[X] The rat girl is apparently his apprentice, at least according to Freidrich and 'His Wife'. But she seemed a little startled and apologetic for what he did. What if Lotte talked to her while he wasn't around, tried to get her on Lotte's side. She might know important things about what's causing all of this.
[X] Nothing except perhaps a square meal and room while and immediately after dealing with this. Bullies are despicable, and stopping them is the right thing to do.
[x] Try to find a way to steal the pipe. No pipe, no controlling of the rats, right? Now, if Lotte were he, they would be very careful not to set it aside, but it's possible. Lotte knows the man has to sleep, and they're pretty sneaky when they want to be.
-[X] 1 ( one! ) coin of the lowest denomination he has. Food and place to sleep is very nice, but you're doing honest work, and honest work should be paid for in money.