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You've just signed up for a new job! At Smiley's Children Eatery, the place is a bit grungy and worn down but the food is the best you'll ever have, and being an employee you can eat all the left overs you want!

Although seems like a lot of employees are still walking out benefits not enough for them you guess, but hey at least that got you your new job and you'd probably keep it till the day you died. Smiley was always in need of new employees you've never seen that Help wanted poster on the outside door ever taken down.
Place that's fun for the whole family 0.1

Hugs wanted

(Lurker of threads) (wannabe writer)
Whatever sticky residue got on your arm was just straight up refusing to come off of you, that or the cheap watered down soap and tepid at best faucet water weren't very good at cleaning, this place excelled at greasy food and over sugary drinks that would rot the insides of a kids mouth till it hit the brain, it was probably because of those same sugary drinks every kid that went here loved you couldn't touch a wall without it feeling unpleasantly sticky like someone painted every corner of this place with something. Walking over to use one and only air dryer that was in the kitchen, letting the hot air that was nearly forceful enough to push your arms down to your sides dry your hands.

Giving them one last wipe you turn to head out the door and back into the main restaurant only to look down and notice that there was a stack of Job applications on the desk that you somehow…didn't notice when you walked in or washed your hands. Deciding why not you took a look at the page.

[Smiley's Child Eatery Job Application Form] added to your inventory​

[At the top of a page was a large yellow smiley face with two buck teeth, children were running between the gaps in the faces teeth with an excited look. The iconic logo of the restaurant chain it was corny and a little groan worthy in your opinion]

Applicant information
[] Full name
-[] First name
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Middle name
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Last name
--[] (Your answer)

[] Date
-[] Month
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Day
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Year
--[] (Your answer)

[] Address
-[] Street address
--[] (Your answer)
-[] City
--[] (Your answer)
-[] State
--[] (Your answer)

[] Contact information
-[] Phone
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Email
--[] (Your answer)

[] Are you a citizen of the U.S
-[] Yes
-[] No

[] Are you authorized to work in the us
-[] Yes
-[] No

[] Have you ever worked for this company
-[] Yes
--[] If yes when
---[] (Your answer)
-[] Position applied for
--[] (Your answer)

[] Have you ever been convicted of a felony
-[] Yes
--[] If Yes explains
---[] (Your answer)
-[] No

[] Desired salary
-[] (Your answer)

[] Education
-[] High school
--[] Graduated
--[] Did not Graduate
-[] College
--[] Graduated
--[] Did not Graduate

Just as you finish writing the last of your details, in red ink you stare down at the paper before you are confused, not knowing what in particular possessed you to sign a job application for a grimy McDonald's rip off…and where did you put the pen used to sign it?
Use plan votes please, any strangeness of writing or peculiar word choice may or may not be intentional.
I don't know how long I can stomach horror, but I filled out some of the details and made an easier to copy plan.

[] Plan someone else
-[] Full name
--[] First name
--[] (Your answer)
--[] Middle name
---[] (Your answer)
--[] Last name
---[] (Your answer)
-[] Date
--[] Month
--[] February
-[] Day
--[] 30
-[] Year
--[] 2017
-[] Address
--[] Street address
--[] (Your answer)
-[] City
--[] (Your answer)
-[] State
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Contact information
--[] Phone
---[] N/A
--[] Email
---[] (Your answer)
-[] Are you a citizen of the U.S
--[] Yes
-[] Are you authorized to work in the us
--[] No
-[] Have you ever worked for this company
--[] Yes
--[] If yes when
---[] from 2019 to 2022
-[] Position applied for
--[] Marketing consultant
-[] Have you ever been convicted of a felony
--[] Yes
--[] If Yes explains
---[] Obstructing justice for filming cops on the street as they were in the act of what I'm legaly required to call self defense the details of the case are by an NDA.
---[] Also escaping a clockwork facility
-[] Desired salary
--[] A place to hide from the law, free food and 1 bitcoin a month, which are currently priced just above $1000
-[] Education
--[] High school
--[] Graduated
I don't know how long I can stomach horror, but I filled out some of the details and made an easier to copy plan.

[] Plan someone else
-[] Full name
--[] First name
--[] (Your answer)
--[] Middle name
---[] (Your answer)
--[] Last name
---[] (Your answer)
-[] Date
--[] Month
--[] February
-[] Day
--[] 30
-[] Year
--[] 2017
-[] Address
--[] Street address
--[] (Your answer)
-[] City
--[] (Your answer)
-[] State
--[] (Your answer)
-[] Contact information
--[] Phone
---[] N/A
--[] Email
---[] (Your answer)
-[] Are you a citizen of the U.S
--[] Yes
-[] Are you authorized to work in the us
--[] No
-[] Have you ever worked for this company
--[] Yes
--[] If yes when
---[] from 2019 to 2022
-[] Position applied for
--[] Marketing consultant
-[] Have you ever been convicted of a felony
--[] Yes
--[] If Yes explains
---[] Obstructing justice for filming cops on the street as they were in the act of what I'm legaly required to call self defense the details of the case are by an NDA.
---[] Also escaping a clockwork facility
-[] Desired salary
--[] A place to hide from the law, free food and 1 bitcoin a month, which are currently priced just above $1000
-[] Education
--[] High school
--[] Graduated

Don't worry I'm more of a fan of the Survival/passively creepy. Don't worry there won't be any hyper realistic blood or plushies appearing in the real world here :V.