I'd assume that it can't be patched out. The armour nullifies (most) ninjutsu and genjutsu on contact by absorbing it. Can't really get rid of the effect of 'two chakra vortexes touch each other' without also getting rid of that functionality entirely. And without that defence those using the armour go back to being worthless mooks.
Eh. There's no inherent reason two chakra vortexes touching should cause them to explode, rather than e.g. sucking power from each other at the same rate so nothing changes. Or even just install a safety cutoff that causes the armour to shut down if it gets within 10cm of another suit - that would leave the wearer vulnerable, but it's better than catastrophic failure.
There's no inherent reason two chakra vortexes touching should cause them to explode, rather than e.g. sucking power from each other at the same rate so nothing changes.
... This has me imagining chakra armors sticking together like very powerful magnets.

Which, as awkward as it is, is still better for the mooks wearing it than exploding, possibly even leaving both the mooks and the armor salvageable after combat. So it's something I could see it happening. :V
From what I remember from the movie, the only "environmental" issue was that if the main vein exploded it would take out the entire continent.

Other then that, what destroyed the original civilization were the wars that sprung up for control of the stone. What destroyed the original civilization wasn't environmental collapse but sudden none stop warfare breaking out(so probably Zetsu being an ass like usual).
I could be getting fanon mixed up in there. DoS has strongly influenced my head-canon.

We should test whether they've patched out that weakness ASAP. If they haven't, we can use it, and if not, we won't be surprised by the lack later on.
Karin is better suited to testing that, being a bruiser. It would also be more effective to start abusing that when they are close enough together to pop them in groups.

... This has me imagining chakra armors sticking together like very powerful magnets.

Which, as awkward as it is, is still better for the mooks wearing it than exploding, possibly even leaving both the mooks and the armor salvageable after combat. So it's something I could see it happening. :V
The question would then become 'how many can we stick together into a giant ninja ball?' I like this plan.
Eh. There's no inherent reason two chakra vortexes touching should cause them to explode, rather than e.g. sucking power from each other at the same rate so nothing changes.

If you imagine the armour working like a vacuum, it'd be like if you blocked the intake causing the motor to overheat. The armour is not just a chunk of metal, it has actual mechanisms in it that give it the functionality. We know the chakra absorption is capped, hence why it can be overwhelmed by powerful chakra dense techniques like the Chidori and Rasengan, this would be another case where the mechanisms break down.

I can imagine workarounds which would remove this particular issue, but they'd do it by replacing that issue with others that I honestly think would be easier to trigger and thus a bigger problem. If the armour emitted a signal and had a proximity sensor, then just by mimicking that signal you can shut down the armour. If the vacuum is set to automatically disengage when it gets strained then that gives you another way of overwhelming the armour, again something honestly easier for an enemy to do than yeeting one of them into another.
I can imagine workarounds which would remove this particular issue, but they'd do it by replacing that issue with others that I honestly think would be easier to trigger and thus a bigger problem.
Or they could have figured out a way to build in a circuit breaker.

Still leaves them vulnerable to being thrown at each other, but not quite the kill-shot we'd like it to be.

If we're looking at a group backed by transmigrants, which seems likely, they're going to know about that flaw - and they're going to know other people know about that flaw.

It'd be worth changing it out to something just as inconvenient just so those other parties no longer knew about it.
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[x] Back off for now and hope they won't press their attack - and if they do, your team will be fighting together.
We know the chakra absorption is capped, hence why it can be overwhelmed by powerful chakra dense techniques like the Chidori and Rasengan, this would be another case where the mechanisms break down.

I can imagine workarounds which would remove this particular issue, but they'd do it by replacing that issue with others that I honestly think would be easier to trigger and thus a bigger problem.
A radiator, similar in shape to Hussar's wings, that disperses the extra chakra. I can imagine a few solutions to the "explode on contact", but they all are independent of, or on top of, having a radiator. For example, the "wings" radiate chakra in the shape of a "bubble", that would bounce off another such "bubble" before the armours can touch. The "wings" themselves aren't neccessary for this.
- Fuinjutsu. Seals do all sorts of weird and wonderful shit. You want in.
I'm not voting, I'm just laughing my ass off at how you word some choices haha. Like the running away from Konoha thing? Lmao "I gotta get outta here this place gets attacked all the time" I'm paraphrasing but you get it.
[X] Back off for now and hope they won't press their attack - and if they do, your team will be fighting together.
Land of Snow 6.5
Land of Snow - 6.5

Hisana fired off a barrage of kunai from her ejecting palm seals, turned, and blurred away from the Snow ninja. Her knives did little more than spark against the chakra steel armour of her enemies, but they'd instinctively protected their faces with their arms and given her an opportunity to withdraw towards the boat.

She found the boat just like she'd left it, with Hinata standing guard on an otherwise empty deck. Save, of course, for the director and his trusty camera crew who seemed remarkably steady under fire. She simply gave Hisana a confident nod, and Hisana could see the chakra ready in Hinata's fingertips. Even a single touch could kill or cripple when one used the gentle fist - if a user wanted someone alive, they'd simply disrupt their chakra networks.

Hisana's mind came to a screeching halt. If any jutsu was going to get through the chakra armour, then it was the gentle fist.

"Hinata - that armour the enemy shinobi are wearing, what can you see about its chakra field?"

"I - I can't make out much. It converges, I think - to a few points. Like the tenketsu on a human body," she said.

"I need you to try and collapse the field - can you do that?" Hisana asked. Hinata had no time to reply, as the nine remaining flyers from the group Hisana had fought came towards the ship in a rapid dive.

They flung kunai laden with explosive tags towards the ship, but Hisana's own kunai knocked them back. She threw two dozen kunai from her wrist seals in mere moments, her sharingan allowing her to track all of the projectiles flying towards her with ease.

Hisana leapt up towards the flyers in a burst of speed, and smiled as her crimson blade cut through the wings of one of the flyers without nearly so much resistance. She whirled around, and grabbed onto the exposed 'bones' of the wing. She drank in the chakra that ran through it, topping up her own reserves as - as the armour shorted out in a cascade of sparks. The man dropped out of her grip and began to fall into the water. He landed with a huge spray of ice-cold water, and didn't resurface.

One of the other flyers rushed at Hisana, screaming a wordless cry. She swiped at Hisana with some kind of chakra claws, like her own chakra flow. Hisana couldn't get a good shot at her wings, but she managed to land a kick to the snow ninja's head that sent her spinning away. Hisana activated her chakra draining jutsu in the moment of impact and while it wasn't merely so effective as full contact had been, the field around the armour flickered for a moment.

Hinata batted away two of the flying ninja with wind-palm strikes, and as a third came swooping in she jabbed at his outstretched hand. There was a tremendous explosion of light, and the snow ninja fell to the deck of the ship with his armour ruined and corpse smoking. The others started to rapidly fly up and away.

"This is Gold, reporting enemy forces in my sector retreating. Status?" Karin said over the radio.

"This is Red, I was pushed back to the boat by their armour, but White and I were able to develop countermeasures. Return to the central sector," Hisana replied, in the same clipped and formal tone they had been endlessly drilled on in the Academy when it came to radio communications.

"Do you think they'll come back?" Hinata asked, quietly.

"Probably, but I want to have a talk with our client first... there's no way a minor village would send out a force like that to intercept a civilian ship crossing the border,"

"So, how'd you two do?" Karin said as she hopped over the side of the boat.

"I was having trouble with chakra expenditure until I tried a chakra-draining jutsu I copied off some guy from the chunin exams," Hisana replied, relaxing slightly into the banter. She was still on alert - still had her sense extended - but she knew that the Snow Ninja wouldn't be back for a while.

"You - Uchiha!" Karin half shouted, half laughed. Hisana merely smiled in response, and even Hinata laughed.

"I was able to see the weak points in their field and collapse it," Hinata continued with a smile, that same quiet pride that Hisana had seen growing in her on occasion visible. It wasn't, Hisana thought, pride in her own abilities - rather it was pride in having helped protect her friends. Haku's words seemed to have had just as powerful an effect on Hinata as they had on Naruto in the other timeline.

"Well, their fancy armour didn't like my chains one bit. So you really brute-forced it, huh?"

"Yeah. I really don't recommend it, unless you've been hiding Naruto sized chakra reserves somewhere," Hisana said.

The door leading belowdecks opened, and Yukie stepped out.

"Is - is it safe now?" she asked, her cold and calm facade barely holding together.

"For the moment. We saw them off, and probably gave them some really worrying thoughts, but they'll be back. The question is what they'll be back for?" Hisana asked.

"What - what do you mean?"

"Well, they seemed pretty intent on getting past us and to the boat, which suggests that they're after something other than us," Hisana said.

"And they avoided any destructive techniques near it..." Hinata added.

"I - I must apologise - I embarked on this journey under false pretences. I did not come here just to film a Princess Gale movie," Sandayū said. Yukie whipped around to stare at him, the gears ticking in her mind.

"Well, that eliminates a village of particularly ardent film critics as an explanation. Why are you - why are we - really here?" Hisana asked.

"This land is one of sorrow - for our rightful lord, a kind and just man was deposed by a cruel tyrant. Dotō Kazahana, who was our lord's brother, killed him and usurped the throne. To keep the bargains he's made, he drives the people of this land to death in the mines. He spends money that should be going towards food for the hungry or peaceful research on more weapons to keep himself in power. That is why I brought Yukie here, for she is the only daughter of the true lord. This land is hers by right, and I know that the people would rally behind her! I know that this is beyond what I asked for, but I beg you - help us!" He said, getting down onto his knees.

"Of all the stupid, foolish -" Yuki began only to have Hinata cut her off.

"It's not stupid! Caring about people isn't dumb, or foolish, or wasteful. I saw you at the border towns, looking away from the starving children! You couldn't bear to look! I - I know it must hurt. Coming back here must be more terrifying than anything in the world. It's only when we're fighting for those precious to us that we become strong... and this whole land is precious to you, isn't it?" Hinata said, not pausing for breath or interruptions. She stared down at Yukie, and the much taller actress seemed small in comparison to the young ninja.

"There's nothing I could do for them... for anyone. Dotō will kill me - kill us all. All I'm good for is spinning lies in front of a camera," Yukie said, not able to meet Hinata's eyes.

"You could give them hope," Hisana said, very quietly.

"Wha-what if we fail?" Yukie asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"Then at least we tried," Karin said.

"And what will that get anyone?" Yukie said bitterly.

"A story. A story to tell in secret so that there's still hope," Hinata said, her hair whipping around in the harsh wind.

"Perhaps I can give this land a story, then," Princess Koyuki Kazahana said, finally meeting Hinata's eyes.

What techniques did your teammates master before setting out on this voyage?

[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.
[x] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.

My sincere apologies for how long this took. Life can sometimes make putting words to electronic paper very hard.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

Yatta this is back.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
It seems there isn't anything to vote on? Still, happy to see this back.
Yes there is?
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.
[x] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
Heck yes! Hisana is my favorite protagonist to have childish fighty daydreams about, and that's much easier with new material. :p

Lessee, Karin chain-smashed Orochimaru and Gaara, I'm not sure she needs stabby when she's already good at crushy and can get even better. More importantly, dangerous forbidden techniques will make her more protagonist-like.

For Hinata, shadow clones are cool, but water clones are less great. And HIsana's got clones covered at the moment... but this isn't Hinata's normal team. Wait, I take it back, Shino takes care of lots of bugpower issues, even if Kurenai doesn't have cool clones IIRC. Ranged Jyuken is wonderful, but on the other hand, making clones for pokey is kinda similar? But worse, and more expensive. And I think Spear has more potential for growth.

[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.