Vote tally - Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)

Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Jun 16, 2018 at 10:01 AM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)
Post #368
Post #380


  • [X] Plan: Live Bait
    -[X] Divide the fleet after the opening volley. This will be a more effective tactic for its intended distractive purpose, and it also prevents you from losing all of your ships at once to an ill-placed jump into the middle of an enemy formation.
    -[X] Are you insane, man? Keep the failsafes on, ships are too valuable to risk like that. (Ships will be more likely to come out of the battle intact, although it will give your ground forces less time.)
    -[X] The only battleship, the Gromoverzhets,which is simultaneously the best-protected and the biggest target. As Lord Kiril's flag, it also puts you close to the command center of the battle - and the center of the battle itself.
    [x] Divide the fleet after the opening volley. This will be a more effective tactic for its intended distractive purpose, and it also prevents you from losing all of your ships at once to an ill-placed jump into the middle of an enemy formation.
    [x] Are you insane, man? Keep the failsafes on, ships are too valuable to risk like that. (Ships will be more likely to come out of the battle intact, although it will give your ground forces less time.)
    [x] The only battleship, the Gromoverzhets, which is simultaneously the best-protected and the biggest target. As Lord Kiril's flag, it also puts you close to the command center of the battle - and the center of the battle itself.
    [X] Commit the fleets you have. It will almost certainly lead to casualties, but Ivan won't be able to do as much damage to the planet. (+2 PR with Dame Egonova, -2 PR with Baron Vladimir; once you have the throne back, the fleet will have fewer ships.)
    [x] Divide the fleet after the opening volley. This will be a more effective tactic for its intended distractive purpose, and it also prevents you from losing all of your ships at once to an ill-placed jump into the middle of an enemy formation.
    [X] Disable the failsafe's. Fortune favors the bold, and you need to buy as much time for Egonova's army as possible.
    [x] The only battleship, the Gromoverzhets, which is simultaneously the best-protected and the biggest target. As Lord Kiril's flag, it also puts you close to the command center of the battle - and the center of the battle itself.
    [x] Divide the fleet after the opening volley. This will be a more effective tactic for its intended distractive purpose, and it also prevents you from losing all of your ships at once to an ill-placed jump into the middle of an enemy formation.
    [X] Disable the failsafe's. Fortune favors the bold, and you need to buy as much time for Egonova's army as possible.
    [x] Return to the Varyag. It's your ship - and if you're being honest with yourself, its fast speed and smaller profile gives you the best chance of escape if the plan goes sideways.