Shadowrun: Mumbai


The year is 2078. The city? Mumbai, the home to Earth's second-largest entertainment sector. After India suffered massive losses from the VITAS plague back in the 30's, India was torn from within by the various political pressures placed upon them. 40 years down the line? India's doing a lot better, stifling the policlubs that tried to tear the nation apart. However, Mumbai isn't the kind of place you write back home back. Even as it acts as the main shipping port and financial HQ for almost all of SE Asia, a dark undertone colors the life of the city. This undertone, however, provides the basis for a unique type of profession. Shadowrunners; a new breed of criminal, providing almost every service, provided you're willing to pay the price.

Arav sends you this message:

Namaste, Hiei.

I've fixed up a Patel for you to meet. He says he wants to hire a team of freelance Shadowruns. Bhidu, I don't know what he needs the team to do, but he informed me that he needs this team formed as quickly as possible, and the more people the better.

The meetup location at the White Rose Bar, a bar being rented out by Raj Kumar for the celebration of the release of his newest trid, Vijay! , being released to near-universal acclaim. Once you're in the bar, head upstairs, and look for a room emblazoned with the Ashoka Chakra.

Good luck.
Deirdre gets a message from Bibi, her Fixer.
Namaste, Gallowglass.

There's a Mr. Patel asking for runners to take up a job. Not much on the way of details, besides him informing us that he needs a large team, and that the team needs to come together quick. From what I can tell, he's not received much of a answer, so you might want to capitalize on that fact. On the other hand, you'll likely be working with a team of freelance runners you've never met before. Keep your eyes and ears open during the run.

The meetup is at the White Rose Bar tonight, during a party thrown by Raj Kumar celebrating the successful launch of a new trid, Vijay!. Once you're in the bar, head upstairs, and look for a room emblazoned with the Ashoka Chakra.
Even though you both had no fixer of your own (yet!), it wasn't too difficult to hear what the rumors in the underworld were. Especially for a men of your talents. Those skills never go rusty, no matter how long it's been.

From what you could tell, there was a Patel meetup in the White Rose bar, taking place during Raj Kumar's festivities celebrating his new movie, Vijay!, tonight.

Based on what you could find from various contacts and acquaintances, it was taking place in the upstairs of the White Rose Bar, behind a door emblazoned with the Ashoka Chakra.

If you were going to get a move on, now was the time to do so.
Aster receives this message from WePlay:

Hey, Aster!

There's been a mystery run that's been floating on the net for a while now; maybe you'll be interested in finding out what it exactly entails?

For the most part, the Patel's been pretty secretive, not wanting to say anything besides the fact that he wanted a big team and that the sooner the team formed, the better it worked out for him.

The meetup is at the White Rose Bar tonight, during a party thrown by Raj Kumar celebrating the successful launch of a new trid, Vijay!. Once you're in the bar, head upstairs, and look for a room emblazoned with the Ashoka Chakra.

If you do take the job, good luck.
Mr. Romeijnders sends you a message:

Hey, Bhidu. There's a run that needs to be done, and I think you're the man to do it. Most of the fixers haven't been told much about the job (the Patel's being extremely secretive), but from what is known about the run is that the Patel wants a huge team, and that he needs the team assembled as soon as possible.

The Patel meetup is taking place within the White Rose Bar tonight, which was chartered for some occasion by some actor on the successful release of one of his trids. Once you're in the bar, head upstairs, and look for a room emblazoned with the Ashoka Chakra.

Good luck.
Gavan's fixer forwards him a message:
Hello, Gavan...
There's a Mr. Patel who's sent a urgent request for a run. Light on the specifics on the run (you'll need to discuss the terms with the Mr. Patel at the meet), but from what's he's informed us of, he wants as many freelancers as he can get, and as soon as possible.

Head to the White Rose bar, to the second floor, and enter the room with the Ashoka Chakra on it.

May you return safely.
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Aster rolled her eyes, collapsing back onto the couch as she stared at the AR window. Mystery run, right. Give it to her, sure. She was pretty certain she hadn't pissed WePlay off recently, so why the hell was he sending her this obvious bulldrek. Watch it be a wetwork run with the kind of drek Patel who thinks "operational security" means that anyone else who knows the secrets and isn't in on the plan must be killed. Hell, watch it be a fragging trap or a killbox. She hadn't survived 4 years as a runner by being trusting of everything that came her way. She quickly wrote out a message, sending it back to WePlay.


Frag off, drek-muncher. "Mystery run"? I'm celebrating my 4th year doing this, not my first run. I know how this goes. So either give me a good reason or a large enough number, or go find someone else to do your fragging suicide runs. Also, do the words "anonymous names" mean anything to you? Patchwork. Cat. Get it right. I don't want people linking this drek to my little bro. And before you get on my case about being paranoid, no shit. How do you think we runners survive?


Finished with that, she booted up a couple of simple Matrix AR games, multi-tasking between them as she waited for her Fixer's reply. Even knowing all that... she'd probably show up at the bar anyway. She was feeding two here, and the rent and DocWagon contract did not come cheap.
Gavan grunted slightly as the message popped in the corner of his HUD. Slipping his cred stick back into his coat, he began mentally composing a reply.

<Thanks. Just completed contract, so I'll head over now.>

Hopefully, this wasn't another rat-chase through 12 miles of Mumbai's sewer system. A quick check of his GridGuide, and he climbed into his van.
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Deirdre slowly opened her eyes as her glasses flashed, the message from Bibi scrolling past. The elf leaned back on the cushion that cradled her neck as her legs floated out in the cool waters of the pool her little love nest had come furnished with and composed a response.

Opening offer?

Wet (Y/N)

Message sent she kicked up, and pulled herself on to the edge where she grabbed a towel and left a trail of wet footprints back in to the apartment proper. "Yuri darlin', you see my low-key around anywhere? Looks as if we're going to have another month or two of this place." Already her mind was whirring, calculating her potential take, and any leverage for the deal. Meeting within a party under the auspices of the entertainment industry: that smelled of stacks of nuyen to even arrange. She slipped down in to the sunken living room and flipped over the back of the huge, white leather couch, landing on the chest of her passed out Vory with a soft woof of air.

"And some more'mon you, up and at'em." Deirdre's hand snapped across his cheek but the drekhead was out, some people just couldn't handle the comedown. Pity. Giving him one more shake for good measure the runner set off to find her suit, coat, and everything she figured to get through a MAC or patdown. And drugs. Sure the place would probably be flush, but it was good to share and share alike.
Hiei's left eye crawled open as something woke her, the first thing she noticed was how reality was currently inverted for her and lit by the dull light managing to break in through her blinds. It was well into the day it seemed and more importantly she was currently upside down, or at least her head was. A short assessment led her to understand she was sprawled out naked sideways across her bed with her feet propped up against the wall and head hanging off the side with her long hair streaming down and pooling on the ground. On top of this something in her mouth tasted awful .

Slowly peeling her left eye open as well Hiei saw she had a message from her metalink that was not marked as spam, the day just got more interesting. Opening it in AR with a thought she slithered off her bed and onto the floor where she finally rose to her full height taking a moment to stretch some of the kinks out before heading to the kitchen nook of her moderate apartment. Throwing some soy bacon and instant soy eggs into a pan Hiei began to read the message breaking only to put a shirt on due an unfortunate repercussion of cooking bacon with one initially.

Standing over her plate and eating the too hot food Hiei smiled as she read the message again searching Ashoka Chakra on the matrix to ensure she had the image secured in her memory, fast in the world of runner might as well by a synonym for expensive. if this guy did not care who he got but wanted them fast and numerous it meant he was willing to pay market price for the job and it was sounding like prices just went up. She was still new to the neighborhood so she would need to be careful, it was time to start planning. Maneuvering around drones and drone of the clutter room she stripped off the white shirt she had put on and pulled a black one out of her closet in it;s place and slipped it on.

The Tanaka wanted many people and wanted them fast, this meant a big thing, a personal thing. Low odds on a double cross if they want a lot of people so probably not anything too embarrassing. She was support, not muscle, this meant it was likely more than wetwork. 'Maybe a kidnapping?' she wondered to herself as she pulled on a pair of tight jeans over her underwear. As a foreigner she would not have many local ties if there was cultural embarrassment. There was a lot of options and a lot of unknowns which was always a concern in the shadows but one she was willing to live with.

An armoured biker vest with blue and red coy circling one another as well as her Ares Crusader II loaded in it's holster completed her look enough for her to check her appearance in the mirror. She should probably have done something with her hair but could deal for now putting on a pair of white socks and black running shoes before heading out off her apartment. The first thing she needed to do was get a run down for the meeting place. Going in blind was never a good idea so knowing the neighborhood before anyone else arrived might just give her a leg up if drek went down.
Deacon takes a moment to think about his response.

The Patel better cover my tab. You know me, and how badly I need work. I'll show, but I'm not committing to the job yet. There's still a few lines I won't cross, but it's unlikely that this guy is anywhere near those lines.

A few minutes pulls up the address of the bar. Deacon smiles, it's a decent amount of time by foot, but at least he won't have to pay a rickshaw. He wanders into a nearby alley and breaks into a run, using a dumpster to get enough of a boost to land on the roof of the short building. And up here, now, his route is even shorter. Maybe even enough time to run through some katas and have a smoke before strolling into the bar.
While awaiting her fixer's reply the elf stepped in to the remarkably spacious and exceptionally bare walk-in closet off the master bedroom. Oh sure, there were a few glittery little things and half a dozen odd pairs of shoes, but they barely took up a corner of the entire space. Sighing, Deirdre grabbed her suit from the rack and flicked a bit of dust off the crisply pressed armored fabric before going over to the elegant set of drawers meant for jewelry and accessories. She really needed to see about starting a new collection, just as soon as she had the next few months of rent squared. The neighborhood got her a deal, but the amenities were still a nuyen hole, sucking away at her credsticks.

The drawer slid open on silken rollers and she plucked a few inhalers and a wicked looking knife out, spinning the blade with a jaunty flick of her fingers.

"One down, now ta find your brother...."

Still air drying she headed off for the range where she had hazy memories of a cocktail of Kamikaze and something slow and tasty making the world feel like warm pudding as she tested her aim.
There were a lot of upsides to being in business for yourself as a Shadowrunner; you could take a day off whenever you wanted, there was no one looking over your shoulder to tell you how to run an operation, and you always had the ultimate freedom - choice. If you didn't like a job, you didn't have to take it.

Nonetheless, there were downsides. As much of a commodity as the Awakened always were, sometimes it was hard for the work to find its way to your doorstep. Briar Patch usually got by with referrals and personal requests from his local Talismonger contact, but that only went so far; she wasn't a dedicated fixer. When the work dried up, he had to go looking for it himself. Fortunately, he was usually pretty good at finding it.

The rumours had been vague on details, but word had it that there was a job in the offering at the White Rose bar. Thomas knew the place, sort of. Most interesting of all, the night of the meeting was apparently going down during the festivities for one of the latest Bollywood flicks. It could certainly be a coincidence, trids were releasing all the time in Bollywood, but he wouldn't be surprised if there was a connection to the job.


Briar Patch entered into the White Rose dressed well, wearing an expensive suit - Mortimer of London. One could argue that it might draw a little more attention than a spy usually wanted, but he wasn't concerned. For one thing, it was better to sell the impression of a successful contractor at a job-negotiation than to have the client assume you were little better than a street-level tough.

He headed to the bar, looking to get a drink while he canvassed the place and looked for his opportunity.
Deirdre stepped lightly out of her cab, slipping through the neon lit air with frustrating grace. Her suit was crisp sable and her long dark coat had flashes of red inside the lining that matched the ruby of her knife, not that anyone, MAC or otherwise could spot it. The elf smirked as she entered the bar, safe in her overweening confidence that despite the chic androgyny of her outfit she owned all these starlets and celebutantes.

The bar held little interest at the moment, and her meeting place needed to be scoped out a little first, egress locations, chokepoints, cover.

But first...

Time to see what was happening in the powder room.
A quick stop at his rent and shower later, fresh coat and shave, and Gavan was feeling a bit more...well not human, he mused as he reloaded the gel rounds in his arm, but better than before.

He tried to clean up, but being a low-class bounty hunter didn't leave much for amenities like nice clothes. Still, the shirt and pants were basic, clean, and nice-looking, if utilitarian. The arm holster sling went next, with the Predator in it, then the heavy coat over all to finish it out. From what the message said, this guy was looking for freelancers, not showpieces or office workers. Dress for the job you want, right?

Maybe this would finally get him off the rent-bounties.

He had to take a moment to look up "Ashoka Chakra", but it stood out and marked in his AR as he cleared the stairs to the second floor.