Vote tally - Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Feb 18, 2018 at 3:03 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)
Post #1
Post #17


  • [x] Transform into a cat. You are, after all, Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and cats are common around here. It will make spying easy. You are able to speak in this form. However, you will need to spend power if you wish to shift back to a humanoid form. (Learn Shapeshifting)
    [x] Try to secure an apartment to live in. You do not need to eat or sleep, but if you can manage to either find the money to rent an apartment or simply convince them to give it to you then it could greatly help your cover.
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant. (I roll to see which one you go to)
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [X] Go into your Annatar, Lord of Gifts, form. This is a fair, elvish form that will make diplomacy easy with others. However, elves do not exist here and others may become suspicious of you. (Learn Bewitching Voice)
    [X] Go to one of these sources of power you sense. They could make a good ally… or servant.
    [X] Observe the monsters stealing energy, trying not to get noticed. If they notice, offer assistance to them in exchange for learning their secrets.
    [x] Go to one of the monsters you have sensed and try to take the energy it has gathered or if possible make it your servant.