[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

It's possible that there won't be a test because of what happened on graduation day. In which case showing initiative and finding out all we can about our teacher for the foreseeable future is probably for the best. It will also allow Sasuke to know about Kakashi having a Sharingan.
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I actually prefer Be Prepared.

Other good ones are Let It Go, if you count it as a villain song, and I'm the Bad Guy from Wander Over Yonder.

Be Prepared is my number 2 pick, sadly if Hisana sings that one people might think she is ploting treason.

And I'll be back after I look up that I'm the bad guy song
Minutes turned into hours, until both Sasuke and Naruto had cracked and started setting up some kind of fiendishly complex version of the eraser trap Naruto had set in the series.

Should have told them to use a pink chalk dust and gotten a photo of it.

[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Technically the actions on the day of the kidnapping may as well of been the test, all three of them acted decisively and properly as a team.

Sakura had bumped Kiba out of Team 8, somehow, and of course the Ino-Shika-Cho trio were intact. Kiba was assigned to a team full of people she didn't recognise and she felt a brief pang of guilt at taking him away from a team that had worked so well for him; and even more so at Sakura.

Sakura performed very well in the kidnapping, will be a good medic along with a genjutsu specialist. Makes sense to move her with Hinata and Shino then, midirection and healing for a tracker team.

Kiba is an Alpha type personality so him taking control of a team and having them pass would not be unreasonable either.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.

Honestly Friends On The Other Side fits
Achievement Unlocked: I See Dead People.

Interesting how nobody bothers to talk to any of the kids involved about how they're managing the aftermath; obviously no SI has started up a psych counselling program. I suspect Sakura's going to be best adjusted because she ended up with Kurenai, who does have experience with traumatized kids.
Kakashi's......not terrible, but is too close to the problem to be effective.

I wonder how much security there is around the Uchiha compound at the moment that Hisana isn't seeing.
Because if they talked Naruto into more or less moving in, that makes three very high value targets that have already drawn hostile attention this week.

Wonder how many prisoners were captured.
Did Mizuki survive the experience of duelling a Kyuubi-boosted Naruto?
Though she suspected the reason he stuck around was the promise of her cooking every day.
Teuchi: NOOOO! He is lost to us!

Given as Hisana seems to be making herself something of an emotional linchpin for traumatized high value kids?
Anyone who doesn't come after her in her own right, will come after her if they want Naruto or Sasuke.
Fun times.

Most of them had only heard that there had been an incident on graduation day, nothing further.
Wait what?
There was a battle involving the fuckmothering Hokage just outside the main walls, and all they heard was there was an incident?
Man a lot of genin are terminally dumb.

Poor Kiba got shunted off Team 8.
Didn't expect politics would let that happen, especially as he happens to be excellent at taijutsu in his own right, something Team 8 is weak at.
I was actually thinking that they'd make a 4 man team to put Sakura under an elite jounin.
Since Kiba is the second kid of the head of a major clan, like almost every other member of the Rookie Nine, politics is a consideration for their placement.

But if Sakura's important enough to be kidnapped, she's important enough to be on a team with someone with a terrifying rep for her protection.
And to keep her away from Danzo.

Team 10 is too specialized, so it had to be either Team 7(unlikely for OOC reasons) or Team 8, or maybe even Team Gai.
Team 8 is excellent for Sakura's training; Kurenai might actually get to pass off her genjutsu onto someone.
Makes her even closer to Kabuto in build though; hope she figures out how to weaponize her strength.

Just going to point out that Kurenai has a reputation as a hard-drinking party animal, and her best friend is Anko.
So life might get a little interesting.

"I got lost on the road of life. Meet me at training ground six with your mission equipment tomorrow, six AM." He said, and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.
He said mission equipment.
Given as we were involved in a fight last week, he should have a pretty good idea about our combat skills.
Which suggests nothing as straightforward as a fight.

[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Since canon is off the rails, let's not make any unsupported assumptions about THIS Kakashi.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.