Scrapped (A Discarded Android Riot Quest)(Always Recruiting)

okay, we've got a really big computer, now we just need a really big gun to use to create an massive artially cannon that can provice fire support from the base while we are out doing combat related things.
Our dear oversee and GM I just write has mentioned that full new androids wil be hard.
Maybe a very simple robotic brain/tank is possible but it will probally be a very, very simple creature.
Atleast that is what I assume.

which is way im saying use one of those large computers to calculate long range strikes, then usering some servos n shit, aim a fuckoff huge cannon to deliver a large amount of fuck you on top of the designated target from a very large distance.
Odds are if we find one it'll need a significant amount of repairs; that said, I think having fire support is always useful. For that matter, why don't we find several artillery pieces and sync them to one targeting computer? That way, we'll have even more boom.

the problem with sevreal smaller ones is range. we do have two large computers though so we could set up both, a long range fire support, and a shorter range automated bsae defense.
So, let the salvagers search for defense items and hope for a biggun?
If we get it, I could help repairing it or building a tower to house the BFOC (Big Fuck Off Cannon)
Oh noes!

It appears that Archmagos has rolled a 19 for getting religion.

Welp. May the Omnissiah preserve my soul now.
So we fried an intruder after they tried to run off with our scrap. Saddly the most of the scrap got destroyed along with him.
Manufacturer, Model Name, Serial Number: Recyclon, Reconstitutor class teraforming robot, 0xB105F00D
Function: A terriforming and earth-moving robot, it's designed to neutralize toxic chemicals in the environment, redirect rivers, construct berms.
Physical Description: A very large sleek round robot shaped like a giant ball, a small ecosystem grows in the central-most sphere... well, it normally does. On this robot that central ecosystem is overgrown with algae and largely dead. It moves by rolling, and when it needs to stop rolling panels open up on the side and legs fold out to anchor it in and stabilize it. Claws, suction devices, and earth moving tools also can unfold from the sphere. Valves and reservoirs within it allow it to synthesize, store, and neutralize chemicals.
Personal Identifier: Biosfood, They, Them
Skills: 1 Construction
1 Terraforming
1 Salvage
Hardware: Chemical Synthesis, analysis and purification system +10 to Terraforming/Chemical
Earthmoving equipment, +5 to construction
Status: Patched