[X] Slumber. One day while Quan Jia was hiding from her tutor, she happened upon a particularly inviting patch of grass underneath the flowing boughs of a willow tree. There, in sleep, she awoke, and realized that the line between somnolence and consciousness wasn't quite as stark as she had thought.
[X] Nature. The view outside her bedroom window overlooked a riot of vibrant colors in spring, an untamed verdancy in summer, the burning embers of autumn, and the quiet slumber of winter. As years passed by, the cycle of seasons, of growth and death and rebirth, settled deeply in her soul and sowed a seed of understanding.
[X] Reverie. Years of dull lessons on exactly how far to curtsey or which fingers should hold a teacup in a formal tea ceremony honed an ability within Quan Jia to distance thought from reality. One day that separation crystallized into an awareness that internal reality could take precedence over the outer one.