Science Quest Ironsworn Starforged/One Page Rules

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Science Quest Ironsworn Starforged/One Page Rules
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Join Dr Sariffa Saef, an independant scientist tasked with exploring the outer regions of space. The adventure will be using the ironsworn starforged system, losely set in the One Page Rules Grim Dark Future world.

Vote tally will include votes from my facebook page. Most art here will be drawn by me, updates will be about once a week.
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Stardate 3010.1.23 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel “Inspire”
Begin Log

Stardate 3010.1.23 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"

Humanity as we know it needs space to grow. It has been over forty years since our arrival in the Greater Sirius Sector and that has only been a time of turmoil. Wars, both alien and external and internal, have plagued our existence. If humanity is to survive in this hostile galaxy we will need space to do it in.

I have been working in small science teams since obtaining my doctorate, usually under the patronage of mega corporations who had an interest in Exobiology and ancient alien artefacts. The work has been interesting and I have learnt much but my interests have taken me elsewhere as of late, not to look at what has already been discovered but to discover something myself.

Recently from the South Eastern expanse of what is referred to as the "Human Cluster", a series of gravitational lanes has been discovered out of the most remote jump gate in our territory. A great migration of our people has occurred into these explored areas but there is more to be found by those who are willing to venture further and challenge the stars themselves.

The Galactic Human Alliance (GHA) has funded research grants for independent scientists and explorers to chart these far reaches and I have heeded the call with a childish glee I had not felt since I was an undergraduate.

And so on this date I arrived in what has locally referred to as the Iron Expanse, one of these recently discovered systems in my recently acquired vessel, the "Inspire" (kindly purchased with GHA grant credits) with such intent to discover new planets or lifeforms which may be beneficial to humanity.

There are only two settlements in the iron expanse, the rest is completely undiscovered. My destination is the research settlement of Procul Planatae C117, the furthest into the void that humanity has yet reached.
My journey to Procul Planate C117 will require me to pass the deep space sport of Longe Navali, the only substantial settlement in all of the Iron Expanse. It is likely over the course of my time in the Iron Expanse I will become very familiar with both of these locations.

End Log
What do you do?
Option 1: Set a course for Longe Navali in order to see what services are available in the only large settlement in the sub sector.

Option 2: Set a course for Procul Planatae C117 and continue your mission.

Pics: Starmap - The coloured sections are confirmed travel lanes you can travel along quicker and safer than striking out into the void. The starship is where you are.

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Stardate 3010.1.24 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel “Inspire”
Begin Log
Stardate 3010.1.24 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"

Longe Navali was like nothing I had ever seen. It was a space dock, constructed in typical rushed colonial GHA fashion but it was surrounded by the remnants of an ancient battle. Giant abandoned space hulks littered the void as far as the eye could see and it was evident that they were left over from the independence war between the High Elves and Robot legions, a terrible conflict which occurred well before human arrival in the Greater Sirius Sector.

I was quite surprised upon my docking at the spaceport I was figuratively shaken down by a group of thugs posing as Dock security. I managed to avoid paying an exorbitant docking fee by feigning ignorance, I was let off with a not so friendly warning and I noted any further visits to Longe Navali would not come without a cost.

After spending some time talking with some "friendly" locals I discovered that Longe Navali was entirely without laws and justice. A private corporation founded the Space dock about two years ago and subsequently went bankrupt, leaving a power struggle for those who remained. In it's current format the residents of the station vie for power amongst a myriad of different gangs and organisations. The current population was around three thousand, making the port substantially larger than I imagined for a remote expanse region.

The majority of the residents of the spaceport spent their trade as salvages and strippers of the Space Hulks and I was warned of the quality of the people that trade attracted. I was even surprised to learn that a team of Jackals (humanoid caninids native to Sirius) had taken up residence in the station, no doubt attracted by the skeletons of the hulks that surrounded us. It was rare to see aliens so far into human dominated space however in a subsector without rules and law I suppose such social norms would not be the case.

I soon found the local GHA affiliates who were friendly enough, apparently explorers like myself are a relatively common site on the station. Many like me pass through but few return, I was warned piracy was a common source of demise for people like me but as a result of this the station possessed equipment and far beyond what a frontier backwater like Longe Navali should. I must note further caution is needed when travelling in the void for this reason.

I suppose the net positive of this venture is that should I need it Longe Navali has almost everything I would need to continue my expedition as long as I am prepared to pay the costs associated. I am certain if I spent more time here I would discover more about both here and the sector as a whole.

End Log

What do you do?
Option 1: Stay at Longe Navali longer and learn more about the settlement,
Option 2: Continue to Procul Planatae C117

Stardate 3010.1.24.1 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel “Inspire”
Begin Log
Stardate 3010.1.24.1 - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"

Four factions maintained an illusion of power within Longe Navali. The Strippers, Taji Corporation, The Freemen Union and the Dockers. All were dependent on each other in some way but all where but a hair's breadth of open conflict. Such as it is in a community without law.

The Strippers represented a major faction who oversaw a large portion of the recovery operations of the space hulks. Workers who signed with them were granted protection and stripping rights in the void. Their direct opposition were the Freeman Union who did the same thing, only with a fancier name. The Taji Corporation were as they were back in the Human Cluster, a morally questionable mining and labour operation that came with their own myriad of social issues, such as using press gangs to recruit new miners. The Dockers were the low level thugs I encountered upon arriving here, those who squeeze a protection racquet over the shipyards on the station.

All of the factions participated in all of the practices of the station, for example the Taji Corporation controlled a portion of the docks for example but not enough that they weren't expected to use the Dockers territory if they wanted to maintain their import and export quota.

Away from the factions there were smaller groups, such as the GHA affiliates or those without ties to a particular group. In order to operate within Longe Navali these independent groups had to pay their dues to the primary factions in one way or another. Soon payment would be expected by me no doubt and since I was independent, I was at risk of being shaken down by all of the factions until I formally joined a side and was subject to their rules and allegiances. I was a crew of myself, the only one aboard my little vessel and I was a prime target to be taken advantage of.

Upon my stay I met a merchant who claimed he had up to date star charts of the void which revealed an area of the expanse, I assumed if he was honest the data had been lifted off the nav computer of a wrecked or captured explorer vessel. Still the price was "reasonable" but I was not certain he was entirely telling the truth about his stock. How do you trust a merchant in a station full of thieves?

Longe Navali seemed a necessary evil that I must come to expect when exploring the Iron Expanse. The question was do I stay and get acquainted with these factions or do I continue to my destination of Procul Planatae C117?

End Log

What did Dr Shariffa do?

Choice 1: Did she buy the star map from the questionable merchant?
Option1: Yes
Option2: No

Choice 2: Did she stay at Longe Navali and learn more about the factions
Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No

Notes: In Ironsworn money is abstract, everything is lumped together in a stat called "supply". You have 5/5 supply, purchasing this map will not cost you supply as the price was "reasonable"
I have decided to change the writing format. You the reader are going through Dr Shariffa's logs, video recordings and audio recordings. Whatever Dr Shariffa has done is in the past and the present is you reading them. A little bit different to "in the now" choices of the High Elf Campaign I run.

Stardate 3010.2.1. - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"
Begin Log
Stardate 3010.2.1. - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"

I purchased the map from the suspicious vendor and was pleased when the coordinates successfully registered with the nav computer. When time became available to explore I could at least head in the direction of something instead of firing blindly off into the void. What I found there however remained to be seen.

I continued to Procul Plantae C117 which was about an 8 day journey via grav lane and E drive transit. My contact was Pierre Dermont, a scientist on Research Station B11 Gamma which was the largest settlement on the Planet. I arrived at my destination without incident.
Procul Planatae was a small world littered with deep impact craters. It's atmosphere was toxic which gave the atmosphere a yellow tinge and initial probing scans upon arrival indicated a high concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide in the air.

Research Station B11 was inspired by it's namesake in every aspect of the world. Blocky demountable buildings lay interconnected on a drab grey and rocky plain. The settlement contained about two hundred souls and was entirely self-sufficient. The residents could live a meagre existence on soylent protein meals and recycled water. Simple lab based horticulture existed however it was not enough to reliably sustain the population and as a result fresh fruit and vegetables were prized almost higher than credits themselves.

The settlement was entirely dedicated to research and scientific discovery, there were very few economic interested parties that resided here and most commerce and trade existed only to courier goods to and from Longe Navali. Unlikely the lawless anarchy of Longe Navali Station, B11 was a literal paradise for the intellectual looking to study or explore. It lacked the resources of the major station but as a place to freely conduct research unhindered it was unparalleled.

I met with Pierre who was a ex GHA scientist, he seemed quite excited to hear my stories of current events back in the interior of the human cluster and stated new visitors to Station B11 were rare. He explained that Procul Plantaue C117 was a grave world. Long ago an ancient civilisation resided here and evidence of their marvels still existed buried within the earth. The atmosphere was toxic to humans and all life appeared to be extinct.

Various outposts had been created where small teams of scientists studied these relics and conducted surveying operations to discover other lost phenomena or locate mineral deposits for future mining operations. Pierre's role was a team coordinator within the station, he could organise research projects and allocate resources towards them when scientists were available. He was my main contact to submit my discoveries to and who I could depend on to find me project work.

Pierre told me that an ancient vault had just been excavated and they were looking for teams to explore and catalogue it. Alternatively there was always work to do with the survey teams. Alternatively I could conduct my own research and strike out to the stars to discover new opportunities, starting with those map coordinates.
End Log
What did Dr Shariffa do?
Option 1: Join a research team to explore the vault
Option 2: Join a survey team to explore Procul Planatae C117
Option 3: Take to the stars and explore the map coordinates

Stardate 3010.2.13. - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel “Inspire”
Begin Log
Stardate 3010.2.13. - Captains Log - Dr Shariffa Saef - Research Vessel "Inspire"

The dig site, codenamed project H-001 was on the other side of the planet, a fifteen minute journey via low orbit. I noted Procul Planatae C117, known as "Procul" to it's residents, had a particularly mild weather system. Almost no storms were visible from orbit and the little time you spent outside was eerily calm.

H-001 was a small collection of insulated demountables nestled next to an imposing cliff face. I was amazed at the mahogany coloured pyramid structure that was being unearthed from it, it's smooth surface jutting out defiantly from it's earthly prison. The structure was possibly the size of the entire cliff, a height of at least one hundred metres however so little was unearthed so far one could not be sure.

I introduced myself to the lead scientist, Dr Thomas Heeder, who was a keen old man from the Hyro-Corporation. He seemed pleasant enough but was expressing difficulty in gaining access to the interior of the pyramid.

I viewed the GPR (ground penetrating radar) results and was surprised at the lack of detail to assist us in determining a detailed shape of the vault hidden within the cliff face. Dr Heeder showed me samples taken from the surface of the pyramid and I was surprised it was a curious blend of layered ferrite plates and an unknown alloy. Such a composition of ferrite was radiation absorbent material meaning the GPR waves were simply being absorbed by the pyramid, confusing our instruments.

In a human context it was if the pyramid was deliberately hard to detect but since we were dealing with the alien who was to know this manner of construction was simply the norm? Due to this very factor it was impossible to carbon date the plates, although geological testing showed the cliff face surrounding the structure was several hundreds of thousands of years old at least.

I inspected the suspected entrance with Dr Heeder as I majored in exobiology and xenoarchaeology and convinced him I might know a thing or two. I noticed a similar pattern structure here to another ancestor vault I studied when I was a grad student back in the human cluster. The locking mechanism used in that device required a jump start from an external Eidolon battery. Of course e-drives were common enough in almost all ships (including mine) but external batteries were quite rare, I would have to check back at the research station if they had one lying around, other than that Longe Navali was my best option and nothing at that space station came without a cost.

Alternatively I could jury rig a ship's e-drive up but they were not designed to jump start other power sources in such a manner and the potential blow back from the currents could detonate the engine completely, leaving behind a blast equal to about 11 tons of TNT. This was the same power as a small scale tactical nuke in common use in the Human Defense Force (HDF), just without the radiation. The blast would destroy the entire research station and likely the research subject as well if particularly unlucky.

End Log

What did Dr Shariffa do?

[]Option 1: Jury rig her ship, the "Inspire".
[]Option 2: Return to the base and convince Pierre Demont to donate a ship.
[]Option 3: Return to the base and try and locate an external eidolon battery and if necessary attempt to secure funds for its purchase

Ironsworn checks rolled
Swear Iron Vow to Pierre, research the ancient vault.(weak hit),
Gather information on the door (weak hit).

Pics: Dr Shariffa's sidearm.

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