[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

More Neji is always good.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
While I'm glad to see Neji, I do think it's prudent to remind everyone that since Naruto and Neji didn't have their fateful confrontation, he should still be pre-character development. You know, an asshole.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
That is still entertaining. This is a story, not a test of profit maximization.

I just brought it up as a reminder. It's not about profit maximization, I'm not sure what profit we would be maximizing with this vote. It's about honestly telling people not to be surprised when/if Neji is still going on about Fate and Destiny and still hating Hinata and the rest of the main branch. It's a cold job to curb people's enthusiasm, but if they're voting to see a character at a certain point in their character arc and that arc hasn't developed to that point yet, it's not about strategy, it's about making informed decisions. If people are voting to see Neji at whatever point along then that's fine.

That said, Neji is a good choice for a training partner here. He's a shockingly strong combatant for his age, easily strong chunin-grade if not special jounin grade, putting him well above the average strength of our testees, and the two of us will pull off a good Akatsuki impression. Two strong ninja of opposing philosophies working together to achieve the same goal. Our abilities compliment each other well and neither of us will really be in charge, we'll be giving orders because of rank, but he won't jump just because we say to, not like Naruto or Karin who's well accepted Hisana's leadership abilities. Neji as our missing-nin partner when?

[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
I just brought it up as a reminder. It's not about profit maximization, I'm not sure what profit we would be maximizing with this vote. It's about honestly telling people not to be surprised when/if Neji is still going on about Fate and Destiny and still hating Hinata and the rest of the main branch. It's a cold job to curb people's enthusiasm, but if they're voting to see a character at a certain point in their character arc and that arc hasn't developed to that point yet, it's not about strategy, it's about making informed decisions. If people are voting to see Neji at whatever point along then that's fine.

That said, Neji is a good choice for a training partner here. He's a shockingly strong combatant for his age, easily strong chunin-grade if not special jounin grade, putting him well above the average strength of our testees, and the two of us will pull off a good Akatsuki impression. Two strong ninja of opposing philosophies working together to achieve the same goal. Our abilities compliment each other well and neither of us will really be in charge, we'll be giving orders because of rank, but he won't jump just because we say to, not like Naruto or Karin who's well accepted Hisana's leadership abilities. Neji as our missing-nin partner when?

[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
Fair point
This was a really good update.
One of the things I think is rather nice about the update is how the level of detail in the medical certification section really lines up with Hisana's stat changes.

Going into this Hisana already had B-Rank Iryojutsu (80pts), Mystical Palm, and Chakra Scalpel. She improved her Iryojutsu (80->120) and Chakra Scalpel a bit (in a pinch -> fine) plus learned a couple lower level (B-Rank and D-Rank) techniques but the big change is to her scholarly side. She straight up gained B-Rank level (0->70) knowledge in Medical Theory and got a fairly significant boost to her raw Intelligence (75->100).

Which when combined with the focus of the update on Hisana studying with only an offhanded mention of practical tests shows that all this improvement really came from taking Hisana's existing practical knowledge of Iryojutsu and filling in all the missing theory she needed to truly put it to proper use. Even with the jump in Iryojutsu (and the new Surgical Jutsu sub-skill) I don't think Hisana is actually any better at performing Iryojutsu, or if she is it is fairly minor, but instead instead now knows the when, where, and whys behind the hows she already had and thus is more effective with the same level of raw capability.

I also like how difficult this improvement was shown to be. Hisana is, despite her thoughts to the contrary, a major prodigy and generally speaking breezes through learning things due to her immense talent and dedication. Here however Hisana's talent wasn't really useful. Well it was useful in that it is what got her in the door in the first place but there isn't really a talent to rote memorization of all the medical facts and details you need to know to be a ninja combat paramedic. Well she did exploit the Sharingan to learn everything she needed in time for the (artificial) deadline but all that did was cut down the time not the actual raw effort in absorbing all the necessary data.
[X] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
One of the things I think is rather nice about the update is how the level of detail in the medical certification section really lines up with Hisana's stat changes.

Going into this Hisana already had B-Rank Iryojutsu (80pts), Mystical Palm, and Chakra Scalpel. She improved her Iryojutsu (80->120) and Chakra Scalpel a bit (in a pinch -> fine) plus learned a couple lower level (B-Rank and D-Rank) techniques but the big change is to her scholarly side. She straight up gained B-Rank level (0->70) knowledge in Medical Theory and got a fairly significant boost to her raw Intelligence (75->100).

Which when combined with the focus of the update on Hisana studying with only an offhanded mention of practical tests shows that all this improvement really came from taking Hisana's existing practical knowledge of Iryojutsu and filling in all the missing theory she needed to truly put it to proper use. Even with the jump in Iryojutsu (and the new Surgical Jutsu sub-skill) I don't think Hisana is actually any better at performing Iryojutsu, or if she is it is fairly minor, but instead instead now knows the when, where, and whys behind the hows she already had and thus is more effective with the same level of raw capability.

I also like how difficult this improvement was shown to be. Hisana is, despite her thoughts to the contrary, a major prodigy and generally speaking breezes through learning things due to her immense talent and dedication. Here however Hisana's talent wasn't really useful. Well it was useful in that it is what got her in the door in the first place but there isn't really a talent to rote memorization of all the medical facts and details you need to know to be a ninja combat paramedic. Well she did exploit the Sharingan to learn everything she needed in time for the (artificial) deadline but all that did was cut down the time not the actual raw effort in absorbing all the necessary data.

I agree, the focus she placed onto how impressive Sakura was to have achieved success is a clue of the blind spot Hisana has for her own achievements. And it's this humility that makes Hisana so compelling as a character despite how capable she is.
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[X] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
Very nice characterization work.

Interesting and logical to see Nohara carefully scouting her for the medic division; the Hokage comment suggests Tsunade specifically asked Nohara for an upclose assessment of Hisana's medical skills and temperament.
I suspect she's probably not going to be the only one in the future.

One of those neat bits of characterization, and an illustration of Hisana's blindspot, is when Nohara-senpai says she's running the survival exercise, and Hisana shunshins to the front of the class. Which would seem to be routine, until you remember that Hisana has mid A-rank speed, and that everyone else in the medic class other than the tutor is at best chuunin.

They didnt even see her move.

Some changes have been made to the character sheet.
Maybe ten points from being an A-rank sealmaster, with almost all her core skills at A-rank. And she only just turned fourteen.
Kakashi's little monster squad.

I still find it hilarious that, in an inversion for most Uchiha, her lowest stat remains her Genjutsu :V

[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

The aim is to pressure them, not overwhelm them
Hisana has enough chakra sensing for general, but Neji adds a precision that allows her to fine tune pressure without breaking anyone. Plus, it might be worth seeing Neji again.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

Karin is too good. The point of the exercise is to press them, not demolish them- further, Karin is good in a way they're unlikely to ever encounter in the field.

They're also unlikely to encounter enemy ninja with the Byakugan, but its a better approximation of a more standard sensor/tracker than Karin's bullshit.

[x] Naruto, to provide manpower. His shadow clones will allow Hisana to swamp the trainees much more effectively.

Also a good choice, probably the best simulation of what they're actually likely to encounter- outnumbered and trying to heal/exfiltrate injured allies while avoiding lower-level* enemy forces. Still not a perfect simulation, as destroying any of the clones instantly informs Naruto of everything the clone learned- but they're trying to avoid combat anyways.

*With regards to tracking capabilities specifically, where Naruto hasn't demonstrated any ability other than spamming shadow clones and hoping they trip over something interesting.
I wonder who's going to teach Sasuke without Oro around? Kakashi is a good teacher in this but not as good as Oro is.

Is Naruto being thaught by Jiraya?
[X] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[X] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

Still hoping to get around to the Land of Snow Armor.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
Proper medical ninja would use things like chakra scalpels and other,
Chakra Scalpels never really felt like a healing technique to me. I know it's canon but it's clearly stupid. I mean, what's the use of it as a healing supplement technique?
Opening the body to manually fix stuff inside is only useful when you can't directly meddle with stuff inside, which healers can do as the scalpel technique itself has been shown to be able to sever stuff inside the body without breaking the skin.
I can think of only three cases where the scalpels might maybe useful:
- something got inside the body, like shrapnel that needs to get taken out. But on further reflection said shrapnel would already have an entry point by which one could push it out of the body without having to make another wound.
- pressure due to internal bleeding or similar fluid accumulation. Where indeed opening a hole to have it flow out would be used as a quick fix on the field.
- something in the body no longer works properly and needs to be taken out (ie: cancer), but that would be a phenomenally rare occurrence.

A much more believable medical supplement technique to the Healing Palm would be Chakra Strings. So the healer could quickly sew wounds (including internal wounds) or otherwise move around stuff that needs to be put in the right place (ie: bone shards).

[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

Might be a good idea to spend some time with him imo. Also improved intel is the most valuable aspect out of the three. The recruits "surviving" or hiding aren't really an issue as if they can do that against protag in this test then that shows their skill is good enough to help them survive in combat anyway.
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- something got inside the body, like shrapnel that needs to get taken out. But on further reflection said shrapnel would already have an entry point by which one could push it out of the body without having to make another wound.
Post-battlefield operation to remove a foreign body that got sealed inside by field expedient treatment to stop acute bleeding.
Wind Release: Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon. This A-Rank technique is a desperate improvisation of Hisana's, a compression of the Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade technique into the size of a standard blade. Though less destructive overall, and costing truly incredible amounts of chakra, this technique has cutting power beyond any other Hisana is aware of. In the Land of Snow, she managed a bladeless version - though it required free-floating refined nature chakra. The current chakra cost is 300 chakra per use. ---> This A-Rank technique is a desperate improvisation of Hisana's, a compression of the Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade technique into the size of a standard blade. Though less destructive overall, and costing truly incredible amounts of chakra, this technique has cutting power beyond any other Hisana is aware of. After extensive training and experience of using it in the field, Hisana has managed to refine it. When using the Sword of Spring, Hisana may use the jutsu for 150 chakra. With all other blades, Hisana may use it for 300 chakra - though this will certainly cause their destruction.
This looks more like a "specialization" rather than an improvement or refinement. I mean, in the special case of protag using the special sword then it got better, but otherwise? It didn't improve at all. Assuming the old version also causes sword destruction, because if not then it's actually worse than it used to be.
Heck, considering the sword of spring entry it seems the chakra cost reduction isn't even coming from any improvement Hisana made but rather from the sword itself.

Post-battlefield operation to remove a foreign body that got sealed inside by field expedient treatment to stop acute bleeding.
As pointed out in the following phrase, you don't need to open a second wound in the body of your patient for that because there's already the entry point of the foreign body you can push it out from.