Shard of Virtue Online [MMO Quest]

[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] MMO Expert (Focus: Mechanics)
[X] "Yes, sir."
[X] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)

Edit: To give a bit of reasoning for my vote: What I like best about these unrealistically large MMO worlds are the plethora of hidden abilities and/or items you can usually find, and lore likely gives us ideas where to search.
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Heavy Lourde [1] - Topic: soldier OP lol
So, I'm kinda bored at work, but I'm gonna leave the vote a little longer. In the mean time, have a mini-expo dump thinly disguised as a PHO style thing.

Heavy Lourde [1]

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♦Topic: soldier OP lol
In: Boards ► Shard of Virtue Online ► Feedback ► Class Feedback
(Original Poster) (Beta Tester)
Posted 8 hours ago:
just solod crag 2ez
(Showing Page 1 of 1)

► Kacjson (Beta Tester)
Replied 8 hours ago:

► XVirall (Beta Tester)
Replied 8 hours ago:
fkn moron nobody cares bout crag

► Lumpy (Beta Tester)
Replied 8 hours ago:

► BronzeDragon (Beta Tester)
Replied 7 hours ago:
SPELUNKE-Wait nvm, lol

► Josh38 (Beta Tester)
Replied 7 hours ago:

► Lodestoner (Beta Tester)
Replied 7 hours ago:
Soldier is shit later, dw.

► Wall2021 (Beta Tester)
Replied 6 hours ago:
yeah, soldier is worst offtank

► DieShard (Beta Tester)
Replied 5 hours ago:
crag lel

► BaritoneBass (Beta Tester)
Replied 5 hours ago:
So, Thaumatic made the six starting classes more jack of all trades-y for solo play and pugs. Once you get further in (AKA Ancient Cavern/"SPELUNKER OR GTFO"), you'll find all of them start to drop off really hard.

Soldier's EHP is reliant on a weak armour steroid and healing, so you're super soft to tank busters. You can build defence and hope your DPS don't flame you for losing aggro constantly, or you can build damage AKA floor-tank soldier.

For three of the four post-30 dungeons, thief can't reach the crit zone for the end boss without Fling or Levitate, which basically invalidates them as a class. I'm told their pretty good for PVP tho.

Hunter's a Crit-DPS class with the per-hit damage of a support; you're gonna hit rage against literally any BP. If you want a ranged Crit-DPS, legit just play any of Hunter's duals. Yes, even Trickster.

Cleric's ok as a healer, but has no utility and no damage buffs. The only thing you have over other healers is Divine Intervention (which is only needed if the tank is shit). If you want to pad your parse, play Shaman instead.

Pyro's amazing as an AA-DPS right up until armour phases start taking more than two rotations, after which they drop off the face of the earth. Good luck getting through Spazwolf.

Magician is the only base class anyone uses past 40. And that's only because Phantom Wall and Homing Barrage are fucking retarded. Which I suppose is fine, since nobody plays Magician anyway.

► DieShard (Beta Tester)
Replied 5 hours ago:
tldr lol
End of Page. 1
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Gonna end the vote here, I think.


Winning Options:
  • Shard of Virtue Fan
  • "Yes, sir."
Adhoc vote count started by Flintlock on Jun 22, 2017 at 5:23 AM, finished with 57 posts and 15 votes.
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[Session 1] Character Creation Pt.3
You recall the basics of holy magic from SoV 2. It's meant to be mostly based around purity of heart and certainty of faith. Raising a wooden stick in the air seems more in the wheelhouse of a Magician (albeit, super simplified). Still, you do as the tutorial box tells you to, and you watch as the icon begins to glow, then shine. A moment, and you have to turn your eyes down, away from the blinding glare.

As you take your attention from the icon, you notice a bright yellow bar has been added to the bottom of your vision; it takes maybe 5-10 seconds to fill up completely, after which your magic stick stops glowing. You aren't sure how to feel about a HUD in a VR game, but you suppose it's a necessary evil for anything as complex as an MMO.

A sound that might've been a snarl snaps your attention back to your immediate surroundings. You carefully don't turn your head to look at the general, as he mutters something under his breath.

"If times were less desperate, the cardinal would've long since been put to the guillotine. That we must rely on such-."

The room lurches violently, sending you stumbling to regain your footing. You turn to watch Truesteel, who turns his gaze towards another corridor.

"Varrat, you cretin, what are you fu-Ahem. Continue, recruit. Strike down the effigy."

You have obtained the Cleric ability: Scorn of Heaven
Cost: 10% of Maximum Divine Energy
Fire a blade of holy energy that damages enemies it passes through. While your icon is charged, swing it in an arc to form and fire the attack!

You test the movement of the icon briefly. At first, you wave it slowly, studying the prongs that you assume will generate the attack. More sudden, forceful movements generate a white glow around the tips, which extinguishes as soon as you stop. It's more or less old hat motion control style gimmickry. You have no doubt that it'll get more complicated and contrived as you go. It's a concept literally decades old. You suppose it's never been done in an MMO before, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

Finally, you decide to push forward with the tutorial, throwing a lazy swipe with the icon. A glowing blade slices through the dummy, dealing 31 damage (which pops up above your target's head, accompanied by a red health bar with a tiny chip taken out of it). More interestingly, a charred line follows the entry point of your attack, as though someone had taken a soldering iron to the wood.

You take a moment to examine the dummy's back.


Yep; it goes all the way through. A detail that seems maybe a little over the top, all things considered. Then again, considering how one of the game's big gimmicks, carried through from its single player predecessors, is finding the weak points of your foes, you suppose some kind of feedback is appropriate.

Though, if they had this kind of ambition, you would've liked to have seen it in the prequels.

"Now, repair it."

You have obtained the Cleric ability: Knit Wounds
Cost: 5% of Maximum Divine Energy/second
Channel your holy magic directly into a wounded ally to restore their health. Point your icon at an ally with arm extended while standing still, and watch their HP bar go up. Can't target self.

That seems more appropriate. A nice, logical, obvious thing. Point the holy stick at a thing for healing. Gotcha. The dummy's healthbar switches from red to green, denoting the sudden switch of allegiance. There's something kinda funny about that.


You hesitate at the movement, but manage to keep your bearings. This time, you don't bother messing around. Point the stick and a beam of white light connects from it to the dummy. The green bar first fills up, then vanishes once full, taking the scorch marks with it. You guess it's going to be a buff spell n-


You're blasted off your feet by an explosion that shatters the far wall. All sound is blotted out by a piercing, ringing sound and your eyes blur. You numbly observe a hole opened in the metal to reveal...Clear, blue sky and rushing wind. Your control slips from your avatar, who drops to the ground, as a blurry black shape storms off.

Darkness encroaches round the edge of your vision, creeping across until it is once again completely blotted out.

You find yourself returned to the character selection screen, slightly miffed and slightly baffled. You just sit there for a moment, distantly No, Thanksing to the 'Would you like to change classes?' box that comes up. That was...An odd way to do a tutorial. Not wholly unexpected, considering what the opening of PoV 2 was like, but you're still pretty sure you weren't actually that much of a fan of it this time.

And that's to say nothing of someone who might've reacted...less favourably to such a turn of events.

Well...No use in waiting here. Onwards and upwards.

Moving on, the next tab is build.




Well, that's…Limited.

You alternate between the five options as you mull them over, somewhat unamused. None of them are… entirely ideal. Especially considering this is all in first person, and thus you'll need to deal with the... idiosyncrasies of the available body types. It's perhaps a little odd; it's not like Thaumatic subscribed to this specific kind of thing in the past. For the most part, they went for more or less generic, realistic body types. These ones, on the other hand are...


What you'd expect for an MMO character editor, actually.


[] Fantasy Classic.
The standard look for any fantasy human female character. Above average height. Not quite out and out eye candy, but it's a near thing.

[] Anime Classic
You suppose this is the Japanese equivalent of the above. Noticeably shorter and assumably younger. This makes certain other assets even more unrealistic.

[] Amazon
The barbarian princess look. Tall enough to be imposing, muscular, yet…well. There's a certain trend going so far which hasn't been broken, until...

[] Lithe.
You're tempted to call this one the 'not elf'. The stereotypical LotR female elf features, sans pointy ears; tall, thin and graceful.

[] Petite
You assumed this was the loli option when you first glanced past it, but it's closer to a young teenager. You pigeonhole it as the 'highschool anime extra' build.

This contrasts the embarrassingly large number of hair cuts and colours available, the latter of which is literally 'any'. They've just dumped a colour wheel thing in and let you pick from the lot. This, accompanied with the literal pages of haircuts is...



[] Write-In (Suggest a girl's hairstyle and colour)
Adhoc vote count started by Flintlock on Jun 22, 2017 at 11:58 PM, finished with 75 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Fantasy Classic.
    [X] A unkempt mop of long red hair that reaches up to your hips.
    [X] Lithe.
    [X] Petite
    [X] Red hair, tied back in a long tail over an undercut
    [X] Black hair in two pairs of braids, two short and two long.
    [X] Amazon
    [X] Pixie Cut, in whatever colour the next highest vote is for.
    [X] Foot-long, brown hair with gold highlights, partially twisted into a crown in the front to keep it out of your eyes and harder to grab. Kept in place by steel pins.
    [X] Long, glossy black hair in a hime cut that stretches down to your lower back. It's an old familiar style you had in your youth, before growing up left you with less time to devote to your hair and you eventually had it cut much shorter.
    [X] Dark brown, with a shaggy pageboy cut
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[X] Lithe.
You're tempted to call this one the 'not elf'. The stereotypical LotR female elf features, sans pointy ears; tall, thin and graceful.

[X] Red hair, tied back in a long tail over an undercut
[X] Fantasy Classic.
[X] A unkempt mop of long red hair that reaches up to your hips.
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[X] Lithe
Everything to avoid unecessary front weight. Even the loli option, if this one appears to lose.
[X] Pixie Cut, in whatever colour the next highest vote is for.

Say, @Flintlock, how do we sound? I assume there are voice options, otherwise playing a character not of you RL sex might be weird.
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[X] Amazon
[X] Foot-long, brown hair with gold highlights, partially twisted into a crown in the front to keep it out of your eyes and harder to grab. Kept in place by steel pins.
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Say, @Flintlock, how do we sound? I assume there are voice options, otherwise playing a character not of you RL sex might be weird.

There's like three voices that were 'made' for each body type (though there's no actual restriction), which are then adjusted based on personal enunciation/accent. Since it'd mean probably another pause in getting into the meat of the story plus, unfortunately, this quest isn't voice acted :p), my assumption is that we're going with "the one that sounds the least stupid for how we look" and mostly avoid bringing it up.

Unless you guys have any objections to that.
There's like three voices that were 'made' for each body type (though there's no actual restriction), which are then adjusted based on personal enunciation/accent. Since it'd mean probably another pause in getting into the meat of the story plus, unfortunately, this quest isn't voice acted :p), my assumption is that we're going with "the one that sounds the least stupid for how we look" and mostly avoid bringing it up.

Unless you guys have any objections to that.
Huh, that's a lot fewer than I thought.
Could we also go with our actual voice, in case it fits?
If that's an option that's wanted, I'll hold off on outright stating what the MC's voice is like, up until the first interlude, which is where I intend to actually solidify their irl identity.
Yeah, why not. If it isn't especially weird, there shouldn't to many reasons to mention it anyway. (Well, except if 90% of the people use the same three voices and we don't.)
[X] Fantasy Classic.
[X] A unkempt mop of long red hair that reaches up to your hips.
*wanders in* Oh hey, this is neat so far.

[X] Fantasy Classic.
[X] Long, glossy black hair in a hime cut that stretches down to your lower back. It's an old familiar style you had in your youth, before growing up left you with less time to devote to your hair and you eventually had it cut much shorter.
[X] Petite
[X] Dark brown, with a shaggy pageboy cut

By condensing all of our healer spite into a smaller form, we shall make ourselves twenty percent more contemptuous.

Ever wonder why taller people joke about their height, but shorter people are more sensitive about it? :V
because shorter people don't hit their head on the ceiling all the time.

[X] Lithe.
You're tempted to call this one the 'not elf'. The stereotypical LotR female elf features, sans pointy ears; tall, thin and graceful.

[X] Red hair, tied back in a long tail over an undercut