Seras Victoria the ____ Quest (Hellsing)

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Rules are simple, and you could use Invisiblecastle or SV to roll the die. Also, I'll be using...


The Library
Rules are simple, and you could use Invisiblecastle or SV to roll the die. Also, I'll be using the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system for stats (Basically Fallout). Comprende? Si.

Also, this is my first Quest, so please be gentle...

It was a perfect day, it should be a perfect day, it should have been a perfect day. The day started out normally, as normal as a Sunday could be. You and your family was planning to...

[] Visit the Church
[] Go to see that new travelling Circus
[] Play in that amusement park you had always wanted to visit
[] Write-in

But then Papa received a call, and suddenly he broke out into a cold sweat. His face contorted into fear, and desperation as he told you to stay in the living room, before he walked to Mama in the kitchen. You could hear whispering, panicked whispering, fearful whispering, and before long, Mama rushed out, looked at you in hopelessness, before she took you into the Closet.

"Listen to Mama, stay in the closet, and don't come out no matter what," Mama says, sweat drenching her forehead as she leans to you a kiss in the cheek. She gives you a shaky smile, before she closes the closet.

"M-Mommy?" You ask as tears threatened to pour out from fear.

You shake, huddled deep in the corner of your closet. You don't know what's happening, why your Mama seems so scared, or why Papa seems so jumpy, but whatever it is, you're scared of it. You clench your eyes shut, scared of whatever is outside.

So you wait, you wait in the closet, as the silence chokes you with fear. There's a sound of a door, your house's front door, being slammed open forcefully. There are sounds of footsteps getting closer to where you are, to where your parents are.

A familiar loud sound rang out, followed by another and more and more. And you gasp in fear, your breathing unsteady as you whimpered silently, biting your lips in fear as you stared at the closet door.


[] Peek out
[] Stay inside, after all, Mama told you to
[] Write-in

OOC: Do note that, as usual, write-in is encouraged. And before we start, let me give you a bad news and a good news.

Good news: Seras will never die. Others will, but she won't. There will be no bad end with her dying.

Bad news: Seras will suffer. True, she won't die, but she will be crippled, blinded, tortured, poisoned, amputated, beaten. Name it and it will happen if you take the wrong choice, or bad rolls. To the point that it's better for her to die, than live. Yes, I'm invoking the 'And I Must Scream' trope.
Character Sheet
Name: Seras Victoria
Age: 7
Year: 1988

Note: For every stat, except Luck, it will grant Seras +4/level for every roll relating the Stat. Vice-Versa when said stat is under 5. For Luck, it will increase +5/level for every roll of all kinds. Vice versa when it's under 5. Aside from that, other side effects of the SPECIAL stats will apply.

Raw physical strength. A high Strength is good for physical characters.
3 (You're a child, what do you expect?)
Perception The ability to see, hear, taste and notice unusual things. A high Perception is important for a sharpshooter. 5 (Eh, don't hope too much on it)
Endurance Stamina and physical toughness. A character with a high Endurance will survive where others may not. 5 (At least you're not obese. Be grateful for that.
Charisma A combination of appearance and charm. A high Charisma is important for characters that want to influence people with words 3 (Again, you're a child. The only thing you could do to convince people it by bawling your eyes out. Surprisingly effective.)
Intelligence Knowledge, wisdom and the ability to think quickly. A high Intelligence is important for any character. 4 (You're not stupid, but eh... you're lacking.)
Agility Coordination and the ability to move well. A high Agility is important for any active character. 5 (You are surprisingly quick for your size.)
Luck Fate. Karma. An extremely high or low Luck will affect the character - somehow. Events and situations will be changed by how lucky (or unlucky) your character is. 3 (It says something when you have your parents killed in your house when you're in your house. And that's not counting what happened afterwards.)


Coming soon.

Hopefully soon


Puppy eyes-- Oh hey, did you know, being a child makes you able to convince other people via giving them The Eyes? Oh, yes you could. Especially when you're about to experience the most traumatic event in your eyes. Bawl that eyes of yours, girl!
Effect: +10 for every roll to convince ADULTS, to listen to your petty will! Effect will be reduced once you reached Teenhood.

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Is this a crossover?

[X] Go to see that new travelling Circus

[x] Stay inside
- [x] Hide and be silent!
Vote tally:
##### 3.21

[x] Stay inside
-[x] Be silent!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Go to see that new travelling Circus
[x] Stay inside
-[x] Hide and be silent!
No. of votes: 2
AZATHOTHoth, Faceless Goon

[X] Go to see that new travelling Circus
[X] Peek out
No. of votes: 3
Delwgun, edmantgoog, rippleuser344

[x] Martial Art demonstration
[x] Stay inside
-[x] Hide and be silent!
No. of votes: 2
Tetsurou, Night_stalker

[X] Play in that amusement park you had always wanted to visit
[X] Stay inside, after all, Mama told you to
No. of votes: 1

[x] Stay inside
-[x] Hide and be silent!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Peek out
[X] Visit the Church
No. of votes: 1

You know, I was expecting for more people to suggest traumatizing Seras. Oh, well, Vote will be locked in thirty minutes.
[X] Go to see that new travelling Circus
[x] Stay inside
-[x] Hide and be silent!

Also, I'm changing style from Present to Past. Seems better for some reason.

You were about to peek out when you remembered Mama's word. Closing your eyes, you breathed silently, before hiding in the corner of the closet. You tried your best not to let out a whimper or even a sound as two unfamiliar voices began to talk outside. You don't know them, whoever they are, and you don't think they're good people.

Your eyes clenched tighter as one of them laughed. "Oy, piggy, what's a matter? Squeal more like a piggy why don't cha?" There was a meaty sound of someone kicking something.

You couldn't help but to let out a gasp. Thankfully, they were to busy... kicking something to notice you, or to notice the lack of you.

"Should've just let him squeal before you shot," another person, unfamiliar as well, replied, and were you older, you would've identified the smug grin on his face.

"Nah," the first man said. "This one is special. Very squealy when shot, just like a pig in a slaughterhouse." His sentence was punctuated with a hard kick to...

You don't want to think about it.

"Now," the same man, drawled as you heard footsteps moving away, before it stops. "This one is the fun bonus,"

"Are you-- Oh, fucking hell, mate? You're bloody serious? She's fucking dead."

"Bah," you heard the first man spat, and you heard something akin to a zipping sound. "It's still fresh. And she's a beauty, this one."

What was next was probably the most disgusting, and disturbing sound you ever had to listen. And much worse was, you knew, if only a little, what was happening. True, you may be a seven years old, but Papa and Mama made sure that you understand... things. You whimpered, tears once more streaking onto your cheeks as you tried to ignore that... squelching noise.

There was a sudden thud, and the squelching noise stopped abruptly. "You heard that mate?" The first man muttered.

"Heard what?"

You froze, and for a moment you hoped that the men wouldn't hear you as you pressed your knees to your chest, making yourself as small as you could in that claustrophobic closet. You tried to not make a sound as your breathings fastened.
1d100 → [18] = (18-10) = 8

"That. Go check that closet. I swear I heard something..."

You heard a sigh. "Sure. Go back to your... thing, and let's get this done with." You clenched your fists as a pair of footsteps came closer the closet. To you.

You could see a hand reaching to the handle of the closet, before it paused. "And I mean fucking now, dammit. The boss won't be too happy with this shit. God knows why he hired you."

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing." The man beyond the closet shouted back, clicking his tongue as his hand clenched onto the handle of the door. "Fucking nutter."

And he pulled the closet open.


[] Scream
[] Give puppy eyes, and hope the man would leave you alone (This may or may not work)
[] Give a smile
[] Laugh
[] Sing that scary song from that scary movie

[] Write in.

Do mind that, yes, even I would make the wackiest write in to work as long as it's not OOC of young Seras.
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[X]Act like your going to punch his dick and at the last second change and go for the neck and bite down hard.
[X] Sing that scary song from that scary movie

Fuck it, can't really hurt 'im, might as well go for the long shot.