Scraps Sidelined 2: Fire Hazard (A Girl's Frontline Quest)

[] Screw this, fight the horde. Set up traps before triggering the cocoons and clear the area.

You weren't going to do anything forward without taking care of the trash behind you. It was too risky, too dangerous, you'd rather fight this on your own terms rather than wait for the whole building to come down on you. You were smarter than this and you had enough supplies to take the whole horde on so that's exactly what you needed to do.

What you needed to do was to walk back, place your bombs under the cocoons and trigger the explosion from the outside. The panic room should have vents and airways to prevent suffocation from your little stunt so whoever was behind the distress signal would just have to suck it up... Hopefully.

You began your work and quickly. Dashing through the cellar, you dropped your bombs in key locations right up until you reached the bottom of the stairs leading down. You then quietly climbed up and kept your gun aloft, moving backwards to keep a good look at what was below you. Once you were on level ground, you moved to the nearest cover and eyed the spots you placed your bombs.

A moment later, you triggered them.

An explosion of flames burst from the ground, rushing from the cellar's opening followed by the distant screams of your foes. The stench of rotting, burning meat greeted you as your comms blared to life.

"Vector do you copy? What the hell was that?!"

"Company," you replied before claws tore through the ground and the howling began. ELID mutants screamed into the night, burning and screeching before you ran over and stomped their skulls under your boot. A few freed themselves just in time to take a bullet to the head.

Several more emerged with their flesh burning and their hides falling apart. You raised your gun and fired in each of their direction, downing three as two lunged your way. You rolled out of the way, evading their strikes, firing back as your gun barked out a stream of bullets which knocked them to the ground.

The rest must be burning under you. Temperatures on the ground you stood on seemed to be rising. You then rolled away as a flesh claw emerged and out lumbered a creature of malformed flesh and bone. It howled as you directed your gun towards its head before a distant roar echoed.

Chunks of rotting meat and infested flesh flew as M200 primed another shot, firing one bullet after the other. The Smasher's body fell down to its knees right where you rushed in and lodged a incendiary grenade right under its jaw. You rolled back and evaded as it burst to flames.

"Nice shot," you commented as you received a ping of acknowledgement.

You let out a breath, calming yourself as you looked down the burning hole the Smasher came from. You then jumped down and withstood the heat as you kept your gun aloft, seeing the cocoons burn to a crisp as you walked back to the door. The distress signal was still coming from within and you held up your hand to unlock the door.

The fires burned but the smoke quickly escaped into the sky. The Vault Room's door slowly opened, rising bit by bit. Sure enough, there was no human life detected by your sensors... Even through all this fire, you walked in the room and found no one inside... Except for a-

You turned and raised your gun, the sound of... Mewling.

It was another cocoon. There was a sound coming from inside it... As a human hand was outstretched out from within it.

"Vector respond, what's going on?"

Evie's voice seemed concerned.

"I found no survivors," you answered as you stared at the hand, glancing at the vault's console, "Just corpses."

"Then the signal?"

"It must have been hacked to continue even with the death of the humans. Just so someone would find them... That doesn't explain the jamming anomalies from before," you recalled as you shut off the signal, "Still, an infection this severe so close to the City State... If we flag this location, would it be cleansed?"

"Most likely. I'll wake Mr. Murray up and have him do the proper procedures. Return to us fast."

"Roger," you replied as you sighed. You decided to look around a bit more. The cocoon you found started shivering, and the sound coming from it only grew louder. You grimaced and raised your gun, firing two bullets to silence it... Hopefully painlessly.

Turning your back on the cocoon clinging to the wall, you walked up to the console you shut off. You then saw a piece of paper stuck on a drawer. You inspected it and raised an eyebrow, recognizing the sigil on it as... Belonging to that girl.

That Nyto girl you met before.

You pulled open the drawer and found a black rectangular box. You inspected it and found nothing strange about it. It just seemed like a black plastic object. Out of curiosity, you turned it over and found a port you could connect with... Or rather, for others to connect with. You searched the console you shut off and found a connector which matched the black rectangle's port.

You inserted it and saw the console screens light up to reveal a timer.


"Evie, I found something," you reported as you directed your visual feed to the Cyclops back at the Armored Van, "It looks like some sort of timer... And there's coordinates too."

"Those coordinates match exactly the location we're headed for. Sector 491. This is worrying."

"Seems like someone's been here and used this place to hide this information," you guessed as you eyed the timer, "We should get moving."

"Understood. We'll be awaiting your return."


"So you're telling me you entered a hostile environment under the assumption of there being civilians needing help? And you didn't think of doubling back when the ELID residents attacked you with tooth and claw?" the Commander sighed as he rubbed his forehead, "Christ, I shouldn't be asleep for those."

"Rest is important for your body, Commander. While it was a significant excursion, you have been operating to your limit for the past several days. Any more work would cause a breakdown of your psyche so shut it," Evie reprimanded from the side as she brought tea.

"I understand my own shortcomings. But this intelligence is not without its importance," you told him with a narrowed gaze.

"I know. It could very well compromise our mission," Murray said as he shook his head, "Still, this should give us the excuse of waiting things out, letting the timer run its course before moving in."

"How would that affect the cargo we're supposed to retrieve?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well if the caches your old Commander are of the right specifications, nothing short of a ground zero nuke could break them. We should be able to retrieve them afterwards after... Whatever this timer deal is," Murray said as he waved his hand.

M200 raised her head and spoke for the first time this whole while, "But... That would cause a delay in providing Griffin forces their weapon. With every moment we delay, more and more people could be dying."

"It's the nature of the situation. I'm not going there and risking this entire operation and guarantee G&K's downfall if we get wiped out," Murray griped as he waved his hand.

"It's a City State. Sector 491," you murmured as you crossed your arms.

"Yes, what about it?" Murray asked with a confused look.

"If by some chance... The ELID infection of that settlement we encountered was a sign of things to come, then can you imagine a breach scenario on a whole City State?" you answered as you met his gaze, "Those Mutants were unlike previous known specimens of the Infected. There's reason to believe the Infection was deliberate somehow."

The Commander considered your words before leaning forward, "So should we act?"

[] "We have to act now. And fast... Make a direct line to the cache and secure Griffin's weapons first."
[] "We should hunt down whoever is responsible for the Infection. Put a stop to their plan and eliminating possible risks to our mission."
[] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."
[X] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."

While something like this happening in a city is bad, it's also not exactly our problem. We've got other things to do.
[x] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."

[X] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."
I'm a bit conflicted. Does warning sector 491 constitute endangering our mission?

This choice might require some more discrete methods then dropping a call that could possibly be traced back to us.
I'm a bit conflicted. Does warning sector 491 constitute endangering our mission?

This choice might require some more discrete methods then dropping a call that could possibly be traced back to us.
Whose to say that whoever we contact to warn isn't in on the plan to plunge the Sector into chaos and will conveniently 'lose' or 'forget' our warning?

My idea is to just mass disseminate our warning through every communication channel in the Sector so that it can't be suppressed.

It will cause chaos and a panic among the civilian populace but it will also get the non-corrupt/compromised authorities asses moving and spring the bad guys trap early before it's ready.

So you win some and lose some.
[X] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."

Personally I still go with warning the Sector, have at least someone else assisting in the effort independently.
[X] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."
Welcome Party
[] "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."

You decided to give him your reply, "We should warn Sector 491 of a possible breach. The thought of dozens of intelligent Infected is not a good thing to have, Commander."

"I think so too, not to mention the general human life we'd be saving. Even if it turns out to be nothing, the safety of the humans will be guaranteed by an overly paranoid Governing body!" Evie giggled as she nodded from the side.

"I feel like it's gonna be more work than it should be. Nonetheless, if it helps us not wade through bodies then I'm all for it. I've got some contacts on 491, we'll see about giving them the heads up," Murray said as he shook his head. He then got up and moved to the back of the Armored Van, "If anyone needs me, I'll be making some calls. And no, you're not allowed in my room."

"As if we have privacy in a goddamned Van, you prick," Evie barked as Murray flipped her off while he vanished.

M200 simply let out a sigh as she turned to you, "Well, as long as things will go well for us there's little to be concerned for."

"I'm more concerned of the notion there's foul play at hand here, maybe from a third party looking to commit wanton terrorism against the City States. Either way, we don't have much time and hopefully, the Commander can buy us that enough to search for the weapons," you replied as you crossed your arms.

M200 gave you a wary look and said, "Well if that's our only option then it'll be best if we make haste."

"Well if it's haste you girls want, I can throttle the Van to speed up," Evie suggested with a bright tone. Vector and M200 didn't disagree and simply watched Evie get back to the driver's seat and linking herself back on to the Mother-in-Law. The rumble of the engine thundered through the van's frame before it rushed forth to its destination.


You raised your head to look out the window, only to see a new scenery greet you. You rose from your seat and looked towards the distant form of the City state you were headed for. That should be Sector 491. According to your data it should be designated a moderate sized city state with layered green zones free of the ELID infection deep within.

It was a sprawling city but heavily fortified against the wandering Infected shambling across the wastes. Beyond its walls was the designated Yellow Zone of the area, the derelict corpse of an old city stood rotting with a cleared path patrolled by the Sector's guardsmen was carved open.

Traffic that came from beyond the wastes not done through air travel went through there. No other way in than the highway cutting through the Yellow Zone. The skies were perpetually gray with clouds created from the pollution coming from below. You sighed as you crossed your arms, staring into the distance before a voice addressed you.

"Something the mater, Vector?" Evie asked.

"It's nothing. How long until we reach our destination?" you asked.

"We're nearly there. We've entered the Yellow Zone of Sector 491 and should be meeting with patrols soon," Evie replied as you looked on ahead.

From behind you, the Commander emerged from his quarters and rubbed his hair, "Ugh, there already?"

"Good morning sunshine, I hope you didn't hit your empty skull on your way out," Evie said while M200 still dozed off at the side.

"I've got something to tell you girls. Our little message was received by some people in places high up top. They'll be expecting us," Murray said as he staggered to the nearby coffee machine and got it to brew his morning cup, "Vector, you're coming with me."

"Should I be concerned?" you asked cautiously.

"We'll be meeting some of the City State's top dogs. They're bound to be interested in a stray Griffin Doll and a washed up merc sending them terrorist plans," Murray sipped his drink before glancing at you, "What do you think? Should we go meet them at the red carpet?"

Welcome Party
[] Deny the invitation to meet with the city leaders. Your team's done its part. No need to get involved.
[] Accept it the invitation. Even a T-Doll like you would sense that it's a bad idea to turn these kind of people down.
[X] Accept it the invitation. Even a T-Doll like you would sense that it's a bad idea to turn these kind of people down.

I feel like this is a situation where if we don't come to them, they'll come find us.
[X] Accept it the invitation. Even a T-Doll like you would sense that it's a bad idea to turn these kind of people down.
[X] Accept it the invitation. Even a T-Doll like you would sense that it's a bad idea to turn these kind of people down.
Sector 491
[] Accept it the invitation. Even a T-Doll like you would sense that it's a bad idea to turn these kind of people down.

"I motion to accept it. If it gains us access to the City then it might be worth it. However, given these types of people, we should expect them to want something from us in turn," you replied as you crossed your arms, "While they may do that, we can request for the ability to move within their territory in order to complete our mission."

Murray sipped his coffee, taking a large gulp even when you noticed how hot it was. He sighed and said, "I figured as much and it's good you have a smart head on your shoulders. They'll want something from us, this is true so it's best to expect it at this point. Evie, you think you can send a response so they can open the gates for us?"

"It will be done, sunshine," Evie replied as she turned to rotate her head and look at the Commander, "I would advice you to take your shower."

"The hell you on about, you don't have olfactory sensors," Murray griped.

"The disadvantages of being human, Commander. Groom yourself and be presentable to our contacts," Evie advised as the man wandered to the back of the Mother-In-Law to have a shower. You looked down at yourself and took a sniff, only to frown.

Evie turned to you too and said, "I'd advise to freshen up yourself."

"I know," you sighed as you shook your head. The scent of death and rot still clung to you from your trip to the abandoned town.

M200 stirred from her sleep and blinked. She was slowly rebooting from her suspended state before wiping her eyes out of habit, "Where..?"

"Good morning," you greeted her with a small smile.

"Good morning... Where are we?" M200 asked with a bleary look.

"We're close to Sector 491. The Commander just relayed that we've been invited to meet with the City's Executives. I've been told to escort the Commander in the mean time, think you can handle keeping this place secured?" you asked her with curious look.

M200 nodded in response, "Of course. I can make the necessary preparations... Plus Evie is here to assist. Just be careful out there."

"You don't have to tell me twice," you replied with a small smile.


Thanks to your timely response, you were granted permission to cut through the traffic and enter from the trading route gates into Sector 491. You were able to make it past the ungodly traffic spread through the Yellow Zone and make it through the walls straight into the secure and clean Green Zone.

The City did force the Mother-In-Law to sync up its weapons system with its Security Database, locking up the vehicle's weaponry while within Sector 491. You haven't actually been to many Green Zones. You've read about them and there were a couple of missions you had to undergo in them but those were mostly you focused on something else.

Right now, you were suddenly more aware of how different it was compared to the wastes. Griffin's forward bases were comfortable and designed as both a PMC HQ and a comfortable place for T-Dolls to reside. They were like miniature Green Zones in a sense... But here, it was far more vast.

The previous City State didn't truly give off the air of being a safe zone from the ELID Infection... More like a glorified Yellow zone considering its riddled with criminal elements. The humans here in Sector 491 could live full lives, peacefully with their families. Under the rule of the City Executives, the populace is kept docile and safe from the harsh world outside the walls.

"It's too clean," Murray said as he crossed his arms in his seat.

You turned to him in surprise, "Not to your taste?"

"Places like this are far more dangerous than that city we came from. The people there were all assholes, not two faced freaks being augmented under their skins," Murray said as he flexed his fingers by opening and closing his mechanical hand, "You don't know what it took to get these streets this clean."

You turned to look out the windows of the van and said, "I can imagine."

"We're here," Evie called out from the front as she turned to you and Murray, "Safe trips you two! I've sent you details on where we'll be parked."

"I'll keep the van secure till we leave, you two are far more vulnerable out there though, "M200 said with a wan smile.

"It'll be alright," Murray assured her with a nod as he turned the hatch open to exit, "Come on Vector, we've got someone waiting for us."

You followed him out of the vehicle where he hopped down from the top and landed on the ground. You vaulted down to the ground, your gear with you as you straightened your back. A woman awaited you, dressed in dark office clothes she had a smile etched on her lips as she bowed down to greet you and your Commander.

"Welcome, Mr. Murray. It's good to see you arrive safely and on time. I trust that the traffic outside didn't hinder you much?" the woman asked.

You eyed her from the side and frowned. Augments. Nearly 70% of her body were prosthetics yet she remained deceptively human-like. Was this what Murray meant?

"It didn't. Who are you?" Murray asked as he rested his hand on his sheathed black sword.

The woman turned her gaze to the weapon his hip and smiled as she looked back to his eyes, "I am Samantha Walker. I've come to escort you in lieu of the City Director. Welcome to Sector 491, we hope you'll enjoy your stay."

Sector 491
[] "You're augmented. Almost completely. Is that normal here?
[] "Will it be alright to walk in armed?"
[] "We appreciate you meeting us here, Miss Walker."
[] Write in...
You know, if M200 was in transit from her kidnapping, then this is likely her next stop. Whether to be sold or just as another transit point...

And if game rarity matters then there's also the issue of how anyone got their hands on her in the first place. I wish we had a ECM handgun around, cause this is going to be bad.
Helgard Industries
[] "We appreciate you meeting us here, Miss Walker."

Murray didn't seem all too happy with this escort but while you had your suspicions and the right to caution, you still extended a greeting.

"We appreciate you meeting us here, Miss Walker," you greeted her back as she smiled. Her eyes turned to you as she nodded your way.

"Of course. The City Executives have been notified of your report. They'd like to meet you in person. If you'd kindly follow me to the top floor, the Director will be present to meet you," Samantha replied with a smile. She then stepped aside and turned to the building, "Please follow me."

Murray glanced behind him at the Mother-In-Law before waving his hand. You two should be fine now so there's no need for Evie or M200 to worry. You had your arms with you so there shouldn't be much concern if something did happen. Better than walking into the lion's den unarmed. Perhaps whoever owned this building was just that confident in their defenses that they'll just let you waltz in.

Murray may seem relaxed but he was on his guard. The two of you entered the City Hall with Samantha guiding you. Almost immediately, your sensors were pinging several cameras locking on to you. You were being scanned and you had the option to counter hack it with your built in electronic warfare module.

You didn't try it though since it'll just distract you but for now you logged the locations of said cameras. There didn't seem to be any people in the lobby. Even the reception desk was empty as you stepped through. Your footsteps echoed as the distant hum of the air conditioners sounded somewhere far off.

"Everyone took a day off?" Murray asked with a curious tone.

"Given that your report has indicated the possibility of a terrorist breach within Sector 491, the City Executives have elected for employees to not come in and work remotely for the time being. While workplace efficiency will increase with their presence, safety measures are being put in place. This is but one of the many steps we've taken in light of your report," Samantha replied as your group approached an elevator. She pressed a button and stepped aside to smile at you.

It seems like the Sector has been taking this whole thing seriously. While they may not care for what goes on in the Yellow Zones, the safety and protection of the Green Zone is paramount to the City State's continued survival.

"Have the public been notified of this yet? Are there measures for them too?" you asked her as the elevator descended from above.

Samantha replied, "As of the moment, no. Announcing it would incite panic and be liable for the criminal elements lurking within the Yellow Zone to take advantage of the chaos."

"So the Execs are just gonna cover their asses then?" Murray scoffed.

Samantha smiled his way and said, "Not entirely, no. But we're hoping you can lend an aid regarding this matter."

You and your Commander looked at one another before you both stepped into the elevator. It began ascending once Samantha pressed the button meant for the top floor. The elevator smoothly ascended, moving fast but never exerting any pressure on the occupants within it. You noticed how the dark interior soon opened up to a spread view of the City sprawled before you.

You stared out into the open city before Samantha spoke once more.

"We have been monitoring several criminal elements around Sector 491's Green Zone walls. Mostly elements seeking passage within controlled by Syndicates. There are 10 groups operating in and out of Sector 491, a few of them within the City's payroll for their services. Some select others were noted to be conducting suspicious activities within the Yellow Zone under the interest of Corporations doing business in this Sector," Samantha continued explaining as she held up her hand for you to see several emblems appear, Syndicate marks, "We believe that your report lines up neatly with the activities of said Syndicate."

"Corporate backed crime orgs aren't that uncommon. So this is all you know then?" Murray said with his arms crossed.

"It's enough reason to evacuate the workers of this place but announcing it publicly would have its own problems," you weighed what Samantha told you in your mind.

Samantha smiled as she turned around from the city view. You picked up that the elevator as slowing down so you turned as well before it came to a halt entirely. You were greeted with the sight of a reception room as Samantha led the way. Murray sighed and rested his hand on his sword, no doubt thinking about what he was told.

He glanced at you and jerked his head to follow. He mentioned that the City may have something for you to do if it came down to it. It seems like they're going to take advantage of your appearance to get you to clean up on the mess you reported.

Samantha reached the end of the room and held her hand up to it. The door let out a ping noise as she waited for it to open. You then followed her in a dark room with monitors and a desk. Seated behind the desk was a man with graying hair, though his youthful face lit up upon seeing you. A smile curled on his lips as he got up and raised his arms.

"Welcome, welcome. It's good to see you two. I am Sector 491's City Director, Steven Helgard," the Director greeted with a friendly tone, he then gestured to the monitors behind him, "These are the rest of our Executives. I hope you won't mind them viewing this meeting remotely given the circumstances."

Murray frowned at that, "Helgard? From Helgard Security Industries?"

Steven smiled and said, "The very same. You may find our company all over Sector 491. While we may have preference for my corporation's services and products, the City Executives are made of high ranking people from other companies. Rest assured, Sector 491 is not beholden to Helgard on its own."

Murray scoffed and sneered, "Your assistant here talked big of the Syndicates working outside your walls but seems to me the Green Zone has a Syndicate of its own."

"You may think what you please. Regardless, it is a welcome occasion for you to arrive here... Mr.?" Steven asked with a curious tone.

"Murray. Just a washed up Fixer. You know who I am from the report," Murray said as he crossed his arms.

Steven nodded, "I see. Mr. Murray, we're grateful for your efforts in bringing this to our attention. It's thanks to you we're able to confirm our own suspicions and will work with our Peacekeeping forces to resolve the issue."

"We were just passing by. If you have anyone to thank, thank her," Murray jerked his thumb your way, "She was the one who found the plans on breaching your walls."

Steven glanced at you and rubbed his chin, "A Doll... A Tactical Doll too. Of course we're grateful for its contribution as well. Would you be interested in equipping it with Helgard products to go along with your monetary reward?"

Murray's frowned deepened, "Keep your money and products. We only need access to the city and getting to cut through the traffic more than enough. We can stay out of each other's way after that."

"Is that so?" Steven said as he crossed his arms.

"If you have anything to say, get to the point," Murray said as he tapped his foot impatiently. He then glanced at you with an annoyed look. Here it comes.

Steven nodded and said, "I'm sure Samantha here has filled you in with the current situation of Sector 491 and she's also pushed the envelope of you lending your aid. While our Peacekeeping forces may resolve surface issues and commit to prevention actions, we will still be unable to precisely resolve it on our own. Not without wanton property damage, no. So we're offering you a Job. We'll be adding further rewards to what you'll be receiving from giving us your report. Will you be interested?"

You blinked as Murray used his comms link with you to speak, "This guy's a snake but he's also the top dog of this hole. We can needle him for something good or we can tell him to fuck off. What's your input?"

Helgard Industries

[] Take the Job.
[] Refuse the Job.