In this Quest you'll be playing as the Shield Hero. Luckily for everyone involved you will actually have the chance to create your character. I'll be altering some stuff to make it flow better as a quest and will take some artistic liberties that I think will make the quest better as a whole and the world more interesting. Just a warning, I've not written anything creative for around two to three years so there's quite a bit of rust to chip off and I can be pretty stupid so if you want to call me out on some stuff in the quest? Do so and I'll discuss and hopefully become enlightened. Second Warning, Shield Hero can be downright edgy in its setting, to the point of it's detriment in world building and I'm going to patch that up a bit. However shit still sucks and you have to deal with that somehow, and I expect that we will handle this responsibly and hopefully I won't fuck up on handling sensitive topics.
I was inspired to make this quest after reviewing the manga and browsing the threads about it here. Despite how much I trash it, I love Isekai garbage even when it frustrates me to no end. Shield Hero could be better and I thought 'well why don't I do it instead of complaining about it'.
Now onto the actual quest. The character creation will be sorta abstract at first but bare with me.
[Character Creator]
Gender: [Male] - [Female]
Age (From 14-60, this will matter):
Socioeconomic class: (Yes this will matter)
[Upper Class]
[Middle Class]
[Working Poor]
Society of your Earth:
The Modern Earth
It is 2200, you come from a world of mega corporations, futuristic technology built on the back of the crushed enslaved in all but name working class, a modern (to you) cyberpunk dystopia.
It is 1200 in the year of our lord Jesus Christ. Kings reign, Nobles languish and the serfs and peasants work in the fields, you are a member of a Feudal State. (Potentially Hardmode)
It is around the year 2120, 40 years after World War Three which lasted three days. Warlords roam the land, disease takes its pound of flesh and food is scarce yet civilization is showing itself once again on a large scale.
How did you discover the 'legend' of the Shield Hero?
You found it through a video game (locked for the 1200 AD society)
You read a Manga about some Isekai loser getting trashed on (locked for 1200 AD society)
You found it in a book.
You found it inscribed on an ancient tomb in Egypt, either in person or via the newspaper.
Your father told you the legend via oral tradition.
A mysterious robed figure referred to you as Shield Hero before vanishing, you never heard of it or saw him again
You hallucinated the whole thing on drugs.
How did you die?
You didn't, you just suddenly woke up with the Shield.
Car Accident (locked for the 1200 AD society)
Workplace Accident
Terrorism (locked for the 1200 AD society)
End of Character Creation Part 1 as I'll need the above information to continue generating said character.
I'm posting the ruleset right after this, it's really simple. Afterwards I'll gauge the reaction to the quest give it a bit and then see about continuing the character creation.
The game is covered by 5 main stats and their substats (of which some may be hidden and need to be unlocked, and they can be negative). You pass actions via skill checks. We're dealing with flat numbers because I can't be bothered to roll dice.
Now that it is no longer a spoiler, you can learn more main stats. Like the one we did in story, the Spiritual Energy Stat.
These will be assigned after character creation depending on what you picked and events in game will effect these stats and add new substats to the character sheet.
Here's the Stats and some examples for substats.
Might: Your general strength. -Shield: How skilled you are at being a rip off Captain America Agility: Your nimbleness, balance, etc. -Gymnastics: From fancy artistic flips and elegant balance, to parkour and circus performance. Your general skill for actually putting your agility to use. Awareness: How much you notice things with your senses, and how quickly do you catch onto things. -Social Awareness: detecting how people view you. Personality: Your general skill for raw charisma. -Socializing: How good you're able at interpersonal communication. Intelligence: How smart you are generally, and retaining information and learning. -Reactive Planning: How quickly you can adapt to unexpected changes in circumstance in and out of combat.
By now you must have realized how I've omitted some of the rules, such as trauma. Let me just copy and paste the explanation from the character sheet:
Trauma. Allow me to explain the rules here now that we're far enough into the story that it won't spoil or meta game people now. Trauma has a max of 20, the more of it you get the more your character breaks. The more bad habits you get, the more fucked up personality you get, and the more they bleed into the default personality. Trauma also unlocks special actions that wouldn't be available otherwise, and also locks some things for you.
Winning Plan:
[x] plan Shield Princess
-[x] Sakura Yukihime
-[x] female
-[x] age 14
-[x] impoverished
-[x]It is around the year 2120, 40 years after World War Three which lasted three days. Warlords roam the land, disease takes its pound of flesh and food is scarce yet civilization is showing itself once again on a large scale.
-[x] A mysterious robed figure referred to you as Shield Hero before vanishing, you never heard of it or saw him again
-[x] War
You were born in 2106. Life was harsh and unforgiving in the post World War Three (or commonly called the Three Day War) world. Japan wasn't a main target only being hit around four or so times by low yield nuclear warheads or so you think. You're not entirely sure on the details and getting them would be much more trouble than it was worth and you only knew this much from distant travelers from other parts of Japan. You lived in the outskirts of what was formerly was Tokyo.
Who were your parents?
[x] Former Prime Minister Saizo Sakura and an unknown mistress despite common belief, the Prime Minister wasn't killed during the war. He escaped and lived long enough to (un)fortunately sire you. Your childhood was much better off then most kids born in the ruins of Old Japan. However good things don't last forever and your father died soon after you turned ten to agents of the new 'Temporary' military government in Osaka with what was left of your fathers security detail sacrificing themselves for your escape.
[x] A 3%-Type Family was pretty common after the superpowers of the world started heating up in hostility. For most of your childhood you lived in a makeshift bunker with ten or so other families that made up the 'East Tokyo Protectorate Group' a militia. Food was getting scarce one thing left to another and eventually the group disbanded in 2110 after losing it's leader Former Police Officer Yuki.
[x] Middle Class Family nothing was outwardly or inwardly special about your family before the war, your father raised you well enough to what he remembered of the standards of Old Japan's education system before he died to his asthma. You've never heard of who your mother was and you never asked after the first time in silent understanding.
[x] Peter Pan and the Lost Boys in the apocalypse having a child was a liability few could afford. Many children young and old were abandoned and most of them died. Most of them, but you weren't most. You were raised by fellow children the oldest being sixteen in the East Tokyo Orphans gang, known commonly as simply the Orphans. Life was harsh and brutal, but most of you managed to keep literate, and you ate the scraps people left behind or in a distressingly many cases forced to delve deeper than what was considered 'safe' into the city for supplies. The leader and the group were quietly mocked by surrounding groups as Peter Pan and his Lost Boys.
You lived in horrific conditions, constantly ill and you knew violence. The easy part of surviving is scavenging, the hard part is keeping what you collected. However there was some light in the world and things weren't always constantly bad. You dealt with things the best you could and sometimes life sought to reward you.
[x] You found a defunct supply depot in the ruins of a police station. You were well fed, and had access to clean water in a secret stash allowing you to escape most of the negative effects of malnutrition. For a while until unforeseen circumstance you ate like a king. Life was good.
[x] You found companionship. When you were twelve you found a girl half your age alone in the world. You took pity on them for a while, and like a particularly determined fungus she grew on you. Times were harsh, you often had to go without to care for your new charge. But to see that girl smile that kept you going you'd do anything for your pseudo-daughter. It kept you sane in a world gone mad.
[x] You accidentally started leading a gang. You were always meticulous in your methods to gather supplies and to changing circumstances. It began with an old man and a boy, forming up to better haul supplies efficiency, then a few refugees joined you for your promise of food and water, and one thing led to another and you became the defacto leader of over thirty people cementing your control over Eastern Tokyo.
[x] You found a mostly untouched library. Learning about the Old World was something of a hobby and an obsession of yours. You found the holy grail as far as you were concerned, basic electronics, metallurgy, history, mechanics you were at least a dabbler in all of it. Knowledge is power and the day you successfully repaired a gas fueled generator turned that into a literal sense.
But despite the silver lining to the clouds, there was always some really fucking bad times.
[x] A local warlord was interested in you and constantly sent people to fuck you over. There was many close calls, it taught you many valuable lessons but it also left you damaged. There are grotesque scars of battle littering your body but the most prolific ones were on your mind. You have enough hate to kill.
[x] You were maimed. You got cocky, you thought you were some hot shit due to your accomplishments and it cost you dearly. One slip up is all it took for your enemy to take advantage of your lapse of judgement and slash your entire half of your face and your eye. You lived, in agony and your bootleg medical work managed to make it not worse.
[x] Drugs. You weren't strong enough to live in this world. It started slowly, a curiosity in an opiate. It wasn't long until you were dependent on drugs to the point that it was the only thing you really thought about at the end of the day.
[x] Disease. You were dying slowly. You didn't know exactly what was wrong with you but you felt it. Your days were spent feverish and in pain, and in a vicious cycle starved you out due to not being able to get the resources and medicine you needed to survive.
You were never really a religious person. You heard of cults and the like, and even some surviving elements of organized religion somewhere. But you never really thought about it, in your opinion God if he existed was cruel. But your experience with odd phenomenons make you question sometimes. Your clearest memory, something that your gut tells you is something important, really important is your meeting with a strange old man.
[x] You were caught under rubble after a house you were looting collapsed. There was no way out, you lacked the strength to save yourself and you were slowly accepting your death when a strong hand pulled you out of the rubble. He didn't say much but looked at you with a kindly smile and told you it wasn't your time to go yet 'Shield Hero'. You looked away and you never saw him again.
[x] You were being hunted by someone who clearly outmatched you. They were closing in on your hiding spot and you would have died but this old guy came out took their attention and left. Despite the distance you could clearly hear him. 'I'd run if I were you Shield Hero, people need you still'. You were left with so many questions, but you resolved not to make light of the mans sacrifice even if you had no idea what he was talking about at the time.
[x] You were dying in the war. You took a unlucky bullet. You were choking on your own blood and bile alone in some conflict you wanted no part in. A kindly old man grabbed your hand and your pain went numb, he looked at you sadly and said 'I'm sorry Shield Hero' before you passed away.
Tokyo wasn't peaceful by any means. People fought over land, over resources and generally a lot of reasons you didn't really understand. Then something of a miracle occurred. In a distant city (you were unsure which one, the separating the mysticism and fact from the very few who travel through your territory) a great leader named Taki arose as a powerful warlord with a dream of restoring Old Japan. Thus was the start of the United Democratic Popular Front, quickly forming the first real army outside of the isolated territory of the remnants of the JSDF. It was seen as delusional at first, but Taki was supported by some of the surviving intellectuals and somehow figured out a way to fix one of the water purification plants.
This was a good thing you thought at first, maybe you'd live to see the return of the state of Japan. It was obvious, you should have knew better. Warlords banded together to keep their power, and marched to occupy the Tokyo ruin. In the end you were conscripted to fight in the war under a petty warlord from Chiba. This is where you died.
[x] You died quite literally in the first few shots of the war. You were in a defensive position with several other conscripts and 'handlers' to make sure we didn't just fuck off. The weapon given was a shitty postwar mass produced "junkrifle" that had a nonzero chance of just detonating in your hands while you fired it. You didn't even see anyone, an artillery piece just obliterated your entire position instantly and you were vaguely enlightened on how losing a leg and being filled with shrapnel felt before perishing.
[x] You died during the second week. After the first few battles you and the other conscripts were finally introduced to the rest of the 'soldiery' as equals to strengthen loyalty we were bribed with all manners of Old World luxury from cigars to fancy wine. It worked well for what it was, even you weren't immune to the tactics they used to ensure your service. Morale was high and the counter attack started off well. Unfortunately your squad leader made the wrong call to keep pushing further than was reasonably safe or planned and accidentally landed you in front of a machine gun nest that crippled you, and then you were unceremoniously executed by a clean up crew.
[x] You lasted almost a year fighting this fucking pointless war. Life was shit. Not only were you on the losing side, you were attacked by behind by the former JSDF. Your esteemed 'commanders' were all but wiped out, leaving you and a few others to take command of a fighting force of around 200. You've abandoned Tokyo entirely for the former Warlord Alliance territory. You negotiated a deal with the Popular Front to execute you instead of your men. You died to firing squad.
Finally got around to creating this. It took a long time due to some errors and typos in my QM notes but finally we're here.
Character Sheet: Name: Sakura Yukihime
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Socioeconomic Class: Impoverished
Parents: Former Prime Minister Saizo Sakura and an Unknown Mistress.
Boon: You found companionship in your pseudo-daughter
Bane: You interested a local warlord who wanted you gone.
You met an old man: Who saved you from someone who clearly outmatched you.
You died in the war: during the second week.
Skills, an entirely average person would start at 5. Subskills usually start at 0, the higher the number the more skill you have.
Skill Tier example
0-2 are babies to small children, 3-4 are children to young teens, 5-6 are average, 7-8 are athletes and 9-10 are the best of the best for a human on Earth.
Subskills mostly compliment their Skill, and show your familiarity with what you're doing.
Example: 0 is barebones understanding, 1 is a basic understanding, 2 is an intermediate understanding, 3 is above average, 4 is professional and 5 is masterful.
Might: 7, you are impressively strong Shield: 2 You know how to defend yourself with one. Blackwood Sect Martial Art The Cruel Princess: 3. You are more efficient at breaking people now. Horse Riding: 3. You can ride one casually without much issue.
Agility: 6. You're surprisingly nimble for how you lived. Ambusher: 4 The ability to hide, and to strike from shadows. Gymnastics: 3. You have quite the amount of experience in using your agility to break into places that needed an unconventional approach. Dodge: 4. Usually the best way to stay alive is not getting hit.
Awareness: 10, years of wandering and scavenging in Old Japan has left you with an almost superhuman level of awareness to your surroundings. Social Awareness: 4? You generally know what people think of you, how your image would affect you and what not to say. An Eye for Talent: 2. By hanging around business owners, and generally looking for safe investments and good service you're adequate at seeing who's skilled at what.
Personality: 7? You'd make a decent cult leader. Interpersonal communication: 4 You can talk your points well without muddying your point and connect with strangers. Childcare: +2 to personality while talking to children. Inspirational: +2 to personality while under the effects of the Prince.
Intelligence: 5 You're averagely smart all things considered. Literacy: 3. You have a surprising grasp on linguistic knowledge for someone born after the Three Year War. Strategy: 3 You are decent at swinging your intellectual muscle at problems that require multiple steps and critical thinking. You can command armies decently and see more options. Business Sense: 1. Using your other skills has given you a firm idea of other's character, but you lack the experience to put your advantages to the test. Reactive Planning: 3. How fast you are to adapt to changing circumstances. First Aid: 2. How good you are at mundane medical techniques.
Spiritual Energy: 6. You have a lot of it for someone who recently got any at all. -???
-Spirit Sense: 5. Due to your base awareness this novice skill lets you see way more than you're supposed to. Any living thing within in your range is something you can see barring obstruction via other means.
Trauma. Allow me to explain the rules here now that we're far enough into the story that it won't spoil or meta game people now. Trauma has a max of 20, the more of it you get the more your character breaks. The more bad habits you get, the more fucked up personality you get, and the more they bleed into the default personality. Trauma also unlocks special actions that wouldn't be available otherwise, and also locks some things for you.
Trauma: 12. Your hands are trembling.
Nicotine Addiction. It takes the edge off, something to focus on other than the bombs or the guns. Malnutrition. It's fine, I can go without for a little while more, please do not feel bad for me. Paranoia. Whats that over there? Is it a shadow? A dagger in the night? Someone trying to kill me? Grievously Scarred. Your body is a mess, a true horror show encompasses your entire body. You avoid mirrors, you can still feel the phantom pain when you look at them.
You have enough Hateto kill
Personality States Unlocked: Red. Purple. Black. Gold. Magenta.
Edit: fucked up and reused a name that I was already using.
Winning Plan [X] Plan Tragic Princess
-[x] Former Prime Minister Saizo Sakura and an unknown mistress despite common belief, the Prime Minister wasn't killed during the war. He escaped and lived long enough to (un)fortunately sire you. Your childhood was much better off then most kids born in the ruins of Old Japan. However good things don't last forever and your father died soon after you turned ten to agents of the new 'Temporary' military government in Osaka with what was left of your fathers security detail sacrificing themselves for your escape. -[x] You found companionship. When you were twelve you found a girl half your age alone in the world. You took pity on them for a while, and like a particularly determined fungus she grew on you. Times were harsh, you often had to go without to care for your new charge. But to see that girl smile that kept you going you'd do anything for your pseudo-daughter. It kept you sane in a world gone mad. -[x] A local warlord was interested in you and constantly sent people to fuck you over. There was many close calls, it taught you many valuable lessons but it also left you damaged. There are grotesque scars of battle littering your body but the most prolific ones were on your mind. You have enough hate to kill. -[x] You were being hunted by someone who clearly outmatched you. They were closing in on your hiding spot and you would have died but this old guy came out took their attention and left. Despite the distance you could clearly hear him. 'I'd run if I were you Shield Hero, people need you still'. You were left with so many questions, but you resolved not to make light of the mans sacrifice even if you had no idea what he was talking about at the time. -[x] You died during the second week. After the first few battles you and the other conscripts were finally introduced to the rest of the 'soldiery' as equals to strengthen loyalty we were bribed with all manners of Old World luxury from cigars to fancy wine. It worked well for what it was, even you weren't immune to the tactics they used to ensure your service. Morale was high and the counter attack started off well. Unfortunately your squad leader made the wrong call to keep pushing further than was reasonably safe or planned and accidentally landed you in front of a machine gun nest that crippled you, and then you were unceremoniously executed by a clean up crew.
You hated most of the people in your 'army'. It was full of local fuckheads. The bad blood between you and some of the Warlords here could fill a river, and the feeling was mutual considering the amount of missions your squad were thrown into. Luckily the Warlord in control of you was smart enough to figure out that you probably have the best eyes in the country instead of just having you thrown into the meat grinder. The whiplash from 'disposable trash' to 'mission critical operative' was immense, instead of slop you got decent rations, booze and fucking cubans. They were bribing you to work with them and were likely trying to recruit you as some sort of retainer in the future.
You were still going to desert though, or at least you were going to anyway. But the Warlord from Chiba, Takami promised anything he could provide and that made you hesitate, your daughter Saki. She needed to be protected and you were positive you weren't up for the task by yourself but with a warlord behind you? You could accept that, so you viciously ripped a agreement from him with your politician skills you got from father. You're not worried about him fucking you over, Warlords like him function entirely off of promises like these, and if he betrayed you even after your death then his other 'vassals' will descend on him like rabid wolves. It's not an ironclad thing, but it's the best you're probably going to get anywhere this side of Japan for protection for your daughter Saki.
You weren't good enough for her anyway. You couldn't protect her or yourself when that bastard Aoi decided to move in on your side of Tokyo with his operatives. While you broke him for the grief he ended up causing you, it showed you the reality of the world. You would've died if it wasn't for the sacrifice for that old man, and Saki would've died alone somewhere at the mercy of Aoi. You weren't sure you'd last the trip to the nearest place to resupply outside of Tokyo that wasn't occupied so in reality you're fucked anyway.
So it wasn't a real surprise that you've found yourself crippled and broken on the street. Your dickhead squad leader ignored your fucking perfectly sound advice to hold our current position and in a bid for personal glory brought us in front of a machine gun nest. It was... An interesting feeling to feel what was left of your lungs wretch themselves from your mouth as you slowly suffocate. You're silently patting yourself on the back and you feel stupid, you're fucking dying. Get the fuck up idiot, we're not done. There's a kid that needs your dumb ass so get up.
Get up. Come on, you can do that much can't you? Please get up, I'm not ready yet.
Get Up.
You clench your fists and with pure will power start to feebly get away, it was pointless you knew but you wanted what you always did, to survive and to see her smile again one last time. You made it around six meters before being blasted apart by the machine gun.
First thing you realized when you died was that shit was fucked. First of all, you felt not dead. Like, you have your limbs, your lungs aren't splattered all over the ground and lets just stop right there. Other oddities was not only were you repaired but your clothing was as well. You were wearing cheap military fatigues completely ripping off the JSDF or maybe just redyed uniforms with the shitty Five Warlord Alliance acronym on it. Did fuck all to protect you but it was identifiable so you didn't shoot the fuck out of each other by accident. Hell, you didn't even have your blood on it, it looked cleaner than when it was given to you. Second thing, your Junkgun is missing, not a big loss but you sorta need that to kill things at range thanks.
Third thing, you have a big fuck off shield on your arm straight out of a picture book and... Wait a motherfucking minute right this second.
This was the fucking Shield Hero thing Old Guy was talking about wasn't it? Then who the fuck are these guys? Before you can ponder more a... Cultist? Priest? Someone speaks up.
"Welcome four heroes, please save our world"
What the fuck?
[X] Nah, no way. Fuck off I'm out of here.
[X] You'll play along for now, test the waters and learn just what the fuck just happened.
[X] Old Man would've wanted you to at least hear them out you owe it to his sacrifice to play hero for a little while.
[X] Old Man would've wanted you to at least hear them out you owe it to his sacrifice to play hero for a little while.
You weren't really sure about this, you had half a mind to bail out of here and look for a way to get back to Tokyo or carve out a simple life somewhere. But you were pretty sure you're not on the same planet as Japan, the air smelt cleaner, the room was pristine like out of a photograph of a European palace from a bygone era. You also had a debt the size of a mountain to the man that saved you, so you'd play hero for now at least until you feel less shit. The other curious thing you've noticed now that you've calmed down a little are your fellow heroes.
It's a bit odd, but they seem to actually be a bit at home in here like it wasn't there first time somehow? Yet they all had their own little shocks there too but the recognition in their eyes was impossible to hide. They all looked to be somewhat Japanese as well but are way too... Manicured? You swear you weren't even as dolled up when you were with Father with Blondie over here.
"Holy shit, what happened to you!" Speaking of Blondie, who you have just mentally renamed Fuckface finally realized you were standing right next to him. You aren't really sure how to respond to such a question that doesn't end in violence. "Come on man you don't ask about that kinda thing" Thankfully Broodster, a lanky looking fellow with black hair and a sword came in for the save before you did something really unheroic. "Urk! Sorry, sorry."
What a douche. Usually you wouldn't let that kinda shit go but this isn't Japan, this is 'Wherever The Fuck'ville and the casual way these guys are acting suggests that shit's even weirder than you first thought. Even small children know you don't pick stupid fights and to be very choosy with your words, either Fuckface is an exception or Fuckface is from somewhere else entirely. Honestly this entire scenario is so fucked, it's like it came out a storybook. The last guy (why are they all guys?) was some short looking blonde kid seemingly zoned out of his mind. Seriously you were having some real uncanny valley ass shit from these people. Why were they so relaxed.
You were gripped by a massive feeling of unease, like you were standing somewhere sacred and didn't belong. This shit was making you feel on edge, god you need a cigarette. Your eyes snap to the priest, "Well? Spit it out, why the fuck are we here!" you felt a little bad at the way he jumped, as he was just respectably letting us recover but your patience was wearing thin as it was. "Th-There's a dimensional crack threatening everyone! Demons have been pouring out crawling out of it threatening our nation, our soldiers and knights barely repelled the first wave... And the next wave is soon upon us, please save our nation!"
What a joke. You really were just taken out of one war and shoved into another huh, you guess life is like that sometimes. Again you debated walking off, but the Old Man said that there was people that needed me, at first you thought it was Saki but he was actually referring to this World. Make no mistake, you saw what the Priest just tried pulling on you. He's trying to make you focus on saving their kingdom, they didn't summon you 'Four Heroes' out of the goodness of their heart they were saving their own ass. Luckily the Priest saw you weren't falling for his bullshit "Please at least meet with our King, we will recompense you for your service". Fuck off, you didn't need something so plebeian as wealth or status.
The more you saw, the more you confirmed this wasn't anywhere near Earth. It was concerning, especially because this looked to be what little you knew of Medieval Europe and the little you did know was basically how barbaric it was even compared to Post WW3. Also, they weren't even being subtle with how unpopular you were here too. You were slightly impressed, you haven't drawn this negative reaction from a crowd even from groups you regularly butted heads with. You were pretty sure this was some sort of political move but you don't know why or for what reason. What you did know however, these people weren't your friends. It was in your opinion a foolish move, it showed you their cards instantly everyone but the people you were summoned with were theater and the Heroes were the actors. You put on a serene smile this was the first trial.
The decadent King of this land sat on a throne artificially heightened it was to give the illusion of power and to make those below look up at him, it was quite petty as displays of power go but you've seen worse done ones. The king looked a tiny bit overweight and gaudy with all that jewelry which you suppose is to look regal, but you can only look at in disdain at the waste and tackiness of expressing such wealth in such a crisis they must be facing. The king looked taken aback by your appearance but seemed to disregard it "I am this countries King, Aultcray, the Thirty-Second Ruler of Melomarc" Blah, blah, blah more shit about money and status or whatever reward that you don't care about until he finally got to something you did care about; "Now then Heroes, I will now hear of your names".
Broody went first, "My name is Amaki Ren, Age Sixteen. I'm a high schooler." Wait what.
Bowboy went next, "I am Kawasumi Itsuki, Seventeen years old, I'm also in high school." Is this a joke, are you being pranked?
Fuckface went after, "My name is Kitamura Motoyasu, a twenty-one year old university student." Unease started to build in your chest. Just what the fuck was going on here?
You went to go but were rudely interrupted by the King "Hm, Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu." ahhhh, it's going to be like that huh. There were ways to deal with this type of thing however.
[X] Storm out. This is an insult you cannot ignore, the whole place is designed against you. You were the disposable pawn in this game and the best way to win is not to play.
[X] Shikata ga nai. It cannot be helped, you can suffer this indignity after all, you can still exploit him for resources.
[X] Haaa? And here I thought we were getting along so well. Blatantly confront the hostility in the room and rip the reasons out of them with words. [X] Are you fucking kidding me you piece of human garbage? Do you think you're strong?
Aight, this took a long time to think about how a character so different than the original MC would react in a new world such as this. You guys skipped an early clash with Motoyasu due to your resolve to play hero. You currently know with your interpersonal communication skills and social awareness that you have Ren leaning on your side at the moment, Itsuki is indifferent and Motoyasu is ignorant and a little ashamed. The court officials here mostly dislike you, but a few feel deeply ashamed and contemplative.
[X] Shikata ga nai. It cannot be helped, you can suffer this indignity after all, you can still exploit him for resources.
You clamp down on the urge to settle things without words, your fists can only go so far after all and the Prime Minister didn't raise a barbarian. Despite the insult you took it with a smile, and you silently revel in how your lack of reaction bothers the king. You feel actually a little bit giddy, as Aultcray is going to lose this bout without you having to do anything at all.
"Your Majesty you've forgotten someone!" Motoyasu, you can tell just by looking at him is guilty from his reaction earlier and feels bad just by looking at you and that's perfect. This small petty display has already driven a confrontation between him and the king. "Ah, yes... The Shield Hero... Please tell us your name." The way he said Shield Hero was with a clear disdain that even Motoyasu could pick up, leaving him visibly confused he looked ready to say something about it before the Sword Hero stopped him. "Sakura Yukihime, fourteen. I was a soldier."
You hear a startled gasp come from Motoyasu, even the seemingly aloof Ren looked appalled... Itsuki is a mess to get a read on, and you'll just leave that at that. You've decided to let go of your grudge against Motoyasu for now for being so helpful. You don't really understand why they reacted that way, it was pretty normal where you were from. This was just more evidence that the other Heroes came from somewhere else entirely. The mood in the room has shifted, you have gained more respect from the court officials who as a whole look a lot less sure about you then a few minutes ago thanks to the Spear Hero.
Aultcray seems to realize he fucked up too, signaling the Priest from earlier to continue for him, "U-uh if everyone can confirm their statuses please!", with Ren helpfully chipping in that it was the 'Icon' (whatever that means, you assume he's referring to the little box) at the edge of our vision. He looked ready to comment on something, but disregarded it with a thoughtful frown.
Status Condition:
Nicotine Withdrawal
A vague info graphic of your strengths and weaknesses were also there, along with various lists you don't have anything in aside from the Small Shield. You endeavored to keep the fact that you were level 8 a secret after hearing the disappointed groan from Motoyasu from starting at lvl 1. It's probably because you've killed people before that gave you your assigned level, you gave an amused self depreciating snort at your complete lack of noncombat skill. You need to get a hobby.
So far you think that the Shield is useful so far, being able to accurately see your health conditions on demand is useful enough on its own. Motoyasu came over to get your attention looking a bit apprehensive, "Er, it's too bad you have the Shield class you know, it's the-" he was interrupted before he could finish, "You may enter now." Man, Aultcray really wants you all out of his hair huh. A bunch of assorted medieval looking folk entered the big ass doors you were sure was highly inefficient. "They are volunteers to join the Four Legendary Heroes on their journey to save the world" Priest says, feeling much more confident you think amused "The stronger you get, the better your legendary weapon becomes however the legendary weapons either do not work in close proximity or stunt their growth so we prepared for you to set up parties before your arrival."
It was highly amusing to see that they already knew which one they wanted to go work for, like it couldn't be any more blatant. Aultcray seems to realize this too and raises his hands to rub the sides of his temples at the mistakes this was costing him, he looked contemplative for a moment before a court official with a stupid looking mustache crowed out "Ha! Looks like you aren't that popular Shield Demon-", "What the fuck is wrong with all of you? You guys all seem to have been against the Shield Hero the entire time!" Motoyasu finally blew up, you were honestly quite surprised but you suppose it must look really bad to him. A young girl being preyed upon and bullied by a fat cat aristocracy, you imagine that it was an easy decision for him to come to your defense. "Motoyasu's right, the lack of respect you've shown the Shield Hero is absurd." Itsuki was a surprising addition to your defense, Ren merely nodded his head in solidarity.
Seeing your fellow heroes defend you was pretty surreal nobody has really done that before. Motoyasu unexpectedly grabbed your hand and started leading you like you were a small child "We'll pick out our own party members without your interference!" You were shocked, what the fuck. You appreciated the sentiment you really did, but you weren't a little kid you know. By the time you shook yourself out of your stupor you were nearly out of the castle, and you rudely yanked your hand back. "I could've taken care of myself you know... But thanks anyway Motoyasu", "Ah, uh, no problem Yukihime seeing them bully you like that, I just acted without thinking!" Motoyasu looked properly abashed so you wont hold too much of a grudge at him treating you like a small child, but it was nice, it sorta reminded you of how your father was when he was alive. "W-wait, WAIT!" the Priest ran after you both, he looked dead on his feet when he got to you two, gasping for air "Please at least take these funds, these bags hold 800 silver pieces each. Not all of us think that the Shield Hero is a bad person and the future depends on your success please take these funds!" What integrity, you were impressed both by the bribe and by the earnestness so you accepted, besides as nice as Motoyasu seems to be, he can't work with you.
With money in hand, we went to go recruit some mercenaries after some directions from the Priest, who you learned was named Leonard.
You and Motoyasu went to:
[X] A very run down bar-like place for dirt poor adventurers
[X] A professional looking building, with clerks and offices.
[X] You started a recruitment stand somewhere for interested commonfolk
[X] You decided to go it alone for now
If you're wondering what the other options would've had, the Red Option would've unexpectedly let Itsuki help you in fighting against 'The Man', you'd have to escape and you'd both be wanted criminals. The fighting them with words option would have been the 'Follow Naofumi's path' option and due to your personality and intelligence scores, wouldn't have ended that well. Luckily for you, turning the other cheek was the correct option to get out mostly unscathed politically and gain you your first active ally.
Most of the court still dislikes you, but a minority is on your side. The Heroes collectively have a good opinion of you, Motoyasu thinks of you highly and will defend you for better or worse, Ren thinks your life is tragic and it made him wake up to reality, Itsuki thinks you suffered a great injustice but is way too messed up in the head for you to get a good read on beyond that. Aultcray is actually a lot more annoyed at his own court than at you at this moment, he's also a bit upset at himself.
I'll be posting another informational threadmark for the Shield Powers and Inventory soon.
Adhoc vote count started by Johnnyboy306 on May 5, 2019 at 9:24 AM, finished with 40 posts and 23 votes.
[X] You started a recruitment stand somewhere for interested commonfolk
The main perk to being the Shield Hero is the stupid amount of versatility it gives. Shove anything into it in the manga and a new shield is unlocked.
Unfortunately that doesn't really reflect well in a quest so we're gonna have to alter it, with Shield Types and dividing the powers into categories. This will stop useless bloat from unused trash shields cluttering up the quest.
As for actually using the Shields? The MC will use their discretion in battle, but you will decide whether to use Offensive, Defensive, Magic, or hell even a Utility Type in battle and of course I wouldn't use something like the Cursed Type without a vote.
Offensive Type, this type adds bonuses to your offense in battle. -Squishy's Venomous Bite It transforms your shield into a deadly weapon. A spider attached to your arm with it's 'face' an inch from your fist to allow it to bite people you punch. It releases a deadly venom which you've observed to paralyze.
Defense Type, this type adds bonuses to your defense in battle.
-Small Shield +1 MGT to Defensive Action
Magic Type, this type adds bonuses to your ability to cast magic.
Utility Type, this type is for the utility shields, bonuses towards crafting, medical aid, whatever.
-Balloon Shield. Just stores Balloon corpses.
-Direwolf Shield. Also stores corpses of its type.
-Squishy's Spider Sense. Allows you to sense the world like a spider would? -Burn Cream Shield. Relieves a small amount of pain from burns, and slightly heals burns faster. -Lice Removal Shield. Instantly creates a toxin in your hair that kills lice. -Headache Relief Shield. Helps with headaches... Really. -Pain Relief Shield. This one is unhelpful because it actually injects the medicine right into your body! Meaning, using it for prolong periods of time will make you OD or get high. -Disease Resistance Shield A genuinely good shield that helps you resist diseases and speeds up your immune system against them.
[X] You started a recruitment stand somewhere for interested commonfolk
You decided to go and start up a recruitment stand after a short debate with Motoyasu, saying that they could set up something like a little booth he remembered the JSDF did at his University once for recruitment for volunteers to save money. Hearing this made you sick, you hated the JSDF with a burning passion but the more Motoyasu revealed about his past the more you got curious.
"Hey... Motoyasu. Who's the prime minster?", "Huh, oh isn't it Akagi Kakuzo*?" Your face turned into a grim line, "Motoyasu, how did you survive the World War?", "Huh! What? I was born way after World War Two you know I'm not that old." Everything clicked, you weren't from the same Japan. Yet Motoyasu is damaged, you can see the clinks in his armor by how fast he attached himself to you. He's using you right now to distract himself from his own pain and you can guess a little on what you can read on him exactly what hurts him.
It's the stench of failure. Motoyasu failed someone so hard that it's eating him up inside.
You smile, to conceal the bile that almost came up your throat and the pain. You close your eyes, breathe in, once, twice, thrice, before the pain numbs back into a dull ache for now. Talking to Motoyasu is making you remember. This is bad, Motoyasu is causing more suffering to you then many of your enemies could dream of doing by accident. You don't hate him, but it's getting difficult to stay near him. "Ah, Motoyasu does this look like a place we can design simple recruitment signs? I'm pretty short so don't forget a box!" Motoyasu is a simple person, and for that you are grateful if he started to pry you don't know if you can keep going. Motoyasu ran off into a random store so earnestly that it hurt, reminding you of your father and your daughter. You rummaged through your pocket and pulled out a cigarette, the familiar task helping you forget for just a moment but your scars still burn.
You finish your cigarette by the time Motoyasu comes back, carrying recruitment sign with a cute drawing of a shield and a spear 'Come be a Hero with Motoyasu and Yukihime!'. Despite yourself you give a short laugh, and Motoyasu looks pleased at your reaction for some reason. Sure enough, he didn't forget a box either. You both continue down towards what you assume to be the town square, you haven't seen this many people in your entire life at one time just... Doing something normal. We just arrived but we seemed to have drawn a crowd just by showing up, people are excited to see the Spear and the Shield Hero huh? You suppose it'll make recruitment easier.
You feel a little foolish stepping onto a box to make yourself taller, but it's necessary to make sure everyone gets a good view on you and pay attention. "Good afternoon! I am the Shield Hero, Yukihime Sakura! This is my associate and fellow Hero of the Spear, Motoyasu! We wish to recruit able bodied men and women to accompany us on our quest to save the world effective immediately!" You shout over the crowd, Motoyasu using his height and the sign to great effect in support. You know it wasn't an inspiring speech, but it was simple and got the message across but you hoped your status as a hero and projecting a strong persona would entice confidence towards even your mangled frame.
You had many people interested in joining, even with the prejudice you can detect in some of the crowd and Motoyasu was absolutely swamped with applicants. After you made your decision you parted ways with Motoyasu, you couldn't stand the pain of being around him much longer, and you couldn't help him from his own.
[X] In the end you settled on William Blackwood, an aging monk seeking enlightenment.
[X] You met a merchants bastard daughter, Eleanor of Greenville eager to prove her worth to the world.
[X] You found a starving failure of a magician, Franics Brooke.
[X] You rejected all applicants.
We finally get our choice of companions! Yay!
Also you're slowly breaking under stress.
You have discovered that the commonfolk mostly aren't hostile to you, it seems like that the hostility is a recent thing rather than something inherent in this part of the world.
*I don't think they specify a name for the different Prime Ministers in the manga, if anyone corrects me I'll put the correct name in here if they did put one in one of the source materials.
You guys are probably curious on what you currently own.
Your Inventory
282 Pieces of Silver You've figured out that this is quite a sum. Currency works in three tiers, Copper, Silver and Gold. One Hundred Copper to a Silver, One Hundred Silver to a Gold. You figured out that most people deal in Copper and Silver. Basically nobody uses Gold unless they're nobility or otherwise filthy rich.
Your magical shield, It's a bit annoying in how it almost crippled you that one time. It has its utility you like however... You can use it to crack skulls and some of your moves transition well into it, but you're not used to it at all.
Camping equipment. Two tents, and some field rations.
Seven Giant Spider Eyes
Assorted spider teeth and one fang.
A single rock you didn't need to throw that one time.
Your Combat Outfit. What you were used to, but it was black, had a gold trim and had a cute little shield on it. It doesn't have pockets outside of the pants, but the shield is basically a big pocket anyway.
Your Prince Outfit.
It's cute as fuck. It projects your ideal of a prince, perfectly and lets you look more inspiring than grotesque in your opinion.
Your shitty JSDF knockoff uniform You dislike them, but they're a reminder.
Your fathers locket
A pair of dice.
Assets Glasshopper, you make around 50 copper a week from your investments here. A funny little store that sells cute glass items and professionally supplies glassware for local restaurants. Sequestered.
Gus's Old Wine and Dine, you make around 20-60 copper a week here from your investments. Gus's place is something you'd call 'homey' and strangely inviting. Gus himself is a little too boisterous and laid back for your liking however. Sequestered.