Scraps Sidelined (A Girl's Frontline Quest)

It just occurred to me. It's only the Inspector of all people who is treating us as our own person (which is strange to say, the guy is the most abrasive character in the story). All the Dolls are clearly projecting on us, especially 40. Well, actually we haven't really got a good look at what KSVK thinks, so maybe I should withhold judgement on her. FNC and Thunder, on the other hand, treat our presence as an insult, like we're a shade of their friend who is just there to torment them with how their friend is dead. In a way they're seeing the old Cx4 in us almost as much as 40 is. We're not a "new" teammate, we're a mockery of an old one.
The way I see it, this punishment is actually kinda light compares to what could have happened ( like a total teamwipe ). Hopefully we have all learnt our lessons and not making such stupid decisions in the future.
The way I see it, this punishment is actually kinda light compares to what could have happened ( like a total teamwipe ). Hopefully we have all learnt our lessons and not making such stupid decisions in the future.
Yeah this is the thing. I don't think we made any one particularly dumb decision except for the coma thing, and to be fair we couldn't understand the full repercussions of it at the time. You've said this a couple times now, can you point out what precisely we did that was dumb, and how we would have known about it ahead of time?
Yeah this is the thing. I don't think we made any one particularly dumb decision except for the coma thing, and to be fair we couldn't understand the full repercussions of it at the time. You've said this a couple times now, can you point out what precisely we did that was dumb, and how we would have known about it ahead of time?
The mech one. It's honestly to me was such an obvious bait. "We have been seperated from our team for a while. But now since we are free to help them , should we do so, oooor have this awesome shiny giant robot..."
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The mech one. It's honestly to me is such an obvious bait.
It's heavily implied that we saved a lot of lives by doing so though. Even in hindsight, that vote involved a trade-off. How many Titan infected did we kill with that thing? At least a few, and our entire team had trouble taking a single one down, so you can't say that we could have done the same thing if we were with our team. I am saying this as someone who voted to rejoin our team at that vote, but I want to just point out why I don't see that decision as a stupid one.

Edit: Even if it was a bit of a bait vote.
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[x] Hug her back.
-[x] "I'm not the old me... but... I hope I can be as good to you all as she was."

I like it even more. Who needs a more subtle, possibly misunderstood message when you can just spell it out.

Even if the line is technically correct, I just don't feel this is something 40 needs or is ready to hear right now. Do you get where I'm coming from? Does that make sense?
Even if the line is technically correct, I just don't feel this is something 40 needs or is ready to hear right now. Do you get where I'm coming from? Does that make sense?
You may be right, but I'm concerned if we don't put a line down sooner rather than later, 40 may place expectations on us that will only end up hurting us both. We're not a carbon copy of the Cx4 she knew, and it's unfair to us both if she tries to treat us like that.
You may be right, but I'm concerned if we don't put a line down sooner rather than later, 40 may place expectations on us that will only end up hurting us both. We're not a carbon copy of the Cx4 she knew, and it's unfair to us both if she tries to treat us like that.
Deep down I believe 40 already knows this. I think right now it's best to give them time. They're mourning.
ShadowAngelBeta's Omake
-[] "I'm sorry."

The most important things said are sometimes the ones not spoken.


Her neural cloud felt like it was trying to shake itself apart.

Steel and fire rained from the sky, hell clawing itself to tear apart any in its way, a smile of blood and slaughter dragging her across the landscape.

Her hand reached out, grasping at that distant figure looking back at her-


On the screen the hand kept reaching further.

Her own hand just met glass.


"I'm sorry-"

"That I'm not her."


Not even a minute and everything had been driven into her mind.

Two little words meant for all of them in each way.


"I'm sorry-"

"That she isn't here."


Thunder who would barely even glance at her, simultaneously paling and tensing in anger every time her eyes landed on Her face.


"I'm sorry-"

"I'm not good enough."


UMP 40 wearing a smile while tears drip from her eyes. A friend who saved everything that mattered to her.

Everything except herself.


"I'm sorry-"

"That I make you cry."


FNC who is haunted by too much already.

Who blames herself for another death.


"I'm sorry-"

"That you grieve for someone you have to see everyday."


KSVK who stares at her with the same intensity she would use looking at a target.

But her finger freezes every time. Words caught, actions aborted, thoughts falling through when she can't see anyone but Cx4.

And so she stares and waits.


"I'm sorry-"

"That I'm here to take her place."


Her hand reached up to the back of her head, toying with the ribbon in her hair.

Her ribbon. Her Ribbon.

CX4 "Ribbon" Storm.

Cx4 brought her ribbon in front of her face and looked at it, loose strands of hair fluttering about her face.

... Would any Cx4 after her be able to wear this again? It was Her identity. Her mark on the world, would any of them ever be worthy of it?

All of it was gone, but she still knew. Knew what the previous Cx4 had been through.

The hell she had survived and been reforged in.

What could any of them do to even try and grasp that again?

Cx4 looked down at her trembling hand, ribbon held in it.

Her arms hugged around her legs, eyes staying on the city lights as she sat on the rooftop edge.

Her hand clenched around the ribbon, unable to let go.


"I'm sorry-"

"... that I exist."


A sound reached her ears and she looked back, meeting relieved green eyes.

Behind her KSVK stared out from the door with those same blank eyes. Searching and searching for something that wasn't there anymore.

A glint of silver shown barely in the dark and a single, barely visible, blue eye met her's for a heartbeat before both Thunder and FNC were back down the stairwell.

Cx4 smiled and waved, ignoring the barely held back panic of UMP40, "Sorry."

There was a scream in the back of her mind that she ignored as they both stared at her, afraid to take their eyes off of her.
A whimper and a plead were ignored as she stood up and gave UMP another hug, herding her back inside.
"Stop... Please stop..."
In her hand Her Ribbon scrunched.
She caught KSVK staring at it.
"I'm sorry."
KSVK looked away first.


A/N: Everything Is Dai-jou-bu

Except not really. Ribbon is on a pedestal, Cx4 isolates herself emotionally from the expectations of others and the weight of her own legacy... *Shrug*

Also the invisitext at the end. What emotional context do you read it in? Her guilt yelling at them not to judge her? Her pleading them to stop hurting themselves on her? Or something else maybe?

There was someone in the area where Cx4 died though. Wonder if 45 ever did anything, but we had ghost vision of Ribbon, so...

[X] Hug her back.
-[X] "I'm sorry."
See... Here's the thing, I think that apart from some mostly disconnected choices, this story beat was unavoidable, rabbit's even said as much.

So all this, 'we made mistakes'... That's just bullshit you guys.
I think this is this quest's version of last quest's body swap, where there's a shocking twist that basically throws everything we were working with out the window and we have to scramble to reconnect with our old connections who for reasons aren't our allies for the moment. Whether people enjoy or hate the twist, well, is different for each person.

For me, it varies. Like, last quest's twist I actually enjoyed, especially since there were hints about it that in hindsight were decent-ish. This quest? Eeeeeh... not gonna lie, feels a bit railroaded (at least last quest we choose the "wrong" option). But I trust Rabbit enough to see where this is going before making any real judgements on the matter.
I think this is this quest's version of last quest's body swap, where there's a shocking twist that basically throws everything we were working with out the window and we have to scramble to reconnect with our old connections who for reasons aren't our allies for the moment. Whether people enjoy or hate the twist, well, is different for each person.

For me, it varies. Like, last quest's twist I actually enjoyed, especially since there were hints about it that in hindsight were decent-ish. This quest? Eeeeeh... not gonna lie, feels a bit railroaded (at least last quest we choose the "wrong" option). But I trust Rabbit enough to see where this is going before making any real judgements on the matter.
Well, what does that mean when we have, not one like you said, but two other examples of these twists to work off of? A body swap that led to a near breakdown and panicked promises? A timeskip leading to a totally divorced from the story arc all but retconned by the end? Is the next arc going to end in another forced death and loss of progress? Or the next?

There's a reason you don't see many video game mechanics in quests.
Well, what does that mean when we have, not one like you said, but two other examples of these twists to work off of? A body swap that led to a near breakdown and panicked promises? A timeskip leading to a totally divorced from the story arc all but retconned by the end? Is the next arc going to end in another forced death and loss of progress? Or the next?

There's a reason you don't see many video game mechanics in quests.
And yet, in the previous quest, things turned around and ended well enough such that most people upset at the quest's direction were satisfied (I'm not going to speak for everyone and say that everyone was satisfied, but at least there were no negative comments at the end that I noticed). So yeah, I'm going to wait and see.
To put it out there, we never saw a body to concretely say our Cx4 Storm is truly dead. Remember that Rabbit likes to pull this stunt, since in Fate Parmesan we nuked an enemy Master with Caladbolg amd spent a significant amount of the quest thinking that they were dead. Until they popped up again alive.

So until we see a body, I'll remain sceptical of Rabbit declaring anyone dead (they are more than willing to mislead us without actually lying) and I will remain hopeful that we can salvage our old Cx4 Storm back, without losing this new one.
I think this is this quest's version of last quest's body swap, where there's a shocking twist that basically throws everything we were working with out the window and we have to scramble to reconnect with our old connections who for reasons aren't our allies for the moment. Whether people enjoy or hate the twist, well, is different for each person.

For me, it varies. Like, last quest's twist I actually enjoyed, especially since there were hints about it that in hindsight were decent-ish. This quest? Eeeeeh... not gonna lie, feels a bit railroaded (at least last quest we choose the "wrong" option). But I trust Rabbit enough to see where this is going before making any real judgements on the matter.
Well that's just it though, last quest it was us picking an option.

In this quest, this was a thing that was just going to happen. We might have altered the circumstances, the specifics of when and where, but I'm fairly sure that we were never going to alter the event overall.

Cx4 was always going to die and lose her memories, because it's part of the story Rabbit wants to tell. It spurs the growth of the others, it opens up character development and abilities.

And sure, maybe the old one is out there somewhere, maybe we can get our memories back in time, but even if we don't, that isn't necessarily the worst fate?

It's a war, people die in war.
I did point out in my author's note, 45 sent us after Odin and knew where we were.

Ribbon very well could have been recovered.

Now granted 45 is a complete asshole, but... *Shrug*
And yet, in the previous quest, things turned around and ended well enough such that most people upset at the quest's direction were satisfied (I'm not going to speak for everyone and say that everyone was satisfied, but at least there were no negative comments at the end that I noticed). So yeah, I'm going to wait and see.
Honestly, that's somewhat because of the playerbase basically lobby Rabbit somewhat aggressively to do so . Which I think it's kinda shitty for people to do that to them and I think we shouldn't repeat that
Fate:White Parmesan. People kinda complains alot after the bodyshift part.

Okay, imo I think you're bringing up two different things. I don't think the quest ended on a satisfactory note because we lobbied for it. That was a lot of work for both the players and the qm, difficult choices that brought about a certain narrative and a clever write in at the end.

As for the twist at that point, I found it interesting. Still do.