Shine Your Light Among The Stars (Sci-Fi Quest)

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Humanity has advanced beyond the stars, discovering many planets and creating a Golden Age for...
The Beginning
United States
Humanity has advanced beyond the stars, discovering many planets and creating a Golden Age for them. In this time, they terraformed many planets in their quest for answers. They wanted to know 'Where Are They'? The other civilizations, those who have formed among the stars as Humanity did. We sought the answers for this question, and centuries after our exodus began, we found it. Other people, other empires that had formed among the stars like Humanity had done oh so long ago. But their first contact was cut off by something strange, and Humanity plunged into the darkness once more…

After reinstating contact between worlds, they discovered that in their absence, the people of the stars helped those Earth had lost. Though some turned to genetic modification to survive, they were still considered apart of Humanity. The Golden Age started once more, with shared technology, commerce, relations, Humanity and its allies spread out amongst the stars as a united front. But even in the most utopian societies, there is still the dark corners that cannot be enlightened.

In the Dark Age, there were monsters who attacked the planets cut off from Earth. These hostile groups made them slaves, workers, and other terrible fates that shakes a man to the core. These people grew to resent the other civilizations and their people, believing that Humanity and Humanity alone should be the ones in control of the stars. This secessionist group eventually went on to cause the Genocide Of Terra V, finally bringing their militant side out for the whole galaxy to see.

Now the Galaxy is dark once more, a war threatens to engulf it in this shadow. But you will stop this, and shine your light among the stars. For it is your duty to the United Earth Colonies and the people of the stars to stop this threat, you are our last light in this war.

Use it well.

[] Name:
[] Appearance (After Picking Your Race):
[] Personal Weapon (Example: Plasma Pistol):
[] History:
[] Race (Choose One):
-[] Human: The common man, the progenitor of over a few dozen subspecies created by gene-splicing. Their ships are often utilizing brutish yet effective tools and weapons, making them quite adaptive.
-[] Serpentia: The first of the Human Subspecies, Serpentia have forgone their human legs for a snake tail, along with certain serpentine traits. Most people are slightly unnerved by them, until they learn about the person they're talking to.
-[] Lupus: On the harsh taiga of Fenrir, these colonists spliced their genetics with that of Siberian Wolves. With fluffy ears, a tail, and natural claws, these people are quite adept at close combat and hold loyalty to their allies.
-[] Flora: Their ancestors were those who spliced their DNA with plants, allowing them to exert minor control over plants and natural camouflage. They have light green skin from the chlorophyll being absorbed into their skin, and are quite laid back.
-[] Rachni: People who utilized Arachnid DNA in their gene-splicing, they have two extra eyes, numbing venom in their fangs, and an exoskeleton that covers their forearms, neck, lower legs, around the shoulders, and upper back.
-[] Synthetic: These androids have a synthetic skin, and are quite powerful both in strength and durability. Unlike organics, these synths need only solar energy to subside on. They range from soldiers to scientists, and much more built in skills.
-[] Other Gene Spliced: There are so many Gene-Spliced Subspecies of Humanity that it'd take all day to list, with some being confined to one planet.
-[] Praetorian Knights: A Synthetic Species that looks somewhat similar to knights of Earth, and are a divided civilization. Each knight has a cloth marking them as part of a different planet or house, showing where they came from.
-[] Drakon: Draconic Humanoids with small wings, these people were once able to take flight from the high mountains of their volcanic homeworld of Marre I. But evolution has made them smaller and more compact, though occasionally wings capable of flight are found.
-[] Fae'Ry: The winged People of the mostly forest planet of Col'Iron, the Fae'Ry have large wings that allow their small bodies to take flight. They usually stand at around 5'3" and are very interested in other races' culture, sometimes even joining other factions.
-[] Other Alien: Life is so diverse out in the depths of space, meaning that there are a lot of different races out there.

[] Write In...

NOTE: We'll get to crew and personal ships next, right now we're getting the PC done.

Also, this quest's tech level is on the level of FTL: Faster Than Light.
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[X] Ciara Delenn
[X] Dark, lean, and with fur in shades of grey.
[X] Plasma Pistol
[X] Lupus
history: She led an all-around irremarkable life before becoming a spaceship captain, after wanting to do that since she was a child, so she can see what people and experiences the galaxy has in it.

this is gonna be fun, i can tell.
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So besides appearance and maybe perks here and there for personal troops, what are advantages of picking a sub-species? Humans say "Their ships are often utilizing brutish yet effective tools and weapons, making them quite adaptive."; that tells me how they build things and give the impression they're the "Mario" group. IE they're not great at any one thing, but not bad at anything either.
The Lupus mention they're good at CQC, and the Synths say they have more "built in skills" (I'm not sure what that means?). The rest just talk about what they're like.
So besides appearance and maybe perks here and there for personal troops, what are advantages of picking a sub-species? Humans say "Their ships are often utilizing brutish yet effective tools and weapons, making them quite adaptive."; that tells me how they build things and give the impression they're the "Mario" group. IE they're not great at any one thing, but not bad at anything either.
The Lupus mention they're good at CQC, and the Synths say they have more "built in skills" (I'm not sure what that means?). The rest just talk about what they're like.
Sorry, each of them have different things they're good at.

Humans - The Jack Of All Stats
Serpentia - Somewhat elegant weaponry, the Elitist Group (Specialized focus)
Lupus - Brute Force, Weapons are their specialty.
Rachni - Similar to Serpentia, but more stealthy.
Flora - They're partial to weapons with minimum lasting effects, due to their ties with the environment. Meaning that most of their weapons require less energy, and in turn have more efficient ships for less.
Synthetics - The Engineer, these people are capable of repairing anything that damages the ship in a few moments. They can also rewire the reactor to increase power output, if necessary.
Praetorian Knights - The Warrior, their ships have deadly weaponry with high power consumptions, but are generally meant for an alpha strike that could destroy or cripple a ship long enough for another salvo.
Drakon - They specialize in destroying their enemies with weapons like Firebombs, which deplete oxygen in the ship and damage the hull. Other weapons they favor include Shatterpoints (Hull Breakers) and missiles. The Heavy Explosive that specializes in spiking their damage output at a moment's notice.
Fae'Ry - Energy Efficient Ships, and light weaponry more suited for light skirmishes.

Did this partially or fully answer your questions?
Sorry, each of them have different things they're good at.

Humans - The Jack Of All Stats
Serpentia - Somewhat elegant weaponry, the Elitist Group (Specialized focus)
Lupus - Brute Force, Weapons are their specialty.
Rachni - Similar to Serpentia, but more stealthy.
Flora - They're partial to weapons with minimum lasting effects, due to their ties with the environment. Meaning that most of their weapons require less energy, and in turn have more efficient ships for less.
Synthetics - The Engineer, these people are capable of repairing anything that damages the ship in a few moments. They can also rewire the reactor to increase power output, if necessary.
Praetorian Knights - The Warrior, their ships have deadly weaponry with high power consumptions, but are generally meant for an alpha strike that could destroy or cripple a ship long enough for another salvo.
Drakon - They specialize in destroying their enemies with weapons like Firebombs, which deplete oxygen in the ship and damage the hull. Other weapons they favor include Shatterpoints (Hull Breakers) and missiles. The Heavy Explosive that specializes in spiking their damage output at a moment's notice.
Fae'Ry - Energy Efficient Ships, and light weaponry more suited for light skirmishes.

Did this partially or fully answer your questions?
It's more informative...I guess my thing is, 90% of this is weaponry. What about industry? Or if it's focused on ships, stuff like speed, armor, manuever, shields, etc?
[x] Sarah 2814
[x] small, lean, with unnaturally pale skin and jet-black hair
[x] pulse marksman rifle
[x] Synthetic
history: an AI created to serve as a police investigator for cybercrimes too data-intensive for ordinary officers to solve, Sarah served with distinction for several years before her term of service expired. Now having paid her creation-debt to society she has decided to strike out on her own as a spaceship captain in order to experience the wonders of the galaxy she helped protect

EDIT: fixed typos
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It's more informative...I guess my thing is, 90% of this is weaponry. What about industry? Or if it's focused on ships, stuff like speed, armor, manuever, shields, etc?
Industry is on par with FTL, they can produce starships so much that your average trader can buy one. Another thing, life varies from planet to planet. Earth has become mostly city, with some safe bastions of nature producing most of the oxygen. Mars has been colonized and turned into a garden world, but it's showing signs of urbanization.

I'll go over ships in the next post once we finish the PC. Also, what are the characters histories @Ultramandalore, @OffBrandANON, kind of need that.
Industry is on par with FTL, they can produce starships so much that your average trader can buy one. Another thing, life varies from planet to planet. Earth has become mostly city, with some safe bastions of nature producing most of the oxygen. Mars has been colonized and turned into a garden world, but it's showing signs of urbanization.

I'll go over ships in the next post once we finish the PC. Also, what are the characters histories @Ultramandalore, @OffBrandANON, kind of need that.

should we edit the histories in or post them seperately?
Boarding The Ship
Walking into the shipyard, you kept your Marksman Rifle in its case and kept an eye out for anyone shifty. The UEC had given you quite a lot of credits for this mission, enough to hire a crew and purchase a new ship. Counting them over, you made sure that they were all there before purchasing a ship.

You noticed a few ships that had caught your eye, the first one was utilitarian in design and build. It looked more like a gunship more than a cruiser, what with the bulky weaponry and shield projectors. Looking at the tag, it was designated the U.S.S Alamo. A few decades old, but good enough you suppose. It had twin Plasma Blasters, both MK. II, and a central Missile Launcher primed with standard Hellfires.

Next up was a sharp looking ship with more of a bladed appearance, with its weapons and shield projectors barely noticeable on the hull. Taking a quick look over the design, you noticed that it had a Cloaking Field listed under Main Systems. That would come in handy if you ever needed to bypass something, or surprise an enemy ship. As for its weaponry, it had an Arc Cannon MK. II and a Hull Breaker, very devastating weaponry if you recalled.

Looking over the final ship, it was elegant and somehow functional at the same time. Looking over the masterful craftsmanship of the design, you noticed that it was from the Serpentia Homeworlds. It came equipped with a Plasma Blaster MK. III and Hull Laser MK. II, some very effective weaponry in the right situations.

Thinking it over, you realized that each ship cost half of your credits, and hiring a full crew would take down most if not all of the rest. But now it's time to figure out who you're hiring, starting with...

[] Human (100 Credits)

[] Serpentia (110 Credits)
Increased Speed, Strength (Constriction)

[] Lupus (110 Credits)
Increased Speed, Strength
Decreased Repair

[] Rachni (110 Credits)
Can sense others whenever sensors are down.

[] Flora (110 Credits)
Passive Increase to Oxygen, Adept Healers

[] Synthetic (130 Credits)
Requires No Oxygen, Increased Repair

[] Praetorian Knights (160 Credits)
Increased Strength, Requires No Oxygen
Decreased Repair

[] Drakon (160 Credits)
Increased Strength, Speed
Decreased Repair

[] Fae'Ry (120 Credits)
Increased Speed
Decreased Combat Skills
Note: Ships cost 50 each, despite what their systems show.

[] U.S.S Alamo
[] Prototype Stealth Cruiser
[] Serpentia Vessel

Credits: 1000

[] Write In...
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[x] Prototype Stealth Cruiser
-[x] Name: Axiom Horizon
[x] Crew
-[x] 1 Rachni (110 Credits)
-[x] 2 Human (100 Credits)
-[x] 2 Synthetic (130 Credits)
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[X] Prototype Stealth Cruiser
-[X] Name: The Athena
[X] Crew
-[X] 2 Lupus
-[X] 2 Rachni
-[X] 2 Flora
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Forgot to mention, you can hire up to seven crew members.

I missed that spot, my bad. For some reason I didn't type in the credits or what else you needed, fixing now.
[x] Prototype Stealth Cruiser
-[x] Name: Axiom Horizon
[x] Crew
-[x] 1 Rachni (110 Credits)
-[x] 2 Human (100 Credits)
-[x] 2 Synthetic (130 Credits)