Shattered Dream

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xianxian quest set in Canada
Shattering of a Dream
The Dawn of a New Era

Within this universe and the next exist multiple worlds. In this case the planet earth exists in this universe and was left largely undisturbed until the arrival of the outsiders. They sought forth to grow stronger, harvest resources of this new awakened planet yet they could not break forth the planets natural barrior which protected its inhabitants. So weak they had become to think that they reached such a state where they would be blocked by a mere new born planets awakening.

These Monsters would not wait a millennium for the planet to weaken from its life taking forth its power. They made the same mistake with the dragons, the foxes, the imperial court and countless other planets and now they rise above them like an ant to a god.

This time things will be different.

This world, they lent forth their power towards the planet. Allowing parts of themselves to be merged into the planet.

The planet overflowed with power causing forth the immediate arrival of qi onto planet earth year 1980

Chaos filled the world and the dark powers that be brought forth chaos yet amongst the rubble of the new era was the rise of the peace keeping force formed by the United Nations and they enforced laws upon all the land. Bringing law to the newly powered individuals called cultivators.

Yet the influx of power went not unnoticed by the universe and the powers that be.

Now they come to earth to sow forth the seeds of chaos rather then start a golden age.

Thus starts a new age of chaos on this newly awakened planet

Shattered Dreams
'The fire it… it burns'

You find yourself on the edge of sleep until you wake up to suddenly find a myriad of colours showing different shades of red. floating in an endless sea of red.

You seem ready to fall asleep just before and now you're here, staring into the endless red which seems to fill you with anger yet you manage to steel your self from being consumed by this insurmountable rage within.

You finally manage to wrestle control of your body which seems like forever yet once you do you open you eyes to find a giant crimson red eye staring at you.

You stare forth at the eye in its endless colors of red and it stares at you

You try to steel your self against the eye of endless rage yet fail to and find yourself being consumed by it. The endless anger filling you and memories filling your mind at a frightening pace.

You search deep into yourself and try to look for the memory you hold dearest. Anything to keep yourself sane your mind intact to resist this… thing.

What memories do you use to calm yourself down?

Your fathers martial training of you. your will of steel and iron which will not be broken!

[] The gardening you and you pare- dad have done till now, it was quite calming even if you saw your dad's eyes twitch a little at the beautiful lone rose, he plants alone.

[] Your force of will and personality! You are yourself and you will not be consumed in the face of overwhelming odds!

You manage to resist this malevolent thing attempt to invade your mind. Now you look all around you to find something… anything to help you out of this predicament.

What do you find with you?

a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?

[] a ruby necklace your mother wore… wait when did mother wear such an amulet?

[] a Red scarf with mouth for teeth and an eye of hunger

'Shit, none of this will help me'

You look back to the eye of endless hunger and it's not going away anytime soon. You look all around you for anything to help you out of your predicament and you sight three figures which seem to be calling out to you, as if offering you aid, yet what are their reasons?

'ah shit, it doesn't matter if I'm dead' you think to yourself before finally willing yourself to commit to something in your final moments of desperation.

You know not their names yet seeing their existence their name comes to you anyway in the form of meaning.

"You their, help me" you say, your voice seeming meek and small yet the things goes to your aid at frightening speeds. Seemingly attaching themselves to your very being which causes you to scream.

What do you seek the aid of?

[] Seek the patron god of beast
, long chained and sealed he may be but he can offer you aid with its meek powers it has. Perhaps even rise.

[] Seek the Devil of Bargains: he will give you power to chain forth the eye of searing hatred. Allow you to bind it to yourself and control it, but it comes at a price. A place in your soul for the devil to reside in

[] Seek the seed of growth: this fills yourself with a sense of calm just by looking at it. You feel safe with this seed. Calming and relaxing yet… this is not you.

English is not my first language. please feel free to call me out on some spelling mistakes or ways to improve my writing.

also this is set in Canada if you don't know so... yeah 2015

also the mechanics and story and general setting will be explained after this but think of this part as the building blocks for the story. cultivation will be explained when we encounter it as a mortal but for no you will most likely be thumbing around as a 'cultivator'.

my first quest and i just hope this doesn't crash and burn. just place an [X] in brackets to vote and as always would enjoy discussion. Boost my self confidence.

not going to lie, this shares elements with forge of destiny but I tried to make it my own quest.

also tell me if you feel like their are tags I need to add.

anyways hope you enjoy the quest. will most likely lock up votes this coming Friday or saturday.
Cultivation Mechanics
Cultivation Mechanics

Cultivation can be compared to fishing. Some people meditate cast large nets which catch all the fish in the world while the simple fishermen alone in a lake can only hope to catch the few fish, they can with their meager fishing rods. This is the difference between cultivators with high talents and cultivators with low talents.

While you struggle to catch the few fish you can you will see many surpass you. casually catching all the qi that gets into their nets. You aren't talented and you never will be. How will you differentiate on you path as a small fish in this new world?

Ok, onto mechanics. You as a mere upstart in this strange world will most likely find your dice pool limited which will be revealed once cultivation is discovered. You are AN UPSTART. A person new to cultivation with no real family background to aid in cultivation matters except your dad and his few connections. This will reflect with your small dice number with relatively low dice count. Fear not however for you have your chosen treasures at the start of the game which you will slowly unlock the secrets of one by one which will hopefully grant you the boost you need to be the xianxia protagonist you always knew you were even with your meager dice rolls.

Whenever you roll for cultivation you will start out with 4 dice because 3 of the other ones were consumed and used by the seed to suck up more qi from the surroundings. Dice rolls number is decided by the area you decide to cultivate in, the amount of time one cultivates for, and finally the elixirs and pill a person takes. What this means is that in general without any cultivating bonus benefits you will roll 4 d5 dices when cultivating anywhere on earth due to the low qi on earth. The dice roll number however can be increased for example like cultivating in an area with high qi may allow you cultivate with 4 d20 dice.

In general, you won't see the amount of dice you accumulate go any higher without the benefits of treasures or truly a lucky encounter. You will always have to go to the extremes in general to cultivate and catch up to your pears as your cultivation talent is in general low as one can see with your meagre 4 dice talent.

With the exception of pills, elixirs, and other things which may increase dice amount temporarily. Increasing base amount if dice you have for cultivation will be harder then simply boosting the range your dice can roll.

Essentially our character has a talent level of 4 allowing forth for her to roll up to 4 dice naturally for any cultivation related activity. Now talents for other humans range from 1 – 10 but for other beings such as dragons can have talent levels of 20! But we'll talk about other species for another time when need be

Now onto requirements for breakthrough to the next realm of cultivation mechanics. If you looked under skills, you'll have noticed Qi sense, Qi strengthen body, Qi Fortification, and Qi Speed. These skills unlike other skills have 3 ranks in them when you level them up. Early stage, Middle Stage, Peak Stage. for every rank you gain in the skill counts as a permanent dice or stat number for that. Example, half way through middle rank mortal in the skill qi strengthening, since I have previous rank in early stage completed.

This will be the general system until mortal ascendant and that should be when we the main character will be truly emerged into the cultivation world. That is of course IF we make it to that point. Will change system if I find it to unfair or to strong for the player character but in general things won't be in your favour you peasants. Also, qi reserves are not needed to be maxed to reach the next realm.

Mortal Realm: Max Level per cultivation skill 1, Extra health point, extra qi reserves.

[X][X][X][X] [A][A][A]

Mortal Practitioner Realm: Max Level per cultivation skill 2, Extra health point, Permanent Armour +1 to all physical attacks as body hardens to all attacks, extra qi reserves.

2 extra dice added to cultivation skills

[X][X][X][X][X] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [PA]

Mortal Elite Realm: Max Level per cultivation skill 3 Extra health point, Permanent Armour +2 to all physical attacks as body hardens to all attacks, extra qi reserves

3 extra dice added to cultivation skills

[X][X][X][X][X][X] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [PA]

Mortal Ascendant: Max Level per cultivation skill 4 Extra health point, extra qi reserves, Permanent Armour +3 to all physical attacks as body hardens to all attacks

4 extra dice added to cultivation skills

[X][X][X][X][X][X][X] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [A][A][A] [PA]

??? next realm coming soon

Please keep in mind the armour is something you don't get at the start of each realm, it's the benefits of completely ranking qi fortification skill to peak stage and you will have to level it to gain armour.

Legend for symbols of character health bar


[A]: natural qi armour which blocks physical attacks. May regenerate after fights depending on situation

[PA]: Permanent armour you gain as you fully level up to the next realm. Blocks physical damage of all physical attacks and decreases them by one.

Now finally how do you distinguish between cultivator levels. You do so at lower levels by either sensing their qi or seeing their limitations in combat. Mortal realm will be fixed to doing basic actions such as physical attacks or weapons, not much special. Mortal practitioners will be able to project their qi outside of themselves but is limited to weak skills. Mortal elite realm can in general have more powerful skills and can cause damage to their surroundings but in general is limited to do so by their qi reserves and finally mortal ascendant who is on the peak to becoming what is considered to truly making them an cultivator and is able to alter the surroundings with their skills and power without much qi restraint unless their doing something really big like lets say freezing a pond or river. Beyond is… lets talk about going beyond later alright if we ever make it there.

Now for the perks of each cultivation realm over the other. Not sure honestly but will come up with something later on. if I can't decide on anything ill just have it reward extra dice for ACTIONS and maybe CULTIVATION.

Now finally for breakthroughs. Alright I'll be honest here still thinking on it. Not sure yet but I am eyeing Forge of Destiny system really hard now. If anyone can suggest me a way to for breakthroughs to work is welcome to try. Heck I'm even thinking of allowing unstable breakthroughs where protag in a time constraint situation is forced to either try and breakthrough early and thus having an unstable breakthrough which require tribulation to fix but grants the strength of next stage. Anyway, still working out breakthrough mechanics and will probably come up with something later.

This will be the general leveling up realms to breakthrough. Unsure of what to do after 4th​ realm. Guess we'll see where the dice takes us mate if we ever reach that point, perhaps beyond but that would be a dream.

Finally, qi reserves. Qi reserves start out at 5/5 but most awakened HUMANS have 10/10 but 5 qi was eaten up by the seed. You can increase your qi reserves by cultivating qi reserves and leveling it up. For example, 0/3 qi reserves need 3 xp to get another qi point. Yeah, I'm copying forge of destiny system because fuck it this is hard, I just started working on it on Tuesday and now it's Saturday. For every time you raise your qi reserve by 1 you require an extra qi point to raise your qi. Like after raising it will not be 0/3 needed but 0/4 instead. Oh yeah surplus of cultivation will naturally be dumped into qi reserves to make things simple but I might surplus it to other cultivation skills if requested or I simply see it as better. Also qi reserves are used for qi related actions if you didn't notice like say summon fire bolt cost 3 qi for example.

Also other species cultivation. Their different from humans so don't expect like say a young dragon who is cultivation level mortal to be on even terms with a mortal human. Some species are naturally stronger then others and this goes double for humanity In general. I'm not going to get in the details of other species cultivation unless necessary like say you the MC encounter an other species [which they most likely will I mean it's CANADA] or I write a lore info side story for the readers but that is only if we ever make it to such a point.

This may be hard to read or understand so if you need clarifications feel free to ask me anything specific about the system and I will reply within reason. I'll also improve description for easier read later

Well then good luck catching up to those cultivators who have been cultivating their whole life 😊

Skills System
Skills System

Skills are divided into sections of a larger skill which will be used in actions which require said skill to be used. How this works is you will roll dice of d10s and each skill point counts as a dice for the action requiring said skills to be used to pass a skill check for said action. Levels are obtained by reaching the limit of skill points you can have in a skill which can be earned by gaining xp in said skill. This is my first quest and might change mechanics of system if need be or I find them unbalanced in certain area's. dice will be saved from previous skill points gained in a dice roll

skill points in a skill will be shown filling out an xp bar of brackets which each marked [X] will be a skill point and a / in a bracket will show needed skill points. Example: History: sub skill Dawn of a New Era: [X][/][/]. 0/1

Xp will be shown beside the skill life above for example to get a new skill point.

Ranks are shown as levels beside a skill and maybe a name if I feel like it. Dice count

The amount of xp needed to gain a skill point into a skill will be defined by me so I can make quick changes to the next level if I feel like the system is to hard or to easy

In general, though will start like this

Level 1: 0/3 Level 2: 0/5 Level 3: 0/6 Level 4: 0/8 level 5 0/10

Also, for every level gained in a skill increases the required skill points to rank up in said skill for the next level by one and starting levels at 0 will start with 3required skill points to level up

Level 0 [/][/][/] three required skill points

Level 1 [/][/][/][/] four required skill points

Level 2 [/][/][/][/][/] five required skill points

Level 3 [/][/][/][/][/][/] Six required skill points

You see the pattern now. Also, skill points from previous levels will e counted and saved as dice so no need to fret about it. I'll even list it below the skill.

More skills may be discovered and be pursued later on the story.

Combat Explained
Combat Explained

Combat will be handled in which our main character and her friends [if she has any] will commit to a certain action in combat as decided by me or by voters depending on the situation.

Turns and actions are decided by me but will mostly be dictated by me mostly but in general come down to Qi Speed and who is faster in a given situation. Now keep in mind certain situations may give benefits or debuffs in situations for the MC which may remove a skill point or in this case dice from the situation or decrease the over all sum of dice added together in combat for an action done.

Examples will be listed below

Slowed buff from magic:
2 skill point removal from qi speed

In mud: 3 skill point removal from qi speed

Skill points in qi speed are a stat which will determine who starts first in a given situation and thus will not be used to roll dice in a given situation although there is one exception which will be listed below

If I deem a character considerably faster then a character in a situation, they may very well gain a bonus to all actions in combat however as listed below but I haven't decided yet so that will remain blank until so.


Also bonuses for being a realm above a person by ??? and give extra dice by ???. still deciding how it works but their will be a bonus

Now onto actions in combat

someone votes for main girl to go up and punch typical xianxia villain. Well that will require her to roll her hand to hand to hand combat dice and skill points from qi strengthening will count as dice for such an action.

For every action in combat requires 1 or many more skills which will be pooled together to roll d10 dice to see if it surpasses enemy skill check to stop what their trying to do like dodge for example which roles dodge and body strengthening skill. Keep in mind cultivation skills use ranks as dice, NOT skill points.

Now onto health and damage.

Earleen starts with 4 Hit points instead of 3 like the average person because of martial background choosing at the beginning. For every action that succeeds will have specific action intended for succeeding in said action like say punch dude and it succeeds should remove 1 hit point from said person


Previous hit point of xianxia villain [X][X][X]

After successful punch to the face

Health point of xianxian villain after [X][X][/]

Lost 1 health point.

Now loose all your hit points you go unconscious, dead, or can't fight no longer depending on the situation like master vs MC or bandit vs MC, choose common sense of what happens if you lose in either situation

Now for qi fortification skill. I plan on having it be armour to physical attacks and will take damage it instead of health. Now this does not block all damage, for example it would not block poison damage and it would only partially block piercing damage.

Here's an example of armour [A]. and also different damage types and how to deal with them

List of Damage types I have come up with

Physical damage:
take health or armour away depending on action or skill used

Piercing Damage: pierces through armour and goes straight for health

Poison damage: goes right through armour and you roll poison resistance/tolerance dice to see if it successfully damages you or do any funky effects

Drug damage: goes right through armour and you roll drug resistance/tolerance dice to see if it successfully damages you or do any funky effects

May add more damage types later, thing of doing psychic damage but… I'm getting ahead of myself

Finally comes qi strengthening. This skill for every skill point adds it as dice to any physical action like exercise or punching xianxia villain n the face

And that's it for now

Now I might over haul the system to include bruising damage, hard damage, and lethal damage. This is ground work for much more in depth combat system in the future. Many things will be subject to change later. But expect only basic combat in general at the beginning so I have time. I'll explain later the mechanics when we first use them anyway

Anyways if theirs anything you need help understanding something or I'm missing something please feel free to tell me. First time doing something like this and I want to die yet feel oddly satisfied with finishing this.

honestly i feel like the systems can be better explained but I'm going to improve it later. oh yeah every time i use a new mechanic for the first time i'll explain it in depth so it should be fine​
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[X] The gardening you and you pare- dad have done till now, it was quite calming even if you saw your dad's eyes twitch a little at the beautiful lone rose, he plants alone.

[X] a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?

[X] Seek the seed of growth: this fills yourself with a sense of calm just by looking at it. You feel safe with this seed. Calming and relaxing yet… this is not you.
[X] The gardening you and you pare- dad have done till now, it was quite calming even if you saw your dad's eyes twitch a little at the beautiful lone rose, he plants alone.

[X] a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?

[X] Seek the seed of growth: this fills yourself with a sense of calm just by looking at it. You feel safe with this seed. Calming and relaxing yet… this is not you.
[X] Your fathers martial training of you. your will of steel and iron which will not be broken!
[X] a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?
[X] Seek the patron god of beast, long chained and sealed he may be but he can offer you aid with its meek powers it has. Perhaps even rise.
Earleen Dessier and Friends Character Sheet
Character Sheet of Earleen Dessier and Friends

Health: [X][X][X][X] [A]

Qi Reserves: 5/5 XP: 0/3

Dice talent for cultivation: 3

State of Earleen: Will list the characters mental and physical state and what bonuses and debuffs this grants to our character below

Headache from Alcohol: all dice in the physical world after being summed together will have 3 misused from it before performing the skill check.

Gained 1x The Searing Red Eyes Touch: lose control of yourself and the eye take control of you. for every time you are touched you will roll a dice in tough situations on whether to give yourself into the Searing Red Eyes touch and let it control you or resist it which will cause a dice roll of personality vs the amount of times the searing red eye has touched you dice. If you win you control the situation but if you lose the eye will take control of you and the eye is quite known to cause violence… also perhaps learn to draw upon the power.

Substance Tolerance: Ones natural ability to handle certain substances

Drugs [X]XP: 3/3[X]XP: 0/3[/]XP: 0/3 Level 0 XP: 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 2
Total dice roll: 2 + 0 = 2

Alcohol: [X]XP: 0/3[X]XP: 0/3[/]XP: 0/3 level 0 XP: 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 2
Total Dice Roll: 2 + 0 = 2

Poisons: [X]XP: 3/3[X]XP:3/3[/]0/3 Level 0 XP: 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 2
Total Dice Roll: 2 + 0 = 2





Human Laws of Earth:
[X]XP: 3/3[/]XP: 0/3[/]XP: 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0 Total Dice Roll: 1 + 0 = 1
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 1
Total Dice Roll: 1 + 0 = 1



Martial Combat


[/]XP: 0/5[/]XP: 0/5[/]XP: 0/5[/]XP: 0/5[/]XP: 0/5 level 2 XP 0/5,
Previous skill point count: 7
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 7 + 0 = 0

Hand to hand combat:
[/]XP: 0/6[/]XP:0/6[/]XP:0/6[/]XP: 0/6[/]XP: 0/6[/]XP: 0/6 Level 3 XP 0/6,
Previous skill point count: 12
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count
: 12 + 0

XP: 0/5[/]XP:0/5[/]XP:0/5[/]XP: 0/5 level 1 XP 0/5,
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3


Your dad allowed you to play with the guns he had when you were little and a really good girl.
[]XP: 0/5[]XP:0/5[]XP:0/5 []XP:0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3


Social Skills:
Earleen's ability to handle social situations and get what she want's when talking out with other people
Level 0[X]XP: 3/3 [X]XP:3/3 [/]XP:0/3 Level 0: XP 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 2
Total Dice Roll Count: 2 + 0 = 2

Personality: Your natural force of character. It is what all beings can sense from you whether large or small, cultivator or not. The higher this skill is the more expressive you can become. Show more then the base emotions and show others your true color. Also helps in keeping yourself who you are and as an intimidation skill if need be.
[]XP: 0/5 []XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3

Manipulation: Earleen's ability to naturally control people around her as well as social situations.
[X][/][\] Level 0[X]XP: 3/3 [/]XP:0/3 [/]XP:0/3 Level 0: XP 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 1
Total Dice Roll Count: 1 + 0 = 1

Etiquette: Knowing basic etiquette is a must in the cultivation world and the strange world beyond, yet you have lived the life of a normal girl [besides all the bad people trying to get you] away from society and most of it's problems and know little etiquette outside the norms of human society. This skill will branch out as more cultures and people are discovered to our character
[X][/][\] Level 0[X]XP: 3/3 [/]XP:0/3 [/]XP:0/3 Level 0: XP 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 1
Total Dice Roll Count: 1 + 0 = 1

Insight: The skill which determines ability to see what lies beneath the surface in situations one faces in the future. Detect hidden details in the surroundings and insight from situations.
[]XP: 0/5 []XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3


Earleen's knowledge in general surrounding history
[]XP: 0/5 []XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3

Research Skill
[X]XP: 3/3 [X]XP:3/3 [\]XP:0/3 Level 0: XP 0/3
Previous skill point count: 0
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 2
Total Dice Roll Count: 2 + 0 = 2

Flower Planting
XP: 0/5 []XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3
Tree Planting
XP: 0/5 []XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5[]XP: 0/5 Level 1 XP: 0/5
Previous skill point count: 3
Total dice gained from current visible skill points: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 3 + 0 = 3


Qi sense:
This skill is rolled when ever attempting to perceive something specific like say find a stalker and is rolled with insight check as dice.
Stage: Early Stage
XP: 0/5 [/]XP: 0/5 [\]XP: 0/5
Level 0 XP: 0/5
Rank Dice Count: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 0

Qi strengthen body: for every stage gained in this skill is counted as a dice added forth to any physical actions
Stage: Early Stage
XP: 0/5 [/]XP: 0/5 [/]XP: 0/5
Level 0 XP: 0/5
Rank Dice Count: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 0

Qi Fortification: a measure of one's natural physique hardened. Will be accounted for in combat and narrative situations. Mechanics wise this skill will per rank grant an extra armour slot to the main characters health bar.
Stage: Middle Stage
[/]XP:2/7 [/]XP: 0/7 [/]XP: 0/7
[/][/][/] Level 1 XP: 0/7
Rank Armour count: 1 Early stage completed,
Bonus Armour Gained: 1

Qi Speed: The skill that governs initiative of who starts what they want in a given situation of combat
Stage: Early Stage
[/]XP: 0/5 [/]XP: 0/5 [/]XP: 0/5
Level 0 XP: 0/5
Rank Dice: 0
Total Dice Roll Count: 0 + 0 =
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[X] Your fathers martial training of you. your will of steel and iron which will not be broken!
[X] a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?
[X] Seek the seed of growth: this fills yourself with a sense of calm just by looking at it. You feel safe with this seed. Calming and relaxing yet… this is not you.

So, I just like more the idea of someone that already knows a bit about fighting, but won't focus on fighting. As in, be ready, but don't start it.
[X] Your fathers martial training of you. your will of steel and iron which will not be broken!

[X] a bamboo canteen which seems filled with an endless sea of alcohol, wine, juices, and... your fathers brew?

Booze is always useful for bribes weather man or beast.

[X] Seek the patron god of beast, long chained and sealed he may be but he can offer you aid with its meek powers it has. Perhaps even rise.
Rough Wakening Part 1
The seed from which you call upon has already began to start embedding its self into your very being.

Like a small pebble cutting its way into you through sheer force!

The seed which offered forth such comfort and ease is INSIDE you right know!

It wriggles in through your body until it reaches what you feel to be the center of your very existence.

It expands forth from their and like a seed begins spreading forth it's roots in you like a seed to the ground

You find it hard to not loose your mind in all the pain and anger you're feeling right now. The roots feeling like sharp knives being cut into you all the while the Searing Red Eye of Pain staring you down from above. Ready to consume you at a moment notice and you feel ready to give up.

Yet you don't, you cling onto forth the memories of you and your dad being together, you practicing martial arts and hand to hand combat, the moments when he as so stern on you when training yet dropped the act later after training when he went out with you to get dessert for your hard work. he even let you play with the guns on the cabinet if you really improved. happy times when the world didn't seem out to kill you.

With this memory you manage to maintain a hold of yourself against the malevolent eye and the seeds sprouting roots cutting into you likes.

You hold on which seems to be forever. Until the seed's roots stop digging into you. it seems the seed has finally stopped and grants you a piece of calm. The storm is finally over and the pain long gone.

Yet amidst the feeling of serenity you hear a sound "SLUUUUUURP".

You open your eyes to see what is going on only to see forth your wort fears confirmed

'the seed… ITS EATING ME'

You watch as the roots suck up, you're very being and you begin to feel yourself weaken and have an endless hunger and thirst.

You can see the roots beneath your skin glowing, inside you as it slowly consumes you from the inside

You can barely keep yourself sane now as your hunger increases. Suddenly the red eye expanding its self and heading straight towards you!

You look all around for anything to help you get this dam seed of you yet find your self enamoured by a strange smell.

The bamboo canteen you thought to be useless radiates a smell of sweet honey. You find yourself unable to resist and drink gallon upon gallon of sweet liquids which slosh down your throat.

Dice roll for alcohol tolerance
dice roll for alcohol tolerance
Dice roll for alcohol tolerance

Ok here's a quick explanation of dice rolls of you haven't read mechanics section up on top. Here you receive 2 d10 dice because you have two skill points in alcohol tolerance. How did you get this? Because you kept swigging a bottle of your dads' liquor when you were young and… memories which you can't quite remember when young. You also gain die bonus from the seed as it consumes the alcohol that enters your system and gives you a 20 dice bonus as it literately rips into you to consume more. You however have to fight a skill check of 30 dice alcohol intoxication.

Numbers of dice rolled will only be high at the beginning to show the potential of these treasures you have gained if you can truly use them and not have them consume you. numbers will return to be meagre after this chapter unless against truly insane odds like an immortal or something.

Rolls for alcohol Tolerance: 9 + 4 = 13

Rolls for Seed Consumption: 20D10 => (3 +7 +1 +6 +8 +10 +6 +3 +6 +8 +7 +1 +7 +8 +5 +5 +9 +2 +4 +4) = 110

Rolls for Alcohol Intoxity: 30D10 => (4 +5 +7 +1 +5 +4 +3 +2 +6 +1 +8 +2 +2 +5 +9 +1 +6 +10 +9 +8 +10 +5 +9 +8 +7 +9 +6 +10 +8 +8) = 178

110 +13 – 178 = -65 FAIL. You will wake up with an extreme head ache: minus 3 from dice roll after being summed together for the week. Increase roll by 20 for cultivation in the near future from drinking of alcohol bonus

You continue chugging down the alcohol down your throat like there is no tomorrow even after the seed begins to settle down and no longer feel like it's eating into your very being.

Yet you continue chugging down more alcohol into you, until you are quite sure you will literally about to burst and you stop before reaching that point.

The seed you find inside you has seemed to have settled down and you look back at your last problem as you put back your bamboo canteen… somewhere inside you as it fades into you.

The dam evil looking red eye is still looking at you and the moment you lock eyes with it you begin to feel your blood boiling, your anger rising, and you losing control of yourself as the eye seems to exert some power over you.

You feel your eyes burning as you look upon the menacing eye and begin to see red.

The once endless sea of colours and red which once surrounded you now only turns pitch blood red, no color variation amidst the sea except you and the eye.

you try your hardest to keep yourself sane yet your efforts futile as you begin to lose consciousness.

You think of your regrets of dying and your last thoughts as you begin to find yourself sinking into the endless sea of red.

'I'm sorry dad, seems I couldn't live up to the strong daughter you raised me up to be'




You begin to hear something in your thoughts which seems to disturb your final eternal slumber under the red searing eye and think on where to look, who Is their who could grant you piece of mind?


You hear the equivalent to a scream in your mind. You look all around you to find the source and find that the surroundings are no longer an endless sea of red but a clear eternally grand sky open for you to see with clouds and pure white sky.

You find the voice not in the sky and look downwards but see not an eternal red eye looking up at you as if ready to consume you but a barren land.

The barren land you stand upon is small and ha no life yet you feel as though with a bit of effort you can turn

The land you find seems to be floating in what you sense to be an endless sea of energy glowing pure white all around the island.

You look all around and all seems to look the same, an endless sea of strange white energy surrounding the barren island you stand upon, an endless blue sky that stands above you, and finally the barren land which you stand upon. Nothing but barren dirt and nothing else.

You aren't sure what to do but find yourself staring up at the endless sky. You don't know why but you wonder if you can one day stand over everything else and prove your strength to no longer be weak, to no longer be your father's weakness but his equal as well.

You think of this and set it out to be one of your ambitions, all those bad people who caused dad pain would suffer under my hand!


You begin to hear a faint voice but it no longer seems to come forth from your thoughts but from the center of the barren land mass and from what seems to be a freshly dug up piece of land covering forth something.

You look upon the source of the voice and wonder hat you are supposed to do, are you going crazy or-


You hear forth the voice from the ground as it rings forth to every part of your body. The voice sounding androgynous yet powerful.

"who are you?", you ask looking down to the source of the voice, the freshly new piece of dirt covering something

You are met with silence and for a moment and for a moment you begin to doubt yourself that you may be hearing things. Yet the voice returned once more with more to


Your thoughts are in a stir, your mind hurts at dissecting the… Seeds words but get the jest of it. It is a seed of creation which is supposed to bring out it's creators' creations but their no longer around, whoever the masters they may be you understand them to be beings of power. Now this seed seeks to fulfil it's purpose of filling forth existence with creation as serves its purpose

You understand this through the meaning vastly compressed into the words, as though the information in it was immediately transported to your head yet.

Yet you can't seem to understand the question the seed asked you 'Is that your ambition?'.


The seed pauses to let you process the information before it continues


Your mind before felt like a stir but now it feels like a sledge hammer to your brain. It hurts so much but you hold strong realizing the things word, it can grant power.

You steel yourself as the pain in your head worsens yet continue on as you must ask forth this question.

"You can grant me strength!" you answer with eyes of disbelief as you remember all the times you were weak, all the times father had to protect you. if this thing can grant you strength, then no longer will you be fathers' weakness!


Your thoughts begin to spin more and more and your mind begins to feel like it's on fire but you don't care, a chance for strength! You will pursue this chance to no longer be weak, your fathers martial training of you wasn't for nothing!

"So do I just say my ambitions for strength and then reason and then you'll grant me the power I so desire?" you ask pained as you begin to feel your body burn yet ignore the pain for this one chance to be strong, to grasp forth your first opportunity after dwelling in weakness for so long!


The seed pauses, giving you a moment to fully understand. Dam, the seed can't grant you power and it may lead to your death. You think for a moment that maybe living is better than death but your thoughts finally drift off to the what the thing offered you, a chance for strength.

You think back on your life, everything went to hell pretty quickly after those bad people began to chase you and your dad down. From your hometown in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and now here in Ontario Mississauga city, to seek protection from your father's friends.

Your father always spoke of the powers that be getting the powers they have by being lucky and hard working, always grasping CHANCES.

You think back and search every memory, you never had and special chance encounter. No lucky divine intervention to give you the power you so desired.

You never had a chance to improve your situation, to improve yourself and gain power.

You ponder on this for a moment, what use is it to live if you can never improve your shitty life. You never had it before but now it's right in front of you like in all those stories of the protagonist gaining a power up.

Now is the time to improve yourself, to prove forth your efforts to improve yourself through you fathers martial training of you were no waste, you are his daughter and have his flesh and blood. You will grow as strong as your father

"Heh, what sort of shitty question is that oh omnipotent one," you say in a self mocking voice yet laugh pathetically. "your apart of me, you know there is no point in living the shitty life that is mine in my current situation, don't mock my will." You say viciously as you glare daggers with strange seed in the ground glowing.

Your blood feels like it is boiling now but you don't care, it's fly or die

"Now tell me you dammed son of a bitch, how do I do the chant" you say as you fall to the ground, the world seemingly growing redder and redder slowly.


The seed pauses to give you a moment to absorb said information


Your mind begins to spin, you can grow stronger for doing something so simple. Just a little chant of your desire for strength and your reason and you can have the chance for growth

You begin to think on all the possible reason, so many reasons for why you desire strength and you can only choose one. You think of all the possible reasons and thi-

The world around you begins to tear it's self asunder as the world grows red and what seems to be a crack opens up in the once blue-sky turning red.

You look and see forth an eye of red menacing blood, looking down on you from up high above.

Your body begins to feel like fire once more but quadruple the pain. You once again try to resist the eye's influence over you but once again fail to do so.

'maybe I'm just not cut out for the path of strength the seed sid I would go, maybe-"


You think upon the seed's words, 'No I'm not'. At this point you find yourself screaming your thoughts into words.

"I will not abandon forth the path I so dearly wish to walk down, my will for strength to pursue my desire" your thoughts are in disarray, your mind and body boiling and you see the land your on is on fire yet still manage to get your last words out "FOR STRENGTH TO NO LONGER BE WEAK!" you scream out as your writhing in agony on fire.

You stand up despite the pain and look the seed in the eye saying forth your chant, it's now or never. Your first chance to improve yourself, if you can't grasp this then you'll never grow strong to be like your dad and go even further beyond!

You begin to say forth your chant standing up despite the pain

"I am growth, I may fall, bleed, beaten down by those on top but I will never die giving up. Although I'm weak now I will never stop trying, trying to reach even further my limit and improving my self." You think on your reason

What is your motivation to continue forward, striving for strength?

[] You think back to the memory of your father, his martial training he gave you till now, every wound he suffered because he was cornered like a dog because of his desire to protect his treasure, his daughter, you. the way he looked at you, his face of happiness as he looked back at you unharmed despite his injuries, you think back and remember each moment of those times, your one wish, to be even stronger. "and maybe one day," you think back to the memories of horror you had when you were younger as your dad returned to you injured because he had to protect you instead of going all out and trashing those bastards, his cyber kinetic leg which replaced his left leg after tanking an explosion for you, The powerlessness you felt that day and now think upon what you could do with the power the seed offers, " just maybe dad can smile at me after trashing those bastards but this time, with you by his side as equals crushing anyone who would dare try to hurt your precious family"

[] For my mother who although I can remember very little of you remember one scene the most, you sitting with your mother amidst field of flowers and roses. "For memories long since passed, the women my father loved, I will find out the truth of my mother and those red robed bastards and decide forth from their what I am to do with what I have left"

[] For revenge against all those people who have wronged your family. "For revenge against all those who have wronged my family". You think back to your earliest memories, times when things were at first normal between your father and you until those bad people came. People looking to hurt you and your father and hurt your friends in the process. The isolation as you felt kids from the school begin to fear you, fearing they would be hurt next just by you existing. The constant moving you and your father had to under-go from place to place. The despair, isolation, hatred, the weakness you felt those days. "every single one of them will be crushed by my hand, they will pay for the suffering I've had to endure this life!".

This is more of a narrative choice, not a skill-based choice or grant you treasures. This choice will affect forth MC drive and partly her personality

Oh yes and to name our protagonist, please keep in mind this is xianxia/wuxia Canada so please don't make an unreasonable name like Fatty Chao or something like that. Here a few choices and write-ins are acceptable if they get enough votes. Also remember mc is female because I felt like writing a female character after my failed attempt to write a novel when I realized it's shit.

[] Earleen Dessier Author note: honestly prefer this name.

[] Bazel Sharlit

[] Aria Shen

[] Write-in: Please remember this is WUXIA/XIANXIA CANADA, please don't make unreasonable names

Authors note: Feel free to tell me on mistakes I made in writing this, still relatively new to this all and would love to see my self improve as I write this.
my god this took autisticly long. started at 10 and now its 1:39 AM.

I never knew how hard it is to develop forth a system for this as well

I feel so autistic right now yet oddly satisfied.

anyway I will also be posting mechanics soon and her character sheet and then will do the dishes. thx for reading anyone who is looking at this
Bloody hell, I know the character sheet looks horrendous but it's 2 pm here in Canada and im cold and still need to do the dishes. I'll make any corrections tomorrow. peace, now off to do the dishes
[X] For my mother who although I can remember very little of you remember one scene the most, you sitting with your mother amidst field of flowers and roses. "For memories long since passed, the women my father loved, I will find out the truth of my mother and those red robed bastards and decide forth from their what I am to do with what I have left"
[X] Earleen Dessier

[X] For my mother who although I can remember very little of you remember one scene the most, you sitting with your mother amidst field of flowers and roses. "For memories long since passed, the women my father loved, I will find out the truth of my mother and those red robed bastards and decide forth from their what I am to do with what I have left"
[X] Earleen Dessier
[X] For my mother who although I can remember very little of you remember one scene the most, you sitting with your mother amidst field of flowers and roses. "For memories long since passed, the women my father loved, I will find out the truth of my mother and those red robed bastards and decide forth from their what I am to do with what I have left"
[X] Sarah Paxion

Just a little try at the name. Also, this was really cool, although we can see your english fault at times, don't worry too much, you'll get better. On this same note, when you use their is wrong, it should be there. Usage of their: this is their house, where all these people live. Usage of there: there has been terrible news in the television.
[X] You think back to the memory of your father, his martial training he gave you till now, every wound he suffered because he was cornered like a dog because of his desire to protect his treasure, his daughter, you. the way he looked at you, his face of happiness as he looked back at you unharmed despite his injuries, you think back and remember each moment of those times, your one wish, to be even stronger. "and maybe one day," you think back to the memories of horror you had when you were younger as your dad returned to you injured because he had to protect you instead of going all out and trashing those bastards, his cyber kinetic leg which replaced his left leg after tanking an explosion for you, The powerlessness you felt that day and now think upon what you could do with the power the seed offers, " just maybe dad can smile at me after trashing those bastards but this time, with you by his side as equals crushing anyone who would dare try to hurt your precious family"
[X] Earleen Dessier
Crafting Options

Drinks which can give a variety of effects, both good and bad.
Pills which can give a variety of effects, both good and bad.
The art of creating food meant to be eaten, effects vary.
The art of engraving symbols with meaning and power into materials or items and giving it forth magical effects .
The creation of small items with some magical effect. often minor.
Automaton Creations
The creation of a machine powered by qi and is a mesh of Runes and and formations to fulfill the task the automaton was created for. Recipes on how to make such devices are heavily guarded by craftsmen.
The art of using Formations but instead of causing forth magical effects summon forth a being. Few approve of the use of this art.
A branch of runes in which a person embeds a tattoo on themselves or someone else to place a magical effect on them. Not illegal to use but is looked upon as an art to be under careful watch by the powers that be.
Considered a lesser art of alchemy, pill crafting, and elixir production this art has one use potent spiritual materials and burn it to create forth a cloud of smoke to spread around a room to be shared among those in the room. Thus all of them gaining the benefits of the incense inhaled into their bodies. The popular Incense are often the ones which allow forth for increased cultivation dice range but prices vary from place to place. Helpful for raising many, fails to raise the one.
Tarot Cards
??? Just in case
??? Just in case
??? Just in case
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Humm... Find it very interesting in this layout for new stuff. Will you be adding on your own the missions, or will it be things decided by vote? In any/both cases, can we give opinions on missions we think that matter for the char/ we think he is already or should be pursuing?
Humm... Find it very interesting in this layout for new stuff. Will you be adding on your own the missions, or will it be things decided by vote? In any/both cases, can we give opinions on missions we think that matter for the char/ we think he is already or should be pursuing?

I will divide missions and task by requested or offered task by others or other factions which the players can look back to and choose to do said task or mission for the person or faction should the the players vote to do mision and this specific mission. Yes I will add missions and task the player can undergo but is also able to choose to ignore or do if voted for like "[]Do mission: investigate strange activity here"

So in short yes I will add missions on my own depending on narritive and context but it will be up to the voters to decide what is important and if said mission or task is worth doing or yield to little rewards or is given to player by suspicous person or factions

Anyway I don't think missions and task will be used much as the Mc girl is 14 and state sponsored/sect won't be joined outright because most human EARTH cultivators have been deemed to start at the age of 16 by big goverment and if you looked at Earleens dice talent it ain't high but shit as it's a 3 but she gets a head start against others by 2 years and has strange treasures which will be elaborated on later. Guess what I'm trying to say is Mc girl is 14 and will be going to a regular school starting at grade 9 while cultivating so she won't get much offers to do missions. So it's 2 years away before going to state sponsored school normally.

Also yes you can give your opinion on missions and which to pursue or view as important.
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Rough Wakening Part 2
Rough Awakening Part 2

Authors Note: Ok this chapter may feel a bit weird but that's because mid way I realized something wrong. I kept referring to Earleen as 'you' and after reading some quest realized your supposed to describe the characters actions. WOW MIND BLOWN. Yeah, I know I feel retarded but meh I ended up changing a lot and I realized describing Earleen was hard because I don't really know how to write her reactions in such an insane situation. Any how I was just going to inform you that Earleen will be described better from here on as I realized putting her into a fantastical situation from the get go may not be the best idea. From this chapter forward her decisions will shape much of her personality as all she really desires now is the truth, power, and a way for her to find happiness which isn't much to build on for a character. This chapter will feel out of place and I felt shit writing it but after this I will write chapters with more direction. Should have gone for simple beginnings easier than weird fantastical situations without developing her character.

I'm really close to dropping the quest but fuck it. I made it all the way here, might as well see if this quest crashes and burns all the way through.

Anyway, I feel like I wrote some awful gay fanfiction between harry potter and joe joe but after this chapter I promise it will get better with more direction… hopefully.

Hope you enjoy!!!

Alright, here's some context I failed to offer at the beginning of the story.

You are Earleen, daughter of Ezrin Dessier. You lived a fairly normal life in Xianxia Canada until everything went to hell as cultist serving The Red Searing Eye came in and pursued you and your father.

Earleen and her dad abandoned their home in Edmonton as they fled the province of Alberta and settled down for a while in the province of Ontario, settling down in a small apartment in Mississauga.

This small sense of peace however was not meant to be however as the cultist managed to track Earleen and her dad down causing them to run of to the country side, staying at an in n for the night and deciding where to go for the night.

That is when you have your strange dream and where the story starts, you burning in an endless red sea.


For my mother who although I can remember very little of you remember one scene the most, you sitting with your mother amidst field of flowers and roses. "For memories long since passed, the women my father loved, I will find out the truth of my mother and those red robed bastards and decide forth from their what I am to do with what I have left"

Earleen says with the utmost passion she has in her heart.

As Earleen said forth her chant she spotted on the corner of her eye a small plant sprouts forth from the ground shining a vibrant green energy of refreshing qi.

The once barren dirt surrounding the plant turning into a rich dark brown which looks fertile. The once barren land turns into a vibrant rich fertile land and the once chaotic sea of red energy surrounding the new land turns once more into pure white calm energy.

The most noticeable change Earleen spotted however was the sky, no longer a bleak crimson red but once again a bright blue sky which brings a sense of calm over her.

Yet Earleen knew it was not over yet, within the bright blue sky lied a crack, one big enough for Earleen to notice it was red with a red eye staring out at her.

It gave her shivers down her spine, telling her this was not the end of things.


Earleen began to turn cold. She knew what the seeds words meant instinctively which caused her to clench her chest fiercely where she felt 5 lights gather energy into her. The soul gathering nets... they were what would allow her to get stronger, yet she had to lose

two of them to awaken, it made her feel bitter with her rotten fortune.

her talent was average at best and she knew that. It was only a mere five, 'to sacrifice 2 soul gathering nets would leave me with a talent level of three. Is it truly wort-"


The seed pauses as to allow Earleen to absorb forth the information


She hated it, once again being powerless once again and gaining such shit fortunes.

As much as Earleen hated it she knew the seed was right. Sacrificing two soul gathering nets for her life was the right decision yet it still caused her to feel bitter at the idea

"Alright you win, now tell me how do I sacrifice two talents to you?" Earleen said back to the sprout, her tongue still tasting bitter from sporting such words.


Earleen looked to her chest. She felt the small amounts of energy the seed was giving her flow into what she assumed was her soul gathering net.

She knew what she had to do.

Earleen grabbed forth into her chest what felt like warm lights which granted her strength and stability and tore it out of her chest. Causing her immense pain like tearing of flesh which would never grow back.

Earleen gave one look at the two lights in her hand gathering the energy around it into its self with one look of pity before casting it aside, digging into the newly fertile ground and pressing it forth into the land.

The two lights which seemed so bright seemed to dim bit by bit as Earleen covered it with dirt, sealing it into the ground which even after doing so she still felt its presence.

The two lights dimmed until she could no longer see the to glowing circle in the ground or feel its presence no longer, Earleen knew not how she had the knowledge but she knew it was gone and with it her two talents

Two Talents lost: original talent = 5, New talent is 3

The land around her which looked fertile began to glow with what felt a refreshing green energy. From the fertile land came forth grass which covered the once empty land all over and Earleen looked to the location of the voice that was the seed at the center of the island.

What Earleen saw a large plant like structure which looked nothing like any plant she knew. Simply a large lump of stem shot from the ground with small green branches spreading forth from it. No distinguishable features she could note from the plant like structure that was the seed yet she felt what seemed to be the dormant power within the seed slowly crack. Allowing forth it to escape into the surroundings and let her feel a glimpse of the power that was within the seed.

She wanted that power so badly.


The seed responded to her thoughts which caused her to flinch. 'Is this what it meant by both of them being one', she thought.


The seeds voice rang like a large scream into her very being. She felt immediately the immense energy released by the seed till now to be a joke compared to what she felt now.

Everything around her seemed to be so alive now with the vibrant energy being released from the seed.

With this she knew she could awaken in a short amount of time it would usually take a talent 10 or above with materials which should cost a fortune to someone liker her.

Thus, Earleen began to cultivate while sitting in full lotus position her father taught her when she was younger.

Roll cultivation dice to awaken

Roll for Awakening
Mechanics: Alright cultivation time essentially you previously had 5 talents but no you have three because you sacrificed 2 for the ability to awaken early by unlock some of the power within the seed to awaken much faster. This giving an increased dice size or range by 20 to your dice rolls. Since you are now a talent 3 the way awakening works is that you gather qi into yourself until your body I forcefully awakened. How much now? Well take your talent number and use it to divide 100. 100/3 = 33 rounded which means Mc girl must gather 33 qi into herself to awaken. Now here comes the rolling for cultivation system. Since you're a talent 3 this means you have 3 soul gathering nets which will be used to gather qi and cultivate. This means you will only have 3 dice to roll whenever you cultivate. Yes, you heard me right THREE DICE TO CULTIVE WITH. Now their will be ways to increase your dice roll SIZE/RANGE meaning instead of rolling a dirt 3d5 you roll say 3d20 in a high qi saturated but that's about as much you should expect, well for the first 2 years for reasons which will be explained later. Anyway, increasing one's talent means increasing one's dice to cultivate which isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Generally, I'm trying to say don't expect some divine fortune to fall out of the sky unless you do something pretty… drastic in this 2 year which MAYBE something will happen but don't expect divine fortune mate is what I'm saying. Anyway, now to cultivate.

You will role 3 dice with an increased dice roll size by 20 granted by the power flowing from the depths of the seed.

Here we go.

Bonuses: 20 from the seed, Total dice range/size is 20

Cultivation Awakening Roll: 3D20 => (13 +17 +20) = 50 Success

Awakening: 50/33 Awakening complete and a success

17 Qi Extra

You have Awakened as a mortal

Ok wow now that is a high number especially for your three talent, I was going to give you ' Gained 1x The Searing Red Eyes Touch' by The Red Searing eye because you failed to awaken on the spot but well wow, guess not. Just for that I'm going to allow you guys to choose how to distribute the points qi XP into CULTIVATION SKILLS, NOT ANY OTHER SKILLS. If none want to decide on any then I'll just dump it into qi strengthening skill when she cultivates again.

This will be how it is in general with any extra qi XP gained in which I or the voters decide how to distribute the extra XP gained from cultivating.

Yes I basically decided to copy this part of the system from Forge of Destiny, I won't hide that but I simply didn't want to decide how much XP to give as a new quest master and just decided leaving it to the fate of the dice will be much easier and cause me less stress on how much XP to give out and forge of destiny had a cleaner and easier system for me to use. Now back to the story
Earleen began to… will the energy circulate the energy throughout her body just as the seed had told her to do which actually worked. It caused her immense pain to undergo such a process as she felt the energy flow through her, opening places she didn't know exist and expanding her senses and capabilities of her body as she filled it with such refreshing energy which always calmed her down before succumbing to the pain.

'Were these the channels the seed was talking about?', Earleen thought. She felt the energy the seed gave her flow through what felt like small little straw being forcefully opened after being crushed by the rushing water which entered through it.

It felt painful for these small plastic-like tubes insider her to be so forcefully opened, especially so fast yet refreshing in a way as the energy inside her began to flow through the rest of her body, giving her a sense of calm and peace.

Time was something Earleen eventually lost count of, continued to will forth this energy into her, letting it flow into her body and opening up the small little tubes in her body as it did, letting it reach all parts of her body from head to toe and from her arm to the tip of her fingers.

This process went on for what seemingly lasted mere moments for her in this time of clarity for her.

It went on until Earleen could feel she had opened up the entirety of her body to which she felt the energy coursing through her entire being. Feeling the amount of energy that flowed through her… so much power yet she could not use it nor access it.

'I want that', were Earleen's silent thoughts when she reflected on what she could do with such power, the answers she could get, and finally decide for herself with none to cloud her path.

"And you will wield such power if you continue the path of cultivation, the path of strength! Congratulations on your quick awakening"

Earleen almost leaped out of her full lotus sitting position at the sudden intrusion into her thoughts as she heard the seed's voice not screaming which did not seem to come from the large stem like plant stub shooting the ground so she looked all around getting out of her sitting position.

What she saw was the land around her covered in a beautiful grassy plain. The land around her filled to the brim of life, filled with the energy she used to awaken herself.

She looked around once more and saw the once white watery oceans of energy had turned to what seemed like water around the small grass land she was on.

Finally, Earleen looked towards the sky and she saw an endless blue sky, it mesmerized her and she felt her entire surroundings to be beautifully shaped. Most importantly there was no red crack with an eye threatening to kill her which caused her some relief.

She felt it all pass through her vision and it felt to her as though everything here was what she wanted, the peace of mind to think things through and decide for herself what she wanted.

"And this is all yours and I to inherit should you grow strong enough and cultivate."

Once again, the voice interrupted her thoughts, this time she noticed the seeds voice no longer ran through out her entire being but it was calm.

Earleen looked around once again yet found no sign of where the voice came from.

"Do not look around mortal for I am apart of you now, look into yourself and you will find me."

Earleen once again was a little perturbed by the sudden voice of the seed yet she did as the seed asked and looked into herself.

She didn't know how exactly to look into herself so instead circulated energy through out her body to feel for the seed and found it. She felt the seeds little lump in her with her other three soul gathering nets and from it roots which spread throughout her channels and straw like structures through out her entire body

'Was the seeds voice coming from with my mind', Earleen thought.

"You are correct in your assumption. Anyhow me and you are now soul bonded and we shall both grow alongside each other till your end."

The final words of the seed unsettled Earleen a little bit but she ignored it in favour of getting answers from the seed on the situation.

"Who are you? What is this place? What is that eye thing? Why am I-"

"Here?" The seed locks buts in to Earleen final question, finishing it before she can say it out loud to question the seed on her situation

"Well first, I am as I told you. A seed of creation waiting to be opened up by a master cultivator to bring about creation to my master's desire, I have gained some human traits due to our bond. Second this place is your own inner world. Most of your fellow humans can't contact this place until 3rd​ stage and those that can do so with little effect but I have allowed you to access it prematurely for self reflection and to awaken yourself through my power to save yourself and I as when you die my existence ends with you a well."

The seed pauses, allowing Earleen to absorb said information.

"For your third question on The Red Searing Eye I cannot answer. I was born from creation but did not witness what happened in it after it's formation. I do know however that eye was looking to absorb you into it's very being. Like an escaped lamb which ran from it's mother it seeks to make one with you once more, calling towards you through the mark it laid upon your very being long before this time."

"Wait what mark?"

"I was getting to that, the eye placed a marking on your soul which would naturally have you call to it, that is why you were here in the void right now actually. The reason for your marking I do not know but only know it was placed on you when you were young. Circulate your qi around the largest light in your chest, that is your soul. You will see for yourself the markings."

Earleen did as the seed asked, she followed it this far, why stop now?

Earleen began to circulate the energy around her the largest light in her chest, her soul. She did so and felt nothing strange until she noticed something off on her soul. She touched upon it with the energy she circulated around her soul and it reacted violently, exploding a flare of red energy into her body which was only stopped by the seed's roots covering it over and absorbing the energy.

"See now child?" The seed asked in a dead tone voice before continuing. "you are marked by it and will always be connected to the eye. You only escaped it's grasp by forcefully awakening yourself at the cost of two of your talents. This however does not end the eyes influence over you. it will always continue to call for you and should you lose control of your emotions and sense of self the eye will posses you in the waking world and you will fall under it's control for a time, although I know little of the eye I know it's nature is to be violent which scanning from your memories… would not be good for you in your world as you would attack anyone you see"

The seed stops talking for a moment as to allow Earleen to absorb what she just heard now.

"Now for your final question," The seed continues not allowing Earleen time to respond back. "This place is your inner world. The place that lies within the depths of your soul which will reflect your inner state mental mind and the decisions you make on your path to power as you cultivate. In a sense this world is your true self. A blank canvas with potential despite how small your talent may be."

Earleen's mind went blank. The information she just learned seemed overwhelming she was apparently in the void because she was called forth by a mark of magic placed on her soul when she was young by the red evil eye thing. She called for help from this seed thing and now it has bonded with her which while giving her power and allowed her to awaken and have control of her own world… this place was a reflection of her. A blank canvas for her. It was all hard to take in.

Yet two more questions came up into her mind, who were the other two beings up their in the red sea of the void, what about the bamboo canteen of alcohol inside her. how would she get back home?

"Endless question you have, don't you?" The seed once again read her mind which at this point didn't matter to her anymore, she wanted answers now.

"well then you don't have much time before you must wake in the physical world so I'll make this quick. Those other entity's up there are powerful beings lost in the void for reasons I do not know. They managed to survive somehow but seek to return to the physical world to rise again. You will most likely see them again should you be called into the void again but I will warn you, they have ambition and while not dangerous it is for their own benefit not yours. They will tempt you with power but do not be mistaken, they are not your friends." The seeds words once sounding emotionless now sound stern as it makes it statement on the other entities clear that it doesn't want you anywhere near them.

Yet she couldn't help be suspicious and curios about what the other two could possibly offer her. 'Power… I want it' she thought as she narrowed her eyes at the seed in her.

"And what makes you different from them? You want to opened up right? What makes your desire different from them?"

The seed doesn't respond for a while until it resonates with a stern green aura around its self. "What separates me from them is that my desire to be opened can only be done so by another being. Only you can do so as you are bonded with me.", The seed pauses before once again speaking yet this time Earleen could feel it's power flowing through every word.


The seeds word living a ringing in her mind yet with it Earleen feel satisfied. She felt the determination in the seeds words and decided to leave it at that and let the seed finish its explanation. Although she made a quiet mental note that the seed prioritized her GROWTH, not her desires which felt… off putting to say the least.

"You have stopped doubting me I see, good. As for your second question about the canteen of alcohol. It is a treasure item lost into the void. Drink to much of it and it may bring harmful effects but may enhance cultivation. I advise caution while drinking from it. Now for your final question. You will return home now."

"Wait what?", Earleen's thoughts began to spin. She had so many questions that she wanted answers yet she wouldn't get any of them?

"Yes, you have stayed here for far to long and you still have the eyes attachment onto you. Stay here to long and the eye will break into your weak soul's world."

No, she wouldn't let things end here so quickly. She had so many questions. She couldn't just lea-

"Unfortunately, it seems it's going to have to be that way Earleen Dessier as it has been quite a while you've been here and you would look like a corpse in the waking world and you have already suffered side effect by being here, We will meet again but when you are more powerful and open me. Till we meet again miss"

The world around Earleen began to turn black, her vision becoming obscured. Once again, she had answers almost in her reach yet she couldn't ask about them.

The world became pitch black and she felt her consciousness leave her

Yet in the world of pure black darkness there was one color she could see would not go away. The color red in the shape of an eye staring at her.

"Escaped lamb of sacrifice and incomplete rebirth, you will find no solace amongst those of mortals for you are an escaped monster of creation made for my liking."

Earleen stared back at the eye, its word feeling like piercing words of truth into her skull. Yet she refused it will all her might. She couldn't accept it for it would mean all her suffering till now was nothing. "Fuck you and die in a ditch", the only words she could spur out in the moment before feeling her consciousness and will soon begin to fade as she was losing consciousness of the moment.

Now the entire world around was black. Earleen closed her eyes and readied herself for the deep sleep she felt coming.

"You will see the apple doesn't stray far from the tree"

These were the last words Earleen heard from the eye, and it sent her shivers down her very being before losing conscious and fading into the darkness of the world.

Gained 1x The Searing Red Eyes Touch: lose control of yourself and the eye take control of you. for every time you are touched you will roll a dice in tough situations on whether to give yourself into the Searing Red Eyes touch and let it control you or resist it which will cause a dice roll of personality vs the amount of times the searing red eye has touched you dice. If you win you control the situation but if you lose the eye will take control of you and the eye is quite known to cause violence… also perhaps learn to draw upon the power.


"Earleen, are you alright?"

Earleen began to hear a slight little voice calling out to her again. Shaking her with great fear and care yet she still wanted to sleep.


The voice suddenly grew louder and more desperate. Shaking her more vigorously then before. Earleen looked to see who it was, especially after calling her something so embarrassing as that.

A man was crying over her, shaking her vigorously while calling out her name.

'Who was that man?', Earleen thought to herself

Then she remembered, he was Ezrin Dessier, her father. Was this an after effect of the dream the seed was talking about? Memory decay?

She thought more on her past and remembered more, not too many fond memories.

They lived in Edmonton but had to go on the run as cultist chased after them.

They settled down in Ontario for a time yet the cultist somehow tracked them down and they had to go on the run again.

Earleen and her dad were off into the country side now. Resting at an inn for the night.

All these memories her like a sledge hammer to the head, blunt with no cushioning for the impact.

Earleen opened her eyes wide open in response to see Ezrin Dessier over her, her father with tears over his eyes. Crying over her like she was dead.

She wanted to respond back after realizing she probably seemed dead after thinking on the seeds word of her being corpse like and him being, they're for a long time.

"Dad, its all right.", Earleen said to her father to her dad's surprise his eyes widened. "I'm fine just had a strange dream", she responded back continuing in a calm and quiet voice. Still recovering from her feeling sleepy and suddenly waking up.

Her dad gave her a hard-teary stare before finally hugging her, "Don't you dare scare me like that ever again my baby girl. I thought you were a goner for a moment". Her dad replied in a teary quiet voice.

This awkward hug continued for a while until her dad let go and both sat down facing each other in the car.

"Anyway dear, what was that dream you just had you were speaking of? That must have been a pretty good dream to keep you in them for… so long.", Earleen's dad replied trying to sound happy yet failing to keep the quiet weakening of his voice at the end.

She didn't mention that, "Ah it was a very strange one, an evil looking eye tried to abduct me and-", Earleen continued her story onwards. Repeating every series of event that happened to her in her dream.

She noticed the slowly growing frown on her fathers face as she explained further, especially the parts of the evil red eye thing.

After explaining her dream, Ezrin face seemed to be twisting into a smile in self mockery and let out laugh of self ridicule.

He gave her a fake smile with the look of pity and self defeat which made him look like he was in his forties.

"Me and you have the shittiest luck now, don't we?" Ezrin replied back after Earleen finished her story, sinking back into the car seat and looking up to the ceiling of the car.

"First we get those red eyed fucking cultists breathing down our necks back in Edmonton and after running all the way to Ontario and hiding out here we not only get our new house burned down but also their god fucking with my daughter in her dreams? My god we have the shittiest luck", Ezrin sunk even deeper in his seat and covered his eyes with his hat.

"and that seed thing? It took two of your talents and promises you growth and awakened you so quickly? What backwards bull shit logic is that supposed to be? If it really is so powerful and mighty why couldn't it had just awakened you without taking your talents? God, none of this makes sense"

The silence continued and Earleen was quiet, not quite sure how to respond to her dads sudden self-deprecating attitude.

Ezrin sat still like that for a while, before he sighed and gave Earleen his best reassuring smile like everything was ok and things were only going to get better from here.

It did not work, "Look dear, I didn't mean to be such a downer. It's just that I wanted to keep you out of politics and the cruel world… at least until you were of age to make your own decisions."

Ezrin looked back up, looking up with self-defeat all over his face.

"yet it seems I've been coddling you for far to long and it seems your going to have to make choices for yourself sooner then I'd rather have it be so… I'm going to let you make your own decision right here right now." Ezrin looked at her daughter straight in the face, having his cold eyes look at her felt unnerving yet they seemed dead set on something. Something Earleen couldn't pick up.

"where do you want to go? Nunavut? Newfound land? Hell, even the shit show that is Quebec. Choose where were going to crash for this year and possibly the future because at this point, I don't know where to go."

"…What?", Earleen gave her dad a look of disbelief. Her deciding where to go next? Her dad had always decided where to go and what to do and Earleen just followed. 'What had brought out this sudden change?', Earleen thought to herself.

"he, I'm giving you a choice Earleen. Is it really that big of a surprise for you? I've been sheltering you for far to long and seeing as you've already made the pretty big decision of following that weird seed things words and managed to awaken in one night at the cost of two talents, I'd say it's high time you start readying yourself for the real world now.", Ezrin smiled at her yet it drooped down into one of self-loathing.

"Look dear, your going to have to start making choices from here on out. You've already just awakened yourself and from what you just told me your dead set on finding the truth which I'M keeping away from you for what I believe is good for you. you have set upon the path of strength and will from here on forth make many choices. I can't protect you forever, especially from your own choices and mistakes but I can certainly be there for you when you do make the few choices that count. Don't think to hard on things right now and just choose a destination for us to crash for a year or two before going to another place. Think of it as practice for making future decisions next time."

Earleen sat their looking at her father wide eyed. She knew that she spoke with determination to find out the truth and grow stronger. Yet she didn't mean to go against her dad.

"But dad-"

"Now dear I'm going to be honest with you, at this point I don't know what's best for us, what's best for YOU. that dream you had, all those things you said in it and that weird seed thing? I'm honestly tired right now and don't want to think on it right now, maybe later but not now as you and me need a talk now before things go to shit and you start thinking weird things as well. You re my daughter and I'll always treat you with respect, I don't blame you for my injuries neither for my cyber kinetics limb replacements.", he stopped for a moment, giving Earleen a reassuring smile with eyes full of the fatherly confident look which gave Earleen a sense of ease.

"Just make a choice. Where do you want to go? Then we'll talk about the rest of your dream on the way their, alright dear?"

You don't know how to respond to your dad's earnest talk with you. it all still feel fuzzy but she decided to go with it, not wanting to think to much on her dad's sudden change of attitude as well as the dream.

Making a choice on where to go.

Such a thing was nerve racking, deciding their destination, everything would be on her if something happened yet it felt good wield choice.

She thought on her options

Nunavut was a rising industrial and cultivator power house. Mostly filled with indigenous peoples who were unfriendly to strangers. The power of the place was divided into communities headed by different groups of aboriginal's people forming the indigenous people's union. The land was still mostly still being developed and there were many wild wonders and spirit beat roaming the land. Also, not much development so a good place to hide from the cultist. The people also worshipped the great spirits.

Newfoundland and Labrador were home to a well-developed land, Viking ruins being discovered often and filled. Seemed like a stable place with the provincial government handling things well. The arts and crafts seemed to be prospering their or so Earleen had heard from school before everything went to hell.

Quebec was… a hot political mess filled with different groups vying for power. Mainly the big parties were the French nationalist, indigenous groups, and finally foreign powers who were all fighting for power over the province. It was a chaotic place yet lot's of development in the province.

Where should she and her father crash for the year? She thought to herself quietly.

Decide which province to go crash at for the year

[] Go to Nunavut: Land is mostly left untouched due to the constant cold and permafrost found throughout the land. Mostly indigenous communities, few places for research but has knowledge of the old aboriginal ways. The first nations communities are not so friendly with outsiders due to… reasons. Many wild spirit beast, wild spirit herbs, wild spirit and wild spirit stones. many communities worship different great spirits.

[] Go to newfound land, few ruins of aboriginal's people, Viking ruins found, highly developed, many places for research and knowledge. Stable starting place. many libraries and places for research. said to be a place where arts and craft flourish. quite safe.

[] Go to Quebec: Tensions are high and high chance for violence to occur between Quebec nationalist and others groups of people in power in the territory, well developed even after the age of renewal and chaos, many libraries and places for research. Lots of political power plays occur and not the most safe place.

Decide where to dump all extra qi to cultivate

[] Dump into Qi Strengthening

[] Dump extra qi into Qi Sense

[] Dump into Qi Fortification

[] Dump into Qi Speed
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