Seed of Shinju (Heavily AU Naruto Quest)

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This is a HEAVILY AU Naruto Quest, where you will incarnate this ransacked world's version of a...
The Death of a God


Sleep Zombie
This is a HEAVILY AU Naruto Quest, where you will incarnate this ransacked world's version of a Jinchuuriki. That you take the road of a shounen hero, the path of a horror villain or walk somewhere in between is up to you, as is how much of your abilities you develop. In this, Kaguya and the Shinju are dead, and a great change will have to be made as a result. That the change be made by your actions or from another will depend on how clever and daring you will play this, so impress me, alright? :)


The world grew dark one night, far darker than was expected of the night of a full moon. A sense of wrongness permeated the blood soaked lands surrounding the Shinju, and those who were awaiting the return of a would be goddess felt the cold hand of dread take hold of their heart as an unnatural silence spread over their senses. Something went wrong, yet no one living could tell exactly what it was that made them so uneasy so close to dawn. For a timeless moment, the world was that of the dead.

It may have took a mere instant or an eternity before time made itself known to mortals once more, the moon appearing from what was not quite a heavy cover of clouds and shined on what should have been impossible; the Shinju was withering, a long wail of a dying woman resounding over the red plains as wood rapidly shrunk and rotted under the horrified gaze of mankind. Kaguya had failed, and with her untimely death did the world fall once again prey to the realities of war.

Some yelled, other cried, and yet more fell to their knees in shock as the source of all power known in the lands turned into a thick and oily miasma that swept over all in a fetid wind. The black cloud seemed to seep into the bones of all, leaving behind the unclean chakra generated by an arrogant civilization. Power, the ability to hurt and kill, was now part of every living thing in the area... but such power came at the price of free will. The ways of murder and hatred had took hold of Man, and with their heart now corrupted by their own unquenchable thirst for giving pain unto their fellow, the newly awakened humanity-that-was took to strife with renewed visor. For the following months, water turned red, the ground grew coppery and the cries of the victimized grew in potency that had not ever been seen before.

That was in such a desolate and cruel world that you were born, for all intent and purpose the same as any other bearers of the tainted chakra of the dead God Tree... yet not. Unbeknown to all, you included, you were a rare breed. Inside you slowly grew the power of change, the power of gods borne from one of the seeds of the fruit which started it all. A Shinju Seed, the origin of godhood and of creation itself took home in your tiny body while you were still in your mother's womb.

You could be more... that it may be a Savior, a monster or a child of wasted potential remained to be seen. For now, however, your seed has yet to sprout, and without it having any power over you body beyond a single boon of the old gods, you were a child much like any other. Your life would surely be one of endless battles, and for you to survive and thrive in a world that would want you dead would take an inordinate amount of good fortune and the boon of your Seed that granted you...

[ ] Yin
+Chakra Control, +Dexterity, +Intelligence, +Charisma and +Memory.
[ ] Yang
+Chakra Potency, +Lifeforce, +Strength, +Agility and +Speed.

As it may, you survived infancy intact and were of healthy mind and body. You learned how to move out of the way and get what you needed to survive easily enough, and entertained yourself with various activities that were centered...

[ ] Around your clan, learning of their ways, of war and of what would one day be yours for the taking.
[ ] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[ ] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.
[ ] Alone in the woods, learning of plants and fauna, while you ran and climbed as quickly as your body allowed you to.

There you go, this last choice is a crossing of paths to what you will learn better in your early years. For now you are about six years old, and are so impressionable that it is not even funny anymore. That means you will learn lots, and that the MC's personality will be shaped most in the next few updates, so feel free to argue among yourselves until you are all satisfied with your choice.
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[x] Yang
+Chakra Potency, +Lifeforce, +Strength, +Agility and +Speed.
[x] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.

Madara-san is that you?
[x] Yang
+Chakra Potency, +Lifeforce, +Strength, +Agility and +Speed.
[x] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.

Madara-san is that you?

Well, to be fair that mess up basically turned everyone into non-sharingan Uchiha, so... :p
Well, to be fair that mess up basically turned everyone into non-sharingan Uchiha, so... :p
Eh was mainly a joke, with Kaguya dead I doubt her sons were born otherwise they would put a stop to all the killing.

In anycase I feel if we understand mans failings and how to take advantage of them we can lead them to overcome there failings and improve on them.

And if we need to take advanatge of them to lead them to the right path well...who's going to stop us ;)
[X] Yin
[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yang

[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.

SV's fondness for the self-made stronk! fighter shines through once again!
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[X] Yin
[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yin
[X] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.
[X] Yang
[X] Around your clan, learning of their ways, of war and of what would one day be yours for the taking.

Rule the Earth to save it.
[X] Yin.

[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yin
[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yang
[X] Around your clan, learning of their ways, of war and of what would one day be yours for the taking.
[X] Yin

[X] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.
[X] Yin
[X] Alone in the woods, learning of plants and fauna, while you ran and climbed as quickly as your body allowed you to.

Give to me the wild child.
[X] Yang
+Chakra Potency, +Lifeforce, +Strength, +Agility and +Speed.

[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area
[X] Yin
[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yin
[X] Out in the plains, exploring the lands and learning from your mistakes and those of whom you saw perish in the ever increasing violence prevalent in the area.
[X] Yin
[X] Around your clan, learning of their ways, of war and of what would one day be yours for the taking.
[X] Yin
[X] In the company of an old and rather scary hermit living in a cave nearby as he taught you of the failings of man and how to best take advantage of others.