Vote tally - Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel - An Isekai Quest

Scheduled vote count started by xamaplak on Oct 15, 2024 at 6:44 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel - An Isekai Quest
Post #54
Post #67


  • [X] Plan: It's what's inside that counts
    [x] Plan: last minute anti-heros
    - [x] Consciousness
    --[x] Mote of light/Siri: Yours is a visible, albeit, limited presence. Not a physical form, a small ball of light. You will always be there to guide their way, light the darkest moments, and generally be ever-present...but you will only speak when directly prompted.
    -[x] Rocket Power
    --[x] General
    ---[x] Not You Guys Again!: No matter how far they Blast Off, no matter how many miles separates them from their quarry, Team Rocket always finds what they're looking for. (Roll with advantage when trying to track down a character or object.) (2 Points)
    ---[x] Just The Players In My Master Plan: Their personal schemes are nothing compared to their orders. Their Boss is the Boss. No matter how much they grumble, they will give 150% of their effort to enacting The Boss' direct bidding. (When directly following The Boss' orders, re-roll first failure.) (Synergises very well with Quirrel-style, but at what cost?) (5 Points)
    -[x] Jessie
    [x] Blissey. Jessie befriended her as a Chancey during her misadventures in Nursing School. Despite never catching her, they formed a strong friendship. (Blissey is a primary healer. She will remind Jessie of her youthful aspirations and encourage her to be better.) (3 Points.)
    -[x] James
    –[x] Growlie. A Growlithe, James' childhood friend and companion. He was always there for James. After they reunited, James bid Growlie to 'stay' to watch over his parents. (Extremely loyal, this Pokemon will remind James of duty and responsibility.) (1 Point)
    --[x] Write In: Stage Make Up skills. Hey. Remember that time James wore a -
    -[x] Meowth.
    –[x] Schroedinger's Move: Nobody actually knows how Meowth can talk. Sure, he taught himself – but is it an Ability? A Move? Just something he can do? (Explicitly makes talking one of Meowth's innate abilities. He will no longer live in fear of losing his ability to snark at his teammates because he learned Tackle. Makes it possible to teach speaking to other Pokemon/animals/'animals'.) (1 Point)
    –[x] Dat's Right: Meowth is ambitious. He's conniving. He's greedy. And yet, he'll put it all aside – put enmity and petty rivalries aside, when the Big Picture demands it, or even when he feels like it. He loves being evil, but being good feels good. (No inherent maluses when doing good deeds. It took Meowth a long time to admit to himself that he enjoys helping people.) (1 Point)
    -[x] Cheat Items:
    –[x] Magic Weapon of Power: (4 Power Points)
    —[x] Write in, subject to Veto: A Whip, for Jesse
    —[x] Write in, subject to Veto: Shuriken, for meowth
    —[x] Write in, subject to Veto: Smoke bombs, for james, a weapon in the correct hands