Kurenai specifically just became jonin shortly before the series started, and should probably be considered the minimum necessary for the rank.
Kurenai was elite jounin, entrusted with the care of two clan heirs including an unsealed Hyuga.
She isn't minimum anything.

Neji had a point total of 27 points when he was jounin; Kurenai was 29 points when we first see her.
He's the current lower limit I'm aware of for jonin.
For comparison, Baki, Gaara's jonin and the guy trusted with running herd on a jinch, has a point total of 29.5.

Speaking of Neji, it just occurs to me why we need to increase our Basic Genjutsu.
Doujutsu users may be resistant to visual genjutsu, but visual genjutsu is not the only type there is.
Sound, for one, as we see when it's used to paralyse Edo Itachi; scent/contact for another, when White Snake!Orochimaru paralyzes Sasuke and does the whole inside your head thing.

The Sharingan is convenient for visual genjutsu, but it provides no protection against sonic genjutsu.
We might want to do something about that.
Shizune is jounin. Tsunade-trained.
Same age as Kakashi, and her stats are pretty impressive in their own right:
For comparison, as of the First Databook, Kabuto was 30 points, and hit 32 points during the Second Databook.
Yamato is 31 points in the Third Databook; Kurenai maxed out at 29.5 points in the Third Databook.

Shizune's CQC might suck compared to a lot of other jounin, but you take her lightly at your peril.
The fact that Kabuto demolished her in hand to hand is no smear on her abilities.
Ibiki might not want the rank. Or might find the higher profile of jounin uncomfortable for someone in his job. Or he hasn't met the minimum number of missions required to be considered for jounin.

Note that he has a higher point total than Part II Neji, and Part II Neji is jounin.
Naruto is a jinchuuriki.
He can pull on a supermode, which makes his bare stats somewhat misleading.
When he killed Kakuzu, he was backed by two full squads to pull him out of trouble as necessary, without his having to pop the seal.
I think I made my stance on this quite clear:
TL;DR raw numbers are a shitty way to try and figure this shit out,

You do the man a disservice.
Kabuto didn't shed any blood until Jiraiya, Shizune, Naruto and Tonton arrived on the scene as reinforcements.

In that time, Kabuto managed three clean, crippling hits on a prepared S-class hand to hand specialist in close combat: leg, abdomen and chest. Chapter 164.
And he had time to stand around and banter, while Tsunade was choking on the ground.
Admittedly, he used a soldier pill to make up for his taijutsu deficiency , but Tsunade is still Taijutsu 5. And all through this, Orochimaru did not raise a finger.

Consider how highly Orochimaru considered his abilities if he was willing to stand and fight Tsunade, Jiraiya and an extra jounin with only Kabuto as his backup. At a time when his arms were crippled, denying him access to ninjutsu.
Tsunade, who you're booking as Taijutsu 5 in that fight, lost to Kabuto, who has Taijutsu 2.5 in the first databook, 3.5 in the second, and 4.5 in the third.
The numbers finally kind of have a use, since we're comparing similar combatants, but they support my point (that Kabuto beating Tsunade wasn't as impressive as your claiming) more than they support yours.

As I see it, Speed is for general body movements, how fast you can react et cetera.
Hand-seals, OTOH, addresses how fast you can activate a chakra technique, whether ninjutsu, genjutsu or taijutsu, whether you make actual hand seals, or do it seallessly.
... Why is that not folded into ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu? There's no reason for a separate rating for that, especially one that has such a poorly fitting name.

And no, the Third Databook does not cover his senjutsu training at all; he went to Mount Myoboku in Chapter 409.
Yes, like I said, the period the book covers is separated from his fight against Pain by his senjutsu training.
Hmmm, I was randomly thinking on what the next gamechanging seal for Hisana could be, since we already have chakra storage, and the thinkfaster/shunshin/insta-sword combo (which could probably be improved in effectiveness, but that's just iterative improvements), and the nice always armed seals.

There's a few things I've come up with. Keeping in the theme of using seals to achieve other people's abilities, a space-time jutsu that we could nab that would avoid stealing the fourth's shtick would be to copy Obito's intangibility. I think even S-class opponents might have a bit of difficulty dodging if we start an iaido strike while they're passing through us, particularly if that ability isn't know to them. It also provides some nice iterative improvement options for Tekomandor, and it fits with Hisana's sealing themes of modifying her own body and her "storage" specialty (she's storing her body, temporarily). The main obstacle there is making sure there aren't any bad reactions with all the other seals Hisasa has crammed on her body. Alternatively, we could apply it to Sasuke (Who I don't recall having seals everywhere at this point), but we've seemed reluctant to muck around with our brother's bodies. Oro-tan would be so disappointed in us.

Another, relatively obvious idea, is to copy Tsunade's strength technique via seals. Hisana doesn't have the chakra control needed to directly copy the technique, but unlike manual operation seals do the same job every time. Even just a moderate boost to her strength improves her combat values, albeit not as much a speed does, but we're running short on options to improve her speed further via seals. This would probably be the easiest but...it just seems kinda boring.

The final option I've come up with is to build off the new chakra eating jutsu we grabbed. If we can come up with chakra stealing seal that feeds chakra into us from a distance, it's the sort of thing that starts pushing us towards a true elite jounin threat. You can't bring chunin to a fight against Hisana anymore, because she just needs to tag them to turn them into outright liabilities instead of distractions, but Hisana is under no such restrictions. And even jounin opponents will be on the clock if she tags them with it (like say, they block her iaido strike. She just taps their arm as she disengages), since she can use their own chakra to fuel expensive ninjutsu. Heck, it opens more options up with wounding her opponents and then using the wounded to fuel her fight with the remaining combatants. Basically the "Who's lacking staying power now?!" option. I think it's fairly neat, since almost all OP abilities rely on chakra. It's the underpinning for anything, so attacking it directly is quite nice, but would need at least A ranked sealing, I would think, for the whole "apply seal at touch" thing.
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I do think touch sealing is a good way to go. Touch chakra draining or even merely chakra disruption has a lot of applications, even if we can't get the chakra to go to Hisana. For example, to fuel an explosion, or to strip chakra enhanced defenses. Disruption could prevent the use of a regular or continuous technique like high strength punches, jyuken, eye hacks, or even sage modes.

Touch seals seemed difficult to remove in canon, much more difficult than they were to apply anyway.
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I do think touch sealing is a good way to go. Touch chakra draining or even merely chakra disruption has a lot of applications, even if we can't get the chakra to go to Hisana. For example, to fuel an explosion, or to strip chakra enhanced defenses. Disruption could prevent the use of a regular or continuous technique like high strength punches, jyuken, eye hacks, or even sage modes.

Touch seals seemed difficult to remove in canon, much more difficult than they were to apply anyway.

Touch-based seals worked well for Shikako.
The final option I've come up with is to build off the new chakra eating jutsu we grabbed. If we can come up with chakra stealing seal that feeds chakra into us from a distance, it's the sort of thing that starts pushing us towards a true elite jounin threat. You can't bring chunin to a fight against Hisana anymore, because she just needs to tag them to turn them into outright liabilities instead of distractions, but Hisana is under no such restrictions. And even jounin opponents will be on the clock if she tags them with it (like say, they block her iaido strike. She just taps their arm as she disengages), since she can use their own chakra to fuel expensive ninjutsu. Heck, it opens more options up with wounding her opponents and then using the wounded to fuel her fight with the remaining combatants. Basically the "Who's lacking staying power now?!" option. I think it's fairly neat, since almost all OP abilities rely on chakra. It's the underpinning for anything, so attacking it directly is quite nice, but would need at least A ranked sealing, I would think, for the whole "apply seal at touch" thing.

I like this idea the most.
Expanding on Hisana's theme of chakra-controlling seals seems like a natural evolution of her abilities, yes.

Sealing or draining opponents chakra at a touch, or maybe even channeling the seals to apply them through her sword, sounds like a very scary ability to fight.
Canon seal, five elements seal, A rank can do that.

Yep. Getting really good at that sort of effect is far more in Hisana's wheelhouse than space-time shenanigans. I wonder if those chakra suppression techniques from that prison run by Grass are open to being reverse-engineered by an enterprising Uchiha, for that matter.

Specializing in that sort of jutsu/sealing would give us a way of approaching big-league level combat without needing (as) stupid levels of personal power, by applying major debuffs to whoever we're fighting. Combined with the stated benefit of our kenjutsu style in disrupting handseals, and we can make an "antimagic" build of sorts.

If we're careful while designing the techniques, they might even be effective against Rinnegan Paths and Edo Tenseis.
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Guys, I know that Hisana seals are great, but if we want to get a power up not linked to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, or becoming a Jinchuriki, the best options we have left (and they are not necessarily exclusive from one another) are Senjutsu or Tsunade´s Strenght, and we need we need to improve both her chakra capacity and control to start learning any of them.

This is especially relevant in the Senjutsu, it is said in the manga that one of the basic requisites to use Senjutsu is to have huge amount of chakra, and despite having access to the equivalent to S capacity of chakra thanks to her seal, we would need to increase to her Chakra capacity a tenfold (at least a relatively high A) to get access o Senjutsu.

In brief, seals are great but we should also focus on improving her basic skills...
I think the idea is to use our seal skills to gain a different form of senjutsu.
I think that the idea is to get access to Senjutsu, and then use our Chakra Storage seals to keep that energy Chakra sealed, ready to use at any time. Like Naruto used his shadow clones.

But to get there we need to be able to have access to Natural energy, and we will need to increase by a tenfold both her chakra capacity and control to use it safely, (or use Juugo´s Clan method, but that is unstable at best)
We might be able to cheat.

A modification of our existing chakra storage seal for less bursty application may let us draw on a much higher chakra capacity than we actually do have, allowing us to train senjutsu at least for some time dependent on how much chakra we have stored. Then we fill up from a certain best friend chakra battery and go again.

e: That said, increasing our capacity and control will be good anyway
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Guys, I know that Hisana seals are great, but if we want to get a power up not linked to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, or becoming a Jinchuriki, the best options we have left (and they are not necessarily exclusive from one another) are Senjutsu or Tsunade´s Strenght, and we need we need to improve both her chakra capacity and control to start learning any of them.
I would argue that creating our own, wholly unique, techniques is just as valid a method as cribbing the notes of other ninja. Possibly better, if we can get things like the chakra draining seal and senjutsu (or a different major technique).
We want to pick up more than one trump card, anyway.

This is especially relevant in the Senjutsu, it is said in the manga that one of the basic requisites to use Senjutsu is to have huge amount of chakra, and despite having access to the equivalent to S capacity of chakra thanks to her seal, we would need to increase to her Chakra capacity a tenfold (at least a relatively high A) to get access o Senjutsu.
While I agree we probably need to increase chakra capacity for senjutsu, "tenfold" is way beyond what's necessary. That would be multiplying it by 10.
Chakra Capacity: 90 [B-Rank]
A-Rank: 150-310
S-Rank: 310+​
An attribute rating of 900 is way past S-rank. High A-rank chakra capacity would be around a threefold increase.
For something simpler that might already be obtainable, some kind of weight manipulation seal could be interesting. She could use it in conjuncture with Raven's Flight to make it more sustainable and even faster- Deidara proved how useful being able to fuck off into the air is.

Though I do really like the idea of her becoming a chakra leech. Her stamina is probably already better than Sasuke and Kakashi put together, but that sort of seal could boost it to a truly legendary level.

Though I think a larger priority should be increasing her control to make better use of the reserves we already have.
I personally suspect Senjutsu is going to be something along the lines of an S-Rank trait for Chakra Capacity, so questions of how much Chakra we need beforehand seem... More than a little bit on the missing the point side of things.