Whee! Archive binge complete!

So much fun to be had here.

One detail issue hiccupped my brain:
Farsi is simply the name of the Iranian* standard of New Persian in New Persian.

* New Persian has three mutually intelligible standards: Farsi (Iran), Dari (Afghanistan), and Tajik (Tajikistan).
Perhaps she didn't feel the need to as driders are supposed to be different from spider girls, enough that looking at them should be enough, but this follower is just smart enough the pass the lvl 5 test but apparently not smart enough to tell the difference between a drider (who from what I just researched can only be a drow) and a spider girl....
Normally one would expect a Cleric to have a high Wisdom, and thus know better. However, since they are Wis casters, they can have Int as a dump stat. As an 8th level Cleric, she should have up to 4th level spells, and would need a 14 Wis to cast that level of spells. So, either she's underpowered for her level, or is just stupid enough not to know that only Drow can become Driders...
But that would require them to have Knowledge(Dungeoneering) and Knowledge(Nature). To make the appropriate checks.
As will be noted in future chapters, Sabri and her family don't get along. With extreme prejudice. Faevras might be her older sister, but as guessed, Sabri is the smarter of the pair by far, and living on the ring has been very good for her. Pinako, who lost her son, his wife, and their daughter Winry to an accident, gently massaged the stupid out of the young elf. Being exposed to other viewpoints has also helped.

One could say Sabri has both decent scores across the board, because of her work as an artificer. And is far more socialized then most of the Drow of Erlhei-Cinlu (Yes, Sabri hails from Oerth).

From what's been presented in Canon D&D, Drow hunt down driders because they believe Lolth wishes it. The truth? Lolth doesn't care. She marks them as failed goods, and sends them back after The Test. Some drider maintain their devotion to Lolth, others go elsewhere. And on most drow inhabited worlds, the only spider girls are Drow, because the dark elves ar obviously superior to mere humans, so no mere human could ever possibly be one (they don't mention what that one time they encountered Arachne - Athena was pissed her tea was interrupted).

And then there's the subject of the transformation itself - in some literature it's a curse (most of what I'm familiar with). In others, it's a blessing from Lolth (I've seen it in a couple of places). I wish the source material would make sense. But it kind of does, since one of Lolth's forms is a Drider.

It's too early in the AM...
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Whether becoming a Drider is a blessing or a curse depends on two factors, what Lolth wanted it to be and how you feel about becoming one. If Lolth means it to be a blessing the transformation is usually nearly painless and any physical damage you have can be entirely regenerated. If Lolth means it as a curse the tranformation is one of the most painful things someone could experience, you could be scarred or have your injuries transfer over without any healing, and it is possible to have your memories messed with or even your personality destroyed. Even some of those that got the first version still thought of it as a curse just because it wasn't something they chose, much like Weaver earlier in the story.
I thought I'd remembered Dinah's humanoid features gaining a Drow appearance, but can't find the half remembered description. So... not sure?
To say that Faevras has landed up to her neck in demonic spider poo is an understatement that has surpassed British understatement by several orders of Magnitude.
So she's about to be "rescued" by her new God, Jubilex? (I'm reading Apprentice of the Devourer and laughing at how Affably Evil Acererak is and how stubbornly Taylor's trying to out-stubborn reality itself. That includes an entire arc where the frigging Merchants came within a hair's breadth of summoning the Lord of Nothing via an enhanced Squealer-made warp gate)
So she's about to be "rescued" by her new God, Jubilex? (I'm reading Apprentice of the Devourer and laughing at how Affably Evil Acererak is and how stubbornly Taylor's trying to out-stubborn reality itself. That includes an entire arc where the frigging Merchants came within a hair's breadth of summoning the Lord of Nothing via an enhanced Squealer-made warp gate)

link please, pm it to me if you feel it doesn't meet site rules or goes someplace like QQ
link please, pm it to me if you feel it doesn't meet site rules or goes someplace like QQ
I think he's referring to the following


Apprentice of The Devourer and Other Associated Titles

Instead of connecting to Queen Administrator Taylor finds herself with an ancient, Evil, lich inside her head. This is the story of Taylor Hebert, Apprentice of The Devourer (and other associated titles). In the course of the story see her grow as a wizard, and the way the world reacts to the...
The Author here. Dodged 3 tornadoes this afternoon. We're Ok, without power right now. Hopefully the power situation here gets resolved soonish. A nearby town got hit HARD.

For those of you in SW Wisconsin, SE Minnesota and NW Illinois , stay safe tonight.
Iowa? I saw some video a minute ago (literally - watching YouTube just before coming here) and saw a tanker, Walmart tractor trailer, and traffic cam destroyed by a tornado. Idiot in the tanker drove right into the damned funnel!

EDIT: The video makes it kinda clear that there was no way he couldn't have seen the tornado - it was a camera out in the middle of nowhere, where it was FLAT. The only way he didn't see it is if he had his eyes closed. The Walmart truck had come to a stop about twenty seconds before the tanker blew past him. It was kinda obvious to me that the Walmart guy saw it.
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Iowa? I saw some video a minute ago (literally - watching YouTube just before coming here) and saw a tanker, Walmart tractor trailer, and traffic cam destroyed by a tornado. Idiot in the tanker drove right into the damned funnel!
Didn't experience an actual funnel myself, but I spent 45 minutes in a basement at work today because of a tornado warning, with an obnoxiously loud warning to seek shelter going off every 5 minutes.
Not Iowa, anymore. I use to live in Dubuque, Iowa until February of last year. NWish Illinois now. Which is as close as I'll say for where I live.
West Coast is looking better and better with every weather story I hear. Fire mountains and Earth shakes do happen, but rarely. Good luck to all of you living in Cyclone territory.
Eh, you'd be amazed what you can become use to. I think hurricanes, yearly wildfires that devastate large swaths of the countryside, and earthquakes are beyond the pale. But tornadoes? Eh, they happen. Take precautions, be ready to head to shelter if needed, but nothing too serious.
I used to be nearly phobic about tornadoes. Now I live in Tornado Alley. Got a note on my phone "Tornado Watch" for my area. Walked over to the porch and it was barely lightly raining, although there was AMAZING lightning. Then the Watch went away. A few years ago, just the warning of a watch would have had me on edge.

Still can't believe that moron in the tanker in the video, though - couldn't possibly have NOT seen the damned thing moving, and just drove straight into the funnel!
I live. We just got power back.

Greenfield, IA, is a Complete Loss according to initial reports.

I'll probably be seeing a lot of damage as I travel today.

More later when I reach my various stopping points.
... I'm sorry, but give me regular blizzards and once a decade multimeter snowfalls over "the storm blew your house down" any day. A well stocked pantry, a few days of bottled water, and a backup heating plan are all I would need to get by, and having THAT is just plain common sense where I live...
All this talk of extreme weather makes me glad I live in Britain. Sure, we get LOTS of rain but in Winter I don't believe I've ever seen more than maybe 2-3 inches of snow and that's a once in a decade thing (if that as the last time I remember was 2009). Usually we're lucky to get a light dusting of snow for a few days once a year. Very occasionally we'll be hit by Atlantic Storms but by the time they hit us most of the power has already ben bled off so it's just pretty windy with even more rain. Finally in Summer over the last decade we've seen temperatures of roughly 30 Celsius (around 90 Fahrenheit). We're also tectonically stable with only a few very minor earthquakes on extremely rare occasions and I'm even pretty certain that there aren't even any dormant volcanoes left in the Isles, let alone active ones.
All this talk of extreme weather makes me glad I live in Britain. Sure, we get LOTS of rain but in Winter I don't believe I've ever seen more than maybe 2-3 inches of snow and that's a once in a decade thing (if that as the last time I remember was 2009). Usually we're lucky to get a light dusting of snow for a few days once a year. Very occasionally we'll be hit by Atlantic Storms but by the time they hit us most of the power has already ben bled off so it's just pretty windy with even more rain. Finally in Summer over the last decade we've seen temperatures of roughly 30 Celsius (around 90 Fahrenheit). We're also tectonically stable with only a few very minor earthquakes on extremely rare occasions and I'm even pretty certain that there aren't even any dormant volcanoes left in the Isles, let alone active ones.

As a fellow inhabitant of the British Isles "All Hail Britannia's Stableish Weather System!"