A teen wakes up in the world of the Elder Scrolls, except it was just his luck that he couldn't be the Dragonborn, whose story he had memorized. Or the Nerevarine whose story he knew fairly well, he couldn't even be the protagonist of any of the major games.
Instead he was the hero of an Obscure game he knew basically nothing about. Now he has to fight off the end of the world all while trying to not fall apart… literally.
hey, so quick note before we get started this story is being run as a quest on fiction.live (
Fiction.live) so if sometimes some rules seem odd, or it seems like something weird happened just because he either rolles really really well or really really shit or one of the enemies did
If I had to describe my consciousness moments before waking up. It was struggle. I don't know what I was struggling against or what I was struggling for, but I just knew I was struggling, clawing at everything around me, pushing back, trying to pull my way out of this seemingly endless ocean of darkness. It was a strange dream and a disturbing one, one that I couldn't think of why it was occurring. It wasn't like anything my life going on right now was particularly intense or worrisome.
All that left was unconscious Subconscious reaction, but I had no idea why they were happening in the first place. I felt the flood wash over me and a thousand and one things appeared in my mind. Contents of. Sure. Some I was homeless on the streets, starving, trying to scrape by. Others I was a wealthy, or at least upper middle class Man with a beautiful wife and two children. Others. I was a more content, regular college student going through life, undecided on where he wanted to go.
Then suddenly it was no longer focused on me but on my family I saw a different paths where my parents stayed together and were happy, or they stayed together and just made each other more miserable and bitter as they told themselves they were staying together for us. For me and my siblings, but all they did was make us more miserable.
It burned at me, these ideas and dreams. I mean, I know it had been almost a few years since my parents got divorced and high school was a complex time where you really began to think about your future. But was I really spending so much time considering it?
I pushed those thoughts aside and pushed against the flood, pushing away from me. Don't know if this was a dream or whatever, It's symbolic or representative, but I could feel myself being dragged down deeper and something told me that wasn't a good thing by any means, symbolically speaking. Maybe it was just a dream, but the idea of drowning in the depths of an unfathomable darkness still shook me and I'm perfectly willing to claw my way out.
But I could feel something wrapping around me, tendrils of something swirling around me, visions pulsing through me, trying to shove me back down. Everything seemed to be trying to pull me away from the lights.
I fought against it, but I was trapped, a
Prisoner in this sea of darkness. I pushed against my bindings that would try to hold me down, but it just kept dragging me downwards. But I clawed and fought and scraped against it, pulling myself upwards and outwards towards the surface.
Yet no matter how far up I swam, it just seemed to keep getting further and further away. Yet I could see some distant lights. Dozens of them dancing in the sky. Thousands. millions and it was ever growing. It was like I was looking at the night sky, like I was in space between the stars themselves, rather than drowning in an ocean of shadow.
But then one of them, like Blazing star seemed to reach out to the shadows, some of the shadows shied back. Some of them sought to attack it, but I just grasped it desperately allowing it to pull me forward, using it like an anchor or rope to pull me to safety.