Some pretty significant changes, at that.

We got 70 points in Medical Theory, which should be enough to at least let us realize when some of our seal plans might be a bad idea and go to Tsunade for advice.

Having a seal anchor dropped the cost of maintaining a Wind Shroud by 80%, which makes it much more feasible to maintain throughout a fight for extra nyoom.

We did the basic refinement of the Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon, which means we have our own super move on par with Sasuke's Chidori or Naruto's Rasengan.

And we unlocked Ninkenjutsu, which I think is likely to be a priority going forward.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

We haven't interacted with him as much recently.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
Neji can use gentle fist for the medic student to practice different kinds of injuries.
[x] Karin, to track the trainees without fail. Her sensory range is enough to cover the entire Forest of Death from any location within it.
[x] Karin, to track the trainees without fail. Her sensory range is enough to cover the entire Forest of Death from any location within it.
[x] Karin, to track the trainees without fail. Her sensory range is enough to cover the entire Forest of Death from any location within it.
[x] Karin, to track the trainees without fail. Her sensory range is enough to cover the entire Forest of Death from any location within it.
Some changes have been made to the character sheet.
It's been a while since I last did one of these so my numbers may be off however from what I can tell Hisana's stat gains are as follows:
Ninjutsu: 150 [A-Rank] - > 160 [A-Rank]
  • Advanced Ninjutsu: 75 [B-Rank] -> 85 [B-Rank]
  • Nintaijutsu: 10 [D-Rank] -> 20 [D-Rank]
Kenjutsu: 180 [A-Rank] -> 190 [A-Rank]
  • Leaf Style: 100 [B-Rank] -> 120 [B-Rank]
  • Iaido: 105 [B-Rank] -> 125 [B-Rank]
  • +Ninkenjutsu: 20 [D-Rank]
Fuinjutsu: 110 [B-Rank] -> 140 [B-Rank]
  • Storage Seals: 110 [B-Rank] -> 130 [B-Rank]
  • Touch Seals: 30 [C-Rank] -> 40 [C-Rank]
  • +Camo Cloak Style Sealing: 25 [D-Rank]
  • +Surgical Jutsu: 15 [D-Rank]
Iryojutsu: 80 [B-Rank] -> 120 [B-Rank]
Intelligence: 75 [B-Rank] -> 100 [B-Rank]
  • +Medical Theory: 70 [B-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 115 [B-Rank] -> 125 [B-Rank]
Chakra Control: 175 [A-Rank] -> 195 [A-Rank]

  • +Qualified Field Medic. Hisana's skill with medical jutsu is sufficient to act as a Field Medic.


D Rank
  • +Fire Release: Sterilize. This medical ninjutsu allows the user to sterilize a tool, instrument, or wound with heat. Not recommended for use on humans outside of an emergency. Chakra cost varies with area.

B Rank
  • +Delicate Illness Extraction Technique. This complex medical jutsu is intended for the treatment of poison in an emergency situation - it is both painful and somewhat damaging to the subject, but can often be the difference between life and death.
A Rank
  • Chakra Scalpel: This jutsu allows the user to make small cuts to the inside of a person. WIthout extreme knowledge of human anatomy, a modified jutsu, or a dojutsu such as the Byakugan or Sharingan, it is impossible to use offensively. Hisana has also learnt Sakura's modified version of the technique, which might more accurately be termed a 'chakra machete'. Her skill with the medical version is such that she could step in for a qualified medic in a pinch, but not enough to be qualified for surgical incisions at the hospital. Original version costs 1 chakra per second, Sakura's modification costs 10 chakra per cut. --- > This jutsu allows the user to make small cuts to the inside of a person. Without extreme knowledge of human anatomy, a modified jutsu, or a dojutsu such as the Byakugan or Sharingan, it is impossible to use offensively. Hisana has also learnt Sakura's modified version of the technique, which might more accurately be termed a 'chakra machete'. Her skill with the medical version is such that she could serve as a Field Medic, but not enough to be qualified for surgical incisions at the hospital. The original version costs 1 chakra per second, Sakura's modification costs 10 chakra per cut.
  • Wind Release: Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon. This A-Rank technique is a desperate improvisation of Hisana's, a compression of the Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade technique into the size of a standard blade. Though less destructive overall, and costing truly incredible amounts of chakra, this technique has cutting power beyond any other Hisana is aware of. In the Land of Snow, she managed a bladeless version - though it required free-floating refined nature chakra. The current chakra cost is 300 chakra per use. ---> This A-Rank technique is a desperate improvisation of Hisana's, a compression of the Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade technique into the size of a standard blade. Though less destructive overall, and costing truly incredible amounts of chakra, this technique has cutting power beyond any other Hisana is aware of. After extensive training and experience of using it in the field, Hisana has managed to refine it. When using the Sword of Spring, Hisana may use the jutsu for 150 chakra. With all other blades, Hisana may use it for 300 chakra - though this will certainly cause their destruction.
  • Wind Release: Chakra Shroud. This jutsu allows the user to surround themselves with a shroud of chakra-controlled wind, massively reducing the effect of wind resistance. Further development may open up new options. Currently costs 10 chakra per second to negate wind resistance. ---> This jutsu allows the user to surround themselves with a shroud of chakra-controlled wind, massively reducing the effect of wind resistance. Further development may open up new options. Currently costs 10 chakra per second to negate wind resistance. With the Anchor formulae, the cost is reduced to 2 chakra per second and the shroud may be used as a 'first layer' of defence, softening or redirecting blows for 10 chakra per second.
  • +Sealing Art: Wind Shroud Anchor. This adds jutsu formula to her reactive chakra armour arrays, allowing them to interface and enhance her chakra shroud and any further developments along the path of nintaijutsu.

  • +Rasengan. This jutsu is the Fourth Hokage's attempt to reverse engineer the Tailed Beast Bomb. Though less powerful and incomplete, it is still one of the most dangerous offensive ninjutsu wielded by humans. Requiring unparalleled mastery of shape manipulation, none have yet succeded at adding an elemental nature to it.

  • Sword of Spring - the ancestral blade of the Kazahana family, this katana is formed from incredibly pure chakra metal and can reform after being broken with the infusion of chakra. --> the ancestral blade of the Kazahana family, this katana is formed from incredibly pure chakra metal and can reform after being broken with the infusion of chakra. Halves the cost of all chakra-flow and ninkenutsu techniques
  • +Chakra Armour, in workshop. Does not fit Hisana.
  • +Camo Cloak Staff, in workshop.
A lot of broad based increases. The addition of three new entires (Ninkenjutsu, Surgical Jutsu, and Medical Theory) are nice but I think the big one is Fuinjutsu hitting 140 since it is now just 10pts away from A-Rank. I do find it interesting that Nintaijutsu is Ninjutsu while Ninkenjutsu is Kenjutsu but I'm guessing that is more a case of going under which of the two components (Ninjutsu or Taijutsu/Kenjutsu) is higher.

Of the various other gains I'd say the Sword of Spring slashing the cost of Chakra-flow, Ninkenjutsu techniques, and Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade in half is probably the biggest gain. Those are all noteworthy expenses Hisana has to deal with in combat so that blade is really pulling some serious weight here.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

My reasons are thus:
  • Karin and Naruto have their own specializations, and their own thing going on. Neji had to reverse engineer Kaiten from scratch because it was a Main Family Technique. My hope is that we can provide further inspiration for Neji to come up with his own, original moves (or maybe just teach him some of our moves, outright).
  • Neji has been abused and mistreated by the Hyuuga Clan due to his being from the Branch Family (see: Caged Bird Seal)
  • If I recall correctly, there was some animosity between the Hyuuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan. Hisana is now the Uchiha Clan Head, and can work to make inroads into the Hyuuga Clan. Neji is a powerful branch family member, and would be a good place to start.
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[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

Hisana is fast and competent enough to be where she needs to be, and do what she needs to do in this exercise. Having a near-omniscient information advantage will better allow her to complete the objective of the exercise, which is to challenge each individual student and force them to fight as though they are on a real battlefield. Monitoring each person and what they are doing will give Hisana the opportunity to react to every event that occurs and test each person in an ideal way, over the course of the exercise.
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[x] Karin, to track the trainees without fail. Her sensory range is enough to cover the entire Forest of Death from any location within it.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
This was a really good update. The details about how Hisana felt out of place and had huge respect for the people who had spent so much time on their career and who were so experienced, was really well conveyed. The special jonin instructor had a cool personality that was very well defined, making them a memorable character for me, who i would like to see more of even after the medical exam ends. Her perspective was very raw and realistic when she was talking to Hisana, showing a storied history that give her own unique mentality/perspective about life and hisana, and this is also conveyed very well imo.

The details about Hisana thinking about how she uses her time and considering a 'what if' scenario with medical practice that she will never experience, was very poignant. And it contrasts her very in-depth analysis and awe of the badass self-repairing sword. It shows that although she considers other directions in life, she is satisfied with her current direction both due to her preferences for sword work and due to necessity, what she is prepared to do to survive. I also really liked the conversation with sasuke, it was so seamlessly introduced and felt so natural that it came across as more domestic and realistic compared to other socializing scenes. They are jsut two siblings chilling and discussing their day, which is very humanizing, and fits in well with their outlandish everyday lives.

I look forward to the test and how the various medic-nin to be react to Hisana during it. i think it's a really good opportunity to quantify how Hisana compares to the average ninja in the field, as until now hisana has been up against bandits, OOC ninja, elite forces and things like zetsu clones. The fact that these chunin are regular career ninja who don't know what to expect from Hisana, but who have a friendly perspective that would take well to an interlude section, means they will probably help gauge Hisana's combat prowess quite accurately compared to foreign ninja.

I also look forward to more interactions between Hisana and grey haird smoker voice badass special jonin, next chapter.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.