Servant to the Unlife - A Warhammer Fantasy Quest

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An unfortunate soul finds themself in service to an unusual master.
Character Creation - Part 1
"How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams."
Bram Stoker, Dracula


"We cannot go any further. From here onward, you must go on your own."

You mutter thanks, and after a moment of hesitation, get off the stagecoach. The road you traveled so far finally petered out, overwhelmed by ancient growths and lack of maintenance. From now on, you'll have to travel on foot.

Through the dark forests of the Empire. Through dark corners of the land, abandoned by men.

...If anyone told you five years ago about your fate, you'd laugh in their face and call them mad. You had a bright future – a valuable profession, rare skills, and sacred knowledge. You were a valuable member of your community. And yet, today, you came here out of your own will, seeking monstrous masters of the land.

What skills, exactly, do you possess?

[]You are an Alchemist of some skill. You could competently imbue vigor into the living, brew a potion of sleep or alter the properties of nonliving matter, and possess a number of more esoteric capabilities besides. You do not know why the dead have the need of your skills, but your contact was clear.

[]The uneducated might call you a Necromancer, but you prefer to think of yourself as an explorer of the higher mysteries of the soul and a wielder of Shyish; the Wind of Death. It is simply a shame that one cannot aspire to know the deeper mysteries of death and life without making an enemy of Morr. Still, your touch is gentler than most, your practice subtle, and your true passion is life after death rather than crude shambling corpses.

[]Although you are not of Kislev, you craft is very much like that of a Hag-Witch; you deal in pacts with spirits both benevolent and dire. This ancient land still could grant great power, if one has the knowledge and is ready to pay the price. You also dabbled in mysteries of the divine, and while it would be laughable to speak of favor, you know the ancient rituals of appeasement.

The sudden sound of horses running shakes spurs you out of your moment of doubt. Seconds later, you are left alone; the stagecoach you arrived in, barely a memory. It'll take days to make a path back to the small forgotten village you set out of. Instead, you take a breath and start walking forward.

The path to your destination is difficult, more of a suggestion than a proper trail. You stumble many times, feeling lost and confused until finally the ancient forests before you part, revealing remains of a small, decrepit castle. The walls have holes in them, and the courtyard shows no signs of human hands touching it for the past century - but the central building is still intact.

This seemingly unremarkable old ruin defies the sense of trepidation that suddenly engulfs you - Why are you here? Why have you chosen to seek out this dark master, instead of pursuing any other path? Is there truly no other way left for you?

You seek:

[]Salvation. You made some unfortunate choices in the past; powers of Chaos have left a mark on you. Possibly, a literal one. You believe that the only way to save your soul the tender mercies of your former masters is to sever it from the aethyr completely. You believe the Blood Kiss to be the only way.

[]Duty. Ancient oaths and old debts tie your people to the old masters. It is either blood or service, and to keep your people safe, you choose service. And who knows? Maybe the old promises of glory and restoration for your people wouldn't turn out to be empty promises.

[]Ambition. You are sick of eking out a pitiful existence at the edge of society; your practice unwanted, your dreams suppressed. You shall not go gently into the night.

Shaking off yet another moment of hesitation, you proceed. It does not take long to find what seems to be the main entrance of the keep. You knock on the gates – or at least try to, as the door opens and you stumble forward, into the darkness.

"Welcome to my home. Feel at ease, dear guest, for you were expected."

okay, time to stop fiddling with formatting and post.


In this quest you will be playing as a mage who pledged their service to a vampire. Serve well, avoid angering your dark master, and seek your way into life eternal. Or, at least, avoid dying ignominiously to the witch hunters.

Let's see if this premise gathers any interest. The name is subject to change; particularly once we get past chargen.

If you have been around on SB or SV, you prolly saw me here and there. It was... awhile since I actually wrote anything creative-related or GM'ed for anyone, so please bear with me while I shake off the dust of ages and get used to creative writing once again. It might take. A bit.

This is the first part of chargen. Next, we'll be determining where exactly are we, to whom exactly the unfortunate protagonist pledged their service to, and exact details of their build/their past. Then, the quest proper is going to start. Choices here are going to strongly influence choices available in the next segment, both advantages and disadvantages.

Finally; while none of the vampiric bloodlines exactly qualify as the "good guys" of Warhammer, the thread's choices are going to determine how deeply we venture into the darkness.

While staying within the rules of this forum, of course.
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Character creation - Part 2
The master of the castle was before you; their figure indistinct, yet their presence – ominous. A thin odor of dark magic - dhar - permeated the room, making it obvious that you were dealing with something twisted and inhuman.

"I arrived only recently myself, so I apologize for the sorry state of the premises. My Servants have yet to start making... " The figure pauses. Several nerve-wracking moments pass.

"Ah, you can't see in the darkness. Such a shame. Do not be alarmed, this is a simple spell of illumination..." Half-obscured figure raises its hand in a casual motion – a moment later, a pale green light lights spills across the keep as long-forgotten torches are ignited anew.

[] A hulking, monstrous figure stands before you; features of a beast mixed with man. Its expensive-looking clothes and attempts to play gracious host are at odds with the feeling of instinctual terror its presence evokes in you.

Your master is a Strigoi; a bloodline with a reputation for animalistic fury, great physical prowess even by superhuman standards of vampires, and a tendency to gather a large amount of ghouls around themselves - mutant cannibalistic humans who are not, strictly speaking, undead. Strigoi as a whole are disliked by other bloodlines, but their mutual hatred for Lahmians is legendary.

You'll be expected to:
-Deal with ghouls a lot. Deal with ghoul problems a lot. Do mad science to ghouls. Or try to restore them to sanity; these are non-mutually exclusive.
- Kill Lahmians.
- Avoid getting killed by Lahmians.
- Cooperate with the other Strigoi.
-Help to establish vampiric dominions in forgotten corners of the land.

[] Stately, aristocratic-looking man is smiling at you. If you didn't know better, you'd think him to be merely another noble.

What is going to be known in future as the bloodline of Vlad Von Carstein does not yet exist, but that does not stop the scions of Vashanesh. Classic lords and ladies of the night, vampire who prefer to think of themselves as nobility. Moderately capable of keeping other bloodlines around without them all killing each other. Otherwise, it is known for ability to magically control animalistic monsters and ability to manipulate the weather.

You'll be expected to:
Be a member of a noble court. Look good. Look good or else.
Try to maintain the masquerade until it is time to start... Vampire Wars.
Deal with the other bloodlines in a way that doesn't involve just killing all of them.
Aim to take control of human domains through a mix of diplomacy and strength.

[] For a moment, you thought that a ancient barrow wight stood before you; such is a sorry state of their desiccated body. But the way dark magic swirls around them, you know that the undead creature before you is of a much greater danger.

Necrarchs are a bloodline of magic-focused hermits. This bloodline uses dark magic to avoid the necessity of blood consumption - and, in exchange, suffer from mutation and early loss of human visage. The goals of each individual Necrarch vary, but they typically pursue arcane knowledge and power first and foremost.

You'll be expected to:
Do magical mad science.
Deal with the fallout of magical mad science.
Commit sins against sanity, nature, existence, and everything you could think of.
Establish covens of dark magic users, and dominate the land through grand rituals of awesome sorcerous power.

"Now! Let us... converse. Like civilized beings do."


Over the course of the next several hours, you... conversed with the vampire on the matter of a great many subjects. Sometime, this seemed to be mere attempts at playing a gracious host, or rituals of politeness -

"I apologize for the inconvenience of forcing you to come all the way here. Your trip here went without incident, I hope?" the undead thing in front of you asks as if you didn't have to venture into one of the darkest places in the old world to meet it. Still, you must be polite.

[] "Sudden hike in road tariffs almost got me imprisoned. Von Draks just can't live a day without making everyone around them suffer."

You are currently in Sylvania.

The name of Von Carstein still has yet to turn into a horrifying legend, and the tyrannical dynasty of Von Draks still rules the land. There was a small peasant rebellion not so long ago, and authorities are still on the lookout for the troublemakers. The discontent simmers. Rumors say that the Count is unwell.

[]"It was quite difficult to find a stagecoach willing to get anywhere close to the Drakwald."

You are in the depths of Drakwald Forest, the former imperial province of Drakwald. Old traces of imperial presence still could be found in the area, from the era before orcs and beastmen pushed humanity out. It'll be incredibly difficult for Empire to reach you here - but worse things than Men call this place home.

"I see. We'll do something about that in the future..."


...And other times, you talked about more practical things.

"Let us dispense with pleasantries. Let us talk about matters of import! You are not one of the usual members of my court; you are here because I asked my master to provide me with additional arcane assistance, so I could better further his aims in this region.

I have been assured that you are not one of the usual mercenaries and shallow two-bit necromancers with the delusion of grandeur. It is so hard for our bloodline to find help that is both reliable and capable... Nonetheless, I am curious; what favors my sire called in to get you to come here?"

You answer as you were taught to:

[] "The blood of Strigos still lingers. "

You come from a community of Strigani who still remember the old legends. You people are not well-liked in the Empire, but your people are adaptable, tough, and are spread all over the Old World. However doubtful wise Petru were about the reality of Strigos reborn, when a vampire call, one obeys.

Take +1 worldly community advantage.

[] "We'll do anything to preserve what is ours."

You come from one of the pre-imperial communities tasked with the preservation of arcane lore and waystones in the region. You are one of the very few people to ever venture outside for a long period of time. Your people live in small groups in the Gray Mountains and the Vaults, keeping to themselves, wary of outsiders. You do not know the specifics of how your community was initially contacted by the vampires or how they convinced them them to break the isolation; only that dire threats and most sacred oaths were involved. What do you know is that your people are fading, and this ...alliance is meant to preserve your place in this world.

Take +1 Arcane community advantage.

[] "The Hierophant was very happy to finally meet someone who didn't immediately attempt to stab them in the face."

Your people are a remnant of ancient Mortuary Cult outpost, dating back to the times when armies of Settra roamed the lands that are now called Border Princes. You lost contact thousands of years ago. The sole remaining proper Liche Priest was ecstatic when somebody who knew the secret greetings and sacred rituals of the cult reached out, instead of typical adventurers and barbarians. However strange these new allies were, however many local cautionary tales warn about evil bloodsucking monsters... Surely, Grand Hierophant would approve?

Take Death-Denying Flesh and Vessels of Spirit for free.


"...I see. Now, tell me more about your skills. You have been... recommended, but I'd like to hear what you have to say about yourself."

Now, choose your skills and natural ability advantages. You have one (1) choice point available.

[] Death-Denying Flesh
You are inhumanly resilient, and are capable of surviving wounds that would kill a normal human thrice over. This is not an exaggeration.
[] Mysteries of Death
In addition to traditional secrets of Shyish, you mastered several more unusual spells that are completely counterintuitive to normal spellcasters, or tap into more esoteric applications of the Wind of Death. Specifics to be determined at a later date.
[] Withering Gaze
You are intensively intimidating when you want to be, and any spells that affect morale in any way are far more effective when used by you.
[] Curse of Eternities
You have a keen sense for passage of time, are substantially less vulnerable to the time-based spells. Your own time magics are substantially stronger.
[] Night Parade
You are followed by a small number of friendly and cooperative ghosts; their exact capabilities to be determined later. When inactive, they are hard to detect even with through supernatural means of perception. Spells that affect ghosts and souls are more effective and significantly easier to research.
[]Vessels of Spirit
You are capable sculptor and are skilled at creation of magical statuary subservient to your will. Sadly, this is very time-consuming and materially expensive - although there are ways to mitigate this.

...Second, pick your magical community advantages. You have one (1) choice point available by default.

[] Honorable Grandfather
In a remote, hidden barrow, your great-great-great-...great-great-great grandfather sleeps, troubled and restless. You know the proper rituals to wake him without arousing his wrath, and proper forms to request his aid. In case of emergency, a small army of wights is ready to march at your call - of course, only if your cause is not frivolous.
[] Request aid, magic item
You are allowed to request minor magical items at a cost of favor. Items and lore must belong to Lore of Death, Light or Shadow. For two (2) points you could temporary request greater artifacts of your people, or request for a new one to be made up to your specifications.
[] Request aid, companions
You are allowed to request aid of magically-capable assistants at a cost of favor. They are typically less capable than you, but, as a whole, have access to greater assortment of magic lore and ability.
[] An active mentor
You still have a connection with your old mentor; although your paths diverged, your skills are complementary, and their access to secret knowledge and sacred artifacts of your tradition - greater than yours.

...Now, your worldly community-derived advantages. You have one (1) choices available by default.

[] Money, Money, Money
You have an access to a respectable and steady income source, exact details to be determined later. This might be a stipend from your community, or a small enterprise you established during your previous ventures into the mortal nations.
[] Servants, labourers, sla...
You can request manpower or mundane specialists for assistance. Several dozen able hands, or one skilled specialist in matters of warfare, intrigue and finance. Other specialities could be negotiated, but not guaranteed.

[] A spider's web
You have enough local social connections to passively gain information about currently ongoing events.
[] Faithful Companion
You have a capable, non-spellcasting friend who is ready to brave any and all horrors of this world for you. Specifics to be determined at a later date.

Finally, if you feel that resources provides so far are insufficient, you can pick additional drawbacks. Advantages gained from drawbacks can be applied to any category, but no more than twice. Total of three (3) drawbacks could be taken. Heightened version of drawbacks still count as one.

[] Arcane Mark
Your magic left a physical mark on your body. Can be rolled for two (2) choice points or chosen from a list for one (1). This could produce beneficial results on very high rolls, or very bad results on low rolls.
[] Hunted
A minor faction in the region knows of your presence and is dedicating non-trivial efforts toward hastening your departure from the mortal plane.
[] Dutiful son/daughter
For one reason or the other, you will be regularly burdened with additional non-trivial tasks from your community of origin.
[] Demanding Master
During the course of the conversation, it becomes clear that, for whatever reason, much is expected from you. Your are going to be expected to devote substantially greater amount of your time toward furthering the goals of your master.

[] Insane Master
During the course of the conversation, it becomes clear that your master is not entirely sane. In exchange for One (1) advantage it is a moderately inconvenient derangement. For Two (2) it is going to be a source of constant problems you are gonna have to spend non-trivial amounts of effort managing.

Some of the choices provided require me to play somewhat hard and fast with the lore, but. Eh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do feel free to tell me if you feel it is something utterly major and unignorable, though.
Your spellbook+character sheet will be posted at a later date. You are not a novice wizard.
Things you choose here do not represent totality of your capabilities, but additional talents and advantages.
If you have strong feelings that anything that should be on these lists is missing, tell me, and I'll consider your suggestions.
Drawbacks and advantages might have other consequences; not everything is completely spelled out. Likewise, some choices influence each other.
I dearly hope the formatting of choices is not too confusing. Attempting to do in-character chargen, perhaps, was a bit overambitious of me.
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Character Creation: Fin (almost).
He really looks just like a human.

"I see. I believe, your abilities will be of great use to our goal."

A prideful and self-assured noble, perhaps, but - human.

"... My sire and I seek to rule these lands, and these fractured fiefdoms local peasants insist on calling the Empire. We shall unify them, and reforge them into a true Empire - an enlightened, educated land, true peer of great nations of the past or even the likes of Ulthuan or Cathay! Once my sire sits on the throne, you shall not cover from uneducated barbarians in ancient tombs!.."

Perhaps, that is what makes you uncomfortable. Besides his tendency to go on and on and on. Worse than Hierophant, you swear. The Liche Priests, at least, do not pretend to be something they are not.

A sudden terrifying screech pierces through the night - a sound that makes the slow blood in your veins cool down to near stillness and arcane lights around you, flicker. The vampire merely chuckles.

"It seems that the rest of my servants are finally arriving. I have other responsibilities to attend to, so I'll be brief. In this land, you shall call me... Let's say, Ferdinand von Schugeir. Right now, I have several tasks for you. An inglorious use of your talents, but all have to do work far beneath our station, these days."

Choose two (2).

[] "You shall deal with one of the local nobles."

My sire is planning to suborn the highest echelons of local nobility - we are a part of the effort to ensure that once he shows himself to the public, there would be none who shall oppose him. That means eroding the powerbase of one Leopold Von Drak.

As a test, you'll be neutralizing one of his... More ardent followers. Deal with him, in a manner of your choosing. Slay him, suborn him, it matters not. "

[] "There are signs that a small group of spellcasters is operating nearby.

Strange happenings. Inexplicable events. Peasants whispering about curses and blessings... Deal with them before they attract unwanted attention. Or worse, before they are recruited by a competing power. You are a wielder of hidden lore and terrifying arcane secrets - it should be easy for you to cow a small group of self-taught dilettantes, no?"

[] "Something or someone started kidnapping people in the region.

In unusual and concerning numbers. I do not yet have any forces under my command that require such infusions of meat and blood, so some manner of a wild monstrosity must be trying to impinge on my lands.

Deal with them. We shall not abide competition."

[] "An army of animated stone statues sounds... Intriguing. I expect at least several to be available for my command as soon as possible. I cannot provide the materials you require, sadly, but I am sure you'll manage."

"As you wish." You murmur, already thinking about how you'll have to juggle new responsibilities with the wants of the Cult. For you already were tasked with...

Choose one(1).

[] Seeking new recruits.
The Cult seeks to become more than it currently is - and for that, it needs to expand, and grow. Infuse itself with recruits. Such is the responsibility of those we are sent to this barbaric lands, to sift through garbage to find those who might show even the slightest measure of talent.
[] Gathering Materials.
Vessels of some of the cult's useful servants and most useful members are destroyed. The majority of ancient liche-priests are in forcibly induced sleep, lest shattered bodies and lack of stimulation drive them mad. Dozens of Ushabti, gifted to the outpost by mythical in ancient days lie inert, their souls siphoned into the realm of Usirian. The ancient glories must be restored, and for that, materials are needed.
[] Searching for the Lost.
This is not the first attempt to breach Cult's isolation. Many of the high-ranking Liche Priests previously descended from the mountains into these lands, and thanks to one of those expeditions, you still draw breath. Nonetheless, over the eons, many of the braves faded into this land, never returning, their fate - unknown. It is up to you to find them. It is known for certain that at least one was lost in land currently known as Sylvania.

...And none of these burdens are optional. You must serve your lord, while furthering goals of the cult. The cult must end the isolation it has imposed on itself, and grow strong; lest the terms of the alliance going to become increasingly unfair with the passage of time, as proportions of strength between the Cult and these new rulers shifts and respectful agreement between equals to turns into irreverent demands of the strong. When compared to the ancient Kings of Nehekhara, you are already starting at a disadvantage - after all, these immortal creatures already have their own magic.

"You should familiarize yourself with the rest of the significant personage in the court, once they arrive." The man continues, seemingly unaware or uncaring of your worries.

"You shall be allowed your own quarters and space in the keep – construction and repairs are going to take some time, so if you have preferences or requirements, leave them with Alwin and it'll be done. You also shall be afforded a small budget for your tasks. Now, I have my own responsibilities to attend to. Now you should leave me be, and not return to this part of the keep for some time. My other servants... Could be unreasonable when agitated."


It, perhaps, should be somewhat concerning that you feel yourself more comfortable with the dead before you than than the pale semblance of a human being that calls yourself your new lord.

"Finally, somebody decided to rebuild this keep! It was the love of my life, my magnum opus, you know? If only my budget was larger, then this place could've easily withstood those damned beastmen. It is not my fault that the walls fells, it is not!.."

You are utterly unconvinced that the feeble ghost before you could harm anyone at all. A bespectacled man, small, thin, barely there - if this transparent, insubstantial wisp of a being was any weaker, he'd probably fade away entirely. Only this castle keeps him anchored to the material plane - and even that is insufficient to keep him awake, as thin lacing of dhar over his entire being continuously prods and rouses him in a state of agitation.

"The keep is in a sorry state. Was it really necessary to invite you before even the slightest of repairs were complete? This is truly an embarrassment... There are some places here that still might be fit for habitation, of course, but If you are willing to endure the shameful ruin this place became."

After some hesitation, you sought to claim a place for yourself in this shattered keep, lest you be forced to camp in the forces or some grimy cellar. Also, because you needed something to do while your new Lord wrangled whatever monstrosities he called "his other servants."

You found this ghost quickly as he was wandering the halls, bemoaning the state of disrepair - Alwin Heldmann, as he introduced himself, was roused from eternal sleep fairly recently. The vampire bewitched him into believing that Ferdinand von Schugeir was the rightful lord of this place and told him that the keep must be restored - Alwin was only happy to see his life's work come back to life. Perhaps, he didn't even really need to be ensorcelled to start drawing the plans for reconstruction - only some energy to stay awake.

Come to think of it, you might want to talk with so-called "Ferdinand" about him. Dhar could be used to arouse a ghost into action, but long-term influence would reduce his capability as an architect and further damage whatever remains of his mind. You could do better.

"Anyway, if you wish to claim one of the rooms..." The ghosts continue to yammer, unaware of your considerations. "I would recommend:

[] One of the castle's towers.

"Previous baron had a small-time spellcaster in their employ. Useless charlatan... Most of their private belongings were stolen and the rest destroyed, but you still might find the place suitable for your needs. After some repairs, of course."

Small space, remote from the main body of the keep.

[] Room in the keep.

"Why bother with anything special? Simply claim one of the many small rooms in the main building."

More space, part of the main body of the keep.

[] Space in the dungeons.

"If you really want... Proximity to earth... and corpses... could be arranged? This would make some of the magical rituals easier, or so I was told. By far the least comfortable place to live in my humble opinion, but that issue could be solved. With a lot of work. By Verena, why. "

Lots of space. Dark, dusty and decorated with old corpses, some of which might be useful for various purposes and would be, otherwise, harder to claim.


The journey here was horrendously uncomfortable, so you decided to take a moment to recover in your newly claimed accommodations. A small number of terrified mortal servants under Alwin's guidance hastily prepare the space for basic habitation, with many accompanying promises that later, the sorry state of the place is going to be remedied and you'll get chambers suitable for someone of "your station."

Nonetheless, when left alone, you take a moment to;

Choose one (1)

[] Fail to resist the urge to look at your skull-like face.

Your skeletal visage does not immediately betray you as a magic user, but it is, nonetheless, somewhat suspicious and unpleasant for many to look at. Not quite at the point where one would immediately assume the workings of magic, but...

Persistent social malus.

[]Pluck the newly-grown feathers faintly poking out of your hair.

Botched incantation could resolve in many thousand outcomes; a touch of Usirian's feathered servants could be considered to be an incredibly lucky outcome; perhaps, even a blessing. If only peasants knew this... It doesn't take much to conceal, but it could be immediately problematic if carelessly revealed.

Very easy-to-conceal secret that could be very damaging if discovered by most in Imperial societies. Your vampiric overlord doesn't care terribly much.

[] Simply lie down and close your eyes, letting your body recover.

A botched ritual left you in a state of relative infirmity. After you consumed the incomplete elixir of life, your flesh is resistant to death - but the joints ache, the bones crack, and the muscles whine - it is simply a pain for you to move around. Your body prefers much prefers stillness of the grave. In fact, you were once told you sleep like a corpse.

Small physical malus.

[] Simply lie down and enjoy the breeze of Shyish.

...Perhaps, you got a little too used to sleeping in a tomb.

Makes you uncomfortable and cranky - small malus to everything - if you did not get a night's sleep in some sort of a tomb or surrounded by death. Locks choice of accommodations to "space in the dungeon."

[] Write-in.

A modestly difficult-to-deal-with complication. Physical change, compulsion, vulnerability, incredibly ignorable voices in your head.

After a brief period of recuperation, it is time to work. You arrange the items and talismans before you. Whispering incantations of Usirian, you spend hours in meditation and prayer, until, finally, you feel the presence of your ghostly retinue.

Choose two (2).

[Free] Several unremarkable spirits
Dead, loyal, without terribly much useful skill or knowledge. Nonetheless, even such ghosts could be of some use.
[] Ethereal Tomb Guard
Not even in death does duty end. While his body has been destroyed centuries ago, this warrior is still ready to serve.
[]Local Nobleman
You stumbled upon his corpse on the way here. He claims to be one of the local nobles, unjustly slain by his brother and promises all manners of assistance and rewards. They are well-educated and reasonably knowledgeable about recent local affairs.
[]Tomb Banshee
A deceased spirit of unknown origin; even in death possessing of a macabre beauty. You suspect she was never human. Storyteller and bard, her voice and music inflict unnatural emotions on the listeners.
[] Undead Scholar
A multidisciplinary academic. Master of many fields, journeyman in many more. Finance, agriculture, math... archeology... The list is very long.
[] Write-in.

Later, with your preparations ready and your rest complete, you consider you connection to the Cult. This deeply in these barbaric lands, the amount of help much-diminished Mortuary Cult could provide to you is limited, but not insignificant. Your mentor, in particular, could further tilt the scales in your support.

Your mentor is;

[]Hierophant himself.

Bonus to request for material assistance. Stronger mage, but is not available to personally help outside of exceptional circumstances. Master of Light Magic and Incantations of Nehekhara.

[] One the High Priests.

Much easier-to-get personal help. Specializes in Wind of Death and Incantations of Nehekhara.

It is a shame that you could not remain with them. You were just about starting to discover something interesting. Shame that your studies are most assuredly going to be heavily interrupted by your new responsibilities...

Pick two (2) spells. You are not terribly likely to learn any of these otherwise. Spells provided here serve as a foundation for further studies into related magics. Some directions for further possible developments are provided; these are non-exhaustive.

[] Death and Sky Bargain
Designate a target; a living being, phenomena, organization. After casting, receive a bonus on all actions meant to facilitate the target's end. Become strongly compelled to seek the target's end for a month. Requires a long ritual.

Oaths, bargains, trade, inevitability.

[] Ever-Uninvited Guest Approach
Caster becomes ethereal and almost unnoticeable to any casual observers as long as they do choose to interact with the environment. Movement is allowed.

Surprises, ownership, movement, transportation.

[] Faint Embers Rebirth
After casting, the target appears to die to all but most through examinations. To the target, it appears as if they are stuck in some sort of liminal realm while experiencing confusing visions, occasionally experiencing strange visitations. After several days, they rise - their appearance changes, and all of their wounds are healed. Does not cure arcane marks. Does not reverse age, although somewhat mitigates age-related infirmities. Does not work if majority of the body is missing. Inconvenient to cast in combat.

Change, healing, dreams, soul.

[] Agony of the Ages Past
Affect the target within vocal range with a sudden surge of emotion; sadness, apathy, nostalgia, and/or regret are most easily induced emotions. Variable strength. Has a mandatory vocal element. If performed over a long period of time, effects tends to linger.

Emotion, compulsion, attachment, intimacy.

[] Usirian's Embrace Invitation

For a predetermined amount of time from several seconds to a day, target vanishes from the material plane. To the target, it appears as if they are traveling through some shadowed realm while experiencing confusing visitations and ominous warnings about their future.

Summoning, travel, afterlife, divination, Usirian.

[]Write-in: Spell that touch upon more indirect aspects of Shyish - consider Fate of Bjuna - or somewhat infringe on things that other Winds are good at.

...Nonetheless. You were chosen for this task, and you shall not fail. You'll use this opportunity to stop the gradual decay of your home, with help - or in spite - of your new lord. You have much to do,


...Of Mortuary Cult.

AN; Specifics of your Faithful Companion to be determined next update. If two options do a vaguely same thing, presume potential or even immediate synergies.

...I probably also should start thinking about changing the placeholder quest-title and looking for a thread picture, huh.
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Unwanted visitations
[X] In Search of Arcane Talent
-[X] "There are signs that a small group of spellcasters is operating nearby.
-[X] Seeking new recruits
-[X] Space in the dungeons.
-[X] Pluck the newly-grown feathers faintly poking out of your hair.
[X]Tomb Banshee
-[X]Local Nobleman
-[X]Hierophant himself.
-[X] Death and Sky Bargain

-[X] Faint Embers Rebirth

The dungeon was exactly as expected; cold, unfriendly, and full of abandoned corpses. Also, full of Amethyst wind.

It took some convincing, but, in the end, you managed to claim the space as your own. A small group of mortal servants cleaned up the space where, presumably, the jailer of this keep lived. It didn't too much to move your current belongings, humble as they are.

There is a lot of things to be done before this place is worthy of you, but for now, it'll suffice.


"Jerked around like a petty wisp. What a disgrace."

She was a strange visage, a thing of mists and pale light. Wielding a strange harp, dressed in ornate grave-robes - you knew not of her origins, besides the fact that when you called upon Usirian for help in the moment of dire need, she was the servant that arrived. Against your expectations, she remained.

"You agreed to serve, Lathain." You are almost completely sure that is yet another pseudonym that everyone seems to be so fond of, these days - but that is how she introduced herself when you met.

"So I did. " Her whole figure radiating displeasure, the banshee floated toward the only table in your newly acquired dungeon. Sitting down, a harp in hand, idly plucking the strings she makes for quite a picture - although incapable of many physical comforts, she always cared about appearances.

" Did you have to go from one half-destroyed tomb to another? There are still abandoned corpses in the cells, Nerfertari. What are you doing? Did you anger your new lord already?"

" I had my reasons." You follow in banshee's stead and get comfortable on the only bed in the room. Try to, at least. " The meeting went about as well as it could have expected. The vampire is very much like the Kings grandfather described. Vain. Self-aggrandizing. Ambitious."

"Your ancient Kings served the gods. Feared them. Respected them. Vampires care not for anything but their bloodthirst, ambitions, and petty whims." The tone of the banshee's whisper is haughty, but you think you can hear the undertone of concern. "And you should know your value and hold onto your dignity, servant of Usirian. If you intend to live here, turn this place into something worthy of your station."

"I know. I know." You exhale. "There is a lot of work to do."

"Let's get to it, then. What a disaster. I leave you alone for one day, and you stuff yourself into a genuine hole in the ground. That dusty old tomb at least had gold and gems embedded in the walls."


The second significant spirit in your retinue required much more effort to summon properly. While you felt their presence after the summoning - their mind failed to wake up.

So you were now standing over a carefully cleaned skull of a stranger, weaving shyish into sacred patterns meant to stimulate recovery of the three parts of his soul that suffered the most. It was a difficult and monotonous work, demanding much of your attention if not terribly much power; even with Lathain's ever-present melody providing sharpness of focus.

"Picking up wanderers on the side of the road." Even when using most of her strength to assist you, she still finds the effort to continue whispering in your ear "What would grandfather say..."

You hush the evil spirit at your side just as the unfortunate soul of a man you found stirs - first, as a brief trick of light, then as a gathering mist, and finally - as a disheveling image of a man, covered in blood. Typical of spirits who died traumatic death. What isn't typical is Dhar lingering on him, spread through his damaged soul. Dark magic was involved in his death.

"Where am I? What happened? Where is Leopold? Where is the traitorous dog?!"

"Peace, peace. Remember your oath. Remember your promise to the God of the Dead." You covertly signal through the winds for Lathain to exert her abilities and hope remind yourself that you assembled the ritual circle correctly. The ever-present subtle melody becomes a lulling call to melancholy and peace.

" Promise?.. Ah." The furious energy drains from the ghost as quickly as it comes. The banshee's uncanny ability to manipulate the winds and minds through her voice and music is ever-useful. " You are the one who brought me back, correct? You are the one who arranged..." He paused, clearly incapable of putting his brief contact with the divine into proper words. "...The bargain?"

It often takes ghosts like him some time to realize their newly disembodied state, or to remember such details - this level of mental acuity immediately after awakening is a good sign. "Yes. You begged for justice, and I needed somebody who knows these strange lands."

"A necromancer, then." He looks at you, gaze evaluating. Left to wonder about what sort of thoughts were going on in that head of his, you continue.

"Your Sekhem... Your soul is weakened, some parts of it are fragmented. Somebody used dark magic on you. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes... I was with Leopold on a hunt. I wanted to talk with him about Otto's health and... " He picks his words carefully "the future of Sylvania. I waited until we had an opportunity to talk one-on-one... and then... He shot me." He falls silent, his face contorting into an expression of pain.

You heard enough. Just as your grandfather told you, the games of nobility are the same everywhere.

"Enough. You need not to torture yourself further. Now, if you wish to persist on this plane, instead of going to whatever afterlife you deserve - you shall obey me. My master stands at odds with the current rulers of this land - so serve me well, and you'll have your vengeance. "

You do not know what this man thinks about this, as a person of barbaric religion and member of local barbaric tribes of man; surely the proposition is unpleasant for him. None of it showed on his face when he straightened up and looked you in the eye.

"...Alright. My name is Helmut Von Drak, and in the name of revenge, I shall serve. What do you need me to do?"


You wish you had better maps.

"Helmut, what do you know about... This settlement?"

"Been wiped out for generations. Who drew this map? A child?"

"And this one? With an unpronounceable name?"

"Never existed. And you should practice your Reikspiel more. Where did you find these?"

"Alwin got them from somewhere."

"Whoever that is, never ask them about maps ever again. Listen" He points at what is, according to the maps, a space in the middle of nowhere. "There is a large village here, arguably a small city. You can reach it by the road... here."

After a brief period of rest and recuperation, you decided to ask the man to help you understand the lay of the land. You have things to do here, after all. With ancient maps, Alwin procured from... somewhere... at your request, you tried to make sense of the region - which would've been an entirely fruitless endeavor if not for Helmut's help.

"Gablitz is a small village under the control of Baron Detlev Nägelein. Quaint little village, we hunted ghouls there a couple of times. They trade furs with their neighbors, farm a little, and occasionally suffer attacks from the beasts of Hunger Forest... "He stays silent for a moment before steeling himself. "And it is a home to a witch. She mostly provided cures and blessings to the locals and asked little in return. Lived there for as long as I remember."

"A kindly old woman, living alone in Sylvania. Doing nothing but charity, paid with nothing but gratitude..." You mutter, thoughtfully. A spellcaster living humbly like this? You find it hard to believe. One who commands the winds should live in luxury and respect.

"The villagers provided her with the food and necessities. Besides, she earned enough goodwill that the locals keep her safe when witch hunters come around. Even the Baron is in on it, I think. Sylvania knows how to hide their own."

Ah, sponsored by local nobility while projecting an image of humility and frugality. Understandable.

"So, what could have made act out? Strange lights, ailing cattle, noise, tales of monsters..." If she had a good thing going for her - what changed? Small-time practitioners like this cannot afford to gather the ill will of their small communities. " Perhaps, an unwise choice of apprentices? Or a rival encroaching on her territory?"

"That... Could be it." The man nods. "Inexperienced magicians do often fall into overambitious foolishness. So, what do you want to do?"

"Nefertari, we should learn more before doing anything rush." The banshee whispers in your ear. "Visit the local graveyard, let us question the dead..."

"We could directly approach the baron." Suggests the nobleman. "Locals might hide things from the outsiders, but the baron surely knows something."

Or you could bargain with Usurian and Ptra, and simply level the whole place with the tides of time. Decisions, decisions...


As you toss and torn in your bed, you admit to yourself that perhaps, you were overambitious with your choice of accommodations.

The dungeon is cold and unprepared for habitation, you faintly hear what might be some sort of vermin gnawing on the bones, and the draft is annoying. Your elixir-enchanted flesh should allow you to endure without having to deal with little indignities of flesh such as common cold or lesser afflictions - but that doesn't make it pleasant.

And then there are your capricious companions.

"This is no better than living in a stable." The noble spirit does not even feel anything, and yet he is complaining. The wicked banshee is only happy to add fuel to the fire.

"The tender mercies of the afterlife had more dignity than this."

You moan into what passes as your pillow. "Have some dignity in death and stop complaining. We'll fix the place later. Now, Lathain - help me sleep."

"Tsk. How mighty have fallen..." Nonetheless, she starts humming a familiar melody. You feel your eyes get heavier and heavier, until...


...You wake up to heavy knocking. It almost sounds like someone is trying to break the door.

"One person. A man, from the north. Angry, but not furious. Take care."

You throw on your robe and prepare yourself quickly, before opening the door. To the credit of the red-haired man you see on the other side, he does not barge in immediately the moment you open the door.

"So, you are the witch."

"...And you are?" You ask carefully, mentally sorting through incantations you could use to get rid of the man. He was impressively large - but a little bulk shouldn't be a problem.

"The person whom Ferdinand is supposed to consult before inviting more strays into his inner circle. Mikhail is the name. The spy, the knife the darkness, and the person who'll probably be saddled with trying to provide you with warpstone. You ilk loves their warpstone, right? " He stays still, silent, for a couple of seconds; watching for your reaction.

You show none. Was this the reason he woke up you just as you were trying to get some rest? Finally, he grunts. "So, you are going to let me in or not?"

Somewhat reluctantly, and, perhaps, against your better judgement you allow the man inside. Lathain did not whisper further warning into your ears, so this man is not planning on murdering you immediately, at least. It is somewhat hard to tell, with the local barbarians and brutes.

"When I heard that somebody decided to live in the dungeon, I almost didn't believe it. So, what's your deal? Summoning fell spirits as a hobby? Stealing the dead? Dining on children? What sort of nastiness do I have to prepare for?"

"I am a priestess of the gods." You answer, tone glacial. Why do you have to bear with the indignity of expectations these crude tribesmen have? Was this really worth disturbing your rest?

" So... Priestess, huh." He hums, and looks at your robe, so unlike most local spellcasters wear. " That's not what most two-bit hedge mages call themself. So, what's your poison? The Wise? Or Perfect General?" He carefully watches your reaction. "No... The crow? The snake, perhaps? "

You almost sic the spirits on the man that very instant. The amethyst winds come in motion. The thin light of candles dim. The shadows get deeper, as your anger grows.

"Patience, patience..." you hear the banshee whisper. " The silly man is just trying to show due diligence, in his own silly way...Do you see the features of his face? He is from the North. He is used to the fell gods and their idiotic servants."

"...No. Don't ever compare me to the servants of the Four, if you value your life."

"Ah. Alright." The man had the graces to at least look apologetic. Or intimidated, you really couldn't tell. "Then tell me about your gods, then."

Is this person insane. "Why should I explain anything now? Is this really the time? I was trying to sleep." Your attempts to convey how deeply unwanted the presence of this man here are, sadly, go ignored.

"As I said, It is my job to know about people Ferdinand invites into his house. Besides- it is not that late, and one should always know about the gods of their fellows. Especially in places such as this."

"And what about your gods?" Please, be unwilling to talk.

"I paid respect to many gods - but in these lands, I sacrifice to Ulric, the wolf. Now, you turn."

Another follower of local barbaric faith. No matter, at least it isn't Morr.

"I pay respects to many gods, but Usirian... God of the Dead is closest to my heart." You grudgingly allow.

"God of the Dead? In the court of a vampire? How did that happen."

You were about to suggest to the man to find a different time for your interrogation in more forceful terms when the door into your dungeon was kicked - do they really have to do that - open by yet another unwelcome visitor.

It was a woman. She was huge. She was... green. With numerous small bony growths jutting out of her body, not-at-all concealed by her tattered gambeson.

A ghoul. You tensed.

"Mikhail. We are in the deep shit." The voice is like a hiss and growl combined - you ready yourself, words of power once again on your lips. "Albert fucked up. The food shipment did not arrive."

"What? " the man looks toward the newcomer, his face is much like that of a man who suddenly discovered that he, indeed, found himself in a pile of shit. "It should have arrived yesterday. Did he fuck up again?"

"He did. The ghouls are getting restless, Mikhail. Ferdinand just stuffed them into the barracks when they got rowdy and that is not enough. What the fuck are we going to do come night, when the hunger and the madness are going to become impossible to control? They haven't had their fill of flesh in weeks. And who is that?"

"Our new court mage. Or priestess. It is a bit of a mess."

"Spellcaster, huh? " The monster-woman takes a long look at you, and you can almost see change her opinion of you change from "strange person somewhere they shouldn't be" to "fellow companion in dire misfortune." Then she speaks.

"Here is the deal; we got several dozen hungry half-feral ghouls in the barracks that have had human flesh in weeks. They are getting hungry, they are getting antsy, and normal rations are not sufficient anymore. Any longer, and we'll start having problems. Can you do something about that?"

"If you need them alive, I have the means to calm them down, perhaps. Maybe put them to sleep." You tentatively offer.

"...Anything would be good. Let's go. Prepare to fight for your life if things go badly."

As you hastily walk through the castle she continues the explanation. "It is typical ghoul-madness. After consuming human flesh for too long, you cannot go without for too long. That Bestoloch Albert was supposed to negotiate access with a temple of Morr nearby -"

"He did." Mikhail interrupts. "Whatever happened is a breach of contract. Albert promised me that he extracted a proper agreement from the temple."

"As if this is the first time he relies on promises of someone unreliable. Whatever happened, we are left with animal dry meat and bread. I hope you are up to the task, newbie - because otherwise, we'll be neck-deep in hungry ghouls I cannot control anymore. Gods help us if Ferdinand learns about this."


You are led to the decrypt barracks, hastily refit for habitation. With your witch-sight, you see the agitated souls inside - dhar-soiled wretches, barely human, barely living, existing in the grip of hunger. The sounds coming from inside are indescribable.

"The ghouls are inside. The door is locked, not that it is going to stop them once they lose control. If you can do anything, do it now." The ghoul-woman's stress is seeping off her every demand. She expects things to go badly.

You exhale. Time to impress on these people that you are no two-bit conjurer of tricks.

"Come, Lathain."

"As you wish."

The banshee manifests slowly - a purposefully dramatic gathering of mist and light. Immediately, Mikhail reaches for the axe resting at his hip, while ghoul-woman merely freezes. The gentle melody, an ancient promises of peace fill the air. You prepare to wait; more delicate applications of banshee's skills typically take time. You don't have to.

Almost immediately, you feel through the witchsight how ghouls calm down, the ghur and dhar of their souls pacified - and then they fall, one after another. Barely a few manage to rail at the blocked door, before succumbing like the rest. It takes very little time. Perhaps, these unfortunate souls are weak to this sort of influence?

"Taal's teeth. That's a fucking banshee." The look of horrified awe on the ghoul-woman's face is gratifying, even if she seems to have forgotten about your existence. "For how long she can keep that up?"

"Now that they are subdued? The whole day, and many days in a row. This would interfere with my other responsibilities, however." You try very hard to convey your opinion of the idea without saying anything else. You think you are successful.

"A day should be enough for me to figure out something to keep us going." Mikhail speaks. "I know a guy. A couple more, and I figure out what's the hold-up. "

You look toward the ghoul woman, who seems to be entranced by the visage of the banshee. It takes her a little longer to notice your glare - strange. You don't think Lathain intended to affect her.

"Call me Yulia. I am responsible for taking care of all these unfortunate souls, as any beasties Ferdinand picks up. If you need a force without scruples, without a need for pay, utterly ruthless, and hungry for blood - come to me."

With that, your first unexpected incident was over. Gods willing, it'll be the only one. Hopefully, now you can rest uninterrupted.

You have five (5) Action points. Turn length is variable according to the circumstances, four months is standard.

Personal actions:

[] Try to learn more about one of your retinue.
-[] Who?
[] Socialize with other significant servants of Ferdinand.
---[] You could specifically seek out someone whom you already met, or leave it up to chance.
[] Establish regular contact with the Mortuary Cult. Or attempt to, at least. As of right now, you'll probably have to work with the northerner on this one. Damnation.
[] Take up a pseudonym? Your appearance could pass for a local, but your name surely does not. A pseudonym should help you stick out a little less. (Free, if taken)
-[] Specify. Vaguely ominous names like Heinrich Kemmler or Vlad Von Carstein are traditional, but not mandatory.
[] You aren't here for your majestic communication skills and saintly patience, but, perhaps, there are some other propositions you should entertain. (This is a write in option.)

Your studies:
[] Ask Ferdinand to teach you vampiric magics.
[] Try to iterate on one of your spells.
-[] Specify which.
[] Derive new spells from the spells or concepts you are familiar with.
- Specify which.
[] Test Faint Embers on the ghouls. You have an idea...
[] Try to learn more about local divinities. Sigmar is a god of hammers, right?
[] Try to learn more about local culture. Presumably, it consists primarily of trying to burn you and your people. And complaining about Von Draks.
[] Seek out materials for animated statuary. The low-quality stone you can find nearby is insufficient for something worthy of your skills.
[] Study the flow of winds in the region. A map of the leylines and notable anomalies would be intensively useful for both your studies and seeking out other practitioners. Needless to say, you could use a consistent stream of arcane power.
[] Bind a spirit to a vessel.
-[] Specify spirit, specify vessel.
[] So many ideas, so little time. Perhaps you should study something else? (This is a write-in option.)
-[]Specify what.

Your job:
You are expected to deal with strange happenings in Gablitz and to craft some war statuary.

[]Visit the Baron of Gablitz. Surely he knows what is the cause of the magical disturbance in his lands?
[] Try to speak with the local villagers. They must know something.
[] Discreetly visit the local graveyard. The dead know great many things.
[] Turn the village into ashes and mortals into ghosts. No village, no villagers, nobody left to complain. Simple solutions.
[] Attempt to craft war statuary. Without better materials, you wouldn't be capable of making anything like the vaunted Ushabti, but if Ferdinand simply needs a dumb brute to carry heavy things or suppress undisciplined bandits, you'll manage.
[] Seek out a source of materials for the Mortuary Cult. You need stone, gems and corpses, on a scale that dwarfs the needs of a single modest practitioner like you.
[] Find whoever is responsible for drawing up the budget - you need money to operate properly. Hopefully, it isn't Ferdinand.
[] You have an idea. (This is a write-in option)
-[] Specify the idea.

Very soon you shall encounter a person of non-insignificant skill or means, who'll for one reason or another, decided follow you through hell and worse. Who are they? Choose one (1).

[] Masterful thief.
[] A jaded investigator.
[] A lonely monstrosity.

Every person on this exceedingly short list is a heroic character in their own right. No spellcasters.

Alright, we are out of setup phase. Almost.

Everyone rolled like shit on introduction rolls and random events, so everyone were suspicious, tired, angry and uncourteous while there was a box of angry ghouls in the courtyard. Then you rolled very well on dealing with problems. All that ends well, I suppose.

Yes, Ferdinand's servants are not exactly top-tier material. You are not the inner circle of Vlad Von Carstein, and Vampire Quest shinies went... places.

If anyone has preferences for a public dice roller that is not SV in-built dice, then let me know. I know of Dice Rollz rooms, aaaand that's pretty much it. I don't really care for posting every single roll, but it'll enhance the integrity of the game if you know for sure that I am not fudging the rolls on important stuff. And spare me the headaches.

I exercised my modest but tyrannical QM powers to provide a name for the player character; given to her by the Cult. If you prefer her to be known by some other name in the story, vote for a pseudonym, which you'll be using henceforward. Depending on how things go, it might even end up truer than the other names; such is typical for people you'll be dealing with. New beginnings as dire masters of the night, all that.

The votes shall remain open for 48 hours. I intend to speed up the vote-update cycle and dropped some other projects for that purpose.

The character sheet is incoming. You likely could infer some of the stats in advance using the update and choices available for your further actions.

If you see anything strange, or think that I forgot something do not be afraid to tell. Or ask questions. I am ashamed to admit there was some trouble with drafts.

I'll stick around for... 30 minutes or so. It is very late around here.

Prospalz suggestion, please add winning vote.
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Character sheet and miscellania
Character sheet.

Core Statistics.

Martial:10 – you are not a general or an experienced leader. You know the bare basics.
Diplomacy: 5 – You are a scholar and a servant of the gods, not a socialite. You have a horrifying apparition of death to whisper secrets in your ear, if needs be.
Stewardship:7 – you skills at resource management starts and end at making demands. Sometimes, politely.
Intrigue:10 - You expect the worst from people.
Faith:16 - You know gods of Nehekhara. You felt their touch.
Learning: 20 - The mysteries of death are laid bare.

For these stats and any further statistics - excessively low stats do not necessarily mean inability. Sometimes, they stand-in for a complete unwillingness to engage with the subject, or utter disrespect for the field.

Dutiful – for whatever personal reason, you care about your duty to the mortuary cult, and, by extension, your mission in Vampire's court. Narrative bonuses to the relevant actions.
Necrotecture – you know how souls and matter interact, and how to imbue one with the other. More, you know how to do so in useful ways and in useful shapes.
Curse Of Eternity – for whatever reason, you find that you time-aspected magics are stronger.
Night Parade – for whatever reason, you have an immensely easier time than normal maintaining ghostly servants around you. Your ghostly retinue tends to supplement you strong skills and shore up your weaknesses.
Isolated Mortuary Cultist – your outpost haven't been in contact with Nehekhara for actual aeons.
Bitter – your experiences with the world left you expecting the worst from anyone but your closest family and companions.
Kingdom of the Lost - you a child of a kingdom that is nowhere to be found.

Mutations, Arcane Marks And Other Bodily Changes
Touch of Usirian, minor – you grow feathers in your hair. Trivial to conceal. Ow, ow, ow.
Immortal Flesh – you drunk an incomplete version of the elixir that imbued Liche Priests with eternal life. You flesh is resistant to death.

Mikhail – an idiot and a boor who bothers people late in the evening. Deals with the matters of intrigue, supposedly.
Yulia – a ghoul woman who takes care of "whatever beasties Ferdinand picks up." Commands a small pack of ghouls... Her control is tenuous.
Albert – Another servant. Supposedly, takes care about material necessities. Second-hand impressions that leaves much to be desired.
Ferdinand – an ambitious, immortal thing in shape of the man. Loves to posture. Seemingly incapable of acquiring good servants.
Alwin - a faint wisp of a ghost, responsible for reconstruction of the keep, and bullied into many other things besides.
Miscellaneous mortal servants - you can't be bothered.


A small, fluctuating number of miscellaneous ghosts; intimidated, obedient. Not worth remembering.
One Banshee, somewhat mysterious. Calls herself Lathain, clearly a false name. Uses her voice and ethereal instruments to control minds andwinds of magic. Found herself whispering advice in your ear when you are dealing with the other people. Her keening wail is deadly.
One Sylvanian Noble, slightly scuffed. Goes by Helmut Von Drak, is allegedly knowledgeable about local affairs. Possess skills typical of warrior-nobility, but is somewhat unused to his form.
Small pile worth of corpses, unused. Some might have previously belonged to someone of note.

Miscellaneous ritualistic tools. Stone carving tools. Wards against scrying. Your work clothes, your traveling clothes, you best fancy robe.

One dungeon, unfurnished. This should be its own category, but alas.





Because this is not a quest about pig herders exploding when you breath wrong, spells are separated into those that do not hurt you very bad on bad rolls, and those that do. The former are minor magic. The latter are Major magic. Perhaps, eventually, you shall learn Cataclysmic magic.

Your magic is a mix of elemental manipulation of Shyish and Nehekharan divine chants. Almost always you can do without one element or the other, although potency and reliability of your spells suffers.

Minor magic.
Minor prestidigitations - Make people feel the cold of death, kill grievously injured and those who given up on life, manifest minor omens of death, etcetera. Minor effects as appropriate.
Usurian's incantation of Awareness – allows spellcaster to see through the eyes of the undead they control.
Usurian's incantation of Knowledge – You are allowed to ask the dead questions. As many as you'd like. Only works on spirits and corpses in the vicinity.
Gaze of Ulatep – gain awareness of corpses in close vicinity. Works on undead.
Soul Jar – extract and imprison a soul in a specially prepared contained.
Binding of Usurian – imbue an object with a previously captured soul.
Spell of Immortality – after casting, the target does not die regardless of injuries inflicted for the duration of the current scene.
Ptra's nostalgic gaze – allows one to see the events that transpired in a location of casting. Works better in places of death or endings.
Bargain of Death – you can summon the spirits of the recently deceased to serve you. Should they attempt to betray you, dire fate shall befall them.
Ptra's willful negligence - you freeze the target in time for several hours to a day. Could be extended or empowered with set-up. Interacts unfavourably with immense raw forces.
Faint Embers rebirth - After casting, the target appears to die to all but most through examinations. To the target, it appears as if they are stuck in some sort of liminal realm while experiencing confusing visions, occasionally experiencing strange visitations. After several days, they rise - their appearance changes, and all of their wounds are healed. Does not cure arcane marks. Does not reverse age, although somewhat mitigates age-related infirmities. Does not work if majority of the body is missing. Inconvenient to cast in combat.
Death and Sky Bargain - Designate a target; a living being, phenomena, organization. After casting, receive a bonus on all actions meant to facilitate the target's end. Become strongly compelled to seek the target's end for a month. Requires a long ritual.

Major Magic.

Incantation of Beckoning – you summon as many of your ghostly servants as desired to you, regardless of distance. Takes several hours. Works everywhere.
Djdra incantation of summoning – You re-unite souls of your dead servants with suitable bodies. Could be cast as a minor spell.
Horekhah's incantation of smiting – You briefly but dramatically boost speed of a chosen group of friendly targets.
Curse of Eternities – Large group of enemies swiftly ages to dust. Affects terrain.

All major magics can be cast as Minor for reduced effect. All spells on the list are safe to cast in safe environment. What constitutes a "safe" environment varies, but your base of operations/home/etc always qualifies. Unless it is under attack.
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Death, garden and rustic delights
[X] Plan: Funerary Goods
-[X] You aren't here for your majestic communication skills and saintly patience, but, perhaps, there are some other propositions you should entertain. (This is a write in option.)
--[X] Fix up your dwellings. Your retinue have made it clear that the appearance of the place is demoralizing, and there's a difference between a terrible hole in the ground and a comfortable hole in the ground that clean floors and a lack of (unwanted) dead bodies can do much to bridge.
- [X] Try to learn more about local culture. Presumably, it consists primarily of trying to burn you and your people. And complaining about Von Draks.
-[X] Visit the Baron of Gablitz. Surely he knows what is the cause of the magical disturbance in his lands?
-[X] Seek out a source of materials for the Mortuary Cult. You need stone, gems and corpses, on a scale that dwarfs the needs of a single modest practitioner like you.
-[X] Find whoever is responsible for drawing up the budget - you need money to operate properly. Hopefully, it isn't Ferdinand.

It takes all of your patience to bear with the ongoing tomfoolery. A resource that you started regularly finding in short supply as of the start of this whole misadventure.

"I am sorry, but what's what we got to work with. No materials, no budget, nothing."

At least Alwin's fool servants sorted the corpses. Everything else, though...

"I strongly advise seeking the master of the keep or his chosen steward and request them to provide me with a greater amount of money and skilled labor. As it stands, beautifying the dungeon is just not... the highest... priority..."

You ignore the pale wisp of a ghost inching away from you. It is the time to seek the man responsible for the treasury in this miserable place.

You miss your tomb.


Wandering through the keep until you meet someone who could help felt like an incredibly silly way of wasting your time, so after getting some directions from Alwin, you decide to meet the ghoul-woman. You find her near the same barrack you visited yesterday.

"Mikhail is missing. So does Albert." The ghoul woman pre-empts your questions. "The spy and the treasurer. They were supposed to return with the material shipment yesterday. One day delay was possible, but I have instructions to go look for them after that."

Wonderful. Additional responsibilities.

"I am going to set out to look for him. Mikhail is busy in Waldenhoff, a-and." The woman stutters a bit, looking somewhere behind you. "I would deeply appreciate it if you came with us."

" I need the money to set up a workshop." You say, slowly and deliberately.

"I understand but - I am afraid only Albert could help. We don't even know where he stores the coin. Well, maybe Mikhail knows, but he is not saying."


It takes less than an hour for the mutated woman to select a small number of the most sane and obedient ghouls out of her starving horde - and then you set out immediately, after hitting the rest with another dose of Lathain's lulling performance. The Banshee seems to be ever-pleased to exercise her skills.

The trip is thankfully brief - once you get from the forest into mostly maintained roads, you move quickly. As you move, Yuliana explains that the former abbey, one of the so-called "Garden Of Morr" near your Keep was abandoned some centuries ago, and only recently a small group of morrites moved in. It is a small compound building of stone and wood.

Most importantly, the shoddy wooden fortifications around the place are breached. The sounds you hear from the inside are familiar.

"Wild ghouls." the woman notes sourly. "Ferdinand would've handled this easily. Maybe I could, if they weren't agitated. We'll have to fight."

"It won't be much of a fight." a familiar voice breathes into your ear.


Yulia's ghouls were hungry, and they weren't picky. Most importantly, they had you on their side.

Emboldened by Lathain's melody and empowered by your spells, facing opposition that did not expect to be attacked from behind - they tear through their wild cousins with wild abandon and cannibalistic hunger, seeking to extinguish the dark desire burning in their souls at any cost. Yulia barely had to swing her axe.

You made your way into the central mausoleum quickly - and that's where you find the survivors.

Mikhail and unknown bloodied mercenary warrior are fighting together, while another mousy man is trying to find a safe space away from the rolling bloody brawl happening in the room. The thing trying to kill them all was an unrecognizable monstrosity, vaguely reminiscent of a ghoul. Except if it was twice taller, thrice wider, and rippling with muscle.

Somehow, your brain finds the time to note the saliva dripping out of its open, roaring maw.


The suicidally brave ghoul-woman rushed the beast with an axe - not without some success, leaving deep rents in its body. The men use the opportunity to try to stab the beast while it is distracted - and then the three warriors fall into the intuitive rhythm of mortals using numbers and tricks to fight a bigger monster. You, in the meantime, methodically incant the holy words and agitate the amethyst wind into sacred geometries of time and entropy.

The fight does not last long - the beast makes the mistake of ignoring you. The moment you finish your brief incantations, it collapses, feebly struggling, clawing at its chest. Something made this... giant ghoul particularly vulnerable to your magic; it died before the spell aged it as little as a single decade. The people who fought it do not seems to care, however, continuing to hack away at the rapidly withering corpse with enviable enthusiasm.

"Albert?" You elect to approach the man covering away from the battlefield while the rest of the warriors are busy " Your name is Albert, correct?"

"Yes, yes, I am. Thank you, thank you, if you come any later, we..." He stops, lost for words. The idea of becoming ghoul-feed is seemingly too terrible for him to speak outload.

"We are not out of the woods yet." The unfamiliar warrior seems to be finally free from the grasp of battle frenzy, now split between warily watching you and not collapsing from the post-battle exhaustion and shallow wounds he sustained. "A sane ghoul and a witch? You are keeping dangerous company."

"He looks like one of the baron's mercenaries. Local, by the looks of it. Not a witch hunter." The feeble whisper of your other significant retinue member seeps into your attention. You cannot say what makes Helmut Von Drak think so; for you, he simply appears as a weathered old warrior. Perhaps better equipped than most, but that's all.

"Ah, I assure you, Yulia is good company, despite her looks, and I am sure her friends are trustworthy as well. They came to help us, there is no reason for the mistrust." Albert is quick to come to your defense, actually making his way toward the ghoul woman. She does not seem to be unhappy to see him. The Northerner seems to be satisfied with not being introduced or participating in the conversation, seemingly trying to attract as little attention to himself as possible.

The warrior takes a long look at the the people present, then a questioning look at Albert. Finally, he speaks.

"My name is Oswald, and I came here seeking arcane assistance. Baron of Gablitz hired me to investigate whoever decided to cause arcane mischief in these lands; mundane means of tracking them proved completely worthless. After questioning the locals I found out that somebody lives in the abandoned morrite abbey, and... " He raises his hands, gesturing broadly at his surroundings and Albert "Here we are. Found these fellows here just in time to save them."

"There is not a whiff of divinity in this place." While the man talked, you decided to examine the corpses - finding only blood, ghoul saliva, and shyish of the recently dead. "People who lived here were liars and deceivers, using names of the divine for their own benefit."

"Ah. As long as we could purchase... Services... from them, it really wasn't my concern." The man you saved - Albert, supposedly - wilts under your unimpressed stare. These imperials are so ready to kill for their gods and yet ready to blasphemy against them so easily?

The mercenary, meanwhile, looks at you with interest.

"Spoken like a priest."

"There are more gods in these lands than barbarian idols of fools and murderers."

"...Is that so." The man hums after you prove unwilling to explain further. "There are some real priests in Waldenhoff and near Drakenhoff, but Sylvania is not where the faithful send their best and brightest."

"Ask him to introduce you to the baron." You do as your retinue encourages you. After explaining your tasks in this land your search for the miscreant spellcasters - and your intent to contact the baron of Gablitz for help. The warrior seems to be amenable to facilitating such a meeting.

"This case needs to be solved quickly before it attracts more attention - I assure you, if you are planning to stay in the region, it is in your best interest to help. Baron made use of spellcasters before and now either Leopold or Otto are likely to use this against him. The purge that'll follow is going to be deeply unpleasant. For everyone."

Something falls - a dull sound of clothed flesh hitting stone - and you see Yulia and her ghouls started to haul corpses while you were talking. She pauses under your stares.

"I need the bodies," she says, gruffly. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"...Not today, no."

This is the moment Albert decides to collapse.


The "city" of Gablitz was not a city. It was, at best, a large village. Not that you expected you see the pyramids and marble palaces your master loved to tell you about, but - wooden walls? Barely a building taller than two stories high? The only building even vaguely deserving of the title is the heavily-reinforced manor of the Baron.

Yulia and Mikhail leave your group together with unconscious Albert and her haul of flesh - after promising to deliver the man back to the keep safe and whole. It feels somewhat surreal to trust a ghoul with an unconscious man, but she is neither alone, nor did anything to prove herself particularly untrustworthy.

You, meanwhile, continue onward to Gablitz. You notice the fact that the winds in the region seems to be agitated, which might be a reason for some of the stranger occurrences in the region. Once the sentries on the walls notice the mercenary, you are quickly ushered in to meet the baron. Inside his study, you are left standing before the owner of this land together with the warrior from the abbey.

The man is old. Dusty and feeble-looking, ever ready to simply fall apart. So do the badly concealed magic elixirs inside his table. Something for vigor, perhaps? Or a feeble longevity potion... Still, he tries to stand as you arrive in the room.

You don't pay terribly much attention to the mercenary retelling the story of your involvement in the Abbey's fight, as you are busy listening to Helmut's whispering tale about the baron - old, formerly married, lost his children, lived for almost a century, does his best to stay away from Von Drak family feuds. You do notice, however, when you are directly addressed.

"You. Who are you working for?"

"...Ferdinand von Schugeir. " you answer carefully, electing to omit further minutiae.

"Never heard of him." Baron harrumps. "Doesn't matter, a lot of bloodlines who left this land ages ago are now returning, trying to benefit from the struggle between Leopold and Otto. Oswald, did you learn anything?"

"Not a whole lot. Sadly, they weren't the mages we were looking for, and But I did meet this mysterious stranger here while looking for the troublemakers - she has the same goal."

"Marvellous." The baron collapses into his seat, and retrieves one of the elixirs in his table. He drinks it quickly, grimacing - as expected, some sort of vitality-bolstering elixir.

Finally, he starts talking again. "I cannot contact the hag. She just... vanished completely. Her apprentices, too. Should you learn anything, you can count on my support. "

"We could try to contact the black market in Waldenhoff. Spellcasters are ever greedy for strange things, and if these newcomers are planning to stay active, they surely tried to come in contact." The mercenary warrior offers.

"That's Leopold's lands. Our interference could cause problems." Baron retrieves another bottle, filled with another potion you do not recognize. It must be even less pleasant to consume if his face is any indication. Nonetheless, consume it he does.

...You do wish he did this before or after you came to talk with him. Finally, he speaks again.

"Operate with subtlety, or else we are all going to be done for. Now, you." gazes fall upon you directly for the second time since you were mentioned.

"I, Johann von Gablitz, baron of these lands declare my willingness to acknowledge Ferdinand Von Shueger's claim to the Old Keep - as long as you help us to stop magical mischief in these lands. And I promise you; you do not want armies of witch hunters to crawl all over every single inch of this land."


It was getting late, so you decided to spend a night in the Gablitz. After a brief and uncomfortable meal together with the ailing baron - some sort of local show of hospitality? - you left his home to take a look at the settlement.

The place is so small - and yet within the walls separating the city from the dangerous wilds, some manner of civilization weakly hobbles on. What makes these people live in these dangerous lands? While you wander, trying to understand these damned people, the mercenary warrior from the abbey finds you.

"Looking for something in particular?" The man seemingly tries to appear friendly. He smiles awkwardly; It looks strange on his weathered, old face, as a mask retrieved from the dustiest chest of the deepest dungeon.

"I am new to these lands." You admit. There is no point in even attempting to conceal such things.

"Oh? And what do you think about our humble slice of the Empire? "

"People are poor and dirty. Your houses are ugly." You pause, getting a vague feeling that, perhaps, you might want to say something nice to this person who has yet to terribly offend you. "Your food is not terrible."

Unexpectedly, the man chuckles. "Now, that I didn't expect. Most newcomers complain about bland flavors and lack of variety."

"I lived with people who care little about such things." Or for food at all, for that matters. "So. What exactly do you need from me?"

"Ah. This can't be just me trying to be friendly?"

"I made a request, you fulfilled it. Now, instead of running away as quickly as possible, you come closer. You haven't tried to shoot me, screamed obscenities at me, or blamed me for things I haven't done - so it means you need something."

That does stop his smile. You wonder if things are about to get ugly.

"We should coordinate our efforts, and I definitely could use a spellcaster friend. For now, though - If you, perhaps allow me to ask -what displeases you so? I haven't seen even as much as a hint of good mood on your features ever since that damnable abbey."

"I don't want to be here." You answer easily and quickly. "This land is foreign to me."

"We all get homesick, sometimes. I should tell you about Middleland someday... Regardless, just wandering the cold streets of Gablitz alone is not the way to deal with sadness, yes? Come, there are better places to be." Against your better judgment, you follow the man. Although, with your retinue, in a place like this - what do you have to fear, really?

Turns out, "Better places to be" is some sort of a tavern, and "better things to do" to do is "imbue mind-dulling liquids." There are a lot of people here; some local youths are having their marriage soon, and a whole lot of people decided to celebrate the occasion. You expect to stick out like a sore thumb - but aside from initial wary glances, nobody gives you trouble, seemingly deciding that if you came with the old warrior, you can't be trouble.

...Then some annoying children - after spontaneously deciding that bothering you is some sort of a trial of courage - manage to extract the fact that you "serve the gods, no, absolutely not a Morrite" with their incessant pestering. Suddenly you are surrounded by people - moments later you are providing people with stilted, fumbling well-wishes and curt warnings about inevitable fate of their souls.

Eventually, after dutifully informing husband-and-wife-to-be of the factual truth that the fate of unfaithful liars in the afterlife is terrible and that they should not make careless promises to each other, you are politely left alone with your cups.

For the rest of the day you are surrounded by people who are trying to be happy in spite of their sorry lot in life, and the sight of these silly peasants trying to enjoy life in this miserable, gloomy land does provide you with some hope that you yet might find some things to be happy about in your future.


You are allowed to spend the night in Baron's manor as a guest. In the morning, you are awakened by a servant and informed that Oswald shall remain in Gablitz for several days before setting out to Waldenhoff, and is ready to assist any efforts to seek out the cause of recent magical problems. You are free to make request for further assistance, as long as it pertains the investigation.

Then, without further incident, you set out back to the keep. The trip was uneventful. Yulia is the first to meet you, gruffly informing you that Albert is fine but exhausted and in need of rest. So you do elect to wait before meeting him, spending the time to tell the ghoul woman about your time in Gablitz.

When you finally decide to meet the man you saved, you do attempt to knock politely first - and that remains without a response. After some waiting and some more knocking, you elect to let yourself in.

The man's room is sparse. Carefully folded parchment and writing implements neighbor half-eaten foods and suspicious foul-smelling draughts. The person of the hour himself... Sleeps at the table, half-mumbling something, his hands weakly twitching. His sleep does not seem to be very pleasant, and shyish clouds his mind.

"Wake up the man, Nefertari. He'll thank you for it."

It doesn't take much - a barest touch and he jumps in place, almost overturning his table. It takes a couple of seconds for him to stop looking around like a frightened deer - somewhat surprisingly, he seems to be pleased to see you.

"Ah. I am sorry, very-very sorry - do you need something?" the man starts hastily sorting the papers back in order even as he speaks. "Thank you again for the rescue, lady... I am sorry, I haven't caught your name?... "

"We have not been introduced." You'll probably going to be forced to interact with the man on a regular basis. "Nefertari, of... nowhere in particular."

"That's... An uncommon name." The man blinks. According to Yulia, he spent day and night unconscious, and yet his eyes still look like the last time he slept was when The Imperishable walked the land. "But it is nothing to worry about! What can I do for one of my saviors?"

"Provide me with the money so I can do my job, for starters." You finally allow yourself faint hope that you are finally done with doing other's people work. "My workshop stands bare of even the most basic comforts and implements. I also need a source of high-quality materials. Durable kinds of rocks, preferably in huge uncut slabs, gems, and corpses of remarkable individuals."

"That's... Quite the request. I am afraid to say that Ferdinand's access to money is quite limited as of now... Still!" he adds hurriedly "I can make some basic arrangements. But if you want regular shipments, I am going to need some help."

...Why can't people just do their own jobs?


"As much as could be hoped for, in these blighted lands."

"You cannot even feel it, Lathain."

"It is the aesthetic that counts."

You do not know where the drapes and carpets come from, but you do not care terribly much. This brief trip does provide you with greater comfort, even though your tasks are unfinished. The cold drafts were dealt with, the bare walls and floors covered, the corpses properly sorted and preserved for future usage - or disposal - and the furniture in the room is no longer so crude. Underground tomb-palace this is not, but you are actually starting to believe yourself when you call that thing you sleep on a "bed" and thing you lie your head on a "pillow."

"I'd lie if I said that carpets and drapes do much to improve my mood. Lady Nefertari, is there anything that could be done to provide me with a body of some sort? " Your other servant, however, does not seems to be particularly happy.

It takes a couple of moments to carefully consider the request. The nobleman, in spite of his well-retained mental faculties seems to be slow to adjust to his new state and is majorly weakened when away from his remains. Perhaps, if you had access to a still-warm corpse of his close relative you could fashion a pseudo-resurrection, of sorts... Or you could imbue him into a very high-quality stone simulacra of his former vessel.

You sigh, finding some measure of humor in the situation. Not so long ago, you saved a man from the afterlife. Now, he is already asking for more - even a threat of dissolution and eternal punishment could stop one from seeking to better their circumstances, it seems.

Perhaps, there is something to be learned from this.


Vote options and information section.

You have 5 AP. Due to the nature of the ongoing hunt for the mystery spellcasters, the turns are significantly shorter than usual.

The following choice is not a part of the plan-vote and shall be counted separately.

[] Take up a pseudonym? Your appearance could pass for a local, but your name surely does not. A pseudonym should help you stick out a little less. (Free, if taken)
-[] Specify. Vaguely ominous names like Heinrich Kemmler or Vlad Von Carstein are traditional, but not mandatory.
-[]Verona Mina Harkon
-[]Natalia Drachen
-[]Mirabelle Pont Vitae
[] Do not.

The following options are a part of the plan vote.

Social activities:
[] Try to learn more about one of your retinue. Things besides their readiness to complain about this and that.
-[] Who?
[] Socialize with other significant servants of Ferdinand.
---[] You could specifically seek out someone whom you already met, or leave it up to chance. Surely there are more people than this?
[] Establish regular contact with the Mortuary Cult. Or attempt to, at least. As of right now, you might need to work with the northerner on this one. Damnation.
[] Orrr perhaps Albert could provide some help to his savior?
[] You aren't here for your majestic communication skills and saintly patience, but, perhaps, there are some other propositions you should entertain. (This is a write-in option.)

Your studies:
[] Ask Ferdinand to teach you vampiric magics.
[] Try to iterate on one of your spells.
-[] Specify which.
[] Derive new spells from the spells or concepts you are familiar with.
-[] Specify which.
[] Test Faint Embers on the ghouls. You have an idea...
[] Try to learn more about local divinities. Sigmar is a god of hammers, right?
[] Bind a spirit to a vessel.
-[] Specify spirit, specify vessel.
[] So many ideas, so little time. Perhaps you should study something else? (This is a write-in option.)
-[]Specify what.

Your job:
You are expected to deal with strange happenings in Gablitz and to craft some war statuary.

[] Discreetly visit the local graveyard. The dead know a great many things.
[] Or, perhaps, interrogate some other corpses in your possession? You have quite a few available thanks to your choices and Yulia's efforts.
[] Seek what Albert needs to arrange regular material shipments to you.
[] Set out to Waldenhoff to seek out alleged "black market." Oswald, mercenary from Gablitz is ready to accompany you. Mikhail is also there, allegedly.
[] Study the flow of winds in the region. Creating a full wind map of the region in less than a month is probably impossible, but now that you had seen disturbed winds over Gablitz, make you think that, perhaps, you have other means of finding the perpetrators.
[] Attempt to craft war statuary. It is not much, but Albert provided you with a small shipment of medium-quality materials for your projects... You are reasonably sure these remains of some sort of shattered statue. Still, it is enough; you'll manage.
[]...Turn Gablitz into ashes and mortals into ghosts...?
[] You have an idea. (This is a write-in option)
-[] Specify the idea.

Feel free to request links to the Orokos history for this game.

Congratulations - You made acquittance with a neighbor baron, a strangely friendly warrior eager to cooperate with you, and a obtained a budget. You know that local mages are vanishing, and neighbor "Morrite" abbey got attacked by a pack of ghouls, led by an unusually big one.
As result of improving your living conditions and having a good time spooking peasants, your Diplomacy score is increased by 1. Continue increasing it, and you'll receive one (1) permanent bonus AP for social actions only. Other statistics likewise grant bonuses when improved; not necessarily always bonus AP.
Improvements in your workshop and living space provide a small bonus to crafting projects. Imbuing people into items counts as crafting.

Ferdinand has no further requests and made no efforts to contact you again. Yet.

I now offer the name choice once again given that I forgot to make it explicitly free during the past vote, and it was attached to the plan segments regardless, making it kind of a very awkward. It shall not make appearances past this update, altho you could always write-in it.

There is non-zero chance I forgot something, or SV ate some of edits resulting in deprecated segments and other ??? sort of stuff sneaking into the latest draft, so feel free to poke me.
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