash' ability. Higher skill levels can allow possession of certain constructs and channeling power through them in predetermined ways and speccing into skill trees Madurai (Damage Boost), Naramon (Crowd Control), Unairu (Buffs+Debuffs), Vazarin (Healing) and Zenurik (General Utility). Details of powers here.
I'm not familiar enough with Warframe, and it's my understanding that it's one of the higher tier power systems out there.
Well, we've got a few options: we could use Necromancy from DnD, Diablo 2, Diablo 3,(any other sources you'd feel more comfortable trying) or take a more free form approach.

Honestly, I'd prefer the free-form approach. Start me off with a simple damage spell, a simple reanimation/skeleton spell, maybe some other basic starter and then just develop from there depending on where the focus goes. This would requires a lot of communication between us as I'd want to feel out what you're comfortable with before going wild throwing out suggestions.

EDIT: If you want I could always look for some other gift.
Alright, then....

Hrm. Let's establish a few things.

Souls vs Physical. IE, is your necromancy based more upon the manipulation of souls/spirits/death energy, and then using that to puppet a corpse, or by directing manipulating the corpse?

Fresh vs Old. Are new corpses better than old corpses, or are old corpses better than new corpses?

Control vs Information. Does your necromancy have more strength in gathering information (Detecting dead stuff, talking to the dead, ect), or in killing stuff and puppeting their corpses to your whims?

Free Will vs Mindless. Can you trade absolute control for varying degrees of independence and your undead retaining their old minds, or are they all mindless or near-mindless critters under your command?

Potency vs Variety. Do you want to be able to manipulate dead stuff to make undead more suited to your purposes, but have to research and work out all the kinks, or stick to the tried and true forms that they had before (or roughly so, IE skeletons ghosts ect)?

Everybody, apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Well..I am confused now: but just to be sure: The fearful mind isnt in the tomato room, or?