[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Side note we're using the manga rules here for Chakra which means people have different colored Chakra rather then the uniform blue of the anime. I bring this up because:

Hisana actually has crimson Chakra so the nickname is relevant to more then just her eyes.
Y'know, I'd actually forgotten that. Unintentionally perfect naming sense? I guess?
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
Iwa Bingo Book

The Crimson Kamaitaichi: Uchiha Hisana

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Title: Crimson Kamaitaichi
Rank: Genin (Presumed to be promoted in near future)
Clan: Uchiha
Bloodline: Sharingan
Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous
Standing Orders: Kill On Sight

Uchiha Hisana, currently ranked as Genin, but suspected to be listed for promotion to Chunin or Tokubetsu Jonin. One of only two survivors of the Uchiha massacre, and appears to be the acting Clan Head. She is known to possess a fully developed Sharingan, and is usually seen alongside the other surviving Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke. Member of Genin Team Seven, and is a student of Hatake Kakashi. Her record is abnormally short, having only two officially known missions. However, both missions are stated to be A Rank. Her first mission, though apparently originally a caravan escort mission, was later categorised as an A Rank after the fact. The exact reasons for this are currently unknown, implying the situation to have been unusually important. Her second, more detailed mission led to the recent coup in the Land of Snow, where she killed at least on Jonin and the former daimyo personally and was singlehandedly responsible for the breaching of the palace defenses. She is also known to have fought during the attempted invasion of Konoha by Oto and Suna, where she is believed to have personally defeated many Chunin ranked opponents from both villages and killed several of Oto's elite, at least one of whom was an A Rank ninja. She is to be treated with caution, and killed if at all possible. As with her sensei and cousin, recovery of her intact Sharingan is to be considered of paramount importance.

Threat Assessment:

Extremely high talent in Kenjutsu. Utilises multiple B and A Rank ninjutsu, primarily focusing on Wind Release, Water Release and Fire Release. Currently unconfirmed reports indicate that the Lightning Release technique she used during the coup in Snow may be the Chidori. Her technique used to kill daimyo Doto is believed to be impossible to replicate, due to using free floating Nature Chakra. However a weaker variant of it is highly likely to be encountered. Known to use the Sharingan's genjutsu abilities in combat with some degree of skill, but is inferior to most dedicated genjutsu specialists. Her taijutsu abilities are currently identified as her greatest weakness. Any ninja engaging Uchiha Hisana are advised to disarm her at all costs, as without her kenjutsu skills she is drastically less dangerous.

Uchiha Hisana has developed a reputation for extreme speed, compared to Shunshin no Shisui by at least one of the Jonin killed by her during the coup. Though this has been deemed an exaggeration, she is indeed known to be capable of incredible feats of speed. Any ninja engaging her must be prepared for extremely high speed combat. She is also known for extremely close teamwork with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, her teammates. However they are considered a lesser threat at present. More dangerous is the likely presence of her Jonin Sensei, Hatake Kakashi, the former student of the Yellow Flash and son of the White Fang. See his entry for further information.

Well, not my best to be honest. I wasn't quite sure where to go with this one, so I tried for a style based on an intelligence report that might be given to an Iwa ninja expected to have a chance of running into Team Seven. The "Crimson Kamaitaichi" is a two fold nickname: crimson, for the colour of the Sharingan, and Kamaitaichi, a yokai known for attacking travellers by slicing at them at such speeds it is often mistaken for nothing more than a gust of wind. Hisana fights by moving at insane speeds and cutting things, either with wind or a sword, so it's basically perfect.
Well done! A total of 15xp including the bounty for you to spend as you like.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Upon examining the number of sinister words utilized by the Trenchcoat Faction and analysing the stated goals of the group, as well as the number of actual trenchcoats worn by its members, in addition to comparing the Edge Density of the Obligatory Evil Uchiha OC to the amount of microns quantifying the working edge of a standard weeb katana, I have reached a conclusion.

The stated goal of the Trenchcoats is not a lie, but it is not so much the entire motive as it is the means to achieve the true purpose. The true goal is to ride the train down the rails until it reaches the Juubi Station, at which point the Obligatory Evil Uchiha OC will seal it and become a god.
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[X] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[X] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[X] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Upon examining the number of sinister words utilized by the Trenchcoat Faction and analysing the stated goals of the group, as well as the number of actual trenchcoats worn by its members, in addition to comparing the Edge Density of the Obligatory Evil Uchiha OC to the amount of microns quantifying the working edge of a standard weeb katana, I have reached a conclusion.
The maths checks out for the most part, but I have yet to understand how you managed to account for the Neckbeard Coefficient.
Noncanon Omake: Iwa Bingo Book - Defaced copy
Iwa Bingo Book - Defaced copy
Property of some Random Pessimistic Chunin
The Crimson Kamaitaichi: Uchiha Hisana

(Credit to @gamer50018; see the original post. Posted with permission.)

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Title: Crimson Kamaitaichi
Rank: Genin (Presumed to be promoted in near future) Hah: Yes! Even the tree-huggers aren't that stupid.
Clan: Uchiha
Bloodline: Sharingan (Cheaters)
Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous A-Rank
Standing Orders: Kill On Sight And, as always: Collect her eyeballs if you can.

Uchiha Hisana, currently ranked as Genin, but suspected to be listed for promotion to Chunin or Tokubetsu Jonin. One of only two survivors of the Uchiha massacre, and appears to be the acting Clan Head. She is known to possess a fully developed Sharingan, and is usually seen alongside the other surviving Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke. Member of Genin Team Seven, and is a student of Hatake Kakashi. Her record is abnormally short, having only two officially known missions. However, both missions are stated to be A Rank. Her first mission, though apparently originally a caravan escort mission, was later categorised as an A Rank after the fact. The exact reasons for this are currently unknown, implying the situation to have been unusually important. Her second, more detailed mission led to the recent coup in the Land of Snow, where she killed at least on Jonin and the former daimyo personally and was singlehandedly responsible for the breaching of the palace defenses. She is also known to have fought during the attempted invasion of Konoha by Oto and Suna, where she is believed to have personally defeated many Chunin ranked opponents from both villages and killed several of Oto's elite, at least one of whom was an A Rank ninja. She is to be treated with caution, and killed if at all possible. As with her sensei and cousin, recovery of her intact Sharingan is to be considered of paramount importance.
If you can see her, she can kill you faster than you can blink. If you can't see her, her teammates and sensei are halfway through killing you. Got it. I hate those types.

Threat Assessment:

Extremely high talent in Kenjutsu. Utilises multiple B and A Rank ninjutsu, primarily focusing on Wind Release, Water Release and Fire Release. Currently unconfirmed reports indicate that the Lightning Release technique she used during the coup in Snow may be the Chidori. Her technique used to kill daimyo Doto is believed to be impossible to replicate, due to using free floating Nature Chakra. However a weaker variant of it is highly likely to be encountered. Known to use the Sharingan's genjutsu abilities in combat with some degree of skill, but is inferior to most dedicated genjutsu specialists. Her taijutsu abilities are currently identified as her greatest weakness. Any ninja engaging Uchiha Hisana are advised to disarm her at all costs, as without her kenjutsu skills she is drastically less dangerous.
Disarm her and fight her in a contest of strength. Assuming she doesn't pull another sword out of a seal or something. Well, I've survived worse, I think. The enemies you want are never the enemies you have.
Glad our spies got some of the original footage from that movie. It might not have been easy, but I get the feeling it'll be worth it. The intel you have is never the intel you need, but we're doing better than usual.

Uchiha Hisana has developed a (well-earned) reputation for extreme speed, compared to Shunshin no Shisui by at least one of the Jonin killed by her during the coup. Though this has been deemed an exaggeration, she is indeed known to be capable of incredible feats of speed. Any ninja engaging her must be prepared for extremely high speed combat. She is also known for extremely close teamwork with Uzumaki Naruto (9-tails Jinchuuriki) and Uchiha Sasuke, her teammates. However they are considered a lesser threat at present. More dangerous is the likely presence of her Jonin Sensei, Hatake Kakashi, the former student of the Yellow Flash and son of the White Fang. See his entry for further information.
Kill her entire team and you'll be the greatest hero in Iwa's history. Try and fail and we'll pretend you never existed to protect our village (and drink a beer to your poor fool/unlucky life) (and probably have to pay reparations). Kami I hope I don't actually have to try to make any of these plans work.
Addendum: Managing to recruit/kidnap her or her cousin would also be great.
Addendum 2: Letting them survive long enough to get stronger is probably a really bad idea. Unless someone else gets lucky and kills them off first. That's the best bet yet.
Addendum 3: I hate studying enemy ninja and imagining all the horrible ways they'll kill everyone you loved in a few years.
Addendum 4: Unless you have enough numerical superiority to actually threaten her, consider surrender. Running probably won't help. Nor hiding: Sharingan. No point dying to re-prove the bloody #$%^ing Namikaze Maxim. She doesn't have a reputation for blood-thirst; hopefully she might actually care about that not changing.
Addendum 5: Read up on the international treaties to see if I can threaten her with a lawsuit if she attacks me. Probably won't work, but it's more likely to than anything else I can think of.
Addendum 6: Don't make eye-contact. Sharingan. Hate those.


Huh. That got darker than I was expecting. And trying to get into the head of an enemy chunin who is trying to figure out how to survive a fight with her (and her team) was always going to get a bit dark.

As for colors: I thought the yellow was funny. I suspect Random Pessimistic Chunin always colors things in Yellow, to remind himself just how dangerous his line of works is. :p

I don't expect this to qualify for the bounty again - that's already claimed. 5 xp would be great, IMHO.
Last edited:
The maths checks out for the most part, but I have yet to understand how you managed to account for the Neckbeard Coefficient.

What kind of researcher are you? The Neckbeard Coefficient is a myth pushed by backwater "scientists" whose contributions to research end once they write their first paper. It has been debunked by multiple decidedly more reputable sources, yet people still quote the conspiracy nutcase who coined the term without verifying their sources! Hrmph!

For the last time, the Neckbeard Coefficient has nothing to do with calculations involving the Edge Density or Trenchcoats. Something similar can be found when dealing with the Inverted Author Activity Principle, wherein the number of Author Posts decreases when the average of the Neckbeard Coefficient and Anime Observance rises.
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[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Adhoc vote count started by gamer50018 on May 30, 2021 at 4:10 PM, finished with 71 posts and 33 votes.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

Now it could be that none of the details were written down anywhere and thus with everyone dead Sasuke had no way of knowing. However there are other options. For example the clan's records could have been sealed/hidden/protected in such a way that Sasuke could not access them. The go to method for that would be the writing only the Sharingan can read in which case we would have access to them thanks to Hisana. That however doesn't work since Sasuke didn't know about these things post-Sharingan either.

Why would he look for something years after concluding it doesn't exist? He was thirteen, people decades his superior regularly make the same mistake.
Iwa Bingo Book - Defaced copy
Property of some Random Pessimistic Chunin
The Crimson Kamaitaichi: Uchiha Hisana

(Credit to @gamer50018; see Seeing Red [Naruto]. Posted with permission.)

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Title: Crimson Kamaitaichi
Rank: Genin (Presumed to be promoted in near future) Hah: Yes! Even the tree-huggers aren't that stupid.
Clan: Uchiha
Bloodline: Sharingan (Cheaters)
Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous A-Rank
Standing Orders: Kill On Sight And, as always: Collect her eyeballs if you can.

Uchiha Hisana, currently ranked as Genin, but suspected to be listed for promotion to Chunin or Tokubetsu Jonin. One of only two survivors of the Uchiha massacre, and appears to be the acting Clan Head. She is known to possess a fully developed Sharingan, and is usually seen alongside the other surviving Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke. Member of Genin Team Seven, and is a student of Hatake Kakashi. Her record is abnormally short, having only two officially known missions. However, both missions are stated to be A Rank. Her first mission, though apparently originally a caravan escort mission, was later categorised as an A Rank after the fact. The exact reasons for this are currently unknown, implying the situation to have been unusually important. Her second, more detailed mission led to the recent coup in the Land of Snow, where she killed at least on Jonin and the former daimyo personally and was singlehandedly responsible for the breaching of the palace defenses. She is also known to have fought during the attempted invasion of Konoha by Oto and Suna, where she is believed to have personally defeated many Chunin ranked opponents from both villages and killed several of Oto's elite, at least one of whom was an A Rank ninja. She is to be treated with caution, and killed if at all possible. As with her sensei and cousin, recovery of her intact Sharingan is to be considered of paramount importance.
If you can see her, she can kill you faster than you can blink. If you can't see her, her teammates and sensei are halfway through killing you. Got it. I hate those types.

Threat Assessment:

Extremely high talent in Kenjutsu. Utilises multiple B and A Rank ninjutsu, primarily focusing on Wind Release, Water Release and Fire Release. Currently unconfirmed reports indicate that the Lightning Release technique she used during the coup in Snow may be the Chidori. Her technique used to kill daimyo Doto is believed to be impossible to replicate, due to using free floating Nature Chakra. However a weaker variant of it is highly likely to be encountered. Known to use the Sharingan's genjutsu abilities in combat with some degree of skill, but is inferior to most dedicated genjutsu specialists. Her taijutsu abilities are currently identified as her greatest weakness. Any ninja engaging Uchiha Hisana are advised to disarm her at all costs, as without her kenjutsu skills she is drastically less dangerous.
Disarm her and fight her in a contest of strength. Assuming she doesn't pull another sword out of a seal or something. Well, I've survived worse, I think. The enemies you want are never the enemies you have.
Glad our spies got some of the original footage from that movie. It might not have been easy, but I get the feeling it'll be worth it. The intel you have is never the intel you need, but we're doing better than usual.

Uchiha Hisana has developed a (well-earned) reputation for extreme speed, compared to Shunshin no Shisui by at least one of the Jonin killed by her during the coup. Though this has been deemed an exaggeration, she is indeed known to be capable of incredible feats of speed. Any ninja engaging her must be prepared for extremely high speed combat. She is also known for extremely close teamwork with Uzumaki Naruto (9-tails Jinchuuriki) and Uchiha Sasuke, her teammates. However they are considered a lesser threat at present. More dangerous is the likely presence of her Jonin Sensei, Hatake Kakashi, the former student of the Yellow Flash and son of the White Fang. See his entry for further information.
Kill her entire team and you'll be the greatest hero in Iwa's history. Try and fail and we'll pretend you never existed to protect our village (and drink a beer to your poor fool/unlucky life) (and probably have to pay reparations). Kami I hope I don't actually have to try to make any of these plans work.
Addendum: Managing to recruit/kidnap her or her cousin would also be great.
Addendum 2: Letting them survive long enough to get stronger is probably a really bad idea. Unless someone else gets lucky and kills them off first. That's the best bet yet.
Addendum 3: I hate studying enemy ninja and imagining all the horrible ways they'll kill everyone you loved in a few years.
Addendum 4: Unless you have enough numerical superiority to actually threaten her, consider surrender. Running probably won't help. Nor hiding: Sharingan. No point dying to re-prove the bloody #$%^ing Namikaze Maxim. She doesn't have a reputation for blood-thirst; hopefully she might actually care about that not changing.
Addendum 5: Read up on the international treaties to see if I can threaten her with a lawsuit if she attacks me. Probably won't work, but it's more likely to than anything else I can think of.
Addendum 6: Don't make eye-contact. Sharingan. Hate those.


Huh. That got darker than I was expecting. And trying to get into the head of an enemy chunin who is trying to figure out how to survive a fight with her (and her team) was always going to get a bit dark.

As for colors: I thought the yellow was funny. I suspect Random Pessimistic Chunin always colors things in Yellow, to remind himself just how dangerous his line of works is. :p

I don't expect this to qualify for the bounty again - that's already claimed. 5 xp would be great, IMHO.
5xp, yeah. But I like the snarky chunin. Poor guy.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

Improve strengths and close weaknesses. There are other ways to do the former; improving the Lightning Blood Seal is an excellent choice, and studying the Chakra Armor we picked up would provide a new tool for our kit, which is not something to underestimate.

The latter can only really be done with the taijutsu training.
Fact: Sasuke didnt know what it would take to activate his Sharingan at the beginning of canon.
Fact: Canon Sasuke concluded the best way to achieve his goal (claimed to be avenging his clan by killing Itachi) was to train himself up and 1v1 him, using basically the same skill-set Itachi used to become an ANBU Captain at the same age Sasuke became a genin.
Fact: Canon Sasuke has terrible judgement and can't be assumed to have found all available information or options.
(Hisana is a very different story.)

The people who thought the only place to keep a hard copy of information regarding the Mangekyo Sharingan besides oral tradition was a stone tablet that was left in an open area accessible to anyone who could walk in and alter the thing. Who did not leave any medical records on Sharingan activation conditions for Sasuke to read, meaning the first time he got the Talk was when he met Tobirama's zombie.
It wasn't in the open, it was hidden. Not extensively, but it was in the Naka Shrine's basement, hidden under a tatami mat and blocked off by a seal-covered stone.
It was also supposed to be completely illegible to anyone without the Sharingan, so any alteration by a non-Uchiha would have been distinctly apparent.

While I agree that - unless Hisana didn't mention finding them at all for some reason - there probably aren't records of Uchiha-specific medical concerns available, you're getting into territory you distinctly misremember.

But - and this is a pretty big but - Rin was able to perform a field transplant of Obito's eye at age ~13, as a chuunin.
Now, I want to make this clear. We can't do that in real life in ideal conditions. Rin did it in a cave without a surgery team or anything but her field medical supplies.
I don't doubt the Sharingan creates unique medical problems, but I also doubt they're as unique or hard to treat as you seem to assume (given your certainty we need to learn iryojutsu so we can be our own optometrist).

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
This isn't so much a big concern as it is a thing I want to keep up momentum on.

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
Our Reactive Chakra Armor is similar enough it's worth examining to see where we can crib from Snow's notes, especially if we can reduce the chakra cost of activation

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
A social action which also shores up two weaknesses (unarmed combat and strength) but will also undoubtedly benefit our focus (because Gai trained Tenten, who has All The Weapons). Also, this will probably shift Primary Lotus & Strong Fist Form from Copied Techniques to our actual combat option.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.