GM Post 1


Glorious GM-Chan
The Abyss
It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.

You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.
@Brightflame @Kero-Null @Omida @Noob5674 @UbeOne @shinkiro @Poteitoku
@Astra Myst
@CCBubba (@'d myself because I'm also there)
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You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.

I/we/us clutched our/my head, this pain was not pleasant, and we/they/them? activated Presence Concealment almost on instinct, drawing knives and trying to head for the roof of this structure, to get a better vantage point so that I/they could get our/my berings as to what was going on, slipping past anyone in our/my way undetected.
It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.
What in the...?
No, I refuse to let this happen to myse-
I don't really have a choice, do I...?
Brace for whatever's happening...!

You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.
@Brightflame @Kero-Null @Omida @Noob5674 @UbeOne @shinkiro @Poteitoku @CCBubba (@'d myself because I'm also there)
I slowly get up, clutching my head. I can feel the weight of something on my back, though that can wait. I grasp my surroundings then stare blankly at the random people addressing us. My face clearly shows that I have zero idea what's going on. As their words finally process in my brain, I realize what they mean. "...So you need us to beat stuff up...?"

Okay, calm down, me. I may be a girl now, but that doesn't matter! What matters is helping these people out!

I shake my head to settle myself down. "...Sorry. Mind's clouded."
You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe.
"Hah? Is this thing falling apart again?" A...well, smaller than average guy just sorta hits his laptop before continuing browsing...
You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time.
Then it happens again, and he now removes said laptop off of his chest and sits up onto his bed. "God fucking damn it-"
Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you.
"No, no nonononononono- FUCK, what the hell is going on!? Breath me, focus, just assess the situation and-"
Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.
Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.
" G̵͏̨A̷҉͢͜A̴̕͜͡A̛͡A͟A̕҉̷̴ !?!"
(All that is heard is incoherent pain screaming as the situation continues)
You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.
@Brightflame @Kero-Null @Omida @Noob5674 @UbeOne @shinkiro @Poteitoku @CCBubba (@'d myself because I'm also there)
Giving the guy a glare, I just...fucking need a sec, that shit hurt. (He doesn't even think too hard before the explosion shaking the building starts to get on the Berserker's nerves as 2 horns start growing from his the hair on his head and from his beard each)

"I got a lot I want answering later bud, especially about how ya just fucking summoned me outta nowhere, but for now-" (Almost purely on instinct and peeved-ness of a Berserker, the 6'11 Pirate stands and ends up growing quite a few more inches before walking out towards the door as wicks in his hair start lighting up)

"I'mma just go blow off some steam." (If the doors are open, he's going out. If it ain't...he's kicking it as hard as he can)
It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe.

It was like a quick wave, passing through and giving me a shiver, "... I'm not even slightly cold." I may have cocooned myself in a blanket, "The hell was that about?"

You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time.

This one was enough to make me flinch back out of surprise, my half broken chair creaked in protest when I did, "What the fuck was that?!"

Then again, only increasing in intensity.

Instead of flowing through me like the two before, this one hit me and hit me hard. Shoving me backwards into my chair, "Wha-"

But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy.

As my chair was fully broken by whatever the hell was doing this, I was sent flying into the wall behind me, I cursed as I banged the back of my head against the thing that held my curtains away from the window and interrupted the first with a second curse when my back impacted the wall and the radiator. The left lens of my glasses cracked, while the right lens shattered, sending glass shards directly into my right eye. I interrupted my second curse with a scream. My hands moved to cover my damaged eye.

From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

With my only functional eye, I looked through the tears generated from the pain, and watched as the cloud went by, and saw as the last bit of it decided it didn't like me all that much and rammed into me. And down through the abyss I went, screaming all the way.

The pain I had felt so far was nothing in comparison to what would come next.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself.

I screamed,

And screamed,

Till I could scream no more.

Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.

I reached out to it, I didn't want to fall asleep.


I don't wanna sleep forever...


You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in.

I opened my eyes to find myself alive.

I was shaking a little, and I almost cried in joy.

But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

Upon looking down and seeing the circle, which looked worryingly similar to the one used to summon Servants, I saw the tiny people gathered around the area.

I then saw the moss and bandages covering my body, and realized that, no, they aren't just way shorter than they should be, I'm just super fucking tall.

Because I'm Kingprotea.

I'm Kingprotea...

What the hell happened to me...?

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.

I then connected the dots.

They were the ones to pull me here.

They ripped me from my home.

They tore me apart.

It took all my self restraint to stop myself from crushing them and snapping them and eating them rippingthemtopieceswithmyteeth

My fist clenched tighter as I glared.

"I don't think you realize how badly I want to devour you." I snarled, my voice echoing throughout building, "I will be expecting answers."

It took three steps for me to reach the large door to the outside world, where it sounds like shit's going down.

I lightly tugged on both, and the doors ripped of the building. The resulting sound was loud, but didn't really bother me. I doubt the same could be said about everyone else, especially the humans. I crushed the bottoms of each to form a hilt, and stomped towards the conflict.
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It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.
I decided it was certainly a unique experience, being transported to another world. Though I have to say, the method of delivery is far more polite than the norm, I would have at least expected that kool aid character to come breaking down the walls of my bedroom.

Still, having your very being torn apart and pieced back together is still quite an agonizing experience so I suppose my musings would sadly have to be interrupted by AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks

When my eyes flutter open and my ears here the distant yet worryingly close sound of cannonfire my thoughts can only direct themselves to one matter in particular

Why I am a midget?

The change of perspective as my line of sight see their waists rather than the tops of their head is odd. Though stranger still is when a voice could be heard within my very mind.

"Have you not always been one, Admiral?"

It was a distinctly feminine voice one can liken to an elegant and stiff yet caring lady. For a reason that eludes me I recognize her as the one and only HMS Victory. Turning my head back I can see her with my very eyes

Quite...tall even taking account my new height I estimate her to be just shy over seven foot at the very least.

"Well I suppose from your perspective everyone is, no?"

I take her silence and move on to adress the fellow in front of me. I hear his words as clear as day, so far I see little reason for him to lie outside of using us as convenient thugs to dispose of his enemies, yet the fact that the cannonfire outside is liable to hit us as well dissuades me from such notions. Still, I can't possibly risk simply rushing out there towards my doom now can I?

"What can the enemy do and how many are there, Commander?"
It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor.
Oh, for fuckssake, not aga...

That's all I manage to think before I am ripped from my home and...
With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.
... if he saw that дебил in charge of Kamchatka, he would...


...the storm raged, and his men, useless as always, run around like headless chicken. He shouted and yet, was barely heard over the roar of the tumultuous sea...

Wait, no, I never set foot on anything larger than tourist river boat. What is happeni-...

... The only sound in the cabin is the scratch of pen on the paper. It's February already, yet another sailor succumbed to malaria, and there is no sight of...

Who is that? W-who-...

... He will have that fucking b̛r͡ai̕nd̶ead cr̶et͡iǹ in charge of Orel shot! The mother...

Is that me? I... I don't remember that.

Court martial. Punished, for doing his duty, for going
beyond what could be expected. He will show them. Hewillshowthem. Hewillshowthemhewillshowthemhewillshowthemhewill... He Will Not Rest Until He Delivers Another Miracle.

Who am I?
You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.
The explosions, the sounds of cannon fire, the smell of gunpowder. I was brought here for War. The mankind has called, and it would be unbecoming of Me to not answer. I turn towards the Commander in charge of the summoning. His uniform... what nation it is? Does not matter, I shake my head and straighten my back, hand resting on naval saber.

"I am A..." d̶͞m̸̴͡i̧r̀͠al̡͘͠ ̷̸̡Z̢͢͠i̡n̡ov҉̢͞y̧ ͝R̛oz͠͏h̀e̸̸͢s͡t̨͜v̴̡è̵ņ̕s̷͠ḱy̡̨͜. No, I am not! What is happening?! I am *****. I am Admiral Rozhestvensky. No, I am-

Look, we've got more pressing matters. How about you let a military man handle it for now?

I grumble, but acquiesce.

Many thanks. As a compromise, let us not set our name in stone, shall we?

"I am Avenger. What are the enemy numbers? Their equipment? Composition? What about forces at our disposal?"
It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness. happening?

I find myself on the floor of my room, unable to move as pain coursed throughout my body and my vision began to blur, I try to cry out only to make no sound, forcing myself to suffer in complete silence with no signs of help coming.

Am I dying? Is this what being on death's door is like?

Why? Why is this happening?

Darkness begins to block my vision, only to recede and I see a world of chaos that ends with a white light that blinds me.

You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.

The next I know, I stand amongst many peculiar individuals as sounds of war echo in the distance. Before me stand a more mundane group of scientists and military men, likely the ones who brought me here. As the one infront began to explain their situation, I look around at my body. I now wore a strangely familiar garb of a uniform of a Catholic priest and distinct red robes. Then I look at my hand, which was now tanned and had two red markings on it.

I know what had happened, even before memories not my own began to pour in. I was Amakusa Shirou, head of the failed "Shimabara Rebellion" and now a Ruler-class Heroic Spirit.

I should be going mad, perhaps the summoning had a failsafe for that? Or is Amakusa influencing me? I don't know, I don't know why I am still sane!

When the officer ended his explanation, I turned towards him. "While understandable based on your circumstances..." I begin, "...understand that some of us may be...upset with your methods, assuming they are like me in terms of how we came into existence. After we assist you, I expect you to provide quite a bit more information on the situation and the state of this world."

Unsheathing my sword, I begin to walk towards the conflict and motion towards my fellow Servants to follow, "while we could pester them with questions regarding the enemy, the base is already at risk of falling, I don't believe we have the time to role out the specific details. Assume their force is overwhelming, see their abilities for themselves but expect anything, that is all we can really do right now until we clash with them ourselves."
GM Post 2
GM Post
I slowly get up, clutching my head. I can feel the weight of something on my back, though that can wait. I grasp my surroundings then stare blankly at the random people addressing us. My face clearly shows that I have zero idea what's going on. As their words finally process in my brain, I realize what they mean. "...So you need us to beat stuff up...?"

Okay, calm down, me. I may be a girl now, but that doesn't matter! What matters is helping these people out!

I shake my head to settle myself down. "...Sorry. Mind's clouded."
Giving the guy a glare, I just...fucking need a sec, that shit hurt. (He doesn't even think too hard before the explosion shaking the building starts to get on the Berserker's nerves as 2 horns start growing from his the hair on his head and from his beard each)

"I got a lot I want answering later bud, especially about how ya just fucking summoned me outta nowhere, but for now-" (Almost purely on instinct and peeved-ness of a Berserker, the 6'11 Pirate stands and ends up growing quite a few more inches before walking out towards the door as wicks in his hair start lighting up)

"I'mma just go blow off some steam." (If the doors are open, he's going out. If it ain't...he's kicking it as hard as he can)
"What can the enemy do and how many are there, Commander?"
"I am Avenger. What are the enemy numbers? Their equipment? Composition? What about forces at our disposal?"
I/we/us clutched our/my head, this pain was not pleasant, and we/they/them? activated Presence Concealment almost on instinct, drawing knives and trying to head for the roof of this structure, to get a better vantage point so that I/they could get our/my berings as to what was going on, slipping past anyone in our/my way undetected.

The Commander looks annoyed for a second before responding. "look I understand the confusion, but as of right now I'm your commanding Officer, and we really do not have time for Q&A. At this moment Friendly forces are fighting a desperate last stand so we could have the time to call on you before everyone here dies. Now I evacuation to get organised." At this the Commander turns back to the Engineers and Scientists as they start packing their equipment.

Saber Alter

I clutch my head in pain, the trip was not very pleasant. That much I can say for sure. But I'm surprised by the unfamiliar feeling I get, Only to look down at myself and find not my own body. But rather Arturia Pendragon, more specifically her Alter form. And looking around I see others around me, possibly in the same situation as myself.

But as I listen to the commander, almost instinctively going to attention as he speaks, I realize that somethings different about the world. Before I can say anything however, I notice KingProtea move and obliterate the doors to the hangar I think we're in.

I then connected the dots.

They were the ones to pull me here.

They ripped me from my home.

They tore me apart.

It took all my self restraint to stop myself from crushing them and snapping them and eating them rippingthemtopieceswithmyteeth

My fist clenched tighter as I glared.

"I don't think you realize how badly I want to devour you." I snarled, my voice echoing throughout building, "I will be expecting answers."

It took three steps for me to reach the large door to the outside world, where it sounds like shit's going down.

I lightly tugged on both, and the doors ripped of the building. The resulting sound was loud, but didn't really bother me. I doubt the same could be said about everyone else, especially the humans. I crushed the bottoms of each to form a hilt, and stomped towards the conflict.
I/we/us clutched our/my head, this pain was not pleasant, and we/they/them? activated Presence Concealment almost on instinct, drawing knives and trying to head for the roof of this structure, to get a better vantage point so that I/they could get our/my bearings as to what was going on, slipping past anyone in our/my way undetected.

Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.

While everyone was talking, unnoticed to most the magic around the summoning circle flairs up once more. In a bright flash just like the on that brought everyone else here, a new person emerges.
@Ryven Razgriz
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GM Post

The Commander looks annoyed for a second before responding. "look I understand the confusion, but as of right now I'm your commanding Officer, and we really do not have time for Q&A. At this moment Friendly forces are fighting a desperate last stand so we could have the time to call on you before everyone here dies. Now I evacuation to get organised." At this the Commander turns back to the Engineers and Scientists as they start packing their equipment.

"A rather bold statement officer" I call back neutrally, "unless you have the Command Spells for all of us, we have no reason to recognize your authority over us. Those of us who will fight do so on our own accord, but don't expect many of us to follow your orders if we disagree with them." with that, I exit the shelter and onto the front lines.

Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.

How peculiar, it looks like a site straight out of WW2, and obviously these "Abyssal" have taken a German aesthetic.

While the tanks would prove to be a problem, I don't believe I'm suited to act as a "Anti-Tank" Servant, not until I get more used to this body at the very least. Kingprotea should deal with them easily enough anyways, hopefully she does target them.

Drawing out three of my Black Keys, I throw them towards the infantry before dashing at them with my sword raised, aiming to cut down at least one or more of their number.
Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.

I/we slowly make our way closer to the enemy forces, under resence concealment, looking for the signs of a leader, my/our knives at the ready, a grin forming on my/our face. A decapitating strike would be an excellent opening strike, and we agreed with me.
Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.

I glanced left, then right. Up, then back down. I knew in the back of my mind we we're summoned to a battlefield, the gun and cannonfire gave it away rather quickly. Seeing it for myself confirmed it, this was a battle, maybe a even a war.

I found myself conflicted for a moment. This wasn't my country, after all. Nor my world. I have no reason to bother helping these people, especially not after what those jackasses back in the building pulled.

But at the same time, if I let those couple assholes stop me from helping all these other people, that'd be leaving them all to die to whatever the fuck the attackers call themselves.

So what it's not my world, or my country? These soldiers need help, and I'll be damned if I let those guys back in the building discourage me-... Hm.

One of the enemy tanks had the bright idea to shoot me as I was approaching.

Needless to say,

I took exception to that.

The tank and it's users would find themselves used as a hockey puck, shot towards the goal, which in this case were it's fellow tanks and the enemy soldiers, with a speed far exceeding a regular old slap shot. Easily fast enough to completely destroy the other tanks on impact. If it even remained intact after the blow, that is.

As for the rest of them, I prioritized destruction of the tanks, but if any of the enemy ground troops got in my way, or I saw an opportunity to crush them to mere stains of blood while staying on course, they died. Simple as that.

The moment I came in range, which was less than a second, I had begun a full sprint after that first tank shot me, I crushed them under my feet, flattened them or cleaved them with the doors, sometimes both, I hurled the tanks at their own friendlies, and reduced them to nothing but a splatter with my fists.

I wonder what the other Servants were up to...
I lightly tugged on both, and the doors ripped of the building. The resulting sound was loud, but didn't really bother me. I doubt the same could be said about everyone else, especially the humans. I crushed the bottoms of each to form a hilt, and stomped towards the conflict.
"OH WHAT THE FUCK." Okay. I have some vague idea. That some of us aren't quite as equal to others.

But that girl just turned giant and ripped apart the hanger door just casually. ...I may not have much confidence in myself to begin with, but that's just wtf.
Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.
Ah. Well, then...No time like now then. "Sighs Man, this is really a bother. Cmon boys, we got ourselves a fight to go do! Queen Anne's Revenge." And with his activation of his Noble Phantasm, the Ship appears in the air near him...and then falls and impacts the ground hard. For a solid second, it just sits there...before all the cannons on board began firing as fast as possible, while crew members began jumping to go fight messily.

" guys are FUCKING IDIOTS. But, that's expected, soooooooooooooooo," (With a snap of his fingers and with new claws from MS kicking in full-time, his beard and hair ignite as his other NP starts working its way to force the fear of the Devil on Sea here, with a wave of smoke following to make twice as sure they get the memo)

"Let's just have some fun!" (He charges in with claws outstretched to eviscerate those he heads towards, which would be the soldiers in dark uniforms (dark means bad right? Ah doesn't matter, just probably gonna kill both later))
The Commander looks annoyed for a second before responding. "look I understand the confusion, but as of right now I'm your commanding Officer, and we really do not have time for Q&A. At this moment Friendly forces are fighting a desperate last stand so we could have the time to call on you before everyone here dies. Now I evacuation to get organised." At this the Commander turns back to the Engineers and Scientists as they start packing their equipment.
"Got it." I growl. You are a fucking moron, Commander.

What sort of officer expects his troops, even as obviously possessing supernatural power as ours, to just charge blindly and hope for the best? No matter, I can make it work. I need to make it work.
Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.
A lot of folks have already charged into the fray. I ignore galleon appearing out of thin air and crashing to the ground.

"Knyaz Suvorov, deploy." I bark.

On my sides, a pair of twin 12 inch guns appears, the weight settling on my shoulders. I gaze upon the battlefield. I will have to be careful with the fire, else my allies get hit. Wouldn't want to repeat Aurora's fate. The giant girl is a good distraction, even if I start raining fire on enemy positions, she presents more immediate threat. I can afford staying in place.

"Take aim." Careful, careful, and for the love of God, do it properly! "Open fire!"

The naval guns roar, and the infantry position vanishes in a fireball at the same time as pair of tanks is ripped by the other turret. Good shooting today, I think hopefully. I move and target an artillery position to the back. The guns roar and the heavy ordnance vanishes, replaced by a smoking crater.
Caster-class Servant Nicole Tesla


While everyone was talking, unnoticed to most the magic around the summoning circle flairs up once more. In a bright flash just like the on that brought everyone else here, a new person emerges.
"I AM SERVANT CASTER! WHO DARES SUMMON THE-- Oh." And before I noticed it, my body moved on its own and a high-pitched voice came out.

"Eh?" Yup a high-pitched voice, like a girls'.. Ah, don't tell me...

I looked down at my hands and sure enough. "Ah, I've become a girl."

As I wondered why and how did I become a girl. Knowledge that I did not know of came pouring and soon everything became clear. "Ah, sweet, I got summoned and inserted as a genderbent Nikola Tesla."

I looked around and spotted no other human being nearby which meant that I was summoned into this world as a "free" servant. "... Do I need to find mana suste..."

Ah, right. This Nicole Tesla, meaning, I, have a very nifty ability to turn any type of energy into electricity and then into mana. Well that's one list of the survival chart off. "Never mind then."

Another thing checked off of the list of survival is the means to deter or combat threats. For that, I do have my handy dandy Hand of Lightning as well as many combat-rated spells on hand, but I for one would like minions like the late Charles Babbage.

And so I looked around the room and found...

Action Summary
- Looked around the room mainly for materials that can be used for tinkering...
Rider (Togo Heihachijo)
Gotta help them out

It started as a normal day for you, just like any other really. You went about your business as normal, and everything was fine. At least that's what you told yourself, as you couldn't shake the feeling that today wouldn't be like any other.

You were browsing SV when you felt it, a strange pulse of energy you couldn't describe. You tried to shake it off as nothing, but then it happened again. Except stronger this time. Then again, only increasing in intensity. But before you could call for help, as you could sense something was really not right. You feel an even stronger pulse, strong enough to knock you to the floor. With your vision slowly growing hazy from whatever is happening to you, you find yourself be ripped through a kaleidoscope of flashing energy. From out of the chaotic energy around you, you spot a glowing cloud more stable energy flying towards you. Most of it passes harmlessly by, but just before it all passes one manages to strike you as you tumble through the void.

Instantly, all you feel is pain as you feel your entire being torn apart instantly, and only slowly start to reconstruct itself. Faintly you see a bright white light ahead, a stark contrast from everything else around you as you finally start to lose consciousness.

You all come to in one group, situated inside what you believe to be a large summoning circle. Distantly you hear the sounds of gunfire, and occasionally a large cannon. The force strong and close enough to shake the very walls of the building you find yourself in. But your attention is brought to the small group you see standing in front of you. Most of them seem to be scientists or engineers, based on their manner of dress. But the one at the front is clearly military, going by his uniform. He appears to be a man in his late 20s, with an american naval officer's uniform. The three gold stripes on his collar denote him as a Commander.

But before you can say anything to him he steps up to address you. "I understand that the summoning process can be a bit taxing, but there is really no time to explain anything. So I'll give you the short story. Humanity is under attack by Abyssal forces on all fronts, and this is no mere invasion, but a war of extermination." He jabs his thumb behind him, out the doors of the building where just then a large explosion can be heard. "The same ones currently attacking this base. We don't have much time before friendly forces outside can't hold them off any longer. But for now we need you to relieve them so we can finish evacuating." Just as he finishes talking, another explosion rocks the building, as the gunfire outside intensifies.
@Brightflame @Kero-Null @Omida @Noob5674 @UbeOne @shinkiro @Poteitoku @CCBubba (@'d myself because I'm also there)

My body aches as I reel from the aftershocksof the pain, yet somehow, my body is whole again, but... different. And I smile as I find that whatever brought me here turned my body into a girl's. And I look like Mikasa, horns and all.

Yet I hear sounds of battle. Guns. Cannons. Explosions. And they feel familiar to me. Yet not. Those aren't naval guns.

Wait, how would I know that...?

...Memories, information, and a reminder to safeguard my true name and go by Rider... wait what? Nasuverse much? Oh god, I'm not familiar with it, let alone prepared for the complexity of it all...!

Another explosion brings me back to reality. For one reason or another, I have lived a life as a certain Japanese admiral, and her (yeah, it's fortunately a genderbent one) achievements have crowned me with certain powers. I have many questions, like how I got here, but there are more immediate matters, like the enemy outside. At least I'm not bound to a Master and won't need to. More importantly, there's no Grail War to get us killed in. However, hearing of Abyssals makes me wince at hearing a fictional foe be very real.

"Whoever fixed my body deserves my thanks, but how will we coordinate this one?" I ask.

GM Post

The Commander looks annoyed for a second before responding. "look I understand the confusion, but as of right now I'm your commanding Officer, and we really do not have time for Q&A. At this moment Friendly forces are fighting a desperate last stand so we could have the time to call on you before everyone here dies. Now I evacuation to get organised." At this the Commander turns back to the Engineers and Scientists as they start packing their equipment.

Saber Alter

I clutch my head in pain, the trip was not very pleasant. That much I can say for sure. But I'm surprised by the unfamiliar feeling I get, Only to look down at myself and find not my own body. But rather Arturia Pendragon, more specifically her Alter form. And looking around I see others around me, possibly in the same situation as myself.

But as I listen to the commander, almost instinctively going to attention as he speaks, I realize that somethings different about the world. Before I can say anything however, I notice KingProtea move and obliterate the doors to the hangar I think we're in.

Outside the scenery looks like hell. From what you can make out your on an airbase, going by the pair of runways running parallel to each other. But aircraft wreckage and craters litter both, rendering them inoperable. Which brings you to the battle raging across the airfield itself. on one side you can see Infantry from assorted nations, roughly a company in total left, with a platoon of Bradleys. Though most of them are wounded or spread thin, and a pair of the IFVs are a ball of flames.

Facing against them is roughly a Battalion of dark uniformed soldiers sporting WW2 era equipment, supported by 14 tanks Panzer IVs of various models. Despite the dead that litter the ground and numerous vehicle wrecks on both sides, the 'Abyssal' forces seem to more fresh. likely having been cycled in recently to replace a previous unit.

While everyone was talking, unnoticed to most the magic around the summoning circle flairs up once more. In a bright flash just like the on that brought everyone else here, a new person emerges.
@Ryven Razgriz

...Seeing the ghostly enemy outside doesn't help. At all. And really, they have an army now? I thought they're restricted to ships, maybe landing forces at most!

Honestly, I find myself shaking as I find my life at risk, yet there's also an inner fire within me, a drive to do what I've done in another life. To serve and protect.

Before I could go off with the others (oh, it seems I'm not the only admiral here, though the other calls himself Avenger. There's something familiar about them, but I can't put my finger as to why), I feel and notice a new presence, another girl in the group, this time a Caster by what she says. I don't get what she's doing though. "We really should be going," I remark to her as I head out.

Actually, I'll be fine just here. The walls and ceiling could provide some cover from the tanks, and I have more than enough range to strike them from here. Before that, however, I feel that some things need to be done first. One is what I would best call a mental Z-flag, much like I... yeah, I waved prior to Tsushima. A bit of thought gets it going, which would hopefully help my allies and their fantastical attacks. I mean, giant moss girl in bandages, a galleon out of nowhere, and shipgirl-like rigging on the Avenger admiral! Wait, did he just say Knyaz Suvorov?

...Oh. Oh! Now I get why he feels familiar. Previous-me actually visited him after that battle. Avenger suits him quite well. Shouldn't mention the name though, for his safety.

Anyway, next up is another newfound trick of mine. We do need information on the enemy, so while I don't have scouting cruisers at the moment, I do have pet birds. And so I send some out to soar and be my eyes above the battlefield. I can even see from them. Fly, my pretties!

And now to actually shoot things. If anything, this is much better than shooting humans. It's a mercy to put raging specters of war to peaceful rest. And so one would see me nocking, drawing, and firing my arrows, newfound instinct and skill making it feel second-nature to me. As arrows fly, they each shift into seven 152mm shells from my good old flagship, Mikasa. Time to lay waste with broadsides of naval artillery!

But that leaves one last question. What precisely is the enemy doing? What are they trying to achieve here besides destroying stuff? I need to see and find out, so that I could devise a counter to it...

- Use the Z-flag personal skill to energize and boost allied morale.
- Use the Clear as Day personal skill to perform recon from bird's eye view.
- Unleash rounds of the Mikasa: Broadside ability on the enemy tanks.
- Use the Nelson of the East personal skill to discern the enemy's strategy.
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Inwardly I laugh at the notion of this stranger simply commanding me but for now that is a matter for another time.

I see no reason to argue with him, after all my required participation in the battle is minimal. What with how the giantess is obliterating the enemy forces just fine on her own.

But still, signalling theory dictates that I do not sit idly lest I be seen as some freeloading waste of resources content on twiddling my thumbs as my allies do all the work.

"But is that not what you are, Admiral?"

Be that as it may if my compatriots here catch wind of that notion being reality then my chances of a nice retirement or perhaps even a cushy rearguard position would be utterly compromised.

So unfortunately for the sake of my perceived human resource value I must participate in the battle. Exiting the gaping hole left by Kingprotea I view the current situation.

Tired and ragged forces, outnumbered and outgunned were you not take the giantess stomping around the battlefield like it's her own personal playground.

"Victory, be a dear and enact some shore bombardment would you?"

With a flash of light her rigging manifested upon her, a hundred and eight cannons flanked her side as she took aim at a cluster of infantry forces and-


With a blessedly loud noise the salvo arced through the air finding purchase dead center upon the cluster and sent torn limbs, shrapnel, and rubble flying at all directions.

Meanwhile I turn my attention towards our more mundane forces, I would best describe their current situation as precarious.

Wounded, spread thin, and outgunned and although the special reinforcements may as well win the battle for them I can't imagine their morale is at their best.

Well now that can't do at all, this must be rectified at once.

The sounds of cannonfire and Protea's stomping is replaced by that of the waves, the smell of blood and shells, that of the ocean and were I to open my eyes I would surely be greeted by the deck and crew of my beloved Victory

The signal is sent

「England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty」
The Commander looks annoyed for a second before responding. "look I understand the confusion, but as of right now I'm your commanding Officer, and we really do not have time for Q&A. At this moment Friendly forces are fighting a desperate last stand so we could have the time to call on you before everyone here dies. Now I evacuation to get organised." At this the Commander turns back to the Engineers and Scientists as they start packing their equipment.
I nod. "I think I get it now..." I reflexively reach for my back and take out a sweet-looking sword. "Yeah, this'll do. COME GET SOME!" I shout as I dash out of the building... not exactly knowing what the enemy is. I just sort of run towards the fighting yelling "WHO DO I STAB!?".
GM Post 3
GM Post

As you all rush out into the battle, immediately the Abyssals react to your presence. Gunfire from the Infantry, and Tank shells fly past you as you charge towards their lines. but it does little to slow you down, the bullets feeling like nothing more than annoying pinches for the ones that do impact, and none of you let the larger tank shells hit.

How peculiar, it looks like a site straight out of WW2, and obviously these "Abyssal" have taken a German aesthetic.

While the tanks would prove to be a problem, I don't believe I'm suited to act as a "Anti-Tank" Servant, not until I get more used to this body at the very least. Kingprotea should deal with them easily enough anyways, hopefully she does target them.

Drawing out three of my Black Keys, I throw them towards the infantry before dashing at them with my sword raised, aiming to cut down at least one or more of their number.
I nod. "I think I get it now..." I reflexively reach for my back and take out a sweet-looking sword. "Yeah, this'll do. COME GET SOME!" I shout as I dash out of the building... not exactly knowing what the enemy is. I just sort of run towards the fighting yelling "WHO DO I STAB!?".
Ah. Well, then...No time like now then. "Sighs Man, this is really a bother. Cmon boys, we got ourselves a fight to go do! Queen Anne's Revenge." And with his activation of his Noble Phantasm, the Ship appears in the air near him...and then falls and impacts the ground hard. For a solid second, it just sits there...before all the cannons on board began firing as fast as possible, while crew members began jumping to go fight messily.

" guys are FUCKING IDIOTS. But, that's expected, soooooooooooooooo," (With a snap of his fingers and with new claws from MS kicking in full-time, his beard and hair ignite as his other NP starts working its way to force the fear of the Devil on Sea here, with a wave of smoke following to make twice as sure they get the memo)

"Let's just have some fun!" (He charges in with claws outstretched to eviscerate those he heads towards, which would be the soldiers in dark uniforms (dark means bad right? Ah doesn't matter, just probably gonna kill both later))

All three of you begin rapidly cutting through the Abyssal infantry, their guns seemingly ineffective against you. To which the Abyssals seem to realize this as they rapidly begin to pull back their forces in the face of your onslaught. But despite this, they still take heavy causalities. Relieving some of the pressure on the nearby friendly infantry as the fighting is slowly drawn out into the open crater filled runways of the airbase.

I glanced left, then right. Up, then back down. I knew in the back of my mind we we're summoned to a battlefield, the gun and cannonfire gave it away rather quickly. Seeing it for myself confirmed it, this was a battle, maybe a even a war.

I found myself conflicted for a moment. This wasn't my country, after all. Nor my world. I have no reason to bother helping these people, especially not after what those jackasses back in the building pulled.

But at the same time, if I let those couple assholes stop me from helping all these other people, that'd be leaving them all to die to whatever the fuck the attackers call themselves.

So what it's not my world, or my country? These soldiers need help, and I'll be damned if I let those guys back in the building discourage me-... Hm.

One of the enemy tanks had the bright idea to shoot me as I was approaching.

Needless to say,

I took exception to that.

The tank and it's users would find themselves used as a hockey puck, shot towards the goal, which in this case were it's fellow tanks and the enemy soldiers, with a speed far exceeding a regular old slap shot. Easily fast enough to completely destroy the other tanks on impact. If it even remained intact after the blow, that is.

As for the rest of them, I prioritized destruction of the tanks, but if any of the enemy ground troops got in my way, or I saw an opportunity to crush them to mere stains of blood while staying on course, they died. Simple as that.

The moment I came in range, which was less than a second, I had begun a full sprint after that first tank shot me, I crushed them under my feet, flattened them or cleaved them with the doors, sometimes both, I hurled the tanks at their own friendlies, and reduced them to nothing but a splatter with my fists.

I wonder what the other Servants were up to...
A lot of folks have already charged into the fray. I ignore galleon appearing out of thin air and crashing to the ground.

"Knyaz Suvorov, deploy." I bark.

On my sides, a pair of twin 12 inch guns appears, the weight settling on my shoulders. I gaze upon the battlefield. I will have to be careful with the fire, else my allies get hit. Wouldn't want to repeat Aurora's fate. The giant girl is a good distraction, even if I start raining fire on enemy positions, she presents more immediate threat. I can afford staying in place.

"Take aim." Careful, careful, and for the love of God, do it properly! "Open fire!"

The naval guns roar, and the infantry position vanishes in a fireball at the same time as pair of tanks is ripped by the other turret. Good shooting today, I think hopefully. I move and target an artillery position to the back. The guns roar and the heavy ordnance vanishes, replaced by a smoking crater.

Unlike the Abyssal infantry, which managed to at least have some survivors in the initial attack, The Abyssal Armor takes a much heavier beating. With multiple tanks being used as weapons against their own allies, torn apart by naval guns, or some weird combination of both. But to say that the armored units was in a panicked disaray wouldn't do justice to the damage inflicted on their morale after watching a Panzer IV be slung around like a club into another Panzer IV by a Giant.

I/we slowly make our way closer to the enemy forces, under resence concealment, looking for the signs of a leader, my/our knives at the ready, a grin forming on my/our face. A decapitating strike would be an excellent opening strike, and we agreed with me.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, you move entirely unseen by the Abyssals. Likely having something to do with the rather larger concerns they are dealing with. But something does manage to catch your eyes. Further out behind the collapsing Abyssal front lines you spot an armored unit sitting on a hill observing the battlefield. Could they be the enemy commander?

- Use the Z-flag personal skill to energize and boost allied morale.
- Use the Clear as Day personal skill to perform recon from bird's eye view.
- Unleash rounds of the Mikasa: Broadside ability on the enemy tanks.
- Use the Nelson of the East personal skill to discern the enemy's strategy.
「England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty」

As they desperately held the line against their relentless foes. The various soldiers, no matter their nationality, felt a burgeoning hope from deep inside them. Even those who should have been to injured to fight, found the courage to pick up any nearby rifle. With hope fueling them, they began fighting back viciously against the Abyssals, who seemed almost shocked at this development.

For Ube: You sense the enemy commander far out observing. You can't get an exact read on their current strategy, likely as you all have just shown up and ruined any previous plans made. But from what you can tell they seem to be focusing on surrounding and cutting off any paths of retreat from the airbase with other forces positioned neaby.

And so I looked around the room and found...

Looking around the building yields no results other than the equipment the scientists and engineers are currently carrying out the back away from the fighting.

Sabert Alter

In light of the push everyone seems to be enacting on the Abyssal forces I join in, focusing mostly on their Infantry. But as we push them back into the open runways, I hear the noise of old plane engines from a distance. Looking up I see a squadron 6 Stuka Dive Bombers closing rapidly on our postions. Immediately, I call out to those around me. "Abyssal Aircraft closing! If anyone has AA abilities I'd suggest we use them now!" While I could fire Excalibur Morgan at them, I wouldn't want to waste it on 6 aircraft. Especially as the Battle has only just begun.
Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, you move entirely unseen by the Abyssals. Likely having something to do with the rather larger concerns they are dealing with. But something does manage to catch your eyes. Further out behind the collapsing Abyssal front lines you spot an armored unit sitting on a hill observing the battlefield. Could they be the enemy commander?

We/I crept closer, quietly scaling on top of the tank, a lantern at the ready, Murder of the misty night ensure our opening strike would go off without a hitch, as the lantern was lit. Soon The Mists surrounded us/me and the tank, the toxic London smog making its way in through any opening it could find, ready to burn away the lungs of the tanks occupants,as a savage grin spread across Our/my face.
All three of you begin rapidly cutting through the Abyssal infantry, their guns seemingly ineffective against you. To which the Abyssals seem to realize this as they rapidly begin to pull back their forces in the face of your onslaught. But despite this, they still take heavy causalities. Relieving some of the pressure on the nearby friendly infantry as the fighting is slowly drawn out into the open crater filled runways of the airbase.
I am a god! ...I think!
I cut down my enemies one by one. I feel like nothing can go wrong until...
"Abyssal Aircraft closing! If anyone has AA abilities I'd suggest we use them now!"
I call back to the voice I just heard. "Don't think I do, unless I can get within melee range!" I refocus myself on beating up all the bad guys. Bad guys are bad.
Rider (Togo Heihachijo)
Gotta help them out 2

GM Post

As you all rush out into the battle, immediately the Abyssals react to your presence. Gunfire from the Infantry, and Tank shells fly past you as you charge towards their lines. but it does little to slow you down, the bullets feeling like nothing more than annoying pinches for the ones that do impact, and none of you let the larger tank shells hit.

All three of you begin rapidly cutting through the Abyssal infantry, their guns seemingly ineffective against you. To which the Abyssals seem to realize this as they rapidly begin to pull back their forces in the face of your onslaught. But despite this, they still take heavy causalities. Relieving some of the pressure on the nearby friendly infantry as the fighting is slowly drawn out into the open crater filled runways of the airbase.

Unlike the Abyssal infantry, which managed to at least have some survivors in the initial attack, The Abyssal Armor takes a much heavier beating. With multiple tanks being used as weapons against their own allies, torn apart by naval guns, or some weird combination of both. But to say that the armored units was in a panicked disaray wouldn't do justice to the damage inflicted on their morale after watching a Panzer IV be slung around like a club into another Panzer IV by a Giant.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, you move entirely unseen by the Abyssals. Likely having something to do with the rather larger concerns they are dealing with. But something does manage to catch your eyes. Further out behind the collapsing Abyssal front lines you spot an armored unit sitting on a hill observing the battlefield. Could they be the enemy commander?

As they desperately held the line against their relentless foes. The various soldiers, no matter their nationality, felt a burgeoning hope from deep inside them. Even those who should have been to injured to fight, found the courage to pick up any nearby rifle. With hope fueling them, they began fighting back viciously against the Abyssals, who seemed almost shocked at this development.

For Ube: You sense the enemy commander far out observing. You can't get an exact read on their current strategy, likely as you all have just shown up and ruined any previous plans made. But from what you can tell they seem to be focusing on surrounding and cutting off any paths of retreat from the airbase with other forces positioned neaby.

Sabert Alter

In light of the push everyone seems to be enacting on the Abyssal forces I join in, focusing mostly on their Infantry. But as we push them back into the open runways, I hear the noise of old plane engines from a distance. Looking up I see a squadron 6 Stuka Dive Bombers closing rapidly on our postions. Immediately, I call out to those around me. "Abyssal Aircraft closing! If anyone has AA abilities I'd suggest we use them now!" While I could fire Excalibur Morgan at them, I wouldn't want to waste it on 6 aircraft. Especially as the Battle has only just begun.

So far, things are going well enough... if one is focused on what's in front of them. After all, Abyssals are falling down like wheat and the soldiers are having an easier time dispatching them. But what I'm seeing is definitely a concern. There's a larger containment strategy at play here, the idea being to surround and cut us off. On one hand, having no retreat would mean we're likely to fight our hardest, like cornered rats. On the other hand, we're supposed to be getting out of here, and being encircled means being cut off from aid and supplies. It's at least partly how the German units were forced to surrender to the Soviets at Stalingrad.

While I don't have an actual radio, I do have telepathy instead. And I see a commander over there who is distinctly overseeing things. <There's the enemy commander over there,> I proceed to briefly describe the looks and location via mental imagery. <Someone please go and take them out.> ((@shinkiro))

Hopefully there's at least one Assassin among us, since such people are well-suited to handle such a task.

And now to address the larger strategy to all allies. <The enemy is trying to surround us. I strongly suggest a breakthrough, to secure our retreat route.> ((@everyone))

Oh god, it's one thing to see and hear Stukas and their distinctive whistling on TV, but it's another to witness those for real! Good thing I have no elevation restrictions, unlike if I were my flagship. "I'll take care of it," I say as I launch more of Mikasa's 152mm broadsides via my bow. The multitude of exploding shells should be enough to slay the incoming aircraft.

- Use Nelson of the East to relay requests to assassinate the enemy commander and do a breakthrough on encircling enemy lines. If need be, I'd point where our most viable retreat route is, so as to focus our efforts there.
- Use Mikasa: Broadside to shoot down the Stukas.
- Continue surveillance via Clear as Day.
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All three of you begin rapidly cutting through the Abyssal infantry, their guns seemingly ineffective against you. To which the Abyssals seem to realize this as they rapidly begin to pull back their forces in the face of your onslaught. But despite this, they still take heavy causalities. Relieving some of the pressure on the nearby friendly infantry as the fighting is slowly drawn out into the open crater filled runways of the airbase.
Having the time of my fucking life, I just see men running and plenty screaming after getting a taste of my own work...before noticing the Giant girl smashing tanks I reaaaally wanna try using a tank...Alright, it's settled then. Let's go steal a tank.

(Berserker is relatively slow for a servant, but going to one of the tanks not quite in 'smashing' range of Kingprotea, he hops ontop, rips open what might be a hatch, and just takes a deep breath of the smoke from his NP...and breathes it out into the tank. Anybody who tries to climb out is stuffed back in or shot depending on his particular mood, choking as the NP does it's corruption before he gives his order as the new leader of this dinky vehicle)

"Ello down there, ya poor saps. You're with me now, and you'll be turning this tank around and shooting your own allies, got it?" (With Fear literally imprinted onto their existence and Blackbeard's usual 'lead by fear' style mixed in, shouldn't be an issue to be making a mess with him sticking out the top and letting his majestic mane of fire flow in the wind, and letting smoke poison the field)
<The enemy is trying to surround us. I strongly suggest a breakthrough, to secure our retreat route.> ((@everyone))
(Berserker just sorta yells back) "Why'd we retreat? Just make some noise and kill them all, it's easy!" (All that is heard from that point is a pirate's laugh of "Gahahahahaha-" although he's not near to anybody for them to hear any of that)
As you all rush out into the battle, immediately the Abyssals react to your presence. Gunfire from the Infantry, and Tank shells fly past you as you charge towards their lines. but it does little to slow you down, the bullets feeling like nothing more than annoying pinches for the ones that do impact, and none of you let the larger tank shells hit.

All three of you begin rapidly cutting through the Abyssal infantry, their guns seemingly ineffective against you. To which the Abyssals seem to realize this as they rapidly begin to pull back their forces in the face of your onslaught. But despite this, they still take heavy causalities. Relieving some of the pressure on the nearby friendly infantry as the fighting is slowly drawn out into the open crater filled runways of the airbase.

It appears that are enemy was as mundane as they came, their firearms clearly being unfit for combat against a Servant as evidenced by their inability to damage me and my comrades.

Between me and the other three, scores of Abyssal infantry has been cut down before they realize they were woefully unequipped and pulled back. I considered chasing after them but...

Sabert Alter

In light of the push everyone seems to be enacting on the Abyssal forces I join in, focusing mostly on their Infantry. But as we push them back into the open runways, I hear the noise of old plane engines from a distance. Looking up I see a squadron 6 Stuka Dive Bombers closing rapidly on our postions. Immediately, I call out to those around me. "Abyssal Aircraft closing! If anyone has AA abilities I'd suggest we use them now!" While I could fire Excalibur Morgan at them, I wouldn't want to waste it on 6 aircraft. Especially as the Battle has only just begun.[/hr]

...One of my allies alerted the rest of us to incoming aircraft which I soon see to be true.

"Good eye, Alter!" I call back, "unfortunately, I lack any meaningful ways of combating aerial foes, so I must leave it to the rest of you!"

Man...combat-wise, the Ruler-class is rather lacking now that I think about it. Hopefully I'm as durable as Rulers are if FGO has any truth to it.

And now to address the larger strategy to all allies. <The enemy is trying to surround us. I strongly suggest a breakthrough, to secure our retreat route.> ((@everyone))

I hear a feminine voice echo in my head, what an interesting ability, though suiting for the sender in question.

"Thanks for the heads up." I send back, "Tell me, can you see any weak points in their line that we can exploit?"
Nicole Tesla
Caster-class Servant

Looking around the building yields no results other than the equipment the scientists and engineers are currently carrying out the back away from the fighting.
As if a she was a Cat that saw her prey, stars lit up upon her eyes and soon followed the trail of many stuffs and devices, obviously ignoring the ongoing explosions and alarms. 'Why would I charge into battle like this? No way, I am a Caster and Casters do not charge in battle without sufficient preparations. Following this trail, I could probably get inside an armory of sort or at least a storage room, then I can enhance my parameters via the items I can and will make. Maybe even an armor or two.'