[x] My lack of fast-acting lethal poisons. The one in your food is taking forever.
-[x] Still think it's funny to assume it's my job to cook because I'm the girl?
[X] - My reliance on my bloodline

uju does have a good point about this, and a lack of any defensive jutsu would tie back to the fact that Hisana has been relying about the Sharingan to learn ninjutsu.
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[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.
[X] - My reliance on my bloodline

uju does have a good point about this, and a lack of any defensive jutsu would tie back to the fact that Hisana has been relying about the Sharingan to learn ninjutsu.

Hashirama beat Madara's EMS 1 on 1 while Madara had the Kyuubi. Sasuke didn't out-Sharingan Itachi, or come close to killing him via Sharingan.
Minato kicked the stuffing out of Tobi during the Kyuubi attack.
Danzo beat Shisui and plucked an eye out despite Shisui being a Mangekyo Sharingan user.

Tobi had to sacrifice an eye against Konan.

Sage Mode Kabuto was 2v1-ing two Mangekyo Sharingan users at the same time.
Madara spent most of his fading years attempting to evolve the Sharingan to Rinnegan.
Tobi collected most of the bijuu AND a pair of Rinnegan eyes AND tens of thousands of Zetsus before he felt comfortable going to war.

The extra powerups that we need to go to toe with the major threats in this universe are Fuinjutsu and Sage Mode.
Neither are Sharingan techniques, nor will they be helped by better Sharingan.
Sasuke and Naruto both get those transmigrant bonuses from Indra and Ashura; we don't.

And if we class into Mangekyo Sharingan, we begin to lose our sight.
Unlike Tobi, we don't have an entire bank of 100 backup eyes to choose from.
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Obviously the correct answer is everything.
[JK] I have a lack of defensive techniques due to the fact that I overly rely on the Sharingan.
-[JK] Also people in masks who know my weakness and caring too much.
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Sasuke didn't beat itachi, he lost and then his brother died of illness.
Three years of preptime with the help of an S-classer and he came close, but still couldn't pull it off.
You aren't going to out-Sharingan Itachi. Or Tobi. Or heavens forbid, a resurrected Madara.
They all know the Sharingan better than we do, and have decades of experience using it.
[X] I have a lack of defensive techniques due to the fact that I overly rely on the Sharingan.
-[X] Also people in masks who know my weakness.
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[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.
Pragmatically Hisana by having the humility to admit her reliance upon the Sharingan starts the ball rolling on Kakashi informing them on every single weakness it has, and training them to counter such attempts when possible. This is useful not only for Hisana, but Sasuke as well, so Hisana being the overprotective older sis would want to inform him of this matter, and encourage him to take steps to remove what openings other prodigies of a similar growth level to herself, or better might attempt to exploit.

Also hearing the Kakashi edition of the creative, cleaver, and "unique" ways the Shinobi world have come up with to kill those with the Sharingan over multiple generation should serve as nice motivation to train harder.
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