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Shadow of Bull
Turn 0
Fate turned out to be cruel and merciful to me at the same time, for it chose the fate that I dreamed of, but measured out a huge time. I saw and remember how the bombs fell. How the last remnants of civilization in post-war America died. How the few survivors died of disease and radiation in a changed world. I saw how the Brotherhood of Steel came into being and how it went into isolation. I saw the Master's dream of creating a new intelligent life, and its death. I have seen and remember the Enclave in its terrifying glory. I have seen the greatest men come and save California from a terrible evil.

Joining the Followers of the Apocalypse was only a stage in my long journey, as was the expedition to the east with the ambitious young scientist Edward Sallow. Our task was to go east and collect information about the inhabitants of Arizona, about their languages and customs.

We left Los Angeles, passing through radioactive and poisonous dust storms near the Salton Sea, before reaching one of America's last clean rivers, the Colorado. Already at this stage, no caravan went further, no one traveled so far. The only companions for us were the rangers of the Wasteland and the warriors of the Brotherhood of Steel. And on this road we saw many unseen miracles.

We visited Phoenix and we saw the splendor of the ruins of this city, which was the capital of Arizona. I will never forget the scorching sun of this city, from which the population was forced to flee underground. Priests of the nuclear flame glorified the wrath of the Sun in their psalms, calling for repentance while merchants haggled in the vast bazaars. There you could find any goods, up to slaves. A city of incredible wealth and vices, where heretics spoke to the crowds, and the righteous burned at the stake.

We also visited Two Suns to the south, a perverted name of the pre-war city. A great city was built up with many hippodromes, where the machine-priests eternally recited their chants to Naas and held races in his honor. If there were technicians among us, they would certainly have remained there, because the local people perfectly preserved the ability to work with pre-war mechanisms.

But our goal was the surrounding tribes, and among them, alas, the picture was depressing. Wildness and bloodlust reigned here. The deserts of Arizona were completely barren, and their only resource was a powerful and strong population. Forced to give birth to as many children as possible in order to survive, each tribe faced overpopulation and a lack of resources for life, and this led to constant bloodshed of all against all.

One of the tribes captured the two of us and a Mormon missionary from New Canaan. At this point, Sallow realized that if any civilization came here, they would destroy Arizona and its people. They won't just erase their culture, they won't treat them as equals. Without resources, technology and social institutions, the local population has no chance to resist the influence of a more powerful civilization. They will become slaves, even if it is not officially called that.

At this stage, we were all in agreement with his conclusions. However, the next step in his logical chain horrified me, to the surprise of Graham and Sallow. He suggested that under such conditions, Arizona would never be able to unite peacefully. Eternal lack of resources and the lack of benefit from unification makes only the military path possible. And it will happen. Sooner or later, it will happen.

Someone will appear who will unite numerous tribes, gather them around him and turn them into a diverse, but no less dangerous army. Ambitious leader of the tribe. Raider. Intelligent mutant. An exiled member of the Brotherhood of Steel or the Rangers. Who exactly - does not matter. The important thing is that he will do this and then an army led by the messiah will come out of the desert, which will destroy everything in its path. Like the Mongols that destroyed the rich civilization of Khorezm, so will the tribes of Arizona deal an irreparable blow to post-war America.

Therefore, we had to anticipate this, to become the builders of the state, the ideologists of the slave-owning system, which would replace the primitive communal one. We must build an empire that will unite the tribes of Arizona, prevent anyone else from using this resource for a worse purpose. But the resources of Arizona itself will not be enough for such a state, and this power will be forced to wage wars of conquest for the sake of resources that can satisfy the needs of Arizona.

Yes, our hands will be up to the elbows in blood. But we know about the state. We can build the most cruel order in the Wasteland, but any order is better than the eternal war of all against all. We will be cursed, but we will create a civilization, not an endless horde that will devastate everything to the Pacific Ocean.

I was shocked by such conclusions from Sallow. I was born at a time when human rights, at least in words, meant something. Caesar is not. He was willing to become a monster for the Wasteland if the price was to protect him from the rise of even greater evil. We did not agree on this, and therefore he expelled me to the west, and he himself began to build an empire from the tribes.

At the same time, I beg the higher powers that he perish, and at the same time I wish that he succeeds.


An important note that you might have noticed from the previous text. You play as Caesar's Legion, an army of barbarian slave owners who ignore the natural rights of men in general and women in particular. That is, you play as villains.

But at the same time, Caesar's Legion, for all its cruelty, made the life of the population of Arizona, albeit extremely difficult, but much less risky, giving many at least work and food instead of constant wars. Not out of respect for people, but out of a desire to use working hands.

This is a quest about how you are trying to build an empire with undeniably villainous methods that will nevertheless change the world for the better. From the point of view of the author of this quest, Arizona was such a nightmare before the Legion of Caesar that the arrival of the Legion is perceived by many of its inhabitants as an unconditional blessing.


Thirty years ago, Caesar began his great work to create an Empire from the many tribes scattered across the Wasteland. His first tribe was the Blackfoot, who lived near the Grand Canyon and were the first to recognize his authority, but they were far from the only tribe that Caesar had to face. Three more large tribes - Fredonians, Kaibabs and Ridgers fought for hegemony in the region. And each of the tribes fought in their own way.

The Fredonians, the most numerous of the tribes, did not possess any secrets of weapons, however, along with this, they also possessed the most disciplined army. Their loyalty to their commander was legendary, and it seemed that they were even ready to throw themselves at enemy machine guns.

On the other side were the Kaibabs, a tribe that grew up after they discovered a surviving cache of pre-war rifles. They have mastered the skill of handling these weapons to perfection, even starting to worship their weapons. Despite their small numbers, they were formidable enemies.

The third tribe, the Ridgers, used a wide variety of explosives for their needs. Often it was artisanal, but by trial and error they managed to achieve quite good results, although they were extremely primitive. But this did not make them less formidable enemies.

And in the end, the young Legion crushed all the tribes, but even in his desire to build a civilization and erase the differences between the tribes that gave rise to enmity, Caesar was not going to do it thoughtlessly. The tactics of one of the tribes were supposed to change the military strategy of the Legion, influencing the classic three-line system of the Roman army. But what exactly did Caesar choose?

Choose one option:
[] - Discipline. The already highly disciplined Legionnaires would have to become a model of the Legion's war machine. In the end, in any system, it is the person who is the weakest and most unreliable element. Gives all troops the modifier [Iron Discipline]
[] - Firearms. Caesar will pay great attention to the training of the first legionaries in the proper handling of weapons. It makes no sense to make snipers out of them, but they should be taught how to clean weapons so that the weapons serve many times longer. Changes the [severe weapon shortage] modifier to [moderate weapon shortage]
[] - Explosives. Not only explosives, but engineering in general would be the basis of the Legion's tactics, as Caesar was farsighted. He knew that mighty cities like Albuquerque and Phoenix would be waiting for him. Gives all troops the [engineer troops] modifier.
[] - Although it will cost Caesar his health, he went through the initiation rites of the leaders of all three tribes in his youth, convincing other tribes to obey him as if it were their own tribe. Grants all three modifiers.

It was the tribes of northern and central Arizona that became the main recruiting base for Caesar's Legion. Yes, many of these tribes were turned into slaves, but the Legion also brought order, making the lives of even slaves many times safer.

However, in addition to the conquered tribes, Caesar's Legion also has a huge number of tributaries - who are usually too small to pay attention to - as well as federates. And the history of each federate is unique, for some have earned a privileged generation and autonomy by their loyalty and usefulness to the Legion in this capacity, while others, on the contrary, have resisted too stubbornly.

The scythes have been allies of the Legion for decades. The Two Suns were too far away for a military campaign and always friendly to the Legion, so it was decided that they would keep this city in exchange for troops. The Reavers, with their cult of cybernetization, are too distant from humanity to be integrated into the Legion. The reservation for ghouls and other mutants was created by Joshua for humanitarian reasons. The Navajo tribe was simply impossible to conquer by force, just as they could not push back the troops of the Legion, and therefore both sides chose a bad peace.

Other victims of the military expansion of the Legion were two rich and powerful cities - Phoenix and Albuquerque, with which the young Legion waged a long and difficult war. Phoenix was a stronghold of degenerateness, and therefore there was no question of equal relations, although in exchange for an alliance with several factions within the city, Caesar granted the city a certain autonomy, albeit under the close supervision of the city's military governor.

Albuquerque was a completely different city, which was never captured. Like Vault City, Albuquerque was founded around one of the ancient bunkers, and has retained many technological marvels. As such, the fledgling Legion faced not the usual mercenaries who could be easily put to flight, but ranks of small but well-armed fighters with energy weapons and behind high walls. The legion could besiege Albuquerque, but if the forces were not enough to capture the city. Similarly, the inhabitants of the city themselves could not defeat the many times more powerful Legion.

The result was an agreement under which Empress Victoria of Albuquerque and Caesar entered into a formal marriage, binding their states with a dynastic union and becoming de jure co-rulers. This option did not suit anyone, but it was the only possible way out of the stalemate status quo.

As Arizona was conquered, Caesar's Legion had to face many opponents. This will not be about the plutocrats from Phoenix, and not about the recluses of Albuquerque. This is about far more strange and exotic enemies, but the first of them was the Brotherhood of Steel. This contagion originated in Arizona when the world needed protection, but now these "technologists" have become techno-fanatics who only parasitize on the achievements of the past.

It is not surprising that the Brotherhood of Arizona came into conflict with Caesar's Legion. But what they never expected was that the savage army would be capable of defeating and destroying the Brotherhood of Steel. Of course, in the early years of the Legion's existence, they had to be fought in a roundabout way, because their weapons and armor were unmatched and helped them defeat a hundred Legionnaires at a time.

The salvation was the fact that the Legion managed to capture the Elder of this Brotherhood. The will of that turned out to be too weak, and he told us the secret codes that allowed us to get inside their bunker when their fighters were away from their weapons and armor.

However, a group of paladins managed to escape as they were outside the bunker that day. Seeing the plight of their Brotherhood, they decided not to fight the doomed battle, but to withdraw westward, bringing news to their commanders in Lost Hills of the existence of Caesar's Legion and the threat it truly posed. This cannot be allowed in any way. Rumors will bring news of the Legion, but it's too early now.

We need to stop them, but here's how.

Choose one option:
[] - Why not just throw waves of legionnaires at them? The option proposed by the Legate is rather clumsy and will obviously cost a lot of casualties, but it will demonstrate the Legion's ability to defeat paladins even in direct combat. The legionnaires themselves ask their commanders to let them shed their blood in the name of Caesar.
[] - Lucius proposed an unusual course of action after conferring with several engineers from the Cult of Vulcan. On the way to Colorado, the paladins will have to overcome several gorges. We could cause an avalanche in the gorge and bury the noble warriors under tons of stone.
[] - A young centurion and former mercenary commander Aurelius, who betrayed his employers from Phoenix and went over to the side of the Legion, offered his own version. Armor reliably protects paladins from any weapon, but in their position they are unlikely to refuse to escort a caravan for the sake of joint protection. And where there is a common hearth and a common dinner, there is poison.
[] - Vulpes is simple enough and expected for a frumentary, but he believes that a dozen frumentarii firing from a distance would be able to pretty much disable the paladins. Damage to the power armor's reactor and servos with sniper shots will make the paladin's armor a yoke around their neck.

Preparing his own campaign against Albuquerque, Caesar turned to his frumentaries and tasked them with going east and exploring the lands of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas for things of interest to the Legion while he himself was busy with the state capital.

Frumentarians told about the Denver Mint, about the Brotherhood of Steel in Texas and about the Republic of the Rio Grande, the legacy of an ancient, almost dead era. Seeing the benefits of annexing these eastern lands, Caesar sent the centurion Paulus, with huge forces at that time, to annex Denver to the empire and ensure the supply of coins from the local mint.

Unfortunately, Caesar made one of the mistakes, or rather, two mistakes at once. For Paulus was not only unable to fulfill the goal. Out of pride, the centurion decided to try to capture both Denver and the Rio Grande, but was defeated in both directions. On the other hand, he was too cowardly to come to Flagstaff and accept the punishment for his failure by going into treason with his loyal troops.

It was a huge loss for the Legion, but now Caesar is ready to send another expedition to the east, this time led by the young but impressive military tribune Lanius. Like Paulus, Caesar entrusted him with a formidable force with a simple command - to go east and occupy these lands, all the way to Denver, giving him complete freedom to pursue policies east of the Rio Grande.

In addition to the maniple of Legion warriors, Caesar also entrusted Lanius with the choice of taking any other unit he wished.

Choose two options:
[] - A cohort of recruits. These fighters are young hastati, but their numbers are large, and therefore they can be a good addition to Lanius on an expedition to the east. Gives Launis' maniple a modifier [outnumbered].
[] - Centuria of Veterans. This centuria consists of those legionnaires of Paulus who once decided to return to the legion and accept punishment. Since then, they have served valiantly, striving to regain the honor lost because of their commander and will be glad to take revenge on him. Gives Launis' maniple a [stubborn] modifier.
[] - Alae on camels. A unique feature of Arizona is the presence of wild camels in it, which have been preserved here since pre-war times, and are used by local troops for supplies. This will enable him to operate with much less dependence on constant supply. Two hundred camel riders would be a useful addition to Lanius' forces. Gives Lanius' maniple the modifier [alae camel].
[] - Centuria of motorcycle racers. Constructed from various pre-war motorcycles and cars, this centuria - with only half its normal strength - is capable of filling the role of flanking troops. Gives Lanius' maniple the [mobile forces] modifier.
[] - Auxiliaries of the Navajo people. These fighters are snipers and scouts who will escort and support Lanius' troops while tracking down the enemy, for even the Legion's best Vexilarii cannot match them in sniper combat. Gives Lanius' Maniple a modifier [Scout Auxiliaries].

Please, vote by plan!
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Quest Mechanics
One of the most important components of a campaign in the Fallout universe is military action, which will take up a significant part of the campaign as a result of the military focus of the Legion. To do this, you need to deal with several things: the structure of the army, the mechanics of the battle and the types of battles.

The main unit in the military question for the player will be the army. The army in this case is much smaller than modern armies, but unlike the armies of the Middle Ages, they do not move from target to target, but operate in the whole region, ensuring its control. A region is basically a direction where a war is waged against one or more nations. Only the largest conflicts with the most powerful and advanced states of the Wasteland will require the creation of several armies to confront them, in most cases just one army is enough.

An army is a certain amount of troops that can act independently and is sufficient to control a certain territory. However, the clash of armies does not just occur between abstract armies, but between armies that have properties of several types.

  1. General characteristics. These are the properties that are common to the state and are determined by its technological level of development, as well as the general formation of the army. Such properties are most often found in the army of the state as a whole. An example of such a property, for example, is the lack of firearms for Caesar's Legion at the initial stage.
  2. Resources. These properties are both secondary units that can be attached to the main one, playing the role of auxiliary forces, and any excess equipment. Examples are Navajo auxiliaries and additional machine guns. Such properties are part of a particular army and most often cannot be transferred from one army to another.
  3. Commanders. These properties represent unique characters, namely, not so much their personal combat skills, but their personal views on combat that ensure victory. They can be relatively easily replaced by different armies.

The interaction of properties of different types and the specific situation on the battlefield forms tactics according to which units participate in battles. Each tactic is not only a modifier to the d100 roll, which determines the success of the combat, but also determines the outcome of the combat. For example, attacks with human waves, even with almost complete success, will always cost a lot of human losses.

The battles between armies themselves are divided into two types. Simple battles and сomplex battles. Simple battles are quite filler fights that come in addition to the main post, and are usually resolved within one turn, since only an extreme miss can cause a major faction to lose the battle. This usually determines only the level of loss.

Complex battles are a completely different level of development, and these are cases where the main resources of the army are concentrated to fight in a small area, often over a long period of time. Each such battle takes place in several stages, moreover, each of the stages includes one or more questions about how to use the available resources in the battle. Most often, such fights come down to whether or not the attacker can break the defender's defenses and knock him to flight to his own exhaustion.


In addition to, in fact, the army of Caesar's Legion, one should not forget about the second tool of his influence - the frumentaries, who often do not even come from the territory of the Legion, but have proven their own conviction in the goals of the Legion, and are ready to achieve them by any means.

The main parameter for espionage games is the so-called "frumentary strength", which is updated every ten turns, depending on the number of positive and negative modifiers in this particular direction. Options that are almost guaranteed to win Caesar's Legion in a conflict require spending that Frumentary Power, while a high Power setting prevents the enemy from starting to act against your allies, so players are interested in both spending Frumentary Power and maintaining a high value.

The main region where players will use Frumentarii will be the Mojave, as the site of the most active contact between the NCR and Caesar's Legion. In this region, on the one hand, the frumentarians are the most active, which increases the growth of the power of the frumentarians, but at the same time, the frumentarians also face the most active resistance from the NCR, which, on the contrary, reduces the growth of the influence of the frumentarians.

Statistics example:

Mojave: Frumentarii Strength - 7 (parity) Change (+1)
Personal participation of Vulpes (FS + 1)
The main direction of work of frumentarians (FS + 1)
Chaos in the region (FS + 0)
Republican Rangers Activity (FS - 1)

However, the Mojave is not the only such region where Frumentarian activity is possible, and the New California Republic is also not the only enemy to face, although it is the most powerful of the opponents.

In addition to the Mojave, the Frumentarians will also travel to Utah, Sonora, and Nevada, where there are also NCR agents to fight. And in the case of Sonora and Utah, there will also be a third party, although neutral for the NCR - New Canaan and Rio Grande.

At the same time, the activity of spies and the expansion of the Legion's sphere of influence does not mean at all that the Legion cannot intervene in the regions also militarily by its actions. He can send troops to Utah and Sonora, gaining a foothold there with an army and establishing his own dictatorship, or creating allied regimes, which will greatly improve Caesar's position in this matter.


This quest does not belong to the category of plan quests, where you have to solve issues related to providing the population with water and food, as well as maintaining a balance in the development of industries. This is partly a feature of the post-war world, in which living standards are much lower, and even without good food, the population will largely be able to survive. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be interested in reading about how the next factory for processing scrap metal and producing something useful from it was.

Therefore, most of the daily economic activity of the state occurs in the background. You begin to act only at the moment when active intervention is required on the part of the head of state. Examples of such decisions may be a response to any crisis situation in the economy, or the need for large investments to implement large-scale projects.

The main resource for players is the so-called Reserves. Reserves are updated every ten turns, they are spent on the maintenance of the armed forces of the Legion of Caesar, for large-scale projects, and can also be lost as a result of the inefficiency of the bureaucracy. On the other hand, plantations, day from vassals and manufactories of various large cities are reliable sources of reserves for your state.

You have a fairly small amount of reserves, so the following notation is used to show the transition of a factor from +1 reserve to +2:

Phoenix Trading Houses (Reserves +1) ++++

This means that every ten turns the income from the trading houses of Phoenix will give you +1 to Reserves, and in addition, 80% of the way before turning this factor into Reserves +2. If this happens, the entry will change to

Phoenix Trading Houses (Reserves +2) - - - -

This means that one more step down, and the bonus will again begin to bring +1 Reserve.
[X] Plan Iron Sights and Men
-[X] - Although it will cost Caesar his health, he went through the initiation rites of the leaders of all three tribes in his youth, convincing other tribes to obey him as if it were their own tribe. Grants all three modifiers.
-[X] - Vulpes is simple enough and expected for a frumentary, but he believes that a dozen frumentarii firing from a distance would be able to pretty much disable the paladins. Damage to the power armor's reactor and servos with sniper shots will make the paladin's armor a yoke around their neck.
-[X] - A cohort of recruits. These fighters are young hastati, but their numbers are large, and therefore they can be a good addition to Lanius on an expedition to the east. Gives Launis' maniple a modifier [outnumbered].
-[X] - Centuria of Veterans. This centuria consists of those legionnaires of Paulus who once decided to return to the legion and accept punishment. Since then, they have served valiantly, striving to regain the honor lost because of their commander and will be glad to take revenge on him. Gives Launis' maniple a [stubborn] modifier.

Getting all 3 modifiers seems to be a no-brainer. Cesar's health can always be easily recovered. I chose the option to shoot the paladins as it seems to synergize with our firearms modifier. For the Lanius campaign, I just chose to get as many bodies and warriors as possible. We can get more use out of the "iron discipline" modifier that way. Also, with the soldiers' "engineer troops" modifer, we can dig in and build structures and roads to help with the campaign.
[X] Plan Iron Sights and Men
-[X] - Although it will cost Caesar his health, he went through the initiation rites of the leaders of all three tribes in his youth, convincing other tribes to obey him as if it were their own tribe. Grants all three modifiers.
-[X] - Vulpes is simple enough and expected for a frumentary, but he believes that a dozen frumentarii firing from a distance would be able to pretty much disable the paladins. Damage to the power armor's reactor and servos with sniper shots will make the paladin's armor a yoke around their neck.
-[X] - A cohort of recruits. These fighters are young hastati, but their numbers are large, and therefore they can be a good addition to Lanius on an expedition to the east. Gives Launis' maniple a modifier [outnumbered].
-[X] - Centuria of Veterans. This centuria consists of those legionnaires of Paulus who once decided to return to the legion and accept punishment. Since then, they have served valiantly, striving to regain the honor lost because of their commander and will be glad to take revenge on him. Gives Launis' maniple a [stubborn] modifier.
Yeah, time to close the vote and stard writing new turn.
Scheduled vote count started by Karlov on Dec 9, 2022 at 2:40 PM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Iron Sights and Men
    -[X] - Although it will cost Caesar his health, he went through the initiation rites of the leaders of all three tribes in his youth, convincing other tribes to obey him as if it were their own tribe. Grants all three modifiers.
    -[X] - Vulpes is simple enough and expected for a frumentary, but he believes that a dozen frumentarii firing from a distance would be able to pretty much disable the paladins. Damage to the power armor's reactor and servos with sniper shots will make the paladin's armor a yoke around their neck.
    -[X] - A cohort of recruits. These fighters are young hastati, but their numbers are large, and therefore they can be a good addition to Lanius on an expedition to the east. Gives Launis' maniple a modifier [outnumbered].
    -[X] - Centuria of Veterans. This centuria consists of those legionnaires of Paulus who once decided to return to the legion and accept punishment. Since then, they have served valiantly, striving to regain the honor lost because of their commander and will be glad to take revenge on him. Gives Launis' maniple a [stubborn] modifier.

And time to roll dice for Vulpes plan.
Karlov threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Vulpen plan DC40 Total: 78
78 78
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Turn 1
Winning vote:
[X] Plan Iron Sights and Men

-[X] - Although it will cost Caesar his health, he went through the initiation rites of the leaders of all three tribes in his youth, convincing other tribes to obey him as if it were their own tribe. Grants all three modifiers.
-[X] - Vulpes is simple enough and expected for a frumentary, but he believes that a dozen frumentarii firing from a distance would be able to pretty much disable the paladins. Damage to the power armor's reactor and servos with sniper shots will make the paladin's armor a yoke around their neck.
-[X] - A cohort of recruits. These fighters are young hastati, but their numbers are large, and therefore they can be a good addition to Lanius on an expedition to the east. Gives Launis' maniple a modifier [outnumbered].
-[X] - Centuria of Veterans. This centuria consists of those legionnaires of Paulus who once decided to return to the legion and accept punishment. Since then, they have served valiantly, striving to regain the honor lost because of their commander and will be glad to take revenge on him. Gives Launis' maniple a [stubborn] modifier.


Reserves: 0 (+2 in turn)

Manufactories of Flagstaff (Reserves +1)
The capital of New Rome is one huge military camp, but even here there is a place for production, because the city is located at a crossroads. However, weapons are mainly produced here, which goes to the Legion itself for armament.

Phoenix Trading Houses (Reserves +1)
The Roman trading system and its efficient operation are backed by the professionalism and loyalty of Phoenix's merchant elites. Loyalty, these, however, should not be overestimated.

Phoenix Manufactories (Reserves +1)
In the southern capital of Arizona, everything necessary is produced not only for war, but also for peaceful life. However, the uncertainty observed in the city due to the struggle for power of several factions at once prevents the city from achieving prosperity.

Plantations near Phoenix (Reserves +1)
Near Phoenix is one of the few places in Legion territory where farming is possible outside of the oases. Much of the land here is owned by the Legion itself, which has set up vast slave plantations to grow food.

Allies and vassals of the Legion (Reserves +1)
The Legion has a large number of imaginary allies and vassals who are forced to either have very unfavorable relations with you, or directly pay the day.

Slave Trade (Reserves 0)++
At the moment, population growth has so far only marginally exceeded the natural loss among slaves, so we need new conquests in order for this to begin to bring us profit.

My name is Legion (Reserves -1)
The Legion maintains one of the largest armies in the Wasteland, which in the case of the Legion also performs an administrative function in many territories. The maintenance of such an army is extremely expensive.

Financing of the eastern expedition (Reserves -1)
Although the Eastern Expedition is not that big compared to the total forces of the Legion, however, the need to supply it with almost everything and the remoteness of these forces leads the Legion to spend huge sums on this.

Arid climate (Reserves -1)
Farming in the southwestern United States is complicated by the arid climate. Famine in these parts is by no means uncommon.


Vulpes' tactical maneuver to eliminate the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel was successful. Now the last remnants of the once-powerful Arizona Brotherhood of Steel have been destroyed and another fragment of the Wasteland freed from the influence of these techno-fanatics.

The fox was, as always, precise and inexorable, and almost every plan of his ended in success. However, it is worth recognizing that the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel remained loyal to their own organization and fought to the very end, and in the end preferred to die rather than be captured by the Legion.

Caesar often thought about his position, about how unstable and absolute it was at the same time. After all, on the one hand, he was the founder and ideological inspirer of Caesar's Legion, no one could have overthrown him from his place without being able to break and fundamentally change the Legion itself. But at the same time, Caesar himself was mired in bureaucracy, and as a result, his associates, who formed a kind of quadrumvirate, had a huge influence on him.

Joshua Graham was the most conservative of this small select circle who had access to Caesar himself. However, being the supreme commander in chief and the second person in the state, it could not be otherwise. Two things gave birth to the Legion - Graham's cruelty and Caesar's philosophy. But in addition to cruelty, Graham had another feature that seemed strange and almost impossible - Christian views, which contrasted sharply with everything familiar.

The Praetorian commander Lucius was a centrist in this society, always advocating the most compromising options, apparently out of the belief that too drastic changes would destroy the unstable Legion, devoid of well-established institutions. But he had another role - he, by the will of Fortune, turned out to be the curator of the Cult of the Vulcan. The title again does not reflect the essence at all. It contained all the scientists and specialists that were too valuable for Caesar to be treated like ordinary slaves.

The most liberal was by far Aurelius of Phoenix. A young mercenary commander who betrayed his employer and went over to the side of the Legion, capturing the city in fact before the arrival of the main forces of the Legion. He did this not at all because of idealistic positions, but because he himself had extensive connections within the city, and he tried to make peace that would cause the least damage to his friends and family inside the city. However, even Caesar understood that it was simply impossible to treat a large city as if it were just another savage.

Finally, there was Vulpes, the commander of the frumentarii, who was exclusively subordinate to Caesar. His plans remained a mystery even to Caesar himself, but he knew that Vulpes would not betray him, and therefore he could trust his judgment in cases where the opinion of someone who was not directly connected with military affairs was needed.

But these four did not manipulate Caesar, but rather served him, dealing with many issues that were unworthy of a personal dictator. Caesar associated each of them with certain groups within the Legion. And these four brought the opinion of many less influential people to the supreme dictator. After all, many issues in the Legion were large enough to require the attention of not just one group, but several, and then Caesar himself made the decision.

An example of such a decision is the discussion that has now arisen of the fate of the surviving members of the defeated Arizona Brotherhood of Steel. The solution to the issue of the preserved equipment, in fact, was many times easier, because almost all of it will go to the frumentaries. Of course, most of them, due to their knowledge and specialization in military affairs, as well as their lack of loyalty, will simply be dangerous to the Legion and therefore executed. But what to do with scientists? What to do with engineers? What to do with doctors in the end?

The legate insisted that a techno-fanatic remains a techno-fanatic. Each of them grew up with the Brotherhood of Steel, an ideologically charged environment that turned them not so much into people as into tools of their organization. Even if you save their lives, where is the guarantee that they will not sow confusion? Where is the guarantee that they will not sabotage production. As valuable as their knowledge is, the potential damage from their activities is too great for them to continue to operate. It was noteworthy that Vulpes also echoed him, saying that his people could not keep track of everything and everyone.

The complete opposite was Lucius, the curator of the Cult of Vulcan, who was not only ideologically opposed to the legate, but also promoted the interests of the organization with other views. It was their organization that received such specialists, providing the Legion with invaluable services. As a result, he tried to convince them to give them under his responsibility, so that work could be done with them inside the Cult of the Vulcan. Most of them will work for you in one way or another, although they will not necessarily be active to the same extent.

Finally, Aurelius, as always, offered an adventurous but interesting plan. From his point of view, he should honestly approach the remaining scribes and technicians of the Brotherhood of Steel, offering them a deal. A comfortable existence within the Cult of Vulcan, as high-level specialists, in exchange for betraying their vows. All others will become ordinary slaves in the factories of the Cult of Vulcan.

However, Vulpes himself opposed him most ardently, saying that in this way it would be easy for the scribes to gain confidence in the overseers, which should not be allowed. For months of secret work, they can create cells inside the workshops and at one moment start an uprising, destroying the most valuable samples of technology and records.

Choose one option:
[] - Extermination of survivors. All members of the Arizona Brotherhood of Steel must be executed, as their very existence is a danger to Caesar's Legion, while the Legion cannot use them, and overseeing them wastes useless resources.
[] - Hand over to the Cult of Vulcan. Lucius is right, for many years the activities of the Cult were regulated within the Cult itself. And even such a large and organized group of potential cult members should not become a reason for abandoning this principle.
[] - Personal deals. Aurelius offered a good and rather humane option, which Caesar likes with his nobility. After all, he never desired to rule the barbarians, preferring instead to rule with a soft hand. It is unfortunate that this is rarely reasonable and useful.


Twenty years ago, the army, along with the legate and Caesar himself, stood near the walls of Albuquerque. These walls for many generations seemed completely impregnable for any inhabitants of the Wasteland. High stone walls, on which automatic defense systems are installed. Only once did anyone manage to break through the outer walls, and since then their defenses have been increased many times over.

Lanius himself was then present under the walls of this great city, then still as the most ordinary legionary, and here he first earned the attention of his commanders. It seemed that it was worth Caesar to give the command to storm once again, and Albuquerque would fall. Yes, the walls are still standing, but they are worthless without defenders. And the defenders were almost exterminated in that battle. The heart of young Lanius demanded blood, victories.

Then Caesar refused to go on the attack, believing that the victory would cost too many lives and would not give the Legion enough spoils to justify this loss. Instead, he decided to offer Albuquerque the most honorable peace and a guarantee of mutual respect that would be able to get both sides out of a difficult war that did not benefit either. Perhaps then this decision was really wise. Then Albuquerque retained its independence.

But like any relic of the Old World, the City-Behind-the-Walls is dying of its own weakness and passivity. Sooner or later, the young empire will once again turn its attention, and the fate of the city will be decided.

Lanius understood this by organizing a pure show of force with his many troops. The army of Lanius set out on a campaign, from which the young commander will return either a hero and a triumphant, or he will be delivered for execution in the face of Caesar. All or nothing. Such was his fate, and Lanius himself agreed to accept this fate. If victory is his, then he may well shake the throne under Graham, becoming a Legate on his own. On the other hand, in case of failure, the end will either be quick, cruel and filled with shame.

Caesar placed under his command a truly enormous force - a maniple of ten centurii, who were under the command of Lanius as one of the few military tribunes in the Legion. Plus, Lanius himself requested four more centuries for himself, one of which was exemplary veterans, and thus, his forces were multiplied even more. He had both elite fighters for short-range fights and countless recruits capable of exhausting the enemy and giving victory.

The sight of an entire Legion maniple assembling to confront the enemy was so impressive that the people of Albuquerque flocked to the streets, looking at the orderly ranks of the Legionnaires.

However, it should not be assumed that everyone else could not see how the Legion slowly penetrated the city. Not as a conqueror, but as an ally, whose strong friendly embrace turns out to be a deadly grip. The occupation of the lands east of the Rio Grande will finally put an end to this degenerate fragment of the Old World. Lanius saw it as a strategist and others saw it as politicians.

Empress Victoria, who rules this city, and is considered the wife and co-ruler of Caesar, more than once tried to invite a military tribune to her place. She sought to buy him with the help of technological marvels and luxury, make him her puppet, or destroy him, like any threat. However, the military tribune refused to play such intrigues. His heart belongs to the Legion, his loyalty is like a rampart, and there is nothing that can change that.

The status of a junior ally of the Legion, together with the beginning of the eastern expedition, put Albuquerque in an extremely uncomfortable position, because now they would be surrounded on all sides and gradually absorbed. It is not surprising that the Empress and wife of Caesar tried to find a way to disrupt this expedition, or to subordinate it to their own interests. Therefore, Lanius tried with all his might to limit contact between Albuquerque and his host.

But the military tribune will still have to fulfill one visit of the mistress of this dying city. As already mentioned, he cannot rely on his "ally" in this military campaign, therefore he needed his own fortress during the military campaign in New Mexico. A secure base, a logistical center of operations, preferably naturally protected. And the best part is that such a place even exists.

The ghouls of the Resurrection cult still hold onto one rock in the middle of the desert, having turned it into a small fortress over the century of its existence. Usually the Legion treated mutants quite humanely, but in this case, everything is different. These ghouls are subject to madness of the worst kind. This madness does not look like a disease, but like heresy, and therefore these ghouls must be destroyed and their fortress captured.

Over a century ago, the entire New Mexico Wasteland suffered from the Ghoul Wars. The Renaissance cult gathered in its ranks a huge number of ghouls who were firmly convinced that they could make ghouls human again. The secret lay in a pre-war machine that allowed flesh to be transplanted from one person to another. Ghouls abducted people and tried to regain their old form by using the flesh in disgusting rituals.

Those were really dark years, and at the worst times they even managed to break through the outer wall of Albuquerque. However, in the end, a Hero appeared who came and was able to eliminate this threat, destroying both the disgusting machine and the leadership of the organization. In the following years, most of the ghouls went to different parts of the Wastes, and the Resurrection lost its power. However, it is an honor for the Legion to complete the task of destroying this hideous degenerate group.

Although the Empress of Albuquerque clearly refused to send even a single soldier from her city to aid the Legion, she offered to accept help in the form of a hospital from her city's medics. Of course, this "hospital" will be a peddler of degenerate ideas of pacifism and humanism among the legionnaires, they will also spy on the activities of the Legion, but the benefits of them cannot be denied.

Choose one option:
[] - Agree. The Legion would need good medics, at least for the duration of the war in New Mexico.
[] - Refuse. The Legion will face the enemy and either win or lose, but victory will be won without the help of the weak and degenerate inhabitants of the City-Behind-the-Walls.

As for the very rock where the ghouls fortified, due to its location right on the plain, it was completely impossible to attack them suddenly, except perhaps on a moonless night. And even that would require a march of ten kilometers in the night, without light sources.

As a result, Lanius simply accepted the fact that the enemy would be aware of their attack and would be prepared for it. On the one hand, this will not allow you to swoop down on the enemy until he is ready to repel a massive assault. But the enemy forces are still too small to pose a real threat. The question is not so much in the possibility of losing, but in the ratio of human and temporary losses.

Choose one option:
[] - [Outhumbered] + [Iron Discipline] Good old mass attack. Many recruits will die in such an attack, but nothing can compare in effectiveness with the attack of soldiers who are ready to go to their deaths at the order of their commander. Like any degenerates, these ghouls are only strong against those who are not able to resist them. They will easily run away when they see the countless formations of the Legion.
[] - [You only start your campaign] Siege. On the one hand, this will not be such a dangerous option, given the enemy's lack of heavy weapons, and not even the longest, since the ghouls do not have their own source of food and food. However, this is still valuable time for the Legion to march east.
[] - [Demolition] + [Stubborn] Assault Squad. Lanius has a centurion of veterans, which is able to quickly capture the fortress if they are given the opportunity to overcome the enemy defenses. Especially for such assaults, the Legion uses explosives in order to make holes in the enemy's defensive systems.
[] - LOCKED. Unfortunately, you don't have sniper units like the Navajo auxiliaries that can overwhelm the enemy's outer defenses and get close to the walls with their accurate fire.

Finally, Lanius is also faced with the question of his future actions, since after the imminent capture of the ghouls of the Renaissance cult, he will have to attack the next people of New Mexico, in accordance with Caesar's orders.

Several possibilities lay before Lanius. First, he could try to attack El Paso, a major city that ended up in the hands of a weak confederacy of tribes that would be easily overwhelmed and get another supply route from Flagstaff. Secondly, there were the priests of Santa Fe and the techno-fanatics of Roswell, who needed to be destroyed. Finally, there was the Summers plutocratic federation of several relatively large trading settlements, which would need to be destroyed in order to fully advance north.

The only worthy foes in establishing Pax Roman in these lands are the power-armored techno-raiders, and Lanius himself would probably prefer to face them last.

Choose one option:
[] - Tribe Mescalero. The capture of El Paso is useless as part of the march on Denver, but will be useful during the conquest of New Mexico.
[] - Roswell. techno-fanatics don't pose a serious threat, but they will be good training for our troops.
[] - Santa Fe. These priests during the invasion of Paulus waited out his attack in the fortress cities. This time they will not be as lucky.
[] - Summers Federation. Capturing these roads will greatly simplify our logistics, so we just have to take them on.
[] - Executors. These tech-readers are to be destroyed and their resources used by the forces of the Legion.
[X] Plan Brazen Bull
-[X] Personal deals. Aurelius offered a good and rather humane option, which Caesar likes with his nobility. After all, he never desired to rule the barbarians, preferring instead to rule with a soft hand. It is unfortunate that this is rarely reasonable and useful.
—Make it clear that if they betray our mercy and generosity they shall spend the last days of their life wishing for death to come sooner

-[X] Agree. The Legion would need good medics, at least for the duration of the war in New Mexico.

-[X] [Demolition] + [Stubborn] Assault Squad. Lanius has a centurion of veterans, which is able to quickly capture the fortress if they are given the opportunity to overcome the enemy defenses. Especially for such assaults, the Legion uses explosives in order to make holes in the enemy's defensive systems.

-[X] Summers Federation. Capturing these roads will greatly simplify our logistics, so we just have to take them on.
—Hey, WE'RE supposed to be the road guys!
[X] Plan Brazen Bull

I'm confident enough about our soldiers to not get swayed by weak "pacifist" ideals of the healers due to our iron discipline modifier. Although, there's little we can about their spying.
-[X] Summers Federation. Capturing these roads will greatly simplify our logistics, so we just have to take them on.
—Hey, WE'RE supposed to be the road guys!

BTW, order of conquering New Mexico also very important, because Lanius create reputation. So you can even conquer Summers Federation without heavy fights, if you have specific reputation.

Theoretically, we could threaten to flay anyone we catch spying before throwing them into the Colorado, but that is inconducive to a healthy business partnership.

Please, can we without such cruelty? I mean, yeah, it's Legion, but I just feared SV administration and quest banning.

BTW, order of conquering New Mexico also very important, because Lanius create reputation. So you can even conquer Summers Federation without heavy fights, if you have specific reputation.

Please, can we without such cruelty? I mean, yeah, it's Legion, but I just feared SV administration and quest banning.
Hmmmm, I see.

Sorry about that!
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