Shattered Memories: A Young Girl's Dreams (HP/Nasu)

Shattered Memories
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A young girl wakes in July of 1991, a strange dream at the edge of her thoughts. Normally her dreams are filled with death and blood, clashing blades and charging steeds... but most of all her dreams normally center around a hill... Covered in the dead, where she fights against a light so bright it blinds - Not only does it blind her, but the light itself cannot see.

The same morning, another young boy wakes with the same strange dream in his own thoughts, a startling change from the dreams that he normally experiences. Dreams of a Kingdom of Sand, a neighboring Kingdom of Green, and the Fall of a King who wishes to save his people.

Yet again, that same morning, a third child awakens. Once more they dream the same dream as the others, but this is not an unexpected dream for the last child. It is an experience they are familiar with...

Not that it matters, Dreams are just dreams... right?
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Awakening from a Dream


Dual Aurora Wave
Calamity -

Shadows dance at the edge of a silver pound, ripples of pain and suffering roil the water until it foams red with the blood of innocents. The people scream, eyes to the sky as the world unravels around them.

Then as one, they are silenced.

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again it happens

Defenders rise and defenders fall

Ice and fire, lightning and steel, air and water, space and time, they all stand guard, and one by one they all fall down.

A beam of light, so silver its almost white overlooks the shadows that stain it all, tears of molten blood running down cheeks the color of spun gold

A hand. Reaching out forever more, wrapping tight and pulling taut

twists, turns, warps and bends

Words cried out at the top of ancient lungs

A hiccup, placed thoughtlessly, and everything begins to unravel, spinning apart into a hundred thousand threats of light and sound

Memories of thoughts and thoughts of dreams, and dreams of memories.

All wrapped tight round you, all woven through you, all warped in you

The first thing that you hear as you awaken are the familiar sounds - bird's chirping, dogs barking, children playing, and of course, your alarm clock ringing. Shimmering rays of light pierce through the gap in your blinds, revealing that the day has already began, and the sun has long since risen.

Your name is Hermione Granger. First, and only child, of Daniel and Emma Granger, a pair of Dentist's here in London.

You aren't quite twelve years old yet, but you have been eleven for nearly ten months now, and you are ready for September to roll around.

It isn't just your birthday that you are waiting for of course, there is also school. Well, your new school. A school for witches and wizards...

Funny that, somehow, the reveal that you weren't like other people didn't exactly take you by surprise. Then again, you think that may have something to do with the strange dreams that you have had for as long as you can remember.

[ ][Dream] Your dreams are dominated by a monolith, a light brighter than any star, towering walls that shine with a white so pure and so bright that you can do little more than weep when you see them. You dream of clashing steel and cries of men. Dreams of men, allies, companions... friends. People you would fight for, people you would die for, people you would kill for. Friends that die on your blade like everyone else. You dream of that monolith, so massive and bright that it falls to understand the shadows it casts. A monolith you scream at, a monolith before which you beg, before which you plead. It matters not. You are not worthy, not in those cold eyes. You will be worthy though... one day.

[ ][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.

[ ][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
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Character Sheet
Hermione Granger
Age 11 Sex Female
Height 4'6" Weight 80 lbs
  • Strength ••• Average
    Dexterity ••• Average
    Endurance ••• Average
    Will •••• Above Average
    Perception ••••• Well Trained
    Intelligence •••••• Olympic Level
    Beauty •••• Above Average
    Charisma •••• Above Average
    Manipulation •••• Above Average
  • -- --
    -- --
  • Name Rank College Bonus Rank Bonus
    -- -- -- --
  • Name Attribute Score Description
    -- -- -- --
    -- -- -- --
  • Name School Attribute Score Description
    -- -- -- -- --
  • Name School Attribute Score Description
    -- -- -- -- --
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Skills and EXP Shop
  • To be Added Post update
  • AttributeFormulaFinal Cost
    Strength(Attribute Score) X2 EXP(3)x2 = 6 EXP
    Dexterity(Attribute Score) X2 EXP(3)x2 = 6
    Endurance(Attribute Score) X2 EXP(3)x2 = 6
    Will(Attribute Score) X3 EXP(4)x3 = 12 EXP
    Perception(Attribute Score) X3 EXP(5)x3 = 15
    Intelligence(Attribute Score) X3 EXP(6)x3 = 18
    Beauty(Attribute Score) X4 EXP(4)x4 = 16 EXP
    Charisma(Attribute Score) X4 EXP(4)x4 = 16 EXP
    Manipulation(Attribute Score) X4 EXP(4)x4 = 16
  • NameCostSchool BonusRank Bonus
  • NameCostAttributeDifficulty
  • NameCostSchoolAttributeDifficulty
  • NameCostBonus
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On all Votes Write-ins are allowed unless the vote is prefaced with :NO-WRITE-INS:

The option to spend EXP will appear at the end of each night during breaks and summers, and at the end of each week during Hogwarts School Years
Learning a New Magic School: To gain a point in a new Magic School, you must spend 3 EXP and have completed two of the following three -
1) Read a book on the type of magic
2) seen it for yourself
3) Learned a Spell of the School through other means.

You may however replace One prerequisite with an additional cost of 5 EXP on top of the 3 EXP that you already spend to gain the School

Magic School Ranks are separated into 6 levels

Gaining Skills: To gain a point in a new skill, you must spend 3 EXP and do two of the three following-

1) Witness the Skill in Action
2) Read a book on the skill
3) Attempt to complete the skill yourself

You may replace one of these two actions with 5 EXP, but you must still spend the 3 base EXP

When you first gain a new skill, it begins with a score according to the following table.
DifficultyBase Score
EasyBase Attribute X3
AverageBase Attribute X3 -1
HardBase Attribute X3 - 2
Very HardBase Attribute X2

Developing New Techniques - To Develop a Technique, you must first come up with concept, then spend an amount of time working on developing it, as well as spend a base of 10 EXP + various modifiers based on what the technique is and what you want it to do in order to develop the technique

Training Skills - You can buy up to 3 skill points at once. From skill level 1-25 it costs, 1 EXP. From 26-50 it costs 2 EXP, from 51-75 is is 3 EXP, from 76-89 is 4 EXP. 90 and onward have special rules which will be explained then.

Increasing Physical Stats - To Increase Strength, Dexterity, or Endurance you must spend Stat Rating X2 in EXP and complete a Physical Challenge. Higher more complex stat levels will involve more complex challenges.

Increasing Mental Stats - To Increase Willpower, Intelligence, and Perception you must spend Stat Rating X3 in EXP and then sleep

Increasing Social Stats - To Increase Beauty, Charisma, and Manipulation you must pay Stat Rating X4 and sleep

Attributes - Attributes for normal people are scored between 1 and 10, however it is possible for abnormal people to reach beyond these limits.
• •Bad
• • •Average
• • • •Above Average
• • • • •Well Trained
• • • • • •Olympic Competitor
• • • • • • •Generally Considered Peak Human
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •Captain America
• • • • • • • • • • True Peak Human
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[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.
[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.

Anyone have any ideas as to the source for any of the options?
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[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.

Interesting, let's see where this is going.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
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[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.

Fire Emblem 3 houses for the win!
No idea for the other 2.
Is Darkness Hollow Knight? That is my current best guess.
And the conflicting option is weird. It is more than likely set in a modern time period to judge by the reference to classrooms, so a school setting. My first guess is some kind of anime or manga, but I'm having trouble thinking of prominent teachers in those shows.

Edit: Fire Emblem does make sense, haven't played the game so didn't really think of that, but it would fit.
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[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
[X][Dream] Your dreams are dominated by a monolith, a light brighter than any star, towering walls that shine with a white so pure and so bright that you can do little more than weep when you see them. You dream of clashing steel and cries of men. Dreams of men, allies, companions... friends. People you would fight for, people you would die for, people you would kill for. Friends that die on your blade like everyone else. You dream of that monolith, so massive and bright that it falls to understand the shadows it casts. A monolith you scream at, a monolith before which you beg, before which you plead. It matters not. You are not worthy, not in those cold eyes. You will be worthy though... one day.
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[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
Vote Tally : Shattered Memories: A Young Girl's Dreams (HP/???) | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 8-23]
##### NetTally 3.1.0

Task: Dream

[X][Dream] Your dreams are strange and conflicting - Dreams of blood and death and war, dreams of quite peace and a cup of tea with a friend. Dreams of classrooms, explanations falling from your lips where you are surrounded by your students, and dreams of a dark place where there is but one with you. Dreams of Black. Dreams of Blue. Dreams of Yellow. Dreams of Green. But more than any other. Dreams of Death, of death, of death, of death. Death of your students, death of your allies, death of your students, death of your enemies. Again and again and again and again. So many different ways to die, and so many different ways to live. All the while, your dreams are filled with a motherly whisper, a soft voice that you cannot remember that calms your thoughts and makes the dreams easier to bear.
No. of Votes: 8

[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.
No. of Votes: 4

Total No. of Voters: 12

Votes seem pretty clear at this point, but I'm going to leave it open for another... 12-ish hours?

tomorrow morning.

Kind of surprised that no one has picked apart the first option, of all of them I thought it was the most obvious...
[X][Dream] You dream of Darkness. You dream of light. You dream of endless tunnels burrowing through the earth, dreams of towering mushrooms and scurrying bushes. You dream of hunting - hours, days... years... centuries of silence shattered by mere minutes of roaring sound. The flash of a blade free of a hand, yet with a tug of your self it returns, obedient and happy. A sorrow like the never ending rain soaks your dreams, a feeling of failure, a feeling of loss. Yet... There at the tail edge of the dream, the shadows smile at you, for you are not alone. Not anymore.

The cold eyes and monolith make me think Others and the Wall, but the rest doesn't quite fit so I don't know.