Scraps Sidelined (A Girl's Frontline Quest)

Scraps Sidelined
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You are Cx4 Storm and you're getting Transferred! It's a bit sudden but you'll take this as a chance to improve! Stationed in RedBlock City with FNC, KSVK, Thunder and U̵̸̕̕ń̡̕͢d̀͡҉̢̨ę̸̛͜f̀͘͠͏i̡͢͏͠n̕ę̸d̡̨ you'll be fighting crime, conspiracies and hopefully come out of this mission intact!
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Booting Up


Rabbit Faced

Remember the Fallen...
That day, it rained iron.

Explosions wreaked havoc through the battlefield and the sounds of fighting drowned out everything. It drowned out the wind, the earth, and the flowing rivers. Death filled the landscape leaving nothing but metal and misery. It was like Hell itself had risen up from the depths of the Underworld.

That day, it rained iron.

It was as if the apocalypse had come. Just as all hope was lost, everyone struggled to live, to survive, to go back to their homes. You were lost back then, struggling even to lift your gun and your spirits. You regret it, coming to this place to wage battle and find purpose.

But cry as you might the iron rain didn't stop.

"Hold it right there!"

A voice came from within the static noise of gunfire. At first you thought she was an SF leader when you first saw her. At least until she tore a Dragoon to pieces with her barehands. That was when you realized that the Doll cobbled together from mangled parts was an elite Doll that belonged to Griffin's most skilled team.

A Doll which brought about untold slaughter to those she faced. Sangvis fell left and right until she turned towards you. She held out her hand and gave you that bloody smile.

The rain finally stopped.


"Hey, Rookie, don't get distracted!"

You winced out of your daydream before you walked into a wall. Your visuals blurred for a moment and you nearly dropped the boxes you were carrying. Your companion, a woman in blue and white clothes caught you.

"Oh dear. That was close," the woman giggled as she held your back.

"Sorry Miss Springfield," you managed to say as you looked at her.

"It's fine. Wa-chan just happened to surprise you is all," Springfield hummed as she glanced at the girl that tensed up.

The girl was pretty in her formal suit and tie, it made her look like a high class student from a fancy University. She glanced your way before she huffed and said, "Don't blame this on me! She wasn't paying attention."

"I would appreciate if you didn't spook every single help we get, you know?" Springfield sighed as she placed a hand on her hip, "The cafe is messy enough as it is."

"Guk!" Wa2000's face turned slightly red at her senior's chiding before she turned to you, "That's besides the point. In any case, you, new girl."

"Yes!" You managed to say.

"The Commander wants to see you. It's about something important," Wa2000 said as she placed a hand on her hip, "I'll be helping in your place so get going."

"Oh dear. I wonder what it's about," Springfield wondered with a curious tone.

"T-The Commander?" You blinked in surprise.

Springfield held your shoulders and smiled as she said, "Well it must be urgent. You should go while you can and don't delay."

"W-Will that be all right?" You asked as you turned to your seniors.

"Don't make the man wait, Cx4 Storm. That man gets cranky when he waits," Wa2000 sighed as she shook her head, "Might as well try to give Tokarev as little headaches as possible."

Springfield waved at you as she said, "We'll be fine here. Good luck."

W-Well now... What's this about?

Booting Up

[] You must have done something wrong. Were you going to get fired? You were just settling in! (Panic)
[] You're not sure what this is about but you need... To not panic. Just keep it cool, Storm. (Keep Calm. Or try to.)
[] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)
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Status Screen
Name: Cx4 Storm 2.0 Mod3
Title: The Red Ribbon

Status: Alive, but sort of Dead on official records
Affiliation: Former Griffin Doll, Former RedBlock PD
  • Beretta Cx4 Storm (Custom Mods)
    • Explosive, Ice, Acid Rounds
  • Standard Frag Grenade
  • Standard Stun Grenade
  • Sidearm: Beretta Px4 Storm
  • Mobile Propulsion Exoskeleton
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Oh boy, these are some choices...

[X] You're not sure what this is about but you need... To not panic. Just keep it cool, Storm. (Keep Calm. Or try to.)

Keep calm and soldier on. It's either this or having an apology ready.
[x] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)

Be polite, be polite, have a plan to be polite to everyone you meet.
What's this? Another quest, in another genre I know diddly about, by the UnidentifiedBunny?
Oh, I must've been a good boy....

[X] You're not sure what this is about but you need... To not panic. Just keep it cool, Storm. (Keep Calm. Or try to.)
[X] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)
[X] You must have done something wrong. Were you going to get fired? You were just settling in! (Panic)

The girl as pretty in her formal suit and tie before she huffed and said, "Don't blame this on me! She wasn't paying attention."
Feel like you swallowed a word here? The grammar is happening wrong!
[X] You're not sure what this is about but you need... To not panic. Just keep it cool, Storm. (Keep Calm. Or try to.)
[X] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)
[X] You must have done something wrong. Were you going to get fired? You were just settling in! (Panic)
[X] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)
[X] You must have done something wrong. Were you going to get fired? You were just settling in! (Panic)
[X] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Mar 5, 2020 at 10:43 AM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.
[] Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You're going to have to practice an apology in your digimind. (Preparedness)

You didn't know why you were being called but someone probably made it happen. Now you're just worried. Did someone complain about your cigarette collection again?! You made sure to keep it out of sight of the smaller and more impressionable Dolls but you can't be there every time your room got broken into!

You're going to have to think up of an apology. You didn't want to inconvenience the Commander or anything! You had to think, you're a smart Doll, right? You could handle this. Now if you researched right, Japan had this thing called 'dogeza'-

"Hey, watch it!" Wa2000 cried out before you walked into the door frame.

Your visuals blurred out again before you groaned in pain, "Ow!"

"Dear me, is she going to be okay?" Springfield wondered as she held her cheek.

"Kid's has a lot on her plate. Let's just finish up so we can open shop," Wa2000 huffed as she set the tables.

You ignored them and continued walking down the hall. You need to be more aware of your surroundings. You didn't want to keep running into walls! You sighed as you generated a 600 word apology letter for the Commander.

You're not going to waste your chance in this new home Sop2 led you to! You going to do your best and prepare for what's to come! Nothing can surprise you if you thought ahead!


You might have thought that but you wouldn't have been prepared for this. At least you had time to brace yourself or else you would have tripped over yourself...

Especially after what the Commander just told you.

It all started with the word Transfer Order.

Your name was Cx4 Storm, formerly of the Griffin and Kruger PMC Logistics Team. After the events which ultimately changed the course of your career, you were given a place within Griffin that wasn't just handling supplies and logistics and you were pretty happy about it!

It wasn't frontline work but there was still plenty action to be had. You were getting used to the routine of deploying and returning to base after short skirmishes with Sangvis Troops, never the dangerous jobs but you had a better head on your shoulders ever since the incident.

It's been a couple of months since the Commander was taken hostage and rescued from the hands of Paradeus. He has been hard at work despite the Torture he went through and was kind enough to take you in upon Sopmod IIs recommendation. You would never forget the struggles you went through back then just as all hope was supposed to be lost.

You thought that you did a pretty good job all in all which was why this came to a surprise as a dossier sat upon the Commander's desk alongside some documents detailing your transfer.

"Transfer... Order?" You asked him with a confused tone, "But why? Did I do something wrong?"

"I understand you may have the wrong impression here but that's not the case, Storm," the Commander said as he had half of his face still bandaged up. While he was able to move around and walk, most of his body was still covered in bandages. Not even his eyes could be seen through his dark sunglasses.

The Nyto had harmed him this much.

"Because of Griffin's recent setbacks, it's decided by what people we could look up to as the top brass to loan several... Promising Dolls to various autonomous governments within the region," Tokarev explained as she smiled at you from the Commander's side, "As such, the plan for gathering Doll's together and forming experimental disaster reaction Teams was made."

"It's mostly a move to generate good will after Krueger's imprisonment. We still don't have any contact from Miss Helian either so she might be busy with things on her end. Either way, it's a necessary step after being branded as Terrorists and Criminals," the Commander said as he was no doubt looking at your through his glasses, "With this, we aim to secure connections and therefore supplies and manpower to continue our operations."

"And for that... You chose me?" You wondered with a frown.

"Indeed. Sop2's given you high praise in the previous major operation and had made detailed reports on your capabilities. And since this is Sop2, I'm surprised she could even go that far," The Commander said as he looked down the documents before him, "She's fond of you, that girl. You must have made quite the impression."

"I... Thanks," you breathed as your mind raced. Sopmod II said that about you? High praises! You need to thank her for this later!

"But Sop2's recommendation aside, the client actually requested you, Storm. It was an odd choice to be honest but it's not one I could argue with. You've displayed commendable work and I think you're a good choice."

"But even so there are dolls better than me. Why not Miss Thompson or Tavor?" You wondered with a curious tone, "I-I mean, I'll help whenever I could! I'll do my best and I won't let you down! But still though..."

"We just said it. The client specifically requested for you to handle the gathered group of Dolls that will serve as your team," Tokarev said as she crossed her arms.

"Still if you don't want it, we could always ask anoth-" The Commander coughed as he tilted his head.

"No, no, no! It's fine! I'll do it. I won't let you or Sop2 down, Commander," You assured him as he stared at you.

Tokarev glanced at the Commander before after a few moments he sighed.

"Now I can't help but be worried. Very well. Cx4 Storm, this will be your new station," The Commander declared as he had Tokarev bring you the dossier, "You'll be a part of an experimental Squad supporting the law enforcement department of the Autonomous Government loosely the Pan European Union. It's located East of former Paris so it's quite a ways from here. You'll be flying over several Gray Zone areas and infected zones but you shouldn't have to worry. The transport plane should be secured. However since it's an autonomous area, expect some less than savory types there. Places that aren't military states are havens for the crooked... But your presence is needed there in order to weed them out. So them's the works."

"That doesn't really inspire confidence after everything that went down," Tokarev sighed as she shook her head.

"Tokarev please," the Commander growled as he clenched his fist while his Adjutant giggled.

You raised your hand as you looked at the documents, "Still, isn't that a bit far?"

"It is," the Commander replied with a firm tone, "A few hours of flight through artillery fire and homing missiles. Gray Zones... Fought by humans but just as bad as infected areas."

"When you say supporting, would that mean we'll be under supervision by the Chief of Police of the city?" You asked with wide eyes.

"Indeed. You'll be supporting them in making arrests, investigating crimes, as well as conducting various operations. For this, you will be given special clearance to shoot human hostiles by the people who run the place..." The Commander added with a grim tone before he raised his head, "You have there the files of your future teammates. Study them well."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me and I can give you rundown of them from my grapevine," Tokarev smiled as she raised her hand.

You looked through the documents in your hand and read the designations of your new teammates. It all seemed so sudden, you had trouble taking it all in. You tried to calm yourself as you glanced over the Dolls that would be your partners.

FNC. A Veteran Doll with tons of experience. A noteworthy Doll that went through the Jupiter Cannon Dismantlement missions.

Thunder. A Doll that boasts a high firepower despite her primary weapon being a pistol. Though the weapons itself seems to be more of a hand Cannon... She was an accomplished negotiator and adept in scouting runs.

KSVK. A sniper Doll adept at taking out distant targets be they ground units or armored vehicles. An ace of a separate Griffin Frontline Base under a different Commander. She was an elite Doll from what you skimmed through in the documents.

Your new team... Who do you want to know more about? You should pick one for now.


[] FNC
[] Thunder
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What's wrong? I know nothing about the setting except that the T-Dolls are androids based off IRL guns (and look good too), so whats the issue?
So there's an infamous tactics in game of completing Jupiter Cannon Dismantlement missions using FNC.

Basically the strategy is using 2star doll as tank for FNC to destroy the cannons, those tank won't survive because they are just meat shield

And the event made you to farming, so you keep doing this, every single day.

So imagine, she has to see her comrades dies over and over again, suicide missions after suicide missions...
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