Vote tally - Scrapped (A Discarded Android Riot Quest)(Always Recruiting)

Adhoc vote count started by I just write on Jul 31, 2018 at 6:13 PM, finished with 93 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
We Just Write
Scrapped (A Discarded Android Riot Quest)(Always Recruiting)
Post #101
Post #193


  • [X] Defend Teractor
    [X] Go looking for Components
    [X] Scouting Mission
    -[X] Gather intelligence on the cannibal tribe that attacked negotiators while keeping a safe distance
    [X] Repair Leroy
    [X] Defend Negotiator(s)
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Reactor fuel
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Weapons to replace the removed autocannons; probably medium
    [X][Name] SparkGear Hold
    [X] Build a room for a base (may require Components)
    -[X] Build a room for a base (may require Components)
    --[X] Scrap Mine: Crenshaw digs a series of tunnels branching off at the optimal scavenging hights for different types of parts, specifically near high concentrations of useful materials that might be good spare parts or high quality components.
    -[X] Under the Stockade
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Small Motor systems
    [X] Boss a Minion around
    -[X] Newly recruited Sagittarius Industries Mk. 44 Construction Assistant
    --[X] Find out if he (she?) has a name.
    ---[X] If not, call him (her?) 'Simac'.
    --[X] Assist Cave Crush (Lizard Knight) in building a submerged protective structure to hold the G-4 Fusion Reactor.
    [X] Defend another action
    --[X] After getting repaired, protect Teractor and the Fusion Reactor recovery team
    [X] Boss minion around
    -[X] Saggy the Construction assistant
    -[X] Building reactor room
    [X] Negotiations!
    -[X] Loners
    --[X] Recruitment, try to leave on good terms with friendly bots who refuse recruitment.
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Small/Medium Manufacturing/Weaponry
    [X] Build Room
    -[X] Large attachment for the reactor. The room is partly dug in. The room has catwalks and space to hold the reactor
    -[X] Stockade
    --[X] The reactor (once it arrives)
    [X] concentrate on recording any communications data in order to compile a language kernel
    [X] Scouting missions
    [X] Defend Components retrieval
    [X] Defend Scavenger team.
    -[X] Keep an eye out for small component
    [X] Retrieve the Shova Fleet Yards G-4 Fusion Reactor (Requires Teractor)
    [X] Assist @EWilanO in creating a language kernel, for the present and for the future.