Vote tally - Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)

Adhoc vote count started by inquisition on Sep 30, 2021 at 12:42 AM, finished with 58 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)
Post #758
Post #815


  • [X] Plan: Hammer to Build, Hammer to Flatten
    -[X] Trade Agreements - House Massarde
    -[X] Repairing Fleet Manufacturing - Traditional Methods
    -[X] Exploitation of the Letom System
    -[X] Infiltration: Information is power
    --[X] Moskva
    -[X] Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper
    -[X] The Augurs - Request New Staff
    -[X] Personal Action
    --[X] Go Recruiting (Diplomacy)
    -[X] Major Tatiana Chernova
    --[X] Find and kill Commandant-General Natalia Izhmorskaya
    -[X] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov
    --[X] The Butcher's Bill - Rubble
    -[X] Colonel Daria Varyanova
    --[X] Modernization - R&D
    ---[X] Light Cruiser
    -[X] Naval R&D
    --[X] Heavy Cruiser
    ---[X] Atlas-class
    --[X] Frigate
    ---[X] Nagumo Inari-class
    -[X] Crisis: Preobrazhensky or Praetorian?
    --[X] Attempt to come to a negotiated settlement with the Guard's remainder to avoid bloodshed.
    --[X] Put the ringleaders on trial and disband the Guard
    [X] Plan A Slightly Different Hammer
    -[X] Trade Agreements - House Massarde
    -[X] Repairing Fleet Manufacturing - Traditional Methods
    -[X] Exploitation of the Letom System
    -[X] Infiltration: Information is power
    --[X] Moskva
    -[X] Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper
    -[X] The Augurs - Request New Staff
    -[X] Personal Action
    --[X] Go Recruiting (Diplomacy)
    -[X] Major Tatiana Chernova
    --[X] Find and kill Commandant-General Natalia Izhmorskaya
    -[X] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov
    --[X] The Butcher's Bill - Rubble
    -[X] Colonel Daria Varyanova
    --[X] Modernization - R&D
    ---[X] Light Cruiser
    -[X] Naval R&D
    --[X] Heavy Cruiser
    ---[X] Orel-class
    --[X] Frigate
    ---[X] Nagumo Inari-class
    -[X] Crisis: Preobrazhensky or Praetorian?
    --[X] Roll in the Army, casualties be damned. These traitors can't be given leeway.
    --[X] Execute the ringleaders of the revolt and disband the Guard.
    [X] Rurikovich Gotta Keep Grinding
    -[X] Trade Agreements - House Al-Mufti: Trade already exists between Houses Rurikovich and Al-Mufti, though with your regime recognized and accepted by your neighbor, we can attempt to expand trade agreements with the lords and corporate forces of Al-Mufti territory.
    -[X] The Armies of Rurik - Officer Corps: Ivan's putsch has cost the Army a great deal. In particular, a large number of experienced and capable officers were lost - either as traitors, or wounded/killed during the brief groundside battle. Lord Kiril, as a result, has recommended a "crash course" of sorts for this new, young officer corps that will, if not bring them up to their old standard, at least cover the worst of the problems.
    -[X] Repairing Fleet Manufacturing - Seizing the Means of Production: The destruction of Moskva's orbital shipbuilding during the battle was an unfortunate necessity - and now you have to deal with the aftermath. You will, instead of pouring valuable cash into building new shipyards, seize and convert civilian facilities. It might be far less popular, but it will be far cheaper and notably quicker.
    -[X] Exploitation of the Letom System: Kyiv and its star system Letom are part of the Rurikovich demesne, but its mining and extraction infrastructure are woefully out of date. Still, a great deal of material wealth might still be leveraged from the youngest Rurikovich world.
    -[X] Chistka - Purge the Military (Paranoid): The Guard isn't the only threat. There are traitors in the ranks of the Army too - and this cannot be tolerated. Unleash the Okhrana's military police sections to scour the ranks and liquidate ay traitors.
    -[X] Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper: Discovering the secrets of this enigmatic Vault is of paramount importance. Lord Nasarov is practically beside himself, and has taken this discovery to be a confirmation of his long-held beliefs: that humanity is not the only, or even the oldest, interstellar intelligent race. Whether he is right or not, the Vault is certainly interesting.
    -[X] Bioticist Heresy - Who are the Bioticists?: The Temple of the Immortal Cell, more commonly known as the Bioticists, are a new but rapidly-growing religion in the Periphery who, from what you understand, worship life itself and reject the divinity (and the existence) of the Primus. Grand Bishop Panin has asked you if it might be possible to send representatives to Mikhail and Norilsk, where they have established large congregations, to further understand this new threat to the hegemony of the Cult.
    -[X] Trade Agreements (Social Call) - House Massarde: Trade already exists between Houses Rurikovich and Massarde, though with your regime recognized and accepted by your neighbor, we can attempt to expand trade agreements with the lords and corporate forces of Al-Mufti territory. Tag along with your diplomatic team and visit with the Prince.
    -[X] Major Tatiana Chernova
    --[X] Aid Chistka - Purge the Military (Paranoid)
    -[X] Commodore Pyotr Chekhov
    --[X] Aid Khrabrost III - Dig Deeper
    -[X] Daria Varyanova, the Young Colonel:
    --[X] The Armies of Rurik - Rank and File: The casualties from the brief civil war have been high. Recruitment and training are necessary to replace the heavy losses suffered during the battle.