Vote tally - Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Jun 16, 2019 at 9:13 PM, finished with 838 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)
Post #1
Post #838


  • [X] Plan Final Prep
    -[X] The Changing Face of the Battlefield
    --[X] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)
    ---[X] Georgia's Persona Attention: The Changing Face of the Battlefield
    -[X] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine
    --[X] Assigned Steel Helm Request: (1) War-Sisters of the Mace, Sister Melancholy, (1) Veteran Foundation Spearmen, (1) Veteran Foundation Archers, (1) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen, (6) Basic Foundation Spearmen, (4) Basic Foundation Archers, (4) Basic Foundation Swordsmen, (1) Lesser Shield Angel, (1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental, (1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental
    -[X] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia
    -[X] Improving that Factory (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
    --[X] Scrap and Salvage Recycling Center (+5, Improved Loot Rolls after intense combat)
    ---[X] Sunnia's Personal Attention: Improving that Factory
    -[X] Old Tower Warrens Request – Help Establish Trade Routes
    --[X] The Region of Breadshire, the local breadbasket for the region, including Greenhill. (Cost 1)
    -[X] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
    -[X] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)
    -[X] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost 8, 1 Tier-2 Intrigue group)
    --[X] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
    --[X] Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents
    -[X] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
    --[X] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (1) Sniper Agents, (2) Basic Agents
    -[X] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
    --[X] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents
    -[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research (Cost 5, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
    --[X] Gunpowder Knowledge
    -[X] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost 22, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
    --[X] Personnel assigned to Medic Training: (4) Basic Foundation Spearmen
    ---[X] Joan's Personal Attention: I Need A Medic
    -[X] Heavenly Summoning Halls (Cost 10, 1 Sisters Initiate Team)
    -[X] Mutual Training – Sunnia
    --[X] Joan Frank
    ---[X] Martial
    --[X] Sunnia
    ---[X] Learning
    [X] Plan Battle Prep
    [X] Plan: Age of Guns
    -[X] The Changing Face of the Battlefield
    --[X] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)
    -[X] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Fortress
    --[X] (4) Thorn Throwers, (3) Tamed Lesser Wolves, (1) Lesser Shield Angel, (1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental, (1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental, (2) Veteran Foundation Spearmen, (1) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen, (2) Veteran Foundation Archers, (1) Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies, (1) Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry, (1) Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers, (1) Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers, (1) War-Sisters of the Mace Sister Melancholy
    ---[X] Georgia Bonus
    -[X] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia
    -[X] Improving that Factory
    --[X] Firearms Machine Shop (+3 Income, Decreased costs and upkeep with actions and assets involving firearms)
    ---[X] Sunnia Bonus
    -[X]Business Expansion
    --[X] Battlefield Salvage Shop
    -[X] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
    -[X] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)
    -[X] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost 8, 1 Tier-2 Intrigue group)
    --[X] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
    --[X] Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents
    -[X] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
    --[X] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (1) Sniper Agents, (4) Basic Agents
    -[X] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
    --[X] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents, (1) Tricksters
    -[X] Reverse Engineering Research
    --[X] Laser Pistol Kits
    ---[X] Joan Bonus
    -[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research
    --[X] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
    -[X] Heavenly Summoning Halls
    -[X] Organize Your Computer Even More
    [X] plan guns & coins
    [x] Improved Recruitment: New fighters and recruits are joining your forces at a steady, if slow, pace. However, you think that the pace could, and should, be faster. You will invest resources and effort into improving the rate that new fighters going your forces...
    [x] The Changing Face of the Battlefield: With a training program in place and a factory to produce the goods, you are thinking that now is a good time to start the process of upgrading your forces from using melee weapons into using something more… sophisticated and modern. You will devise and implement a training program that automatically trains and equips your combat groups into the use of better weapons and equipment, especially firearms.
    -[x] Pump-Action Shotguns (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)
    [x] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
    -[x] Captured Fortified Mining Camp
    --[x](3) Basic Foundation Spearmen (4) Thorn Throwers (3) Tamed Lesser Wolves
    [x] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia: A most embellished message has arrived on your desk, decorated with the seals of, what you correctly assumed to be, the Leofarinian Royal Family. The writer of the message, Princess Athene the Wise, has heard quite a bit about you and she is interested in establishing a personal business relationship between her personal network and your Foundation. From what you can gather from the message and from your advisers, the attention of a member of the Royal Family is nothing to dismiss lightly, so maybe you should you should grant her request, even though there is no mention of an order in the letter.
    [x] Improving that Factory: The new factory is already serving you quite well as goods and parts are pouring from its conveyor belts and tables. However, things could be better and the factory could be improved in many different ways. Plans and ideas are being brainstormed, but you do need to figure out what direction the new factory should be taken to...
    -[x] Firearms Machine Shop (+3 Income, Decreased costs and upkeep with actions and assets involving firearms)
    [x] Wandering Merchant Caravans: Trading between various populations is the backbone of any strong economy and it is no different in this world. Sponsoring a merchant caravan to help establish a new trade route to a location in return for a cut of their profits sound like a good way to start earning quite a bit of money, though there's always a risk of bandits attacking your profits. Ah well, that's the cost of being a merchant in these troubled times…
    -[x] Gold Meadows Warrens, local population of Bunny-people and good source of labor and recruits. (Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 5. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +8 Income, random stuffs and events.)
    --[x] (2) Basic Foundation Spearmen
    [x] Resume Mining and Smelting Operations (Free Action): The only operational mine that you had was idled due to safety concerns brought by the invading Xelmians along with whatever else out there. Despite risks of attack, you should get it up and running again so you can earn money from it again...
    [x] Spy Action – Xelma: Now that your agents have some sort of foothold in Xelma, maybe it's time to do some more focused information gathering on something in particular? Not that you're dismissing the informants' reports as useless, but there might be something that you are missing if you rely on the informants alone…
    -[x] Locations of the Leaders
    --[x] (4) Veteran Agents, (1) Tricksters, (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    [x] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action): You have this dreadful feeling that, with your organization becoming well known as it is, your enemies will start to send in agents of shadows to undermine you however you can. You might as well do something about that, yes? You will assign intrigue personnel to protect your Foundation from any subversive plots by enemy agents.
    -[x](6) Basic Agents, (1) Sniper Agents, (1) Tricksters
    [x] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to re-purpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line…
    [x] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research: Captain Raymond of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison has requested that you help out with the defense of Leofarinia in his latest letter to you. While you could possibly contribute by sending your armed forces to help out the overburdened garrison, donating your research time into more militant applications is a viable alternative as well. After all, you should have something that he would be impressed by…
    -[x] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
    [x] Heavenly Summoning Halls: Your Sisters Initiates and War-Sisters of the Mace both have come to you with a proposal to establish and construct a dedicated summoning shrine to conduct your summoning rituals within. They claim that using a dedicated temple or shrine instead of a random warehouse would help decrease the costs of summoning and help improve the chances of both actually summoning something and summoning something quite strong. While you have lingering doubts about this whole plan, they seem convinced that their plan is a sound one...
    [x] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
    -[x] Georgia of the Unhallowed Marsh Warrens, the seasoned Bunny warrior, trainer, and your current Martial Adviser.