I do but thinking back it might've been better to use my +10 on the egg hacking

Oh well live and learn, I guess
I agree, I think using it on the Egg Hacking would of been better. Since it seems we can do more the bigger the gap is.

However, god, I want the Death Egg to crit. Let Isara just keep critting with us while working on building machines. It'd be a nice way of Eggman gaining respect for her.
I agree, I think using it on the Egg Hacking would of been better. Since it seems we can do more the bigger the gap is.

However, god, I want the Death Egg to crit. Let Isara just keep critting with us while working on building machines. It'd be a nice way of Eggman gaining respect for her.
Yeah, my bad

I actually did some math and you know what's interesting canana had the better chance to get Majima but I probably won't happen because she and Bell are already locked in with the adventure so yeah

I guess we're using metal sonic then
OK if you say so, still a little bit salty that my plan wasn't the to win but hey what can you do?

I like to think it was a good plan,
Our Mod is 88 thanks to Sage. Some people assume Eggtronics is a given, even if I hold doubt about it, but if Eggtronics does proc it's 108 before Zavok's and Chuck's mods. And Kingster(I think it was them) said we're in pretty good place unless we get a very bad roll and they get a very good one. And that was before the bonuses that double applied Chuck's Negative Loyalty and Zavok's now -5 to the action.
Our Mod is 88 thanks to Sage. Some people assume Eggtronics is a given, even if I hold doubt about it, but if Eggtronics does proc it's 108 before Zavok's and Chuck's mods. And Kingster(I think it was them) said we're in pretty good place unless we get a very bad roll and they get a very good one. And that was before the bonuses that double applied Chuck's Negative Loyalty and Zavok's now -5 to the action.
Yeah, that's true. I really hope they don't get in that nat 100. Because that happened in hell, fish and that sucked.

I hope we got the natural 100 and they got a nat one
You know, we've talked about Sage loving to dance and Metal Sonic being a Majima head

What do you think would be Belle's embarrassing phase?

Clearly she goes emo for a little while/j

Shadow: Welcome to the club of emo's that has tragic and sad backstories

A joke stolen from one of the Co-QMs (thanks Shepard lol)

"It's not a phase, its who I am!"

"Mr.Tinker literally made you with red rosy cheeks and a permanent smile!"

"Shut up, you're not my real dad!"
Oh… my bad

But yes, I would like to hearthat
Ok so. Context.

We and Sage have a Brain of 40 Each. So that's 80. With Sage's Loyalty that becomes 88. Throw Eggtronics onto there, and we have a Mod of 108 by default.

Now, for Zavok and Chuck, I've been thinking of them as, for the sake of simple math, 20 and 30 Respectively. I've also been operating on the idea that Chuck merely has the Lowest Malus, the -10% from negative loyalty. But, lets say Zavok has REALLY pissed off Chuck and tanked it to the max Malus of -25%.

Given that I peg Chuck to 30, that would mean a malus of -7 on a regular loyalty application. However with our reward to apply loyalty twice for Chuck this turn? The 7.5 rounded down to 7 becomes -15. On top of Zavok's already existing -5 due to another reward, that puts them at -20 total.

Essentially wiping out my high balling of Zavok's Brains Stat totally, leaving only Chuck's stats to modify the roll. And thusly a difference of 78.

This is all assuming that Zavok has my high ball. If he's actually lower? Then every point lower then that even more drastically raises the odds in our favor.

And that's all assuming Chuck doesn't have a trait similar to Clove's Terrified Trait where he operates off of debuffed stats due to resentment towards the Zeti.
You know that cliche plot where some kids try to sneak into an R Rated movie?

Imagine that but with Belle, Sage, Metal, Orbot and Cubot XD

Belle, Sage, and Cubot would probably be screaming and later holding on to eachother at night. Orbat would try to act cool and collected but get nightmares and later sneak into the huddle.

Metal wouldn't even flinch, though he probably fantasize about fighting the poor horror monster shown on screen.